n - - - , - lie Press aad Banner." Published every Wednesday at two dollars*! h year In advanee. Wednesday, Feb 24, 1909. ' At the Baptist Church. Dr. J. A. Brown, of Greenville, will exchange puiplts with the pastor ot tbe Baptirt church next Suuddy, The monthly union meeting will be at the Baptist church at night. While iu Greenville Dr. Wilklns will attend a series of meetlDgs In which Dr. Geo. W. Truelt, of Texas, will be the preacher. Fop Sale?Kjfijs for Spttiii);. Single comb Rhode I;-lnnd R?ds and Partridge Wiandottes; One stock: ?1.23 for 15. A. M. Smith, Abbeville, S. C. Lost. " At Miss Maggie Brooks Monday night, silver haudle umbrella with round silver knob I in r< se design. Any in formation ieh at Press ?1 and Banueroltlce will be much appreciated. Mr. John Stevenson of Santuck. found a pair of nice eye glosses Upper Lone Cane the day that Mr. Le^Wlnu wa? burled. Call on him, pay lor this ad, and gel your glassts ^ Dr. Wilson made a speech at LaDder Col lege. Greenwood, last Thursday, ol winch the people have spokeu most pleasantly. The Doctor makes such good speeches Hint his services are frequently called for on occasion T when literary entertainment Is wanted. II Mr. William L. Hemphill will leave today for Central America 10 be emplayed in the engineering department of tue railroat now being built in that country by the United Fruit Company of Boston Xollee to Teachers ami Trustees. I will be absent from my office of Countj Superintendent of Education on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, until I maki . the rounds of visiting the schools in the coun- IU ty. J. Foster Hammond, W Co. Supt. of Education, A. C. j C. A. Mllford & Co. have the prettiest show window In South Carotins. Don't come t< tl town wilhi ui seilng It. A^o ste the Mar- hi tba Washington monument on Inside mad< of soap. "j Egtf". ^ S. C. Rhode Island KedR. Be?t winter layers. SI &) per setting of 15. H.G.Smith. bl si GU'iio'm Locals. at Gli nn has beardless or spring barley. Bet- T Jer buy at once. ai GleDn sells the best ready roofing on tht- til market. of Glean handles the best Pittsburg stee' t(. plows, hIho plow stocks.bames,traces, leather and ct.ttoo collars; tbe best lialr collar pad? and other plow toois. t Glenn has very low prices on poultry 01 garden wire. All kinds garden seed at Glenn's. ^ Molasses In kegs, half barrels and barrels, ti at Glenn's. cc 11 pounds good soda 25c at Glenn's. Chicken feed, bran, onts and corn always at t'O TSlenu. CC Glenn can save you money on flour? oOO s?h barrels bought. , . CO Tobncco. Some low prices by the box at ?< Gletn's. q( Tbe best farm shoe-made at Glenn's. tL Boys and men's overalls and pants, at Glenn's. tl Foley's Honey and Tar chars the air pas- ol sages, stops tbe Irritatlou In the throat, soothes the irfUtned membranes, and tb ,. most obstinate cougb disappears. Soie ano Ul Inflamed iudks are healed t?ud strengthened, w and the cold is expelled from thesy?tem. Rtfuse any but the genuine lu the jeliow package1 C. A. Mliford ?fc Co. An accident policy for 51,000 in the North American Accident Insurance Co. lor one ' yea will cost you 31 cents. Abbeville Hatd- ^ ware Co. ' Send ber a 0 pound box Huyler'es for Xmas, ?0' on sale at Miiiord's. W) Goto Mlllord's for anything you want In tJ'( Drng links, Stationery, Glass, Paint, Oil, Vsrnlshes, Holiday Goods and To) et Artl- J vict*. v> c curr) mc imiucmmiuh ju uic oiair wiib prlce? right. ?j" w 9IorHti*M I,orals. to w< Unloading a car of best Jtlllco coal-only ?r S5 00 a ton. ? * I A good stock of barbed aod poultry wire. SiapifcB lor putting up boib. jr Abbeville, S. C. or , \ ( The long winter months?heavy foods .ri ? lack of txercise decrease your vital- 'b ity, make you teel meau. Hollister's f?( Rocky Mountain Tea gives you vitali- ui ty?clears the blood?build* up llesh. Makes you strong and robust. Great e Spring medicine. Tea or Tablets, 3o * cents. (J. A. Mil ford & Co. w , .Seaboard Schedule. fo No. 52 Nortbtound 12 57 p.m. j{J No. as Suuihbound 12 1'5 p.m. Vestibule. 