The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, April 22, 1908, Image 9

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The Press and Banner. Published every Wednesday at two dollars a a year la advance. Wednesday, April 22, 1908. Farmer** I'm I on. The Farmers Educational and Co-operative Uulon of Abbeville will meet on firm Saturday In May at Abbeville In the Kosent>erg Hell at eleven o'clock. ^ 'ould be glad for each Local to find \vlie'tier .here Is any Increase or decrease In cotlou acreage. L. F. Vermliliou, Cor. Sec. and Treas. C'ow for Sale. I have one seven-eighths Jersey cow for sale. A splendid aulmal. Win t-e11 at a very reaeon able price. 8t G.A.Harrison. ? School .tleetinic ("tilled Off. The next regular meeting of the Abbeville County Teachers Association has been called off for the present. By order^jf the President. W. It. Bradley, Secretary. Lost Walrli. A lady's doub'e case gcM watch lost one dav last week. Reward 11 returned to Press and Banner office. Cull auil <*et Your Stone. Jos. K. McDonnell will beat hl? stone shed t'rirtav mid Saturdnv 21th and '25:h instant All parties having orders placed lor Hone, etc , please call and arrange for tbe same not later tbaD 5 p. m. Saturday, when be leaves for Columbia. For Male. White Leghorn eggs lor settlne. "5 cenu per'en. Mrs. E. P. Joues, Abbevlne, S. C. Route No. 2. The 4.rowlh of Know<1 riff. Tbe enormous increase in tbe use of Snowdrift Hogless Lard, not only in tbe Soutb. but In tbe North as well, although little effort baa been made to Introduce it north of tbe Carollnas, Is another striking example of Southern enterprise and Northern appreciation o! Southern products. TrnclterM* Examination. Tbe next regular teachers' examination will be bel t at tbe Ooait House on Friday and Saturday, May 15th and 16lb. All teachers who take tbe Teachers' Reading Circle Cooi6C c.n have a first grade certificate renewed for one year. No seoond gradt certificate w ill b? renewed For information 1 concerning tbe Reading Course, ste or write me. R. B. Cbeatbam. Supt. Education. Celebrating Ki?st< r. Andrew Johnson, colored, and Andrew Davis, colored, on Dave Nlcfeles place, hud b Utile pleasantness lat>t Sunday, and In a t-cuftie, a pistol was discharged. Result: Andrew Davis is dead, and Andrew Johnson it* In Jail, charged with murder. Magistrate W. B. , Moore holding the ir quest. The slayer and the lain aged respectlveij 17 and 21 years. I Cotton Seed for Seed. Anyone needing p anting cotton seed can " be accommodated by calling on me ne>.r Little Mountain. Price 80 or 35 cents a bushel. 2t M. Haford, R. F. D., Abbeville, S C. Vaiterie*. For gas ebglnee. A fresb lot just received. W N. Thomson. Watermelon Seed. ^ r IDF m uiurru giuwu ? aid UICI'IU rtci. au\J j Hocbyford canteloupe seed lor sale by J. W. Rjkard. , I Tre?|?ass Xotic. All persoris are w rned not to allow caM- i or HDlmalB of uny kind to tnRprus od id j laod. 4t It. R Pi Ice. ? H?y itntl Fotltler for .Sale. M I have B rmuda gross bay. and (odder fot r sale In well-packed hales, all flist-clH?K. Ha> 9.5* per hundred. Fodder 81.25 per hundred f o. b. Ml. Carmel, 8. C, Juo. W. Morrab. Elcgnnt Mimical Eut< r'alnment. On last Friday afternoon a company of accomplished Mrgos came down frcm Due West and In the evening they gave a most del'ghtful entertainment In Ulll's auditorium. Io company with the performed were MUs Bunnle Kennedy of Due Went, Miss Harry Crockett, student from Tennessee at CullrgtIn Due West; Mlfs Stack, teacher of el cutlon and f xpresslon: and Mr. Jeff Warren of Tbomansville, Ga; Mr. Bud Patrick of Ches ter, S. C. The party while here from Friday afiernoou nutll Monday morning were the guests ol Miss Ethel Lyon, who entertained her handsome and accomplished guests In the inotl graceful and In the most cordial manner. _ Miss Lyon Is herself a student in the Due- J West Female College, and her College friends were glad to accept her Invitation to 6hsre her delightful hospitality. The program for the Friday evening's enter tiinment was as follows 1 H. E. Pressly first Tenor. M. A. Hood 2od