The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, February 17, 1909, Image 5

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* t 5 $ t i t . i t * t * * t t j. J ; L ^ ^ A. ?If, Tl ^ I AH ! ABB ne riess anu manner. gfl Published every Wednesday at, two dollars a ? a year In advanee. WILL Wednesday, Feb 17, 1909. FORME Xullce to Teacbers aud Trasteen. Contract H3S I will be absent from my office of County u Superintendent of Education on Tuesdays, tianSOITie 3 Wednesdays ?nd Thursdays, until I mate the rounds of vlt>lling ih? schools In the coun- AQu( ly. J. Fosier Hammond, THp mpmhi Co. Supt. of Education, A. C. . Ane meaJD( - formed Pre p . awarded a co "ar?i- diver Lumbe We wlub to express our slnrere thinks and tion of a hatll sppreclMilon jo our frl-oils for tbeir I'.vIuk at f i ,,(irl.op s>mpathv, and Klndnes* shown u?, In the re- c e c?*nt loss ol onr daughter, we feel very grate Society 8tree1 fulloyou. May God bi'as and keep you and a flame Struc In bis own time, be will call us to our heaven- j . : ly home where i n?*re will be no sorrow. moueru ju e Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ferguson. C08t COtuple plan1' were tu mm ... . ... architect. Mrs. Fisher III. The churci ___ __ ?il n j Mrs. J. S. Fisher,of Hodges Is reporud tobe|wllQ ounaay critically 111. R jv. E. a Keiuedy, pastor ot to be connect the A. R P. Chared ?t this piac? went to'hw folding r1r Hodges yesterday to see her. He thinks tier . * ? ooQditloQ most Herloa9. I capacity < ? are more tha : the Sunday 8 Civic Club. cloak rooms i Tbe Abbeville Civic Cluh will meet Tbnrs- The A. R. . day morning at ten o'clock In ibe Club looms here about f fn the City Hall. m^mhpra T M s. M.T.Coleman. ?le,HDerf- 1 M. Boyd can * * pastorate, at Waute i. membership Tbe people to know tb?t tbe Hlll-Mosp'ey thon If Electric Co. tui'lsb all kind* oi tUcirlcal "J e tuau n supplies ana do tfr?t-clast> work. During UlS Freob lot oi batteries on band. tf bas not only ? members of \ onng . the people ce Tf yr>o wsnt fo know why jou should be- ?pr..cfp,l in H couut UltKraL>L o^tr-i'-rK ?nd what school to . attend, write 10 SOUTHERN SCHCOL OF new church I rm rnn a tJU v *? ? - - 1 ta. j_ a iciinunniii i. iicnuou.un., iui liecvio- II 18 CXPeCt log "A." EVERY BOY should read It. Po- nf n?atriif?ti Bitlons positively guaranteed. ? " " j*; . . , week, and it C. A. Mllford & Co. have tbe prettiest show Completion, window In South Carolina. Don't come to town without seeing it. Also see the Ma* iha Washington mouument on Inside made MIIIBIIa RHEUM ECKN. 8. C. Rhode Island Reds. Be?t winter layers. 81.50 per setting of 15. H.G.Smith. . _ _ AreYouSuri GlenD'H Locals. M , Glenn has beardless or spring barley. Bet- . r. . ter buy at once. uric acid in Glenn sells the best ready roofing on the ? market. acid from 1 Glenn handleB <he best Pittsburg steel plows, also plow stocks.bames,traces, leather -Don i aan and cotton collars; the best hair collar pads vents." Yot and other plow toois. ' day with the Glenn has very low prices on poultry or kidneys yot earden wlr?. t\ > jr : i ? ? - xjutxu a aiuu All kinds garden seed at Glenn's. uric acid, bl Molasses In kega, half barrels and barrels, then all daD? at Glenn's. ed. The foll< 11 pounds good soda 25c at Glenn's. vince the mo Chicken feed, braD, oatB and corn always at 1Ztj" Glenn. fllrs? o~, Laurens, S. Glenn can save you money on flour?300 r barrels bongbt. years l sune \t y hack ach Tobacco. Some low prices by the box at . . Gleen's. rheumatic tw The b9st farm sboe made at Glenn's. r^oo X WHS oO W"a Boys and men's overalls "and pants, at my hous>e W olenU8, ..... this trouble a Foley's Houey and Tar clears the air pas- ney? JJ.H? ^, sages, stops the Irritation In the throat, Dey *1119 soothes tbe Itflamed membranes, and th? complaints, . most oohimaie cougD disappears. sore aua llQitltr this r Inflamed lungs are healed and BirengUiene?l, uoluB lu,B ' and the cold Is expelled ."rrm the system. Re- greatly and fuse any but the genuine In the yellow pacfe- savinir that a*e- C.A.Miiford^Co. kiduey prepa An accident policy for 81,000 In the North p?,'e ^ American Accident Insurance Co. for one cents, roste yecr will cost you 31 cents. Abbeville Hard- New York 8 ware Co. States. 