" ' . / ' v f. ~ The Abbeville Press and Banner BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8, C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1909. ESTABLISHED 1844 THE MEASURING PARTY. The Home of Mrs- Harris is a Sceue of Light and Beauty- Prettiest Women j and Loveliest Children in Evi-I dence A measuring parly given by :he Worklrg Society of tie Methodist Church, at 'tie beautiful unci hospitable home of -Mrs John A. H'-rrls, no ldenl p'ac* forfueb a gathering. At the door each &uest deposited a little silken sack that contained 'live cents tor every foot and an extra cent for each iurh" lie whs tall. In the hail a committee of Indies made each one feel at home by their hearty welcome, and dliected the way lo the library where one's measure uas t;1' the smallest root, me largest nana, me long(st fool sue! the smallest hand. Mr. H. M. w ? Wilson received the prize lor the largest \J waist, while the prizes lor the dainilest loot, y and hand went to Mrs. Geo. While Jr. and Miss Fan ule Starke, respectively. In the p-?r!orau exceedingly a'tractive pre- pr gram of n.uslc, sotigs and recitations were rendered by la'eoitd young people. The i)>m"?by Misses I'-innl" Starke an l Mmd Mc'"ung. Mensr* W. E Hil and J. S.Cichran. Qoartette. "Good Ntgbt"?Miss Mary Hill, Mins Maud McC'uug, Mr. W. E Hill aud Mr. J. S. Ocbran. Miss Plevna Sen), phiuis'. 10. Hecl:atiou by Miss Esther (.iraydoo. II. A'oral Solo by Mi*e Louise Allen. 12. "Hi-ree Sweet Homo" by the Syrn- * i nhonv Club. ~ J 1 The Symphony Club wfs recently organ- ^lz>d hy tbe younger musical Hot of Ahb?\|lle. '3 and Is o-itripoi-ecJ ol the following nu mber*: Miss A ?h McMll'nn, I'ianls"; M:?.s M r^aia 1 ^ Evan?, (Jut'sr, >lr. Ulhnitlj'g I'-ek, Violin, Mr. Aivtn WilkersoD, Harmon C;. Mr. AUc 10 D ek, Guitar and Mr. Robert Coi? man. Mandolin. Tbev ed-ied treatly io thf* - cry ", rlY To settle that big question: "I* Salvation ^ Really Fret?' They talked from dark to day-time?they shouted out tneir views; Thr v mr.rli< thu nnlntt frlmhl^.rlt nod ilm railln' off the pews; But they come to no decision tlil a preacher says, Fays be: "It's sartln, Id thN neighborhood, salvation's really f e?-! /'Au I'll prove It. Corae tip. bre'heren, til! jsn'r- a'.i In beaiitr reach: Je?t teil roe wbar'fl that salary you piv.m seil we lo preach? You've baen Je;il u' on the gospel till tbe souls of joi: aie fat. An' the preacbet's coat Is tbreadb ir<* nu' the wind howls through bis k.n! "You lls'en to the surmount, but the whole contented crowd, When we take uoti collection, are a SDorln' long arid loud! Can't bear the byuin we're singing tbe bieket never set1, An' it's unbiased judgment that you've go! salvation f.et-! OB ThePre?l>ytrriau pretcaersal-J bedslgu bis name to thai; The B'.ptiM said twussirtin that the biother bud il put! The EplscopaiiiDB j'ined hltu thai: 'T wuz plain as plaiu could he TI16V The peep e lu that neighborhood had got salvat 1011 fre n ot the preachers? ;liey wuz their Jottin'down their not ?oiu< An'hav.uof their measure* took fer bran hut i naw broadcloth coots! mysi ot th * " tbrei LOWKDESVILLE. X I try r Mrc. Arthur Speer of Audersnn, ej-en' Sfv-lit'in eral uays le.M week nt ' Terreslreila" the noui country home of lier fattier Mr B. C. Ai:en. 'anil Mies Kebecca HeHid ol Heard mom, who jt; hnd epeui Rome days a the liotne 01 M r. ti. vv. pun Harper, returned to her home lu Georgia, uo j( last week. horn Magistrate J. G. Huckabee was called to c,rs Abbevl le, on business, last Tuesday. He |ie w Cfitne buck the next day. s^s Messrs W. T. Cunningham and G. VV Speer, j M of Monter.v were in town lasi Tuesptsy. dosD Mrs. J. D. Wilson and her three children ri"oi went to lva VVedne>d'?y ami si?.