The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, September 22, 1909, PART SECOND., Image 10

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r M' We have mov pied by J. W. McK give our friends ai before. We are g our stock is compl Dry Gooi a and anything Give us a call you where we car I You A. B. ( Dta: - \ I ? Our fall goods are now ready for your inspection. Cash Bargain Store. See our specials in glassware, just arrived. Cash Bargain Store. The State Fair. The event of the year that is looked forward to throughout tiie State is the annual fair which will be held in Columbia, November 1-6. There will be six days of fun and ?niovment and special features will make the'fair this year the most attractive yet held. President Taft will visit Columbia on November 6 and will make an address. Other features of the fair will be the military clay for which arrangements are being: made now, the Clemson Carolina football game and the Davidson-Citadel game, education day whieh will be on Tuesday on which day the colleges and schools will be in attendance. Reunion of Orr's Regiment, Sept. 30, '09 COMMITTEES. Reception and Entertainment Committee?J. L. Perrin, W. S. Cothran, J. L. McMillan, Wyatt Aiken. Refreshment and Smoker Committee? F. E. Harrison, W. D. Wilson, H. G. Smith, j Finance Committee?H. G. Smith, C. A. Milford, T. G. White. Committee ol Arrangement?W. P. Greene, W. R. Bradley, J. S. Stark, George White, Jr., C. A. Milford. All citizens desiring to entertain any of the visiting members will please notify any one of the Reception and Entertainment Committee so that they will know where to assign such members. We are John Robinson's circu8 in dry goods, notions, hats, shoes, etc. See us Cash Bargain Store. Wanted. Success Magazine wants an energetic aod responsible man or woman In Abbeville to ooliect for renewals and solicit new subscriptions during lull or spare time. Expirleuce unnecessary. Any one can start atnong friends and acquaintances and build up a paying and permanent business without capital. Complete outfit and Instructions free. Addrens, 'VON." Success Magazine, Room 103, Success Magazine Building, New York City, N. Y. 3t Bo.vsl Girls! Columbia Bicycle free ! ureate?t offer out. Get your frieuds to subscribe to our magazine and we will make you a pres eut of a S40.00 Columbia Bicycle?tbe best made. Ask for particulars, free out tit, and circular telllug "How to Start." Address, "The B cycle Mun," LMJ ol East 22J Street, New York City, N. Y. Blackboard chalk or crayons 10c box at Cash Bargain Store. The rummage sale Sept. 30th, will be held in Cheatham's old store, next to the post oflice. October 1st and 2nd will be devoted to the sale of second-hand articles. Mr. S. M. Orr of the Electric Light Plant will demonstrate at the rummage sale the efficiency of cooking by electricity. The store of The Rosenberg Mercantile Co. will be closed next Saturday, Sept. 25th Alwayw Looking to Your IulerPNtN. Call aud see me at once, as I have two neat cottages near public square to dispose of at a Bacrltice. Three sales of dwellings have re centiy been made in the city tc new comers, and the supply is running short. Can soil you a number of vacant lots, but unless you apply early cannot All your bill for Improyed property. Not a vacant dwelling in tbeclty, and tbe supply is not equal to demands, so you had bent look after the two cottages mentioned. M. E. Holllngaworth. V .-J / .<? ' * v & X . / * . ; jr .' r prl into the store roo [ee, Jr., and we are r rid customers better. getting in new gooc ete. We carry a ful is, Notion nd Trunks ; you want in the at our new stand i save vou money. " W rs to please, ^HEAl Order s ^ some 8R Some of that Jrm Flour, just jy Phoue 75 to have our wagoD kr call and leave a sack, and your baking troubles will come to ^ an end. E] If you wish light, wholesome bread, delicious pastry, etc., pa you will find that iu the use of Jem you attain your desire. ' The Best by Test," and of o, course everything else in Giro- O' ceries, Vegetables, Fruits, etc. Yours to please, L.T.MILLER M| Teachers Examination. 