10 No, 54 Southbound 3.17 p.m. Locul. ' No. :t2 Northbound 1.07 u m. Vestibule. Wl No. oS Northbound 1.17 a.m. No. 41 fcoutbbound 3.U5 a.m. Social functions of winter, midnight lunches, less of sleep tell on the health, is Hollisler's Rocky Mountain 'lea clears > oioves: stoves: Moves: uome ^ and see them at j? The L, W. White Co. jj| McCOEMTCK STUD CO.'S ? rC M Trotting Stallion" Si WILL BE AT rt F Starke's Stables FROM J' fraM. 15th to March 21st' nHSHB SnNNjoQi^k Orlno I.iisiitivp cures constipation rt trouble urn) niakfR ihe hmvtlHBHBjMnHand rfgulsr. Ormo is superior to c BMHHNBfl^Hi tablet* hk It dotw not ?ripe or uaii- h SlMHwBKK^Krtiy lakeunjibing elre? C. A. Mil- w i ;0' SmmBbhBhBi ^ TO THE PUBLIC: Tim firm of* If. L. Dargan, ] jfan's iV lOo Store, will hereal't Dar^au Co., and will l>c in a 1) trading; public bigger bargains ever before. We solicit your%v show you better than ever befor dime. Respectfully, TH I COMPROMISE | ON PROHIBITION? \? HERE MAY BE NEW REFERENDUM i, PROPOSED IN SENATE. D tion - . Jf ) Let "Wet" Counties Vote?Election regi Would be Held in August and Coun- T uey ties May Vote to Retain qr Abolish T Dispensaries. W The State. G The whiskey situation in the senate D as withiu the past few. days taken Tl ito its fold a referendum that is somehat in the nature of a "middle round" proposition Although it is 'iierally admitted that the local opouists have a majority in the upper anch of the legislature, the proposed Luendment to ihe prohibition uieasre comes from the local optionists of le senate. There has, however, been no caucus it merely an understanding on both des that tha matter would be accept)le to a majority of the senators. here has not even been a real caucus ruong the local optiouis's, but the atter has been discussed by several them aud the proposed plan seems cent > meet with general favor. Nov The amendment which will be pro- gtat )sed is to the following effect: Pass the prohibition bill for Stateide prohibition to take effect July 1, takt IU9. Then on August 1, 1909, let the unties now "wet" nold special elec- unties, or any oue or more of them, B) ould vole for whiskey, then let the wt uuty dispensaries remain as they >w are, or in as many of the counties effeoi >w ' wet" as may vote to retain ty. d lem- ' " alTa This would give State-wide prohibl- tbe e on, practically, from July 1 to Au- and ist 1, being somewhat of the nature *j?ye' f the hiatus which existed between tion ie State dispensary and the county show spensary system when the latter q as pnt into force. ?? ? LOWNDESVILLE pQ I 1909. Mr. J. M. Hucahee went up Into Oconee uut v Tuesday, on business. law. Dr. J. D. Wilson and Mr. J. J. Johnson ent to Augusta, Tuesday evening. Dr. Wlln came back Thursday but Mr. Johnson ;nt to tbe "city by the Savannah," for ?? raiment, and will spend a abort while In |Y]fl e city hospital. Monday, weather warnings were received re tbat the people might prepare for anotbcold spell, as a cold wave was beading _ Is way aud would be upon us Tuesday and Oul< edneeday. Our people were better prepared r It than they were lor tbe one before, but 3 were agreeably dissapolnted, as t.be weatbwas only a little co d. "Tbe weather man" Bj 111 have to come agaiu, when be may be a anf), tie nearer to the actual weather conditions. *llc? Mr. and Mrs. John T. Baskln have scent law me days with tbe family of their boo, Mr. fcin( 1 Buskin, iu Lincoln, Ga. nri Mr. John Baskin wbo tias been In business Belton for sometime, spent several days In be fi is section last wee& among his tormer 0lin imefolks. His next business venture will R in Easley where he will go in a few days. Dy* Rev. T. E. Wallace who was pastor of Q?od 20 ope and Providence churches, a few years 40 o, but now pi eacuts at Pelzer, came Wed!bday evening, stopped long enough to ^ ake bands with only a few of his friends In 5 I Is place, then ou 10 tbe home of bis mother, 25 rs. Jeunle sber rard at I va. ,, Mr. W. A. Latimer of Augusts, spent sev- *u al days here last week, as executor of his 10 other's enlate, look.ufe alter lis interest. 2 1 3ur young people who generally observe n\ . Valentine's day, by sending to their ? lends humorous,comic or loving missives, 2 1 Is year had either to "take time by tbe 49 relock" and send them the day before or -r>; iit uutll tbe day after, as the rtcelving and r a i-trlbutwig tbe mall Is one way in which the case ibbath Is Liot desecrated here. and Kor several days last week droves of wild , ese passed this place, beading South. It Is little slraLge that tbey should have poet- tinf< tied their annual flight until this lata date. a co their flight lrom their late feeding grounds . caused as Is suppostd, by the to he looked " r rigors of tbe up country. It is to be hoped plia: at their stay below will be short lived and au(J at they will soon return to their late home f we can pui up with the cold weather that 01 1 f ha^e si ready bad. folic Mrs. J. C. Loniax