8end her a 6 ponnd box Huyler's for Xmas, Rom hor on sale at Mllford'a. . nemem oer take no othei >UHUUUUH1 BIG LANI HJ Satur FREE TRAIN! = invited to com? and brii A sixteen piece band biggest thing of the kind Anderson I E. R. HORTON, President URCH BUILDING T. D. COPELAND. IILT BY ASSOCIATE RE, A D PRESBYTERIANS. Y\iK Been Awarded it Will be a ?i nd Convenient Stricture. w h f irson Daily Mail. srs of the Associate Re- generally til sbyterian church have ... ptract to the Martin-Van- We Will ope: r company for the erec- \ some church buildiDg at of North McDuffie and AFllFnA ts. The building will be tture, 45 by 60 feet, and N H 111 very particular. It will ted about $5,000. The rQQrn now occu lade by Mr. J. H. Casey, m room now occu i building will be equiped name being Cfl schoolroom and annex, "FT^K tc ed to (he main auditorium ftave atter ^eD' J5 >ors, and will have a seat- York hnvinfr trood jfabout 250 people. There IorK Duying gooc n 100 pupils enrolled in l hnil(a>4. fnr racV, chool, aud there will be De D?Ugnt lor casn P. church was organized patronage. our years ago with 35 TUonl^m^ 'hree years ago Rev. C. hanking you le here and assumed its Vrmi id siuce that time the loui has been increased to )0. pastorate here Mr. Boyd m *** vv endeared himself to the II A Wll ?< his own church, but to nerally, who will be inJ 1 , , . IT TT% TT' ie announcement mat a m.. U. H. building i9 to be erected. _ :ed that the actual work on will be begun this KEPT SECRET TEN M( will be pushed rapidly to ? Columbia GirJ and Abbeville a tin rni I/O held Announcement of The A I lb rULIVOi Pending the Latter's Admis Bar. 9 Your Kidneys are Well? T? tZS'T'l imatic attacks are due to CJinkecales, of Abbeville the blood. But the duty A,ma Skinner, of ys is to remove all uric will be greatly surprised at t be blood. Its presence cement of their marriage, the kidneys are inactive, secretly married by Rev. V y with "uric acid sol- at the personage in Cc i might go on till dooms- ^ay 19th, 1908, and the ha m, but until you cure the have kept it a secret till I l will never get well. waBaummeaioiaeDi ey Pills not only remove ruary 1, 1909. it cure the kidneys and Mr. (Jlinkscales is a stuc ;er from uric acid is end- '*w department of the Ui owing testimony will con- &?uth Carolina and grad at skeptical Abbeville cit- June. Miss Skinner is pr< society and is the daughter Tucker, 23 Mill Row, Mr8- J- H. Skinner, and C., says: "For several Wends of Mr. Clinkscales j< red from kidney trouble, gratulating him in being go ed a great deal and I had such a charming bri 'inges in my sides. Head- Skinner. >othered me and at times t B k that I could hardly do f, if-vlnS ,h?t,.a.!1 Senator Gary's Maiden S irose from disordered kid- ' ,ving heard Doan's Kid- The State. ghly spoken of for such Tf tlt. I procured a box. Since madeb7Seoator F?ank B n^hLitnWnn fn P08itioD ,0 the confirmatio r SowIto U tn k i /ho hp?f waB delivered in executive J [ believe it to be the be9t therefrrp is not available ration to be bad." ation available 'yM!Ln^le?; uSfcff " was the "maiden" efl nio ?!rAnta fnr iL riSitld Gary in the Senate and, a< ole agents for the United t^e fragmentary parts that thfi name?Doan's?and led out through the corresp the name?Doan a?ana