The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, June 17, 1908, Image 1

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BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1908. ESTABLISHED 1844? M ?? WEST Eljp. Rev. Edgar I). Kerr of Montgomery A In, w?n In the city tast week vislnug friends. M". W. C. Sherard CHmehorae Friday irom Blimingham where he has be*n to atteud the Reunion of the Confederate Veterans. Ml?s Lily Templeton spent Wednesday and Thn'td-'v tit Little Mountain the guest of Mrs. W. E'Hfll. . Miss Emma C. White Is home from Spartanburg for the Huiumer vacation. Miss White teaches In the Converse (iraded School. Mr. Bert.) McDavId was In the city Inst Friday the guest of his brother Mr. J. E. McDavId. Mr. McDavId is a student hi Clem son College. He uas a great many irieuus here who are glad to have biui here aealn, Miss Mamie Morse Is at borne after a pleasantstay with friends In Columbia. Mr. J. M, Spratt of Fort Mill was In the ' city last week for a few hours. He was the guest of Mr. C D. Rrowo. Mrs. EHen Parker Norwood left Sunday for Elliot Me. where she will spend Ihe summer Mrs. J. Allen Smith Jr., and Miss Kosi Max well ntteridt d the Smdwy school uicelugatL banon last Wednesday utid Thuridav. Miss Mary E. B skin has returned aft-r i weeks stay in Monttiey, as the guest of Mrs. G. W. Sneer. Mrs. W E Hill returned In Abbnvlile Friday alter a months stay at Lltil<# Mountain Dr. W. D. Slmpfon was in ColnmOiu tor * day or two last week. Invitations are out to the marriage of MIm Sara Ellen Henry to Dr. Jwrn^a Tblsi m Hit. the marriage to be solemnized on the evening of June the 24th at the P-ustiyierlm. Cbarob. Both of these young people are ex oeeuiugiy popular uuu luou iumiiu(c is v great Interest to many. Congressman and Mro. Aiken are homt from Washington lor ibe Mimuier months. Mine Mae Robertson 18 at home niter a staj of a week or two 8t Little Mountain. i Mr. H. D. Rte>e ban bten In the city for tbe J past we< k visiting bis home people. I Mr. J W. Simpson of Monroe X C. was in \ the city last week staylnu wkb Dr. and Mr*. Simpson. Mr. Simpson has been to Birtn ng ham toa'tend Ibe R?uulou. Mr. nod Mis. Joe Gib-rt of Lowndesvlllt have been ibe guests of Mrs. A. K. Watson for ine pas' few days. Misses Mary a> d Fannie Starke are at home aftera pleasant visit to Clemson. Mr. Joe P. Giles of Mew York wub In thi cltv last Thursday on business. Mrs. W. D Batksdale bas returned after $ two weeks stay with Mrs. J. K. Durt>t In Greenwood. Mr, R A. Wltber-poon of Hartwell Ga.. wa> ' In the city for a few days last week visiting < friend?. I Mr. A. M. Henry Is at home again after a \ short visit to Ciemson. Mr. Lowry Blake and Mr. Gottlob Xeuffei are at home from South Carolina Coileg?. Mrs A. M. Smith Is at home after a pl?a? ant weeks stay with her Ulster Mtf. Geo. Mann Wright. The Eucbre club was most chnrroincij entertained Friday afternoon, at the liome 01 i Mrs. Maggie Buiioek. The next meeting will I be held a', the home of Mm W. W. Bradley. " nr anil \lrn Mumnt-l Vlsanhtct hnvrt if. turned to their borne la Atlanta after spend lnga part of last week bere as tbe guests 01 Mrs. Pbillp Rosenberg, Mr. Calvert Tnomson went to Wlnni-boro Saturday lo spend a week or two with Mre. Thomson wtio Is tbere visiting her pareDH Mr. and Mrs Beattle. Miss Nina Wilson of Warrenton has brer, tbe guest of Mlts Btssle Cheatham for tbe past week. Mr. J. Townes Robertson of Charlotte, N. C. was In tbe city on Sunday visiting tils