The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, January 20, 1909, Image 5

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he Press and Bauner. Published every Wednesday at two dollars a a year In advanee. Wednesday, Jan 20, 1909. McKee'n Loeah. Just reoeived a large lot of fresh cabbage plants. We will sell you all you need at 20c per hundred. J. W. McKee. I have on band one new bay press. Price was $85 00. Will sell it now for 856 00. J. W. McKee. I also have one 3-borse disc plow. Price was |45 00. Will sell It for spot cash for ?30.00. J. W..McKee. La?l l>ay. Remember to-day Is the last day for paying January Installment to Building and Loan Association of Abbeville. T Q Vforcr? onH TrAflfl Notice from J. W. Rykard. Mr. J. W. Rykard requests that all bills owing to blm be paid at once. Unless these bills are paid la thirty days be will be lorced to place them In the hands of an attorney for collection. All persons desiring goods to be ordered will bring the money to pay lor same wbec rrdered, Mr. Rykard makes a very small per cent on all goods ordered and for this reason it is necessary to transact all such business on a oash basis. Please take notice anti be governed accordingly. Always Looking; to Yonr Interests. Call and see me at once, as I have two neat cottages near public square to dispose or at a sacrifice. Three sales of dwellings have recently been made in the olty to new comers, and the supply is running short. Can sell you a number of vacant lnis, but unless you apply early cannot fill your bill tor Improved property. Not a vacant dwelling In iheclty, and the supply Is not equal to demands, so yon bad beta look after the two cottages mentioned. M. ?. Hollingsworlh. For Rent at Ware Shonlfl. H. ('. A store house 25 by 70 feel?well adapted for general merchandise, and In good stand for trade wllb mill towu and alao wllb large sec,tloa of surrounding country. Apply wllb references to J. C. Cork, 2t Rock Hill, S. C. For Sitle. 80 acres, more or less, situate about 1% miles from Due West on Due West and Donalds road. Well Improved ; three-room dwelling; stable: lot; pasture. For particulars see or write E. R. Horlon.of ^nderso.-, S. C., or J. E. McDavld, Abbeville, S. C. Fire Iosaranee. If your dwelllDg, furniture, store, etc., should burn up tonlgbi would tbe loss hurt you? If so, see or pbone me. I can give you best Are insurance protection at very little cost. J. E. McDavld. Land for Sale. I will sell 60 acres of land tbree miles from , Hodges and two, miles fiom Warevlile, within half mile of railroad. Terms easy. Apply to W. W. Bradley. 1 U' Tbe people to know tbat the Hlll-Moseley Electric Co. furnish all kinds of electrical supplies and do flrst-class work. Fresh lot of batteries ou tiauJ. tf Voting Men! If yon want to know why you should be come telegraph operators and wtat school to aueDd. write to SOUTHERN SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY. Newnan, Ga., for lree Cmalog "A." EVERY BOY sbt.uld read It. Positions positively guaranteed. C. A. Ml I ford & Co. have the prettiest show window In South Carolina. Don't come to town wltbont seeing It. Also eee the Martha Washington monument on Inside made of soap. Glenn's Locals. Glenn has beardless or spring barley. Better buy at once. Glenn sells the best ready roofing on tbe market. Glenn bandies the best Pittsburg steel plows, also plow me?,traces, leather aud cotton collars; tbe best hair collar pads and other plow tools. Glenn has very- low prices on poultry or garden wire. All kinds gardeo seed at G'enn's. MoIhrkps In kegs, half barrels aud barrels, ai G enu's. 11 pounds good soda 2'jj at Glenn's. Chicken feed, bran, oats and corn always at Glenn. Glenn can save you money on flour?300 barrels bougtit. Tobacco. Some low prices by the b x h' Gle n's. / j Th? best farm Bho? made ai Glenn's Bov? and tuen'? overalls anil pants, a G^euu's. Anl'"' R ?n-<'py w-ib t? McOorrnl-h M** d.v kii I i'n <?'iav,Hiicl h gre-l iii?hv ' ! tax-pnvr? f ih 8 fc is- ?? nl m?.? ?.