* _/ \ The Abbeville Press and Banner | BY W. W. & TV. li. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. O.,'WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1908. ESTABLISHED 1844 M Philsc We are again in the DRESS GOOI That has ever bee careful in select to only buy the we took our tim so that now we 11/* fli n mnct UU V 1X1V liuv ever shown. Dress Goods Values New fall dress goods are now coming in. Don't fail to see our line before buying. We have all the new stripes, weaves and colors and at prices to suit all. i*? Deaumui uuuiigs NEW GOODS. We now have in stock the prettiest line of Outing that can be gotten together. Everything in stripes, checks, plaids and plain going at 10c yd. Border Percales at 12}c yd. Border Outing at lot yd. Ginghams for dresses at 10c yd. Apron Ginghams at 7c yd. Hosiery Ladies and children hose guaranteed to last six months at 2oc. Boys "Cadet" Stocking at 2oc. SHOES !? money back if they LOWNDESVILLE. I^owntlpRvlllp. SeDt. 7lh 190 Our condition, ) common with ru> other sections of Ibe State, for nfarly I wetks ban been a bad one. an to Rail Ko Telegraph and Telephone communicati After ibe eveDlDg of tbe 22 of August we not hear the whistle of a locomotive till n xt Sunday, and that came from a matei train on the otber sidf of the steel brldg?; where It had been across Rocky River c eral miles below here. It can be well Im Ined the condition that we were In, no n< from the election t 11 tbe last of the we then what we did bear was so tnfagre and far from being authentic, that it wai questionable as to wbat reliance was to placed in it. Tben the Rail Rosd^ le> d to this p'ace, by which brought our sorp were sob dly damxgrd tbatlt was very dot ful as to where our supplies, which at tbe ginning of tbe deluge were beginning i short oonld be replenished. Last Wednesdiy, 2 id, nlae d?n to rect some ol ibe delayed mall matter, but I Frld.iy nlgbt another big rain washed a part of the trestle across a creek bf low h< which Is to ba hoped will only temporal prevent trains from running from Anden to McCormlck. It Is needless to underti to tell of the damage to crops on the Sav nab and Rocky River. Many lost their tire crops of corn and cotton and are it bad fix. It Is not often that a community is cal upon In llttle^over a week togl ve np tw( Its honored members Two weik ago Mr. S Epns was laid to rest, the next week J J. T. Latimer bade adieu to this world, was born In the "The Fork" about 65 ye ago at. the home of his saluted father Mr. T. Latimer, be was reared on tba farm filous parents which caused him very ea n life to unite with the Methodist chu and he spent his years in the Bervlce of M inter. Last Wednesday wis a week ago he qu ly parsed away and In order that Bomn of riiarant. rnlatlvnu mtffht rnaoh here the In roent was postponed till Friday at 11 A His remains were carried to lbs Mellioi cburch and funeralised by pay tor H O M. Abney assisted by Rev. H. C. Fern Tbe ctkircb was full of bis saddened frlei who thus paid a Ust sad tribute to bis m< ory. Tbe large crowd (wtalob would b been mucb larger but for tbelr Inability be present because of washpd away brldg followed tbe remains to Smyrna cemet< where the last sad rl'es were performed. ' grave was covered with a profusion of pre flowers. Toe aotlve pall bearers were, Dr J. B. Mi ly, Dr. T. O. Klrkpa trick, Messrs D. K. Coo Henry Mosely, ?. W. Harper and E. Huckabee, Honoray. Rev. H. C. Feo! Messrs J. B. Le Roy, R. J. Hutcbison, J. Huckabee and J. J. Johnson. Mr. Latimer bad been merchandising this place Blnce tbe war. He will be m missed In tbe borne, tbe cburch, and a munlty. He left a widow, four sons an little girl that be and bis wife took sevi years ago to raise, and many friends, al whom would have gladly have prolonged Hie II BUUU B lUlUg UHU occu 1'UWIUIC, alas, mauy times those most needed taken away, and we cannot tell why. Mr. W.C. Sherrard chairman of the cou board of registration, was