The Abbeville Press and Banner! 9 BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1908. ESTABLISHED 1844 MA Ai I Our Sfnrfi will hp Thrnu IVU1 Mtviu II AAA UU A AAA V ?1 And the entire public is cordiall examine our immense stock bef prices that will meet the money ities and styles that will suit the before in the history of this old we had such values to offer you i Our past policy will still be enforc prompt and .attentive service an %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% tf> mm fu Black Goods Has long been one of our leadin our line was never so complete as it I have all of the latest weaves. The e ular invisible plaids and stripes w Don't fail to examine our stock befor for we feel confident that we can pie; Silks, Silks I At Astonishingly Lo ? 24-inch Tussorah Silk, all the lead g 75c to $ 1 yard. 27-inch Silk Pongee, lavender, copen pagne, brown, black and navy, 5 36-inch Taffeta, black, white, cream, ;; -$i to $1.25. The best Black Taffeta on the market : 36-inch Taffeta, excellent quality, wh 'i\ at 8qc to Si. 130 and 24-inch Striped and Plaid S patterns, 75c to $1. I Embroideries anc Knee Flounces 75c. Insertion Bands 5c to J Edgeing 5c to $1.50. Allover 50c to $1.00. Val Laces 3c to 50c. Bal de Neige Effect 90 ' Fillet Effect 25c to $1. Allover Lace, white, black an 25c to $2.00. I Point de Sprit, white, black, ] Q 25c to $2.00. Real hand-made Torchon Lac German Torchon 3c to 25c. Belts, B< Beautiful new Persian effects fron ! Mourning Belts, black and dull bi Children's Belts in fancy leather, Ladies White Belts, iOcup. Shoes, Pumps i Those who were looking for a better Shoe arc still Queen Quality. We have a full line of these on hand and Buster Brown Shoes for misses and children can b they cannot be excelled. wmmmmmmmmm ESDA ?3?ar*l.i rn Wide Open T y invited to come and V re buying. We have r * We depression and qualmost fastidious. Never Dres: and reliable firm have Dres! in each and every line. Dress ;ed?"The best goods, All o d prices guaranteed." Silk, 1QXS SUIT YO /IV g features and | Mj||j||ei is now. We jjji xtremely pop- A Qlir Hi e have them. A market, fo e purchasing, /ft .. ' ise you. k the most 1 /|v Our Hi style of oi ^ We have s ? . /IS leading co vv Prices. g be weii w< ing shades, at A by til 8 ]0V /ft rubbed th( hagen, cham- A beauty Of \ w-vnavy, brown, /|\ "W^? lia 1.50. Jtist the thing for a hot dainty and cool, from 10c C to $2.00. d champagne L&di6S XJllI . . . dircct from the factory to Dink and ecru , , , than you can buy the goo e 5c to 25c. Corset Covers 25, 35, f Petticoats 50, 75, $i.o< 3lts ! n 50c to $1.50. We are lckles, 25c to $1.50. stock is vei 25c. tans and bl Silk Hose i sT \ C* -a m aid iaxzoixzs i \ looking, as a better one is not made than , ranging from $2 to $5. The Boston Favo e found in our store. For comfort and w V and ? DON 8 mmm law?????? ) have all manner of things that a woi the crown of her head or the sole of h vrap around her shoulders or fit around hat can be sewed on or pinned on or I have gloves, hats, collars and shawls, ses for breakfast and dinner and balls, ses to sit in and flirt in and talk in, >es in which to do nothing at. all in. f them different in color and pattern? muslin and lace, linen, pongee and sat iU, TELL OT] ^%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ry! Miilinery!"l Le of Millinery cannot be ei r we have selected from the ip-to-date and beautiful st; ats are dreams of Milliners ir hats is extremely chic a a full assortment