The Abbeville Press and Banner I ' \.: - - ^ ;,m ~ " | BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER $3, 1908. ESTABIISL J?D 1844 SEE INORDI OUR Qothing a} ^ ^ J aim WE HAVE ] Cut P i A i i \ . ; / and are going tc for less moi i offered V ^ Men s* Suits $5.00[}Suits for $3.^4 $12.50 Suits for J 6.00 Suits for 4.00 15.00 Suits for ] 7.50 Suits for 5.00 16.50 Suits for : 9.00 Suits for 6.00 1S.00 Suits for ] 10.00 Suits for 6.67 20.00 Suits for ; 12.00 Suits for 8.00 22.50 Suits for MEN'S ./ $5.00 Overcoat for $3-34 ^6.00 Overcoat for 4.00 - I '7.50 Overcoat for 5.00 10.00 Overcoat for 6.67 i 12.00 Overcoat for -- 8.00 2o Per ( Men's Underwes $1.00 Undershirts and Drawers for 75c 1.50 Undershirts and Drawers for 1.12 Boy's Suits $2.tfo Boy's Suit for $1.50 2.50 Boy's Suit for 1.88 3.00 Boy's Suit for 2.25 3.50 Boy's Suit for 2.63 4.00 Boy's Suit for 3.06 5.00 Boy's Suit for 3.75 6.00 Boy's Suit for 4.50 7.50 Boy's Suit for 5,63 No Discount Ask For a Co When your card is punched showing c receive a $1,000 Accident Policy for om THINK THIS OVER CAREFULLY , the event of your sudden death ? The goo elsewhere, and in addition you receive this rerrin I \ , v * TTT1 1 III :r to reduc stock 0f= , LL^o 1 icua Underv [NAUGURATI rice i ) offer you bett t.Tian war p VMWM ? W WPV ^ in Abbeville. Sent Disc 1 V . / ' I " . / , * ' }r . Men's Pari Kg g $Mo Pants for 2,oo Pants for [0;0? 2.50 Pants for [ 1.00 3.00 Pants for r /-\s\ . 3-5? Pants for [2.00 * J J 4.00 Pants for [3-33 5,00 Pants for 15.00 6.00 Pants for OVERCOATS $15.00 Overcoat for 16.50 Overcoat for( 18.00 Overcoat for 22.50' Overcoat for I Zerit Discc tr Men's Hat \ $1.00 Men's Hats fc 1.50 Men's Hats f< " 1 2.00 Men's Hats fc ? .A m >? TJ irt t. lYlCil a JL JL d lo k\ 3.00 Men's Hats f< Boy's Ovei $2.50 Boy's Overcoat 3.50 Boy's Overcoat 5.00 Boy's Overcoat \ i- #1^ -m ? -#~v -4 , iUI upon Trading :ash purchases to the amount of $3.00 2 year at a cost of 31c. \Vould your family be benefitted b ds you purchase daily cost no more a $1,000 Policy Free. 1 Clothing EAST END. S.f ' What "M" Sees and H< ? Rounds About the Cit] f Route No. 3. ^ HAPPY CHRISTMAS 1 A happy Christmas to tbe < pondents, and all tbe readeri and Banner. May tbey all E prosper. Tbe greatest pleasure on eartl others bappy. It's op to yoa, member this right now. and i are no "empty stockings" neighborhood. Remember the and Invalid ohlldren, for the] that deserve and should have ? that Santa Clans brings. In r bappy yon will Increase your a Try It, reader. Tomorrow night is tbe bap a earth for the little children. 1 |L the night for Santa Clans, the! ^ best friend. Listen to this llttl ?IW^r \ If yon don't b'lleve In Santa C yonr way he'll call, J^Br Don't mind the Christmas s bang It ap at all! Bat wben Christmas winds an the home-llgbts bnrnln' dli TTa i>Mai avav frnm IlLilA fnllrl lleve In him. Wben tbe floor i> piled with pi the Christmas trumpets bio Bay no (airy-folk have been tl m imm Santa Clans ain't so! r W- When yoor stocking's look m M then you'll know tbe reasoi T\m F / - ^rm I Ton'll wish you'd made belle? W % /KJ^ I Santa Clans went by. But?don't yon hang yonr stool don't