and Mr*. E. C MeRCblne, tut to Anderton Saturday to do some . *, topping. shal Mrs. G. F. Lee and her little boy, of Green- velo 1 e, catne down last week and will make ,jer is their home for sotne tluie. Dr. Lee who a mineralogist, has discovered as be thinks. - veral mints which he now has a lorce at or I ork lr. rou Mr. W.C. Arlal who bos charge of a floe bout ai L'berty, camedowu Suturdaj, and '}'i * eilil wlin iriends In this place. v o'cl( Some how February which has a bad rep- 1909 atlon, has 10 date glvtn us mainly good Bather. The ralus wblcn we have bo tar to t id, have t>een lrom the West. More like eact wumer showers, and without a change to ri?l] >lder weather the irult trees will soon be In ? ooin. The old field plum trees are already any bite with blossoms, In places. tbe "Troupe." abo, ther 3. McCORMICK. Abt Ten Mr. Luke N. Brown wbo has been visiting an(j is sisters at Gt flney, S. C., aud Spencer, N. . . has returned to his home here. uou M s* Jenuie E. McDonald trom here, spent tice nuiday and Sunday with Iriends and relaves In Augusta. Mr. J. B. Blackwell went tg Augusta Saturty eveiiingoti business. Miss Sarah Beeas, ol Laurens, is visiting er sister, Miss Frankle Sue Beeks here 111 pi iwn, this week. Miss Aileue FrJdy wbo is teaching at Bor- villf eaux, spent Saturday aud Sunday with Mrs. . R. Harmon here In town. Miss Mary T. Nance the State educational cturer stopped over In McC'ormick, aud ctured in the Academy Hall Thursday jf Ight, Those wbo did not attend missed oue myj f the biggest trealsof the season. sell | Miss LaiaUuzts from Greenwood, is visiting w ssr sister, Mrs. J. F. Fooshe at her home here ,?rV 1 McC'ormick, leI1, Hon. VV. P. WldemanNwlll lecture at the If} cademy Hall tonight, with "Sunshine and abou tiadowti" lor bis subject. Mr. WldeiLau Is rlghl tiue lecturer and u laige crowd le expecled. vVf Mr. C. L. Harper lrom Plum Branch was jwo 1 town ou business Saturday. w Mrs. Huguley, who has beeu visiting her W in and daughter, Mr. W. G. Hugueley, and Wt rs. J. J. Andrews, has returned to her home \ Evans. cbea Mr. F. L. Carroll made a flying trip to . arksvllle Tuesday afternoon on business. *wc Mr. Ellie Cotbran lrotn Augusta came lip If 3 aturday on a visit to his many Iriends and ci0 iatives here In town. 41 , Mrs. H. C. Haroley and Little Helen from * alrlax, are visitors in McC'ormick this week. lQey Messrs Luther Bracknell and Tom Mcllister accompahied by Prof. W. L. Harley urn l'lum Branch, were In town Sunday. Little Miss Permelia Jennings, who has ten visiting her hiany relatives in Augusta >r the past lew days, returned lo her uome ear here SunJay uflemoon. .Mr. G. C. Leverett from Fausy, Ga. was in caDd ivvii i?u biicinos Wednesday. Ste 'i lie tail storm of Monday morning war one Nott [the worst storms ?il the season. It teguu ju( lew minutes 'til live o'clock, and lasted arj niy a lew minutes. The hall was about the ' ze of a (-mail inurble. Alter the ball tbe ^"e un poured down lor a little while. ar't1 Mr. John Ferguson stopped over in Mc- Jui ormiik a lew minutes Sunday afternoon on freeb is way Sroiu Augusta to bis home in Green- q j oo d. fl v 6 -Vox 1'opull." jregi .a \' heretofore known as Darer be known as The K. L. etter position to offer tLe in the lines carried than allied patronage and will e the buying power of a E It. L. DAKGAN CO. JELPFUL WORDS From an Abbeville Citizen, i your back lame and painful ? oes it ache especially after exe i ? i there a soreness in the kidnt on ? bese symptoms indicate weak kit here is danger in delay. feak kidneys fast get weaker, ive your trouble prompt attentioi oau's Kidney Pills act quickly, bey strengthen weak kidneys, ead this Abbeville testimony: D. M. Keller, Main St., Abbeville, S. C., says: "I suffered for some time from a dull acbe across the small of my back, caused by disordered kidneys. I decided to try a kidney remedy and went to P. B. Speed'8 drug store for a box of Doan's Kidney Pills. I now feel much better. I have no hesitation in recommending Doan's Kidney Pills." ar sale by all dealers. Price I s. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffal* v York, sole agents for the Unite es. emember the name?Doan's?an > no other. e State of South Carolina ABBEVILLE COUNTY, ate Court?Citation for Letters of Admii Istratlon. 