1 Teachers examination will be held at the 1 office of the County Supt. of Education at be Abbeville on Friday, October 1st, 1909. tol J. Foster Hammond, nf Co. Supt. Ed. A. C. ggt ~ Hi lor Sale. an One of nicest cottages on Wardlaw pa street. Large roomy lot, conveniently ar- Ha ranged house, electric lights, large gar- ^ den. For particulars see J. S. Stark, or J. :>w E. McDavid. ? . ? on Lumber Wanted. Pe Several thousand feet of rough lumber ' w?uted at once. If you have any tor Bale, let fftr us hear from you. IU1 Acker Building and Repair Co., Abbeville, 8. C. Kills fleas, cures worst case of Mange. Bl- ? caines Mange Cure. Not poisonous. Full line ^ Hlcalses Doe Remedies lor sale by the Mc- T Murray Dru? Co. a It la of Interest to Dote the high standing of a Southern Institution. Slallstlc6 have been prepared that stow that the Jttfereon Standard Lite Insurance Company, of Kalelgh, N. C., In one of the strongest Insurance companies in America and Is stronger In proportlon to Its assets, surplus and Insurance reports than any other company was al Its 8ge. W1 <?lenn*H LoralM. gy Seed barley, rjre and turnip seed at Glenn's. |aI Grass blades, hay forks aud cotton scales at un OleunV. aU Cotton picking sacks aud sheets, one-half 8P,! prire baskets at Glenn's. Asphalt roofing and paint, tbe b<st and ba cheapest rooting on the n.aiket, at Glenn's. j Flower and tern pots, all sizes, at Glenn's. Seaboard Schedule. (j No. 33 due 12.31 p. m. Southbound vestibule "'A No. 52 due 1246 p. m. Northbound local. be No. 53 due 3.10 p.m. Southbound local. Ing No. 32 due -1.15 p. m. Northbound veetlbule. an< No, .'(7 due 239a.m. Southbound night train lb No. utidu? 2.43a.m. Northbound night Iran ton cur sac Mar.y people delude themselves by Baying "It will wear away," when they notice ?yniploius oi Ulduey nud bladder trouble, Tills Is " a mistake. Take Foley's Kidney Pills, and r~, stop the drain on the vitality. They cure . backache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder trouble, and make every trace of pain, weak- ' ness aud urinary trouble disappear. C. A. Mil ford & Co. j, 1 bave calls every day for lands. What ard have you to offer? Kobt. 8. Link. |atoi >! m formerly occu= low in position to nnm r i fit 3CI V1VV limn vtvi Is every day and 1 line of ls, Shoes 3 Grocery line, and let us show HAM tate of South Carolina County of Abbeville, PKOBATE COUKT. W. Sign, as administrator, etc., plaintiff, against Maria Nance, As* bury et al., defendants. I will sell at public outcry at AbbeHe Court House, on Saleday in Octor, 1909, next, tor tbe payments of ibis, tbe following described real estp, to wit: Tbe one-third undivided terest of Oliver Nance, drceased. in e estate belonging to tbe estate of ,ne Nance, deceased, tbe wife of tbe id Oliver Nance, said land being and ing in Abbeville Township, uud ?!.. T XT.. ~ nnn. iowu ats \ue dauc i^uukc L jncc| wuining Thirty-two Acres, more or les9, unded by Jands of Saliua Davis, Miiild Donaldsou and the estate of izabeth Gilmer. Terms?Cash. Purchaser to pay for pera. J. F. MILLER, Judge Probate Court. tate of South Carolina, Comity of Abbeville. PROBATE COURT. re. Minnie W. Harden, adniinistra:rix of the personal estate of J. M. Harden, deceased, against J. M, Harlen et al., defendants.?Complaint lo Sell Lauds to Pay Debts. [ will sell at public outcry at Abville Court House, on Saleday in Ocjer, 1909, next, for the payment debts, the following described real ate belonging to the estate of