The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, October 14, 1908, Image 5

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-1 i ? 11 rtfU.-r1j?.Vi Y - I . The Press and Banner Published every Wednesday at two dollars i a year In advanee. Wednesday, Oct, 14, 1908. Plantation for Sale. Plantation two aud three-fourths rnil?\ iri'iu uue if tm, mi nuucm r iunu u?vu vllle church, containing 150 acres, U offeree lor sale. Apply lo K. S. Oalloway, Due West *? ^ Land for Sale. I will sell CO acres of land three mi'es fron Hodges and two miles (?o:n Warevl 1 , with In b iIf mile of raliroad. Terms easy. Ap ply to W. W. Bradley. * The Uuion The Farmers Educational and Co operative Union of Amerloa meets lu the Court hou?e at Abbeville on the first Saturday ol everj month. Farmers will take notice. Dog Lost White houad, two red spots on his back h:ilf of one e*r off. Will pav for Its return It. H. Taggart. Ate Von Only Hxif Alive Y People with Sidney trouble are so weak and eshfuiMtd that 11 e j- are only half alive .roiey tl iviuuey rieiiieu} lunnco urni i uj am' neys, ret-tores lo*t vitality, and weak, delicate people are res'orrd 10 health. Kefust any but Foley's. C A. Milford & Co. Quit Renting?Buy a Home. I will cut the A1 en plt.ce near Lowndes vlile to KUit you aiid fell It to a gcod man or long time wtibout any cafb, taking bo roucl cotton per year. If you w am to ?ee me aboui 11, write me. Anderson Real Estate and In vestment Co., E. K. Horton, President, Anderson , S. C. A J wfler'* K*p?"rlenc. C R. Kluger, 'J be Jeweler, lfUO Vlrg'nl.i Ave, Indianapolis, write*: "I wassr weHk from-kidney trouble that I eou d hardly walk a bundled leet. Four t?oities of Fc ley's Kidney K-medy cleaied my comp ex lot), cured iny backache and tbe Irre^ulatl ties disappeared, au-l 1 can now atl^ud Ic business every da> , and recommend Foley'( Kidnc-y Ui medy to a l suflerers, mb It cured me after the doctors and 01 her icmtdles bad failed, C. A Milford & Co. Sived Ills Buj'n Life. "My three year old boy was badly coi 8 1 pated, hat a lilgb fever and was in ?n awiui coudltlon. I gave btm two doses of Foley't Orlno Laxative aud tbe next morning the fever was gone and be whs entirely wel . Foley's - rluo Laxative Mved bis life." A. \\ olkusb, Ccslmer, Wis. C, A. Mlllord & Co. John L. Kennedy. Mr. John L. K< nnedy, ol Bellevew, was lc Abbeville yesterday. Mr. Kennedy Is oue of largest land owners ol ihe 1,'ouniv. lie has a mofct comfortable estate which He bus carvtd cut by his uwo energy and Joretlght. Mr. Keunedy la always In a good humor ana has the faculty ot lmpaitlug his tood feeling to (libera. 5? ^ . m \ J. G. Sanders. Mr. J. 0. Sauders, farmer aud merchant, ol MoCorruicB, l? atteuJiti< c.iutt as juror. Mr. Suod> r* begat) butluets at Uo de u x wl'h If tie more lliuu 111-good uauie nud uy eueigy aud Integrity in bu.-lnisi be u now lu couj lortable circumstances. Captain Shaw. C?pt?lu W. C. Shaw was lu attendance on Court Tuesday. Cuptaiu Shaw, fu nmu pat t throwu hot shji against ti>e repeal ol the lien law. Dr. P. B. Carwile. Dr. P. B. Carwile was on our streets yesterday. He u?s represeuted Abbeville County In tue Legislature three or four tlmta and bt has recently been te elected. Dr. Carwlie makes a u?aful member. P.i'sesstd of strong common seuse, a good educa Don, aud tbe couservatism of ripened expert' ence Abbevl.le County's aflktrs are sufo lu bit bunds. R. F. Morris. Mr. R F. Mortis, one of W.lll n# ton's be-t 08 well as oueof tier must pio!jie<Mve clt.z < ? wn8 In lowu yesterduy. lie is one ol tb victims of Spartanburg's uefunct Fire la eurauce Companies. S. J. Wakefield. Few people who have visited Antrevllle 10 this couoiy, come aw?y without