BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1908. ESTABLISHED 1844 fl ?= - :1 A BIG HJ THE A. B. M( Has just compl of stores of Amos B Wood Yard. Will e dry hides, old rubbe: wax and tallow. ( If you want the be* promptly with your or July and August deliv* Office in Amos B. M WEST END. _ _ ~ ! - . ~ . . t'? Mrs. H. D. Keese lert lasi Tuesday ror ct Florence where she will spend a while with her ? augbier Mr*. E. C. Pbge. Mrs. W. E. Cason has leiumed to Anderboo alter spending noine time here with Mr. p, and Mrs. J. M. G?mbiell. hc Mrs. M. H W lleou went to Columbia Thursday to spend bouie time with her sister Mrs. ^ P.D.Sloan -r, Mr#. G. W. Moore end ber children ol ElbertoD Gu. 18 in ibectiy the guest ot Mrs ? V D. L?>e. *w Mrs. Lilly Aiken of Atlanta la '.be guest ol Mug Mary L?u SmStb. < Mrs. W. E. dill came home fsom Atlanta m Thursday alter a stav ol several weeks in j tbatcitv. '< Mis* Josle Wells one of Greenwood" most charmlog young Indies was the guest of Mis. vi W C DuPre Sunday. ^ J UUge J. r u in r i-o?u ui vuiuiuiin ?%nn iui the city iu?i ?xk tor sevt-ral cltiyh. Judge Li.vonisaiwa * a we corn* d vUltor t'>ou' cny. "J Miss Mary Htil left la?t Wedntsday lor B. Mexico wl.ere she has a Government position. k * Mrs C. A. Milfnrd la at home again after a ] pleasant M?y with her aunt Mis. Tench Poo e : lo Kewberrj unci wltb her cousin Airs. U. M. ti. Wright In C'lnton n< Mr. Clyde MorK?n ban returned to Abbeville i alter spending some lime wltb bis home m people in Monro-. Mr. Morgan Is still sutt-r- \y ing from injuries received in tue wreck sever- i at weeks a*o, but bis many friends hire are to delighted lokuow that be is able t.? be out again. Mrs. W. S. Sberatd went to Walballa Saturday to he present at tbe funeral of ber aunt Mrs. Norton. Mrs. C. I). Brown entertained a few of ber ? friends at an Informal Bridge party Saturdn> afternoon. Mrs. Brown is a charming hostess and ber aflalrs are always deiigbtlul. Mr. W. G. Templeton spent Sunday here with bis borne people. Mrs. E. B. Calhoun and Miss Willie Cal- am hoon ol Atlanta have been the gnest of Mrs. J. a. I^orwoou ior several a?ys. air. uaiuoun and Miss Calhoun sail on Saturday for a summer oatlug in Europe. Tuie Is their second trip but they anticipate as much pleasure as belore. M188 Ella Haskell Is at home for the summer. Miss Haskell has been leaching for the past session Id Louisiana. Mr*. J. E. McDavld has returned from Spartanburg where she was the guest of her " aunt Mrs. Anna Jonea Johnson during the Festival. m Mrs. G. W. Cunningham of Montery were In the city Thursday. H Mr. and Mr*. G. W. Wells of GreeDwnod ? were the guests ol Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dupre Sunday. Mr. A. M. Henry of Little Rock, Ark. Is u here on a visit to bis parents Mr. and Mrs. xi FrancU Henry. Mr. Heory has been away . for a long while aud uls friends welcome him it home with agreat deal of pleasure. Mrs. S. J. Harris of Winder, Gp. Is here ]p spending a few days with Mrs. S. A. Harris. ie Mlss M?rle Gary who Is now in Washlogton sans Saturday from New York lor a E Revert?' iijduiub may iu r.urope. sue w:'i Join Mrs. Calhoun and MIbb Caltioun id WflStllCglOD. 5,1 Mr. Jamex A. Hill left M >nday for Elberton Oa. where bis Company will give their flrst fe week's performance under the new managemeat. Mc.Bi'1 and Mr. F. M. Link are li> 1 fall contiol. Mr. Hill bus been Id tbe Bbow pi business tor a long while and understands thoroughly the management of accompuuy. J4 His friends hope that be aDd M'. Link will make a marked success In this uudertahlug. , Mr Frsuk Sberard spent Sunday In Leba- n< non wiib bis mother Mrs. Maggie Sberard. Mrs. K. C. Wilson entertained tbe Dauitb- a> ten of tbe Confederacy at tbelr regular month ]y meeting Tuesday attcrnooD. Mrs. L. C. Haskell has ls?ueu Invitation to a snowuriit luncheoD. Mrs. Haskell will ^ entertalD three days Tuesday, Wednesday, and Ibursday. Tnls will be a uDlqun e tertalnment and no doubt will be unusually attractive. d Miss Nettle Russell will entertain the Eu- ff ohre Club Friday afternoon at Ave oclock. Nrs. Mary Parker has gone to ber home In & the country after a pleasant stay here with Nrs. V. D. Lee. Nibb Caroline Graves Is In L?.tlmer spending a while wltb ber home people. Nibs Nina Wilson of Warrenton 1b the guest ol MIbb Lois Wilson Mrs. J. r. Roper dTrentOD Is In tbe city to _ spend tome time wltb ber daughter Mrs C. D. Browr. MUSIC STUDIO. 