The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, August 05, 1908, Image 1

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^ I ' ' 1 111 " 1 """ * ' : %5| ^|| ^| -g TT\ 1 TT^ 1 he Abbeville Press and Banner J BY W. W & W R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C? WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1908. ESTABLISHED 1844 M [ Lard has be I time? 1 Human nature is hard to s< | who are most, particular about : | weight of their wearing apparel j and its conditions, who never th | out in a storm without an umbn f j bers, who would not sit in a drai will day after day eat lard-soaked i * realize for an instant that it is al whole inner machinery and likel a full-fledged case of indigestion. Lard is produced from hog-fs impure, always indigestible, and t day coming when no one will thir Cottolene is Guaran in case you're not pleased after h?' I Never Sold in Bulk keep it clean, fresh and who Isorbing tiie aisagreeaoie oaors Cook Book Free ^ " PURE FOOD COOK BOOK,' J. Lincoln, author of the famoi THE N. K. FAIRBA: Nature's Gift SCHOOL Tablets Inl General Schoo Speed's Dri ^ llA jiSsMEDICI C. A. MILFORD & CO, * FRESH i Direct from the week at the up Store of G. A. MILFC FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Co Bladder disease that is not i'ea beyond the reach of medi- _ cine. Take it at once. Do ? not risk having Bright'sDis- j j ease or Diabetes. There is ' a nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. C. A. MILFORD & CO. , G. M. BEASLEY, i Attorney and Counsellor at Law, J < ABBEVILLE, S. C. L Office over Philson, Henry & Co.'s Store. Loans negotiated on well imroved real eetate. T mm nHnanm sen in existe so has indig< Dive. People for cooking. C adapting the frying'and short to the season It is made from r r\f omincr hpef suet?every IHJV w* few.t> ;lla and rub- conducive to hea Ft for a farm, T. . , . It is a product food and not ogging their It make p y to result in and food which a out the after-pai it, sometimes Try Cottolenc here's a good you'll never-moi lk of using it a friend to lar teed hereby authorize your grocer to refund your money iving given COTTOLENE a fair test. COTTOLENE is packed in pails with a patent air-tight top, to lesome; also to prevent it from abof the grocery, such as fish, oil, etc. shall be glad to send any housee, for a two-cent stamp, our new ' edited and compiled by Mrs. Mary is "Boston Cook Book." Address STK COMPANY, CHICAGO from tke & BOOKS Pencils / r L 1 Supplies. ig Store. lilt UA,JI.LUtW,- | ,, Abbeville, S. C. CANDY factory every to-date Drug >RD & CO. [ U S I C STUDIO. JfigheMt Tent Imonials. 'rof. -Jules G. Huguelet* Organist Methodist Church, AND TEACHER OF Fiona, Violin and Organ. Abbeville, S. C. studio on second floor of new Realty miwnv hnihlinir. nnxt to new nost ic-e. Miss Carrie Huguelet assistant ,cher and in charge of studio. KILLthe couch iND CURE the LUNCS w,th Dr. King's New Discovery F0RC8KsHS JSSlL iWP ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY )B MONEY REFUNDED. Ice cream freezers and junets at Glenn's. * i ...... MMk . ^ . . V- , \ BHBHBMnHR nee a long sstion 'ottolcne is the only rational :ening medium in the world. f* 1 <11 M Jf _1. ennea vegetaDie on ana cnoiec thing about it is digestible and 1th. of Nature. ure, palatable, healthful food, nyone can eat and enjoy withigs of a disordered stomach. once and 'tinny South ?i?g LOWNDESVILLE. Interesting Items from the Seven Hilled City. Lowndesvllle, Aug. 3rd, 1908. Mr. Melvln J. Ashley, a candidate for tbe House of Representatives from this county, was In and near here for a day or two last week. Mr. J. A. Scbroeder, seeking tbe plaoe of County Supervisor, was calling to see tbe voters In this section tbeflrstor jam wees. Mr. W. A. Stevenson, a candidate for tbe above place, spent several days In and aronnd tbis place last week. Mr. T. Lorton Robertson, a candidate for Sberifl of this county, was doing tbe best for blmself along that line for some days during tbe past week. Mr. J. F. Bradley, of Abbeville, candidate for