The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, June 23, 1909, Image 5

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- 1 V The Press and Banner Bv W. W. and W. R. Bradley. HUUH WILSON, Editor. ABBEVILLE, S. C. A^-i'ubllshed every Wednesday al 82 a y^a? In advance. Wednesday, June 23, 1909. - 3k Notice to Kxecnlors, Administrator* I ami Guardian*. ?? The time provided by law for Executors, Administrators and Guardians, to make tneir anmial returns to the Probate Court tor their respective estates, expires on the :50th day of June. After which time, all returns not made, said Kxeculors, <Jfcc., &c.. are subject to a rule and fine by said Court. J. F. Miller. Judge of Probate Court. Rhode Island Reds for Sale. Thoroughbred, well marked, and up to standard In every respect. The kind that ; lay. Five hem aud a cock. Price $7.00. Apply to F. C. DuPre. Notice lo TrcKpatsfrN. All persons are forbidden under penally of the law to trespass ou my land. May 10,1909. H. H. Hester. GO-I'LV Go-Kly keeps flies off horses and cattle. '25c aud50u. \t aU drug stores. 10 \ Important Meeting. The Civic Club will bold au Important call meeting Thursday morning, at 10 o'c ock, in the cluo rooms for the purpose of uppioniating money to start a hospital fund. Mrs. J. L. McMillan, Preside* t. Mrs. M. T. ColemaD, Secretary. Lost. Lost, a white kitten with Maltese spo's on It. Finder win please rtturn to the Pre^s and Banner Ottlce. Children's Day. Children* Day will be ob>erved at LUtle Mountain Prtfcby terlan Church on u?-xi Subbath the i7ih. Dinner on t be ground. Alttr the children'* exercises the ptsior will preach specially to the children. H. J. Pover, Brown lee. :s. C. Snp', Sunday School. Children's Day will be observed at f.iitle Mountain Presbyterian Church on Sunday. June 27. Dinner will be served on the K round*. Mrs. W. L. M Cord 16 spendirg tweek In Ntwberry with htr son Mr. \V G. McCord. r Mr. M M.Hall spent Sunday with his h< nn people near Anderson. MUse* Jrn and Maggie Dorglas, wer# the guest ol Miss Addle Catsou, ol thib city last Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs J K Woodburst and little sod Miles, spent a lew da>s las' week In Atlanta the guest ol Mrs John Ivey. Mrs S, J. McClaln and daughter Miss Ada, w?re In the city last Wednesday, shopping. Mr. Eueeoe Nickels, of Greenwood is now with the Western Uulon Telegraph company. Appointment of School Trustees. Columbia, S. C.. June 22 1909. To the Tounty Superintendent of Education. DearS'r:?I send you, herewith, a cpy of the Attorney General's opinion as to the appolnimeni ot hcbooi truste?-H S?<Mlon 1210 m the Code was amended in 19C3 15)04. and 1900, and the contradictions in the several amendments could not be harmonized without this ruling In consequence of this opinion, there will be no appointment of school trusties thl6 year except In case of vacancies by resignation, death or some other cause. Yours re?pect|ullv, J. E. Swearlnger. State Supu ol Education. Columbia. S. C.. June IS. 1909. Hon. J. E Swearlngen, State Supt. of Educs tlon. Columbia, S. C. Dear Sir?Your letter asking if school trustees are to beappolcud in July of the present year ho? beeu received. Section 1210 Code of Laws, Volume I as amended by the Act of tbe Legislature, approved February 17tb, 1SKJC, directs "Each Count' Board of Education, on tbe first Tuesday of July. 1896, and on tbe first Tuesday in July In every two years thereafter, shall appoint Tor each school district in their county three school trustees from tbe qualified electors and tax payers residing within the district, who shall hold Ibelr ol flee for two years, and until tbelr successors are appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed by the County Board of Education." According to the provisions of this section ol the Code, school trustees should be appointed on the flrBt Tuesday in July, 1910. Yours very truly, (S'gned) J. Fraser