I Confederate Soldiers l*rom Abbeville County Killed During the War. Allen, J. Clark, Co. 11, Orr's Killes, killed accidentally, Fort Moultrie, 18G1. Armstrong, -las. A., to. 1,14m iiegiiuent, killed Spottsvlvania, Va., May, 1864. Allen, Henry, C'o. (i, Orr's Killer, killed oones Farm, Sei? 30,1864. Armstnmtr,John Ji.. Co. 1>. 7th Iiegiiuent, killed in battle. Ashley. Jus. S.. Co. i>, 7th Itegiinent, killed in battle. Anderson. John J., C o. F, 2nd regiment, killed Charlestown, Va., 18G3. Ashley, .Joseph, Co. F. iloleombu Legion, killed 2nd Manassas, 1802. Ashley, Josiah, Co. F, ll?l< ombe Legion, killed 2nd Manassas, 1862. JJell, .Nathaniel F., Co. i>, Orr's lillles, killed Cains Mill, lt>62. Blackburn, John G., Co. i>. Oil 's liilles, killed Cains Mill, 18(12. Uurdett. John to. 1, 14th regiment, killed Frazier's Farui, 1862. Bowie Finekney, Co. A, 2nd lvitle regiment, killed Frazier's Farm, 1862. uo?L-c, 7tli legiiuent, killed Fredericksburg, Va. Bussey, John L, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Blown, Fleming, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Chaneellorsville, Va, 1863. Britt, 'lhomas. Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Bradley, A\ illiam, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Chaneellorsville, Va, 1863. Beagles, Elijah, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Fredericksburg, Va, 1862. Bickett, John, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Ox Hill, Va, 1862. Bradley, JohnJCo. G, 14th regiment, killed Ox Hill, \a, 1862. Baukman, W in. H, Co. K, loth regiment, killed Fredericksburg, Va, 1862. Brown. Wm. M, Co. K, loth regiment, killed Knoxville, Tenn, 1863. Burdashaw, Wm. C, Co. K, loth regiment, killed Chickamauga, Ga, 1863. Brooks, Jason X, Co. G, l'Jth regiment, killed Nashville, Tenn, 1863. 1 ''1 1,M'? u'iniont. killed Murfreesboro, Tenn. 1863. JDU)U, /. iiiUliJU9. W. V?, AVV4. >vD.... Bowick, James, Co. li, lUtli regiment, killed iu buttle April, 1862. Buchanan, James T, Co. 1\ iloicombe Legion, killed 2nd Manassas, Va, 18C2. Blackmail, li. H, Co. i\ liolcombe Legion, killed Petersburg, Va, l?64. Benson, Ihomas, Co. 1, 2nd regiment, killed Petersburg, \a, 1864. Barrett, John G, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed bharpsburg, Md, 1862. Campbell, Wm. J, Co. 1,14th regiment, killed Frnzier's farm, Va, 1862. Christopher, Win. G, Co. 1,14th regiment, killed irazier's Farm, Va, 1862. Callaham, L. Aug, Co. G, Oil's liilles, killed Gains Mill, Va. 1802. Clinksenles, frank, Co. G, Orr's Billes, kiiled Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Cunningham, Keuben, Co. G, Orr's liitles, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1S62. Coleman, T. J, Co. B, 7tli regiment, killed in battle Virginia. ChildS, Ihomas M, Co. C, 7tn regiment, killed Sharpsburg, Md, 1862. Cheatham, Jasper, Co. G, 1st cavalry, kiiled Biehmond, \ a, 1B63. Clark, Alfred 1>, Co. 1), 7th regiment, killed Chickamauga, 1663. Calvert. John II, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Cedar Creek, Va, 1864. ' " " 1 *1^ ?ono Carlisle, liobert H, Co. 1>, 7th regiment, Kiuea CMiaipsuuxy, 1UU, lUUi. . Clelaiid, David, Cu. G, Oil's 1st Kifles, killed Jerico lord, Va, 1864. Chaney, "Willis, Co. F, 2nd 1 egiment, killed bharpsbuig, Md, 1862. Cheatham, John L, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Knoxvilie, Tenn, 1868. Caine, Gehu, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Chaneellorsville, Va, 1803. Cason, Henry, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Jones Farm, Va, 1862. Clark, Thomas C, Co.. G, Htli regiment, killed Gains Mill, \ a, 1862. Cos, Thomas H, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Sharpsburg, Va, 1862. Caine, John, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Fredericksburg, Va, 1862. Crawford, Jesse, Co: K, I5tii regiment, killed Boonsboro, Md, 1862. Cook, Samuel 11, Co. K, 15th regiment, killed Boonsboro, Md, 1862. Caldwell, John W, Co. K, loth regiment, killed Boonsboro, Md, 1862. Cosby, John W, Co. G, l'Jth regiment, killed Franklin, Tenn, 1863. Cheatham, Robert N, Co. G, lytli l egiment, killed Kew Hope Church, Ga, 1864. Campbell, "U rn. F, Co. G, l'Jth regiment, killed Murfreesboro, Tenn, 1863. Callaham, Sherard, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. Connor, Martin B, Co. G, l'Jth regiment, killed Atlanta, Ga, 1862. Calvert, James, Co. F, Holeombe Legion, killed 2nd Manassas, 1862. piowc Aiirt>ihis "\t Co. F. 2nd reeiment, killed Cold Harbor, Va, 1862. Caeoii, Kit-hard, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Petersburg, Va, 1804. Coon, Samuel A, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Wilderness, Va, 1804. Cothran, Samuel B, Co. B, 6th regiment eavalry, killed Fayetteville, N. C, 1865. Cobb, Bobeit, Co. G, 5th regiment cavalry, killed Burgess' Mill, Va, 1864. Davis, Wm. C, Co. B, Oi l's Bilies, killed 2nd Manassas, Va, 1862. Davis, James M, Co. B, Oil 's littles, killed Jones Farm, Va, 1863. Douglass, William, Co. B, Orr's littles, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Drennan, Lewis, Co. A, 2nd Billes, killed Sliarpsburg, Va, 1862. Davis, Kpaminondas J, Co. I, 14th regiment, killed Frazier's Faim, Va, 1862. Donald, John, Co. G, Orr's Billes, killed Jerieo Ford, Va. Davis, J. Allen; Co. G, Orr's Killes, kiiled Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Duekworth, Henry J, Co. D, 7tli regiment, killed 2nd Manassas, Va, 1862. V rvv P vncriinunt killed in battle. JL/Uwa, * ? illiaiu 1 , W. JW, ivu , Duncan, David, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed in battle. Dunn. Robert, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed near Richmond, Va. Donald, John L, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed near Richmond, Va. Bellinger, Vincent, Co. A, 2nd Rilles, killed Lookout Mountain, Tenn, 1863. Donald, Lewis D, Co. A, 2nd liilles, killed Frazier's Farm, Va, 1862. Dickson, Fleming B, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed White Oak Swamp, Va, 1862. Duncan, David, Co. B, 14th regiment, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Dorn. James J, Co. K, loth regiment, killed Cold Harbor, 1864. Dove, Yancey, Co. 1, l'Jth regiment, killed Atlanta, Ga, 1864. Davis, John F, Co. F, Holeombe Legion, killed Petersburg, Va, 1864. Edwards, Augustus H. D, Co. A, 2nd Eilles, killed Cold Harbor, Va, 1864. Ellis, James E, Co. G, 1st Oil's Eilles, killed 2nd Manassas, 1862. Ellison, Samuel, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Gains Mill, 1^62. Elkin, William, Co. C, 7th regiment, kiiled Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. Evans, Simpson, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed White Oak Swamp, Va, 1862. *snn.iioi v Co c, 7t h rpirinient. killed Cedar Creek, Va, 1864. Elkin, Micajah, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Deep Bottom, Va, 1864. Fields, Samuel, Co. G, Oit's Rifles, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Freeman, Hubert, Co. D, 7tii regiment, killed Sliarpsburg, Md, 18C2. Freeman, Middleton, Co. D, 7th regiment, killed Sliarpsburg, Md, 1862. Fooshe, John. Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1803. Fooshe, Ben, Co. F? 2nd regiment, killed Malvern Hill, Va, 1862. Fuller, Pat M. Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed "Wilderness, Va, 1864. Grant, Jasper, Co. A, 2nd Rifle regiment, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Gordon, John B. Co. G, Orr's Rifles, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Gray. Henry D, Co. G, Orr's Rifles, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. Griilin, Larkin A, Co. G, Orr's Kiiles, killed Spotsylvania, Va, 1864. Galloway, Calvin. Co. G, Orr's Rifles, killed Spotsylvania, Va, 1864. Elgin, Amaziah, Co. G, Orr's Kiiles, killed Deep Bottom, Va, 1864. Gordon, Robert A, Co. G, Orr's RiUes, killetl Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Grier. T. Livy, Co. G, Orr's ltiiles, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Graham, Chas. E, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Frazier's Farm, Va, 1862. Gilmer, John \V, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Frazier's Farm, Va, 1862. Gilmer, John, Co. A, 2nd Rifles, killed Gains Mills, Va, 1802. Gilmer, Samuel, Co. A, 2nd Rifles, killed 2nd Manassas, 1802. Giliiam, Jas. "W, Co.F, 2nd regiment, killed Cedar Creek, Va, 1864. Goodwin, John A, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1802. Godfrey, William, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed _ Gunter, James, Co. 1,19th regiment, killed Marietta, Ga. Grant, John, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Chattanooga, Tenn, 1863. Giles, Andrew, Co. H, oth cavalry, killed Travillian Station, Va. Henry, John, Co. A, 2nd Rifles, killed Petersburg, Va, 1?64. Haddon, David P, Co. G, Orr's Rifles, killed 2nd Manassas, 1862. Higgins, William W, Co. G, Orr's Rifles, killed Fredericksburg, Va, 1862. Hodges, W. Coleman, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Spotsylvania, Va, 1804. Hodges, John R, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Harper's Ferry, Va, 1862. Hawthorne, W. Benton, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Harper's Ferry, Va, 1862. Hodces. Charles R. Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Richmond, Va, 1862. Harrelson, Edward, Co. A, 2nd Rifle regiment, killed Wilderness, Va, 1864. Hughey, Fred S, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Cedar Creek, Va, 18G4. Hackett. Thos. L, Co. C\ 6th cavalry, killed Gravel Hun, Va. Hanvey, James T, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Deep Bottom, Va, 1864. Hanvey, Thomas D, Co. G, lith regiment, killed Sharpsburg, Ma, 1862. Dill, Thomas. Co. K, 15th regiment, killed Sharpsburg, Md, 1862. Hamilton, William M, Co. K, 15th regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. Harrison, Hartwell O, Co. K, 15th regiment, killed Knoxville, Tenn, 1863. Hall, Hezekiah, Co. G, l'Jth regiment, kiiled Atlanta, Ga, 1864. Hill, John W, Co. C, 7th regiment, killed Maryland Heights, 1862. Harris, Samuel X, Co. C, 7th regiment, killed Spotsylvania, Va, 1864. Haskell, Win. T, Co. H, 1st regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. Hinton, John A, Co. I, l'Jth regiment, killed at Chickamauga, Ga, 1863. Hinton, Vach, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Chickamauga, Ga, 1863. Haskell, Charles T, coast artillery, kiiled Battery Wagner, S. C, 1862. Hughey, Norwood, Co. F. 2nd regiment, killed Sharpsburg, Md, 1862. Harris, Thomas, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Wilderness, Va, 1864. Hutchison, Soule, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Savage Station, Va, 1862. Hutchison, John W, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Wilderness, Va, 1864. Hall, H, H, Co. G, 19th regiment, killed Missionary Bidge, 1863. Henderson, Win. E, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Chanceilorsville, Va, 1863. Henderson, John Trapp, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Sharpsburg, Md, 1862. Hunter, Win. C, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Petersburg, Va, 1864. Hill. Theo. T. Co. H, 7th regiment, killed Savage Station, 1862. Hughey, Samuel, Co. C, 6th cavalry, killed Travillian Station, Va. Ingram, William, Co. F, 2nd Biiles, killed Frazier's Farm, Va, 1862. Johnson, (i. Walter, Co. jt", 2nd Kiues, Kinea .lookoui jiountain, \a, low. Johnson, Frank P, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Sharpsburg, Md, 1862. Johnson, John Wesley, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Chickamauga, Ga, 1863. ' Jordan, Jonathan T, Co. G. 14th regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. \ Jerro, Mercer, Co. K, 15th regiment, killee Sharpsburg, Md, 1862. Jones, James, Co. I, 19th regiment, killed Chickamauga, Ga, 1863. Johnson, John, Co. 1,19th regiment, killed Atlanta, Ga, 1364. Jav, William. Co. H, 19th regiment, killed Nov. 20,1864. Johnston. J. Davis. Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Charlestown, Va, 18G3. Kyle, Augustus, Co. 11, Oil's Bilies, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Knox, Nathaniel, Co. A, 2nd regiment, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Kernel, "Win. Lewis, Co. .A, 2nd regiment, killed Fort Harrison, Va, 1862. Knox, Samuel C, Co. C, 7th regiment, killed Malvern Hill, Va, 1862. Klugh. Pas ley D, Co. 1>, 7th regiment, killed Malvern Hill, Va, 1862, Knox, Kobert P, Co. D, 7th regiment, killed Malvern Hill, Va, 1862. Kennedy, James' M, Co. C, 7tli regiment, killed Sharsburg, Md, 1862. , Kleekiey, Alonzo, Co. H, 2nd cavalry, killed Jacksonville, N. C, 1865. Lythgoe, Augustus J. Co. G, 19th regiment, killed Murfreesboro, Tenn, 1863. Langston, Elias G. Co. G, Orr's I!ilies, killed Fort Sumter, S. C. Long, Gabriel \Y, Co. G, Oi l 's Bilies, killed Dutch Gap, Va. 1864. Lindsay, Poinsette A, Co. G, Orr's liilles, killed Gains Mill, 1862. Lindsay, Winlield W, Co. G, Orr's liilles, killed Snikers Gap, 1862. Latimer, Samuel N, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed in battle. Long, William M, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Sbaipsburg, Va, 18G2. Lands, William, Co. C', 7th regiment, killed Maryland Heights, 1862. VComax, William G, Co. F, 2jid regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. Law ton. James W, Co. K, 15th regiment, killed Cedar Creek, Va, 1864. Lee, Lawrence D. Co. G, 19th regiment, killed Murfreesboro, Tenn. Lt-Roy, Thomas, Co. H, 19th legimeiit, killed July 22,1864, Logan, Andiew. Co. F. Hokombe Legion, killed 2nd Manassas, Va, 1862. Lee, James W, C??. F. Holeombe Legion, killed Petersburg, Va, 1864. McC'aslan, J. Monroe. Co. B, Oil's liilles, killed Gains Mill, Va. 1862. McCaw, John T, Co. B, Ori s liilles, killed 2nd Manassas, Va, 1862. Martin, John F, Co. B, Orr's liilles, killed Chancellorsville, Va. 1M63. 51alone. James 1>, Co. B, Oi l 's liilles, killed Cbancellorsville, Va, 1863. Miller, Ben F, Co. B, Oil's Bilies. killed Spotsylvania, Va, 1864. M(iitgomeiv, Wni. A, Co. B. Oil's Bilies, killed Cliancellorsvillo. Va, 1863. Marshall, J. Foster, Co. B, Oil's Bilies, killed 2nd Manassas, Va, 1862. Mattison, James LI, Co. G. Orr's Bilies. killed Chancellorsville, Va, 1863. Martin. James (i, Co. u, urr s itilles, lulled uains 31111, \ a, ifcG2. Morrison, John, Co. G, Orr's Hilles, killed Gains Mill, Ya, 1MC2. Martin, J. C", Co. C. Ttli regiment, killed Wilderness, 1801. Maitin, J. KoVert, Co. 1>. 7th regiment, killed at liontonville, N. C, 18G5. Moore. UoLeit. Co. H, 7th H^iment. killed in I attic. Malone, l;a\id. Co. G, Hili it gimcnt, killed ( Laneelloisville, Ya, 1863. Maxvell, F:? i;el. Co. G. 14th legiment. killed Shai osluirg, Md. 1802. Majn n. 1 ii.< ki.ev A. Co. K, 10th regiment, killed (. liiekamauga, Ga, 1863. Minor, "Willi; n . Co. K, IStli r? gimcnt, killed Koith Anna River, Ya. Miilliken, .l.iii.< s SI. Co. G, I'Jtli regiment, killed Atlanta, Ga, 18G4. MattitiJi, "SMlJinni K, Co. 1. U'th legiment, kilied Atlanta, Ga, 1864. Mathis, Lewis, Co. H, 19th regiment, killed Sept. 20, 18G3. Malone, Andrew, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Wilderness, Va, 18G4. McDonald, John 31, Co. G, l'Jth regiment, killed Nashville, Tenn. McKee, John, Co. A, 2nd Rifles, kilied Sharpsburg, Md, 1862. McCurry, John, Co. I, 14th regiment, killed Gettosburg, Pa, 1863. McMahan, John T, Co. 1,14th regiment, killed Frazier's Farm, Va, 1862. McGee, A. Hill, Jr, Co. G, Orr's Rifles, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. McGee, Abner, Co. G, Orr'sfJRifles, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. i McGee, Wm. H, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Harper's Ferry, 1862. McGee, James M, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Sharpsburg, Md, 1862. McCaslan, Thomas, Co. F, 2nd Rifles, killed Frazier's Farm, Va, 1862. McKellar, Leonard W, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Malvern Hill, Va, 1862. McCord, David W, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Malvern Hill, Va, 1862. McDowell, George W, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. McKelvey, George T, Co. K, 15th regiment, killed Chickamauga, Ga, 1863. McClain, Samuel C, Co. 1,19th regiment, killed Bentonville, N. C, 1865. McCain, Robert, Co. C. 7th regt, killed skirmish Chattanooga, Sept. 24,1863. McCord, J. Alpheus, Co. F, Holeombe Legion, killed Sapponia, Va, June 29,1864 McQuerns, John A, Co. C, 7th regiment, killed Maryland Heights, 1862. McCord, Frank, Co. A, 1st cavalry, killed Culpepper C. H, 1S63. McCrady, James B, Co. F, Holeombe Legion, killed, Petersburg, Va, 1864. McKenzie, George, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed, Cedar Creek, Va, 1864. McCurry, Wm. L, Co. D, 7th regiment, killed, Gettysburg, Pa, 1863, McKelvey. James, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed, Boulters Ford, Va, 1863. McNeill, Robert, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed, Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. Norwood, Orinc A, Co. D, 7th regiment, killed, Sharpsburg, Md, 1862. Nabors, Austin, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed in battle. Norwood, Wesley, Co. A, 10th reg. Alabama Vols., killed Petersburg, Va, 1862. New, Simpson, Co. K, loth regiment, killed in railroad accident, 1862. New, John, Co. C, 7th regiment, killed Fredericksburg, Va, 1862. Nickles, Thomas, Co. F, llolcombe Legion, Killed Falling Waters, Va, 1863. Nickles, John, Co. F, Holeombe Legion, killed 2nd Manassas, 1862. Napier, James, Co. G, 6th Cavalry, killed Petersburg, Va, 1864. O'Dwier, Thomas, Co. A, 2nd Rifle regiment, killed Lookout Mountain, 1863. Owen, Moses T, Co. A, 1st Cavalry, died of wounds at home. Perrin, James M, Co. B. Orr's Rifles, killed at Chancellorsville, Va, 1803. Palmer, F Marion, Co. B. Orr's Rifles, killed Spottsylvania, 1864. Perrin, Wm. H, Co. B, Orr's Rifles, killed Gains Mill, 1862. Pruitt, Enoch W, Co. G, Orr's Rifles, killed Gains Mill, 1862. Patterson, James Burt, Co. I, 14th regiment, killed Fraziers Farm, 1862. Pratt, T J Wm, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed in battle. Posey, Newton W, Co. F, 2nd Rifle regiment, killed Lookout Mountain, 1863. Pyles, Reuben, Co. F, 2nd Rifle regiment, killed 2nd Manassas, 1862. Perrin, Thomas S, Co. B, Orr's Rifles, killed Chancellorsville, Va, 1863. Perrin, John W, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Knoxville Tenn, 1863. Pin son, John W, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Wilderness, 1864. Porterlield, John, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Spottsylvania, Va, 1864. Powell, Alfred H, Co. G, 14th Keglment, Kiueu wnaerness, joo*. Pulliam, Benjamin, Co, F, Holcombe Legion, killed Petersburg, Va, 1864. Parks, William, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Knoxville, Tenn, 18G3. Quattlebaum, James, Co. G, lUth regiment, killed Atlanta, Ga. 1864. Biley, Pinekney A, Co. B, Orr's Bifles, killed Deep Bottom, Va. 1864. Biley, Burt W, Co. B, Orr's Bifles, killed Chancellorsville, Fa. 1863. Bound, Wm. C, Co. B, Grr's Eifles, killed Gains Mill, 1862. Roberts, Edwaad, Co. A, 2nd Rifle