Treasurer of the county, was here Tuesday and Wednesday, and of course all knew bis business. From tbe above It may be gathered tbat last week was along tbe line of candidate week, without previous arrangement upon their part or tbat of tbe voters. Lowndesvllle polls a big vote end 8s each one of tbe candidates yet. or tbat may still be announced will get a good share of It, wbat tbey get here will be a considerable help to them In reachlug the prize. Mr. Jeff D. WlDn was In company of Mr. Stevenson mentioned above, who though not a candidate, may be looking forward to becoming one Rome day. Dr. B. A. Henry, of Aud*rgon, was phoned for and came down Tuesday, called here pro fessionany 10 bee air. j. x. Lauuim nuw qutte sick; was thought to have been slightly pural) zad Monday morning, which seems to have been a mistake. He U thought to be a little better now. Mr. W. L. Epps, of Spartanburg, has been at the home or his brother, Mr. t*. F. Fpps, who has been quite sick ; a little better now. Rev. A.J. Cauthen.of Anderson, Presiding Elder of the Anderson District, came down Tuesday and was the gueot of Kev. O. M. Abuey tin the next day. * Mr. J. J. Johnsou who two months sgnntictidt.'U ihe soldiers reunion at Birmingham, Ala., came back Thursday. Hp, while gone. Mpeut s ime days In At'aula, some atToccoa Falls, and at Ureenvll e, Clinton, Chester, Nlnety-S'x ai.d other places. Mr. Dick speer ot Anderson, came down Thursday and spent till Friday at the home ..t Hiu tut>ior lip A. .1. Knesr. Mr*. H L aai'tli went lo Donalds Tuesday KDd ba? sine* been wirh frleud* Id tbut place. Mr. W.A Latimer oi Augusta, was with bit sick brother lor a day or two la-t week. Mrs. J. Ii. Latimer of Abbeville, has been *i tbe home of tbe same sick brother for tbe past week. As stated in last week's report to tbe columns of tbe Press and Banner, tbe Rev. D. H. Comann, conference evangelist for Western North Carolina, began a protracted meeting In Smyrna this place, yesterday a week ago, and ban to date beld two preacblng services a day,?tbe one at 11 a. m., tbe otber at 8:30 p. m. Tbe number of people In attendance upon tbe different services Ignored tbe very bot weather, and several times good prospects of rain, and were present and gave to tbe preacher marked attention. '1 be three denominations ?Baptist, Presbyterian and Metbodlst?were more united in tbe effort to make of It a good meeting than they have been here tor years. Tbe ministers of tbe otber denominations called In the services In their cburcbes, and not only aided In tbe Metbodlst services, but called upon, publicly, their own members, to do what they could to make of tbe meetlDg a success. Mr. Comann for some years has preached about Ave hundred sermons annually, and experience has given to blm a knowledge of tbe Bible and an Insight Into humanity, because of having served so many people of so many different sections, that Is not excelled or even equalled, by any one. He oneached suoh stirring sermons that some of the older sleepers lost or forgot the drowsiness which sometimes overcame them while in church. He Is a great preacher. Troupe. KEEP ?"?WH. Health is Worth Saving, and Some Abbeville People Know How to Save It, Manv Abbeville people take tbeir lives in tbeir hands 'by "neglecting the kidneys when they know these organs need help. Sick kidneys are responsible for a vast amount of suffering and ill health, but there is no need to suffer nor to remain in danger when all diseases and aches and pains due to weak kidneys can be quickly and permanently cured by the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. Here is an Abbeville citizen's recommendation: A. B. Ellis, living at 306 Calhoun Street, Greenwood, 8. C., says : "About one year ago I was suffering severely from pains across the small of my back and had noticed that my kidneys were very irregular in action. As I did not improve under the doctor's treatment I procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills through the advice of a friend. After using them a short time the trouble