Lycn, Attornty Genera). ?4^ v CADETS GAVE A FINE SHOW Citadel Minstrels Delighted A Big Audience Tbe best minstrel show c| the season was enjoyed a! the Academy ol Muslo last nlgbi. That was the verdict ol all who saw tbeSs. C. M. A. Minstrels make ihelr dtbut-and tut houre was packed with an audience whoce appreciation was well worth courting. It was the first appearance ol ihe;cadeis before toe fooi-ilghts, but they worked with a dash and an assurance that banished the Id' a that tbey were amateurs. The show lasted for a little more than two hours and during the greater part of that time the audience t>hf?>k with laughter. A pleasing variety marked the eotertalnment, and interest was not allowed 10 flag lor a moment. Manager fc?iu 1. ltlgby, Assiastant Manager H. A, VVoodwaro aud Ma' i-?on H. Uesterfleld, who through the couetesy ot the Fastlme Ainusemeut Company, directed the production and drilled the cadets, merit tue very heartiest congratulations. Except for Mr. Gesterteld, the cadet* ran the whole show, excellent muutc being furnished by an orchestra composed ol Citadel men. Th? entertainment consisted of three parts The first followed the Seine general Huts of all minstrel show*, and was marked r>y bright and snuppy ta k between the inurjocutor, Mr. K.goy, aud the various -Sols of Hani", by its well sung solos and abmlrable chorus singing, lu wulcb some thirty five or loity cabals toi k parj. Naturally many ol the Ji kes wtie dir?cifd sgainst members ol the luculty at the Cltadtl. but V->lu fuatnru uruit nut nvi<ri1rtiin uurl tinluuiv enjoyed tbe Jukes more tb^u the members ot tbe 'acuity and their wives who occuplt-d tbe b<>x to the right or thesioge. Frtseut In tble box ftiso was Col. Coward, for so many years the able superintendent oi tbe Catadei, and Mrs Cownrd. All the songs were good, and all of them deserved the liberal applause they received, but the hits of the evenlug were "Feed ibe Kilty", sung by Cadei B. A. Woodwaid, (Corqi. Fig oi tbe Sons of Ham') which wa< indescribably lunny and bet tne bouse In a gale of laughter; "This Rose Brings My Heart to You", sung by Cadei J. II Murbock. who has a superb voice, and who has It under excellent control; 'Consolation", with which Winsome Uawge. (Cadet U.C.Roger,) won uproarious appmure as much by bis ridiculous antic* as oy his very catchy song, which proved among other things that Charleston can Hud consolation In the lact mat thia was the only port big enough to let Big Bill Tafr though on his way to Fanama, and 'Bamboo Land", sung by "Booker Crum" (Cauet J. Steward) and accompanied by all tbe Sons of Ham In tbelr uow famous Marlon Spuare Danee, which made the spectators laugh uiuhey cried. In tbe secoud part, the "jil Treated Trcvatore", was put through In a snappy manner and was dellclously runny. Smiles were not absent frr a moment from any face In the audience while ibis act was on, and all tbe young men did excellent work. Tbe tbnd part was a mealey, and the audleoce liked ll from first to last, The sobre .drill was especially Interesting, the cadets Hod ot Cadets Capt. T H. Kainsfcrd, The Jedeurg Symphony Orehentra, led by WinHome Gage, out distanced all its competitors Id concert work, Us rendltiun ot the beautllul ditty. "Don't Cry, Little Waste Basket, You'll be a Spring Hat Bye and Bye," being especially popmar. The Tumbllnu of Cadets Klein and Thompson wss remarkably good. But It Is Impossible to convey an adequate ldta of all the iiibDy good leatures which marked the pertormance last night, or to mention by name all who did commendable work. That would amount practically tc a roll-call of those taking part In the show. It may be taken for granted that pressure will be biought to bear upon Manager Kigby to give another perlormonce, and if he doe* the house should be as well tilled on tbe secone occasion as it was last night. Tbe mascot of the city?Speed's Clnco cigars A big lot of standard novels?'"reprints" on ly titty cents each at Speed's Drug Store. N Last reand $)()!