he Press and Banner. Published every Wednesday at two dollars a a year In advauee. Wednesday, April 14, 1909. High School Site. Vny one having a site to offer for the High School in Abbeville will ttuoam bld? 10 one of the committee giving description of property, size, location and price. C. C- Gambrell, P. B. Speed, John a. Norwood. Card. After a very successful professional vicit to our city, Drs. Sullivan & Williams will be absent lor le dnj>; they will return and would be clad to see all ot tnelr frlencs and the public generally at Mr. A. H. Harnett's, brick house. Main street. Bring your ejes along aud have them renovated. Salenmttn Hautrtl. Young man or woman to sell the Introductory package of Baker-lzed Coflee to consumers. Liberal-commif-slon and agreeable work. Need not loterlere witn present employment. Our Harrington Hall, tbe Steel Cut Coffee, and Baker-lzed Coffee are standards, made so by splendid quality and liberal advertising, and will require no Introduction to readers ol magazine*. For partlcuinrs write Dept. M., Baker importing Co., 116 Hudson strefel, New York City. * Loxt, Str?jed or Stolen. Dark red ball grown heifer; short, thick, very iarg?i, long horns; been missing about three weeks. Any Information leading to ftei recovery will be rewarded. Mahala Rlohey, Watts, S. C. Fauey Work. Would like orders for all kinds of fancy work, embro'dery, i-blrt waist suits, centerpieces. lunch cloths. Will stauip designs *?? c Hottonhiiiv 1hoft work a PDe 1TUUJ 'J tcilin Uf. olaliy. Will give lessons. Will fill orders for baking cakes, and doing other culinary work. Kerns of all kinds and s'ze tor sale from 5 cents up. Mrs. J. A. Dickson. Teachers Examination. | Teachers examination'Will be beld at tbc office of thf County Superintendent of E'loca Hon at Abbeville on Krlduy, May 14tb, 1009 J. Foster Hammond, Co. Supt. i?(J. A. C. Huuiioic huiI FisbiuK Prohibited. Hading or fishing on any of my lands Is positively prohibited. Any persons caught trespassing will be dealt wltb according to the existing statutes. W. M. Castleman. Ekk* for Setting. From my pure bred single comb buff Orpington". tbe best all purpose (owl in existence. Y-trd headed by pr!z^ winning coi*k ' e-el purchased from the origlnstor of tb?hrved. I Win. Cook. Seotc?> Plalus. N J.) Egis only $1.50 per setHuc of 15 etes. D A. Dewey, barber snop, on North side of square. Clechlt-y Sweet. Pure Southern grown Cleckley Sweet watermelon seed at Rykard's. For Siile-EKKi* for Krlllns. Single conib Rhode Iflsnd Reds and Par- . trldge Wj andottes; One stock; SI 25 for 15. A. M. Smith, Abbeville, S. C. Money lo I.omi. On Improved farm property. James Frank A Son, Augusta. Ga. Seaboard Ncbcdale. No. 52 Nortbtound 12.57 p.m. No. 83 Southbound 1243 p.m. Vestlbulr. No,53 Southbound 317 p.m. I.ocul. / No. 32 Northbound 4 07 pm. Vestibule. No. 88 Northbound 1.17 a.m. No. 41 southbound 3 to a.m. EKK*. S. C. Fhode Isl?Dd Rert?. Best winter lay- J ere. il 50 per selling of 15. 3 u H. G. Smith. For Sale 500 bxiBhe'p of improved Toole conon sred 40 cents per bushel. W. 8. Cctiiran. ? lluacu IrrwN. Call and we me at one. an I have two m a' cottaue* uenr public ?quure to dispose ol at s sacrifice. 1 hrpp sales of dweiltrgs have r?- b ci ntly t>een mad" In the city to new comers, n and the stipp'y is miming shor'. Cud Be ) o you a cumber of vucanl loin, but unless jou r apply early cannot till jour bill lor improved property. Not a vacant dwt-lilng Id the city, u and the supply Ik not equal to demand*, 8t you had be?t look alter I he two cottages men tloned. M. E. Hcllingsworth. At a meetlne of the couDty commissioners last Monjay Hon. F. B. Gary was elected county attorney. Mr. M. L. B. 8turkey.of McPormick, wan In town last Monday. He, like hU brother. >lr. W. O. Stnrkey, is Inclined to be opposed to the legal sale of whiskey. In auother particular he Is not uollke his brother. He 1 good humored. We love a good humored ntlgh-. bor, whatever his opiulon on the sa e ol ' <'v, liquor. C or tbe beat men Id tbe State. May be and bride live forever. Durand's famous blended coffee " for sale by F. B, Jones. 