In this place i nrday and Issued a certificate to a few, \ bad not before recleved one. Troup A Sure-enonijli Knocker. J. C. Goodwin, of Reidsville, N. says : -'Bucklen's Arnica Salve ii sure-enough knocker for ulcers. A I one came on ray leg laBt summer, that wonderful salve knocked it oul a few rounds. Not even a scar mained." Guaranteed for piles, soi bums, etc. 2oc. at Speed's drug st< (jarden bone at Harrlsdn's. in. Henr lead with the prettiest and I 9S| [ MILLINER! n shown in Abbeville, ing our stock this seasoi very latest things out. ? e iu looking about before are in a position to show complete stock of mere T " Fall Millinery Our customers in this department are our best advertisements. We realize that prompt, efficient service, the very latest styles, prices which include the lowest margin of profit possible, all tend to increase our busness in this department. If you have never purchased your hat here you should do so now and get the very best for your money possible. Cloak and Suit Department We have put in this season a stock of Tailor-made Suits. We cannot tell you in this ad how handsome and stylish our new fall suits really are, so invite all to come in and let us show you. Prices $15 to $30. As before we showing- the largest stock of Cloaks in Abbeville. Prices from up to $40. Skirts from $5 to $20. are still handling the St w Shoes. Every pair do not give satisfaction. %%%% %%%% J !wo J Abbeville County * Q on: J now has the pretti-S ^ J est Court House in J ev' # the State. Come * f f < Oct. 1, 1908, let us t t **i \ eat and be merry 5 ? inj g for once. 11 be- <%%%%**>%%%%%%%*%%% ruu un Speed's Locals. cat| ^ oss 1 ou Chq gei h nsi 01 ncuu. i uuubb uy kiouch Ive at Speed's Drug Store and have y< ur books ast ready on opening day and avoid the rueh. out r et D'-Voe's when you patnt.lt Is the cheapsre, est In the end, Speed's Drug Store. ' Prepare tor the cold winds, glass and putty ike Speed's Drug Store. at- If yon go to Speed's Drug Store lor school Cl en- books, t illets, pencils, etc., you won't be dls- a i 9 appointed, we've got'em. VH Rmoke Speed's Clncos and feel like you've ti led got the worth of your money. a ' Paints oil, stains, window glaes and putty ^ at Speed's Drug Store. He Huyler'B candy,fresh at Speed's Drug Store. P iars Speed's Clncoes always fr?f-h and sweet, we a C nell three thousaud every ten days. Speed's o by Drug Store. ft rih ^OQ wl" 8ave t,me by KOlng to Speed'1 Drug Store for what you want, you will find Qi lDe It there. 91 let- * his U Mr" Our stock of Flour, Bran, 0 :evl Corn, Oats, and Hay is al- c ads ways complete. Jave The L. W. White Co. i! to t( :e*) ????? ;ry, rbe Scbednle for Dae West Railroad. ri lUy Morning train leaves Due Wepl 10:15. a The evening train leaves Due Went at 5:15. ti iBV* The Southern from Greenville and the a j Southern from Columbia meet In the morn- ti nei Ing at Shoals Junction, two miles below 11 w' Donalds. The Due West train will take pas' sengers from both these trains. ^ The Southern Trains In the evening, North rr n?h ?nd South, meel at ttodges. If these are on * time the Due West train takes passengers a rt n from eaeb 01 them- 11 they are late It either ^ orQi waits, or runs out to Due West and returns fi n for this service. ^ hiR Passengers can also go out from Due West A but on morning or evening freight train. are SK MUSIC STUDIO. stl0 HifcheNt TPHtlmonialH. \ Prof. Jules G- Huguelet. OrgaDist Methodist Church, ANI) TKACHER OF . 