>, Mr. pas- ______ jral ZZ ties n 'i'S Last Day I0U8 iov. Saturday, iua, 'do June 26th. lara 1 of ????? 'of I have placed i t*at chandise cor Cotbe sold at prices s of ' This St 3 PROCLAMATIO I State of South Carolina, Executive Chamber. Whereas information ha* been i ceived at this Department that on ; before loth day of May, A. I). 1 that the cow or cows belonging to W. P. Wideman were shot in his ture in Abbeville County on ri route from Troy by party or par unknown in the County of Abbev and thsre being reason to believe t the shooting was an act of malici mischief. Now, therefore, I, M. F. Ansel, G jeruor of the State of South Carol: I in order that justice may be done i j the majesty of the law vindicated, (hereby otler a reward of Fifty Dol for the apprehension and convictioi the persou or persons who commit said act of shooting cow or cows Mr. W. P. Wideman. In testimony whereof, 1 have h< unto set my hand and caused the Gi Seal of the State to be alfixed, at lumbia, this fifteenth day of June, D. 19U9, and in the 133rd year of Independence of the United State: America. M. F. A use P.y th?? Governor: II. M, McCown, Secretary of State. Mil 'I' I??P?? I Kodaks Kodak KODAKS We have secured the agency for the Eastman Kodak Co. and expect to keep a complete stock of amateur goods ou hand all the time. Our present order includes Kodaks from g $1.00 to $20.00 (films, developing tanks, printing papers, carryiug cases, developing solutions, post cards, in fact anything you would likely need for amateur photography. If there should be anything we haven't in stock it will be a pleasure to get it for you. "TRY US." McMurray Drug Co. YVUMJWS WUJUS. Ibbeville Womeu are Find! Relief at LaNt. It does seem that women have m than a fair share of the aches t pains that afflict humanity: Ihey m "keep up," must attend to duties spite of constantly aching backs, headaches, dizzy spells, bearing-do pains; they must stoop over, when stoop means torture. They must w and bend and work with racking pa and many aches from kidney i Kidneys cause more suffering tt aoy other organ of the body. K< the kidneys well and health is eas maiutuined. Read of a remedy kidneys only that helps and cures kidneys and is endowed by people this locality. Mrs. V. Griilin, 225 Swygart I Greenwood, S. C., says: "I nad syt toms of kidney trouble for years. 1 complaint would generally start w a dull pain in the small of my ba soon followed by a languid feeling i I was tired aud worn out nearly the time. I was told thatDoan's K ney Pills were a good remedy for s? troubles and I procured a box. I now a great deal better and have hesitation in saying that I consi Doan's Kidney Pillt to be an excell remedy for kidney complaint." For sale ny all dealers. Price cents. foster-Mil burn Co., Butti New York, sole agents for the Uni Staler. Remember the name?Doan'B? i take no other. PAPER TO BE MADE OF COTTON STAI Southern Cotton Stalk, Pulp and Paper Lets Contract for First Mill. The Southren Cotton Stalk, P and Paper Co. has let the contract Little & Philips, of Cordele and F gerald tor the construction of $25, mill that the first mill ever constri ed for the manufacture of paper fi cotton etalks. Work will be begun immediat and the mill will have been complt by October 1. It will haveacapacit 25 tons per day. Its construction, i will be such that it can be materii enlarged. It is expected that wil few years, additions will have b made which will have double its ci city. The paper that will so be manu tured will be chiefly wrapping pa It is said that this gradeof paper m from cotton stalks has durability generally good quality that is not t excelled in wrapping paper. Orders for machinery and oi equipment have been placed. TALKED ABOUT PHILIPPINES. The Philippine! Islands were the su of consideration of the senate today i loe tarlll