40c the pound. * Is your house, furniture, store, stock of goods insured ? If not, why ? See us before it is too late. Abbeville Insurance and Trust Co. Phone 118 Schedule for Due w. hi Railway. Morning truln leaves D ie West at 10:30 Evening train leaves Due West at 4:10. Tues. train* meet the morning and evening trains on tbe Southern at Donalds. Passengers can go out from Do? West od the evening freight train wblcu leaves Dut West at two o'clock. m mm LuchIh Aiiiiin It. .tlorne Co. We bave od band a good stock of Wl'son cotton planters. Extra doors and covertrs for same. It you want a Little Joe barrow or a good i cultivator call on me. I We are receiving tb's week a email ship- 1 merit of Bliss seed potatoes?tbe last of tbe , season. 1 Seed peanuts, a tfw husbetsof spring barley , and a fresh lot Nustuitlums, cat tall and german millet , Evaporated peaches and apples are Dice for spring bou?ekfepers. We have tbem, don't you want them ? We have a very floe feed for small chicks? . you should try a little of It. , ' Ice creira sell now c sale. Also the nicest , and driest package of table salt ever offered tb9 trade. Ames B. Morse Co. Flower pots in all sizes at the 10c store. The R. L. Dar- j gan Co. < i Goober Crabbier Hunting Rich Birds. Mr. J. H. BoyklD, of LlncolDton, Georgia, was In town a few days ago. When Mr. Boykin Is at home he is editor of the Lincoln News, but when he Is In South Carolina he Is solicitor In Cupid's court. He makes a good newspaper at home, and wben away from home be is tbe most gallant among tbe gallan'. Young and handsome, he deserves tbe fairest or the fair, but If the pretty local editor of tbe Elberton Star finds out that he ha^ been flirting with rice birds on this side of tbe river, he may bear something. Washable ribbons up to 4 inch wide for 10c yard at the 10c store. The R.L-Dargan Go The L. Our Ladies R n A\I t rlif uun 1vauj have the Waists Prices A good line of W Wash Skirts $3.51 Panama and Voik Gents Cl< We handle the c Bros., Baltimore, ever made and cos Dress Good And in fact eve Dry Goods Sto give us a call w Headquarters The L. STORES TO CIOSE MAY 1st. We, the undersigned merchants of Abbeville, agree to close our places of busiless at 6 o'clock in the afzernoon, except m Saturdays and pay days at the shops, rorn the first day of May until the first if September, 1909: Amos B. Morse Co. J. R. Glenn, S. J. Link, Philson, Henry & Co., R. M. Haddon & Co., June 1st. Parker & Reese, June 1st. The L. W. White Co., June 1st. L. C. Haskell, W. D. Barksdale, J. S. Bowie, The R. L. Dargan Co., June 1st. Abbeville Hardware Co., A. B. Cheatham, R. M. Hill, F. T? Thomson J. W. McKee, Jr., June 1st. Kerr Furniture Co., Mrs. Jas. S. Cochran, June 1st. * W. E. Johnson, S. S. Turner, The Rosenberg Mercantile Co., 0. H. Cobb, June 1st. Calvert & Nickles, J. C. Ellis, A. M. Smith f the most highly prized vegetables, and s used in more different ways than any >ther. The seed should b? sown in boxes or hotjeds in February, and as soon as large jnough tninned. They should be but in a ;old frame, four inches from one another intil they develop fibrous roots and become strong enough to bear the change to the open ground. "When the plants are ready to be put in the garden the ground where they are to be put must be properly prepared and fertilized and holes dug about three feet apart. Pour a quart of water in each hole and set out the plants so that their tops will be below the general surface :>f the soil. Several important advantages will be gained by setting out the plants this way. First, the plants are easily protected in such position from frost. Second, the cutworm does not like to go down below the general surface for his victim. Third, the tomato plant has to bear the brunt of the hottest season; and if its roots are deep in a well manured furrow it will withstand heat and drought. When the fruit has become about half frown put a wagon load of pine straw on Ihe bed, especially up to the roots of the tomato. This will keep the ground underneath damp and will protect the roots from the summer sun. When fixed this way with the straw the bush bears for a longer period than it would otherwise do# The Hambling Bridge. The Hambllng bridge across Little River was