slsti i Miss Mary L. Robertson. " Miss Cleora B unsou ot Edgefield Is in tbt city spentflug u white wltb her Meter Mrs. W ^ 8. Cotbran. Mr,I. W. Bull of Orangeburg was visiting friends In the city several da s last week. Mr. Walter Visanskl of Atlanta whs bere for a few days !a*t week staying with his lather Mr. G. A. Visanekl. Mr. Ernest Harall of Baltimore was tbe guest of Mr. J. T. Robertson Saturday and Sunday. Mr. R. C. Brownlee of Due West was In tbe city last Wednesday on business. Mrs. Don Borrougb ol Conway who has been tbe guest of Mies Sadie Mttil 1 /or sometime Is in the city as tbe guest 01 Mint Louise Wat- f son. Miss Matlie Purdy spent Sunday at be> borne In tbe country. Miss Eugenia Robertson leaves on Wednescay for Walballa where sbe will visit bt i * ousln, Mr. Joe Holiemon for a week or two Mr. Frankaheriid spent Sunday in l,tba non wltb bis moiber, Mrs. Maggie Sbrtad. Miss Louise D.-Bruhl left Wednesday foi Greenville wbere xtie will speud some llm>' wltb ber cousin, Mr<. D. A. Ilenning. Mit-s DeBruhl bas been tbe guest of Miss Eugenia Robertson since tbe closing of tbe GradeC Sobool. Gen. R. R. Hemphill attended tbe Reunion in Birmingham last wok. Miss Eunice Calboun is at borne for tbi summer moutbs. Miss Calhoun teaches in Sparta l b org. Dr. and Mis. C. A. Mllford were in Abbeville for several days last week. Tbey went to attend tbe meeting of tbe shriners. W bil In Asbeville tbey were tbe guests oi Mis Grace Jones. Mr. J. Allen Smith bas gone to Nortt Hampton Msss.' to attend the gri duatlou ? his daughter. Miss Helen Smith, who Is > student at Smiths. Mrs. T. I*. Q'larles has gone to Spartanbur, in spena a wuue wnu uer uauguier, iuip. xi Frank McGee. MissOrene Mcllwain 1h home fioni Ch con College where she bus been attending school CLEMSON TEA. Ml68 Mary and MissFanuieSlark entertai: ed Saturday evening at a most delightful te. given in honor o(a mmiDer oi their Ciemsoi mends. An elaborate course supper wm served. Those present weie Mm srs. J 'J Rotertson. A MiHmry, Erned Hartal o Baltimore, Sam Hill, W. L. 'JYiupleton, I \V Uul ol Oixngeburg. Miss Maude MiCluni assisted Mioses Sink jn enteitalning tbei guests. Dr. and Mrs. Harrison were In Asbevllli last we>k attending the Sbrlners Meeting. Mrs. W. S. Cotbran Is at Glenn Sprh gs loa months stay. Mtss Cbsrlotte Brown leaves Wtdnesdaj for Rock Hill where the will spend soim time with her annt, Mrs. Green Sandlfer. Miss Pauline Gibtrt Is here speud'uj? a while w lib rtlatlvep. Mrs. James A. Bou ie has gone 'o Spartaiburg to visit ber ulrce, Mrs. H F. McGee. Miss James of Gietnvllle has been the guen of Miss Brooks lor a itw days. kiibni'h Jiary hiju ijvwn uuk nrt> in burg visiting their aunt Mr*. H. F. McOet, Mr. M.T. Coleman was In At.i:tviile lasi week at tbe (meting of ilie Nbrlners. Mrs. J L. McMil ati aud Miss Lula Power went lo Greenwoo last W dresdav'o atteDd the wedding ol their uephtw, Mr. LtRoy P .wer to Miss Doru. The many trlends of Miss Mary Hill are glad to kuow thai she Is out again. Mr. G?o. s?mlib eDteitalted a few of his frieDd*- MllOkj evtningbya moonlight pic lo. Miss Am a C arbe is at home ftom Grttn- r vllle where she has bttn attending school bt Sacred Heart. Mr. Ralph Slobes was here from Norfolk, Va.. Sunday, tbe gue6t of Mr. G. H Hall. MrB. James Eaeon of Charleston Is here visI ltlng ber mother, Mrs. M. S. Gary. - Mr. R. 8 Wilson has erone to attend a Reun loa of the Graduates of Tbomwell Orphanage In Clinton. Miss Carol Norwood of Annlston, Ala., is the cbaiming gufest of Miss Cara and Onle Morse. Mr. E. H- Auil, editor of the Newberry Herald and News and of the South Caroilan Pythian was in the city Monday on Pythian business. He was the guest of Mr. C. D. Brown. Mrs.JfmesH Wlnslcw and two children ate here licEO Norfolk vlfcllirg Mre. G. H Hall. The infant of Mr. and. Mrs Claude Neuffer of Columbia died at tbe he me of Dr. G. A. Neuffer after a sbort Illness. Tne deepest sympathy Is lell lor the afllicted jaunts In this soriow. Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs. "Several years since my lungs were so badly writes A. M Ake. ol Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with several physician* without any benefit. I tbeu staited to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now as gonnd as a bullet. 1 recommend it in advanced stng<B o/ lung trouble." Foey's Honey and Tar stops the cough and heals the lungs, and prevents serious remits from a co:d. Kelute substitutes. P. B. Speed. ----- I Beautify your walls with framed pictures ] from Mitford's book store. t*?>i on red in hij minutes bv Wool ford's San l:ary Lotion. Never toils". Sold by P. B Speed, druggist. 6m f Easter candy, Ac. Remember tbe place I JJllford'a book store. i * China, Sto Going for a mer uut Ulass Though ui] prices to c. We are doin look \ nApn ma ! TWIST TOI This brand jg a favorite with chewers of high j superiority of flavor and quality. Our buyers Virginia and North Carolina and as a result t maintained. Beware of twist artificially fia\ dsmasred leaf "doctored" to deceive y'ou. Leg unapproached flawless quality. Insist on this Manufactured by a strictly independent HANCOCK BROS. & C< Established 1851 ==^=^= \ SCHOOL Tablets T-ril AJULX General Schoc Speed's Dri rf11-liiiilil. 14 V - .?.r. ..... ; I 11)6 "Afterdoctoring 15 years for ehronic' 1r i indigestion, and spending over twoj"ou: Hundred dollars, nothing lias done me is much good as I)r. King's New Lifej I'ills. I consider tliern the best pi lis I jver sold:" writes B. F. Ayscue, of In-1 Tl jltside, X. C. Sold under guarantee teal it Speed's drug store, lioc. Jou 6 Crockery Yes, Books e trifle of the former p , Fine China s Ltouched by fire or lose out all of our pi g business every is up. We are lot AN'S 5 ai DUE WEST But (?T? Large crowds attended the C Sttwk tf v-' exercises. The railroad baDt i* hundred passengers Ttorfday. WBHggH^ Miss Agnes Grler leav?? t j Chester to visit her sister. M's. Prof. Long left Saturday for ' Mr. Lawret ce Browiilee left Chester where he will play ball Mis. Oliver Copland aDd 1 Saturday altera visit of sever ^Mrs. Jack Johnson, of Lou! the euest ol Rev. and Mrs. ? ! feveral wcekn. Sbe bas given boib of the institutions here. 'Ml" Susie WIIIb left with tb< Jr>2iK for Louisville, Ga., where 6he ernl dB^? wlUi friends and rela "MlM^Hettfe Mae Eastermau I Miff Martins. ^ M ins Jessie Boyce left. Tbur I 1 iFi-lppl where she will vlbli h< I I Brv?on. J \t| I | Pifp. James Boyce and fan \f I wit-K lor momreai, in. m V.1 | (.r'fd the summer. ^ ~ Mifs Lavlna Kennedy lefl /< j ^ Cbmlcstrn. She will be Jolnet p^\ csC ? by Mis. Brlce, who also goes to Vj \ *** 1 hce her foh graduate. I C M Miss Alma Ktnnedy, Mrs I A \ ou tlier went to Anderson Ihsi Jf I It V Mrs. Horton, of Anderson, v, mX frw days last week on a visit t Dr Bed Mrs, McDavld. Mr. Jcbn Kennedy left for ' S j Messrs. Calvin and I'resmly I West Virginia I ??t Thursday, j " Messrs. Paul McCain and & jrade twist because of its uniform ; U ft for Georgia last weefe. i pick over the choicest srrowth of : Mr. ami Mrs. William Krysoi he original superiority is forever ' rre cn h visit to their parents, ored, as that argues low grade or j Gfor^e Hngi.n. rat Tender is always the sonic in Mr. and Mrs. Tullle Ellis brand being given you. 