disappeared, and I have * r r ii ? nn oin no oeen iree troiii lue auuu^uuuc oiuw. I do not hesitate to rpcomrpend Doan's Kiduey Pills to other sufferers." For sale by all dealers. Price 50, cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,' New York, sole agents for the United States. I Remember the name?Doan's?and take 110 other. o . . . -y - * *?v < ' .X WEST END. Personal Paragraphs and News Items Contributed by Miss Lily Templeton. The l)Huebter8 al Confederacy will meet nest Tuesday evening ?t ?1x o'clock at tbe rmniiiii I,/ Mm Heriav Hill. All members are uiytl to i>e prtHeoi. Miss Rosa Maxwell entertained Thursday morning In honor of her guest, Miss Nelle Clay, of Mavanuab. Mr. Lewis Perrln left last Wednesday for New York where tie will spend a week or two. Mr. James A. Hill went to Chester Saturday and stayed until Monday with friends. Mr. ni>?l Mm. Ctiarlen D. Brown left Tburrdaj for H )ston where Mr. brown goes to attend the annual meeting of the K. of P. Mr, and Mrs. Brown will go loNew York, Niagara, and Into Canada before coming home. Mr. James Perrln who has been here on a vibitto bis mother, Mrp. James H. Perrln, went to New York on Thursday and will return to bis home In Meridian, Miss., after a two weeks stay in the north. Mrs. Arthur Calhoun left last Thursday for her home In Hendersonvllle, N. C., after spending a while here with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Calhoun. Mrs. George White and Miss Emma White are In Clinton spending a few days wltb Mrs. G. M. Wright. Mrs. Alex Olbertand Miss Doris Glbert left Monday fr>r their home in North Augusta. Mrs. J. H. Latimer came home from Lowndesvllle Saturday and stayed until Sunday. Mrs. Lewis Perrln spent a few dajs In ureeovuie ihbi wte?. Mr. Gus Basktn 1b at borne again after a week's stay In Lowndesvllle. Mies Florence Powell one of Aiken's most aitraottve young ladles 1* In the city the guest of Mlas blanche Gary. . Mrs. Horace McAllster has gone to Laurens to spend a part of the month of Angust with , her mother, Mrs. G. McDuffle Miller. MIbb Anna Moseley left Monday for her home In Prosperity after a two weeks stay here as the guest of Miss Bessie Lee Cheatham. Miss Kate Haddon went to her home In Due West Monday and will spend a day or two there with her home people. Mr. Stuart Miller spent last week In Ashevine, N. C. Mr. Augustus Prentiss of Washington U In the city the guest of.hla uncle, Rev. 8; E. Prentlps. Miss Louise DeBinbl has gone to Willington to spend the week with Mrs. Albert Gl* bert. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Anderson and their children are at home after a week's stay at Su'livsn's Island. Miss Elmlna Eason, of Charleston, Is the charming guest of Miss Blanche Gary. Mr. and Mrp. Charley Calhoun have returned to their home In Denmark. Miss Sarah LeConte Davis, of Columbia, is the guest of Miss Blanche Gary. Mr. Will J. Bryson went to Cashier's, N. C., Tuesday for a two weeks stay with bis home people. The Euchre club was pleasantly enter laineaOD weanesuay aiieronou oy mm. r. E. Harrison. Mrs. Wyatt. Aiken will entertain the clnb at the Dext meeting. Mrs. Rosa Alexander, of Washington, Ga? 1p "Islt'ne Mrs. Ed Calhoun. Mrs. J. D. CarllRle of Rpaatanbnre Is here pnendine some time with her mother, Mrs. F?nnie Al'en. Ml?a Fdlth Holcmb, of Richmond, Vs., |ls vlsltlDeMrs. Mary Tasrfi-art. Mr. WHllPro Oops, of Colombia, is the guest of Jurtee E. B. Cary. Mr.Jollop DnPre is at home after a month's hIh v at Hot SprtncTP. Mr. 8tewart Bsskin. of New York. Is here and baa ft*ne Into business with Mr. 8am Hill and Mr. Brace Mosely. These yonng men have opened a supply store for Electrical Fixtures. Miss Lois Wilson and Mr. Conrtney B. Wilson enfertalDPd a large number of their (Mends TburPday evening Id honor of Miss Anna Mo*eley, of Prosperity, Miss Cannon and M'ss JacksoD. of Charleston. Mr. Qporgf> Clark, of Aucrusta, Ga.. is here spending a few days with his home people. Mr. Robert Sherard and Mr. Milton Rherard - * T? m, nr n ahAva?