bill wax taken up, The fin commltte's provision regulating the payi of duties on commodities coming iulo United States from the Islands was ti up alter the senate had held an exaci session, and Immediately became the su of animated discussion, Tne provision mits the free lmqortatlons of Philip good* with restrictions and exceptions on fxceptlons and on motion oi Set 1 Lodge, it war made applicable to G and Tutuila ou the same terms. The language of the paragraph relatl ' the free admission of iree products of ' Philippines was changed to make clear nil manufactured artlcler Importfdl int fulled States from the Philippines sfc be compose^ wholly of products of the isl 1 or <>f the United States. The change was made upon suggestlc Senators Bulkeley and JBrandagee and lntenden to permit Connecticut cigar ^ pers to be taken to the islands and ' r?lmnnrt(>ri Iritn the I'nltorf Mforpa no a J of a cigar free of duty. IIII it No man or woman can afford to miss this Golden ] Opportunity. A clean choice and complete stock to be sold at Public Liquidation Sale at these quoted prices, at prices one-half lower than its value. To save these dollars upon dollars, read this circular carefully and remember, no matter how ridiculously low the prices quoted, they are not exaggerated. I Must Re: and You N Sensational Mi ii:3o, 10 3 ______ 5 cts. Calicoes, Public DCT 7 and 8 cts. Apron Gi Full yard-wide Domes ^ Feather Bed Ticking, Fine Dress Ginghams T n WTiry/^rwtr C* nrfnir Of vy iiiuuvv uuiiaii wt^ 8 cts. Colored Lawn, alk 10-4 Unbleached She( Hs? Table Oil Cloth, 30 p iaD A fine lot of Ladies' S eep rily Ladies' Fine Dress Sh tf?e Ladies' Gun Metal an in Ladies' Oxfords in tar 3t.. Men's $1.50 Shoes fo pfe Men's Patent Leather itli W. D. Hannah Hatad ck, md Packard Shoes, reguh Ladies' Hoisery in bla ich Men's Hosiery in all c am no der ?' ent Extraordii 50 alo, , Tr< ted 200 pair of Men's P lD(* S. 69 cts. per p ? 300 pair Pants, regi LKS 15? P^r Pants, reg $2.98. Co. Mei u] 10 dozen Men's Dei to regular $2, P. ! itz,000 10 dozen Men's Ha1 om" regular $2.50, ! :ely ?????? ited y?f |r Loo, illy eeu These Prices Goc ipafac. Per LOWNDESVILLE. aue and Lowndesvllle, June 21st, 1909. o he A 8oocl ralD bere Monday eve, but a bad one In places aronnd, and from the rain above, Rocky River was again over tbe low laDd ther crops. Mrs. D. N. Bourne wbo bad been here with relatives for about tern days, left for her home at Sam pit on Tuesday. Miss Meta Allen alter a two weeks stay with relatives In Anderson county came back Tuesday accompanied by her grandmother, Mrs. Martha Watson. bject Tuesday can, until bettered In one partiouvnen ]art be known as motor car day, as there were ance gve 0/ those modern horse and mule scarers on Main street at one ana me name time, the The cause of the above number of machines aken being here, was that two of them were occujtlve pied by a delegation, Dr. C. C. Gambrell. Mr. bject J. w. McKee, Mr. Albert Henry and Mr. Will per- Harris, of Abbeville, and the other by Mr. S. >plne J. Wakefield, of Antrevllle. After a few mlni and utes stay In this place the two first named lator cars sped on to Tucker's Ferry on the Savanluara nah, where pretty soon on the Georgia side appeared the New York Herald and Atlanta ug to acout cars, and the run to this place was soon "?e made. The White Steam car of the Herald that and the Oldsmoblle of Journal were each oro the namented by a beautiful flag of both of the lould i papers rt-presented. The newspapers tell us anbs tbat the scout cars are blazing a way for an automobile highway from New York to the m of South, which will be of great benefit to the was cities; yes to the cltleB. It does not matter vrnp- about the country, upon which the cities then more or leBS depend. They are called pathpart finders, well no doubt on their tour they found some highways In places but little better than paths, and the trip bo far was a