'days In town, last week, wild f firm. Mrs. Statu Wldman 'f.'bompsi home, In Yoikvllie, after a )l %/nrhhlli'O' \J-Jt visit of several weeks with frl P Lyncnourgii atlv**, mtown. ??? T IQftR i Miss Julia Puilllps is vlsltl ?? parents. ! Misses May and Lily Wi ______________________ \ visiting their sister, Mrs. Put ???? > Kev. O. Y. Bonuer went to ?week to preach for Dr. D. G. I'l Mrs. Jtene ca Aguew uuu Drennan weot last week to Ala. Id tUe fuss and Jam, ocof meeting of the Confederate > Lucretla Drennan was run ove ? ^ , ?u and bad a limb broken. It \ Uf III I/ CI before she could get u doctoi Q1 Jl J fY bere are alarmed about ber coi W AJkM Three or four new brick sto Jn the next few weeks In Due Pressly Bros. are building no' & Son are laying down brick-8 T"\ 1 Ellis will commence to build 1 r' PTl I CJ Alain street will look like a nei JL vAXvllO Mr. E. K. f-pence Is the eft eommodatlDg agent at the < West. The town Is taklog on i the Hall Road reached tbetowc ? and stores are going up. Th L the growth of the town Is v >1 Supplies. Commencement lu the I A very large crowd was pres ??? the commencement exercises I College. The young women t the largest audience on these c< /N i days. There were thirty nine 11 Qf* ^TAVA this occaslob, and so only a fe' vlw U lil^J 1 the graduating class could reai w der these conditions there wer< The first honor graduate, Miss read an essay, Miss Julia Mc - of President MotTatt of Ersklc . won the "Carnegie Medal" an A Lesson in Health. "The Carnegie Prize Essay." eallhy kidneys Alter the Impurities from essays were beautllul speclmei oiood,and unless thev do ihls good health Hsb and listened to with inlei r,\l)(l"'18!hle. Foley's kidney Cure makes The Alumnae Essay was read tut kidneys and will positively cure all Galloway, duusjbler of Dr. J. t ns or ki(innnrt i.inrt.ier rtiKeHse. it | (lastonla, N. C. This essay \ ngtbens the whole ^ystem.P.B.Speed. distinctness ana w?? . la'se audience. One of the fpccial features Sully on the ^ar Path Once More. noencement whh the beauilfu ?e panic having ended, 1 am again In the seeing of the superb artiste I estate market, and will buy or sell lota Lenora NevllleLung.who ha8, hort notice. M. IS. liollingsworth. ln 'he D. W. F. C. Miss Long / , Ename i, Hosier; rice. Some dams and Sterling rater we are goiu resent stock. day and it wi cated under th nri lO C vorlte with music lovers Id Due West. 8be i has had flo? experience and training. The College authorities are to be congratulated oa the fact, thatshe Is a member of Its faculnmmencement iy. Mrs. O. Y. B inner, who Justly holds an lied over Ave unviable repu'atlon ?s a voice trainer aod singer and who la Miss JLong's assistant In bla week for the vocal department saDg one number aDd Moffatt. Was beard with great Interest. bis home Id Pres. Boyce's Baccalaureate was uncommon ly g'X)d. He handed out a great array of dlTbursday for piomas. this summer. j^e bddusI address of Hon. Richard S. Ittle son. left whaley of CbarlestoD, 8. C. speaker of the al weeks with House of Representatives was an elegantly written oration and much eDjoyed, Mr. WbaIsvllle Ga., If ley's evident embarassment, not to say timidT. S. Mills for ty, was a great surprlae to