J. M. irden, deceased, situate in said State d County, to wit: All that tract or reel of land?, known as the J. M. ird^n lot. with dwelling thereon, in b City of Abbeville, 8. C\, contaiul One Acre, more or lebs, fronting Mfiin Street, and bounded by lands T. Lawton Robertson, Mrn. Mary rrln and others. TERMS?Cash. Purchaser to pay ' papers. J. F. MILLER, Judge Probate Court. jand for Sale. ie Hundred and Two and OneHalf Acres, thin lees than two miles of the inrporate limits of Abbeville. Oue e room house in good condition, one, ge roomy barn, two additional teut bouses, good .well and spring, lendid pasture. Terms of Sale?One-third cash and lauce on time. \pply to S. A. Gravep. TESTIFIES AFTER FOUR YEARS arllble Center, N.Y., G.B. Burlians, writes : bout four years ago I wrote you that I had id entirely cured of kidoev troub'e by tak-1 : two bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy, J alter four years I am pleased to state that ave never had any return of tho^e symp38, and I am evidently cured to stay ed." Foley's Kidney Remedy ?ill do the ae for you. C. A. Mllford & Co. lngs Little Liver Pills for si.-k heartache 1 biliousness. They are easy aiid pleasant I :ake. A coollog, healing, soothlut?, cleans- . salve IsPlnesale, Carbollzed. Sold by C. Mllford & Co. lon't fall to look over the new lot of stand novels Just received at Speed's Drug 1 Sheriff's Sale. Bank of Donalds, Plaintiff, against G. T. J. Ashley and Mrn. Lizzie Ashley, Defendants.?Execution. By virtue of an execution to me directed in the above stated case, I will j sell to the highest bidder, at public I auction, within the legal bours of sale, ( at Abbeville Court House, South Carolina, on the 4th day of October, 1909, all the right, title and interest of G. T. J. Ashley in the following described property, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land containing ONE HUN- ? DRED and EIGHTY-TWO ACRES, more or less, bounded by the lands of L. A. Morris, Joe Young, Cal Ashley and others; also all that tractor parcel of land containing SEVENTEEN ACRES, more or less, bounded by the One Hundred and Eighty-Two Acre tract above described, lands of Martha Moore and others. Levied on and to be sold as the property of G. T. J. Ashley to satisfy the nvunnimn iinrt nnat. ttiui cotliu CAUUUIIVLI uuu wuui Terms of Sale?Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. Sheriff's Office, Abbeville Court House, S. C. C. J. LYON, Sheriff of Abbeville County. STATEMENT of the condition of The Lowndesville Banking Co., located at LowndeRvlIle, S. C., at the close of business Sep'. 8,19(i9. RESOURCES. LoaDS and discount 8 54,702 89 Overdrafts 3,802 12 Banting: houoe 1,350 00 Furniture and flxluiep 1,400 00 Due from banks and Trust Companle? 5,552 27 Curreucy 844 00 Gold 358 50 silver and other coin 265 69 Checks aud cash Items 67 05 Total 5 68,342 52 i.I ABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 8 12,500 00 SarnluH fnnd 2,500 00 Undivided profits, lens onrrent expenses and taxes paid 1,928 16 Individual depot-Its subject to check 7,013 60 Demtiud certificates of deposit 7 49 Time certificates of deposit 21,093 91 (Jasbler'e checks 204 36 Bills peyable, Including certificates for money borrowed 22,500 00 Total S 68,342 52 State of South Carolina, 1 County of Abbeville. f Before me came R. H. Moseley, Ccshler of tbe above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says tbat the above and foregoing statement Is a true condition of said bank, as j shown by the books of said bank. R. H. Moseley, Cashier. I Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 18 day of Sept., 1909. T a TTiinlmhee. Magistrate Abb. Co. Correct?Attest: Tboe. D. Cootey, ) D. L. Barnee, > Directors. E. W. Harper, l State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. COURT