enjoying the hospitality of Mr 8. J. Waki Meld. lu au uuostenUtlous way be h.?s made himself lodes peDftlble to blt> community. He U mHua^ei and largely owner oi perhaps tbe only ol: mill Id tbe (state, located miles from au\ railroad, acd tba best part of It in It pay* handsomely. Mr. Waketteld shrewdly dl vlued ibat the thickly sett td wblie papula tlou about hint would conmmf- bis hulls and meal at retail prices, wblle ibe hauling of tb( oil to market would be a small matter. Developments nave JabHtled his reasoning. Dargan's Locals. Eiterprlse stoves are tue best cookers kuown to the trade. Dargaus. V.,il,4?nl I) .nooa orn aK.nlnlo V Ihfl liPC goods that skilled ia'>or can build. Dargaus Wedding iilia la Cat UUis?Cala i and ster Hdk Silver. Dargaus. Buy your toys now an I get Ihe pickings D irxanR. Cash K g ster Checks Irom onr store ar? worth uiouey. Damans. Unique Situation. Mr. S J. Wakelield was mteres'.ed la two cases before the court here yesterday. Twt Jurors were out ou two ol his ca^es yesterd*} at the BHme time. We don't recall lhat suet a thlo^ bus happened here lu the experience of aay other man. ? W P. Beard. Mr. W. 1*. Btard moulder and Iron foundei n u J iljg oh iiu'H hi, Piiuin >ut Is visiting itlaiives in A'ibevllle. M>. B^aid has a 10 tract with the mil authorities ol Pi?dmon that m*kes bis work there vt-ry pillion tile He U xrrauglng to re pen u foundry la Abbeville. There l>? a good opening here and w< know ol oo mao who will till the bill betle tnan Mr. Heard. Lost Scarf Pin. Lost eold scarf pin with green stone setting between i'resuy terlati at,d Baptist cburcbe? Return lor reward to F. J?. H*rrlaon. A New Survey. The people of Abbeville County will be glut to know itiey wnl booh be given au oppo tuotty loobtHlu one of tbe New Surveys o S ?utu Caroilun Mr. Heed ban been seut beri to see every family lu our county, and explali tbe method of distribution. Tula affords at excelent op?>ortuuity (or one to know bl State and ?boul J be in eaca borne. Mr. Heei will visit eacn boine In due time on time. J H. Callaban attended tbe exercises c tbe laying o( tbe corner stone ol Ibe nev Court bouee at Abbeville Inst week. He say Abbeville bas one ol tbe Quest court bouse In tut s ate, and hn up t-.-date opera bouse Aboeviue U veiy pioud of ber two nev buildings, and *be bas a rtgbt to be.?tionei l'ain Chronicle. Annual Meeting. Tbe regular Annual Meeting ol tbe stock holders ol tbe Calhoun Mills will be beld li Ibe Office of tbe company at Willlanibton.S C., on Thursday, October 15:b, 11HJ8, at 1 o'clock dojd. By older of tbe President. E. M. Lander, Secretary. f ? J A.i- J T> nu?. Oeeu v/ctia ituu ?xy c ? uiciij. will have good Sead Wheat Glenn will give low pricei on flour for lash. King Bee Shoes-Sold else where ior $s-iiienns pnc< $.50 I am 110w prepared t o furnish wood at fl.t for a one horse wagon load cut up. Amoa B. Morse. We have the 1 ; in this market, an We haven't space ' take pleasure in si Linen Table Damask We are headquarters for the goods. Everything you want this line. Doilies to match. Towels f rom 5c to 50c eacn. Ginghams > I We have a large stock of Ginghan " ?the best brands. Red Seal, A. I C., Bates, all at 10c. : Homespun and Sheeting > f We are always full on these good ' from the cheapest to the very bes and can give you 4-4 Ble'ache Homespun as cheap now as ever. Cloaks, Cloaks! ' TM, ? ? lltJ NOTICE OF ELECTION. i State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. Notice is hereby given that the General Election for Presidential and VicePresidential Electors and Representative in Congress will be held at the voting precincts fixed by law In the County of Abbeville, on Tuesday, No, vember 3, 1908, said day being Tuesday following the first Monday, as prescribed by law. The qualifications tor suffrages are as follows: Residence in State for two years, in the County one year, in the polling precinct. iu wnicn tue elector oners 10 vote, six mouths, and the payment six months before any election of any poll tax then due and payable. Provided, that miuisters in charge 'of an organized church aud teachers of public schools shall be entitled to vote after six months' residnce in the Stale, otherwise qualified. 