7 J. F. Miller, Esq., Judge of Probate, lereas. R. H. Stevenson and W. F. Mi bave made suit to me, to grant tbei ;rs of Administration of tbe Estate an is of R. L. Winn, late of Abbeville Coui eceased. e*e are therefore, to ilte and admonle d singular ihe Kin .3d and creditors i laid R. L. Winn, deceased, tbat tbev t appear before me. In 'le Court of Pr< i to bf? held at Abbevll on Wedne the 10th day of March. 1909, after public! hereof, at 11 o'clock In tbe forenoon, i t cause If any they have, why the sal ilnistratlon should Lot be granted, yen under my hand and seal ofthe Coui this 201 h day of February, In the yei of our Lord one thousand nine bui dred and nine, and In the 133d year < American Independence. / blisbed on the 24th day of Februar; In tbe Press and Banner and on tt t House door for tbe time required t J. F. MILLER. Judge of Probate. tice to Liquor Dealers 2e of County Dispensary Board fc Abbeville County. Abbeville, S. C., JFeb. 23, 1909. ids are hereby requested, in accort i with the terms of the Dispensar now in force, for the followin is and qualities of liquors, bet other ariicles herein enumerated t urnished to the State of South Cai a for use of tbe County Dispensar rd for Abbeville Cpuuty, to wit: 0 bbla. corn whiskey, 80 proof, bbls. corn whiskey, 100 proof, bbls. rye, give proof and age. bbls. 2 stamp rye, 5 to 7 years olc bbls. gin, different grades. bbls. apple brandy. bbls. peach brandy. bbls. Tom gin. bbls. rum. bbls. alcohol. 0 bbls. beer. ids will alBo be received for 40 s case goods, including rye, cil, wire aud other articles used fc unty dispensary. McMiirraj'h Locnln. J you ever stop to tblnk how your swee t would appreciate a nice box of Steerc y as a valentine? ere's candy in red hearts for valentine ilng more acceptable. it for remembrance,?a valentine poi i We have lots of them. w post curds. In many varieties, works < ire I bey. >t opened up our 1900 garden seed. A i seed. enn Springs and Harris htbla water 1 gallon demijohns, sealed In glass, alwaj 1. Let ub fill your wants. REPORT OF am nog coiia Showing Receipts and Expend tures in Erecting New Cou; House. RECEIPTS. Received from Bin king Fund Commissi! as follows: 11)07. May 3 812,000 00 Aug 3 23,000 00 190$. ? April 3 12,000 00 June 29 tt.000 00 Sept. 14 12.000 00 Deo. 12 i 6,500 00 1909. Feb. 19 500 00-71,000 Received from old material 3,167 Received lrom Interest 389 1908. Mob. 24 Reo'd from G. N. r- Nlckles, Supervisor: 2,000 00 1909. Jan. 6 Reo'd from Q. N. -y Nlckles, Supervisor: 2,865 98? 4,865 Received from City Councl I j. one-half advertisement 3 Total Receipt* 878,926 EXPENDITURES. 1907. Qi May 13, J. F. LyoD lor office 31,000 i 14, Mrs. V. D. Lee for offloe 1,000 i 29, W.P. Greene, Atty.,for office.. 1,000 i June 12, Walter & Edwards,Architects 700H July 5, W. N.Graydon for office 1,000 1 Aug. 8, Walters & Edwards 1,277 I 5, Doc Bowie 2 J 5, Sam Holmes I 17, Paid for labor i 17, Abbeville Medium, adv 2 : Sept. 11, F. Mlnsball 2,196 1 11, F. Mlnsball 4,803 I 14, Manufacturers Record 5 < 28, The State 6 l Oct. 10, F. Mlnsball 3,500 i Nov. 20, F. Mlnsball 6,000 I Deo. 18, F. Mlnsball 6,000 I 18, Edwards A Walters 360 ( >0 18, M. G. Donald per diem 12 1 . 13, S.J. Wakefield per diem 6 1 ' 1908. ? Feb. 2. G. N. Nlckle.'expenses to Columbia :. 20 C d 24, EdwarCn & Walters 360 ( 25, F. Mlnsball 8,750 I Mch.29, G. N. Nickles, expenses 9 i 29, Manufacturers Record 4 I I, ^ . 29, F. Mlnsball ;. 249 * 30, Ellis y 20, Edwards Aug. 3, F. Mlnshall 5,000 1 3, J. M. Gambrell ? ! 3, Ellis 4 Smith - 9! >r 28, J. F. Miller, Insurance 9! 28, Morse <* Dick, Insurance 9 i 28, J. H. DuPre. Insurance 9 2 1- 28, R. E. Hill, Insurance 9 i y 28, Quarles 4 White, lnsuranoe... 9 ! g Sept. 1C, F. Mlnshall 5.000 ( ;r Oct. 3, Kerr Furniture Co 1,338 f X> 28, Southern Hallway demurrage.. 3 { r- 28, Calvert A Nlckles 498 ( y Nov. 11, F. Mlnshall 1,894 ( 18, L. R. Wilson 2 C 18, Ellison 1 21, Sign painting 12 C W. B. Glmmerlng & Co 620 ( I. Dec. 1, W. H. Jones, Secty 75 ( 1, G. N. Nlckles. brick 7? 5, W. H. McFall, diningCom'n... 9 ' 14, W. B. Glmmerlng 628 ( 14, Edwards & Walters 200 ( J. E. McDonald 23 C J. E. MoDonald 25 C 1'909. H) Jan. 2. F. Mlnshall 828 J 11 4, T. J. Brltt per diem St I, 5, McDonald Stone Co 45 0 d 6, Calvert & Nlckles 129 4 >r 14, M. G. Donald per diem 21 ( 14, G. N. Nlckles 9 C l- 14,S. M. Orr 90S is 14, Abbeville Lumber Co 3S V 14, Abbeville Medium 5 6 e 15, W. H. jones 3 t Mitchell Vance Co 1,568 3 e 'Feb. 5, Art Con. Co 1,594 5 I- 5, Art Metal Con. Co 2,898 C I- 11, 8. A. L. Railway 8? 