The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, January 13, 1909, Image 1

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f * ' I v The Abbeville Press and, BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C.,WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1909. ESTABLISHED 1844 >;||jj NE1 I "" HA firm of shall c j ness in thank i the libe past, ai your b the ne\ I Ver Park fit you are feeling out let, and you will feel They will make you f REMEDY" strengthens t and purlPes the Blood. <! pleasantly, yet it never Invariably making the nse Jf-Better Than P te NR Tablet* for Indlg< 0f Ayijvuioo, oaiiu T VV*U(/(?AIVU| Of Pimplek and Ernptions, Chill m tlsm, Torpid Liver or Inactive m from the digestive organs. I ?IUL flatuia ^ Box. C. A. MILFORD & l SOUTHERN THE SOOTH'S I L Unexcelled Dinning Car Se * Through Pullman Sleepi Convenient Sche Arrival and* De / No. of Trains. 114 Leaves at 10:20 Columbia. 115 Arrives from ( at 12:18 p.m. T A .QA , no Jjeavca at i.uu j il7 Arrives at 5:35 112 Leaves at 5:50 ] 111 Arrives at 7:05 For full information as to rates, Bailway rJ J. L. MEEK, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Oa. Yon would not delay taking Foley's KldD Remedy at ibe first sign of kidney or b!ad( trouble II you realized that neglect might ; Bult Id Brigbt's dUea^e or diabetes. Fole Kldnej Renudy corrects Irregularities a cures all Kidney and bladder disorder?. A. Mll/ord & Co. ft See those nice pictures at Mllford's bo \ - W FIF ZING bought the intere Mr. H. Q. Anderson in H. G. Anderson & Co, ontinue the Clothing 1 the old stand. We wij / / our friends and patron: :ral business given us ir lid ask for a continuan usiness and patronagt v firm. y respectfully, er & B Iffiffl? If rof-sorts, take an NR Tabbetter in the morning. ,?P~~ ? eel Just right. "NATURE'S \Yf *n?? he Stomach, Liver, Kidneys \iLf , loss its work thoroughly and WlK t hn*p w gripes, weakens or sickens- ? rt r feel stronger and better. V wlHneEM ills For Liver Ills. \ aoDa?5 sstion, Sick Headache, Loss of Liver Complaint, Skin Diseases, !?* *,. s, Malaria, Biliousness, Rhenma- J?" ? , ' Kidneys and all troubles arising to th? si of the ci MSB m Then' flsber fo Tablet | i ^ vocalioi \ * ?3i J zBr CIVKS R?Urr. J Thl.^b, M donned and ma ^Hole, w GO., Abbeville, S. C. 7 T the woe rope by let wa? tree anc ~ley of si RAILWAY, is GREATEST SYSTEM, i ? The At rvice. ,? pe? tarrb li ng Cars on all Through Trains, ton"? tbis rati dules on all Local Trains. of mill] Is easll ployed. parture of Trains. wKr tem. E ease. 1 the fore skin, tb be cure Tbe o log a m Knfr a.m. for Greenville and tbRttb< of tbe b diblnfec healed. Jreenville and Columbia iorlptio' Bind led whose vane wb p. m. for Greenville. Mribed We are from Columbia. chronic ny pa! for Columbia. Jo^ati We w p. m. from Greenville. oorreo< r right t oontrao Rexall hav? J prices a effects routes, etc., consult nearest Southern |nD8uech ficket Agent, or . Mtiforc J. C. LUBK, f C jjivibiuu. jrttttH. Ageui, Charleston 8. C. t0Tthe p Don't ft window ;ey SIMPLE EEMEDY FOE LA GEIPPE. ? >' "?1 Racking la grippe coughs that may develop Head* Into pneumonia over night are quickly cured Brushei nd hy Foley's Honey and Tar. The sore and 1e- Huyle P flamed luLgs are healed and nlrongthened, Drug fci HDda dangerous condition Is quickly averted. Take only Folej'a Honey and Tar In the yellow paokage. C. A. Mllford & Co. Roge ok white tbem e . f i What Rou Rou > n WI f IV1I = V If I I "iffgi a sin V ^ta V M188 A ^ while wl burg. Mr. Hi days oi li people, hearty w Mr. Cai Jones dw are most bore. Senatoi In the dl ~A. * ? bl? lltUe ;Ct 01 D,c6ly ai *-" v home? p< We un< jl _ build a ? T t| 0 much nei In tbe rig SI I lUg tO OU I I prettier c ? We I ' I present0 '1 I I amp I0 r0 I I foot ball* I I 'TIB BBl )US1- I asedeacl I I fourth fa ' I could be i ;h tO f?ry?y! -*** v I I whether < I I est, and y I (nbould b( TOr I I Forester * I I OODSlBteE I | maintain , 4-t?p I I no otbei I IOC I I which wc j I man, as t P I | great hoi ce of LM! I I playing t ^ I | and tbon > TOr I I wbo clap * lvra I month, tl If I fatal. Tl I I "Billy Bt S I hands In I | little fel j I death. * i I | parents i I I I trouble. i I may sooi I . 