/l ni 1 Vtft WCIC IUO KUDOW Ul 1UI, IT Ui uuciaiu Saturday. The frlpnds of Mr. Mabry Cheatham will be Borry to kDow that be Is quite sick. Mr, Jim Moore spent Saturday and Sunday In Due West. Miss Car'otta Alexander, of Washington, Oa.. la the guest of Misses Eunice and Lallle C?lho"n. Mr. B.O. Greene spent 8nnd?v In the oltv. Mr. Jumps Holoman of Batesbnre la spending* few d?v? bsrewMh bis sister*. Mr*. J. AI'pd HmMh. Jr.,and Miss Edna Holoman. Mr. Jen WHson, of Calhoun Falls, was the gnpst. of Mr. W C. Sherard Sundae. M'?. .T?m?? pprrln and little MIbr Mamte Perrin left Monday for their home In Meridian. Ml?. Mtss Eugenia Robertson leavea Wedneariav fnr Wllllngton to spend several days with M"?. A lbPw Glbe^t, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mrllwaln. of Ooala, FIr.. ?r? |n thp oltv spending a while with Mrr. El'o Mrjiwaln. Mr Mrllwaln A. Henry has ecne to .Tnctrron. Miss , to to tee a Dosltlon^wlth the Oil Mill Company. Miss Kate Merchant and MUs Florence Mnnriv. or Grepr, nre In the city the guests of Miss Virginia Mcllwaln. Miss Stella Hlmnson. of Augusta, Ga.. has bern In ib? city for lb* pa?r wppk the guest of Mm. J. C. Fill nnd Mrs. P. B. Speed. Ml?* Maud Hlok*. of Spnrtanburg, i? tbe at'rnottvo guest of Miss Mollwaln. Mr. .T. Frsser Lvon. of Columbia spent Sunday In tbe city with his sister, Mrs. J. H. McDlll. Miss Bernlce Wood and Ml? Eva Hmlth, of Greer, are la tbe olty to attend tbe MollwalnHlchardson wedding:. MISS BLANCHE GARY ENTERTAINS. On Friday evening Miss Blanche Gary entertained at Euchre In honor of Miss Davis of Columbia, Miss Powell of Alken, and Miss Eason of Charleston. Tbe entertainments given at tbe Gary's delightful home are always muah enjoyed and this was no exception to tbe rale. After a number of interesting games Miss McFalls was awarded tbe first prize, a dainty lace fan. and Mr. Will Wblte won tbe gentleman's prize, a pack of cards. Miss Mary Richardson, of St. Augustine, Fla., Is In tbe olty to attend tbe marriage of her brother, Rev. D. W. Richardson, to Miss Virginia Mollwaln, that will be solemnized on Wednesday. Mr. Joel Weir, of Athens, Ga.. was in tbe olty Friday and Saturday, the guest of Mr. Joel S. Morse. Miss Edith McFalls, of Georgetown, is the pretty guest of Miss Mary and Miss Fannie Stark. SERVE DINNER. The Daughters will serve dinner on Friday, tbe 7lb, at tbe public spring. They will serve a barbecue dinner in connection with this and Mr. Gilliam will be In charge of this dinner. As be thoroughly understands attending to this part of it every one will be sure to enjoy It. Mr. Vern Smith, of Greer, is bere to attend tbe Mcllwaln-Rlchardson wedding. MRS. MCILWAIN ENTERTAINED. Mrs. Ella Mcjlwain entertained on Monday evening In honor of tbe young ladles and gentlemen who are here to attend tbe marriage of ber daughter to Mr, D. W. Rlohardson. Tbe Mcllwaln's borne was beautifully decorated with Ivy and tbe lights sbadea with delicate pink added a charming glow over every thlDg. After a pleasant hour of song and laughter delightful refreshments of almond mosse and pink cake was served. Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold. A. S. Nustauro, Batesvllle, Indiana, writes: "Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold bo distressing that It Interfered with my business. I had many of the symptoms of bay fever, and a doctor's prescription did not reach my case, and I took several medicines which seemed only toaggravate It. Fortnately I Insisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar. It quickly cured me. My wife has since used Foley's Honey and Tar wltb tbe same success." Sold by C. A. Milford & Co. Rock salt, cattle powders, corn and bran, at Glenn's. Attention, AEthma Sufferers! Foley's Honey and Tar will give Immediate relief to asthma pufferersand has cured many eases that baH refused to yield to other treat men t. j'Oieyfl nuuey auu mi m i.uc ucm, icuiedy for cougbR. cnldx and all throat and lung trouble. Contains no harmful drugs. Sold by C. A. Mil ford & Co. All kind tin and enamel ware galvanized tubs, at Glenn's, . ............. ? TW 1 J_ I IV JL Of this section ai inspect our stock "Rnilrtino is cheaper than it has be the market is much stro We Bought while prices were down, customers the full benefi No. 2 Shingles ( No. i Shingles (, Ceiling and Sidi Flooring $i.