of all latei lors. A visit to inspect o Drth taking and you will be eliness, that you will feel a 3 lamp of Aladdin and all < the Persian gardens will be ve Ready-to-Wear Hats th stylish effect and make yo Lodel. ail to see our Hats, for we * >C- >C- ">? ^ jq*g A Boon 1 day, for they are so Ready-Madi : to 25c. . """"~Why worry aboul clerwear wear when we h" and see that it is c us. Cheaper by far made. ds and make them-. Pants 10, 15, ;o and 60c. Skirts 10, 15, d, $1.25, $1.60. Night Gowns Hosiery, Hosiery headquarters for Ladies' and Children's ] y complete. We have some good value acks. We also have a lot of beautifu! n which we can interest you if you will gi\ Imported Flem the 32 inch white biscuit, pink, ,rite LINEXE?36 inch light sage black, pink and white mTTTT iii u , 19< "com i I :LT"" Spring her waist, 50 inch Chiffon P aced, 44 in.- Striped Sic white 50 in. Mohair, gr; 40 in. Chiffon Mo 44 in. Voile, whit 36 in. Fancies, pi; In* 52 in. All Wool C HERSriFNO' A- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NOV Millinery! f 0,. . ?K and white ccelled m any v& only 50c i best sources, W pies. \|/ "TTTT. " Art and the Vt/ " nd beautiful. W 36-inc 3t shades and m 36-inc ur Hats will f Linge' u> 45 anc 3 so overcome x 36-inc is if you had yL 46-inc Df the fabled w 90-inc scome real. SK at give that TJ^vc ? 141-^ ? a'i X til a u iuun linw a w $ We ha have them to ful and exq lowest pric< this line. Danity to Tired Mothers. Skirts a Muslin j Never befo Ready-to-Wea Underwear. I the most peri that can be ha ! making Children's Under- for wg ggt the; e it. Compare our prices an(J there n< heaper to get them ready- shirt Waists glad to have y 20, 25 and 35c. 20, 25 and 35c. Beautiful new 25, 35 and 50c. Panamas and ] ! Lace rlose. Our We have contractec s to offer in yards long at extremely 1< [ Lisle and Beautiful Fillet Curt; 'e us a trial. White and Ecru Cur ish Linen ! !! G champagne and blue 25c. 16 blue, Copenhagen,, champagne, 16 15c. 2 c J m IKh AT >8. 'JIHY. \ ,1 Dress Fabriques anama in white, black, brown, navy 50c. :illian, gray, black, brown, navy, 50c. ly, black, cardinal navy 50c. hair, all shades and black, 75c and $1.00 I e, brown, tan, navy, black 75c and $1.00 ain, checked and striped 50c. hiffon Panama, excellent value... $1.00 " >/*%%<%%%%%*%%%%*%%%%%%% ; P, TELL US. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%% -a? elty Suitings | he thing to make the nobby tailored suit | lave them in stripes and plaids, brown , black and white, 38-inch wide for 4 .te Goods h Linen Lawn 25c, 30c, 50c and 75c. h Lawn 10c to 25c. :ee 20c, 25c and 50c. 1 32-inch Batiste 25, 50 and 75c. h Pure Linen 50c. B h Pure Linen 50c. k h Pure Linen $1 to $1.25. | ian Lawns ve a large stock on hand of this beautiuisite material which we will sell at the ?s. We will be glad to have you inspect and Sheer in weave from 10 to 35c. jj and Shirt Waists. \ re has such a complete line of i ir Skirts been shown. We have :ect fitting and up-to-date skirt | rl Wp will cavp vfin rnnnpv m direct from the manufacturer ji 5 "middle man" to pay. Our are beantiful and we will be : ou inspect our lines. i style Voile Skirts $10 to $20. Mohair Skirts $5.00 up. rJlTrt.fl.1TlR f W WvJbi WWAAAW 1 for ioo pairs of Lace Curtains 3^ ow price of 50c a pair. ains $5.50. tains from $1 up. iloves ! Gloves ! ! button Silk Gloves, tans, browns, black and navv $1.^0 button Kid Gloves, brown, tans, white and black $3 up. :lasp Fabric Gloves, 15c up. * ?- ; ^ * w \ " ' * _ r"