auooeas. . - - II : Day, ? FOR THE I -ft ift Last D FOR THI SALE WILL LAST F? ^ STftN HANG n the hands of the isisting of Ladies a s unheard of, on accc ook will b Any Pri Now at the height of the seai dise, you know as well as I'do, th chandise than towards the end. self in many instances. I have t being late ih plowing. A great rr low price of cotton last fall, a gr< this spring have not traded yet. and bought more merchandise tha and make a visit to this mighty st your saving will be beyond your c You must take into considera commodity. You know as well have got to take for it whatever t dise world. When a man has a ? obligations, you know he has got own interest as well as mine. R< without working for it^" alize Cash on eed the Goods nute Sale! Saturd 'ards Checked Horn L the Description and 3 : Liquidation Sale, 2\ cts. per yard, nghams, Public Liquidation Sale 41/ >tic, bleached solft quality, worth 12 excellent values at 15 cts, Public L , worth 12A and 15 cts, Public Liqui is, regular $1, Public Liquidation Sj Public Liquidation Sale 4\ cts. per sting, heavy standard, worth 30 cts, atterns to select from, Public Liquic >hoes, worth $1.50, Public Liquidat loes, worth $2, Public Liquidation i d Vici Shoes, regular $3, Public Li< 1, black and patent leather, at price r 98 cts. Blucher W. L. Douglas Shoes, wo -made Shoes, regular $5, Public Lit ir $4, Public Liquidation Sale $2.98 ick, tan and blue at 7 cts. per pair. :olors at 6 and 7 cts. per pair. nary Prices on ousers. 25 do ants, regular $ 1.50, P. L. ^ >air. 25 do ilar $3, P. L. S. $1.48. ^ ular $4 and $5, P. L. S. *5 do; F i's Hats. Men ^ rbys in black and brown, L. S. 98 cts. :s, latest styles and colors, A lot P. L. S. $1.19. g I. WBINRJ ?d for 16 Days Only. Rev, and Mrs. R. W. Barber, the flrst who W bad beeD here about ten daya, and the other pi about six weeks, left Wednesday for Cireenvllle, where they will be with friends for a Iv time. * be Miss Etolle Watson, of Anderson, oame F< down Tuesday, and has since been with kinsfolk in and around tbls place. pe It may be that there was an eclipse of the se sun Thursday evening late; If so no one here at observed It, but tbe almanac says that tbere te was to be one, and that settles It. m Quite a crowd of young people from this section went to tbe dam on Friday and with others from other places had a picnic. With a plenty to eat, and a plenty to drink (lemonade) tbey bad a very pleasant time. Mra. B. C. Kay, so long known as the owner 111 and efficient and popular keeper of the Kay w House, a few days ago sold the property (to U1 Mr. R. JL?. Smltb, possession to he given flrst of August. Mrs. Kay has already under way ? tbe bnlldlntr of a house upon a part of tbe lot owned by Mr. W. M. Bpeer, which will add much to that part of the town. While the travelling men will regret to lose MrB. Kay, se who by the advloe of her physician gives up the work of tbe management of the house, ta she will have worthy successors, those who will All the place In an up-to-date manner. Mr. R. H. Moseley, cnsbler of the Lowndesville Bank, left here Tuesday and attended tbe meeting of tbe South Carolina Bankers ? Association, held Ht the Seashore Hotel, Wllmington, N. C., last week. J It is indeed gratifying to report that Mr. J. J J. Johnson, who has been dangerously 111 for J some time, is very muob better; has been out on the streets walking and driving;. Mr. Will Bell, of Anderson, wai the guest of bis brother, Mr. J. H. Bell, for a day or two m iflsti wflflk t Mri, K. H. Moseley went to Nlpety-Slx W mn iaturcU PUBLIC LIQUIDAT ay Saturday, June 5 PUBLIC LIQUIDATIC JR 10 DAYS. LOOK JING IN FRONT OF TI Salvage Co., my e nd Gents' Furnishi iunt of being over-s e Thrown ce It Mai - O - READ son when all merchants are expec at at the beginning of the season Now comes this mighty Liquidation >ought more goods than I can possi lany have not taken time to come t ;at many folks not selling