1 Registration.?Payment of all taxes, including poll tux, assessed and collectable during the previous year. The production of a certificate or the receipt ?f the officer authorized to collect such taxes shall be conclusive proof of the i payment thereof. Before the hour fixed for opening the polls Managers and Clerks must take and subscribe to the Constitutional oath. The Chairman of the Board of . Managers can administer tbe oath to the other Managers aud to the Clerk; a ! Notary PublicTmTst administer tbe > oath to Chairman. The Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a. tn., and closed at 4 o'clock p. m., except in the City of Charlebton, where they shall be opened at 7 a. ra. and closed at 6 p. ro. The Mauagers h ve-the power to till a vacancy; and if none of the Maua. gers attend, the ciliz-na can appoint, trom among the qualified votern, the Managers, who, after being sworn, can conduct the election. At the close of the election, the Managers and Clerk must proceed publicly to open the ballot boxes and count the ballots therein, and continue without adjournment until the same is completed, and make a statement of the result for each office, and sigu the ! ?ame. Within three days thereafter, the Chairman of the Board, or tome one designated by the Board, must deliver to the Commissiouera of Election the poll list, the boxes containing the ; ballots aud written statements of the L result the election. i MANAGERS CF ELECTION. : The following Managers of Election i 1 have been appointed to hold the elec tion at the various precincts in the said County: Abbeville?T. C. Seal, J. L. Clark, H. T. Ward law. Antreville?J. F. Gray, W. L. Killingsworth, Way man Bowen. Willingtou?S. S. McBride, R. F. Mortis, Albert Gibert. i Due West?J. H. Brooks, H. M. Young, Joe N. Nance. r Lowndesville?J. T. Drennan, A. D. j Broad well, J. H. Maoniug. Central School House?A. J. Morri\ son, D. P. Hannah, Thos. Xickels. McCormick?T. J. Price, Geo. W. I Talbert, F. F. Edmoad*. , Keowee?J. It. McAdams, J. R. C. v Ashley, Eltnar Bryant. * Mt. Carmel? J. D. Cade, T. M. Knox b S. J. Wells. p Donalds?VV. R. Dunn, E. 8. Mar4 tin, Bascom Winn. Magno'ia?F. C. Nance, N. J. Tucker, R. O. Bell. Clatworthy X Roads?John Brown, E. T1 Link, J. G. McKiuuey. j Bryant X Roads?R. L. Young, M. >. S. Ashley, P. L. Busley. 2 Rock Springs)?C. L. Ashley, G. W. Haynes, Sumter Hill. The Managers at each precinct named above are requested to delegate one ^ of their number to secure the boxes and blanks f( r the election which will be delivered at Abbeville on Saturday, Oct. 31st, 1908. 3 P. D. KLUGH, dir. W. C. SHAW, A. M. ERWIN. Commissioners of Federal Election for A btiHviile (]o. ? R. D. Purdy, Clerk. Piano For Sale. K) v One piano In first ci?ss conl^on,?Apply to 1'resa and Banner ollloe. " W. WH argest and best sel d it will pay you t< to enumerate all lowing you if you 1 ABBEVILLE'S HE se j Men's Fa High Art THE many merits posses; smart, stylish and dig fit and exceptional service. When you buy Clothes of t! ? tee of entire satisfaction ba tatiou of America's leadinj You take 110 risks, yet yo charged elsewhere. Come is We have anything you want to $25. OVERC We have the best line