think that w*y. And know lot's more 'boat Bar A /oiks that's eld and gray; " I A Bat wben Obristmas winds are xX tbe morning stars barn dim He rides away from little tolki . lleve in him. ' ? . B COKING AMD GOIN 1 ^ Oar college girls )and boys ar J ^ w J A make borne bright and bappj ^ mk A B joyous Christmas tide, as well i Wk the sooial circle and make V# , n M ' J hearts" leap tor Joy. WhatW H I /Hi/ tor yoang folks and old folks U / ^L^l/ JBL. V/ Mr. Arthur By fan is spendinj In tbe city with bis homefoiks many friends, are elad to see b Miss Mary Syfan will retort from Wlntbrop College, Rook 1 n Miss Jessie Speed is home 1 er ffooas "I'shSKfasiwu.. *? >3 nettsvllle tor tbe holidays. Miss Mary LawnonLlnk is 1 nes Boo It College, Decatur, Ga. iwrAK \ These are only a few of the V CI tbatweohanoe to know ar*\ T w gnees oar city will be qalte 11 v sweet presence once more. eaoh and every girl and tw home ;irom college a merry 3 always glad to see them. Have yoa had a "peep'! at I Well, he's here in all his spl filled ap the windows of man potting a Christmas tree in i Yon little folk* most look at tl _ windows and learn how nlc I friend Santa ean fix up bis tor M Oar merchants and their si i g \ 1 Br^ sales-men are on the rush tnli 'I I I I I I I 811 havePQt 10 extra belp ani 3 9 SI II R make np for lost time. ,1 III | | | Tbe carrier boys will be on 1 I II If rounds Obnstmas day and will wfcdfcdfc to make tbelr patrons bapp news snd letters from tbelr Me i tlves and when yon bear a Ion _ may rest assured we have som that swevt little mlsslTe you for?one that will make your and bonnd for Joy. Look for ui l Bain or shine, sleet or snon TO Unole Sam's boys are bourn ^ WW We will be "at home" New Y( x- all tbe tan Is over, and ever; $1 oo down to work, butwearever * this day's rest, r 11 Rev. J. G Roper, P. ?, preach o J moo in tbe Methodist ohurcl T morning and nlgbt. 1 u/ On last Monday morning _ o'clock Sam Adams, colored, 2. OO and oontents by fire. His la bard work this year, corn, fodC 2.33 tons of fine pea vine bay. '8am *L for tbe Abbevlle Graded Bcboo 2.67 ed upon as a good, bacd-wo ' \ man and to blm tbls Is a great 1 7 -i a bis horse and in doing so n J burns himself. Fortunately t A nn wagon were out In tbe yard 4-00 were saved. He deurves '? belp from tbls people. He tl ?^was incendiary. CHRI8TMA8 OS BOU1 Well, we guess It will be live! pie on this route know bow nmilnna. Many Will have b! nors, and social gatherings. Ton bet tbey will bave a goo $10 00 ' ,oa d0D>t mlnd "we" will 1m Mr. W. L. Pleroe and family t t no Qa.. after spending a pleaaai their borne people,. Mr. T. 8. family, left last week for Pie 12 00 tbe? wm vtait other relatival e borne. The Bazaar given laat we< IC.OO auspioes of the Ladles Mission - Lebanon Church waa a grand 1 daily and one of ibe most le affairs ever enjoyed by that ______The bootba were beaatlfnlly presided over by pretty ladlea them more attractive, The Can I ' tilbated by the memberaof tb( 1 waa very handaome and sold 1 " -* Tbe total net receipts were aboi lY f T 1 I were happy together in their g< IB a 9 I well satisfied at their suocet f Vfm Jb W thlsoharoh