-5o. We carry in stock ev construction of a buildin Lehigh Portland Agatite Plaster, JLUOUJ We want your trade our line and make prices Ml UK -J. Maintaining Soil Fertility. improvement " merolal fertlll No other problem connected with agricn1- poaeasafeede ture is so Important as tblR. It Is not dlffl- are net lartk cult, while the soil Ir still virgin, to produce so excluslvelj good crops of those things that grow well in home renorcei a certain locality. As tbe years pass, bow- *o to waste, ever, and crop after crop l? removed from the sources and rt land without any adequate return being possible, the p made, the soil fertility declines, until under tlllty will be tbe combined Influence of erosion and deple- best we kno' lion, tbe producing power of the land falls something fri below the point where it Is profitable. Tbls this direction. Is a matter of common experience and obser- By deeper ai vatlon. plant food wil Tbe land Is tbe ultimate sonrco from which tatlon one ore the world's inhabitants must obtain tbe way for ano* means of living. Population is rapidly In- time to plow ore&slng, and It la evident that It production that H Is not < Is to keep pace with population, tbe fertility thoroughly In of tbe soil must be maintained and even in- time when tl creased. Not In Isolated Instances will tbls than nsnal. 1 be necessary, but everywhere The problem the two-borsc In not confined to any.coantry, bnt is world- and in turnlni elation. By d [Wide. We of America nave um iDiv roriance because our resources were so great food will be c We have been accustomed to regard tbem aa log year, practically inexhaustible. But as all the By growing available land Is being settled, It is becoming of tbe soil can evident that tbere Is a limit even to tbe re- believed tbat sources of America. It will not be so very eover for tbe long before we will be In tbe position of Eu- beneficial In si rope aa regards soli. To tbe north of tbe to summer, w United States lies Canada, with its western log tbe nitn grain landa. These are tbe last landa of large would sow tb area tbat remain in Nortb America open to might be acco | tbe settler. When they are occupied, tbe conserving th problem will be to support a rapidly lncreas- lost. If we ai lng population on a fixed amount of land snr- power of a pi faoe. This enables ua to understand clearly would, tbe Importance of maintaining and enbanc- By using lb lng the productive power of tbe land, bo tbat wisely supple In tbe years to come each tillable acre will commercial cc produce tbe maximum amount of which it la and found sun capable. to maintain ai This is a very Imperfect outline of tbe aub- the farm, if Ject in .its wider aspect. As regards us lndl hay, and othe vldually. it resolves itself into a question of stock in suffl< keeping up tbe fertility of tbe home acres en- hay, we will b trusted to our care. These acres have al? more profitab ready suffered much, perhaps, and If remc* lems of agrlct dial measurea are not put into practice they much is being are destined to suffer still more. In order to *>nd as more do this it will be necessary to adopt better gradually fine farm practloe, Tbere Is room for great lm? tlce. provement Just here. Tbe more we study this subject, the more we will see in it to | learn. Ills like all other subjects in Ibis ri- llh , sped. When one horizon Is reached, another * J | and a wider one opens up. It would not be Evervhori possible for each one of us to study out all the r_ at i problems ourselves, but we can profit by tbe iYir8. Mary J research and experience of others. It is this writes: "JVI need of more Information of an accurate firmlv holioi kind that has called into exlstenoe the agrl- / r* t7 cultural colleges and experiment stations. 