ever are in shape to save you Cravenette Rain Coats the f stormy days. ^ Remember we are h< Shoes and Hats. You want to see L. W. Can You Little C t If you have not seen the now in our show window day. It is a perfect stov< cook just like a big one. On December 12th w ^ the little girl?fourteen 3 will draw the best reprod shown on the above pictu Will announce the ju Perhaps you will be Come to our store to-da and get a little bookletabout this interesting cot UMBIW? ?!! ! Hill=Moseley ELECTRIC SUPPLIES If you need anything in to your interest to see us. ries on hand. MUSIC STUDIO. Highest Testimonials. Prof. .Tnloc CI TTnrrnolc+. * iVl' W UAUO w* AAUgUViVWJ Organist Methodist Church, AND TEACHER OF Fiona, Violin and Organ. Abbeville, S. C. Studio on second floor of new Realty Company building, next to new po.?tottice. Miss Carrie Huguelet assistant teacher and in charge of studio. JuRt received a uloe lot of oval and square portrait frames at Mllford'a Book Store. 1 I I1 1 | | j 'I ? HE COW ected stock of Dry ( > look through our st< the bargains we are will come to see us. ADQUARTERS FOR shions in 1 \ line : Clothing ? you ?ed by High Art Cloth lug, its oitied appearance, its perfect place it in a class by itself. Iiis make you have a guarancked by the names and repug makers of Men's Clothes. \ u pay less than you will be Wa in and we will prove it to you. shQ 5 in price from $5 a suit up $I0 iOATS! ? shown in Abbeville, and we j money on them. High Art icme of comfort and style for the: lect eadquarters for Underwear, in che what we are shov White H Draw n ' w lirl little 44 Buck's " range? ?you should see It?to; in little?will bake and e are going to give it to m fears old or under?who b< uction of the trade-mark t>< It ire* \i dges next week. w Q3 I *4-4-1 a iv! * ! me iui luuaic unit M y?register your name? ? ?which will tell you all gl ltest. J ti Electric Co. " ! AND CONTRACTINC. gy ?( the electric line it will be J Fresh lot of Dry Batte- H =? At It Again. tl Can sell you one of the fanciest farms with- TI Id one-balf mile 01 city limits for a very reaHonabie.price. Tbls farm contains 105 acres, 90 of wbfcb Is Id a blgb state of cultivation, as can be seen by an Inspection of tbe premise. It also contalDs a ulce new cottage and a flue well ot water. Will be sold In any size lots and at almost any terms to suit purcba?-er. Cod tains a frontage of half a mile b( on Wain street. Call and see me. ra M. E. HolllDgsworth. at ???^ la I'np Mule. uu OO-saw WlDBblp Kin, feeder and condenier; Cc good a* new. Price 850.00. Or, will exchange lor live stock. Apply to J. W. McDonald, Mt. Carmel,8. C. E| PfiTPIC THEBESTFOB "if ' "'Vr BILIOUSNESS ~ BITTERS AND KIDNEYS, Q 4 _ wii V - 111 mum ~'ni i iiiBifti" ' IPANY. joods ever shown Dck before buying. : offering, but will Skirls Ve have the best and cheapest : of Skirts ever shown in this rket. ' We can give you any color want in Panamas, Mohairs and les from $2.50 to $15. Waists Ve have a line of the prettiest ists to be had anywhere. We wing these goods from 50c to each, all colors. Silks and Dress Goods Ve are always in the lead on 5e goods. We have the best seed line of Silks and Dress Goods the up-country, from the very apest to the best. ving for $5.00. > Co. w Glenn is selling 35c all hair ads at 30c-Collars 50c to 2.00. ^ M CfllLKI'S II. FFICE WILL BE OPEN FROM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15th UNTIL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 1908. he Eate of State, County, School and Special Tax, Including One Dollar Poll Tai, One Dollar Commutation Taxi N ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT TO raise supplies for the fiscal year commenog January 1, 