}?! ( iin*ii> r hir>r<i?d o ii'bke llwlr r?*mrn?. It ! * u grpk' poll * eijIMio ii..> p-up e "i M" 'oi niicK t<> h ve Die >ii(l ?j?Rh reiiirns here, ?nd ifi?y a'<nr??!!>? ?? ?. 1? ctMiilnir ovnry year fotlat purpose.?MeCoiLLllcB Mr*H>-Ugpr. Tup ahh?? h'e civic ciih -ctp nv p' th 'it? rl > afternoon in ibeClub rooms at tbe Cltj ball at lorn u'u.ock. Mrs. M. T. Coleman. Sec. Mitkea rich, red blor>d, restful sleep builds strong healthy tlsnue?steady nerves, perfect digestion and assimilation. Keep* you well and liapjy. Hollister'a "Rocky Mountain rIVa ?.r Tablets, 35 cents. C, A. Milford & Co. Dr. Thornton's Easy Teether has paved ttn lives ol hundreds of babies ai d will safeij carry yoar baby through the most trj Inn period or Its lite ax It)? a guaranteed remedy foi Te? thin?, Summer Diarrhoea, Flux, Infliction, RDd all stomach aDd bowel troubles*' Infants. 25 cents. For sale by McMurra) Drue Co. and country merchants, or Easy Teetber Medicine Co., Hartwell, Ga. McKee's Locals. Wby pay 20a a gallon for kerosene oil wbtn you can buy it from McKee for 15c. Cattle powders at right prices at McKee's. You can buy a good shirt at McKee's store for 38c, worth twice the price. A.sfc to see our Japanese painted cblna. J. W. McKee. Matches 4s a dozen boxes at our store i. W. McKee. You can bay hoes worth 50j at McKee's for 37 cents. Hames, collar pads, bridles, water buckets and baskets cheap at McKee's. To have good health, live long and happy, follow the advice of tbe greatest Health Specialists?"Take a physic once a week." Do this and you won't know what a sick day is. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the safest physic 35 cents. C. A. Milford & Co. If you will take Foley's Orlao Laxative until tbe bowels become regular you will not have to take pureatlves constantly, as Foley's Orlno Laxative positively cures chronic constipation and sluggish liver. Pleasant to take. C. A. Mllford & Co. Tbe McMurray Drug Co. has a cream for cleaning sliver that can't be beat. Niagara Cream Paste Is tbe name. 25 cents Is the price. None better. Try It. Aiuos B. Morse Co. has just received a lot of Bart seed oats. Will mature la 90 days. We have beardle-s barley at the right price. Amos B. Morse Co. Don't wear yourself out going all over town loosing for Xmas goods when you can go dlreot to the stores of Mllford and get what you want and prices right. The Amos B. Morse Company. Mr. Amos B. Morse will change the name ofblsflrin this ye r to the Amos B. Morse Company. Tbe company will be a joint block company. Mr. Joel Morse, who has been with the A. M. Smith Company for some time will enter this ew ttim. The company beglDS business undermost favorable auspices. Tbe gentlemen of tbe firm are known to be genilemen In every sense of the word nnii th? nnhiln mo*- ovrw>,.t the fairest treatment at tbeir bauds. Mr. Morse la well trained in business methods, be a active and energetic and we expect to tiee be flrlm reach a high degree of success. G Muslii IIA When you price, you w so cheaply, order last A was cheapei gets the beu { Clearii Will be continue! ing for you. Col Blankets, Knit U 4 1 on many things? a little money to what we are doin you will give us we offer. R.M.I ( ' A C( The thoroughbred will be sold at put Germany. His reg inspection. This it price. CSood Company for 1909. You are careful what choice of friends tb young people of your household make. Yoi do not open wide the door to tbose who? speech aud behavior betray lll-breedlng am lax morals. Are you as careful to shut 1 against