The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, July 15, 1908, Image 5

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. The Press and Basmer. * Published every Wednesday al two dollars a f a year la advance. Wednesday, July 15, 1908. v Death of Mr*. I>. H. Howard. 11 a On last Sunday morning July 1*2, 1908, Mrs. rl L). H. Howard paused Into ttie other lire aged p 65 years, Sbe had been 111 lor a lot g time but n bore her suffering lu huaible lortliude. Sbe 11 was tbe lust surviving sister of Mr. Hugh g Wilson, editor of tbls paper. tl Of tbe Immediate family tbere were Mr. w Robert Wilson, wbo died from Injuries re- w celved at Calbouns Mill, Mrs. Emma Llgon, gi Miss Eupbemla Wilson, Mrs. Hutchison, ie Mrs. Bigby and Mrs. Howard and Mr. liugh w Wilson. It Is singular ibat theyouugt<si died ti first and each In inverse order of their ages a and that the oldest, Mr. Hugh Wilson, sur- Af vlves. oi Mrs. Howard leaves her husband and four i\ children, Mrs. Eupbemla Bently, Mrs. Azlle tc Wilson, H. W. and Ernest Howard. N She was married to Mr. D. H. Howard w ** ?? iwifu uiit/tA alrlh/vtfi cho hoa liuun q ft member of tbe Presbyterian oburcb. She it wan a kind aud Indulgent mother and a d faithful and loving wife. This loss will be 11 moat keenly felt by Mr. Howard aud by tbe ei surviving brother. b In tbe passing years her life has left an lm- b print In their hearts that wil) keep the mem- tl ory of ber green until they too, shall pass s< over the river. While her children mourn p tor ber deeply, those who are standlug far p down the toad, whose lives by association u bave been Intimately linked with hers, are orusbed by the passing of tbe dread shadow. cl Mrs. Howard was burled In Long Cunt si Cemetery beside ber father. M Nalrsman Wanted ^ to look after our Interest In Abbeville and ad- Jc Jacent counties. Salary or commteslou. Ad- tc dress The Victor OH Co., Cleveland, O. a _ h Ire Cream Festival. rl The Ladles Missionary Society of Presbytt- Qr rlan churcb, will conduct an Icecream lestl- l( val on lawn at residence of Mrs. L. W. White, c( Thursday afternoon at 5.30 o'clock. d, Tbe patronage of the public Is cordially In- y vlted , Hl A Trespass Notice. tn All parties are warned not to trespass on 18 our laDd for any purpose whatever. Tbe law will be enforced against all dls<i- {D gardlng this notice. J. G. Gray, P' Spencer Giay. # Fine Prachrs. Mr. J. R. Tucker brought to town one day lam week some of tbe notsi peaones id hilv and looks that were ever seen la Ibis market. ? Nuilfe. at The F. E. C. U. ol A. will meet at Abbeville D: 011 flri-t baiurday In August at 11 o'clock a. ol m. All Local*, pleate try to bitve delegation. 1 warn ibe Executive Committee to meet me lc at 10 o'clock. di L. P. Verm il Hod. ^ 01 Picnic at Central School. M Tbere will be a picnic at Central School k bouse on tbe fourth Saturday of Jnly (29tb). ', Everybody 1s cordially invited to be present, <0(5.00 Reward. pi Will be paid for proof to convict anv one f* Interfering wltb or damaging our Power 0' Lines. Savannah River Power Company, M 2m H. A. Orr, President. 8ti , w Mower for tinl*. G I will sell oue Dwrrlng Mower wtth groin attachment ?nd rake Mower In good work- sc Jog order. For partlouiarn. apply W. W. ti Bradley, Press and Banner office. Stimulation Without Irritation. A That Is the watchword. That Is what Orion ^ Laxative Fruit Syrup does. Cleanses ano J stimulated the bowels without Irritation lb r any form. P. B* Speed. ftl Notice. M All persons having claims against the Estate of Dr. W. T. Penney, deceased, win present them for payment, proven and authenticated, to me. Geo. Penney. Miss Margaret McCord Is In Newberry where she will spend some time with her brother. Mr. W. O. McCord. 01 Miss Louise Reld left Saturday for a tw?> week's stay at Hodges with friends and relaUves. f0 Mrs. Maggie Wilson and children of Dyson spent a few days of the past week In the city the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Eakln. _ Dr. Traylor of McCormlck paid tnls offlue a very pleasant visit on last Wednesday. The Doctor is an nptomlst, graduated Id p, good humor, and Is always and at all times good company. He has bis own fun ont of Candidates on election years, and yet is a man whom the candidates delight much to know. m VI WEST END. I! . tt ai Personal Paragraphs and News j? Items Contributed by Miss Lily [[ Templeton. Miss Lacy Henry wan tbe guest of tht Minset! Morse for several days last week. Mrs. Thomas H. Taylor and tier Interesting Jtttle g?rl or Chicago, ill., are In tbe city tbe greats of Mrs. Wyalt Aiken. Miss Nettle Russell left Saturday for HendernoD ville, N. C. wbere the will spend the rent of tbe summer. Dr. and