our people. He Is large sums tc a very bandFome lot klDg man. Dr. Oliver JohDson of WlDDSboro. S. C. a a college crowd former Abbeville Couoty boy, delivered the will spend sev- medals. Dr. Joboton was bright aod witty tlves. in ibe presentation of these medals and kept on a visit ol the audience In a tine .humor. He was very much applauded. At tbe close of bis speech s the guest ol be hauded out tbe following gold medals;? Fidelity Medal-Mis# Llla Laubam. sday for Mis'- Darlington Medal? Mlsa Eleanor Reld. er friend Miss Carnegie Medal-Miss Julia Moffatt. , Medal for Best collection of plolures-Mlgi illy, left last LhvaDla KeDDedy. aere they will Best Hloglep'cture-Mlss Myrt Aycook. Warner Scholarship Medal Miss Mamie l Saturday for Devlin. I In Columbia McBrlde Voice Meda'?Miss Jessie Bjyce. Charleston to Best collection of compositions?Mhs Mary Lludray, i. Moore aod Most ImprovemeDt Id Piano?Miss Carrie week. Stuart. ?as In town b Best tecnlque--Mlss Lizzie Higan. o her parents. Following'is the program: WeBt Virginia Iuvocation. Grler left for Andante eon Vnrle, Schumann. (For two plaDos ) (r.fTtiit Pi?vrv> Miss Pr ssley, Miss Baxter. ouau naxco Dl,ct_0b Love Dlvioe. from Jalrus'.Daugh3 and cblidrei teJ) Mr*.;r?ODJ?eD M\]v Mr. aod Mrs. Essay-Ibe Makers of Natlous First Honor Graduate. ^ MUs Rebecoa Crale. rlends. 8e^era' Air dl Margarita (Jewel So ig from Faust.) nn left for her Miss L'ng. very pleasac n- The Lark, Gauka Bilk view iends and re - b- Sprites Gleu, .Denuee. M!sh Baxter. ni? hpr erand- Camrgle Prize Eisay, Miss Julia Mntfiti. K 11 Af-pettando, Millard. tberppoon are ,R8r>I-'<?PBb,t j ten Kennedy. Violin obligate Mr. D. 8. Edwards. Newberry last Alumnae Efinay, Miss Miry Gall )way. jjllpg Anniversary Address, Hon. Richard S Miss Lucretla Whaley^ofCbarleston.a. C. Birmingham ComrrJGmorallnn Hymn. In Memorlam islooed by the Jefferson Davis, 3 June, (80S 3 Juue 11)08. r'eterans Mlsf The Treble Cleff Ciub. r on the street Violin, Mr. Edwards^Mlss Bessie Boyce, Cor vas some time De'? Mr. Dickson. . '. Her mends Awarding Distinctions and Diplomas, Presl edition. deQt James Boyce. res will go up Wpal. Messrc. MARSHALS. H. Bell md Mr. Sloan Mlsr Sue blake, Chief. 0 a few days. * town. Araelian. Iclent and aclepot in Due Marlon Cannon, Josie Carroll, Florence jew life since Moore. i. New houses Castellan. e Impetus to _ . , ? . ery maulfest Isabel Gooding, Bunnle Kennedy, Gladys Patrick. einale Col- Schednlc for Dae West Railroad. Morning train leaves Due West 10:15. ent to witness The evening train leaves Due Westat 5:15. In the Female The Southern from Greenville and the ilways attract Southern from Columbia meet in the mornjmmencement Ing at Shoals Junction, two miles below graduates on Donalds. The Due West train will take pasiv numbers of sengers from both these trains. 1 essays. Un- The Southern Trains In the evening, North three essays. and soum, rneei hi nougets. n mese are uu Rebecoa Cralsf, lime the Due West train takes passengers illatt daughter from each of them. II they are late It either e College, bad waits, or runs out to Due West and returns d hence read for this service. Both of these Passengers can also go out from Due West as of pure Eng- on morning or evening freight train. est. I by Miss Mary *? ? waVread ftwlUif Ne?boar.l Schedule.! ard over the No. 52 North (Local) due 12 52 pra No. .'12 North due &.;i2 pui of this com- No. .'M North due 12.52 am 1 and perfect No- M South (Local) due 4.1(> pm n voice, Miss No. 33 South due 