boobs and periodicals that nresen vulgar and demoralizing pictures of life am its purpose? Perhaps you are among tboa who have found that The Youth's Companloi occupies the same place In the family read lng thai the high-minded young man or wo man holds among your associates. The Com Fan Ion Is good without being "goody goody.' t is entertaining, It Is Informing. In Its stc rles It depicts life truly, but it chooses thos phases ol life In which duty, honor, loyalt, are the guiding motives. A full description of the current volum will be sent with sample copies of the p?pe to any andress on request. The new sufc scrlber who at once sends 81,75 for a year' subscription will receive free The Compac ion's new Calendar for 1909, "In Grandmott er's Garden," llthogr8r)hed lo thirteen colon 1 he Youth's Companion, HI Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. > ? Martin's Mill Bridge damaged. The recent high water has damaged tfc new Iron bridge in course of erection at Ma tins mill, The bridge Is not lost but washe down ho that It will require couslderab work to get It back Into position. We lead the show In a pretty store ac pretty goods. So say the folks who hai been about. Milford's Drug Store. reat Sale i Und< ? NOW ON AT ? D D O see the garments a rill wonder how thei Its this way: W( ugust when materia than for years. Oi tefit of the deal. ig Out i for the next 30 days. C id weather yet to come, nderwear, Hosiery, Shawl -space will not permit us t spend in the next 30 da g. - We handle nothing 1 a look you can better a laddoi ^ )AGH STALL! coach stallion, " Flamii] )lic outcry Monday, Fel ^istration certificate is < 3 a splendid opportunity Seaboard Schedule. 6 No. 52 Northbound 12.57 p.m. 3 No. 33 Southbound 12.43 p.m. Veatlbulf. e No, 53 Southbound 3.17 p.m. Local, i No. 32 Northbound 4.07 p.m. Vestibule. t No. 38 Northbound 1.17 a.m. t No. 41 Southbound 3.35 a.m. [1 ? - a The healing, soothing, refreshing ac tion of Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea cleanses and regulates the bowels, >> tones and purifies the stomach, in> nrooooci norua fnrna \f ah oa vnn \jl*p 11 ' VI VHOVQ UV* ? V av?vv< J vv? " V?? 6 keeps you well. Tea or Tablet, 35 y centa. C. A. Milford & Co. e , ir [- Ncnarray'g j.ocaIn. 8 Please the children, plve them Lax-OIL ~ Pleasant, palatable and effective. b. A corn cure tbat cares corns?Japanese corn cure. 15 cents. A foe to aches and pains. Eureka Nerve and Bone Liniment. 25centB. For all liver 111b use McMurray's Improved Llyer Regulator In tin cans. 25 cents a can. Use Neuffer's Ludk Tonlo to build up your>e self against that dread dlsetse consumption. r* 50 cent6 a bottle. ie Eureka Laxative Cougb Syrup stops a cough by removing the cause. 25 ana 50a. If it ls"McMurray made," It Is guaranteed to please or we refund your money. id ?? te Mr. Edwin Calhoan has been quite sick for two weeks. of :rwear AT'S nd learn the j can be sold 3 placed our il and labor ir trade now . Sale 5-reat Bargains are waitYou will need Cloaks, Is, etc. Great reduction o mention. If you have ys it will pay you to see but standard goods. If ppreciate the advantage i & Co. SAI lius," 8 years ola ana 1 bruary 1, 1909. This m file in the Press ar j to buy a valuable he C. C. GAJS President Helps Orphans. Hundreds of orphans have been helped by the President of The Industrial and Orphan's Home at Macon, Ga.t who writes: "We have used iLieciric rmiers iu iuih iuoutuuuu iui nine years. It has proved a most excellent medicine for Stomach, Livei and Kidney troubles. We regard it as one of the beBt family medlciueson earth." It invigorates the vital organs, purifies the blood, aids digestion creates appetite. To strengthen and build up thin, pale, weak children 01 run-down people it has no equal. Besi