Tenor. C. B. Wllllami, Baritone. J.W. Wldemati, Jr.. Bksr. . Miss Jessie Boyoe, Reader. J Tbe entertainment is said to have been onr of tbe moBteDjoyable with wblcb Abbeville has ever been favored. Because of tbefact tbai the performence had not been more generally known the audience was not as large as it would have been. If It had been " known a muoh larger c )mpanf w juM hive ? been present not only to bear the music but to Bhow honor to the ladles and gentlemen who represent tbe culture and refinement o! our neighboring college town. CANDIDATES. For Auditor. I hereby announce mvself as a cnnd'date fur n-election to tbe office of County Aud Itor, sot'j-ct to tbe acth.n ? f the l>eti:ocratic , 1 rlmary. utcuara noDuiey. Thttublci; the p ople of Abbeville county l'?r ibe complimentary voieglvut me iwo i Hto, ami with no iil-will towa'd- wuy (k||f, iiUl good (tC'li.ufi !owaid? al uuil ^rateful for any consideration given me I iblK election. I egaln atiDoui ce myself a ctiuUiUate for Coiiuy Auditor. suiject lo the uc'lcu of tbe Democratic primary. Kesj eetiully, R. D Furdy. For Coroner. We are aiitliorfz rt to xnnosnre M J I,It k hk h laniliiln'e lor r.-eectbn to the tllce ? f' Corou-r !< ? A' bei llie roumy, su? ject to ibe action of ibe i) morratlc primaries. We nre authorized lo arnounco W. B. O-.lutf h* a crtinil i?i>- for the oi (.'. n-iirr of AhbevlUe county, sul.ji.ct to itie sctl< n ol t> e Democratic piiuiary. We are authorlz d to announre H. W,' B >? te h-> a candidate lor the ollice o? C -rot or j of A bttviile c. untr,RUtJect to the action ol '.be Democratic primaries. For Treasurer. i I hereby annoiitice m<seif a>? H dale 01 Cotiti'j li??Mi-n ? ( Atlfvllle cot ntv. subject lo tbe action i f 'he D tnocralie primal t< a. John M. tian.bre:l. I hereby announce n>ys<-lf as a modulate for Treasurer of A bbevltle County, Mil Jetl to the action of tbt Dtmccral'c primary. J dints Chalmers. I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the action or tbe Democratic primary. J. F. Bradloy. For Supervisor. I announce mystil as a candid ite for ttie office of Supervisor of Abbeville county, sulJ ct to tbe action ol tbe Democratic pi I tuary. J. A. Scbroeder. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Supervisor of Abbeville county, suljtct to the actlOD of the Deuocratlc primary. W. A. Stevenson. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for tbe office of Sui t-rvlsor of Abbeville county. subject to the action of the D< mocratlc primary. George S. Wilson. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the olfioe of Sheriff of Abb<viiie County, subj ct to the action of ti e Democratic party. C.J. Ljon. We are authorized lo announce T. I orton K ?bert?on as a ennui late forSherlft ol Abbeville c )unty, subject to the primary election. Otf t<? ttie <"onl I i Ms . Mr. Amo? B. Morse, oue of our best merchants. and a.I arou'id *:ood man. Is unending ibe Ketall Coal Merchant's Association i t Knoxviile, TenD. While Mr. Morse is out, he will visit tbe Jellico Coal mine and lay in bis tjtock of coal for next season. , I Is the Music t White Goods. Many fine sheer weaves on sale this week, and lovers of pretty, -fino rlrAccpc anr1 waicfc r?cirrnrkf af 1111V Ul VUJVJ UliU V ? UAUWU VUJuLXlVW U.A. ford to miss seeing our line before buying. 40 inch Lawns, 10c to 20c. 45 inch Persian Lawns. 72 inch Swiss Muslin 25c. Ex-Sheer French Lawns 19c, 25c, 35c. Linene's 10c, I2.\c, 15c. Indian Head. Embroidery Cloth. 90 inch Linen Sheeting. AJ J uoioreo. Linens, plain and plaid, Lawns, Swisses, Organdies, Tissues, an endless variety to select from. *, D _ Domestics. a Cotton Checks, Apron Ginghams, Denims, Percales, Tickings, ~ Cambrics, Sheetings and Shirt- , ings. ?S E m M.aJ?e uur wxo Smith SADDONS jNOT Take Advantage of the Many Great Values N< Every Department of our Large and Varie Millinery, Dress Fabrics, Skirts, Black and Colored Wool Skirts, White and Checked Linine SI Embroideries, Laces, Hosiery, Slippers, Parasols. New Goods Arriving Daily R. M. HADDOIT & COMI Southern Standardof Satisfa^ InOGlfSSURC Hi "Mntnvp ma rip it. anr] m