1908, uollce Is hereby given at the cifflce or County Treasurer for Abbeile County will be open /or the oollectlan of xea for said fisoal year from Thursday,Octor 15th, until Thursday, December 81st, with it penally. There will De added? \ penalty of one per cent, on all taxes not ild on January 1st, 1908. A. penalty of two per oent. on all taxes not ild on February 1st, 1908. \ penalty of seven per cent, on all taxes >t paid on March 1st, 1903. Elates per oent. of taxation are as follows: State Tax 5% mills. County Tax 1^ " special uouniy b. * Constitutional School 8 i " Total .J. 12)< [ addition to the above, a special tax will i oolite ted for school purposes as follows: Abbeville Special School 6 mills Abbeville Special K. K. Bonds 1% " Donalds 3 " Due West 8 " Keowee 8 " Lebanon 4 " Sharon 4 " Bethel 3 " Lowndesvllle 4 " Mt. Carmel 3 " Wllllngton 8 " McCormlcfe 4 " BntTalo 2 Fondvllle 3 " Warrenton 8 " A poll lax of One.Dollar per capita on all ale citizens between the age of 21 and 60 jars, except sach as are exempt by law, will s collected. A commutation road tax of One Dollar will > collected the same time as other taxes om nil male citizens between the ages or 18 3d 50 years, except such as are exempted by ,w. Unless said lax Is paid by flrstof March, 09, eight days work upon the public -blgti; " ays will be required under an overseer, If so "* inch be Deoessarv. Taxes are payable only In gold and silver jln, United Stales currency, National Bank otes and Coupons o! State Bonds which beime payable daring the year 1908. A tax of ) cents will be collected on each dog. Parties desiring Information by mall in reard to their taxes will please write before eoember 16th, stating the location of their roperty, and lno!nde postage for reply, and lose paying taxes by check mast Include le charge lor oollectlon. J. F. BRADLEY, County Treasurer. Oot. 1908. J Heavy Bagging and Ties at llenn's. Ready Roofing-$1.90 & $2 , Square witn L'ement at Glenn's. Every home wltb children should have a ox of Dr. Thornton's Easy-Teeiber in It. A aaranteed remedy for all bowel and etom> )h trouble In teething children. 25 cent*, or aale by McMurray Drug Co. and country lercbantsfor Easy-Teether Medicine Co., art well, Ua. We are selling a lot of hats a samples and jobs at 50c on he dollar, but they are going MAAn apiuijr ou van ouuu. S. J. Link. The Kenl KhIrIc Market Active. How about a Dice cottage Id tbe cliy of Abtvllle? Have more ihaD a UczeD at prices DgluK from 8375 to So,000. Also several lots moderate prices and aDy old terms. Can II yoi> any number of acres of cultivated uds near olty, or couDtry. One new cottage st finished, with all modern Improvements, ieap for casb. Costa you nothing to look. >me to see me. Always In office, tf M. E. liolllngewortb. * * o A Wedding presents of Silver, Cut J lass and China. Dargan's. j* CHRYSANTi THURSDAY, No ROSEN BEI Chrysanthemums, Roses, I Fancy Work, Oysters, Ore A Chrysanthemum Fair for t! Club will be held November 5th 12 o'clock. The following is a prof PROG 12.00 Opening of 3.00 Baby Show 8.00 Orchestra ( " 9.30 Auction of PRIZES?Flowers, Class A, Vase of 36 blooms, sai Class B, Vase of all colors, $2. Class C, Collection. Exhibited Class D, Single stem and one b! Class E, Single stem and three Class F, Best design of chrysar Class G, Best basket of roses, & Class H, Best collection of dali; Class I, Best Fern, 50c. BABY ? Prize for baby under oi Prize for prettiest girl, Prize for handsome bo; Noted cultivators of this and f specimens and collections of the Q the sweetiest and prettiest babies ii some prizes offered in the Baby Sh The fancy work and candy boc of the fair, while the preparation i in charge of ladies