Mrs. James C. Hill are at borne ? again alter a delightful visit to points of Interests In tbe North. Mr. Clyde Morgan Is at bome sgaln after c a two weeks stay In Monroe N. C. wltb bit- rr borne people. mibu Murooret Pnhh nf Huonnnnh la In the oily spending Bomt-tlme with berjather, Mr. Charles Cobb. Mr. Will Hester of Greenwood was In tb< oily Friday and Saturday ibe guest ol Mr John Hill. V Mrs. A. L. Garrison Is at liome again after spending ?nmn time In Peaohiand, N. C. Mrs. L. W. Wblie went in Newberry )an> Tuesday and Btayert until Friday wltb bei sinter, Mrs. Tencbe Poole. Mr,Stuart Baskln of New York bas beer In tbe city for a lew days vlsltlne irleudc. MIbb Louise and Mibb Benle Watson spent Sunday In Lebanon ibe guests of tbelr sister, Mr?. Walter WIIboc. Mr. Aatbur Speer of Anderson was Id town Thursday tbe gueBt of bis aunt, Mrs. W. A. ti Templeion. Ll Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Turner 6pent Sunday and V Monday In Hodges with fi lend?. {.] Miss U'ancbe SolamnD of Charlotte N. C. U tbe pretty little gueai ol Miss Lou Eileu McFail. h Mr. W. S. DuPre Is at home again after a ? BbortBiay Id Monroe N. C. He was tbe guest f) of Mr. Clyde Morgan while In Monroe. 11 Miss Lily Ttirpleton *pfnt SuLday in A Greenwood, with Mrs. W. J. H. Kenneriy. Ji Miss Lucy Carpenter one ol Andercon's altractive young girls Is the guest of Misb Lou '' Ellen McFali, aitbe Eureka. G MI?b Enzabeih Norwood has returned after ei HU tJLiCL1UCU ovaj wnu ihipb i\unic jure j iua- 1 ens In Huntsvliie, Ale., and with Ming Mab 11 Bon ham Id Anderson. Mrs. Catherine Mlmmi of Columbia 1b here aj staying awhile with her daughter Mrs. Fred / CasoD. *M 18b Caroline Graves 1b now eDjoylDg a A vacation at Isle of Palms. i. Miss Louise Blgby Is here from Anderson rr the oharmldg guest of Miss Lou Ellen Mc- 1 Falls. o Mrs. Brooks Cheatham came over from AtlaDta Saturday and spent Sunday and Monday here. C. Miss Mary Thomson of Atlanta 1b In the city J"! the gnest of Miss Janle Morse. MKS. AIKEN'S BRIDGE. Thursday July 9, Mrs. Wyatt Aiken entertained In boDor of Mrs. Thomas H. Taylor, who 1*> here from Cbicagospendlng some time ? with Mrs. Aiken. There were seven tables I of Bridge. In the front ball as the guests ar- I rived they were served with refreshing punch A by Mrs. W. W. BrBd'ey. After a numoer of Interesting games, M>sb Kate Marshall bad the largest score and was awarded the first prize, a dainty lace fan. Miss Ellse Bowie J won the coDBOlatlOD, aD Immense sun flower ,, tied with wide yellow ribbons. An elaborate aalad course, and cream and cake was served. Mrs. Taylor, the guest of honor, was given a lovely pair of Bilk hose. ! Miss Lucy-Akera of Atlanta Is the tftest of r. MIbb Janle Morse lor a few days. Miss Kathleen Gage of Columbia Is here the guest of her auntL Mrs. Fred Cason. ,, The Euchre club had a delightful meeting . Friday affrnoon at the home of Mre. W. S. Cothran. Mrs.T. H. Furman will intortaln the club Friday ailernocn July the 17th. at six o'clock. ? Miss Ella Haskell Is in Charleston visiting s fripuds. 0 Mr. and Mr*. James H. Perrln are here e from Meridian, MIbs. lor a months stay with d t Mrs. Jumes Perrln. ^ ICECKKAM. ' irv.i.jiao \iktlnnorv Hndelv Of the Preg IX UO LiDUI^O ?I4 ?? ? ? byterlan Church will *erve ice cream Tburs- _ day afternoon tiom 5<hlrty unill dark, on the lawn of Mrs. L. W. White. Mrs Fred Cation entertained Monday In honor 01 her nelce, MI*s Kathleen Gage who ? In here from Columbia. Thone present were ,, MlHitea Charlotte Brown, Margaret Keese, . Mary Hill. Mary I^omax, Kuth Calvert, ~ Antlonette Thomson, Kuth Barksdale, Kuth Crowther, Kebecoa Jones, Sal He Sue Kamey. , niTrn i iinr it- -r-'tinummm GAME* jiciting Incidents not laid Down in the Program, On tbe baseball ground at Abbeville, last Wednesday afternoon a very Interesting tttne was played by Due West and Aboeille, at tbe conclusion of wbicb everybody Parted borne down Magazine Street. Ah a latter of course tbe auiouoblllste started off bead. Wben tbe auto wblcb Mr. U. A. Hai it.ioino rtdiun Mhuhziijb Sireot at a ace lees rapid man would come a charge orn a Magazine gun, hq innocent looking tile stone ttiut wan in tlie way, lying on the round, set the auto Into a tauiruni, when je machine faced about. The momentum as feueti that the passengers ana chalfeur rent otr, one by one, into the air at a ianent, lighting ou the grouud some twenty :et ahead. The young lad from Due West, ho has delighted in auto riding, whs the Til to pitch headlong down tnealrtel in the Irecilou In w hich the auto nad been going. lr. J. C. .NorrlB, was a close second, lauding a lop ot the tad from Due West. In the vlnkllng of an eye Mr. (J. A. Harrison lit on >p ol Mr. Norrls. Messrs. Harrison and orris were knocked into unconsciousness, hlle the lad from Due West caned lustily >r help. Pellon and Ossa were piled upon le lad Irotn the Alheus of Abbeville,, lu his ihtreks he called lustily and loudly for reef trom whatever source. From a very irly liiatory of the human family women ave acted the part of good Samaritans. A ?vy of beautliul girls came along. Seeing le heap or disabled humanity, they began to jparate them and put tbem In individual lies. When thlw work was finished the * ? " u" ?