regiment, killed Fraziers Farm, 1862. Ritchie, George B, Co. G, Orr's Rifles, killed Gains Mill, 1862. Reed, Samuel 0, Co. G, Orrs Bifles, killed Mechanicsville, lfc'62. Robinson, R A, Co. C, 7th regiment, killed in battle. Riley, Edward, Co. B, Orr's Bifles, killed Chancellorsville, Ya, 1863. Reynolds, John, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. Riley, Edward 0, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Chancellorsville, Va, 1863. Riley, Wm. N, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. Bykard, Thomas J, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed "Chancellorsville, 1863. Robinson, T. Jabez, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Savage Station, 1862. Roberts, John, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Chancellorsville, Va, 1863. Kocers. William. Co. K. 15th regiment, killed Chickamauga, Ga, 1863. BoSertson, John, Co. F, Holcombe Legion, killed Wilperness, Va, 1864. Kobinson, J P, Co. C, 7th regiment, killed Savage Station, Ya, 1862. Russell, Samuel 0, Co. A. 1st cavalry, killed Culpepper C. H, 1863. Stevenson, James E, Co. 7th regiment, killed Balls Bluff, Va. * A"Kuslus,M' Co. I), 1st regiment, killed Cold Harbor, Ya, 18G2. ShiUito, George, C'o. B, Orr's Bifles, killed Spottsylvania, Va, 1864. Stuckey, Andrew Newt, Co. 1,14th regiment, killed Fraziers Farm, 1862. Simpson, William H, Co. G, Orr's Bifles, killed Gains Mill, 1862. Sing eton Armistead B, Co. G, Orr's Billes, killed Gains Mill, 1862. Strickland, William, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Fredericksburg, Va, 1862. Strawhorn, Bobcrt, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Sharnsburg, 1862. otevenson, James, Co. A, 2nd Biiie reg't, killed Lookout Mountain, Tenn, 1863. btevenson, Henry W, Co. A, 2nd Bifle reg't, killed Fort Harrison, 1862. stAinnkor Konivirn fy> f}. ut,h rec-iment. killed Fredericksburg, Va, 1862. Snerry Elbert C, Co. K, 15th regiment, killed Fredericksburg, Va, 1862. on aver William, Co. K, 15th regiment, killed Boonsboro, Md, 1862. oharpton, Joseph P, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Wilderness, Va, 1864. btokes, Thomas, Co' G, 19th regiment, killed Atlanta. Ga, 1864. oaxon, w P, Co. G, 19th regiment, killed Missionary Bidge, 1863. oims, James B, Co. 1,19th regiment, killed Chickamauga, 1863. bimmons, Tully E, Co. 1,19th regiment, killed Atlanta, Ga, 1864. .smith. Irancis, Co. F, Holcombe Legion, killed 2nd Manassas, 1862. etrawhorn, Bobert, Co. F, Holcombe Legion, killed 2nd Manassas, 1862. oimpson, John, Co. F, Holcombe Legion, killed Saparona, Va, 1864. oims, Glen, Co. F, Holcombe Legion, killed Petersburg, Va, 1864. oadler, William, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Knoxville, Tenn, 1863. latum, William T, Coast Artillery Service, killed Battery Wagner, 1863. iribble, Jesse, Co. A, 2nd Eifle regiment, killed Lookout Mountain, 1863. Iraylor, Thomas A, Co. C, 9th regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. 1 own send, Milton, Co. A, James Battalion, killed Chickamauga, Ga, 1863. /-it, ni i 1?unioW Trppk. Va. 1864. ximms, dames ?, JJU. D, #LH ir^nucm/, amvu , Turner, Ira, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Cedar Creek, Va, 1864. Timmerman, Frank A, Co. K, 15th regiment, killed Petersburg, Va, 1864. lavlor, Mike, Co. 1,14th regiment, killed Chancellorsville, 1863. lolbert, Frank J, Co. G, 19th regiment, killed Atlanta, 1864. Thornton, Joseph, Co. H, 19th regiment, killed Dec. 25th, 1863. Thomson, William, Co. F, Holcombe's Legion, killed Petersburg, Ya, 1864. leddard, David F, Co. F, Holcombe Legion, killed Bichmnnd, Va, 1862. Templeton, Ira Q, Co. A, 15th regiment, killed Boonsboro, 1862. Tucker, Bobert A, Co. G, 6th Cavalry, killed Travillion, Va. ^andiver, Edward W, Co. B, 7th Infantry, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. White, William H, Co. K, 2nd Bifles regiment, killed 2nd Manassas, 1862. titm Thomas C, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Fredericksburg, 1863. Wilson, Dioriisius, Co. A, 2nd Bifle regiment, killed Gains Mill, 1862. ? akefleld, Hezekiah, Co. 1,14th regiment, killed 2nd Manassas, 1862. Wakefield, James W, Co. 1,14th regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. t_ ci n. 'w-v L-iiiort fhnneellorsville. Va, 1863. ??lieuu, ilttiLl'M Cl, \^\j, yj. ys, , ? ?miw8, Jarues> Co. G, 7th regiment, killed Malvern Hill, Va, 1863. Williamson, John, Co. B, 7th regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. wa? w' ,??bert H, Jr., Co. B. Orr's Rifles, killed Chencellorsville, Va, 1863. jailer. William W, Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. Jij ebb, Lockwood, Co. B, Orr's rifles, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. W illis, Thomas W, Co. C, 7th regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. John L, Co. C, 7th regiment, killed Fredericksburg, Va, 1862. ?}ker, John H, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. e, James, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Chancellorsville, Va, 1863. ? bitten, Austin, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. Week6, Samuel, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Gettysburg, Pa, 1863. }?ebb, William, Co. 1,19th regiment, killed Atlanta, Ga, 1864. Walker, Robert, Co. H, 19th regiment, killed Jan. 2,1863. Walker, Wade H, Co. H, 19th regiment, killed Jan. 2,1863. w ?.n' Samuel H, Co. H, 19th regiment. Nov. 3.1864. ' Wardiaw, Arthur, Co. B, Orr's Rifles, killed Wilderness, Va, 1863. hite, Clark, Co. F, Holoombe Legion, killed Petersburg, Va, 1864. U-!, er' William J Co. F, 2nd regiment, killed Williamsburg, Va, 1863. ir,,' ?ame8 L, Gordon's Battery, killed Winchester, Va. Waller, Robert A, Colonel of Florida Regiment, killed Sharpsburg, Md 1862 Waller, Peliue A, 64th Georgia, killed Oleester, Fla. ,a%r' Gilford T, 10th Florida, killed Oleester, Fla. Wardiaw. Alfred, Co.B, Orr's Rifles, killed Wilderness. Va, 1864. lounflr, Hamilton, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed Gains Mill, Va, 1862. Young, Abner P, Co. G, 14th regiment, killed 2nd Manassas, iow. #5"Please report errors or omissions to W. A. Templeton. T. EDGAR ARCHER, I ANDERSON, S. C. ROOFING AND METAL WORKERSGuttering. Ventilators, Skylights, Conveyors, Cornic Finials, Cresting, Ridge Capping, Gravel Stops, Gasoline Tanks, Cotton Mill and Repair Work a Specialty. ti.? vmnoiiH Kclsey Hot Air Fiiranoes. I ....Phone or Write for Prices.... ! POWER! POWER! POWER! I If you are thinking of buying a Motor or a Gasoline Engine for driving machinery of any kind, it would be to your advantage to see or write to rho HilLMncelev Elenfric Co.. IIV 1111 IVIVVVIVJ Hiivvaa w w>7 ABBEVILLE, S. C. j The Peoples Savings Bank. ABBEVILLE, S. C. | DIRECTORS. OFFICERS. g> Q Tbom8on) H G AmJerwon 1 S.