OF COMMON FLEAS. Lucy J. Mars, Plaintiff, against R. R. Tolbert, Jr., William H. Moore, I James C. Moore, Rosalie A. Sullivan, Mollie Moore, William E. Moore, Rosalie A. Moore, Mary V. Hajey, Rosalie Hininger, Defendants.?Summons. To the Defendants, William E. Moore, Mary V. Haley, and Rosalie Hininger: You are hereby summoned acd re quired to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, aad to serve a copy ef your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at his office in Abbeville, S. C., within twenty days, after such service, exclusive of the dny of service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff iu thin action will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. J. Moore Mars, (Jrier & Park,* Plaintiff's Attorneys. Sept. 21, 1909. To the Defendants, William E. Moore, Mary V. Haley, and Rosalie Hiuinger: Take Notice, that the complaint in this action, together with the summons of which the foregoing is a copy was filed in the < ttice of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for At>beviile County, State of South Carolina, on thelilat day of St pt., lyuy. J. Moore Mars, Grier & Park. A pretty line of blown glassware in champaygne's,wines, hock's and other shapes just received. The R. L. Dargan Go. 5 and 10c Store. Rummage Sale. The ladle# of the Methodist church wish to have a rummage sale Sept. 3oth, for the benefit of tho Working Society. Will you help us? If you are a merchant?when taking stock this summer, were there some articles of merchandise you could spare for this sale? It svpuld mean so little to you, ' so much to us. If you are a housejojeper?have you a < vase, mat or some decorative piece, that is I _ii.. tFAn urn ffrnH t\f it. nr periecuy gwu, uui j<v/u u,?v. , there is 110 special place for it; give it to 11* and wa will sell it. We vvill refuse nothing?books, pictures, vases, made garpipnts, ruats, embroidery, canned goods, preserves, etc. Anything on earth that is in good condition. Send . or notify Mrs. C. C. Gambrell or Mr;;. ?1. T. Coleman. e ' Besides the rummage sale we will have an "express sale" and will serve the first oysters of the season, I The "baby show" will be tjie best ever exhibited in this State. The babjes are prettier this year than ever. Seeing is belaying. Don't Forget. Next Sunday, Sept. 26th. a protracted . meeting will begin at the Baptist church here. Rev. George N. Cowan will bp the ' preacher. We shall be pleased to see you 1 at ail the services. A. C. Wilkins. I City Schools Open. The City Schools opened tlueir doors to ' the largest number of children that have ' ever marked the openings here-to-fore. The Graded School opened Monday with j 301 pupils which number rose to 320 on Tuesday morning. By the lust of the | week^tlie enrollment will probably be 3Go. ' I '"l." T-TI.-J. Ci.lwu>1 nnannil with )in Oil roll- I -1-IIU XXl?$ll ?... meat of 70. This school for the present is ; ensconsed in the old Cannon House on lower Main, awaiting the completion of the new High School building. The mill school opened with an enroll- } inent of 53 which will reach 75 before tho holidays.. I There will probably be an enrollment of over 500 white children, alone, in Abbe- ^ ville before the year is over. This is a larger number by far than the city schools have ever accomodated before. When the colored schools open the num- f ber of enrolled pupils will run much over a thousand, probably 1500. i I OFFER For Sale [)nc House and Lot and vacant lot in the City of Abbeville near the shops. A desirable home at a reasonable price, only $1000. 