*?Honfq to t ho totlddP reuy giriB ion men >??nouw. w v?.~ ..?--leroles of tbe next of tbe passing throng. Tbe damages-are estimatid: To tbe maline, one axle bent, two wheels ruined, and eerlng gear knoofeed into a cocktd bat. To Ir. Harrison, ribs broken, ana many flesh raises. Mr. Morris's injuries seem to be tore serious and of an internal nature. As yidence of tbe seriousness of Mr. Korrls'a lpirlesltmHy be said tbat be next day mis>ok Mr. Addle, bis associate In tbe shop, for physician. When Mr. Adaie asked bow e was, be pushed out bis tongue. Mrs. Nors explained to ber husband that it was bis lend, Mr. Addle,and not a physician, wbo ad called to see blm, wben he put out his >ngue again. He seemed to be in a dazed }bdltlon. We would state tbe estimated nmages to tbe young gentleman irom Due 'est, but be has not bten seen or heard from nee the event of whlcb we are speaking. Ifred Ellison Is reported to have said tbat e never saw anybody similarly affected. It not known what became of blm. At last accounts tbe machinists and the iacblne were doing as well as could be exscted. DONALDS. Donalds, 8. C., July 13,1908.* dltor Press and Banner: i lie mm lias ctuBcu Hgnm uuu unw tun iuu lines, burrab boys and eel ready for tne dIoq rally which will begin about tbe Aral f August. Mrs. Mary Bowie of Hodges ban been vlsltig among relatives aronnd Gllgal a lew We enjoyed a Sunday School plcnlo on tbe lb day or July wblcb was given for tbe sneflt of tbe little children by tbelrteacbers las Dora Bowie, Miss Ida Qreene and Miss eona Greene, three of Gllgal's best workers r tbe upbuilding of tbe church. This was ie of tbe grandest daya tbat we have bad at d tillgal in several years. -Everything w?o suocess and Miss Annie Kadollff did her irt well entertaining tbe children by telling lry tales. After we had enjoyed one of the est dinners tbat we ever saw of the kind r. Calvlu Bowie and Mr. Thomaa Bowie irved Ice cream wblcb was very nloe. After e had eaten so mocb cake and pie I mo?< iy that we weie uneai-y about Mr. J. H. reene. . The friends of Mr. J. C. Hawthorn' will be irry to learn tbat he in very Hick at this one. We bope lor bim a speedy recovery. iimual MeetiDg Bible Society, HHE Abbeville District Bible Society will L hold Its annual meeting on Wednesday, ily 29tb, at U o'clock A. M. In tbe Methodist lurch. Meeting of the Board of Directors at 10 A. . In tbe office of W m. P. Greene, Esq. AMG8 B. MORSE, Recording Secretary,' Notice to Creditors. JOTICF Is uereby glveD tolhe credllomof ' Ed Keller. Hint by an order of bli Hon' J C. K ngb. at Chambers, all creditors 01 te said Ed Kelser are required to prove lelr c altrs before the uuder?lgned on or here Sept. Sib, 1908. R. E. HILL., Mn?ter for Abbeville* County. July 81b; 1908. 2t 'he State of South Carolina. ' ABBEVILLE COUNTY. robate Court.?CI tat Iod for Letters of Administration. By J. F. Miller. Eiq., Judge of Probate. Whereas, C C Usmbrell haw made suit to e, to grant him Letters of Administration ' the Estate and effects of George Jeter, late ' Abbeville County, deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish I and singular ?be kindred and creditor* of te said tieorge Jeter, deceased, that they be 3d appear belore me, In the Court of Proite, to be beld at A bbevllle C. H., on Thurs?y, the :50th day of July, 1908, after pubcation hereof,at 11 o'clock Id the forenoon, i mow cause ii any tney nave, way lae saiu dm In 1st rat I on should Dot be granted. Given under my band and seal of-l be Court, this Hth dxy of July; In the year of our Lord oue thousand nine bUDdred and eight, and In the 183 year of American Independence. Published on the lotb day of July, 1908, In 19 Press aud Banner and on tbe Court ouse door for tbe time rf quired bv law. J. F. MILLER. Judge of Probatr. Master's Sale, 'he State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. Court of Common Pleas. V. D. Barksdale, Plaintiff, against Henry Williams, Lou. Williams, Mary A. Barnwell, Frank Williams, Sweetie Williams, Amelia J. Davie, Betsy Bibbs, Susie Williams, Ada William?, James Williams, Sarah Leed and Mary Cobang, Defendants. By authority of a Decree of Sale by le Court of Common Pleas for Abbeille County, in said State, made in le above slated case, /I will otter for ile, at Public Outcry, at Abbeville C. [., S. C., on Salesday in August, A, >. 