for female complaints. Only 50c ai 8p< ed's drugstore. Engllitb Npavin Liniment removei Hard, Soft or Calloused Lump* and Blemish es from horses ; al-o Blood Spavins, Curb* Splln s.Sweeney,Ring Bone, Stifles, SpralDe Swol en Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 bj nse if one bnitie. A wonderful Blemlsl Cure. Sold by P. B. Speed, druggist. Good Land Wanted. Wanted?A tract of good land In this coun ty, two hundred to three hundred acres level, and In good state of cultivation, In de alrsbie community. Apply W. W.Bradley Abbeville, P. C. Master's Sale. The State of South Carol COUNTY OF ABBEVrLLE. Court of Common Pleas. Win. ?1. isarnwea, an .cjacuui/ui ?. Estate of Benjamin S. Bare deceased, Plaintiff, against H Cowan, Edward Cowan, G Cowan, Ann Jacbsou, Gov Cowan, Lawyer Cowan, I Hill, John Cowan, James C< and Effle Cowan, Defendants By authority of a Decree of 8a the Court of Common Pleas for , ville County, in said State, made i above stated case, I will offer for at public outcry, at Abbeville C 8. C., on 8alesaay In February, 1909, within the legal hours of sa following described land, to wit: that tract or parcel of land, si lying and being in Abbeville Co in tbe State aforesaid, containini ty-Four and Three-Tenths Acres, or less, and bounded by W. H. J W. T. Bradley^John Baker, am Smith place, known as Tract Nc tbe Estate of Sarah M. Calhoui ceased. TERMS OF SALE?Cash, chaser to pay for papers. R. E. HIL] Master A. C., H McKee's Locals. Overooats 83.55. Rain coats $3.85. Roys Halts 9Sc. Men's Pants 65c. Boys Pants 19o. Mo Ties 88a. 25o Ties 18o. GOoSblrl Gloves 88o to 19o per pair. 10c Lace for 6c a yard. So Lace for 2%o a yard. lOo Half Hose for 5o a pair. Men's Legglns 38c a pair, Faney Veals for 98c. Ladles' Shawls and Fascinators for ] 78o and fl.48. . School Tablets 4c, 7 for 25o. Groceries at lowest prices. Soda 4o package or 7 packages for 25c, Baking Powder 4o or 7 for 2>o. Octagon Soap 4c cake, 7 for tec. Tea worth 00c per pound for 35c. 50c 8 hoop, brass bound oedar water b for 35c. Cypress baokets for L8c. Cattle powders 18o and 35o a package. Hoes 32c and 37c. Collars and Pads at oost. Ditching Shovels at cost. Harrows, Plows, Storks, Nails, Wli pies, Fenoe Wire at ooet. Annapolis CidetsJiip. Tbere will be an examination Wed December 23.1908, for the parpose of M two principals and alx alternate* to vaoanoles In the U. 8. Naval Academ; examination will be held at Clemsoo ( It will begin at 9:80 o'olook a. and < (3:30 o'clock p. m. All applicants mast pan a physical lnatlon before they will be permitted t the mental examination. They mns least live feet tall and free free from physical delects; they must reside In t irlet and must be between the agea of and twenty years. Candidates will be examined man! reading, writing, pnnetnatton, spelllni metlo, geography, English grammar, States history. World's history, through quadratic equations, and pi ometrv through first Ave books. Very reapooifnlly, Wyalt Jk An accident poHey for 11,000 la th< American Accident Insurance Co. f year will ooat you 31 cent*. Abbevllh ware Co. We give you a SI,000 accident lDaurai Icy for one year lor 81 centa wltb eve caafc purchase. Abbeville Hardware < 'I , KjaflHNjtajB [iff !B^^BEooKrt'i%L r^s jE. n perfect condition i horse was bred in Ld Banner office foi >rse at a reasonable dBRBLL,. Master's Sale. The State of South Care County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. The Farmers Bank of Abbeville i ty, Plaintiff, against J. H. J > and Mrs. Agnes Miller, Defei] By authority of & Decree of 8 1 the Court of Common Pleaa for r ville County, in said State, mi t the above stated case, I will of t sale, at Publio Outcry, at Abbe\ H., 8. C., on Salesday in Februi D. 1909, within the legal hours the