|G. THOMSON, President. G. A. Neuffer, C. C. Gambrell. | vino.PrMiHpnf I W. E. Owens. F. B. Gary, \jr. xv i^ii^uri ? iw x R. E. COX, Cashier. J- 8- 81ark' R E CoxJonn A. Harris. .. . ... , - ! Petit Jury-Second Week. , WfcRSffiSSSSfc T T> PfliMurou- r.nwndfiRVlllfi. T. J. Kritt, Bordeaux. l , . E. S. Martin, Donald*. P. T. Alewlne, D'amond Hill. H. S. Cason, Calhoun Mills. D. E. Newell, Jr, I ong Cane. T. O, Kant, Long Cg, Indian Hill. J. H. Caldwell, I)ne West. J. L. Gumbreii, Magnolia. .T. W. Faulkner, Abbeville. E. O. Simpson, Diamond Hill. J. H. Baugbman, Cedar Springs. (). M. Lanier, Magnolia. L. A. SmIII), Abbeville. George J. Spoils, Abbeville. M. B. Kay, Long CaDe. M. M. Ellis, Long Cane. J. W. Little, A bbevllle. L A. Jackson, Cedar Springs. J. P. Burton, Due West. J. A. Biown, Indian Hill. Robert Williams, Donalds. Stewart Miller, Abbeville. J. C. Lomtx, Lowndesvllle. V. C Seawrlght, Donalds. Jas. L. Evans, Abbeville. T, F. Wilson. Calboun Mills. D. M. Bowie, Long Cane. J. T Lud wick, Bordeaux. "The Eve of Her Wedding." By Madge II. Tucker. Two old saws come to my mind when I think of Eva and the visit I made to her home JiiHt be/ore her wed/Ho?. The first of these 19- "Keep a thing seven years and you'll have some good of It." The other "No good thlug is ever wasted." Not that either of these adages apply dlreclly to Eva, for I think it would have been Impossible to have kept her seven years considering the number of active suitors that swarmed about like bees in the honey burrr 1. Eva had been reared on a large plantation miles from neighbors and from town. Ttieie was a large family, Eva herself being the younges'. Their distance from schools of any kind made a tntor in the h'i:r to ti e tear. 1 be rniiroad r?d through a corner of the i-rovf?i single tra(k shiohiedto piivnte grounds miles lufthti went. I bad beard and read much of .Southern hospitality, but I had not Imagined it i<> e as the I.or?lne h< u?ehold dlsp nseel |?. They iv?-re o! the original French iiugoenotx. Their home had stood a long tln.e with aii open door for friends and those who were lo need. At present, the house party was made np of a dozen young people In addition to tbe 'nmlly. There were riding and driving patties arranged sails by moonlight, dinner glv* en by some of the nelgboors seven miles away, to which we drove In a coach aDd fout alter the fashions of the gentry ot old. I advised Eva to rest ftarlrg that she would be a wearv looking bride. But sho laugbtd at my fearsr She had always been strong, never knowing w hat lailgt.e rreaLf. Her wedding wts arranged for Thursday noon. On Wednesday eveuing a lurewell dinner whs lo be given at an adjoining plantation. Early In the aflerroou Eva slipped In to me "If jou w ill sui port me" sbo salu. ' I'll come to open rrbeiilrn, I op.r.ne t go to Nellie's tonight. Will jou rtmn'n at home with me snd u]ge the otbets to j.c ? I should like to have h quiet last evening in my gltlbood borne." I readily prom'sed. As she turn d to leave, she added ' > ou bad belter flip down anil sf e tbe Hr-lloway contrlbutlrn. Everything In silver thftt tbe mmd of man ran conceive. Where do you fancy 1 shall keep these present*-?" Wberelndeed! They were coming Infrrrn a host 01 rich relatives and lamlly frieedc. There was *olld silver enough foradczen young couples; diamonds, pendants and loving cups to satiation. When we made known our Intention o' remaining at home lh? entire party would bavestayed wltb us. It took all our itrpoitunltlcs and aD f xcesslve amount ot tnrt to rid ourselves of them. Tbe parly set off early [ In the evening. Tbe thite men servant* were i In attendance upon Uiem. Eva nr.d I followed Ibem halfway down the driveway, listening to their words of admonition ebout not being fearful and locking tbe doors securtlv. Tbey awenso raucti uu mcir ..v.. * danger tor ns in being alone th?t I grew quite nervoup. Bad they not brought up the sub Jeci, such ? thing as leHr would uoi have enured my mind. When they were no longer In Bight we retraced our steps to the house and h?i on the porch. We could hear the colored women "tnglng as tbey finished their work In the kitchen. "They thlDk we all have gone, Maria never sings when she knows any of the family are within." Soon after the singing censed. We heard the voices rising and falling in the peculiarly sweet and plaintive melody ot the Southern darkey's tolkson'g. At last It died away entirely. "Maria has a family rf her own down at the Crocs Roods," seld Evn. "Her husband Is dead and Maria has a bail riezen little pickaninnies to care for. Maggie is bf-r neice. Hbe 1b going With lur to spend the night. I couIdD't refuse ber. It 1b always the custom to permit the firvants a little licence at the time of a wtddlng," . Sitting cn ihe veranda, ju*t outside tht long window wblch led from Ihe llbtary, we SRt and talked until darkness fell. Then Eva excus'-d ber"-e>f ^n order to I'ght up. "I ? ?. !?# less d-enry," she said as the tell n.?. I bad emptied her to return. bnt after a h w mom nt? eh* railed out to me to come Inside and Join ber llirre, I w nl In at oner. Ttc library end bp 1 wore brllltrnt vrrh liph-s. Tbe llt']p rooninHi k of'be library where wtwere accoatomed to gather/or a coifldtntiel ta'k, was dark. I do not * i f'W wb\ I w?.? imprrsped by this but In a snl - ODfr:cn> w ay, it ceme to me thai F?a wished to k tpibprortn imllgbted. Draw lng a chair near bi r. Mia piidd me so that 111} e>es were ton.cis awr.y (rem our irtip longlag-rooni. Sbt berse't was seated ai the long table. Kbe sal lacing me, her i rm> pireichtd oui beloie her. Cl bs ibe told neinavolci hkhnritg and utunusi ai, the very opp< i 11 < r lb t lira I touts, thai she v. rs i oi 1) TO ln mwliilig orntbeppj belli: hid J hid in d hippiuss tn her /Bie li 1 bed e\ ir nad it in i-nji n's. J could I ut sit n d ilsti n. Ji dri d, sl e ga\ e nit no ojporiuilty Icr a word, It r sbe ta k>d lapldiy ard Bivi ys In :1 el h gJ.-.