1908, witbin the legal hours of sale ie following described land, to wit: .11 that tract or parcel of land situate, ring and being in Abbeville County, i tbe State aforesaid, containing iNE ACRE, more or le&s.aud bound[1 bv lands of John and Lou Wil ams and Tanyard street. Also, all that tract or parcel of land, ituate, lying and being io Abbeville !ounty, in said State, coutaining SIX lCKES, more or lees, aud bounded by inds of B. S. Barnweli, Public road, 'anyard street, Ellis Bishop and thers. TERMS OF SALE.?Cash. Purhaser to pay for papers. Sold at the isk of the former purchaser. R. E. HILL, Master A. C., S. C. July 14, 1908. Mice to Cattle Owners [N FURTHERANCE OF THE ACT of the L General Assembly, approved February 13 A)7, the Board of Trustees of the Clemeon Agleultural College, on June 2t>tb, 1908, adopted quarantine regulation providing that no aule should be moved Into the counties of iconee, Pickens. Greenville, Anderson, fipatinburg, Cherokee, Chester, York. Union, ,aurens, Abbeville and Greenwood from any ther part of this State or from any qutranIncd district of any other State, and provldog further that no cattle In said counties rhlch are infected with the Texas fever tick r which have been exposed to suoh lnfestalon shall be permitted on the public highrays or be received In any railroad stook pen, lock yark or market in this dlstrl?'t. The bject of ihls regulation Is to facilitate the rati lea tlon of the fever tick from the said Istrlct and have it placed above the Federal uarantlne line. Copies of the law and regulations can be obtained by writing to STA'lE VETERINARIAN, Clemson College, 8. C, Dr. Thornton's Easy Teether ha* saved the ivfris ?i hundreds of babies and will safely arry your baby through the most trying petod of Its life as it if a guaranteed remedy for ^ettblue, bummer Diarrhoea, Flux, Indlgetlon.aud all stomach and bowel (roubles el nfants. 25 cents. For sale by McMurray Drug Co. and country merchants, or Kasyl'eether Medicine Co., liartwell, Ga. I I Tl'Tnilll |Mid-Sli firaat DAI UIVHI IftUI Muslins, Embroidei wear, Ladies Wh Parasols, Sumn R. M. Ha< Street Fai mei The Street Fair Under the M Civic Club, D place accordii WEDNE 9.30 a. m. Band Concei 10,00 a. m. Grand Flora 11.00 to 2 "Streets of F 2.00 p. m. Dinner. 5.30 p. m.; Band Concer 6.00 p. in. Balloon Asc( 6.00 to 10 Streets of P? THU 9.30 a. m. Band Concer 10.00 a. m. Tournament. 11.00 to 2 "Streets of P 2.00 p. m. Dinner. 4-30 p. in. Ball Game. 5.30 p. m. Band Concer H HO n m TlictriV? G.30 p. m. Cake Walk. 7.00 to 10 "Streets of ? 10:00 p. ra. Grand Ball. ST] Crystal Palace of A Songs, Continuous Perfor Bohemia?Giving gli Quarter, introducing min wing dances, etc. The Old Country Stc nated 5,000 articles to the be entitled to a share in 1 donates the Grand Prize, past, present and future. Candy Wheels, Cane 1 Automobile Raqe?A 4-^v V?mion rvinr IU SVllUUl nuuot, muj |/itu Egg Contest?Hor?e school house, rider holdin Sack race between bo Watermelon contest 1 Wrestling matches, race. Cake walk. The following prizes Civic Club, $5.00 for 1 Civic Club, blue ribb Civic Club, red ribbo: 1. Philson, Henry & Co. 2. Smith Dry Goods Co. 3. Dargan's oc and 10c St< 4. Cash. 5. John D. Rockefeller. 6. Hettie Green. 7. Williams Bakery. J, D. Kerr contribute The Grand Floral Pa House "Wednesday morni ing to enter will please nc ty people are especially ii open to all. General Manager?M EHis, Mrs. Dr. Gambrell, Cashier?Mrs. M. C. < Ticket Sellers?Miss A. Dickson, Mrs. Fern, ft For the convenience general ticket office. An "Street of Paris." 25c cc ment tent. 25c and 50c tickets issued by Ball Coi Reduced rates on tl Mill. Good order, good s Floral Parade?Mrs.1 D.J Wilson, Mrs. F. J. Klugh, Mrs. Frank Hem Automobile and He Millan, W. D. Barksdale, Foot Races, etc?W. shall, W. D. Wilson. Cake Walk?Winner Every man, woman i Club badge Thursday. 1 upwards." Boston, M Very Low Ra Account Supreme Lot way announces very low to be sold July 30th, 31 si gust 1G, 1908. Extension September 1G, 1908, can b paying fee of $1.00. Stop-overs at Washi York. Round trip rates Abbeville Anderson PK O ? ! AL'f An VliUl Chester Columbia ' Greenville For detailed information ; J. L. MEEK, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. r I inn?iiMHin f riiirni'iirriifiilif--""" - "1 mmer Sale! luction for Cash. ies, Laces, Ladies' Muslin Under ite Waists, White and Colored aer Ribbons, White Slippers. Idon & Company ir and Mid=Sumr Carnival. and Mid-Summer Carnival, Lanagement of the Abbeville ated for July 22-23, will take lg to the following Program: 1SDAY-COUNTY DAY. t. 1 Parade and Trades Display. 