1 15 pm charge of voice I No. 41 Houth due 4.51 am ' loo crenl fn lware, y, Soap J -4-U i\?an rwr IgCU, UtlU/19 gt ; Silver, g to offer at ill certainly e Eureka h :ent SI COOPER MET UJ AIIAArAA SUliliUS Received Thanks fron the Smol i. The following article, taken from < the Pittsburg Press, describes the re- j of L. T. CooDer's visit to that city, and the effect of his new prepara- ' tion as told by people who Lad become I convinced of the soundness of Cooper's ] theories with regard to the human 1 stomach. i Cooper believes that the human s stomach in civilized races has become i greatly weakened. He claims that most 1 111 health of the present generation is 1 due to this fact. The article Is as fol- ] lows: "L. T. Cooper Is meeting with the ] eame astonishing success in Pittsburg i as in other cities. For the past few .< days many thousands of Pittsburg peo- j pie have called at Ills'headquarters to j talk with him. < "Cooper's prophecy, made upon his { arrival, to the effect that before he left ( Pittsburg thousands would realize that > VJn tlinnm ?n nnmant onH TOfMllri POTTI fi JJUO IUCUIJ la WltVVb uuu II V? and thank him for what his medicine had done, is rapidly being borne out ' "On Monday an astonishing number 1 of people called to express their grati- ! tude to Mr. Cooper. Judging from what some of these people had to say < to a Press reporter, when Interviewed, rn-N V ~yi Wj) It you aro feeling ont-ofl^yl |?l, and yon will feel be \ f M They will make you feel Vf / REMEDY" strengthens tho ! wit and purifles tho Ulood. does W pleasantly, yet It never cil jg Invariably making tho user fe n } Better Than Pill: ? Tako NR Tablet* for Indigesti< W Appetite, Sallow Complexion, Llv? m Plmplcfc and Eruptions, Chills, 1 M tism, Torpid Liver or Inactivo Ki< M from tho dlgostlvo organs. [ BOX, C. A. MILFORD & C( . ' .y-rUk ^PH *':?p^' *ppl n D Ba Bj n H H H I f 111 ? . '- .-xfz .... ;:J ? , m >s, etc., >od, all cheap. lrnn/^lr Hrnvti Vk\/ T ? JUk pay you to f lotel. roRE. iUAL . ; .:1 IN PITTSBURG I ' ' $ ? i ; i Hundreds While in <y City. k;v Cooper's claim that the human stomach is degenerate is distinctly verified. "One of the most unusual statements was made by Mr. C. W. Woods, of 103 South Highland Street He said: 'For four years my wife was in very poor health. She was weak and thin, witb a. hectic flush and cough. Physicians said sfre had consumption, and I was inclined to believe them. It certainly looked as though her days were num- ~ *' ' ?~? bered, and there appeared to be very; little ground for hope. "'Shortly after Mr. Cooper came to Pittsburg I began to hear of wonderful results that had been obtained by per-/ sons who had tried his medicine, so I' ;ot some for my wife. She had taken t only two days when sue was renevea >f a tapeworm 42 feet long. She be?an to improve immediately?has gained seven pounds since she began taking the medicine. She feels splendid md looks very much better. If any 3ne doubts this statement I would ba> pleased to have them call at my house ind verify it.'" *. The Cooper remedies are becoming Justly famous. _ We sell them J ?City "DruR Store. P. B. SPEEDill" sorts, tako an NR T?b? VllllWcy tter in the nmrnins. Just richt. "NATURE'S YY # Stomach, Liver, Kidneys \ilJ Its work thoroughly and WUf pes, weakens or sickens- IV el stronger and better. S 3 For Liver Ills. >11, StCK Heauacne, lkjss ot _ r Complaint, Skin Diseases, M Malaria, Biliousness, Rlieuma luoys and all troubles arising 3.. Abbeville, S. C. ' C. ^