01 JJr. K Tbe first thing to be done before tbere can JUDgs were be an Improvement In tbe soil of tbe farm, is consumnfinr to stop the washing that is so common. It Is 1 hard todo, but there can be no great Improve- ? "lenu reco ment in the farm until we learn to prevent We tried it. .. fmm hpine carried away by ev- Jj|qj j0 Derf bUD ^UUU nun mm _ _w _ ery rain that falls. By terracing, deep plow- vr??, tv lng, rotation of crops, the use of cover crops i>ev? U18C0V Id winter, we can to a large extent accom- and lung r( pllsb this. We may not find It possible to colds it ban prevent all soil erosion, but It can oe reduced -?jf> to sucb an extent that It will not be apprecla Klve0 reuet. ble. If we can prevent soli erosion, then we antee at 8pe may consider that we are In a fair way to- Si nfl Trtnl wards bulldlDg up the farm. At least the ' flrst step will be taken, and the others caD be The character of the soil and Its Inherent ftraeo V? strength will depend on the natnre of Its for- wictoo tl matlon. Some soils are naturally more produc- fnrta oi ( tlve than others, and will last longer. Near- iWiaBi * ly all the kinds of soils contain the elements . needed by ptants, In sufficient quantities. nu_ ihoi. am iikslv to become scarce are HOW w jluo buiou _ potash, phosphoric aold, and nitrogen. Sol mosi viohihh that lor moat persons the question of main- are habitually talnlng the fertility ot the farm Is one of Laxative cures keeping la the son a sufficiency of these three ulatlng the tlv< elements. If this can be done, there need be natural actlou no fear of the soli becoming Impoverished. Laxative does As regards the first two, those who have mild and pleat studied the soli tell ua tnat generally there la tutea. Sold by a sufficiency of them, but not always In a form that Is at once available. The nitrogen supply Is likely to be lost more easily, If steps Well 01 are not taken to replace what Is washed out , by the rain or taken off In the orop. and puil6j 'sinue BBBHMHI re cordially invi : before buying. * Mate / sen for several yean nger and prices are, a Large 5 and are prepared it of the low prices. 50 to bunch) $2.50. 50 to 200 to bunch); ng $1.25. erything usually ne gCement, Gaffne 7 ( Doors, Sash, 3 Idings, etc. > and will be glad t ; that can't be mate] IB COM hope to effect any permanent T)T In the farm by the u?eot com- 1JXzers. They serves useful pur x for the growing crop, but they )K. Berore depending on mem i\iaTITaTr Havoci It will be wise to u*e all the -WeWSy rarag ), wblob are bo often allowed to ? , By husbanding the home re- 810 bltV? turning to the land everything " roblem of maintaining soil fer- (Jointr largefy solved. By doing the ? n and being willing to learn Misses Mart I la c jm others, we oan do' much in home last Friday Honea Path. 3d more thorough tillage latent Miss Eva Clink II be Bet free, and by a wise ro- sister, Mrs. Coped p can be made to prepare tbe Mr. English L her. Fall Is usually the best last week. deeply. This does not mean Mr. J. C. Brow essential tfi prepare deeply and work in Andersc spring, bat that autumn 1b tbe friends and relat lere is leisure to plow deeper Mrs. Sallle Add :t Is tbe time when we can use turned home Eric Rlow In preparing for grain, with relatives In ind that is covered with veg Miss Ala Devlli iolng this, new stores of plant relatives near Ab nade available for the succeed- Miss Virginia month of August leguminous oropa the nitrogen Addison, i be largely maintained. It is Miss Virginia tbe use o! crimson olover as a are visiting In L{ soil In winter would be very Mlsa Jennie Ma sveral way a By planting peas D. W. F. C., worst e can do mucb toward lnoreas- last Sabbath. ogen supply. Perhaps 11 we Mr. 0. W. Cocbi la clover in the fall, etlM more Mr. and Mr*. Lee, mpllsbed toward reatorlDg and Dr. and Mrs. G< la element, whlob la so easily N. C., are apendli re to Judge by tbe producing Mrs. A. 8. Kennei itch seeded to burr olover, it Dr. and Mrs. Mc at Ceaaar'a Head, e borne resources, then, and by R?v. Ira CaMwe iraentlug them by tbe use of Prcaperlty.S. C, c impounds that have been tried a most lnieresUuj Led to our locality, we