-ltLi g vo!cr, yet tfcn ugh It pi .'he kt 11 I i r li a- s fli gei upin ibe kiy which vai a inn si hlddi n from - - - ' - - ?- ..,?i n#? *,f hi. I r my view nj i ei w ?u mu >> v.. ....... For f-D lnMbnci I tic ul 11 a her. i thought ol the jonng opnM? i ?lio hart taler Icr niunsfjfc wlieo ^lie was a joi.ne girl. Was I to Lf rraite a i ally of their trisrl eij? It rot. why t-hou!d be c< mniinlcati* tecietly vu;h litre over II e wlro? J nm alint to rpbtuid Iter mid tell lx r ilifai J tunv all, wht-u the fe all at ien again. She M'dirMroU I couiit aeethatby the ibn ge vhl?h itne to lir, J -* U/%. ?? n hrii In/tur! !,?{. one (epnu vij n f, im .. . bij Hid Ler vclc< w n:> el air Hid was about lo > b villi joy upon 1 lie daj t of belie tl al.\ She 1mi-tcIk d rtain. A little lys!et1(fl';v, j thought. Ti-klipoui her wi tch *be Io< keu al theilmeaud then ?ncl, p tu anily, Jfu e o'clock. TIhj wire lo biiig grei dim tbeiV gift out thia e%enliig. Fathir wtflmi n:c to wait and get It Ik ni the b< y. \\ 1 ?i f p *< u inn fl l<" P'.M- III? >'<1 1 8111 m Ine dlali o: <1 I kkIi el d 1: r pt 1 di 1. e I wut> to Fpeek. o> Ibl* v !' l.ev 10 11.#. I i; e\!dfiit!> I waa lo b< a riitl. Ml 10 i< 1 ii I'me, JirMii inn m pur 1 g? ir. \\?*li va.-t null! ba 11 all'1 1111 e. Jilietoit- t:c.t irir-j: it then, we'll go to ltd. ?ru he can nuke 11 BTmta for her ?t ibis buui? Well, if Mic- bod, k?ie would have me to reckon with. I would use what power I liud to prevent Ikr bridging shame upon Iter Mher's he m : Taking up a tn? g?zine. I pretended ?hsorbed lu tts pt>gee, I too piav 'possum" if necessary. I watched her el >mly. She was exceedingly nervous and her ejes guve qmcK lurtlve glances toward the lo# window*. Whs it Imaglnatlotj? I v as sure I hetrdwheeis, not upon the dilve, but Iartner away. However, the sou d orasid in a minute or two, there was thy toned of gravel crunching uuder stealthy footsteps. Eva heard, toe. She arose and with an Indifferent mnnner, moved toward the window. "Let's go to bed, Helen," she suld. "I'll lock the windows." She had given oue comprehensive glance outside. Instead of lochlng the window she threw it up. At that inxlaui the young operator stepped Inside. I rose quicftiy. I would let this go uo fur tber. But. lie was not aione. Helen s lover, father aud brother were at tis side. Heleu pointed to the lounging room and turned on the lights. The meu were in Tnere was a senilis aud then quiet. "Wo'vegotyou, my flinb feuow," said M . Liraine. The men eair.o into the library oiufc-glug wlib them the uvrst viiianouH looking ' crHCksniMn" that 1 ever saw. But tbat Is i>carceiy a comparison, for I had never seen one tielore. Have you really got him?'' Eva cried. Hhe heiu out berbnnds toward her lover, Iben she turned toward the optralor. "I Mive the signal again and sgaln. I wa? so afraid you were not there." It is a wander he, wllb a glance at tie cracksman,didu't have the click oi the isey and KueuM what was going on." ' I thought of that," answered Eva. "so I Ion. H *len u s?d story and cri d ;it the top 01 mv lui.gs while I told I?." At tbat time 'be turned to me with a smile, ' Forgive me, Helen," she crkd. EAST END. What "M" Sees and Hears on His Rounds About the City and Along Route No. 3. S?y re?der. do y ou belong to the MethodUl f.'bun'ti,? ir so you should have remained loM tjuuuny to ib<- Chuicb Cunlerente, as by mem berr Ir.p y ou bt-come a member of this Conie rente und It Is not only your pilvllege but ycuriiuiy to remain at every Cnuicli Con' ierer.ee when at ail possible snd ?learu some thing about ihe nfluiis of jour Cbuich es pecla ly the financial condition. The repori made by tbe Ooaid ol Stewards tbrougn ttor, W.S. GiBjdoD ibbt hunday >hou;d bavt men hw.rd oy every member of tbe Cliuiol. D'li (be greater pari ol tbe mtmbersbip wert conspicuous by their absence. Your pastor who pre*cb?-n earnestly ni)d faitbluliy every Hundaj bus a ianilly lo fetd and clothe, ond wbeiber be Is abte> to do so wnbio.or by bis ov u n.eans does Dot re leube >ou iiorn j our obligation as a member 10 aid atid support the Church and its lostl lotions, tcerelore we bope every memhei who leads ibis will think beriously over this matter, and atk himself ibis question, have I doDe my duty toward the support of my pastor aud my Courcb? if yoa haven't see to it, ai>d thereby show your appreciation 01 the gospel you are invited to hear day aftei aey and jear alter year. Be sure of out tbiDg it hikes money to ruo tbe gospel as well as any other vocation then put your sboul der to tbe wbeei and help tuove the gosptl caraioDg. Let duty be tbe watchword. Miliers nt w bakery is running on full time Everything within and without Is as bright and cltaD as a new pin. Mrs. T. H. FuimaD oi Monroe is in the cltj thegnetuot relatives eoa win teae in iut openlLgs at ibe diflerent notes, or Empoii uidk ol Faeblcn. Mltn Lliiian Hammond ncccmpankd bj ber broiber Mr. Albert Humuiuod spen Sunday in the city ibe guests of Mr. C. V Hnaiuxnd and >amuy. They returned Sunday afternoon to tbeli home In Columbia. Mrs. Roberi Hill of Monroe came in Mon day to lake in the Spring Openings. She ii accompanied by her lltue son Robert anc uoth are the goefets ol Mrs. W. T. McDonald Mr. Oaluts Hammond ol Hendenonvllli N. C. tpent Snndaj In the city with bis bomi people. Many friends rrjclce with Rev. Mr. Stokei aiid larolly ibat ineir little dauguter Marj hat- to lar rtcovtred aB to be expected home to day. Mits Mae FoBter of Spartanburg Is tbi chbrmlnB guest of ber slater Miss Julia Fo? ler one ot lite popular teacbeia In Ibe Abbe villi- Uiadid School. Mr. G. A. V saneka nccoirponkd by hli dnugbier Mist-belie Is ofl to Aliauta to wlL ms> the marriage oi his ton Mr. White; Vit-hntki. Mrs Rot-enbfrg If well enoutit w wl irave the latter part of thla week to bi present t.t ilie bajpj" occasloD. ROUTE 8. Mrp.-Walter B. Wilton entertained a sum ktr oj ber iriends laM fi i at an elegan dining. Tbo>e pwent wtie Mlests Maggli *nd Lucy Giberi, JMiectB Magplb and Betlli Evan*, Mri . J. R Srnilb, ML-n Louise Watfior tit) J M it* Lola Wilec t), M wan kindly remembered as be always li by bis ever tliougMlul pultons. Mr. loin Me>eiil leu lust week /or CoW dale Ali wlib bis duu^Mir Mtt-. Boo iiruce. Miss Salne Wi:6un and brother Mr. Tom Wutou wtienue?islu the eny MouUay. Mithlie.ie MiKeLZie Is in Ibe oily the gi'tsi 01 relativta. Mut> ttrtine H'ji ton of Bdievue spent las Saturday nlgbt and Sunday wlih btr rela lives Mi>-set< Lillle and Bes>le Link. Mr. Ueorjct Un.iuiu spculSuuduj with bli h> aie people ai Siiuroti. Mr. and Mrt. Joe Johnson of AbbevllU epeut Sui.day wlibMr. Will MiKetzle au( lb tiiliy. Mib. Will Cranio d : i.d Miss A'lie Maj i-uwet ol Au;rtvi 1. tpeut Sunday wiib Mrs Jobn A. Wiison. I'io!. ti b yL? rotd of Williamson College d'td :ti fcih I on t *' Ia, ? (J. l?