\ed for cev- Ke t< era! d?>s with tier father, Mr. Joe Sherrard. MIhs Auule MeCall* of Mlddleton, Ga . w .s mu'cl the amatol h r uncle. Mr. K. 15. Al on, for a day or two last week. Mr. Marshall Shirley, of Honea Path, was the guest ol Mr. E. F. Laiimer lust Tuesday. M:sb L iu Auni'u of the baine place was visiting relatives here too. MiMaud Wyse oi Saluda, came over Silurday and has slucc been the guest o! On Kev. H. W. Humphries aud fumliy. Priu Mifs L'tulse Haiber of the L-?nd? r Female conv College Faculty. Greenwood, came SutimJux Krai on a short vls't to the family ot Mr. K. J. Just HucUabi e, letiirns to her school duties to luy. l'riti The tlrst oi iast week ihere were one or two Th quite no lcabie Irost>, many places were while tuu I with It.and iorstveral d*ys lher? was con- soim Ficerabie uneasii.ess as lo the etlect Mint ii W would have upon tlu lruit bloou.s, Kx.iml- pre* cations sii.ce ioude me very cncoura^ing. unit ol .) without more sbvue n peiiilobs ol the shuic* mad sort, the propitoifiol u good C>op ot (run Is Ll tlalleilng. this A veiy ei joy Rhle and up to dale narty, wus that given at the pretty home of Mr. J. li. Grogan. lu a v* tdnesdey ev?nlry. St. Patrick's day. lu honor of >lih* Oc.av.a 1'Vy, of Cincinnati*, who lias lue 11 litre for neveial months. A number of unique contests were tugagtd in lor the entertainment of tbe guests. The lirst pr'zes were av.trdtd lo Mr. John Ta> los and Miss .Annie- Liuueil, the btcord lo Mr. Marlon Ariali and Mis?t Montsgue ilactccbce. A paiattbre and refreshing count** was N< crved. The ti>bie wt.s appropriately d. - I tin corated In green and w hile, consoling of Ole f gariai ds of Ivy ttLd orange biossoinp. Etich olog guf 1 Ua'pera d VirgltUH Lniiiner wedt to \S >1- ^:ue^ iicgtou Fi:d?> aiid attmdtd a ohild.-eu'# j.i n> : home people. ?. u, "Troupe." &a< Have your pictures framed lu the best style ?eed Mlllord's Book Store. ou y Newest G VALUES IN ^ash Goods :pcs and Seersuckers in all colo: and 16'gc yd. ored Lawns and Organdies at 5c, 1 20c, 25c and 50c yd. Dress Linem : have the strongest line of Lin shown in this market at 20c to $ Lawns pieces Persian Lawn at 4 4 4 4 4 1 _ 4 ? 4 i 4 4 _ _ 4 4 4 4 4 4 _ _ 4 4 4 4 4 4 _ _ " 40-inch Lawn at 44 44 44 ? _ 4 4 4 4 4 4 _ _ aces and Embroid This is our long suit and we w to match them. These are just a e have, but if you ^ ly or not. Come a: PUBLIC OFFICERS. r Don't Exactly Please Dote Smith. z .Editor:? ave * complaint to make against our ?tj Officerse> are p ?itl from twelve to eighteen bun U8( d"I'ntsH year and lhey should bn In D0| t.dices all ol each week day, or bave| t ?one their to altend to their business, -Lilt t often happens that a poor fellow like Stfi eifgnesto town aud wauls to see some e t fflcerw aiid they have to wait two or # bour? for ihem to return from dinner int-where else, or go back another day In is t r lo sea them. We fellows In ihe coun- Ah !hu eat our dinner In a few mtnutes but r~ kes one of ibese officers two .or tbree t>e s to eat theirs. They must live on fish ed mighty bony ones at that. coin surprising what airs these fellows can when they are elected to office. They >ngcr smoke corn cob pipes and chew e raised tobacco but must have their eland manufactured tobacco, and lu a lil'hile they must have a pair of gold glasstuck ou their nose" Ab iru geti ing mighty tirrd of this way of g and I move the next time we have an ion that we make the oindlnales prom>spend more of Uieir time In ihelr ofH- j S-> as not to put we country people to so ti trouble when we want to see