1*1011:1. Violin and Oririiii. bad Abbeville, S. C. but Studio on second floor of new Realty t in Company buildintr, next to new postre office. Miss Carrie Huguelet assistant res, teacher and in charge of studio, ire. SllkH. SlIkB. Don't forget that we always keep the blue ribbon taffeta, the beat money can buy. The R. M. Haddon Co. ft , ilatei&Srjnx,- .. y & Co best selected stock of [I | SHOES We have been very ti; were determined >o while in New York 0 placing our orders to the ladies of Ab aiidise that we have Linens 36-inch Pure Linen Cambric al 25c yd. 90-inch Pure Linen Sheeting al $1.00 yd. 90-inch Pure Linen Sheeting at $1.10 yd. 3G-inch Pure Linen Lawns at 25c yd. 3G-inch Pure Linen Lawns at 40c yd. Bleached Sheeting 10-4 Bleached Sheeting 30c yd. 9-1 Bleached Sheeting 25c yd. 10-4 Unbleached Sheeting 25c yd Lonsdale Cambric 12Jc yd. A H/-1 rnanr>rrrriria "Rloonhinof 1 (V> Vfl n.HV*I,VOW^p,iUu *vv ^ v.. Barkers Bleaching 10c yd. Suiting 20c Suiting at 10c yd. This is the same quality that sold last season at 20c yd. We ran across a party that had only one case and by taking it all he let us have it at about one-half price. We have decided to let our customers have the benefit of this bargain and let it go at 10c yd. ar Brand and Irving guaranteed. Y o ur Totice to Liquor Dealers. 'ffice of County Dispensary Board for Abbeville County. Abbeville, S. C., Sept. 1, 1908. Bids are hereby requested, in accordnee with the terms of the Dispensary iw now in force, for the following inds and qualities of liquors, beer tid other articles herein enumerated to e furnished to the State of South Carlina for use of the County Dispensary Joard for Abbeville County, to wit: 200 bbls. corn whiskey, 80 proof. 40 bbls. corn whiskey, 100 proof. 40 bbls. rye, give proof and age. t kkl? O nfnmn fim A 7 VflQ ra nlfl o uuia. ?4 otauip 1 jo, u iu f jvmik ?/ Ills spending two weeks with relatives. Miss Mary Lawpon Link has gone to Deoatur, Ga., where she goes to enter Agnes Scott. Miss Rosa Maxwell and Miss Nellie Harden came home Monday from Belton where ihey have been the guests of Mrs. Clyde Green for the past week. Mr. and Mr*. John Brown, of Atlanta were In the city for several dajs last week the guestB of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cheatham spent Sunday In Greenwood. ' Wednesday afternoon from 5 to 7 o'clock Mrs. Fred Cason received a number of her ; friends In honor of her sister Mrs. A. Gage, of Columbia, who is her charming guest. Mrs. Cason received on the porch, she wore a becoming toilette of white chiffon, Mrs. Gage wore a gown of blaok lace that was exceedingly becoming. In the hpll dellgntful punch was served by Miss Lula Cason. Small tables were arranged on the side piazzas and here the guests were served with a delicious salad 1 course followed by coffee and fruit cake. Mrs. Cason was assisted In receiving by Mrs. P. A. l Cheatham, Mrs. E. C. Wilson and Mrs. t " Franklin Nlcklea , Mrs. G. A. Seattle, of Wlnnsboro, is in the ' oily the guest of Mrs. J. C. Thomson. '> Mr. R. U. Kennedy, who has been with the Seaboard Air Line lor some time has gone to Texas for an extented vacation. Mr. Clyde Morgan is home again after a ? stay of three weeks In New York. Mr. Morgan Is now with the R. M. Haddon Company. f ; Miss Julia Fretwell who has so successfully managed the millinery department of Philson, Henry & Co. has returned to Abbeville ; and has resumed her position. Miss Maggie Aiken, of Wlnnsboro, has been In the city for a few days the guest of Mrs. S. E. Print las. Mr. Calhoun DeBruhl has gone to Clemson Co'lege. i Miss Marie Gary will entertain the Euchre I Club Friday afternoon at five o'clock. " Miss Fay Sellers returned to her home in Greenville Saturday after spending some time here as the guest of Miss Mary Miller. Mr. George Speer of Monterey was in town Saturday for a few hours. MIsb Virginia Gambrall left Tuesday for Atlanta where she has a position. Miss Gambrell has been spending her vacation with be* home people here. Miss Hattle Oetzel is with the R. M. Haddon Company for the winter season. She Is a trimmer of unusual taste and always pi pases. Mrs. John Pressly who has been here from Due West spending a while with the Misses Cater hasjeturned to her home. Dr. F. E. Harrison Is at Tate Springs for a week or tea days. Mies Helen White Is expected borne this week from a tbree months stay In Europe. Miss Blanobe Gary left last Friday