may hope ner. id even Inorease the fertility of Mrs. Jaa. Young we will raise peas and pea vine relatives In town ir forage crops, and keep good Mrs. O. H. Nick :lent numbers to consume tbe returned the last < e on tbe way toward better and sonvlllf, N. C. - Vf - TLl u I<||? le rang id?, run an iue proo? ilture are well understood, but weeks at Glenn a learned with the passing years, Pressly Brotheri knowledge Is (rained, It will new store bulldlm I Us way Into tbe farm prac- handsome two st Thos. Tolbert. Improvement on an and Mr. Home 1 on tbe second 0oc _ _ ? . ? Miss Mildred a Tames I<6e Got VI ell. visit tb her brott y in Zanesville, O., knows charee jee. of rural route 8. She Little Mies Mae [y husband, James Lee, in the country wii /es he owes his life to the day afterTeacbi log's New Discovery. His Columbus, Ga, B so severely affected that in this school for ) seemed inevitabje, when Columbia 6 * m mended New Discovery. Mr.o. Y. Brown and its use has restored ? bouse party Kive feet health." Dr. King's X?KepP9 ery is the King of throat in a Graded school jmedies. For coughs and C0^)'I}Koye.aJ-.. , mu? t- Miss Ruth Marti no equal. The first dose ^ teac&er in a ect Try it! Sold under guar- Misses Mary ant ;ed's drug store. 50c. and *'r'dayJln" Mrs. Frank Woo Dome iree, pected to arrive In m i , soroeweelts. Attention I* paI lades, handles, hay llann's the home of Mrs. 1 Jicuu a. pupils as wall as , , , seven miles of l)u< ' .. . .. ... This branch of the a Avoid Appendicitis. last month aDd a of appendicitis nre those who arranged for this coostlpated. Foley's Orloo PUPH come and chronic coDStlpaUon by stlm- There Is work to b >r and bowels and restores the ?H,ed In this grat of tbe bowels. Foley's Orlnn help. not nauseate or gripe and Is )aut tn take. Refuse substi- ? C. A. Mil ford A Co. No one Ih Immu ? just remember thf t_ a t . will Htop the lrreg ickets* cnains, rope of kidney or bladil x >? yond the reach o ys, at Grlenn s. Mutord & co. rs ited to -ZkltfM 1 rial 5, although I advancing. W l f 71A/V1X to offer our | $4, 1 eded in the y Lime, Blinds, o show you hed. , ? I, IK. 1^ " IE WEST. ?? ' Ji ;raphs from the Clas* Visitors Coming and ' * 'ft ind SaJlIe Brooks returned ' after a visit to friends In ecalesls on a avlslt to ber ind of Gainesville Ga. aw paid Due West a visit rnlee ban returned to bis >n after a week's stay wltb Ives In town. Uon and daughter Sara relay after a two weeks stay Long Cane and Troy* q Is at home after visiting bevllle. ? Addison Is spending tbe with her mother, Mrs. Sallle Edwards and little Walker lurene. e Dunn, a graduate of tbe lipped with the A. K. P's on an of Georgia Is the guest of iorge tress ley 01 tuanuiu) ag a few days wltb Mr. and ly. iffatt are spending the week II returned to bis borne In in Monday a#or conducting [ meeting /or Mr. 0. Y. Bon- ' of Anderson. S. C., visited , Inst week les and daughter Miss ifell if the week from Henderhecales Is spending a few prlngs. 3 expect to move Into tbelr g In a few days. Tbls Is a * ory building and quite an the old one. Dr. C. B. Cowr McAdams will bave offices >r. IcCaln left Monday for a ter, Mr, J. R. McCain wbo rv.miin ji..m h/vrvl r> t t?nmn UdlliUKbUU ObUUUi HI Jkwwvy McDIJl spent the week oat ,h Miss Elanor Todd. e reached Due West Mon:1a the ?ummer school at [e was c.ffered prlnclpalshlp the coming yeas but decilnvork In the Law school at lee left Tuesday to attend n by Mr, I. G. Wallace of has been offered a position > near Spartanburg lor the n has accepted the position 100I at Clinton. 1 Agnes Devlin spent last le. drufl and children are extown this week to spend led to the meeting of the Lion of Due West Female ?t, Aug. 13, at 4 o'clock in X. C. Brownlee. All lormer graduates wlthlu six or j West are urged to come. Association was organized good program has been meeting. Let each loyal bring anothor with her. e done; let each one lnterid Institution come and * ne from kMney trouble, so it Foley's Kidney Remedy ularltles and cure any case ler trouble that Is not be U..IH hu I* A i iijeuiviAJu. x..