\-t Mi ndaj iilib, MaicL ? lot.1 5o'e.i.ck lie wus a piomli I III* i OUlig UJhti JUM iu lUf piiiue UI UK, nui h;s (ieHb is litij ij n tumiU by many reia llvtbatd fr JfcL oc. Mis. M. T. Mio??d r.nil Miss Lucy Giberl acton ptimd bj M.-b.-rb Petiigru Uioert and a?. E Km.Lh leii M niihy lor the heme ol tbi umanfl, S irtlt ol uiulj ii in do in Hi ut n a the btitaud Jt.mny. All*. Wc.in Wl'Mii t-ptnt ibBl Mocdaj wisb Mibtt: Lil.it and Btbble Link. Mr. A. J. l'eiii.ty iho laiihlui canitr 01 i? uiel ci.lut lidi iibvmg a btriouii accldeo ihbt fcal ui oaj , vti.iri within a mneor fco o iLit- ciij iLt ct L|>mg ol one ol bin shaft bioke whtn iLe but>. i.ecu me irlghtened ant run hdi'j Ilba.:y di suing b;m oui ot bio bug M t.guiLiM a Utet-Lu lihu II not teen for hn pi? uce i 1 mind lo teizu hold ot bib bugg] Kbd prop himn-il i guintl the foice 01 tbe lai, he ?t iiiu J ic bjh > have Lttn kliltd as II w?b, he Wbs bt veielj thekt.n up at.il got ol without bti ioub i Ccidtul to blmstli. DKAIU OFJIHS M HAl.DJN. Mr. John M H.udeu after a severe Illness ditd ui Lis Lome in this city 'ibuisday morn mg, Maicli V9U11'JCUab. ut Use o'clock. 'ihtUicttiMO MHta geuhtu.hu ol (he "oh Hhooi," t>lU l> h:? lillhh.t mai.ner, geola d.fpob.tiou bUu kioa hi-ait won lrituubever: white and a.utig ait clabtes. lie was hi official numtxioi Ibe 1'u tb> leribn Lhuich ni.u wli n i itn g hi-LiUb n. tit- ever in uj lufii Ill? p;.Jt IU ail CLU ih Wo:k. He Woba lalth lut hue zealous ii eu hir, and his p.ace uli it ii'itti d i} pastor and people. Iu bn demli Abtievll.t moans lor out ol her trui uuti umiui u z i.e. Ts'o httier tuati eve: wa.ktd the blunc ui Acbeville. lie bun tei t-ii. bis lat/Oib < n arth, end has gi.i e 10 b< gm a mure u>tlui lilt- Just beyoni .tUeilvei Wllfclt all IS |o> al.d pt-^oe. ills lu J otrai iei vices w t le eoi dueled oy h.s pastoi Ht s. J. Li wilt Wi.bOL on Fi lua>, i l.er w mcl ju'.e mem ink piHitr at Ujpti Loug Can* Liiotieiy in thi piibti.ee oi u laigo LutLiiei ol i on i w.i. g li ii lOo a lid itluiivt-. DEATH or JIBS MAKV AXS SMITH lu ihe iurlj di>u n < 1 March 16 h. thi gtm le bpli it ol M ib Mn:> Auubuiiib was it : .thbtd iiiid lis lii.il ti.ii.hl> ti tuple and rett.rtJta to G< d vmio gh ve H. 1 Fi.r a long unit ihe deceased has been t 'gi.ui btllejti, out uo it-uiiiitr tscaped hei llpbhhbLe Whs t)Hpp> to bltll.1, fc? Wtil Hb II do hit Aii'biii'b win. si t Uiiu agtUiie hli letiiihg uibpoaitioh, vwJi a kinu heart eve) [ itno> loabbibt thine iu double. : Larij iu j(;Uih bhe ttcauie a nieu ber o the Lpittopiil chunh ol A> Lev .1 e aod rt uii'iLt u a .'anh 1 ui aha de\oieu tut u. btr to tht , i.i-v i I hti Cl-atb. Mis. Miii.h was toru in ntai 11 .bllugs .SufbiX LtgiauU. hhe Chine to .Alutriia it tbi i tbiluutiu wnh hi i Uiothii, 3>: rb. baiat Witol uibi, t.cteu.pauitu uy hei gianu. u oil.tr, Mis. hiot-OiUwl, htr bibterb Kuzubeib _ i.uil J5L>uii VVoiuhUil, bnu htr tm lheri jl.ott-ll, lieoige hi.ii At.drew Wui dhulnt I W hi i; ijiu.t- J oung t ho u.i.rriid Mr. Liuv id 15 Mi.nI. i.i U iititi tu.s union itn cbiiurti; wtii "ill in. O Ihib ia?gi-;inin> on o thite d?ush ti-. ib n.u thin, m.i s, Hub one bioth, Mr , A J. \\ oi oLiiisi, luu i.ue bisitr, Mrs. Jutnti . Li v; il oi Isuidit-j, buiMVt htr. J-ui.tiiii M.vutb y>?11* cou.ucied by he: '! I h b: u i iui. Mr. 11 til lib in ihe Lpibtopti ! I lUli ll I l i Wo ti Cl?.? K J* .UU.'UMV, Jim I u .11.. aim uiiu ti ter iiuiitiii!) wire g' niy la a i< um Hi ii.*r l-.pnci pul cetiieii'O In itie pit UtLlt til Ll.t.l.J Mll.t.UlllU ICiHllVLh HI. 0 i u.t I. : lit. ( it *. lit [i t III. .1 \t t ; t in lil I M K On Tuefdey the I'ndief. of oiii^dty were out H Id full forte 10 ti J< y the b( autles of a spring H ' open Id?, ibe like ol which bas not beeo seen A : In a Lun\bcr or jcitif. R. M Baddon & Co., 9| PhiK-or, Henry & (< . ai d Mrs. J.h.Cocbran ? BE and Algernon 8. Hitumons were dlnplaylng 9 ' hats, biautlful drim tocde, glove#. parasols, B 1 laces and eveiy thing that delights the leml- Bj nlneeje. n At Haddon's tbe spacious show windows r were as attractive rh any ever seen bere or B anywherr. One was In pink and wblte, tbe H ' background was draped In wblte cet and a J border of plDk ro^es done In aD attractive D ' wall paper design. Tbe dark balred.figure B was elaborately gowned In old ro?e with bat, 8 parasol and all to match. Tnn same effect 3 was carried oat In tbe second window only H the color war violet. Here tbe bats were on- B h meroQs and beautiful shapes, colors and M f styles to suit tbe most fastidious. M Us Heal ' and MlssOeizel who are In charge are always gracious and painstaking to ple. se lhelr car- 1 ? *i more |B Pbllson, Henry & Co's. windows were very 1 arsrVicilvP. One wa' arrnnned as a vrmao'l boudoir. Tbe dressing table ladened with all < M the d&lnty and Httrsctlve things that gladden , ' a woman1* heart. The figure was dressed in r a1 exquisite toilet of blue messaliue, dressed 1 as If sbe were ready lo siep Into ibe midst of e tbe tbrong of shoppers who visited tbis attractive store on opening day. Tbe second window was strewn wltb flowers, laces and feaibers thrown together in gracefnl profusion. i \t Mrs. Cochran's tbe bats were nomerons t and very attractive. All who visited Mrs. a Cochran's parlor were delighted with ber ) tasteful display. Mr. Simmons bas one of Ihe largest and i most select lines of ready-to-wear clothes and the ladles of Abbeville and the county i welcome this department ol Mr. Simmons e ueautllui store. TROY. Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley with their dear . little folks ate up from McCormlck to see bis parents Rev. R. F. Braoley and family. Mrs. J. W. Lyon bus returned from several 5 J ?_ . hrnlhor Mr UH)" ryeiJL IU IUC Ul'liiC VTA Ll?.l ISIW.Wt.., T. C. Burnett Riid family near Wbltlocks. Air. P. H. MeCflslan of Clear Spring, was In Augusta last Tuesday. County Superintendent of Education, J. F. W icitirifin was around last week visiting the schools. Air. L. C. Cllnkscalcfl of Mountery, Is here lo nee bis ton, Mr. J. F. CUnkscales and family. M?. Jim Dirk Bradley paid a very suspicious visit to B? litvue Friday evening perhaps be will enroll as a post graduate student .