washed away last August, and Ihe people thereabout are reported to be a Utile nervous because of the long delay in rebuilding It. It Is not only a matter of luterest to the town 01 Abbeville that the bridge should be built, but It Ikh work which the people have a right tc expect. They are now almost cut off from Abbeville, and we cannot well aflord to have our friends kept away Irom town. Lost $6,000. Hon. John Gary Ev&us has so much money that be carries it on the cars In a hand grip, which be places on a seal In the cars. A few d?ys ago a negro picked it up and carried II off'the train without consent of Mr. Evans Tbe moneyless man is now looking for the monled negro. Thieves would soarcely make S3 a month robbing this editor. Uayler's candy fresh all the time at Mil ford's drug store. L, i - ' W.WH eady=to=wear I for your inspf largest line ( to be found an J from n()c rash Skirts $1.00 each. 0 to $6.50, in all colors. 1 Skirts from $4.00 to $ic )thing :elebrated High Art Clc Md., the best fitting anc st you no more than good s, Wash Goc rything that's to be found re we have it and woul< hile in town. i for Embroiders r ? W.Wli A new shipment in gold fish at the 10c store. The R. L. Dargan Co. Pointed Paragraphs. Chicago News. A lazy mau is always ready to hand you free advice. Old age comes iQ a cauter to the man who goes the pace. Don't make the mistake of picking a quarrel btiore it is ripe. Among other pipe lines are those written in favor of smoking. An ex-husbaud is apt to think that alimony means all the money. By standing up for yourself otherB may be prevented from sitting down on you. If some women haven't any one to talk to they chew gum so their jaws won't get rusty. A woman who wants to make soap has no kick comiDg if her neighbors give her the lye. About the man who tbiDks he knows it all the worst thing is his inability to keep his mouth shut. The coat may not make the man, bat it certainly helps some when themercury is flirting with the zero mark Perhaps nothing makes a ?irl so angry as the thought that a young man thinks she would not resent being kiunpri. A health journal has an article on "How to Lie While Asleep." What we need is a few pointers on how to induce people to tell the truth when awake. Not Her Fault. Philadelphia Public Ledger. "It is the duty of every man and woman to be married at the age of 22," said the lecturer. "Well," said a woman of 3ft, with some asperity, "you needn't tell me that. Talk to the men." Didn't Miss His "MorninV' Atlanta Constitution. "De ul' kuunel is so 'commodating' ter sarcu instances." "He is?" "Sho' is. W'en de whiskey froze, he said dat cracked ice wuz his favor nn uiBij? The State of South Carolina. ABBEVILLE COUNTY. Probate Court.?Citation for Letters of Administration. By J. F. Miller, E?q., Judge of Probate. Whereat), Mm. Alice Hill b&? made suit to me, to gram tier Letter* of Administration of the Estate mid effects of 8. B. Hill; late 01 Abbeville County, deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singuUr the kindred and creditors ol the said 8. B. Hill, deceased, that they be and appear before me, In the Court of Probate, to be held at Abbeville C. H., on Wednesday, the 28th day of April, 190!l, alter publication hertof, at 11 o'clock lu the forenoon, to show cause If any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal of the Court, 1 this 9th dxy of April, In the year of our Lord one tboueaua nine Hundred and nine, and In the 133rd year of American Independence. Published on the 1-Uh day of April, 1909, In the Press and Banner and on the Court House door for the time required by law. J. F. MILLER. Judge of Piobate. We defy the world on Ice cream. Our soda ' fountain Is open In full blast and our Ice ; cream Is made of pure oream and eggs. All ' orders, whether large or small, gotten upon 1 short notice. Yours to please, C. A. Mllford & Co. The best extracts In the world are Bl&ckl'a. "On dlaplay at Mllford'a drag store. ITE CO, Department is jction. We )f Ladies' ywhere. to $6. ;.oo. ithiner made bv Strouse [ the best wearing goods s that are inferior. >ds, Silks, . in a firstclass i ask that you b and Laces. lite Co. j j? - *"* Abbeville Hardware Co. Smoothing Harrows, Disc Harrows, Howard Guano Distributers (Guaranteed not to clog.) Forges and Bellows, Blacksmith Tools. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE . WILL CURE YOU ; of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Disease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. i 50c. and $1.00 Bottles* REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. C. A. MILFORD & CO Grace: Pimples, blotches, rough, sbiny skin are from the blood and stomach. A simple and never failing remedy?one that makes clear, health $ complexions, pure blood, perfect digestion, is Hollister's Bocky Mountain Tea. Surprise yourself. Tea or Tablets, 35 ceuts. C. A. Milford & Co. Right here Is the secret of awk wardnecs. Il UflA.fA?n?|Anonaao A a I r 1 mhn thlnlrfl fihnnl bow ebo Is going to look when Bbe extendi her hand will bold It out as stiff ks a pumi handlp. If sbe In worried about tbe appear anoe of ber walk she will stalk over tbe landscape like a wooden dummy. Wbat a pernor does gracefully Is done unconsclouMy. So 1 a person would learn grace sbe roust first leariKto do things unconsciously and sbe car learn to do tblngs unconsciously by dolog (hem often. Permanently relieves constipatior and ind'geation. Regulates the bow els, builds up waste tjssue. Makes pur? blood. You grow strong, healthy anc rob^t. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the safest, nicest Spring tonic. 3i cents. C A. Milford & Co. During tbe spring every one would be ben< efllted by taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. ) furnishes a needed tonic to tbe kidneys afte the extra strain of winter, and it purifies tbi blood by stimulating the kidneys, and caue lng them to eliminate tbe Impurities from It Foley's Kidney Remedy imparts new life anc vtonr Plooourkt ?n tubs CV A Milford D E Newell, Jr 1 25 WHBarnwell 3 50 A B Ellis 12 60 Richard Sondley 33 33 A F Calvert 23 67 J C Brown 47 67 ELMlson 50 F L Morrow, agt 4 94 A F Calvert 4 00 Austin Bros 8244 07 J L Wardlaw 43 34 J LPerrin. 9 00 John Wilson 5 00 E L Bell 150 George White 7 00 Louisa Ware 2 33 R H Wilson 2 16 Hugh Bowen 2 50 R H Wilson 2 50 J S Stark 180 00 Watson Agent 76 20 McMurray Drug Co 5 75 P Rosenberg. 218 00 Ahh Ten. L A Fuel Co .. 11100 ' John Bradberry 8 40 John M Wright ' 26 00 E L Wllspn 1 00 Austin Bros 57 26 AO Calvert 2 00 WAStevenson 6 33 F L Morrow, agt 79 42 Dixie Portl'd Cement Co 126 11 Thos Toibert, P M 1 60 J L Perrin l 10 J R Evans 20 00 W J Milford 80 98 ' Sammie Wilson 12 00 W P Wideman 414 62 J H Barney 29 75 F L Morrow 6 32 J C Dansby 18 61 A F Calvert 6 35 H W Bowie 1 00 F L Morrow, agt 1 05 JB Sharp.. 3 00 wHMundy 50 S F Hammond 17 50 W E Ellis 3 60 Joe M Davis ... 1 2 00 R F Morris...". 62 40 WB Bowie 8 00 E L Wilson 25 J G Evans 15 52 Dr J A Anderson 10 00 W A Lanier 16 66 W R Boyd 4 50 BG Carroll 26 00 Austin Bros 2000 00 F B MnClane 8 20 W T Cunningham 50 00 J M Wright 6 00 J A Ale wine 62 40 Thos Tolbert, P M 3 00 J F Miller 5 00 W N Hall 16 86 W P Wideman 63 00 A F Calvert 37 00 J C Brown 56 00 J C Nance 2 00 J A McDwaln, Sr 17 50 . R 0 Branyon 11 50 ^ M J Prultt 1 50 T H Taylor 1 12 C L Pressley 1 00 H K Burdett 3 00 DENickles 8 00 A D Kennedy 26 76 Richard Sondley S3 34 Abbeville W and E Plant 30 80 J F Bradley 33 33 p Dr D S Knox 15 00 I WCDuPre 161 > State Penitentiary 126 00 r Rosenberg Mer Co 2100 Abbeville HdwCo 12 81. L T Miller 3 13 1 Willis Heard 1 00 R L Dargan 2 70 J F Edmunds 14 05 Abbeville Medium 37 50 W R Dunn 3 50 \ L W White Co 107 75 1 Walker, Evans&Cogswell 52 96 F B Jones 7 00 . W M Speer & Co 12 36 Atlantic Refining Co? 67 67 C A Milford Co 15 75 E K Thomson 4 SJLink 6 35 L W Keller REHM10000 J A Alewine M 27 W. A. STEVENSON, County Supervisor. SHEHEE'S Tonsorial Parlors. IN THE SAME OLD PLACE, UN der Eureka Hotel, with every ac commodatioD for his customers. Prompt service, good service, rea sonable service. Call and see us. Shehee, The Barber, Builds up your whole body. Regu latej'the bowels, clears the blood, aid: digestion, makes you well from heac to feet. That's what Hollister's Rockj Mountain Tea will do, greatest sprlnj raunlnrnr Tpa nr Tnhlpfo 35 nonta P Milford