1 HigheNt Testimonial*. Prof. Jules G. Huguelet, Organist Methodist Church, AND TEACHER OF ? Piano, Violin and Organ. Abbeville, S. C. m Studio on second floor of new Realty J Company building, next to new postoffice. Miss Carrie Huguelet, assistant I teacher and in charge of studio. Calvert & Uickles I ? Headquarters for ? bi White Hickory Wagonst? Owensboro Wagons, Bock Hill Buggies^ summer Buggies, Cheap Buggies, Harness, Laprobes, etc. Calvert & Nickles. Feb* 24, 1904. tf EWENTI 3RSE COAL eted and opened i i. Morse an up-to-( ilso buy old iron a IN A J r\/%? 1 , UUU L? ctJLLUL OllUCD, Dur special line, i it Jellico Coal, and ders. Now is the sry. orse's Store. Phone I'ulon Mcetlne> Tbe upper division of Abbeville Assocla on will meet with W?lont Grove Baptle inroh, May 30 and 81.190S. 10 a. m. Devotions led by J V. Young. 10 30 e.m. Aid should be given by ever; mrch to ?be Orphanage and the Aee< reaoher*' Board. L J. David, F. F. McMa lbert. M. McGee. 12 m. Some reasons for State Missions. 1 TVlbert, J. W. Ellis, M. A. Simpson, A. C llklns. 12 45 Intermission. 2 p. m. How to Induce the church?s to lov t?Hlonn more. W. B. Acfeer, J. W. Busahari F. Morrison. M MrG??. 1 4f> p. m. Should all Baptists read tbe Bar hiih rl^en from tho dead." J. R. McGee, B Coealbam, W. B. Acfeer, M. McGee. 1130 a. m. Missionary sermon. , A. C. Wll ns. 12 "On. m. Intermission. Jp m Much fruit isPTppcted from Chris ?t>?. John 15.5, 8. R. B. Cheatham, L. J >vw, c. W. Brlaeev, M. McGee. 2 45 p. m. Should the monthlv Saturda; eatings bp abandoned? J. F Morrison, J . Bussbart. J. V Young, M. A. Simpson. Study all tbe subjects, come on time, sta; tbe end, bring money for missions. A. C. Wllklns. H. K. Williams, YY . ?>. , tUUi, llothing! igh Art Clothing?we sell Made oi specially sected woolens and linings. very garment sewed with lk. Distinctive styles?perct workmanship ? comy lete satisfaction. That's igh Art Clothing. We G ive what you want. Come "?)< id let us show you. ^ 01 w iuit Cases From $i to $10. 01 frunks From $i to $15. ai ihoes, Shoes 2 We have the old true and gi ied Hamilton & Brown, the 'p 2st shoe on earth for men, cil Dys, ladies and children, in in and black. * ? . _ < _ j? t i .. ?ee us Deiore du sell t rhe L. "VI uinnni vvuuu: WISE! CO. ! y ip on the lot in rear ? iate Coal, Coke and I , brass and copper, j + n v?/l Vvnnci 5' UJ.I CO auu ILUiJUj uoco- ^ Lowever, is coal. I want it cheap, come in time to buy for June, ^ No. 13. v Batteries. For gas engines. A fresh lot jnBt received. W. N. Thomson. it Wrttornielon Need. Fine Southern growD watermelon seed and U Rocky ford canteloupe seed for sale by _ J. W. Ryfeard. i The State of South Carolina, ti I. 17 ABBEVILLE COUNTY. 'j Probate Court.?Citation for Letters of Ad- P1 ' ministration. J By J. F. Miller, Esq., Judge of Probate. ^ e \)|7HEREA8, M. Ellen Ferguson has made ?i * ? * suit to roe, to grant her Letter* of Ad- . ministration of tbe Estate and effects of ? , Thomas F. Ferguson, late of Abbeville Coun- 1; "* ty. deceased. ;] Tbese are therefore, to olte and admonish r all and slneular tbe kindred and creditors of ti: the said Thomas F. Ferguson, deceased, that e .. they be and appear before me, In tbe Court of 1; Probite, to be held at Abbeville C- H., on - Tuesday, tbe 26th of May, 1908, after publlca- . tion hereof, at 11 o'clock in tbe forenoon, to si t>how cause If any tbey have, why the said ( - Administration should not be graDted. V Given under my hand and seal of theConrt, ? this 11 tb day of May, In the year It r of our Lord one thousand nine hun- rr dred and eight and in tbe 132d year of Afnerlcan Independence. O y Published on