200 Acres of laud on Due West and Antreville road. Three, teuant houses, three wells of waler, pasture, timber aud wood. This place is 12 miles from Abbeville aud about 7 miles from Due West. A bargain at the price, only $2-500. Dwelling and Store in the city of Abbeville near S. A. L. shops. Price $2,000. The very place for a man wanting to do small mercantile business. House and Lot corner Church and Tnnyard Streets. This house ia new, well built aud has six rooms. Price $2,000. House and Lot in Mt. Carrael is located in the best section of the town. Price $550. 211 Acres about 10 miles from Abbeville,one 5*room dwelling, twe tenant houses and out houses. This place is well watered. Three horst farm open and 100 acres in pasture Price $13 i>er acre. Is worth mor< mouey. One Lot on corner of Orango au( Lemon Streets, beautifully locatei level and well draiued, $500. Two Lots near Wardlaw Street two minutes walk from Grade' School; near in, and a bargain a So00 each. 165 Acres, kDown as the Faulkne ner place, right at Lower Lon Cane Church, a two horse farr open and rented. Price $1,500. Ill Acres one and one-fourth mi] from City limits, price $2000.00. 469 Acres, well improved, in ter ant housesand necessary out hous< all comparatively new, 11 mil* from Abbeville, 4 or 5 miles froi Calhoun Falls, price $7,500. One 5 Room House, on 6 acre i< in the town of Mt. Uarmel, wur in 50 yards of two churches an the high echool, price ?700, woul be cheap at $1000. 260 Acres laud near Mt. Came S. C., price $2,600, possibly eitoug wood on this place to pay for it. List your Real Estate with me au come to see me. If you want to buy haveor can get what you want. If yoi want to sell I cauliud you a buyer I also buy and sell all kinds of Stocks and Bonds. Remember I represent the Equita bb, the strongest Life InburunceG'oui pauy in the world. Mt. S. Link Oflice over Milford's Book Store. We have greatly spread oul 1 Y\ 1 Ho ornnrJo ? VintrA oiiTAn tlml m iwi/6v/vuw price goods much more space. Drop in and see us. The R L. Dargan Co. 5 and 10c Store Sheriff's Sale. Bank of D.nalds, Plaintiff, againsl Mrs. Lizzie Ashley, Joshua W. Ashley, Jr., W. H. Ashley, ami Joe Young, Delendanty.?Execution. By virtue of an execution to me directed, in the above staled case, I will sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, within the legal hours of sale, at Abbeville Court House. South Caro. lina, on the 4th day of Octi her, 1901), all the right, title and interest of Joshua W. Ashley, Jr., in the following described property, to wit: All that traot or parcel of land containing ONE HUNDRED and EIGHTY-TWO ACRES, more or lena, and bounded by lands of L. A. Morris, Joe Young, Oul Ashley and others ; also all that "lot 01 parcel of Innd dbn!ainiug SEVENTEEN ACRES, more or less, bounded by the (Due Hundred and E ghtyTwo Acre tract above described, lands of Martha Moore and others. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Joshua W. Ashley, Jr., to satisfy the aforesaid execution and cost. Terms of Sale?Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. Sheriff's Office, Abbeville Court House, S. C. C. J. LYON, Sheriff' of Abbeville County. Sheriff" a Sale. Bunk of Donalds, Plaintiff, against W. H. Ashley, J. 11. C. Ashley and Mrs. Lizzie Ashley, Defendants.? Execution. By virtue of an execution to ms directed in the above stated case, I will jell to the highest bidder, at public auction, within the le^al hours of sale, fit Abbeville Court House, South Carolina, on the 4th day of October, 1909, nil the right, title and interest of W. H. Ashley, J. R. C. Ashley and Mrj. L>zzie A. Ashley iu the following described property, to wit: All that tract nnrnol /\ f lurill Pi 1111 H 1 U i tl >T OTtf T<". H L'M)iYeD and" EI GHTY-TWO ACRES. more or less, anil bounded by lands of L. A. Morris, Jre Young, Cal Ashley and others; alfo all Chat lot or parcel of land containing SEVEN? rEEN ACRES, more or les*, bounded by the One Hundred and Eighty-Two Acre tract above described, lands of V/T.,r?Viu TVTnnro nnfl nlilCM. Levied on and to be sold as the prop.jrty of W. H. Ashley, J. R. C. As-hley ind iVIrs. Lizzie Ashley to satisfy the iforepaid execution and cost. Terras of Sale^-Ca.