1 ings alth I prove tat - r Mr. Till I route B U I Little an I him. I MIBBKI I this I friends, t | With s I the State 1 elty can* I an Instil I yllle^n (oeoeuL u to^see hi tire aatli and new. MIBB AI oity last JohnQ. 1 Many li their oott house of. MlaaBa kinsman, theoltyh Tennessee's Vindication. i?at Banc " ... ? cousin M Greenville News. mond. ot mvlotlon of eight night riders In Ten- Thursday n tbe charge of mnrder la a vlndl- Mr. Eru f the Stale's honor. 8lx of t?e oon- several w men have been sentenced to death on, retun ie remaining two will go tbe penl- Galvestoi for a term of twenty years.' This Is Mr. Lat food news. Tennessee was on trial week wl conviction of these men refleots lm- day to hli redlt on tbe oommonwealtb. Mr. Dai leratlons of tbe night rider band be- Hill In b tbe burning of flsb docks extending early r*0( ifllotln? of oorporal punishment on TbeFai bom tbe leader* In tbelr counsels will mee guilty of actions lu opposition to tbe day 15th, >f the clan, finding a climax in the gates to g of Captain Rankin. Rankin and meets In i slate stockholder or tbe West Tennes- Importan id Company R. Z. Taylor, an aged tobepres J one ot the most prominent men ol In bon( Lb western section of Tennessee, bad few frlem tbe lake region to conclude a deal as tertalned tie of some Umber lands, tbe property Tbe folio ampany. Mrs. Wal Igbt riders, composed largely of tbe sonofFli ilfe of Reelfoot Lake, which Is owned Mrs. R. F land company, were especially ag< Walter .< against the land company because of Mr. and 1 sal to allow tbefisbermen to ply tbelr Betbla. a at will in tbe waters of the lake, hunting i )y charged largely to Captain Rankin hood, an< onel Taylor. Toward midnight they by tbelr i tbelr lantastlc garbs ol long cloaks wblob Is nks and marched to the Walnut Log froltevei here tbe men bad quarters. offnmlll< ig ibem to hastily don their olothee, Mr. J. ircbed tbem to a secluded spot among Emma, * >ded recesses of tbe lake. Here tbe last Morn wblob Rankin was led from tbe bo* Messrs. tbrown through a forked limb .of a In tbe olt I tbe man drawn Into tbe air. A vol- MovlDg iot? followed. In tbe meontime Taj- tbe day i pleaded for < he release of Rankin anu wblte an stltutlon. When be saw the me" Blrtbstermlned to kill both be made a dath Mrs. J. f rty. swimming tbe bayo a. Uam,as< To Mrs. 5,1909, a t These MILLIONS Of LIVES tOST. ' wful Toll Collected by Consumption iple could only understand tbat Ca9 an Internal scrofula?tbat nothing "Lettfc externally does mucb good?they Jarg not need to be warned so often about He nevet U disease, which, when neglected, In- san< y ends up In Consumption, at the ooat a trlbn ions of lives every year. Yet Catarrh done so i y cored If the right treatment la em- and for tl baa Robi rb is caused by germs In tbe blood land's fa' circulates tbroagbont the entire sys- Parklnso internal remedies givfe but temporary This pc yibough tbe effects are olten seen in bers its of pimples, rash, eczema or dry scaly south wll ie trouble is internal, and oan never the Gran tl by external remedies. day, Jan. aly way to oure Catarrh la by employ* It has c edlol ne which Is absorbed and carried to give tb >lood to all parta or tbe system, so tbat coal mucous membrane or