I -A- 1 VViX V/ AAXWVVk-^/ A ? it right, ?the just-right cc ing-fat for all purposes,? economical substitute for 1 ter. There's no indigest hog-fat in it. It's the p: of the South,?her leac agricultural contribution international food-purity. * v ' '" * " - ? SOS PERU ;o Which Our Business Millinery SIt's our study to provide what you want in t] Our Work Room produces the Hats that are fil It's a Matter of And we watch what each one requires and pr< . . . Prices Right. . T A nnri nFTTl JL^jf jL m. M. X-y XX VJL v/xxxx PARAPH JL A B.JL til &w. See our line before buying. Pricei Seigler Bros. Fine Oxford . . . . Blacks and Tans. . 'oile Skirts, Lace Waists, Fine Mull Elastic Belts, Fans, White Wash Bell re your Headquart< Dry Good HADDON'S ,? STATIONERY H d Stock. I +* M.KT VM J I Don l,- A man or woman is judged ' t by the quality of the Station- " B cry which he or she uses no ric( less than by the clothes which Our he or she wears. We have a line of Stationery | , *m which will impress your correspondent favorably. it is 'ANY Aod m The prices range from 25c to 75c the box. Jim.lot IHfe [ Our] HH 9 Tablets at all Prices. aoc ELI I Fan, I I SPECIA IS iTHEMcMURRAY M A full ant H I DRUG COMPANY. DRESS I II Men's anc nu BIDS TO BE OPENED. We Gu? ade H la pursuance of Section 7 of "An . Act to declare the Law in reference to "n \rvjr_ and legulate Ihe manufacture, sale, I 'H use, consumption, po?8?'8Kion, trans- I II I portation and disposition of Alcoholic ^__ nc" I r.innnr^ ami Beverages within the 3 State and to police the Bame," _ notice Encoi is hereby given I hat bids to supply the Abbeville Dispensary with liquor and beer for the next quarter will be opened at the oflice of the County DIspen- _ sary Board on the 27th day of April, Rv 1908. * G. A. Visansba, #a W. F. Nickles, | T. J. Price, A Abbeville County Dispensary Board. 4 Service guar ? S100.00 paid by Dr. Sboop for any recent case ^ur P&trona I ol Grippe or acute Cold that a 26 cent box of RArbnrinle'a e I'reventics will not break. How Is this lor an otter? The Doctor'* supreme confldenoe In there for dell these little Ctindy Cold Cure Tablets? Preventicfi? is certainly complete. It's a 5100. against 25 cent??pretty big odds. And Prevention remember, coutaln no quiDlDe, no laxative, ? ? nothing harsh nor sickening. Pneumonia A||DEyl| would ne^er appear If early colds were al- ffUDkall ways broken. Safe and sure for feverish chll i.u . dren. 48 Prevention 25o. C. A. Mllford, h m s has Opened tudies be way of Millinery. tting for our customers. faste 3vide the best for her. WREN'S LS. s 19c to $5. 1 n t *i ls ior iiaaies. Waists, Silk and ts, ioc, 15c and 25c. i ^X'?. Aiwet;^ s Com Poliakoi 't buy before you investigate. ?s at our store will suit your pocketbook. clothing is faultless in finish and fashion, is show you our styles. our purpose to please you, we will if you give us the chance. hes is our specialty. Men's Suits from $5.50 to $18.50. iy Dress Goods in cotton at reduced prices. :y Ladies and Gents' Oxfords in tan and patent i all shapes and styles from $1.25 to $4.50. LTIES and Boy's Straw Hats at very reasonable price 1 complete line in Gents' Furnishings. SHIRTS 1 Boy's Dres9 Shirts from 25c to $1. irantee Satisfaction in Ev thing W? Pell. . POLIAKOFF. MAMA II AIM A CnfA^AI nage nuiiic kmcipi sending all your Laundry Work the Abbeville Steam Laundry. ? ? -11 A! 1 anteed. Laundry wagon win uoneui an v;n. from the country will please leave their work e itore, and after it has been laundried it will be i very. LLE ICE, LAUNDRY & FUEL VRCII! this Month. ? & w Embrioderies??' Laces. Here you will find an endless variety to select from. N ew Nets, Ecru, Black, Blue and Pink, also dainty edges and insertions, wide and narrow. Embroidered Flouncings, Shirt Wasits Fronts, All-overs, Edging. A look will convince. IIaaiami a Ni fil aiiaa nuaici j mm uiuvq. Never before have we been able to offer such values in hosery. Our 25c Ladies hose in tans and blacks are trade winners. SILK GLOVES. TIip pvpr -nnrmlar two hiittnn - .? J-?r double finger tipped. Also the wanted elbow glove. Black, white, tans, browns, pinks, blues, lilacs, champagne. Welcome. ipany. r- WEST END. MIssJallaA. Foster has gone to Spartan. burg to attend tbe marriage of tier sister Miss n 0 Helen Foster to Mr. Leathers. 