'aris." t. msion. iris. RSDAY-TAG DAY. t. iris." i t. of Prizes. 'aris." &EETS OF PARIS. musement ?Motion Pictures, Illustrated o??klA/ifc nVianrvnrl ovorr hnilf IliUUtX OUUJtVWl Uiungvu v? V.J impses of the fascinating life in the Latin strel features, cake walks, clogs, buck and )re?'The merchants of Abbeville have do! Civic Club. All visitors to the store will ;he distribution of the stock. P. B. Speed a Vaiti, Queen of the Gypsys, revals the Racks, Side Shows, etc. Confetti. TOURNAMENT. utomobile running at full speed from square ling hat and veil in proper place. back riders trotting horse from square to ig fresh egg in spoon. ys under 16 years of age. jetween negro boys under 18 years of age. Fat men's foot race. Fat woman's foot hare been offered: >est decorated trade float. on for best double team carriage or buggy, n for fcest single team carriage or buggy. . Winner of automobile race. Winner of the egg contest. )re. Winner of sack race. Winner of watermelon contest. Winner of fat men's foot race. Winner of fat women's foot race. Winner of cake walk. s a special prize to be awarded by Queen, rade and Trades Display forms at the School ing at half-past nine o'ciock. rnose wisnitify Miss Mae Robertson. Abbeville Counivited to enter this parade. The prizes are MANAGERS. rs. M. T. Coleman. Assistants?Mrs. J.. C. Mr?. J. L. McMillan. Owens. Assistant?Miss Rosa Maxwell. Maggie Brooks, Mrs. L. T. Miller, Mrs. J. [rs. Lambert Caldwell. of the cashier all tickets will be sold at a y 10c coupon good for all shows on the upon good for a good dinner at the refreshcoupons good for game of ball.' Dance nmittee, Mrs. F. E. Harrison, Chairman. Te railroads. Half holiday at the Cotton shows, etc. JUDGES. C. D. Brown, Chairman: Mrs. Lee, Mrs.W. Marshall, Mrs. George "White, Mrs. J. C. v TVfrc T, W Whitp. >rse Back Contest?J. R. Blake, J. L. Mc, L. T. Miller. P. Green, H. G. Smith, J. D. Kerr, F. Mindecided by Queen oi the Carnival. TAG DAY. md child will be expected to wear the Civic 'herefore you will be tagged, "A penny and ass., and Return if* via Sftiifhern Railway. IWH IN VWNtllVlii mmn aiwj lge, Knights of Pythias, the Southern Railround trip rates from all stations. Tickets August 1, 2, 3 and 4,1908. Limited Auof final limit to leave Boston not later than e had by depositing ticket at Boston and ngton, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New from principal stations as follows: 32 15 Greenwood $ 31 70 .. 32 00 Lancaster 29 65 .. 31 95 Newberry 31 50 ... 29 50 Orangeburg 31 00 .. 31 25 Rock Hill 29 05 .. 31 25 Spartanburg 3U 4U , etc., apply Southern Railway agents, or J. C. LUSK, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. EAST $NP, What <fM" Sees and Hears on His Bounds About the City and Along Boute No. 3. Miss Corrle Emella Holllngiworth aud Mr. Charles A. Creek will be united In marriage at 4 oolock this Wednesday afternoon at tbe borne of the brides parents Judge and Mrs. M. E. Holllngdwortb on upper main street. Misa Holliiigsworlb la one of Abbeville's fairest, and most blgUIy esteemed young la dies and Is beloved by all who know her for tier mpny beautiful traits of cbarmoter both of he&d and heart which have always/rendered her moat popular, besides drawing around her a host of admirers and friends at all times, and wherever her lot has been cast all of whom extend In advance best wishes and kindest congratulations and hope that her life may be as happy and bright itf the future as It has been in the past and If possible more so. The groom Is to us a stranger but the faot that be has won the bean and band of one of Abbevllles moat popular young ladles speaks more for blm than any words Irom Qour pen. He 1b to be congratulated at winning so lovely a bride. Miss Dora Agnew of Donalds, Miss Mary Williamson of Hook Hill aud Miss Mara Bar more of Green vll le are the preuy add attract Ive guests of;Alius Llzsie'.Nanoe and Miss Jennie Mae Dunn on Magazine bill. Abbeville baa been erowded with pretty gueslu tbla season and tbey are still coming and going. On tbe Abbeville diamond last Friday after noon tbe Sharon?Lebanon team cleaned up tbe Abbeville boys In abort order, ibe game dosing 4 to Abbeville's notblng. We dislike to see our bome learn "whitewashed", but It Is even so. Look well to your laurels next time boys lor Abbeville will do x?U up in style, for tbev can play ball when they are In trim. Miss Nelle Kdwards is bome from Greenville for ber summer vacation to tbe delight of home people and ber many friends. Mrs. .Lawton and cblldreoafter a pleasant and moat delightful