Internal lining him wilt ody is thoroughly medicated, soothed, brought e :ted of germ matter, and the soreness Mr. Ha known fc ave a remedy prepared from the pre- that line n of a physician who for thirty years hlmfa na and made Catarrh a specialty and envy, record of b 'ccees was a care in every Marie [ lere his treatment was followed as pre- for Mr. ? . Tbat remedy is ttexall Muco-Tone. with tbe so positive that it will cure Catarrh national Its various forms, whether acute or Doris, be i. that we promise to return every pen- by both ( d ub lor the medicine in every case ever broi t falls to cure or for any reason does piano act sfy l be user. admlssloi autyoutotry Rexall Muoo-Tone on the open! tmmendatlon and guarantee. We are lere wbere you live, and you do not i any obligation or risk wtaen yon try Muco?Tone on oar guarantee. We lexall Mnoo-Tone In two sites. The D D ,re 50c. and 81. Very often the 50c. size . ~ a cure. Of oonrse, In obronlc cases a 1DB cou? treatment Is necessary. The average Germai Instances Is three 81.00 bottlea. C. A. relieves i I <k Co. Azurea ? ? ? Babcoc I. A. Milford & Co.'s Locals. n?toyeora! reatest soap proposition ever oflered ^nre?.a nbllc Is offered by C. A. Milford & Co. aDd 00ldf ill to see the display both In show Pipes, t ' and lDtlde of store. Call In and they 1 you about It. laartera for Combs, Hair and Tooth Manv 1 i at Mllford's Drug 8tore. Honey i sr'a Candy always fresh at MlHord's whoopln Jtore. , for In fa ? opiates ( like Foli r & Gallon's violet and Atkinson's er8 ^eep rose extracts are bard to beat. Try > stltutes. lext time. MoMnrray. EAST END. "M" Sees and Hears on His nds About the City and Along te No. 3. d Mrs. P. B. Speed and Mr. and Mrs. >WD left last Monday over the Bootha trip to Cuba. We wish them a trip and a safe return home. M i Mrs. Lambert Caldwell with their M are visiting relatives In Greenville. 1 Mrs. M. B. By fan are visiting rela- JB be country for a few days. n Dtoloette Hammond is spending a H th relatives and friends in Spartan- w arry Hill, of Monroe, spent several ist week In tbe city with his home Uoi-kb'o f Hariri a. o 1WAVR fffvA him A eloome back In bis old bome. lion and family bave moved to tbe elllng on Magazine bill, wbere tbey cordially welcomed by tbelr neighr W. N. Graydon spent last Sunday x .y.brlDglng to all glad tidings from son, Norwood, who Is getting on id hopes soon to be able to return jrbapu tbls week. I lerstand onr citizens bave voted to I Mgh School In Abbeville. Tbls is a , aded institution, therefore, Is a move ;bt dlreotlon and will prove a blessr olty. In our bumble opinion no >r more suitable situation oould be the heights of Magazine bill, on tbe base ball grounds. Tbls will give om for all kinds of sport, base ball, gymnasium, etc., etc. id four million Christmas trees-are i year In United States, one to every mlly. If planted four feet apart tbey grown on less tnan 1,500 aores. Offhe cutting of so many young trees ar tbe question has been sprung or not It will bea menace to tbe forvbelber tbe custom Is oonslstent and 3 kept up. to which United Btatee Gilford Plncbot replies, "Yes It Is it and proper tbe oustom should be led. Trees are for use, and there Is r use to wblcb tbey could be put >uld oontrlbule so much to tbejoy of belr use by tbe children on tbls one lday of the year" Lbe little sons of Mr. W. W. Bradley T burned last Friday afternoon while ? ibout tbe Are, and bat for tbe prompt gbtful action of bis Bon "Billy Back" Ded blB hand over the little fellow's ie awful disaster might Have proven w le grandfather, Mr. Tusten abd little f ick" were badly burned about tbelr putting out tbe fire wblcb saved tbe low from an awful and an^lmely 1 Ve can, sympathize with