Thegtate and the AtiaQt r%V%WV%WWWWW1 THE? ) SALE AT I LS BBBN FOSTPONE1 day, Fet ON ACCOUNT OF THE RAI* ember free train will leave- Donald : after the sale. Every white man j ig his wife. BRASS BAN: will be on this train. Come and i that has been pulled off In upper So V 1 T1 A 7 (eai Mate $ in \ \ troversy in C. W. STONE, M. B. HIPP, Mgr. fied Argum? knowledge event. It i 4 reauite, anc Duncement ess / creditably i announcement to the public v/ iqf-hftwppn Marrh t stand t ctVi The funic Una has del tl a en speech. / but the und good one. L RACKET STORE Charleston ' Schedule pied by Mr. O. H. Cobb, our firm LvAn?iU.., lsIi Bargain Store." We will ;th two buyers in Baltimore and New lv Moc^'mie , , . _ - . ... Ar Green woo Is for our opening. Everything will Ar w*t^oo i and sold for cash. We solicit your lv Laurens.. Ar Fountain Ar QreenvllU Lv Laurens... in advance, we are, i?52KKS, s very truly, KKS Ar ABhevllle Lv Aibevllle Lv flenderioi ARGAIN STORE |S ___ __ . , , ... _ _ Lv Greenville [PP, Mgr., Abbeville, S. C. lv Fountain p Ar Laureni ... ? " Lv Laurens... )HTHS tion, it appears to have also Been a ^Newteky novelty?at least in the South Carolina Ar Columbia section of the Senate. Mr. Gary dealt Ar cnarieetor Man With 'n reason instead of in passion and Lv Laureni... man nun- prejU(jjce> an(j ma<je the argument ^-r Qreenwooi ir Marriage against the occupancy of the Charles- lv Calhoun F cinn ti? thp tou collectorship by a negro along the Ar McCormic only lines that could bring to his side L* MoCormic the support of Republican Senators. Ar Apgp?t??i Record. The State said, years ago, at the Trl-weekly VIr. Frank very beginning of the excitement in- feVve ISSum and Miss cident to the appointmenl of Crum, ordays. Leai ' Columbia l^at when the opposition to confirma- dayuand Frid heannoun- tion was based upon the fact that the Tbey were appointee was a negro, there could be given ad info V E Wil- D0 h?Pe ?fa reversal unless the char- teed. ilumbia on act^r and business qualifications of R^Bramj ppy couple 'he appointee could be successfully at >Ir. Clinks- tacked. A change by a Republican _ _ ?'? t*-l. Proairienf or a "Rpnnhlican Senate unon I TV/Ia ^ that ground would be stultification. JkTiiWW W lent of the With the constitution as it stands, diversity of incompatibility between the official uatea this 8Qd those with whom he comes in ofDmiuent in ficial contact, persentp the only sound of Mr. and foundation upon which to base oppothe many sition in this case. It should be an- __ i i )i,n in con- tagonistic to the policy of any admin- ipMAiii i lUcky as to istration to force upon any community X X V W UJ de as Miss an official whose personality is objectionable, In considering the antago- , nism between an official and patrons of the office it ib by no means necessary , . for the appointing power to indorse the >peecn. cause of the antagonism in order to * withdraw the appointment. Had that line of procedure been folM he speech lowed years ago, instead of the atGary in op- tempt to force the abandonment of ITf}l| 1 C u of Crum Crum because he is a negro, it would l?ll? Iv 1 ? ? -.?.-J MMMknUla* ?? <* Uaa?i ftilrtnAftftfnl A O O jeySIULI a LIU juuuauij' uavc uccu outucaoiui. ^ia ? for pnblic- means of securing Dotoriety, the pitchfork method is unexcelled, but if it has bund 'ort of Mr. done other than harm to South Caro- carry your ba jcording to lina, from a legislative standpoint, we riodof Ha life; have trick- do not recall the benefit. uon, ?d?' an londents of Senator Gary, has presented the i?ranl*- 26 ?e a Constitu- South Carolina side of the Crum con- xee&erMedie a- S;-v' 4 kVV*V*%W NIE W D TO ). jr. s at 10 a. m., and Ln five miles of 1 D see the crowd. 