The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, February 12, 1908, Image 1

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The Abbeville Press and BanHefjl BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1908. ESTABLISHED ^1844^& a>,.v , f. v., ? Are Patent I Medieiries Frauds? I, - . >| We are often asked tiie abqve questjon, and our answer has in- 1 vanai 1y been that no medicine that gives satisfactory results A REASON coulu be fraudulent. \Ve could T. T7?:??,i n-? , I 1 rr t 11 j- ii i- Fhe United uru ; B . not aftord to sell fraudulent medi- Company, manufac: | ' cines. Our business depends on turcrs of tne Kcxau g pleased customers?in fact any Remedies, for whose business docs. Therefore, we preparations we ase , , , . agents in this city, make would take an enormous risk did 2^o remedies, one for j y we not fulfil every promise made cach ill. Each one is our customers. \Yc arc ve ry carc- especially prepared to ful of what we guarantee, and c"r^ ?'!e d!pf?se?. and , , . ' . , that only. 1 his is an when we do guarnntcc mi articlc age specialists. You we must know it pretty well? den't contract with a v'lat it contains and how it is plumber to build your *iade. We have in mind the Rex- ^olc , ho"se' do you? ? i; r r .-it U hv should vou contract i f ^ ^ remedies, particu.arly w j ^ ^ one proprietary IKexall Mucu-lone, cf which we medicine to curc all your are selling large quantities at this troubles? time of the war.- Miicu-Tone is Oftentimes you run | * , , across a uuuamg cuni one article that w* c?m recommend tractor who has a sepaover our countcr and know that rate plumbing depart-. I ninety-eight per cent, of its pur- mcnt. his own plastering chasers arc going to be benefited department, and so on, , & . , all of which dovetail toand will return to our store Rethcr and build the pleased customers. Mucu-ione house. This is just what \ is a positive cure for interrfal the United Drug Com scrofula or what is commonly pany is doing for you 11 j /- , i t. . m the medicine line, called Catarrh. It is without a They have cut down doubt the peer, of all tonics for profits; they manufacany one who is suffering from a turc Rexall Remedies for I run-down condition, can't work, ?.ver 2,(^9 reta1'1 drugfeels constantly tired or suffering |Jfth(. on)yS?ntcr K , from the more plainly described profit that stand between symptoms of Catarrh?such as The United Drug Cornstopping of the nose, cold in the pany and the patient. 1, ? Could the United Drug h ad or bad cou&h. Company, of which we It must be remembered that Ca- are a member, afford to /' tarrh is not confined to the nose make one pnor medicine and throat. It usually starts 'n ^'s ^ne' Docs not there, but it leads more" often to STSr poo? SicTe i serious trouble, particularly the would ruin the sale of ! wasting of tissues, as in the case the other 109 preparaI of little Miss Dillon, of Albany. tions? If yoft bought a Here is a letter from her father: ?-CiX<v5 PreParatl0n an^ ]t ?,r , 1 , , , d:dnt do for you what ' My little girl had catarrh so Ave claim it will, would ' / badly that the disease had begun you buy another one of !, to eat into the cartilage of the our articles? We believe ; nose. Snuffs and instruments not" Therefore e a c h 1 , . preparation must be good . failed to do more than give tern- _jt ;s \ye who porary relief. I saw the adver- are in the drug business I tisements cf Rexall Mucu-Tone, know the formulas of ^ but I could not believe that anv- e vv .Prep ?" ^ . tions. ue believe m thing taken in the stomach could them s0 implicitly that Cure the sore membranes of the we standi back of them, nose. However, I took advan- with our guarantee to I tage of your free trial offer and y?u J0lir >, ? . i / , . . , if they do not benefit my girl began taking your remedy you ? ^according to directions. I want I to say right here that Mucu-Tone por Nervousness? is certainly the greatest medical Rexall Americanitis ? discovery of the times, and to Elixir, 75c. 1 thank you for the liberal offer For Constipation? ' that first induced me to give it a ^ Rexall Orderlies. I trial. Muco-Tone has cured my Price, 10c. daughter's catarrh completely. por Coughs? The discharge has stopped alto- Rexall Cherry Juiee, gether, and her breath is as sweet large bottle, 25c. as can be. Again thanking you, And? T\,f a mm TUt r A CuroM Cf /> .< ti r\ j^j^i-uin, j.\. ijwan 01., 190 otner Kexau KemAlbanv, N. Y." edies for 196 other ail- \ We are selling- a large trial hot- ments. b tie of Mucu-Tone for fifty xents e on the famous Rexall guarantee ; 1 of your money back if you are not t satisfied. We promise that one ibottle will put flesh on your bones ' * and bring ne\> vitality to your 1 system. ?