famous for thei: ORCHE Prof. Huguelet, a musician of sont a concert program. The best be used. For information write or see A prizes and scale of awards. Admission?Fair 10c, Baby Sh< Troll . H WE PLEDGE YOU I EVERY CENT YOU 1 The Goods we Handle are Workmanship. The Pric< CLOTi Men's Suits $4.50, $6.50, $10.00, $ Men's Overcoats and Cravenets Men's and Boys Odd Pants, equt Children's Suits that defy compc Underwear for ladies, gentlemei from 25c to $ .00 per suit, BLANi Our line of Blankets at this teas* Drices are lower than we have ever c SHO For men, women and children, i child Shoe to the best $4.50 men's di gun metals. DRY G When you buy Dry Goods from LOWEST PRICES. We have bou| at a correspondingly reduced price. Trunks a At prices that will interest you. Every dollar's worth bought fro: D PO] Excursio ... VI Southern ANDERSON C< Account Anderson County Fair irCkTxr lour rnnnrl trin rfltPfl. Tipkpti V Vi J IV IT AUUUV? tanburg and intermediate points greatly reduced rates. Tickets wil inclusive, limited for return until ( PIEDMON Account Piedmont Fair the So ly reduced rates from Charlotte, N, and intermediate stations to Green to be sold October 19th to 23d, inch tober 26, 1908. STATI Account South Carolina State nounces very low round trip rates f to Columbia, S. C. Tickets to be sc and for trains scheduled to arrive f limited for return until November For rates, schedules ana mrorr lunibia on special dales apply to So J. L. MEEK, Asst. Gen. Passenger Agent. Atlanta. Young Men! If you want to know why you should b3- , ome telegraph operators and what school to ttend. write to SOUTHERN SCHOOL OF ' 'ELE&RAPHY, Newnan.Ga., for freeCaia- ' *"A." EVERY BOY should read It. Tuitions positively guaranteed. r / A II Ft J renter 5,1908. l? TTAT.T. i| ^erns, Baby Show, Candy, s.j ihestra, Flower Sale, etc. he benefit of the Abbeville Civic in Rosenberg Hall, beginning at jram and list of prizes: RAM ' *%? Fair. ,'oncert. Flowers. / Chrysanthemums. cne color and variety, $2. short stemmed in tumblers, $1. . ." ? loom, $1. blooms, $1. tthemums, $1. ahs, 50c. SHOW. ne year. one to three years. y, one to three years. surrounding counties will exhibit fcueen of Autumn flowers. Only 1 town will compete for the handow. >ths will be an attractive feature ind serving of the oysters will be r skill in that line. STRA. highest talent will train and premusical talent in the State will Irs. C. C. Gambrell. Get a list of dw 10c. IAK0FF FULL VALUE FUR |S INVEST WITH US. Mi Reliable in Quality and 38 Speak for themselves* HING* :'f| H2.50 and up to $18.00. from $8.50 to $12.00. il to custom made from 98c to $5.00 itition Id price. a and children at prices ranging .j KETS. '.Jg )n is larger than ever before and >ffered. J3S. . .1 ill sizes and styles, at from a 75c ess shoes, in patents and tans and OODS. our store you get the advantage of ?ht right and we are going to sell " r. "V-i nd Bags. m us is worth a dollar. [jIAKOFF. a V " M n Rates ".'"V A. Railway. OUNTY FAIR. the Southern Railway announces\ 3 to be sold from Columbia, Sparto Anderson, S. C., and return at 1 be on sale October 10th to 11th, )ctober 17,1908. ; T FAIR. * ~__z? uthern Railway announces great, C., Chester, S. C., Augusta, Ga., viLle, S. C., and return. Tickets isive, limited for return until Oc! FAIR. Fair the Southern Railway anrom all points in South Carolina ild October 24th to 29th, inclusive, 'olumbia before noon October.30, 2,1908. nation about special trains to Couthern Railway agents or address J. C. LUSK, ])iv. Passenger Agent, Charleston. Bagging and ties in any quantity at lowest prices. A. M- Smith & Co. 4 1IMA A#aAll<? A* .vu eifKam ituoui ouuu uioqd joiuiuwiio ? Mllford's Book more.