9 Eg Mr. Ed Neal was over lrom Atlanta last H S wee ft for a few days. Miss Ida Moore and Miss Ellen Anderson ? were here from Ninety Six tbe guests of Miss Lucy Calvert. Miss Helen Wblte wen t to Newberry Thursday and stayed until Satusday with Miss Myra Mower. Miss Bessie Lee Cheatham has been at home for a few days visiting her home people. She returned to Columbia Tuesday to resume her studies at tbe ( ollege for Women. Miss Lily Templeton is home again after a two weeks stay with Mrs. T. M. Morris In Augusta. Miss Louise De Bruhl spent a few days In Colombia last week the guest ol ber aunt Mrs. Susan Pope. Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Harrison have been visiting friends In Senaca. Mr. W. P. Greene has gone to New York on business. Mr. Jabn M. Harden was In, Walballa for several days last week attending Presbytery. Mrs. S. A. Mllford and her children leave Thursday for Newberry where they will visit relatives for a week or ten days. Miou irono Rnaonhflro- lo ftt. homft Acain after a pleasant visit to St Louis. Mrs. A. O. Cochrane Is here from Monroe, Oa. spending awhile with ber sister Mrs. Horace Mc Alllster. Mr. Gas Baskln spent Sunday with his home people at Calbouu Fulls. Mrs. Thomas Gordon White le&vfs Thurs? day for Newberry where ahe wl 11 spend a few days with relatives, then go to Spartanburg where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Aug. w Smith. * Rev. Mr. Gregg was nut of the city for several days last week attennlng Presbytery at Walhalla. Mrs. Mary Mo Iatonh has gone to ber home in Bordeaux after a short slay here with ber > sister, Mrs. V. D. Lee. Mrs. John L. Brown of Atlanta Is In the city the gueBtof her sister Mrs. A. S. Simmons. Miss Margaret Miller whs In the city for a tew cays last weeft. Miss Miller has been studying In Knoxvllle for beveral months aod has returned to her home In Laurens. 8. Mr. J. T. Robertson spent Sunday with bla home people bere. Miss Bunnle Kennedy, MIbs Harriet Crockett and Miss Ethel Lyon spent the Easter Holidays in the city. All or the young ladles are students at f). VV\ F. C. Mr. and Mm. William E. Mill went 10 Atlanta last Tuesday. Mr. Hill returned Friday but Mm. Hill will be lu Atlanta lor some time. Mts-ers James Wldeman and Malblns of t51 J Due West were in the city lor several days last wee It. Little Miss Eugenia Coleman entertained a number of ber little niends Monday afternoon at a blrtbday party. Mrs. Mary ParKer and ber little grand daughter are tbe guests oi Mrs. Lee. Invitations are out to tbe marrlege of Miss Runette Turner to Mr. Lowery M. Beacbair Mrs. J. M. Lawson and ber chl dren have been here Irom Anderson visiting Mrs. L. H. ? "Russell Mies Kathrlnd Whitley who teaches at _ Lebanon was in the city Sunday the guest of ? friends. VIAA Mr. J. Allen Smith has been elected to rept IJlu resent South Carolina Presbytery at the "Ww General Assembly which meets at Goldsboro N-C. In June. Miss CssMe Fiemmlng and MIfh Ollle Flemmltig were heie lrorn Columbia last week visiting Mrs. T. 3. Iiobertson. Judge Eugene B. Gary left Monday for Columbia where he has gone to attend court. Mr. and Mrs. John Cheek leave Wednesday for Seneca where they will t^end some time with relatives. Dr. J.Lowrle Wilson was In Walhalla last week attending Presbytery. Mrs. S. S. Cater Is here from Montery visit. ?ir lDS her daughter Mrs. W. A. Templeton. y WOrK. Miss Lillian Swetenbeig and Miss Amelia it VV D Wlghtman of Cnkesbury were the guests of " MIbs Charlotte Brown last Monday. "etumed Miss Nettle Ku*sell has gone to Ashvllle for a few weeks stay. Mr. James Hemphill was In the city for the Easter Holidays. Mr. Hemphill isa stubent at Charleston College. A Mr. Philip Cromer xpent Suuday in the city. gkgk Miss Louise BroW'u returned to Columbia \ C(] Monday. WVb The many friends of Mr. Dendy Miller will be glad to know that he Is Improving. - - ? *