>b, and purchaser o pay for papers. Sherifl"'s Oltice, Abbeville Court louse, South Carolina. C. J. LYON", Sheriff' of Abbeville County. Huyler's candyj.fresh all thejtlme at Mil* ord's drug store. LlBt your real estate with dip. Costa you otiling unless a sale Is made, Hobt. L. Link > Wqjyyy i 9'9my 'V; ft"*}!* W.^^i?LW^Xffjiy * Rummage ISxpre Oysters and a THURSDAY, Se at 10 o1 At Cheatham's Old Store THE RUMMAGE SALE Will begin September 30th, at A number of articles of exce this sale, and no one should m THE BABY SHUW Will be held in the evening pi Late hours aud night air will i i must avoid too much laughing and nervous. Admission 10c. THE EXPRESS SALE Will be held in the evening i These things are bought "si^h THE BEST COOKS Have been engaged to prepa tomato sauce or horse-radish. licious stew, a dozen to the pli j = * h v ? ' W.': '?'?.X>/ } , <:.v x?9Z 4 X??< y y y : *. i $pp| fe <'/ } ;/ *"<* if i* ' '' 'y ] I Al Gt .11 ? ^ * 4'1"* WI10 Will appear cit in Thursday, Fresh stock of ribbons, laces ' and embroideries cheap at - Cash Bargain Store. . Cotton in the Field and Cotton in the i Market. The cotton crop in this scction is late and will be short. The difference in the price hist season and this will, however, * 1 j. T.oef vaiip t.hrt L UldKO gOOll lO Lnu imiui'i. ;v?. market price ranged from to 9 cents I during the Fall months. This season good ' cotton lias nut brought less than from 12 to 13 cents for the best?a difference in " price in favor of this year of about fifty , per cent., which fifty per cent, increase in price will make the crop bring about the [ same amount of money that was realized . , on the staple. One stiange thing about the baling of ; cotton lies in the fact of the scant amount ] j of bagging that is used by ginners, thus; ' entailing a loss of from 75 cents to $1 on: on the bale. Planters do not seem to realize that deficiency in weight of bagging i and ties must bo made up in good cotton.1 Up to yesterday afternoon at the close of business 555 bales had been weighed at , the warehouse, 515 of which was sold and forty bales were stored. Iu addition to this record a small number of bales were sold to tho cotton mill, j and sent directly to the mill. The highest price paid for cotton was 13, i cents for one bale. 12.95 was paid for one i1 bale, and 12.87 was paid for a quantity f pi It. ? L;ist year the cotton being at 8% to 9 cents, planters put most of their crop in the warehouse. The price this year being ' more satisfactory, the warehouse has re- i cejvod but little of it. i The high price is having a healthy effect , upon business. Planters are paying their i accounts, and relieving any money string- 1 ency that may be in their reach. I Men's and boys clothing, highest quality, lowest price I Cash Bargain Store. { T" JIorw<?"f4 LochIN. Denrdlfiin Iwik-v, the il?<hi ktu.l lo how now If yon want n cimk! pn'ch of erir-n for jour Btocli lo ilietarly /ali. W\ have the seeil. Crluifou c'over, rui clover, lust-rue, balrj vetch liDil dwHrf rttpe. J; ! We h.ive h stock or i iua uaga huh km muu? > of turuii) surd. ! If you whim. i< yood t>iafs blade for cutting the lisiy out of vi,ur cotton ko I tin t you can pick It, we tmvo Hit* tiladee, and bandits'. -1 A u-'O'l stock of cotton bnlaneeB aud bteelyard*. 0 Don't yon n"ed a good wheelbarrow? See ? ours before you buy. Go'd CJitlna Irish potatoes on har.d all of the time now. Don't you need a nice sunurer lap robe? _ We have a lew led. ? If you have any late per.uhes or npplca cotne to me lor j? ur ilis>ou J'sre uud jelly felurhes, iii tho market, r Wf KM: Ilie I'I-M CUM 11 niisl rips' wwk wIII havf ornsliei) uyyier 1 clu-lis hiiU powdered chu.cuitl lor chickens. .Still t..