following described land, b All that tract or parcel of land e lying and being in the town i i, Carmel in Abbeville County, r State aforesaid, containing One 1 more or less, and bounded c north by lot of P. K. Black, < Main street, Bouth by land of Boyd and west by the Charla Western Carolina Railway Co. Terms of Sale?Cash. Purch ? pay for papers. r. e. mi , Master A, 0., ^ \ / [in a, i MONE1 ernor ' -,<> lattie man, iSAYIN le the All tuate, spRTf EC r n 111 r, ii 2of x ill V XI K) a, dePur Remember You have an op j88o tunity of buying f us now at prices will save you mo: l9o> ^ There is no use of ] ing more for go when you can them at McKee's s aoket" for less. We^will you ^ Shoes, ' 1 gg Clothing, f! Glasswa oateod j ?5 and Orocke *iiy !j> v r. arltn#3 At Wholesale Prici *1 v ' 4*M. plkta We have 2,000 It Standard Granul Sugar that we wil you at 5c per, po Just stop and thin] moment when have had an oppor ity of buying 2011 Standard Granul . for $1. 7 Bars of Soap 25o We are selling v the lot lasts 7 ba: Octogan Soap for Think of that. SaiIA 1A Pflftlrflfffi ??? w avnii^v Or 7 \ lb. package 25c. Keg Soda 1 for 25c. 60c Tea for 35c lb. , Tea worth 6oc foi L per lb. ' Washing Powders ? package. Bargains in everyt .. at our Store. ilma, all these prices strictly cash. ^ Coun- ... . , credit is good tdantfl. 0 weby us. but we cai Abbe* rr , . re? fl? aTTorcl t0 charge goods at these of sale , {T?S: Prices. of Mt. in the Acre, >n the ;ast by _ p. I. Mi ? , %-' '"*4 ?W--- . " ~ " GOOD E04.DS BY BAST TRAINLOAO OF EXPERTS ON EDUCATIONAL TOUR. r: : ^ third Tnli That Hai Beeir Sent OH by the National Association?South to Be Tans;lit to Bmild Blfhirar* 7 ' Scientifically. " A train of twelve cars, known at Hie "Good Roads Special,'' left Washington on the .Uuea of the Southern /\ railway early In November to stop at f | ten or twelve of the chief cities reached > . I by the system and aid In organizing 1 | good roads associations and at the tame time give a practical illustration of modern roadmaklng. The tour will end Jan. L I -:;1 The train carried a full equipment I of roadmaklng machinery and a party of eighteen persons, all skilled in the I manufacture, of good dirt and macadam roads. It is the third such train * I to be organized through the efforts of the National Good Roads association, one having been sent along the reute of the Illinois Central from April to July and a second having traversed the district between Chicago and Buffalo v" : along the routes of the Lake Shore route and tbe New York Central. Everywhere the meetings have been wide- | ly attended and have produced per- / P0r- manent organizations determined to i ' better tbe country roads of the secTOm tlon concerned. Mr. Martin Dodge, director of the of that Ace of public road Inquiries In the agricultural department, and M. 0. ElQ0y. drldge, his assistant, with Mr. W. EL ag ' * * Moore, president of the Natlolial Good V ^ na.V- association, are In charge of the . ..V r J "Good Roads Special." Under their dl- ' i p. A q rectlon fourteen road experts, Mr. R. M W. Richardson,/secretary of the na-! i tlonal association, and several clerks DUy undertake to organize In each of < ^ }j the cities visited a. pehnanent good ItOre roads association. To this end they j will confer with the mayor and city j S il eoundl of each city and the officers ef j its commercial organizations, arrange LOAD IK WBONG PXiAUJS. ^ , 1*TT that a suitable ball shall be hired and - t% jf obtain the use of ten or twelve teams, is many men and a sufficient supply I of crushed stone to construct a length of good road as a sample. 