for Columbia where she will have charge of the same music olass that she taught last year. Mr. John HID. Mr. Lnngdon Haskell, Mr. Calhouq Cason and Mr. Calhoun Haskell have eone to Clemnon College. Mr. Andrtw White baa gone to CbattaStoves an The Fall seast oall your attention Eanges. We carr in several different i i i r .ii ... us a iook, wnetner ; sure is ours." ' OUR CAMEI i is the best Range oi sonable price. L asbestos lined. Bi wood. Always ( / Tk? T iir wtu J. lie U. Vf V? 11 l WAN t ? ^ A cmflRniAtif mini 1 T xik. nuiinjiviit uuuj | W come to Abbeville o: J ing, October 1st, ] j J 3,000 loaves of bre: ; J of hasb. - 5 The City will fu ^ ter. A The City has a i ^ tie in the back yar< ^ instantly converted ^ supply threatens to J fore all visitors are Come and let us 4-1 rti n VAU OUA ?CT\ ^ liiiiu. xuu aiv cop UUUUU1 DARGAN'! TViava ic fW A AiiVJi V AW M) AX V appeals to stock is i find a visi our price; your poet to have y School Days Tablets, Ink,-Pencils, Chalk md Slates are to be found here at he right prices. See Window. BANDY, CANDY! The fire put ub out of the candy business for a while, but we again have a full line of our excellent lCc lb. candy juat in. DARGAI (BETWE1 \ d Ranges )n is now on, and we want to to onr line of Stoves and j all sizes in cooking stoves i i i i < ityies, ana we asK you to give you buy or not, "The pleaRON STEEL* RANGE a the market, at a very reaarge oven, four inch flues, arns hard coal, soft coal or jlad to See You. ite Company. TED 1 - t iber of persons to 4 n Thursdav morn- r. L908, to consume J ad and 6,000 lbs. J rnisli ice cold wa- ^ iuml)er of fat cat- d d, which will he 0 into hash, if the d he exhausted he- 4 fed. 4 \ all have a good J ecially invited. % S 5 and 1( ^%%%^%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?shness a.hmit, nf every one, and lew in all linei .t here one of 5 would appeal ;etbook. We v ou call. nmAtmn OIUVHiO The Flue System of the Enterprise Stoves is the greatest to be found on any stove. Let us explain to you at the store. DOLLS and TOYS coming in now. IS 5 & 10 3N BARKSDALE AND nooga, Tenn., to resume bis studies at the MoCallle School. Mr. R. O. Hunter Is borne after a pleasant stay In Tennessee. r 1 ) The Freshet of 1908 and Destruction of an Ancient Mound. f McCormlok Messenger. Needless Indeed It Is to say this has been a year of disaster. Lately tbe streams or tbe country have been carrying death and do- A struotlon before them. From mouth to source tbe Savannah river baa been raging. 1 and Deverln tbe history of this community t baa such water been seen. Rising three feel c per hour, shoreless and boundless It roared : and carried everything before It, winding up J In victory for tbe storm, the tempest ana tbe ] billows. f On the Georgia aide of the Savannah river. not far from where old Vienna once stood, a t blgb pyramid built of olay and sand, ranging j In elevation from seventy to eighty feet, Is no more. It weut down nnder the deadly touob of the flood, and as It took Its departure a ? bitter cry of anguisb went up from many lips, c Oo Its top and at Its base huge trees grew and s waved In the winds, and while It was once tbe borne of a tribe nbknown, it Is now only C a memory. This pyramid bad been there for ] years unnumbered, and while it did not rival , the tombs of tbe Pbaroahs It bad truly been tbe realm of darkness and of death. Since It has passed away many curious things have c been found wblob speak eloquently of a barbarous past. Among tbe relics found was a heathen god. Its lace seems to be that of tbe Mongolian type, and It has a medieval look. Its whole bead Is sharply marked and beautifully formed. Its history has fearful warning t ?woe to him wbo bows to stocks and stones. I Otber relics were found, consisting of beads, I pottery, pipes and wbat these people called I money was picked up In great abundance. I TUo mAMAti ? ? rv? r\ et r\ r\ t ?lut* okartoH mnnh I XUO UiUUVj Tf am ujrud vi via/, ouaj/wu ?