stay at Caesars (lead returned home last week. Mrs. J. L. MoMlllan returned ;bome last week after a pleasant visit to her brother Mr. Henry Power. A visit to tbe oountry at this season of the year Is charming. Tbe lectore delivered by Rev. P. B. Wells - last Friday evening on Mother, Home, and Heaven was very line, but owing to tbe laci that tbe Abbeville people are not much on attending lectures his audieDoe was not what It iBbould have been. It was very gratifying to his many friends to see blrn In Ahhnvllie. where a heartv and cordial wel oome always awaits him as be holds a warm - place in the hearts of tbls people. Last Wednesday Messrs Harrison, Norrls, and a gentleman from Greenwood were sailing down Magailne street In an automobile, when suddenly tbe Auto was seized with a desire to rlgbt;abont whlon- It did In the twinkling ot an eye, rearing ap blgb In tbe air as lfon a ("bead end" collision throwing Its occnpanta ap, and out almost Into tbe branches of a tree, fortunately none of them were seriously hurt, bnt were badly shaken up, and were picked up scattered about bleeding and bruised. Tbe Auto was a fair specimen of a wreck. It was banled off tbe next doy by Its owner Mr. Johnny McKee for repairs. Right now Is a good time to say what we have been thinking for some time viz; The City Council should have a limit as to speed for these wild, refractory vehicles for they are worse tban a mule rushing ofT when you least expect it. Miss Flncade of Columbia is tbe obarmlng guest of her friend Miss Eva B tker. <jd jhbi vv euuBBuuy evening .Master ijeaiie McMillan e tertalned a number of bis friend* girl* and boys Id a moal. delightful manner. At tbe close gf tbe- evening cream and cake waa served. MIhs Lewellen McFull entertained one eve ning last week in compliment to her pret y guests?Miss Loulae Blghy Miss Lucy Curpenter.and Miss Blanche Holomou, A number of her life friend* were present and all bnd a most d< 1 ghtful time. During the evening dainty ?nd dellolon* refreshments were served,and Miss Lewellen proved herself a most charming little hostess Let everybody come to tbe big aireet. cmnival next Wednesday and Tburaday 22 Hud 23 as It promises to be a red letter day for Abbeville under tbe anspt<?-s of tbe Civic Club of the City. Don't lorget the dates, but be ready and bring your wivs and children and lettbem have a li'tle diversion r*om tbe toils and cares of every day life. Come and you will e> Joy the cirnlval and have a good time. Remember the ladles of the Ci vie Club will nerve dinner with coO^e op Irec'exm on the 17th Inst Campaign day. O .ly 2i els ioj a nice dinner. Minx Sadie Hmmnod U vUitlng relative? and frlenda at Mi Carmel. Mlsa Corrlfr Killlng?wnrth who Is e >gxzed a< ulenographer am) hook-keeper In onn ? ? the leading firms of McCormlclc la Jheie ,ol a vl?it. Misses Annie N?h1 and Lillian Hammond after a pleasnnt >>(ay with tneir friend Miss Antlonette H immond ist'irned to their re> apectlve homes U?t Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Syfun will leave today for Aabville wherei.hey will spend sjuk time in this beautiful land of tbe sky. * MUs Jessie Hpeed gave a most dei'ghtful reception on Tuesday evening of last waek in compliment to her charming guests Misses Essie and Francis Davis or Texas. Tbe pretty home waa beautifully decorated while Chinese lanterns shtd their weird light over the beantlfnl lawn making a beautiful and picturesque picture at youth and beauty mingled in groups under the shadows of tbe magnolia and walked among tbe roses thinking and talking of happier days yet to come. During tbe evening a delightful menu waa served. MIbh Speed Is a obarmldg hostess and In her duties ub such exoelled herself 011 tbls coca*Ion. Mr. Arthur 8yfun after spending a week with relative* left last week, accompanied by bis nepbew Mr. George By fan. They will ipend a while at Greenville, Spartanburg, and other cities ere they return to their home In Tennessee. Look out lor your dogs aa the dog a&tcber Is in town and wide awake and can throw a "lasso" equal to a Western Cowboy. A dog from tbe country visiting hla city oouBina must be tied to buggy or wagon while in tbe city or he will be roped in. Mrs. D. H. Howard beloved wile of Mr. D, H. Howard died at ber bome near tbla city iastSnndoy morning aboutSoclook, leaving a grief stricken .husband and several amali children to monrn their great loss. Tbe deoeased was a sister of onr townsman Mr. Hugh Wilson and tbe sympathy of this people go oat to him In bis grief. Pnnnral anrolnAl DATA nnndllfltA.1 at. fhA grave and Interment at Upper Long Cane. The bereaved family In their loneliness and grief have tbe sincere .sompathy of many friends. ALONG