the is we have been through the same We sincerely hope tbe little fellow 1 be well again, and that ) *s sufferougb severe In the extreme may not < al. den Lomax tbe falthfal postman on ild off several days last week and Mr. id Hoyt Keld made tbe ronnda for jnnle Morrow spent several daya of >k in lbe city wltb bomefolka and ill of whom were glad to see her. lx or seven of tbe best pbyslolana In i In Abbeville, what Is the matter onr t bave a first class Sanitarium, snob utlon la badly needed right in Abbed we are snre it wonld be of great a Buffering humanity. We hope yet nove in this direction. ib tbe Abbeville Medium, under lta nonntpmcni. mav flna many "new In l5D9. Ila present editor' la the id talented daughter of (be late Geo. BmphllJ?Miss Grace,?who wields * d and will fill tbe place of her laather with honor to herself and en- A faction to all her patrons, both old fl LOOKING OVER BOUT* 8. 1 anle Glbertof Lebanon waa In tbe Monday, the guest of ber sister Mrs. 3 vans. armors of ronte 3 are now baollng on and storing In tbe termers ware- i Abbeville. lile Woodbnrst aooompanled by her i , Mr. J. H. McNeill, were gneata In Mt Monday. oea Knox went to Monnt Carmel lay to attend the marriage of ber ;iss Belle Knox to Mr. J. G. Tbnr- ay Georgia, which will take place on A| p 14tb, Inst. fin fc lestBchram, after a pleasant stay of eeks with his borne people of 8bar aea mm omurua; w uu uuuio Ml mcCIDBI j, Texas. AJKHUlll oar Qilllam spent two days of tbla. th his bomefolks, reluming Tuesi business at Cedartown, Qa. Md Gilliam 1* quite sick, Dr. James attendance. We wlab for blm an |jj|g j] >very. mere Union oi Lebanon and Sharon COUn tat Sharon School house next Frlat 2 o'clock p. cn. Election of dele- Head i tbe Farmera Convention which Colombia will take place, also other it business. All members are urged Congre enU slgnmen >r to tbelr vlsitlne kinsmen and a between Js, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McNeill, en- . Tbls 1 last Thursday at an elegant dining, some tin wine guests were present: Mr. and extra n ter McNeill, Mr. J. H. McNeill and vllle. < srlda. Mr. Tbomas McNeill. Mr. and secured McNeill and baby, Mr. and Mrs. the entli Jrler and children of Honea Patb, vllle. Mrs. C. E. Wilson and son Daniel oi All tb< In tbe afternoon tbe men went but wll and visited tbe bome of tbelr boy- beretofo 1 sat under tbe old apple tree planted needed, mother more tban 45 years ago. and ter will still sturdy and strong, bearing lis clerks, y year. Tbls was a bappy reunion ! ?, brothers and friends, H. Penney wltb bis daughter Miss 7-r9 among tbe visitors In tbe olty day. J >bn, Sam and Tom Wilson were y the past few days on business, ; on route 3 seems to be tbe order of MAU.ew is tbey are still going and oomlng? ncWSy d colored. -At Avondale, Ala., Deo. SO, 1908, to I. Harkness, nee Miss Nannie Gil- 1 >n. , Mlssei John A. Williams, of Sharon, Jan. Louise ion. Tuesdaj two homes are bappy over their study i ib y boyi?bappy "New Year" glfls. there th Clincku ??? Mr. A, same to At the Opera. EmSt! its on time's eternal scroll of him be V,9' -i ;eiy said: . . - Bongbt to barm a soul and thou- , n V is call blm Wend." te not any too great for one who has nuch for tbe Southland's theatricals, V?? }?n le professional world In general as " J .?h srt H. Harris, manager of South- ?7 vorlte stock company, the Harris- li n company. tpular stock company, whloh namfriends by the thousands In tbe , rLrr.j 1 open a three nights engagement at .yAVm d Opera house commencing Thuri- ?{jj j ilways been the aim of Mr. Harris Zla?'eM te theatrical going public tbe best " d be found, and this season flnds "J*"" 1 the strongest company he has ever j lOUth. 