1 uth Carolina. Do vestment L. 8. HORTON, I wwww* a clear, ^strong' and dignimt' The State wishes to ac its appreciation of the s probably too late to affect I has been offset by Tilljleas and tactless tirade up3 occasion. But, neverthei be accorded that Mr. Gary >erformed his part. A Good One olumbia Record. >r senator from South Carolvered himself of his maidIt was a long time coming, erstanding is that it was a and Western Carolina By Id effect November 15,1908. Dally Daily Dally 10.10am 4.40pm 0.80am k 11.56am 6.38pm 8.14am k 8.16am ' 111... - 9.25am 11.00am K 11.56am 6.50pm d 12.57pm 7.55pm ..; 1.88pm .......... 8.00pm -? Ex. San. ....... 2.80pm 8.10am Inn... 8,17pm 9.23am 4.00pm 10.90am 2.88pm fcLSpm rg ... #06pm irg_... 5.00pm (So. By.) lvllle '<.46pm , 8.60pm 7T00am~ (80. Ry.) a vllle 8.05am rg-... 12.80pm (0. A W. C. By) 1.13pm 2.08pm 1- L^20pm 4.80pm Kx.ttun. Inn... 1.08pm 5.25pm 1.45pm 6.25pm 8.12pm (C.N.AL.) 2.32nm 3.20pm 4.65pm I , 9.52pm 2 82pm C. AW.C.) J 3.32pm 6.66am 4.00pm alls... 5.30pm k 4.83pm 7.52am 6.45pm k 4.38pm 7.52am 6.47pm 6.15pm 9.3aim 3.35pon Palace Car Line between Ausbevllle. Trains Nos. 1 mdU 2 i Tuesdays, Thursdays and Ratre Ashevllle Mondays, Wedneilayi. bove arrivals and departures, as Hlons with other oompanles, are rmatlon, and are not gaar&nlams, G. P. Agt. Augusta, Oa. M 1, Traffic Manager. J /J RMICK = STUD C0.'S ing Stallion tVILL BE AT ce's Stables FROM L a _ II I. A4.i in 10 marcn usi i's Easy Teetber baa saved t e redB of babies aDd will safely by tbroagb tbe most trying peas It la a guaranteed remedy for imer Diarrhoea, Flax, Indlgefitomacb and bowel troubles ef idU. For Ml* by McMurray oonntry merchant*, or Eaiy- ? lne Co., Hartwell, Ga. ' .. ' : %} vif ^tx|| v ? EST II th . v M bring you # Donalds is # rhis is the ?, ^WM n't miss it. J Pa t :M uv. t m V' \ I Secretary. 4 i * s *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+%* i, VERY LOW RATES ' . ? . c iTOH^H New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola & Birmingham via SOUTHERN RAILWAY^ Account Mardi Graa Celebrations the Southern Hallway announces very low round trip excursion rates to New Orleans, La., Mobile, Ala., and Pensacola, Fla. Tickets will be sold February 17th to 22nd, limited for return up to and including, but not later than midnight, March 1st, 1909. v By depositing ticket at New Orleans, Mobile or Pensacola and 'paying fee of $1.00, ticket will be extended until March 13th, 1909. to BIRMINGHAN, ALA. f Account Laymen's Missionary Movement, Presbyterian Church in the United States, Birmingham, Ala., very low round trip rates \ have been authorized, tickets to be sold February 14th and 15tb, good ^ to leave Birmingham returning not later than midnight of February 1 20th, 1909. For rates, schedules and detailed information, apply to Southern * Railway ticket agents or address, J. L. MEEK, J. C. LU8K, Asst.. Gen. Pass. Agent, Div. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Charleston, S. C. . Amos B. Morse Co. Though we appear as a New firm, we are noi strangers in Abbeville. Our senior member has a continnons experience of oyer 35 yegrs, and our junior is by no means a novice in business, having himself several years experience. We are finely equipped for our lines of business, and by fair dealing and handling the best goods at the lowest living prices we hope to merit a good share of your patronage. We carry a good line of Dry Goods. Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Notions and Hardware, making a specialty of Fancy and Heavy Groceries. We lead in garden and field seeds. Bottom prices for cash on Corn, VIatcw Hnfo U n aavi VaoI < IV144 9 VaWO) AlAVUii) iUVdl^ VVVi \ Lmos B. Morse Oo. ? ? | SCHOOL BOOKS Tablets Pencils T1 r UJJV General School Supplies. Speed's Drug Store. " " . i.-....