-kiig order* for the best Jelllco coal at summer priced. Come aud ulve me your oi.ler before the price geta too High for you. G V\'e etell the bunt coal. You want the best coal. Let's get together. si Will have hard coal neit month. ? Am08 B. Morse Co. a Sale iss Sale Baby Show ptember 30th, clock. ' ( next to the Postoffice. 10 o'clock, at llent value have beeD secured for 189 this chance for a bargain. ; ' V 4 ; * omptly at half-past eight o'clock, do the babies good, but the crowd j?the little ones are somewhat Bby immediately after the Baby Show, t-unseeo." ,re the oysters. Raw oysters with Fried oysters with pickle, and deate. Field e Grand Opera House, Sept 23. I MftMlftQ cpnu TPnv nteresting Items from a Wide Awake Correspondent. The sun crosses the Equator to-morrow which will likely bring about a chance in the weather. The thirsty earth has been watered which has made man and beast better off. Prof. F. \V. Bradley is here to see his home folks and speaks quite "Frenchy" since his three months sojourn among them in France. Messers Emet and Rupert Dans, Ben Gable and David Kennedy entered Clemson College last week. Miss Ruth Robinson is home from a jolly visit with her Cousin, Mrs M. E. Bradley atClemson, Mrs M. W. Cuddy had as her guests last Wednesday Mrs Bettie Wardlaw with her daughter Miss Emma Messers James and Willie Morrah also Miss Onie Kennedy, where a most delightful day was enjoyed Miss Azilo Harmon from McCormick is here to see her friend Miss Millwee Davis. Prof. F. W, Bradley, who is tutor in, French in S. C. himself with his brothers Messers. Eroster and Eustace who are students leave tomorrow for that institution of learning. , George the 7 year old son of Mrs Dessie Pressly died last Thursday from diphtheria after a very short illness. The very picture of health only a few days ago a bright and interesting little one, the eldest son gone to add another jewel in his coming rejoicing. The hearts of loved ones are sua at ueaar springs out utm uuid George is tasking in the sunshine of God's love. The remains of Mr James L. Wideman vill be brought from Greenwood this ifternoon and buried in the Horeb Cemetery whei-e the greater part of his fathers amily sleep in this sacred spot. He leaves l wife, one daughter, one sister and two brothers. Last Wednesday afternoou, at her home near here, Mies Martha Reagin and Mr. Milleys Quattlebuin from Callison were named bv her pastor Rev. H. B. Elakely Vliss Martha is a genine good woman dr. Quattlebuni, is to be congratulated in .vinning her for a life long companion. He s one of the prosperous planters in his incinity, Miss Richardson, from Edgefield will teach Chestnut Ridge school, this session she comes most highly recomended. Long Cane has risen over her bridges tnd many biualljones were washed away luring last weeks rains. Prof. Arch Talbert, of the Lethe school, md Mr. Willie Franklin, from near there vere in town Saturday. Mr. "NV, H. liritt and son Master J. D. from .Buffalo, were the guests of tlieir cousin Mrs A. J. Davis last Thur. for the lay. We were saddened to hear of the death )f Mr. Joe Link, a more obliging and true riend could not be found and his generos ieart was without bounds filled with charty and kindness. Mr. Frank Thomson left last week for Urskine Collegetip to date there have been 400 bales - J. _! 1 10 II COUOIl glllJIt'U, utilising w-v 0 cts, brings your cotton on. For hats, caps and extra >ants see Cash Bargain Store School tablets and pencils iheap; Cash Bargain Store. Clean your kid and canvas shoes with Arturn. 10 cents. First lot of Zach MeGee's "Dark Corner* Did out. Second lot lust arrived, lit ad It by 11 inean6. Only one dollar, at Speeo'b Drug tore.