1 ' When the train arrives, the engineers will begin at once to build about a , '$ mile of dirt road with the teanis, men /jj | and materials furnished by the localy 1 j\, lty. They will then surface or macad> j Y I amlze as much of that road as their 1 | time will permit When the practical . ; Jblllty of the movement has been thus manifested, the mayor and commercial organizations will unite In a call for a J r public meeting to organize an associa* IS. Of Son. f i J j President Moore of the National, J ated Good Boads association says of tho { , 11 project: J ? 3S 1 S6Ji "The south can have good roads if It will, and the sooner the citizens get to i " _ [ SiSa und. gether and work along some weu organized and practical line these results k for be reached the quicker. There ia \ ; nothing that will do more to Increase 4' yQ the value of virgin lands and advance the development of the fural districts than well constructed public roads* The Improvement of the road system r will have a wonderful 'effect upon stlm)S. 01 niatlng the settlement of people on I , j farms, and as these settlements are beIcltCU ing made so will the value of the land Increase. "Wherever a city or, town Is found * possessing well made roadways lead* ing therefrom yoa will find the business of that point |s In a prosperous condition. Therefore the citizens of i *1 every town in the south will be provflllc moting their owS interests if they givs r this movement their moral and If neers Ot essary financial support "It Is hoped that every state, county, *> Co <?itv ?nd town officer will give this sub* J*" ? Ject of better roads serious consideration and then take the matter in hand ;A Immediately and show his constituents that the movement for better roads will receive his utmost consideration and utmost co-operation. r "It is universally decided that good lOr roads are what we want In order to 2 lb. secnre tbem we must pull together, working systematically and on practical lines. This grand tour, planned by; the Southern Railway company, la a signal for action. If the states visited are not alive to this and do not avail themselves of the opportunity to secure 3 information rendered by the good roads 35C special train, no one will be at fault except the citizens of the states In which the exhibits are made." -Ym i Grades of Roada. It 2C The grade is the most important ?ae* tor to be considered in the location of roads. The smoother the road surfacs the less the grade should be. Whether the road be constructed of earth, stona , . or gravel, steep grades should always hing be avoided If possible. They become covered at times with coatings of ice -ii?- ?/>H woVInu thorn lrer* (i i ffl . DUX or unyyei j ouix, &ucbn.4jaA cult to ascend with loaded vehicles, &a > arp well as dangerous to descend. They ? a IC? gjio-w water to rush down at such a rate as to wash great gaps alongside I OUl or to carry the surfacing material ... away. As the grade Increases in steep* With Bess either the load has to be diminished In proportion or more horses ?fl p|Dot attached. ~ i ;S: the .. A PERSONAL APPEAL. If we conld talk to you Personally ahoattbe great merit of Foley'* Honey and Tar, for OW couifh?- colds and lung trouble, you never could be Induced to experiment with unkaown preparattous that. may contain some harmful drugs. Foley's Honey ahd T rata yon no more and has ?t record ol forij >ears of cures, C, A. Mllford & Co. MRS, McRANEY'S EXPERIENCE. Mrs. M. McRaney, Prentiss, Miss., writeflA pa-v-a '*1 was confined to my bed three months witb \ 1 1 kidney and bladder trouble, and was treated i' jl by two physicians but filled to get relief. V' J J human tongue can tell how I suffered, al l bad given up hope of ever getting well ut,u I I. lj began taking Foley'* Kidney Remedy. After J i taking two bottles I felt like a new person, JLJI and feel It my duty to tell suffering women what Koley'a Kidney Kemedy did for me. C. [a. Mllford4 Co.