undertakes, headed and pastor, Rev. J. B. HUlhousi meet wltn saooess. Mr. Ernest Schram Is expect week Irom Galveston, Tcxm, ai the holidays with . bomerolks C! \ friends are glad to see him. |9 \ Bass Brothers are building a near the sdgbt of the old Bass h< In our writings last week, -tr 7cr mistake "elosed,rnp the school / J~ hat they will clloee today tor .r t. /, teachers and scholars will re jl q)i. it respective homes Vto enjoy tt . *OD )i 1.50 People are moving around < 0 n both white and colored, and we >r 1.00 ly obliged If the patrofis on roates will give ns daring jane )r 2.2C names of all new comers, as J who have moved off, as the ca quired to keep such a reoord. write them down plainly and p box. Master Waller Adams, a brigt on route 8 met wltn a narro . weetc while playing at sohool. '/iACI TO Jumped a ditch and lit In a qua I il l/Mt Iji3 his waist, and wasTapldly slukl of his playmates; Master Jan happened to oome along and w: flouit palled blm out and j>erbi $1.85 life. THIS reminds oa of'FU'i" fell from a scaffold, and npoi 2 63 Mid "sore and It wasn't Ihe fall 0 ' but where I lit." 80 Walter -? ? c where he lights" the next time 3 3 Mrs. 8. 8. Link is spending with her home people at Belton sbe will return accompanied b Mr. Tom Link, wbo will be the ^ '' Clark Link and family lor a wb M ^ r~h Miss Eunice 1 oobran and Ml , .Sk f 9 Oaw were among me fair vUlio ti wXl last Saturday, Mr. George Link, a handsome from Anderson, spent severfet ? past' week with his nncle, M _ and family. f Mioses Kobena Gilliam,Eva M V/ClJL *JL and Permella Evans will return from the Normal and Collegiate rotnrn if tn nc and AehevUle,N.0.. and will Uyen return It to US ana routes during their borne stay. Miss Maggie Link, of the Betb turned home laat week from th . . ^ .of tbe State wbere she has be >V receiving $1,000 in most flourishing sohool. She v J . nled from Abbeville to ber bomi it these stores than Lin*. ? ? Mr. R. W. Knox, one of tt farmers aad meaohants on roatt pecan tree from wblcb be la reap a barvpgt, tblB season h Baltimore 167 pounds for wblcl forty dollars. If the nuts bad I tbey perbapa would bave netted Misses Lillian and Josle M M among tbe lair visitors In tbe cl I V A day. S Miss Clara Lee Gilliam exp mm soon for a visit to ber sister, Mri ill ness, of Birmingham, Alabama. III Mr. J, H. Prlnoe and Mr. W. II If a changing tbe old Edwards bous< ^0 roads near Mr, J. Jtt. Thornton's cottage greatly modernised as oc tbe old dwelling. tars on Hit 4 g - "otcni xlltora, ooitm- *t /^1 i of the Press \ , live long and & ! In making reader, to re- > see tbat there< _ ^ Y1^ * s&s or a Pk i tbe best gifts ^ V r aaklng others / ! iwn happiness. , iplest time on Christmas eve. Ir dearest and ? e poem. ? laus, and that 3 * / ; took lng?don't ' b whlstlln' and WMMMBMI i that don't be.... ' . v aythingi, apa 5w, u?t This is tl In' loneaome, sffBk to,. f and whe Ilwup. ?70U ? +? ita Clang than y tiling til whlstlln' and ('that don't be- tUflt Will" . v ' ! \ , eoomlng Id to of this k r, and on ibla u to brighten j tbe "special a happy time t the holidays 1? T > | ^ who. with hi. W >?# llbome today T T # A?