them. lir Yours It W. Smith. better known as Dote Smith. VI Tl Court News. bl OAnrnnt r\f t).n cAflnno (iUrr. r.f f Vl oiwui't UI iur firiiuuo lummuiduujr til ce the Court ot Common Pleas did did ene until Mouday alternoon, Hon. C\ C. SID berHone being order* d here by tbe Chlel ^ Ice to h )!d court Id the absence of Judge UO ice. e Jury was dismissed on Monday morn?ut in the afternoon Court was called and e business detpached. . P. Oteene, K>q., reud resolutions ex* R Hit g eorrow and sympathy on account y> udge Prince's 1 linens. Remarks were le > y Hor. Grnydcn. D0J Itle business ban be*n despached up to atM time. Tbe only case settled no far being Mn? of Crawford vc. Hamlin, wbicb resulted Bet verdict for Hamlin. tH,! nan ?? ? tak LOWNDESViLLE. E Marcli 15,1009. forl News on ttoutf?No. 1. iar the city of Lowndesvllle on Route No. ttt ire I* now being dug some very valna- ? ipeelm*n?... ? V- I I iU iuc iniintin wu jvuuic ^?0. 1 arc UUSJ* II g fertilizer the road6 are vt of Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. McCalltt, prli # V Money lo l.oan. q i Improved farm property. James Frank "Gi m, Augusta. Ua. _ V an< hen you want any kind of garden seed- i ca ue, grass seed or any kind of seed. 8m flud it at Amos li, Morse Co's. Spring Gc rs at 15c The Fan* oe, 12^c, Made by Strouse Brother; right when you buy it?si 5 snappy, full of life and vin who desire their clothes to ens ever ;i yd. will do well to see these N ioc yd' A special showing in nove I2*c all the new shades. 15c yd 20c yd " ~ " 25c yd ioc yd 12c yd For Wash Suits in all the 150 }d 12^c yard. This is the s< PHPC VI IViJ ould like iew of the many bargains v? will come in to see us we wil ad make our store your head< BIDS TO BE OPENED. | This is n pursuance of Section 7 of "An "Gentle Spring" t to declare the Law in reference to tilizere, Seed Corn, 3 regulate the manufacture sale, butors, Cotton Plan ?, consumption, possession, trans- ' tation and disposition of Alcoholic ouhest. When juors and Beverages within the Hoes you can chop tte and to police the same," down Guauo with c NOTICE tributor. Plows, S< lereby given that bids to supply the can show more kin< beville Dispensary with liquor and you think this isal >r for the next quarter will be open- most everything an at the office of the County Dispen- and then come and y Board on the 2oth day of March, A . . . , 9 J to our place just to G. A. Visanska, Just try it. W. F. Nickles, _ T. J. Price, A.IX1 OS beville County Dispensary Board. Stop paying rent-buy a PI A FT TP une. Consult with Abbe- \| 11 II K lle Insurance and Trust Co. L/V/UJL1 ley have some most desira- mm? Ci e homes listed for sale with ltlL u' em, Abbeville Insurance id Trust; Co. Office over Unexcelled Dinni ibb's shoe store. m, , t> n Through Pulln A Reigllous Autbor'B Statement. COUVei ev. Joseph H. Kesperman, Salisbury, N who is the author of several t ooks, writes: jr several years I was afflicted with kld' trouble and last winter I was suddenly . cken with a severe pain In mykldnoys I was confined to bed eight days unable to up without assistance. My urine conjed a thick white sediment and I pussed ie fr? quentiy day and night. I commenced Ing Foley's Kidney Remedy, and the pain dually abated and finally ceased and my -M-n e became normal. I cheerfully recom do Foley's Klduey Remedy." C, A. Mil- i rains 14 uo> ^ 114 l henever in need of a wedQg present, whether in chi- 110 A !