19, C. V. Hammond 6 4 !8 20, Eureka Hotel ,, 3 7 r, 22, Gen. Fire Proofing Co 5,524 6 l- 22, Lorlok & Lorance 23 1 2 22, John Williams 65 C I, 22, Work, dray age, etc 175 C d 22. J. \V. Morrah nerdlem 9 C D 22, Tom Cobh 3 c e M. G. Donald 6 C d 22,8. J. Wakefield ti C * 22, T. J. Brllt , 6 C e 22, Edwards & Wallers 20 C 18 22, M. V. Lomax 2 0 22, J. M. Nick lee, clerical work.... 2 c ) Printing 17 S Sundries 4 '2 '8 ===== >- Total reoelpts J78.926 3 f- Total expenditures 78,682 ii Balance 243 9 G. N. Nickles, Chmn. J. Allen Smith, Sec. . The State of South Carolina ABBEVILLE COUNTY. Probate Court?Citation for Letters of Admlr ri Istratlon. 6 r. By J. F. Miller, Esq., Judge of Probate. ?r Wbereas, Mrp. Ruby P. Moore bas mud suit to me, to grant her Letters of Admlule tratlon of tbe Estate and effects of Clyd Moore, late of Abbeville County, deceaaed. These are therefore, to cite and admonlsl all and singular tbe kindred and creditors c >r tbe said Clyde Moore, deceased, tbat the; be aod appear before me. In tbe Cour of Probate, to be held at Abbeville P. H., oi Thursday, the lltb day of March, 1909, afte publication hereof, at 11 o'clock In the fore 28 noon, to show cause If any they have, wb; tbe said Administration should not b granted. Given under my band Rnd seal of theConrt this 22nd day of February, In the yea of our lord one thousand nine ban re dred and nine and In the 183d yea of American Independence. Published on the 24th day of February 1909, In the Press and Banner and on tbe Cour House door for the time required by law. J. F. MILLER, Judge of Probate. 18 SB We have three Ranges of th( " $45 e;rade that we are now offer?t ing at $35 for cash, of I The L. W. White Co, n! ? n I If you get your roofing'at Link's you get the best. W WEST [NO. U Personal Paragraphs and News Items " Contributed by Miss Lily Templeton. Miss Maude Vincent of. Davidson who was the guest of Mies Helen White for several j. days last week has gone to New Orleans for 1 an extended visit to friends. Mr.Berto McDavld of Clemson College has been the guest of bis brother Mr. Ed MoDavid since Saturday. Miss Mary E. Hill came borne from Elberton Saturday after a ten days stay In that city tbe guest of Miss Jennie Rae Auld. Miss Irene Rosenberg entertained tbe sewn lDg clob last Wednesday evening at a very delightful meeting. Dr James Austin spent Sunday In Greenwood. Miss LUa Speer of Monterey was shopping In tbe olty Thursday. She leaves this week for Cornelia, CJa. where she will attend school Miss Louise DeBrubl of Columbia has been iDe guest, or mims tiugema nooenson ior several days, She retnrued to Columbia Tuesday Mr. R. C. PolUon left Saturday for Clinton where be will spend Sunday and leave Monday for New York. Mr. H. H. Hill went to Atlanta Monday on buslneiB. 00 Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Durst of Greenwood 51 spent Sunday In the city. Mr. John Hlil spent Sunday and Monday '9 here *vlth his home people. Mr. TerraJl Jones ol Columbia has been In the city for several days the guest of his bro ther Mr. Frank B Jones. Dr. J. Lowrle Wilson was in Greenwood last Thursday to make an address at Lander College. og Mr. W. E. Hill left Monday for New York where be goes to buy goods for the coming season. 00 Miss Caro and Miss Onle Morse came home ? Thursday lrom Clinton where they have 31 been the guests of Miss Lou Neville for a few days. ) \ Mr. and Mr?. John Cheek were called to Heneca Monday by the death of the Infant daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hopkins, Mr. Joe Glbert of Lowndesyllle is in the 00 city attending Court. He Is the guest of Mrs rv) A. K. Watson. Mrs. J. H, Latimer la here from Lowndesvllle where she Is spending some time with DO her sister Mrs JamebT. Latimer, Mrs. Lati-o mer will be In Abbeville for a week or ten days. SO Miss Sara Baker of Calhoun Falls Is the SO guest of Miss Elizabeth Norwood. Mr. Ersklne Blake was here from Clemson M Saturday and Sunday. 25 Mrs. J. W. Kerr of Greenwood was in tbe 50 city a tew days last week visitfng Mr. and a) Mrs. J. D. Kerr. * Mr. Clyde Morgan is at home again after 90 spending ten days at Monroe, N. C. 90 Miss Mary Wallace Kirk and Miss Char[in lotte Jackaon ofTuscuuible, Ala. lelt Monday for Agnes Scott .where they are students. 30 They ,wer<> tbe attractive guetts of Miss jo Eliza Mabry for tbe week end. During their stay In Abbeville they reoelved many deM llgbtful attentions. DO Mr. Thomas Speer of Anderson was in town 30 last Thursday. Tbe Valentine Party given by the ladles of tbe Episcopal cburob last Tuesday evening' at tbe home of Mrs. V D Lee's was a dellgbt>0 ful affair. A good crowd attended and en,n Joyed tbe evening very much. 