tbe 13tb day of May, 1908, In tbe Press and Banner and on the Court House door for the tlmej'equlred by law. J. F. MILLER, Judge of Probate. W. WHI SALE OF IVIIMi! We are breaking all pre lous records in selling Whit oods. If you haven't alread Dught of us, you want t >me in and let us show your 25c White Linen, 32-inc' ide, cannot be matched any here for the price. We hav lr customers to tell us tha fery day. Persian Lawns 10, 12, 1 id 20c yard. Dotted Swisses 10, 12, 1 id 20c yard. Just received, in all colors 5 pieces Linenette. Thes oods are absolutely fast colors hey all have been shrunl ad will hold their colors 2 *Ac vard. ' */ ying if you want t< he same thing ch< T. White C i I V CLOSING EXERCISES. icbolars and Touchers May Now Look Forn Rest. The Graduating CIbkb of 1S09 of Ibe Abberile Graried School bave sent out Invitations ,1 tbe closing exerclseo, Tuesday evening, 4 arab Entile Stevenson, Mr. William Oscar 8tevenson, Mr. Preston Brooks Speed, Mr. Richard tiondley, Jr. John HcOnba Kills Negro. John McGaba, from near Honea Path, Anertion County, shot and killed a negro Geo. ; itnkscalen late Saturday night, May 9lb. ; 'Ue two leftHonea Path tcgether In a more r less drunken condition, and went to the ouse of a negro woman on Mr A. D. Bran- j an's place, Abbeville County. They drank ; lore liquor at the woman'* house and both : ecame very drunk. At about two o'olock In : Qe morning the negro rose to leave, and be j i reported to have said, "Come on Johnnie ; it's go home." McGaba it is said became of- : anded at the negro not calling blm Captain : nd he called the negro back. When the j egro refused to come back McGaba shot ; lm with a 45 calibre pistol. The negro lived ; bout twelve hours. McGaba has left. The ' herlft C. J. Lyon bad expected McGaba to iirrender this morrlng having been so in- ; )rmed in a communication over the phone. : [is surprise was great when be beard that lcGaha bad gone. Magistrate Martin of Donalds beld tbe inueat over tbe body of George Cllnkacalaa. It la said that this Is the fourth victim of ohn McGaba'a pistol. Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. Court of Common Pleas. V. D. Barksdale, Plaintiff, against Henry Williams, Lou Williams, Mary A. Barnwell, Frank Williams, Sweetie Williams, Amelia J. Davis, Betsy Bibbs, 8usie Williams, Ada Williams, James Williams, Sarah Leed and Mary Cohrng, Defendants. By authority of a Decree ot Sale by he Court of Common Pleas for Abbeille County, in said State, made in be above stated case, I will offer for ale, at Public Outcry, at Abbeville C. L, S. C., on Salesday in June, A. ). 1908, witbin tbe legal hours of sale tie following described land, to wit: ill that tract or parcel of land situate, ying and being in Abbeville County, i tbe Slate aforesaid, containing >NE ACRE, more or less, and boundd by lauds of John and Lou Wil- \ ams and Tanyard street. Also, all tbat tract or parcel of land, i ituate, lying and being in Abbeville j lounty, in said State, containing SIX j lCRES, more or less, and bounded by \ inds of B. S. Barnweli, Public road, j 'anyard street, Ellis Bishop and j thers. j TERMS OF SALE.?Cash. Pur- \ baser to pay for papers. R. E. HILL, 3 Master A. C.. S. C. ' May 11,1908. ' i 1 TE CO. : I ?^^?mmmm1 Long Gloves i We have the best line of . , r 3 ' i-ong Lrioves to De iouna anywhere in Kids and Silks, in all colors. Kids $3 pair. 6 Silks $i to $2 pair. V o k Don't Forget ???A ] J lid I WC die ucdui^uanvio I e ( for Black Dress Goods. We have anything you want in this line. ' 5 ^* ( i 5 Silks, Silks If it is a silk dress you are looking lor we can piease , e you. We are running a ' Black Taffeta, 36-inch wide, at $1 yard that can't be >> matched anywhere for less than $1.25. > save money we ^aper. Jompany. i ill ?ys !1| Re lll^ 70 REL,EVE J?3| W99&i&9&*&19i9w&uF\?9& LOWNDESVILLE. rUTI LowndesTllle, May lltb, 1906. LI* 1 I Mr, B. F. Maaldln, President of the Bank of Anderson, oame down Tuesday and met the itockbolderg and directors of the Lowndespllle Bank, and tbe officers of It were reflected without opposition. Mr. Manldln das tbe bonor and distinction of being president, perhaps, of more banks tban any man In tbe Stale. He ooonples tbat responsible position with elgbt of snob monled Institutions. Mr. D. L. Barnes, of Anderson, oame down ruesday, and looked after bis landed Inter- /* _ ssts In this community. wOODC Mrs. T. O. Kirk Patrick went to Anderson * ruesday and spool tbe day wltb friends. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Huckabee went to Abbe- A1 rllle Wednesday, tbe first on business, snd 1 1 returned tbe next day. Rev. A. J. Cauthen. Presiding Elder of tbe An adeq Anderson District, whose bome Is at Ander- tarnflt wb son, came down Saturday morning and after >tn interesting preaoblng service In tbe Metb- young Mr. adlst cbnrob In this place at 11 a. m. and beld with his the 2nd quarterly oonference for tbla obarge oHrori tn 1 . . 1?? rru? .omo nr.nnh.r BiYCil IU I HI IMS U1UDC, XUO UUAU U*J l>uv ???MV vsvuv , . gave to bis congregations two Instruotl?a ser- appeared 1 mom,?the one at 11 a. m. tbeotber at 6 p. m. Cooper wa This day was a week ago, the delegate* 4ha noAnta elected on the Saturday before to th#, Coanty Democratic convention went to Abbeville flays: Till and attended tbat important mee'.ng. second we< Tbe cool weather which we bave been hav- j/_?f{rin log every few days cause many of tbe little umicauou ohlcka to fall by tbe wayalde,and much of astOmBniDI tbe youns: cotton, wbiob bad peeped from Its cities laflt borne, departed tbla life owing to same sanae. There Is considerable complaint be- rrom i sauae of tbe above, yet It-la hoped that warm- Crowds tha 9rsunshine will bring about a mora obeerful fiv increas sonditlon along these lines. ' . t Laatnlgbt waa a week ago two darkles were ? point w shot near tbe depot by another of tbe same With him solor, "all because of a woman," ao aald. One seems to h man waa walking along wltb a woman and +>>, met another man with a double-barrel shot tneory tni ;un. The man wltb tbe gnn. after getting degenerate some distance from the two whom be met armv of t fired at tbem. Tbe man bit pickled out ?hout " two dozen 8bot out of bla lega, and Dr. Kirk- 8eem posit Patrick waa called to aee tbe woman, and be reot. s took from her person about the aame number < i -um af leaden pellets,and cao be said tbat there . , . will be no need of ao Inqueat In either case. interviews1 on Friday ?> ?? Btatements in v^oopen THE PERFECT WAY. ?S West Con: ?; fered witl Scores cf Abbeville Citizens fte^woJ Have Learned It. SySSvi,1 my mouta If you suffer from backache, There is only one way to cure it. The perfect way is to cure the kid- ______ leys. A bad back means sick kidneys. Potato Neglect it, urinary troubles follow. Jjcidie Doan's .rvianey rma are iuauo iui kidneys only. Notice o? fc J. H.Nash, 225 Main Street, fo Laurens, 8. C., says : "I have rpAKE NO' given my name in recommend- JunMix ing Doan's Kidney Pills in the Estatel" hope that a few of the many the office of who suffer from kidney trou- County at ic ble may be benefitted thereby. trugtai neb My kidneys were irregular in Ail peraon action and caused considerable estate will p pain about the small of my KtowKft! back. I was told that Doan's Kidney Pills were good for such troubles and deciding to try them, 1 bought a box. I had taken them but a short Fine W time when the pain disappear- . . ed and my kidneys were pairing strengthened. From the resuits I received I can say that tPUlGe Doan's Kidney Pills are a most x'* , reliable kidney remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 A _ _ tf'IL.. D.IAMA cents. roBier-iYiuuurii v/u., uuumu, nttipp at New York, sole agents for the United 8econd fl00 States. building i Remember the name?Doan's?and work ?'ua take no other. . work a spe< 4. lreka entery medy RANTEED i THE DYSENTERY 35 Cts. THE ay Drag Co. Myw^vwv/^vwv/^wyyy^vy IRE CITY INTERES1 ; IN YOU f T" r's New Theory Attracts ttention During Stay in Ci oate Idea of the Intense In* tired as when I ich, has been aroused by dull pain in the Cooper during the past year I have taken a] theories and medicines is New Discovery iie following article which improved that 1 n the Cincinnati Post while to thank Mr. Cc is Introducing his Ideas to tain more of th > of that city. The article "Another indi 9 beginning of Mr. Cooper's Mr. J. H. Brook 3k in Cincinnati gives every street, who had that he is to enjoy the same 4For the past e 5 success here as in other been a constant of the head an fu? flr?