mi Alt Ml % Tl! 1 he Abbeville Press and Banner I BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C?WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1909. ESTABLISHED 1844 M ^ ! WUmpr* * SaAtauM,?* | The Man, JHiS, who Allows Easter ;to pa TVifi JVwrms "Ra.st,fir-ti de is th.fi Season mmm a* w "V ^ w vikw m ww rv w w A w w. ^ ? ?? w - ? ? ? Generally Easter means a New Suit and a complete new outfit. Whether it is your intent to dress up for Easter or not we invite you personally to inspect our showing of Splendid Ea< Wearables. We are also ready with the Newest Things in both Straw and Shoes and Oxfords. i . aamaflgrai ESgraaa soman n mmimm \ ' A Few Dollars More per Month will Pay for a Home. Building Material will probably never be cheaper than it is to=day. We carry a large stock of V V Lumber, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shingles, Lime, Cement, Plaster, etc. In fact almost everything that goes into a building. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS Doesn't matter bow large or small we will do our best for you. When you buy from us there is no delay, we have the goods and can make prompt delivery. Call i\i our office near the S. A. L. llailroad Depot and let usTigure with you, we are always glad to see you. Very truly, T I Cop I > 0 Mich f rcLo oc "Ktt Tin+linn + lUU KJJ VV 1UJL1VUU when Men Ac ion ;ter fii sc Felt Hats, Shirts, Ne< Come in and let ui LOWNDESVILLE. venn, a leading merchant of Springfield, N. C., by two expert doctorsone a lung specialist. Then was shown the wonderful power of Dr. King's New Discovery. "After three weeks use," writes Mr. Bleveus, "he was as well as ever. I would not take all the money in the world for what it did for my boy." Infallible for Coughs and Cohls, its the safest, surest cure of desperate Lung diseases on earth. 50c. and $100. Guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free. Speed's drug store. Messrs Henry and Albert Power of Penny's Creek were In this place Monday on business. Rev. R. W. Humphries and E. J. Huckabee went to Abbeville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Moseley went to Anderson Wednesday In honor of an lDvltatlon to the marriage i vtlies ol Mr. J. H. Fretwell and Miss A. E. Brownlee. Mr. T. J. Baskln of Wlllington canoe over Wedneaday and remained with friends here until Tbuisday. Mr J. C. Lomaz was called to Abbeville Wednesday. Our business houses on April the 1st began their annual 6 o'clock closing. Of course these houses are not hermetically realtd at that hour against emergencies, nor demands of lesser magnitude. Customers bad better not risk an opening when it can be avoided, as the merchants and clerks may not be found when needed. The school children got more (leasure out of April the 1st than any one else around here. They followed the old time custom of barrlngand nailing out tbe teachers. Ibet-e last no doubt enjoyed tbe frollo too. It is reasonable to suppose that they were "delighted". Mrs. W. U. Speer went to Anderson Monday to lend her expert tatie and efficiency b long many lines in the preparation of the approaching Fretwell Brown lee marriage mentioned above, which was solemnized Wednesday night. Mrs. B. C. Kay returned from a two weeks visit to kinsfolks in Atlanta, Ga., on Tburiday. Mrp. J. W. Richardson of Harlwell, Ga.. came over a few days ago to spend a week, or two with rtbe lamily of her brother, Mr. T. Baker. Last week for tbe first time since January was the weather and soil in such condition as to allow field and garden preparation, ro tbat crops and vegatables will not be in order for some time. Last week Mr. W. A. Latimer of Augusta, was here for several days looking after the Interests of the estate of Liu brother the late Mr. J. T. Latimer. Miss Corrle Graves of Latimer, came up last week and has since been at the home of Mr. J. C. Lomax. The annual Spring communion in Providence church was held yesterday and the day before beginning with morning service the first ^nameti day. The pastor Rev. W, S Harrilter officiating. Mrs. B. P. Price of Means' is the guest of Mr D. L Barnes. Several days ago some boys were at work near Rocky River and report seeing a negro wading down tbe stream; they could get nothing out of him excepting that he would get out below here, whether an April fool or a reality the public has not determined. He may have been a criminal trying to keep from being tracked by hounds. Vegetation Is rapidly springing forth and without a check nature will soon put on her green summer garb. About ten days without rain has started someoPtbe farmers to complaining of hard lands, the last rain here was a bard one, and it baked especially red land. A few nights ago, a night prowler, alias a cbloken stealer alias a pole-cat came to grief In this town having been caught In a trap and killed by Mr. R. L. Smith. Tbe residents will have each to provide themselves with a dog, to stop the destruction of fowls which goes on here In the spring, because of these varmints. Troupe. I Words to Freeze the 8onl. > "Your son has Consumption. His case is hopeless." These appalling words were sooken to Geo. E. Ble laels-Stem & Co I o < h c 11 ct N,. X, THE! a thought of 3 /I T i a A IU ?J?bbL& 1UUU. They constitute, without any ex i t 1 __ i a r a 1 id sucn a large assortment 01 styie imething to please you no matter h 3kwear, Hosiery and \ fix you up for Easter TROY. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. MtComb and baDdsome boy James, wbo bave mode tbelr borne lor tbe past biz months at Interne*?. Fla., arrived bere yeMerday, wbere tbe two latter went to Liberty Hill to speDd tome time wilb ber sister Mrs. L W gbeppurd. Mr. MtCombs gclDglto bis motber'a near Hopewell arid firm tbere to Abbeville bis former borne. Glad to see tbcm and they were glad to get back to S. C. I Mrs. Lcmmle Roblmon baa returned to ber borne at Due West after ependlng a iiew days wltb ber elMer Mr*. FarmlevHaddon. Mr. Jm lliCtmb, a f lotpeious jonng; farmer of Hopewell was In town jeatetday. Bberlfl McMillan came down liom Orernwnod and spent a few boui6 yeeteiday. The A. R" P. Pretbyteiy will fouvene at Woodrufl Friday tbe 9tb; tbere will be no preacblr (c next Sabbath morning. Rev. H, B. ;Bl8feeiy and Mr. H. T. Patterson leave Tburtdey lor that piece. Mr T. C. Lltes left yetterdey for Greenville 1o ?ur S3.00 Oxfords for 22.48. ither, brown and Russian tan. PANTS. n dying Easter eggs were woven autiful, aud the prices remain That Easter Head Piece. " More because we use our ,t. Simply because a hat "feels I ;e into your consideration your .ppearance, then give you a hat lead aud your pocket book. re than you can buy anywhere. IRAUB. I '