> cut glass or silver, if you e us we will not only show 116 L ?u attractive new goods, but 117 A ve you the benefit of the w prices at which we buy. 112 L le R. L Dargan Co. 5 and 111 a c Store. - Morse s Locals. mos B. Morse Co. can furnish you with For full iDformatk ange" and Amber Cane Seed at right net'. /e sti'l have a few of those tine Irish Cob- Jt Jj. MEEH s Seed Potatoes. all on us when you want "Pearl" and A.88t. Gen. PfiSS. A] erman" Millet. Atlanta Gl /e bave a lot of Wilson Cotton Planters ' 1 all the extra parts. f yon want the finest chloken feed for all chlckenB, come and see what we have. ?mm i *->. *'5X" + )ods at Bar & jus High Art Clothing 5. of Baltimore. MdL are the clothes tl -1 ? / / ^ays right when you wear it. They a 1. College chaps, business and professio express individuality, prosperity and go ew Spring Models in Suits before buyin Dress Goods lties in Wool Dress Goods at 25c to $1 Linenette newest strips, and will wash and hold th< econd order of these goods this season. $ $ 1 re hare to show you. Space w il take pleasure in showing y luarters, we will be glad to se } Good Reading J El has come once more and so have we with our Fer Potatoes, Garden Plows, Cultivators, Guano Distri- mfi ters of which the old "Wilson" or "Pot Planter" is W you get hold of one of our "Scovil" or Goose Neck - - - . I Pri more cotton tban the next man. It la fun to put ? "~ ur one-horse "Benton" or Blue Wheel Barrow Disiveeps, Horse Collare and Backs?lota of'em and we is of Eame Strings tbau any houee in town. If 1 we have to show, you misa it badly. We have al- n ? d a few other articles. Just ask Bill if this isn't so see for yourself. Why it is worth a walk around see how glad we are to see and wait on you. ^ B. Morse Co. ieen railway. ~~ ODTB'S GREATEST SYSTEM, , ing Car Service. lan Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains, lient Schedules on all Local Trains* and Departure of Trains. r eavea at 10:20 a.m. for Greenville ana i Columbia. ' rrivea from Greenville and Columbia at 12:18 p.m. eaves at 4:30 p. m. for Greenville. rrives at 5:35 from Columbia. eaves at 5:50 for Columbia. rrives at 7:05 p. m. from Greenville. >n>9 to rates, routes, etc., consult nearest Southern Railway Ticket Agent, or J. C. LUSK, gent, Division Pass. Agent, a. Charleston 8. C > gain Prices! Silks ???? We have the largest line of Silks to be shown anywhere, and at the lowest prices. Japonika Silks, something new, in all colors, 27-inch wide, 30c yd. lat look 36-inch Messaline Silks in all the leading re new shades at $r-25 Per yd1 ' 36-inch Taffeta Silks in all colors at $r.oOyd. n ^re ^aye a jea(jer jn black only, 34-inch _ iod style wide, at 75c yd., you want to see before [g. buying. Handkerchiefs yard, in 100 dozen Ladies' Handkerchiefs - 3 for 5c 50 44 " v 44 - 5c each 25 44 44 44 - 1 oc 44 25 44 4 4 4 4 - 15c 44 25 44 " 44 - 20c 44 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 25c V, eir color 0 Damask and Doilies _ If you are in need of anything in this line, it will pay you to look at our line., Prices frnm 2 ic. vd to 3>i" Co. Doilies to match. ? ?/ " J ? T ^ - - ill not permit us to enumerate all ou through, whether you want to ie you. Em BANK ? ABBEVILLE ,te, County and City Depository. asident: Vice-PreBident: Cashier : HARBISON. P. B. SPEED. J. E. D11PRE. Board of Directors : F. E. Harrison, P. B, Speed, G. A. ka, J. H. DuPre, R. M. Haddon, W. B. Moore, W. P. Greene, J. F. cales, C. C. Gambrell. re sol Jo J your business and are prepared to handle it safely and conservatively. !e are in pouiuon to make you loans, and to pay interest on deposits, when placed in Our Saving's Department. SCHOOL BOOKS Tablets Pencils Ink General School Supplies. Sneed's Drue Store. _ r L_ FRESH CANY Direct from the factory every week at the up-to-date Drug' Store of C. A. MILFORD & GO. 4