BOUTS 8. The young people of 8baron bad tbelr annual picnic at glowing springs (near Calhoun Falls last Saturday only 19 In number this year against 30 last year but they had a fine time all the same. Miss Plevna Seal one of Abbeville's accomplished musicians on the piano has a fine olass at Sharon to wbloh she gives 3 days of tbe week and tbe remainder of her time to her class In tbn olty. Mr. Oswell Hamilton an old Abbevllllan but now of Tampa Florida Is visiting relatives In and around tbe olty after an absenoe of 50 or more years. He with his nephew Mr. Gibert Hamilton spent last Sunday wltb their relative* Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Woodhurst. Mr. James Evans is sick, Dr. Nenffer In attendance. His friends hope he will soon be up again. Mr. Willie Penney Is still quite sick, but Is getting on as well as could be expected. Mr. and Mrs. R W. Knox spent last Friday i In tbe olty vbe guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. * Woodhurst On last Thursday Messrs. Edgar and Frank Woodbarst celebrated their birthdays; two brothers, one li and the other 6 years old, both coming on the same day. A number of relatives and friends were present and enjoyed tbe dellgbtfnl oake and oream that was served. "M" came In for his share on bis return home. We wish them , many happy returns of tbla Joyous occasion. Messrs. Lamar, Eugene and Bennett Link visited the old olty by the sea last week and bad a big time. Mr. Tom McNeill also took advantage of tbe exourslon and took In the sights of the old city. Farmers are now hustling; yes, they are dolna about lively, altbough ibe majority of crop* seen by as are In good fix oonslderlng the amount of. rainfall so recently. Some oorn seems ? If It will "lay by" Itself as It Is growing so rapidly, 5 or 6 feet high and not a single hoeing or plowlDg yet. Remember Abbeville's "gala days" 22 and 23. Come and have a good time. SOME QUESTIONS To the Abbeville-Greenwood Mu^ --1 fw/iMisaw AA riA*nwn?TT lUtti Lusuiauuo wiu^aujf i I would like to know? First. How much money they have collected lrom InBiirance In the past 12 months? Second. What percentage of the money do they pay officers and agenu? Third. What services do the President and Treasurer render for the money that they are paid? Fourth. Could not the Treasurer act as President and Treasurer? Stockholder. I ? Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferers. Foley's Honey and Tar affords Immediate relief to asthma sufferers In the worst stages and If taken in time will effect a oure. P. B. apeeu. I i Lord Casper, the beat to olgar sold today, at] Mliford'a drug itore. i V / inwiiHM?ni|-wiiirumh#:\\irinnin\wmin'n mw\ ' Glowing Springs H Surpasses all other waters in orga: suits. Hundreds of people have manently cured by its use of Chro: sia, Jaundice, Torpid Liver and Ki Alchemy has given it a happy co desirable in a medicinal mineral demonstrated fact. FOR SAIiE C. A. Milford i Glowing Spring Mineral Co.) , Chattanooga I Disc PL They Plow " a Comin' A combination of mechanical featui Reversible Disc Plow the most practic plows for the average farmer. They woi land, and are too well and favorably b ecription. Tbey leave no "water furrov side or level land, when doing reversed ueed in plowing around land. They handle more cubic inches of so board plows. , Thfey completely turn under stalks, They break up "hard-pan" and puh They leave the ground at bottom of Tbey prepare the soil to withstand < They insure better crops than any ol SEE US FOR T Abbeville Hardwa b^gj OllD FOl III Zapeclally need "Nature'* Rotnody" (MR Tabl mntlim on* of their Joints; need It to keep 1 and Bcwelo In good order; need it lor the sti jM Let "NATURE'S REMEDY" I Take a tablet now and then; it will keep Jj^HI condition that diteaae* cannot take hold. l^HI (Ito (Mil{Action, or the parcJuwe price refnn iLBette^ThanPiUsF A 25^B rt A 1TTT T1AT?T\ CL f*f\ l>. A, iUILI UXkJU Ob l/Ui j POSTOFFICE SITE. * p ? ? Dl Those Who Wish to Sell Dirt to Unole Sam. Appropriation for site and building. 550,000; T>.?? sire of lot, 120 by 130 leet. rress James A. Hill,corner Church and Plnckney Cut streets, 116 by 136 feet, 83,750. som t Lamar Cllnkseales, corner Washington and Spring streets, 120 by 130 feet, $4,800. " e P. Rosenberg, snath sidePlokens street near desvi olty ball, 120 by 130 feet, 93,900. third J. M. Gambrell, northeast corner Main and ., Cherry streets, 96 by 130 feet, 55.50U. m6 li J.A.Harris, executor, corner Cherry and count Main streets. 