< Erom Convene * me from Bee- ) > r iome from Agi yonng Indies /v home, and we _ _ , t. tes ' Newest a y that oomt>? .maa. We are KT , Santa Claotf . NOVCltlCSj en dor and baa ^ V " ' F ' y stores. even ssAtig. Bracelets. lely your old * ma and Plaii L Will push1 to , their recolar N f i.A I do their beat lUUiJ tU Ml y Id carrying & ' r. uda and rel&* >g whittle yoa / ' "i _ " ethlng nloe, or ? ^ / ' were looking ... ! ^ heart totter / l'togo. sar'adaywhen ybodyiMltled ' . y thankfnl lor \ . rissp Come early jbel About three v * lost till barn la wm all bis ler and about 6 la the Janltoi 1 and' la lookrklng colored / loaa. He saved MM VHP ttelved aevere W W. -W' 1 W' tie baggy and ? M -Hjfl -W ' ;R and of oonrae B JB V H - B sas W JCii U ' v ' , . 7/ HE 8. ifr for the ceo- Dr.'Thornton's EaayTeether baa saved thef to enloy each Uvea ol hand rede of bablea and will aafely E tor Key din- carry your baby tbroogb the moat trying pe? oartles. etc. rtod of lis life as It la a guaranteed remedy tor TTi* h tim. ?rrt ir TeethlDK. Summer DlarrboAi Flox. Indues- 1U* \ in theawlm tlon.anfl all stomac* a?l boVel troubled ef infanta. 25 cents. For tale by McMnrray of Hartwell, Drug eo. and oo^try mwhanU, or Ea?yat vlalt with TeethepMedlclnetJo., Hartwell, Ga. Palmer and ' *' Cbai idmont where *fi re they return Bledlclne That la Medicine. ^ ik. under the ^ave suffered a good deal with "8 try Society or malaria C- A. Mlllord 4 0& by turn to'their See those nice pictures at Mllford's book Bo da festive tea- alore before buying. v Te 111 Christmas GiftsSSI JULES G. HUG UELEt T.( rssffa w,,1Sv Tte *w He ran and a nice line of Jewelry, Ladies' in/?whenPone Watches, Rings Chains Pins, etc., see Kennedy, suitable for Christmas gifts. J. Or [pa K^ed his Pine Watch and Clock Repairing I 1JSffl? up Finest References. thf* lbmMt rtiook Office and Bepair Department on 3d, ville i he jumpa. floor of new Bealty Company building. abovi the holidays n] . after which . ^ J" iy ber lather, filiariff'e flalo 1 ?' guest or Mr, wmvx am u ivwawi iyiry j* i as Neiie Mo- Greenwood Grocery Company, Durst- folloi rein the oity Andrews Company, W- D, Barks- tbat ) Tonnir man dale, Bank of Greenwood, against JyJog days of tbe T. W. Miller and Mrs. Elizabeth ia ^ r. clark Link Miller.?Execution. Acret oNeiii, Do tale virtue of an execation to me di- lands bome today rected, in the above stated case, I will and t institute, or gen to the highest bidder, at public aI?8' op society on aucti0Dt within the legal hours of sale, TE ia flection re- at Abbeville, on SATURDAY, the chase p"1 26th day of December, A. D. 1908, all raa ae^mpa- the rigbt, title and interest of T. W. b by Mr. J. J. Miller and Mrs. Elizabeth Miller in the following described property, to M I >8 bastMarge wlt: 0Qe Knight saw mill, one inbeginning io aerted tooth saw, one Phono mower, e snipped to ono three-quarter Mitchell wagon, two l ne reoeivea fhroowinarffip OvAnohorn wacnnfl. turn jTC jeen assorted , , --o i more. bay or dun mare mules, two black cCanty were raare mules. Levied on and to be ty last Mon- 80|j M the property 0f t. W. Miller lecta to leave and Mrs. Elizabeth Miller to satisfy Pi i. J. b. Hark- the aforesaid Execution and costs. ' l Ba>s are Termg?Cash. otu( ; at IbTciSS > C. J. LYON, ^ , into a neat Sheriff Abbeville County. wpweu with Deo, 9th, 1908. * gJJgj ng S: v 3ce of J& v. . "f ''J ' lr . " > ' t'T~ v" " !: " . :. " / ^ * SSKS 1 ; I . .