+ Aav nt Ma irtnif tTin raassages would ;t call to see him have stead- sore. I would ed, until now It has reached which affected here several thousand talk crusts of matte each day. The entire city throat, causing ave become Interested In his bronchial passa it the human stomach Is finally became i , and he already has an lay down at i ollowers in Cincinnati who gather In my IVe that his c!alms are cor- choked me, an noying cough, ber of Clnclnnatlans were Cooper's New ] d at Cooper's headquarters lief, and when 1 \ and several interesting i8hed I felt lil i showing their Intense faith completed i preparations, were secured. roonprr'a npw ] tog are selected from these ? i and are characteristic of Mrs. M. E. Emerson of 630 , t street, said: 'I have suf- ~??per 1 i stomach trouble and con- wonderfully sue - ? * T7?l+/\/1 O+ofnn :or a year or so. wnen 1 uu"w id have bloated spells, sour markable medi fermentation, bad taste in Ijjl eased to expte , in the morning I was asl?City Drug Stc p. of W, J. Stevenson, ? ? ., tive organs, pu Settlement and Application dition with H r Final Discharge. tain Tea, the ncE, that on the 6th day of thirty years. ? ?, I will render a final acconDt of Q A. Milford & and doing as Administrators of f W. J. Stevenson, deceased, In Judge of Probate for Abbeville I o'clock a. m., and on the same Sllke. 811*8. v y for a final discharge from our keep the blue rib Administrators. can buy. The R. 1 b having demands against said Don't fall to pa resent them for payment on or service guarantee! ay, proven and authenticated or . rred. JOHN W. J. SIMPSON and TT^Uotpr's I JOHN A. HAGEN. A HOl!!?ter? t AdminiBiratore. tones the stoma liver ; strengtl atch and Clock Re- X??onicC ?Finest References. 35 cents, Tea < ford & Co. i G. Huguelet, suUy? crt Watchmaker. The panic bavii real estate markc Abbeville, S. C. on short notice. id Repair Department on Kidney compiai v ftf note PoalfV Pnmnanv onv nthAr fliflPAHP. A Ul uwn auj vbuv. iext to new postofflce. All being so Idbkiiogh ranteed. Railroad watch Kianelo^e'win" Jialty. jaial disease If tab 25?1?, m?m 5K mti vflgvre W ?2^ *?jli fEDING MAN V J ^ > Widespread incinnati. r ; '}' \ went to bed. I had & lower part of my back. [most one bottle of the and am so wonderfully [ have come down here >oper in person and ob* o medicine.' vidual interviewed was s, living at 527 Walnut I the following to say:; ighteen months I have t sufferer from catarrh id stomach. My nasal become inflamed and have severe headaches; my eyes, and great ir would drop into the ; an irritation of the ges, until the stomach joisoned. When I would light a phlegm would throat until it almost d would cause an anHalf a bottle of Discovery gave me reJie first bottle was finite a new mam I am 7 cured and consider Discovery the greatest ind stomach remedy in )reparations have been :cessful throughout the We consider them reicines and would be kin the nature of them. >re. B. SPEEDistipation, clean out the id strengthen the digea t them in a natural conollister's Rocky Mounmost reliable tonic for 55 cents, Tea or Tablets. Co. on't forget that we always boD lafleta, the best money H. Haddon Co. tronlze the home laundry I. tocky Mountain Tea ich, stimulates tue lazy beos the * bowels and ition easy and natural, for the whole system. >r Tablets. C. A. MilWar Path Once More. ]g ended, I am agalo in tbe t, aud will buy or sell lota M. E. Holliugsworth. nt kills morfi people than This in due to tbe disease ibat It gets a good bold on a It is recognized. Foley's preveut me aeveiopmeuiui ;ea lu time. P. B. Speed? ,