'u Mr. Gotlobe Neuffor of Ciemaou spent tbe S9 WashlUKlons Birthday boilday here with 50 his borne people. 30 BRIDGE PARTY. Miss Nettle Ruseell will be tbe hostess Frl33 day afternoon of tbe Bridge club Miss Rus25 sell'B entertainments are always delightful o and tbe afternoon is looked forward to. Mrs. CD Brown went to Guflney Friday to a) attend a banqnet given ny tne jk.. 01 r't. Mr? 52 Brown will go to Rook Hill for a few days be,q fore coming home. Mrs. Maggie Latimer Bollock is at borne 38 again after an extended stay In Augusta. 93 Mrs. Bullock will be tbe gueot of Mrs. J. D. y) Kerr for several weeks. Her many friends are glad to bave ber bert even for bo short a 50 stay. jo Rev. Henry Stokes and bis little daughter .? went to Atlanta Saturday. Mr. M. P. DeBrubl of Columbia and Mr. >8 Calboun DeBrubl of Clemson were In tbe city 53 Satarday. Miss Corrle Graves of Latimer Is Id tbe city M the guest of her sister. S3 Di\ Thomas Clay of SavanDab came to 33 Abbeville Monday to see Mr. J. M. Harden who is quite sick. J Mrs. J. M. Wllkerson has gone to Florida 30 for a months stay with friends. 30 Mr. and Mrs. Oarry Hall have gone to ~ Portsmouth for a few days stay. M Miss Nina Wllsoh of. Warren ton Is tbe 92 pretty guest of Miss Lois Wllson. X) Mrs. Laura B. Love Is at home again alter a ? ten days visit to ber sister at Monterey. JU Miss Leona Blake who bas been here for )0 several days the guest of Mrs. J R Blake was 30 called to Greenwood Monday on account ol la tbe death of ber cousin Miss Rosa Plowden. 58 Mr. Courtney Wilson was home from Charts leston the 22bd. jg Mrs. AllleEstes of Union has been In tbe , city the guest of Mrs. J. D. Kerr. 58 Miss Lacy Glbert of LebaDon was tbe guest (8 of Mrs. Glbert Evans lust Friday. Miss Gl3g bert wns returning from Orxngeburg where w. she bad been to attend the Subday Bcbooi " Convention. X) Miss Fannie Morrow was down from Spar 30 tanDurg sunaay 10 see ner iamer. 17 WA8HINGTO.N BIKTHDAY PABTY. w The Washington's Birthday Party given by >0 Miss Maggie Brooke Monday evening wai in X> every way a moat delightful affair. MlbS Brooks home, on Church strpet, was a 10 bower of lovllness the entire lower floor was 0 thrown Into oneand wai gracefully festooned 0 with Southern emllax interspereed with cherries and hatchets. ' The front door was 10 opened by Muster Mart Cheatham In a hand>0 some suit. Mrs. C C Gambrell. Mrs. Fred Cars son, and Mrs. P. A. Cheatbam rtcelved in the lropt hall, all beeutilully gowned In antew belium toilets. Miss Brooks received her X) guests In the front parlor. She wore a beautl?i ful black satin elaborately trimmed In color ed applique. Miss Julia Foster whose birth10 day Is.the same date, received with Mis* Brooks. Miss Bessie Lee Cheatham, Miss Nina Wilson, and Mr. Robert Green served refreshing punch in the parlor. The porob 10 was enclosed and during the evenlnlng de10 llgntfol music was furnished here by Miss 2 Lorena BeacbPno, Mr. J. A. Hill, Berto Mo. ^ Davfd and F. Vernoy, *0 In the back parlor Mrs. J. A. Hill, Martha 10 Washington and Mr. W. W. Bradley as ,9 George Washington received, under a canopy of American flags and Bunting. Mrs. Hill wore an attractive toilet of lace and flowered 10 sllkalene with powdered hair and Dolly Varden curl, that enhanced her girlish beauty. Mr. Bradley was a perfect George and >9 looked not unlike the real George. Mrs. ,6 Mazyck and Mrs. McDlll received with them. Mrs. McDlll wore a dress of blaok satin, with this she wore an exquisite cream lace shawl. '1 In the dining room attractive refreshments 14 of charlotte and cake were served In mlnlac ture batobets by Mrs. R. 8. Wilson, Miss Lois 0 Wilson, Miss Irene Roseoburg, Miss Eugenia ? Robertson and Miss Louise DeBruhl. One ol 5 the interesting features of the evening was tbe minuet danced by fourteen little girls and boys. Miss Scully trained these little folks 0 and they went through tbe dance as sedately 0 and gracefully as 11 to "the manor born/' ^ Miss Brooks was assisted in received by w MIbs Kate Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. L. T Miller K) Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Wilson, Mrs. K. E. Hill, 10 Mrs. E. R. Thomson and Mrs.M. L. Bull.