* of that school even at this late day. Miss Dalny Young will'this evening celebrate her birthday anniversary entertaining a great number uf her friends. A nr.o6t ^nji'.y able lime Is expected and no doubt Miss Daisy will prove herself a most -lable hostess. Mrs. Jennie Steadman who Is a boarder at the Paik Douse, end who was so horridly hurned ast Thursday Is veiy much Improved. Dad It not been for tbe heroic work of Mr*. Alice Bradley, she would soon bave b?en In a crisp. A trained nurseand three physicians J are gl vlng her every attention to say nothing of every one here. While she Is seriously though not fxtall} t'urned, we hope she will be made well again soon. Mr. J. P. Cuddy lelt Friday for Anna\ ?, 1 lo take up bis work with Uncle Sam'8 jo/s. His family will /ollow soou. Tioy school will close Friday of tbIs week. Is thin Dot a shame, wbeu tbere Isso much at i sinfc?? Troy cau and does herself proud at all other public work, but when you see our , school you will atoncessy "no one" Is doing ' ~ 1 their duty. i Mr. J. W. McCaslan manager of tbe hand> kerchief factory at Greenwood, paid our borne < i a pleasaut visit yesterday. , The storm of last week did considerable i damage in the way of blowing down fences. uprooting trees una greatly contusing telci j phone communication. s Mrs. J >an Ward law entertained mo*t dea ligbttu'ly at ber boms In Bellvu". Cendy r pulling and''tarty giving" were Immensely rjojed. Mr. J W. Bradley represented Troy and guess be ate too much candy or at 1 any rate, be Is today suflerlng from too:h. ache. Tbat Is not tbe numi we have been r giving It, unless be swallowed bis teetb aad i they bave found lolgoiont near bis heart, oh s m>! r Mrs. W. Harvey Kiblnson with ber three sweet little girls, Willie Mildred and Emma are spending a few days wltb ber mother, Mrs. Battle Ward law, and other relstlvef". This Is enconri gln? lh?* A. K P. Church , } raised on assessments yesterday SitiS lor - wblcn they are to be praised. A part of tbls - goes to foreleu mtsMons. Now we feel sure t he Senior Editor will agree tbat these de?u i oilfslcnarlts are worthy o? a support. But - ..... ?? k,? qo hiJohurftuhlo nets Which II IP IJ till L in of v. < are mat y, Hud be 1 un talking tbrougb bis bat. He in O. K. In all his dehllntjH M.tfiler D?vid Yardliw tbe bandsonao llltle gono/Mr. J. W. Wardlaw, wui down to see big Utile ccusidh, Mattel s David and Foster Wardluw, last week. Calvert & Uickles ? Headquarters for ? White H ickory Wagons Cwensboro Wagons, Bock Hill Buggies, I Summer Buggies, I Cheap Buggies. i i ; Harnets, Laprcbts, etc. Calvert & Nickles. t Feb a. l&n. tf ? I/ it Is "AJcMuiray made," it If guaranteed to please or we refund your money. m LOWNDESVILLE. H March 29, 1909. 9pB 8everal of onr citizens went to Abbeville on Monday, lia\i:.g business iu the Court or Common i.lenr. Mr P. P. BaiiHOO of McCormlck was in tbls J city lor a r?h irt time on Monday on business. HH ])r. T C. Kirkpntrlck, Messrs. D. K. Cooley, DUV| A. V. Barnes, and C. J. Purnell went to Abbevilie Tu'sday, exspecilDg that a case. In which MHj they were interested wonld be called, but owlng to tbe Illness oi Judge Prince, tbecase was postponed till Friday. They went agulu on Friday on y to meet another jostponement jf^M till tomorrow, when tbey will have to go again itev. J. H. Montgomery of tbe Pbllob aDd HBO Bella pastorate and Mr. J. N. Killinitsworib of Sbiloh were here Monday as guests of Rev. |[B R. W. Humphries. EH Miss Annie McCalia of Heardmont, Oa. who bad epent some days with relatives lo Anderson, came this far on btr way home oa M Wednesday and spent a day and eight witn tbe family of ber uncle, Mr, B. Boiling Alien. Messrs. J. M. and t . J. Huckubee went to KMH Atlanta, Ga. on Wednesday, and returned on HH Filday. Mrs. E. F. Latimer went over to Honea P*th Wednesday to spend a short lime at her old borne, wltb her father's (Mr. Marshall HI Shlrlj) family. MGH Mr, J. W. Hurdm spent the greater part of lust week, in attendance upon the Court at HS| Abbeville. HB| MisslCate L'ddeil, who bRd spent sometime K at Anderson, having served through the busy Hj season's months, came back l??t week to ber home at her grandmother's, Mrs. L. A. Cut- WflH nlngham. Capt. and Mrs. W. G. Johnson of Chester HB| came over Friday and are still wltb tbe sick H brother of the first, named, Mr. J J. Johnson. Miss Montague Huckabee weot'to Latimer flfl Friday to the borne ol ber grandfather. Mr. ^J. KB A. Hawthorne and on the next day went to MH Abbeville. 1B| This section, wltb others, bad a long to be remembered visitation on Thursday morning H belore daylight, in tbe form of a wind, raiD, HB thunder anu lightening storm. Etch of these 9QH at that time would have been bad enough |^H I separately. But when oomblned, ibey creat- H ed such a disturbance as to wake up every t brdy, and mci; re tbe timid one* badly. When > the ct imnon storms, common because of their ircq-jpi cy, < ccur, Ibey generally co?er H | com; ui uti wiy snob Ja small area that tbe (lamngi s idn cwu oy lueua can hi imixi. uo hv? proximately Mtlmtlfd, but when i blow tike I be lant use conu h along, wbicb etrelchcd according to reports aimont from the Atlantic to tbe Pacific oct-ann aid bl s a lick here and . thrre, ll4? impossible to raACto any safe conc union as to the Injury li fl.ctPd Newspaper an j verbal reports are constantly comlog Id ' i f iiiwdh aod cities suffering bad y and here and mere In tbe tb? country many of the ' farm hnoees, dwelling, bains, and cabins have been damaged or blown down and cblmnles laid fl-U. All of these scattered damages if they could be aggregated, would make of the late storm * [ one of tbe worst that has swept over tbeeoon-^ , try. Fortunately, but very little loss of either human or animal life Is reported, bat many, very maney of tbe people will have a wholesome dread of a storm, hereafter. Mr. T. D. Conley. a dn or two ago, bought of Mr. James M. Baker bis hou?e and lot here. It was for jfrpr* the botue of Mr. J. Marlon hatlmer and is by far the most desirable place id town. I Mr. J Fuitoi Clinkscales of Troy came np . 8aturd>> nrd prevailed upon his father, Mr. , L C. O lufc-cvles to go home with him, to i spend awhile. Troupe.