- V } . f ' " ' (' - ' " . V tie season of gift n you give, give at will last, son be appreciated?f ind go to * .JOHNS /. . ? ' The Jeweler. . / ' " v-,H. . pd latest things ii Jewelry,Clock?, V , Chains, Rings, D ei Gold Rings-r-a * '? " Vl V ejntion. ' ' ' V|' ' mmmmmmmrnmrnm 'l- : * - V : : \fl;l V7 ... : .. :V " ?re the Olari / * nVincn i T.. f t. -* ?k?< ts. o ? i i 1 a tWf uipucsi *crjiiuiviiimot "" " of 1 f. Jules G. Huguelet> '"J Organist Methodist Church, con AND TEACHER OF less on a, Violin and Organ. ?ar?' Abbeville, 8. C. dao dio on second floor of new Realty T iany building, next to new post- pap Miss Carrie Huguelet assistant 5r and in oharge of studio. \ i 1 v e r r . - /">: V . . 1 - '>" * . *.?/> : ' 4 ; ' * Vi' svelry. :-v v^r ... rv ; - ;:fp . .. - " ' . .7 v - , -- ? giving, someiething or gifts ON, * * i Silver batches iamond list too ' .'! mmmmm , Lstmas rush. 1 1 - . v 'Zm "'''''-I# T1 - TIE JHBia Master's Bale. v lie St$te of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. inleStrother, Plain tftL against John D; Ferguson, Susie Ramey, A Hie Ferguson, Bertha Ferguson, Bobbie Ferguson, Conway Ferguson, Lillie Ferguson and Balph Ferguson, Defendants. ' ' By authority of a Decree of Sale by a Coqrt.of Coqintop Plefs for Ably lie County, in said tttate, made in b above stated case, I will offer for le, at Public Outcry, at Abbeville C. ?: fr ? 8. CM on SaleBday in January, A. 1909, with In the legal hours of sale e following described land, to-wit: 1 that tract or parcel of land si tuate, >' ing and being in Abbeville County, the State aforesaid, containing Four a and red and Fifty Aorss, more or A, and bounded g lands of Mrs. M. Thomas, P. Rosenberg & Co., P. A. leathajn and dtbero. rheee lands will be sold in three ids?plats of which can be seen by lling on the Master.Perms of Bale?C^h. Purchaser to y for papers. B. E. HILL, Master A. C., S. C. > /? n ii n _ r ate 01 souin uaronmi County of Abbeville. , PROBATE COURT. bert S. Link, as Admr. of the Estate 7 of Samuel J. Donaldson, deceased, Plaintiff, against Nancy J. Don* aldson, Mile, Cole, John Cole, Amanda Cole, Sarah Smith, Laura Adams, Rosenberg Mer. Co., J. W. Golden, and R. R. Tolbert, Defendants. ? Complaint to Sell Lands to Pay Debts. 'ursuant to an order of the Probate irt, T will sell_at Public Outcry at beville Court Mouse, oo waieaay in -. luary, 1909, next, for the payment , lebts, the following described real ite, belonging to the estate of SamJ. Donaldson, deceased, situate in 1 State and County, to wit: All t tract or parcel of lands, known as ertain lot or paroel of land in the 7 of Abbeville, containing Five;htbs of an Acre, more or less, with > houses thereon, bounded by lands Calisa Garrett, Eliza Patton, Mai Miles and others. .Iso, that tract or parcel of land, taining 8ixty-Three Acres, more or , bounded by lands of Curltail ;k, lands of P. Rosenbesg