180 by 120 feet, 93,000. Will Abbeville Realty Company, southeast side rkm . of Pickens street, 120 by 187 (Irregolar) $5,500. ^U1 | us for Batteries. And For gas engines. A fresh lot just received. _ W.N. Thomson. J Wear ? tag and get in the swim. un iasi xoarsuay evtjniaii ..muss wu onou McFall charmingly entertained In bonor , of her pretty gneat, tbe M lssea Solomon, Blgby ana Carpenter, 8P?ed Don't fall to let tboee pretty girls tag yon. Mr*. A. M. Carpenter of Anderson, Is In tbe For sa olty visiting ber sister, Mrs. Ferqneron. Tfy , Tag day ! Tag day ! Thursday 23rd. drag si , ^ , Cleai of H>n Sheriff's Sale. |0S?." are mi L. W. White against N. M. Benson.? tbey ji Execution. Try By virtue of an execution to me di- ?'efDy( rected, in the above stated case, I will stains, sell to the highest bidder, at public Huyi auction, within tbe legal hours of sale, Fine at Abbeville, on MONDAY, the 3rd Fine day of AUGUST, A. D. 1908, all the ing toi right, title and interest of N. M. Ben- Don* - - j J SDaed' sod in tne ronowing aescnoeu proper- ty, to wit: The entire interest of N. M. Benson in all that tract or parcel of land containing THREE HUNDRED and EIGHTY-SEVEN ACRES (387), more or less, known as tbe Sbeep Walk, Zigzag, and Muttonham tracts, bounded by B. J. Benson, Ooie Ro- mmm gers, Sarah C. Clinkecnles, Antbony I# I Crawford and others, same being Es- I tate lands of M. E. Benson, deceased. I mi Levied on and to be sold as tbe property of N. M. Benson to satisfy the aforesaid Execution and costs. Terms?Cash. of 3 C. J. LYON, ni Sheriff Abbeville County. JdISC July i3th, 1908. beyc cine Npeed'M Localn. It yon want Huyler's Candy frfsb, go to not i Speed's Drug Store, agent tor tbe factory. Don't take onr word tor It, but look at tbe ?clSC bouses around town painted wltb DeVoe's ^ paint, and compare mem wiiii nouses paimeu nnrn with other paints. Standing half as long and we are satisfied that you will decide that DeVoe's paint ! the paint to use. For sale by 50r Speed Drug Store. Speed's Clnco Cigars are atlll the favorites of the city. They are the best sellers ever on the Abbeville market. If you don't believe It let us show you. It Is mighty easy to do a thing when you have some one to show you how. DeVoe's paint goes further and lasts longer. iVjpJ For sale at Speed's Drug Store. T*tr Something good to read at Speed's. 7^?? Huylet's Candy, food for the angels, always fresh at Speed's Drug Store. ?5^ Clnce, Is all the go. Speed's Drug Store. ??? ik address nfn CLIFFORD SEMINARY, , UNION, S. C. C; ft- . - Vineral Water nic purity and quick rebeen benefitted and per- ' ic Indigestion, Dyspepdney affection. Nature's mbination of all that is water and its worth is a ( --'j|j BY "llfl fe Company. I Calhoun Falls, S. C, leversible m ow v . iff andaGoin"' res makes the Chattanooga lal and valuable of all disc k on both hillside and level ' nown to need extended de cs" in plowing terraces, hillplowing. Or, they may be ' 9 til with less draft than mold trash and weeds. 'erize the soil. furrow porous and natural. iither a wet or dry season. ther method of plowing. , ? fj ERMS. ire CompaRy. ~TH m xagia ana vigor 11 fcivea '< 3e Your Doctor. tt your lystesu In such good ' Every box it' guaranteed to 'or Liver Ills, ^ Abbeville, S. C. iv You a Home . ' | = Anderson, S. C., June 29,1908. and Banner, Abbeville, S. C. : out the ad sent last week?have he place. now offer 300 acres near LownLle, S. C., at $12.50 per acre. Onecaab, balance lone time. Write interested. Good land and good ry. Buy now and quite renting. cut you ofl 100 acres if you like. it renting, buy a home! Write further information. - v ,< erson Real Estate and rnTTAatmATit1 finmrniiTr E. R. Horton, President. : Speed's Locals. od second hand soda fount for sale at s drag store. M ' vjN 25c package Wood's preserving powder eep six gallons of fruit or vegetables. le at Speed's drag store. ^ i lOo bottle of that corn care at Speed's tore. It will snre cure corns. i your old straw hat with a lOo package vkes straw bat cleaner. Makes them kenew. For sale at Speed's drug store e Is no cigar like Speed's CI o cos. They }re popular than ever. The boys say ist can't get along without them. DeVoe's paint one time and yoa will other. Get it at Speed's. DU WJtUl ttUyiUlLIK 1U pUillUI, una Ul go to Speed's drug store. ler's candy at Speed's, stationery at Speed's. <t cigars, Turkish cigarettes and smokjacco at Speed's. t smoke mean cigars when you can get b Clncos for the same price. FOLEY'S DNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU ny case of Kidney or ider disease that is not )nd the reach of medi. Take it at once. Do isk having Bright's Dis: or Diabetes. There is ting gained by delay. and $1.00 Bottles. RIFU8E 8UB8TITUTI8. P. B. SPEED SPjlfgjs yw B r^| I Al\Vays HMMMHI 25C. EVERYWHERE i and guaranteed by C.v A. Mil- . . is Co, , i " 11 .<'V ... t < r . . :K* V.