their c So being prepared for a Jarge sp in I can possibly handle, Therefo lie, not only will you be repaid foi iwn comprehensions. tion that high grade merchandise as I do when cotton is not sellir he buyer will give you, no more, itock of merchandise on hand, and to take whatever the public will gr smember the old saying, "that a This Stock "V J Z4? TT "H , fcLLLU 11 X UU JJ ay, June 5th, Open espun for 25 cts. ( 3rices Below ? cts per yard. i cts. the yard, P. L. S. at 8 cts. j .iquidation Sale 8y& cts. per yard, idation Sale 9 cts. per yard, lie 39 cts. per pair. yard. Public Liquidation Sale 19 cts. lation Sale 12 cts per yard. ion Sale 98 cts. sale $1.29 per pair. juidation Sale $1.79. s from 98 cts. up. \ rth $3.50 and $4, P. L. S. $2.79. }uidatioii Sale $3.48. Suspenders. zen Men's Suspenders, regular ic L. S. 8 cts. zen Men's Suspenders, regular 25 '. L. S. 19 cts. zen Men's Suspenders, regular 5c '. L. S. 29 cts. per pair. Overalls, regular 50 and 75 cts, F I. 39 cts. per pair. Corsets. of C. B. Corsets, latest styles, al iven away. iUB, - Ab Look for the 1 ednesday, and Is still with friends In that ace. Mrs Sam MoAdams and ber littte babe, of a. came down Saturday and have since H len at the borne of ber father, Rev. H. C. bee snnel. as Prof. J. F. Harper wbo has been tbe prlnci- latl .1 of a flourishing school at Eastover for anc veral years, on his return from visiting rel- cbe Ives in Elbert county, Ga., came here yes- im| rday and was with relatives until this trei ornlng. Troune. loo ' J MeMurray'n Local*. Enjoy your vacation. Get a kodak. Day- to( jtit developing, no dark room necessary tbe 1th a Kodak Developing Tank. The pleas- wh e of kodaking Is In tbe developing. out Brownie Kodaks for the boys and girls oar .00 to 85.00. tab We can furnish you everything from the wo idak to tbe card to mount your picture on. or I Kodak your home, print on a post oard to be< ud to loved ones. You can do It. pax Let us show you some beautiful pictures cat ken with a kodak. You can equal them. tloi pai Money to loan on country nd city property. Abbeville o* ns, and Trust Co. Phone 118 . E. McDavii, Sec. gol DO! m the bai The Roaenberg Mercantile Co?the young tir< en's Headquarters. You are alwaya wel- j >me. en ay, Ju: ION SALE. ! 26th, ^ ^ >N SALE. FOR THE CANVAS IE STORE. ^ intire Stock of H ng, Dry Goods, SI tocked, obligations on the M 7 "Rri np? Y ting high price for the merchanmore is generally asked for mer i Sale. I have over-bought my bly handle, on account of peoph :o trade and on account of th< otton and not having the mone^ ring business have gone to worl re, if you will only take the tim< your visit but you will find tha has the same value as any othe lg, and you need the money, yoi It is the same in the merchan he needs the money to meet hi ye him. So come early for you dollar saved is a dollar earne* iFi+liiTi "Mi V JLUJLA.A.M*. VUV < on't Trade, w ing Day, we Wil )nly 10 yards to a Men's 150 Men's Suits in regular $18.00 $9.98. 100 Men's Suits, wi $6.48. r 75 Men's Suits, woi A lot of Men's Suit! S. $2.98. Childi 200 Children's Suit: P. L. S. 98c. A lot of 250 Childri $2.50, P. L. S 75 Boys' Suits, regi Kne 25 Boys' Knee Pan A lot of Boys' Pant 48 cts. per paii 1 A lot of Religious Pictu: ( ctS) lar $1.50, P. L. S. Lace and Cambric Pill ctS) per pair, P. L. S. : Men's Top Shirts in Ma , ct ular 50 and 75c, P. Men's Un< ' L. 20 dozen Men's Underw cts. each, P. L. S. A lot of Men's Fancy T P. L. S. 21c each. [most A lot of 20 dozen Ladie 75c and $1, P. L. ! beville, S. Canvas Hanging in I PEAR BLIGHT. 