'Mro ? rrl8, as a leading man, Is too well ir any one to doubt bis ability In ? and his olever wort has won for i,7. me In the south that any one might Mr Jo *a Tolre, who is playing! the lead larrls this season, was last season famous Call Stock Co. and bas a ir," yr* reputation. Foster Ball and Babe adllners In tbe vaudeville, are said Rlnla-' >ress and publlo to be the best team r?. ight south, and tbelr great novelty ? .Thursday nlgbt Is well worth the /_ ?Ji, n. ''Escaped from tbe Harem" ia J *} Dg Dlu* ers, Men - lee folio1 vlnla K< McMurray's Locala. Stbw iugh plasters 25c. So good for whoop- alone as b. the first a whooping cough oil applied locally TP? jlPj .hat terrible wboop. 25c a bottle. ly Pr?*;e arm or sachet?everybody likes It, were mi k's corylopsls of Japan Is a talcum brother lard to equal. We will gladly show From the beat > laxative cough syrup for all coughs ? i. We know it Is good. EiW obaoco and smokers goods In variety wbRe'u BrownU " ' Mr. J. lttle lives have been saved by Foley's wltli ind Tar, for coughs, colds, croup and g cough. It Is the only safe remedy ats and children as It contains no >r other narcotlo drugs, and children If yon By's Honey and Tar. Careful moth-, you for i a bottle In the house. Refuse sub- cbant? C, A. MWord &. Co. own lis et thei 3-N SRAND I 1 hursday, s The E I Robt. Supportei i ne nan Opening wit "ESCAPED PRIGES ?.i u-i:_ >aiuniay maun Seats ready ; IXTRA MAIL CLERK ED TO THE COLUMBIA MO GREENVILLE RON. . One of the Hardest Runs fn the try and Extra Man Was Badly ed. v Anderaon Dally Mall. ?aman Aiken baa secured the aat of an extra mail clerk on the ran Colombia and Greenville. an nnnaoally bard ran, and for ae tbe olerka bave been aaklng for an )an between Newberry and Green Dongressman Aiken, however, nu an extra man detailed regnlarly for re run between Colombia and Green* i clerk* will make tbe through rnn, 1 be given more time off doty than re. Tbe extra olerk baa been badly and Mr. Alken'a efforts In tbe matbe much appreciated by tbe regular DUE WEST. Paragraphs from the Classic City -Visitors Coming and Going. i Gertrude Brownlee, Llrxle Hag an, Brownlee and Jessie Boyoe left on pr for |New York, where tbey are to * ? mislc tbe enaaelng months. While ey Will be In tbe home of Mrs. Mabel sale* Newton. , T. Brownlee. left last Monday to reis studies at Princeton, after two * peat with borne friends. Ue will be A y Mr, J. M. Matthews at Charlotte, J3 oa?" -Tena Adams of Ronoake.Va., spent a cv"9 In town last week, the guest of Mrs. >ps. Stbe out of town guests who attended 20t e-Epps wedding were: Mrs. Pauline Pearson, Woodruff, Mrs. Dora Pool a8t illdren, Laurens, Mrs. Ooode and nn lugbter May, Yorkvllle, Miss Irl* , Greenville, Miss Rosa Davenbcrt lie, Miss Vena A'dams Ronoake, Va. . , Minnie Pressly, of tbe D. W. F. C. 8n' his week to spend several weeks In me ii wltb friends. Miss Jennie Bonner e charge of ber work In tbe college 50 ' lus Pressly (takes tbls mnob needed d Mrs. James Dendy of Seneca, S._ C. the ding a few weeks wun ur. ana Mrs, ldeman. am Agnew was called to Greenwood lay on account-of tbe death of her Prc lr. Coleman. He bad been In feeble >r some time oo account of old age. hn Good and Mlsa Jessie Epps were All on last Wednesday afternoon at tbe Mr. J. H. Epps. Rev. O. Y. Bonner M1 utlfnl ceremony tied the nuptial knot. ? rtrnde Brownlee sang two songs Just .be bridal party entered. Mrs. O. Y, presided at tbe piano. As tbe Lounorus was song, eight of tbe bride's wn friends eatered tbe ball and tn Isle by garlands carried on their rs. Through this aisle came tbe ushsre Hale firloe and Lawrence Brownwed by tbe bridesmaids, Misses Lasnuedy and Eva Cllndscales. Messrs IcDIIlandDr. Mo. Jennings follow. Miss Dot Urgnhart then entered second maid of honor, followed by maid of honor Miss Mary Galloway, t bearer little Eutb Poole Immediate* ded tbe bride wbo came In on tbe her brother Mr, Frank Epps, They to 1 H at tbe altar by the groom and his . Mr. Faye Good of Spartanburg. '?r tbe parlor frlends|were ushered Into ha^ itlfnlly deoorated dining room where Qtful salad supper was served. The Qeme being green ?nd pink. The par Deen tasuiy aeoormoa <u kr??u uiu ___ nder the Bnpervlslon of Mlsa Louise ? 