>ck. in E*ery one pronounced Miss Brook's Birth Day Party to be one of tbe most delightful K) affairs Abbeville has enjoyed In a long time ? COURT NEWS. 12 . II Couit of General Sessions for Abbeville ,c county convened at 10 o'clock a. m.t Feb. 22, , _ 1909, hl? Honor Judge Geo. E Prince presld16 Dfhe officers present were: Solicitor R. A. ; Cooper. Stenograper J. K. Aull.Sherlfl C.J. i Lyon and Clerk J. L. Perrln. . , On call of the grand jury the following i members answered to tbeir names : F Henry, C S Glbert, J B Sharp, J H Bell, < W R Ellis, CE Wilson, ; J A Mcllwaln, FCNauce, ? Thou Stevenson, DeWlttHal!, ( B E Allen, Geo W Calvert, H W Cochran, M P McCalla, i- TH Gordon, Jno A Wilson. True t Ills were found against the following: Slate vs. Major Smith lor murder. State vs. Sam Logan, assault and batttry J e with Intent to kill. j " State vs. Jack Stalnaker, assault and bat- J 6 tery with Intent to kill. h State vs. Jim Robinson, for murder. i , Slate vs. ? rnesi Howard, lor morder. ' State vs. Lulu Adams, tor murder. State vs- Henry Callahan for assault and * buttery with attempt to kill, , The Grand Jury at this writing has not flnlahed its examinations of the blilx. The first case tried was that of the State vs. ' ' Andrew Johnson Indicted /or murper. Johne bod was found guilty of manslaughter with recommendations of mercy to the court. j 1 The case of the State vb. Ernest Howard was r next called. Tha Jurora In this case were. " C. M. Cllnkscales, R. D. Lollla, W. F. Vermillion, J. G. Glbert, G. A. Hannah, W. C. Sutherland, J. A. Bone, T. F. Uldrlck, L. H. Simpson, R. N. Taggart, S. F. Morrah, C. F. Gilliam. The Jury retired at 1:05 o'clook. Verdict, Mot Guilty. I We can sell you a stove at prices ( " ranging from $10 to $50. Come ( and make your owd selection, 1 The L, W. White Co. ? c 3 We have some^good values in * stoves. The L. W. White Co. < r. d. copeund. e. w. Srot Announc We beg to announcem< generally that between ]\ we will open a GENERAL HAC in room now occupied by Mr. name being "Casll Barg? have after Feb. 15th two buyei York buying goods for our op be bought for cash and sold for patronage. Thanking you in advance, Yours very truly, GASH BARGA M. B. HIPP, Mgr., A Amos B. M Though we appear as a N< strangers in Abbeville. Our continuous experience of 01 junior is by no means a nov himself several years exper equipped for our lines of bus ing and handling the best goo prices we hope to merit a goo age. We carry a good line of I ing, Hats, Notions and Hardwi of Fancy and Heavy Grocerie and field seeds. Bottom pri Flour, Oats, Bacon, Meal, etc. Amos B. ]V i SCHOOL ] Tablets Ink General School Speed's Dru TROY. Thi Mr. C. P. Preasly of the Augusta bar was to sea bis mother at Cedar 8prlngs last week. OurR P. D. men are at borne today, taking ^roD A deserved rest*' Dr- L. W. Sbeppard of Liberty Hill, spent B Saturday night and Sabbath with Mr. P. H. \yj McCaalan at Clear Springs. me , A number of young people were enter- oi |t talned in Rev. and Mrs. R. F. Bradleys borne latei last Friday evening after a aeries of games de Tb llghtful refreshments were enjoyed. 8U a] The patrona of Mlaa Georgia EennedyB the ohool have extended the term another tj,ey month. pr0h It la gratifying to all bla friends to know We<1 tb?t Mr. T. M. Jay la very much better uylay ftftar Mrs. J. T. Solomons and Mrs. J. W. King forei 8pent Saturday .In McCormlck iwlth frledds. wuv The Christian Endeavor Society of ibis ?rBn place, will bave a social gathering at the * Park House next Friday evening tbe 26tb. Mrs. Sallle Brown one of lbe sweet mothers of Long Cane la bere| visiting with many friends and relatives. A car-load of fine beeves were shipped from pu here last Friday. Mr. J. Copple of Augusta jg^ having bought tbem. Cou'r Mra. J. W. Harvley spent last week here, i?w with relatives returning to ber home In Alken yesterday. From the great quantities of fertilizers that la being hauled from here, the acreage In cotton will not be oat down. Mrs. Fannie Bradley, bag returned to ber borne it Cedar Springs after ;ten days pleas- 13 antly spent with friends and relatives at ID Abbeville. Iri The appearance of our little town has been greatly |improved, with numbers of shade trees aa well as nicely worked side walks, and new streets. Mr. C. C. Cllnkscales is making a success at j raising chickens wltb bis incubator, aud J brooder. He Is a most enerjetlo farmer. ' Mr. and Mrs. J.. R Cuddy wltb dear baby Lois went to Dornvllie Saturday to spend a few days wltb his sister Mrs. J. Jennings Dorn. rn Mr. Shelton, one of Ersklnes students was rBi here Saturday and yesterday on a happy mission* . Washington's birthday was ushered In F with a severe rain and