0 certain preventive of blight has yet n found. It attacks apple trees as well tbe pear, bat Is more destructive on tbe Ler. Tbe leaves and young twigs blacken 1 die, and even tbe larger limbs. If not icked, It will finally kill tbe tree, or greatly pair It* usefulness. An orchard of pear bs In wblcb tbe blight has been at work ks as If a tire bud gone through It, praying will prevent some of tbe fruit dlees, but It cannot be said that any spray i been found that will remedy tbis It is )e hoped that something will yet be found :beck its ravages. It Is very probable that re is a remedy. In the meantime those u iry IU itusw puniB LuuNLreiy uu uutuuK , the dead twigs as fast as they appear, ana efully burning them. Bat care must be en to cut far enough below the blighted od to be sure and get all the Infected parts, Ibe work will be lost. The limbs should out some Inches down from the blackened t, for It Is evident that the parasite that ises the disease Is working In that dlrec , and may be some distance below the ts that are already dead. If a solution of bollc acid Is prepared, it will help to dip i Knife Into this alter making each cut. It I serve uh a disinfectant to prevent spread; the disease by the knife. .11 trees and plants seem to have enemies some kind, and apparently they are on the rease. In these latter days we must pre e to wage warfare on the Insects and funis diseases. Before the blight came, I do l remember to have seen any pear trees it were diseased. Since It came, there Is rdly a tree anywhere that has escaped en?ly. he outlook for growing pears does not look tlrely promising at present, because of the i tie 26 'm 1 * Look for Canvas x| in Front of Store. Q P m H * U.i igh. Grade Mer-Q loes, etc., will be 0 I i coming due. IB | ~-i .M'&XSh / : 0 vjl Stop and ? | Consider We intend to dispose 'y 5 of our entire $15,000.00 ^ * Stock within 16 days. (P r We have advertised the H f stock for Public Liquida< tion Sale at ridiculously pi 2 low prices. Every state- ^ t ment and price here made f}| being absolutely true and I n^t exaggerated in the KJ r least. We shall expect a a J crowd numbering hun- pU 1 ' - dreds of people every day s during this sale. To get your share, come early, for at these prices the stock will not last but a short while. 3xt 10 Days, J e Both Lose < f 1 Sell from n to customer. :J Clothing. 0 the latest styles and colors, i, Public Liquidation Sale Q orth $12.00, Public L. S. rth $15.00, P. L.'S. $7.29. 0 3, regular $6 and $8, P. L. p en's Suits. ^ ffl m s, regular $i. 50 and $i./$, 6* ef en's Suits, regular $2 and ^ 1 f ? ? iilar $5, P. L. S. $2.98. ' Qy Pants. q ts, regular 25c, P. L.S. 14c pf / s, regular 75 cts, P. L. S. [Jj r. I ? res, size 22x27, regu79 cts. each. vP ow Shams, worth, 25c 4 19c per pair. dras and Percale, reg- W L. S. 39c each. ** derwear. jj 'ear, regular 25 and 35 ^ 19c a piece. pal op Shirts, regular 35c, 1 s' Shirtwaists, regular S. 48c each. c. ^ront of the Store. terrible blight, bnt, as stated above, It Is possible, Indeed probable, that a sore preventive will ho finnn HlonniravA/1 */> Kn r* *\?1 no o spray. It was thought lor a time tbal the dreaded San Josb scale, which first appeared at San Jose, Cat., could not be destroyed, bat u 1b dow possible, If not to entirely prevent Its appearance, to bold it In check. So It may be with the blight. Some varieties are more apt to blight than others. The Kelffer pear la said to be least likely to be attacked. Trees that are growing very rapidly, blight easily, as It readily attacks the sappy growth. By planting certain varieties, and putting them on high, welldrained ground, Dot too rich, a measure ot protection from blight will be secured. ^ * ? Ladles oxfords In all the latest styles Just received. The Rosenberg Mercantile Co. See Rosenberg's for wash ties. 2 lor 25c. The Rosenberg Mercantile Co. are selling clothing every day. They have the right goods and reduced prices. See their ad. Getting Rich. "How did you get the momey to buy paints to finish your big picture?" asked the sympathetic intimate of the struggling artist. "Pawned my coat." uu: Ana now mucn aia you get lor your picture?" "Nearly enough to get my coat out."?London Globe. Read Rosenberg's advertisement on front page. MMiMaiiiiaMiMiii