36. rp R. Devlin of Abbeville, spent Sabbath nr1 s mother Mrs. M. L. Devlin cur * ant Ml don't bay enough good ioap to last twelve months wblle you have a to buy It rlgbtyou will stand In your B ;ht. Call at Milford's two stores and fori qq explain the proposition to yon. A) IGHTS OPERA . COMMENCING? January omantic young. a< HXT" . H< A a by Abbeville's fa ' ? 1 Ha."PcaT?lHr i JLKJ X %JVJL JULJkJ. h. the great Egypt FROM THE S. > - 25, 35 m ' I * . ee, "Little Lord , ; / \ i af T 14 L 1T1111V1 U 47 JU ?? ' FRMSM Direct from tty week at the m Q4-/V./V /v4> Cll/VTAC UI C.A.MILP / >r the Purpose of Accommoty of Making Their Tax Beta Mentioned Below on the I ^LL RETURNS MUST BE MADE ial property returned at its market val Persons not making their returns beti h, 1909, are liable to a penalty of 50 pe ilnst delinquents ; for the failure to en neglect of the law. The returns of those who conform to ps and County Boards, while those wl eting of the Boards and return to suit per cent, penalty will correct this evil Employers are requested to return a ~ -l-i ? l nv m ana gemng a suuemeui u> iuch p?v Returns will not be taken by mail >per officer. Thia does not apply, how All improvements on and transfer ol ditor. y Appointments are as Foll< -.Calhoun Falls, Tuesday, January 5 Mt. Carmel, Wednesday, January ( Lowndesville, Thursday and Fridj McCormick, Monday and Tuesday, Bordeaux, Wednesday, January 18 Willington, Thursday, January 141 Donalds, Monday and Tuesday, 181 Due West, Wednesday aod Thursc Parties in Long Cane, Due West and nake returns will see Mr. J. R. Win; Due West and Mr. R 0. McAdams f< ?e been authorized to take returns in t I Richard here In do ease on record or a cough, cold I la grippe developing Into pneumonia after j ley's Honey and Tar has been taken,as it s an the mrsi obstinate doeD-tealed coughs | I i colds. Why take anything else. C. A. t llord & Co. lave yoa seen that Holiday line at Mil- ^ lib? It surpasses anything ever shown Jn abevWle, HOUSE 14,1909 I 3tor J irris, verities ison Co. ; : IS ian drama ' HADCM " lini\L4lTl? a id 50c. j Saunt'eroy." J )rug Store. | 1 CANDY j i factory every I >-to-date Drug . I ORD & CO. ' 1 . ting tne ruoiic in wie manor rns, I will Visit the Places )ates Indicated in Schedule: ! UNDER OATH, AND ALL PERveen January let, 1909, and February I r cent. This penalty will be enforced j iforce it heretofore has put a premium I the law are placed before the Townbo disregard the law come in after the themselves. The enforcement of this 11 of their employees after notifying iperty. ,, unle&j they are sworn to before some ever, to peraons returning only land. r real estate must be reported to the )ws: th. 5th. ly, January 7th and 8th. , January 11th and 12th. th. :b:h and 19th. lay, January 20th and 21st. Diamond Hill townships wishing to a for Long Cane, Mr, John T. Bryant >r Diamond Hill. These gentlemen hese respective townships. 1V .""?2 Sondley, County Auditor. For ulce goods In tbe way of Cbrlstmaa (resents Mlllord bas on dltplay tbe largest nd prettiest line ever shown In this city. in AhhflvMlfl vlthnnt looklner brougb tbelr two stores. If you want good Roods, good service and jollte attention, come to see us. We do not lispense anything else. \ , v 1 J