ball itorm and while Ola] we write we can see In drifts enough to make be ii ice cream all day long. A telegram was received here yesterday at noon wltb 'be sad news of the death of Mrs. Daniel, of Lowndesvllle and was conveyed to her daughter Mrs. Below at Hopewell. M: The unsafe condition of Long Cane bridge ter at Bradleys mljl Is causing great incon- . venlence and will listen with pleasure to maE bear the convicts doing this needed work out There is a great gully on this side that should flU(j be cared for as It is necessary, to carry an insurance, in both man and beast as they ven ture, however this Is in Abbeville County and this Is by way ol suggestion only. JJJ This evening at McCormlok Miss Louise , 3olomon will have a piano recital, by her 168S jlass, also celebrating tne anniversary of the , United States first and greatest beloved presl- D0St lent. Any one buying "Pittsburgh B( Perfect Fence" from us will be num furnished a stretcher to put up Rhii same, Tiie JL. W. WinteUo. sale See those nice pictures at Mil ford's book itore before buylDg. .!. All tbe latest Novels Papers and Magazines | atMilford's Book Store. * * MUSIC STUDIO. JU Highest Testimonials. Prof- Jules G- Huguelet, a n: Organist Methodist Church, \ AND TEACHER OF Piona, Violin and Organ. Abbeville, S. C. Studio on second floor of new Realty Ofl Company building, next to new post- floor >ttice. Miss Carrie Huguelet assistant _ eacher and in charge of studio. Dr.1 ?? lives i Tbe McMurray Drug Co. bas a cream for carry jleanlng silver tbat can't be beat. Niagara rlodo Jream Paste Is tbe name. 25 cents la tbe Teetb jrlce. None better. Try It. Hon, i A keg of fine cucumbers in brine Just re seived. Amos B. Morse Co, Teeth IE. M. 8. HIPP, Mgf; :ement " snt to the public larch istand 15th , ' ' v" '. KET STORE s V 0. H. Cobb, our firm tin Store." We will :s in Baltimore and New . >ening. Everything will ? cash. We solicit your .* $! . t'M we are, IN STORE bbeville, S. C. ' ' ; V lorse Co. ? ew Firm, we are not senior member has a 7er 35 yea^Sj and onr ice in business, having ience. We are'finely iness, and by fair dealds at the lowest living d share of your patron)ry Goods. Shoes, Clothare, making a specialty s. We lead in garden ices for cash on Corn,. vSeM C orse Co. BOOKS* . Pencils | : '> ... : . Supplies. >;'V *3 . i \ Lg Store. / ' : 'P ___________ >, /^V'^Ssh! e StaJ ?f South Carolina. ABBEVILLE COUNTY. ? ate Court.?Citation for Letters of Administration. ' y J. F. Miller, E?q., Judge of Probate. jereas, W. A. Turman has made suit to to grant him Letters of Administration le Estate and effects of Anna Robertson,' of Abb&vllle County, deceased. ese are therefore, to cite and, admonish nd singular the kindred and creditors of said Anna Robertson, deceased, that' be and appear belore me, In the Court of ate, to be held at Abbeville C. H., on nesday, the 24th day of February, 1909, publication hereof, at 11 o'clock In the loon, to show cause If any tbey have, the said Administration should not be led. yen under my band and 6eal of tbe Court, this 8th day of February. In tbe year of our Lord one thousand nine hu.ndred and nine, and In tbe 183rd year of American Independence.. bllshed on the 10th day of February, In tbe Press and Banner and on the t House door for itae time reoulred by J. F. MILLEto, J adge of Probate. . A. DEWEY , * , vj$8 SHAVING PARLORS... HIS enterprising youDg u-an is doing a firstclass busii is*. His ors are at the same old Stand?the postoffice. His prices are right and 3 getting the business. Shaving - 10 cts. Hair Cut - 25 cts. r. Dewey is assisted by Mr. WalMuCord. These two gentlemen e a splendid team and can turn work most satisfactory in price, unsurpassed in execution. ow is the time to planl beardspring barley. We have the seed. S. J. Link, )ards and shingles are back bers. Cover your houses with loceros or Walrus roofing, For us T T;?I, UJ Ul Ui XJ1UA.I ine. Jewelry! LES G. HUGUELET, Watchmaker and Jeweler. ABBEVILLE, S. C. ice line of Jewelry, Ladies' Patches, Chains, Pins, etc. Watch and Clock Repairing! Finest References. ice and Repair Department on 2d of new Realty Company building. Thornton's Easy 1'eetber has snved te d! hundreds of babies and will safely your baby through the most trying pef Its lite as It 1b a guaranteed remedy for lngr, Summer Diarrhoea, Flux, Indlgeeind all stomach and bowel troubles ef ts. 25 cents. For sale by McMurray Co. and country merobanta.or Easy* er Medicine Co., Hartwell, Ga. > ? * * ill