*? mvm after tbe style of our dollars and cents. Thin mound has gone with tbe madly rusblng river, It bas fallen like tbe splendid ruins of Pompeii, of Palmyra, and of Rome. It Is no more, dating Its deatb from 25th of August, 1908. J. L C. Hunting O'Possum With a Cat. Mr. H. M. Clark of tbls city takes tbe cake as a 'possum Nlmrod. He holds tbe reoord hereabouts as a squlr rtl and 'possum hunter. His latest Jeat Is to bag two tqulrrtls and one 'possum with no other aid than an ordinary tame bouse cat. On this purtloular bant Mr. Clark and one otb?r gentleman left bome accompanied by a feline that shows extraordinary acumen ~ where 'possums are cono rned. Mr. Clark had killed tworqulrrels and was proceeding 1 In search of other game when be noticed that tbe cat was cutting antics altogether foreign to his fel ne dignity. On Investigation It was discovered that the cat was calling attention to a very large fat 'possum that It had treed Instead of barking tbe cat was turning douole summersaults and alighted on Its bind ^ feet Just In front of tbe 'possum. Mr. Clark caught tbe marsuplan by tbe tall and brought blm bome. He was found to be fat and In | good order for eating and was promptly stowed away In tbe oven with tbe necessary potatoes. ? How to get Strong:. P. J. Daly, of 1247 W. Congress St., b Chicago, tells of a way to Decome strong : He says: '"'My mother, who is old and very feeble, is deriving so much benefit from Electric Bitters, that I feel it's my duty to tell those who need a tonic and strengthening medicine about it. In my mother's case a marked gain in flesh has result- ^ ed, insomnia has been overcome, and she is steadily growing stronger." Electric Bitters quickiy remedy stomach, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under guarantee at Speed's Drug Store. ( 50c. Seed Barley and Oats for sale. The L. W. White Co. Every home with children should have a 1 box of Dr. Thornton's Easy-Teether in it. A guaranteed remedy for all bowel and stomach trouble in teething children. 25 cents. I For aale by McMurray Drug Oo. and country w merchants; or Easy-Teether Medicine Co., | Hartwell, Cia. I Bagging and Ties at right J " prices. The L. W. White Co. Ic STORE. 1 i&wjm rw. goods that :J as our entire s you would pleasure, and . strongly to rould be glad /;4 v ^ '&%8m i? M BASS til CHINA We have just opened two new patterns in Baesett Open Stock China. They are specially pretty. TINWARE Pkit Cups, 2 for 5c. 9-inch Pie Plates, 2 for 5c. 6 qt. Milk Pails 10c. v 8 qt. Dish Pans 10c. 8 qt. Galv. Pails 15c. All tinware as cheap in proportion. , IRON WAGONS from 85c to $2.50. STORE WHITE.) ' Master's Sale. rhe State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. Zelma Gable, Plaintiff, against Daniel Ethridge et al, Defendants. By authority of a Decree of SaleHbjr ;he Court of Common Pleas for Abbeville County, in said State, made in v ;he above stated case, I will offer for iale, at Public Outcry, at Abbeville C. EL, 8. C., on Salesday in Oct., A. D. [908, within the legal hours of sale the ollowing described lands, to-wit: All -Hat Jot or parcel or iana situate, jying md being in the City of Abbeville, Abbeville County, in the State aforelaid, containing Fifty-four Acres, more >r lees, and bounded by lands of F. H. Sable on the north and soutfi, by lands >f James Dowten on the west and by aods of John Young and Robert Cressveil on the east. TERiMS OF SALE?Cash. Pur:haser to pay for papers. R. E. HILL, Master A. C., S. C. KILL the COUCH and CURE the. LUNCS w,th Dr. King's New Discovery FOR CSSSs s JSt. AJWAUJWJOAI^NBLUW GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! OB MONEY REFUNDED. | Harry Dp And Come to the "Live Store" on "Busy Street" for all kinds of Seasonable Goods. ^hite Goods, White and Colored Lawns, Jinghams, Prints, Percales, Trunk?, Dress Suit Cases, Shoes, lats, Clothing, Hardware and Groceries. Amos B. Morse. < 1 j * - .w__* ' - C?