* c l I ' C. A. MILFORD, Druggist THE STORE STOMACH IS SEAT OF HUMAN LIFE New Theory Advanced by Young Man Is < Spreading Over Entire Country. i L* T. Cooper's theory concerning the I cause my New Discovery medicine ! human stomach, which he claims to I tones the stomach up to required prove with his new medicine, is being1 strength in about six weeks' time. 1 given more respect and comment every That is why I have had more people , day, come and thank me wherever I havd Cooper claims that 90 per cent, of sone to introduce my medicine, than I all ill health is due to stomach trouble, have had time to talk with." When interviewed about his theory re- Among the immense numbers of peocently, he said: "Stomach trouble is pie who are now strong believers in ] the great curse of the 20th century Cooper's theory and medicine is Mrs. so far as the civilized races are con- M. E. Delano, a prominent resident of cerned. Practically all of the chronic the suburb of Brookline, Boston, Mass. ill health of this generation is caused She says: "For several years I was j by abnormal stomachic conditions. In broken in health, caused primarily by earlier days, when the human race was stomach and nerve troubles. I gradu closer to nature, and men and women any oecame worse, uiuu letcuuj x ?uo worked all day out of doors, digging compelled to go without solid food for their frugal existence from the soil, days at a time. I had sour stomach, the tired, droopy, half-sick people that palpitation of the nerves of stomach are now so common, did not exist. and heart, dyspepsia, and extreme ner"To be sure, there was sickness in vousness. I suffered terribly with inthose days, but it was of a virulent somnia, and my liver, bowels and character, and only temporary. There whole system gradually became dewas none of this half-sick condition ranged. I felt instant relief the first all the time with which so many are day I began this Cooper medicine, afflicted nowadays. I now feel like a new being. Today "I know positively that every bit of 1 wan\eu uvei" tuwu. ouui'i""b? this chronic ill health is caused by something I have not done for years. stomach trouble. The human stomach 1 ?h?J'y ftr0? . . , . , . , a sense of duty. I feel I owe it to In civilized people today is degenerate. anyone who might find relief and It lacks tone and strength. This weak- renewed happiness as I have done." Bess has gradually come through a record made by the Cooper medsedentary existence. I further know icin?s is astonishing. We will take that few people can be sick with the pleasure in discussing it with anyone digestive apparatus in perfect shape, who wishes to Jmow about them. J.U9 suie reuauu tvi uij iz uc. #?Ulty I/rug oiora 1 . . '., * '* i> V .* -. . -4* V - >> ^ ? fh'9 -'rV .2, *' .'. V '. > AN INSATIATE RIVER. HOW THE MISSISSIPPI SOMETIMES EATS UP REAL ESTATE. Captain King; of Greenville Tells How the Father of Waters Swallowed Sevwal 1 n.Ho.ol nni!i Prnn?rf< In One Night. "No use talking, the Mississippi river it the most contrary thing on earch," remarked Captain S. H. King of Greenville, Miss. "During the civil war, it will be remembered, there was a double bend, xuch in the shape of tho letter S, of the river at Yicksburg. General Grant, yo& know, wanted to change tho course of tho river by cutting a channel through De 5oto-peninsula, thus cutting off the upper send and causing tho river to flow straight icross below Yicksburg and leaving the xwn high and dry. Grant could then aave sent his gunboats by Yicksburg and escaped the shelling from tho upper battles of the Confederates north of the ?wn. He put General McClern'and and ievoral thousand men to work at cutting ihis channel across the peninsula in front if the town, and they worked for some Ifho ^araccmont XiUVVT XVUDMSUUXU^ UUU from the lower batteries of the enemy. But the contrary river wouldn't show- the east desire of accepting such an artificial jhannel anyway. The plan was finally ibandonod and Grant's gunboats had to xiake the run before both the upper and ower batteries. But in 1876 the Mississippi river, of its own accord, cut its way vcross'Do Soto peninsula below Yicks jurg, but farther up than Grant's artificial shannel was started. De Soto peninsula s now Do Soto island, and the body of vater in front of Yicksburg is now knowD is Centennial lake, taking the name from ;he year that; tbo Confcennial was held at Philadelphia. This is only one of mcny nstances showing how the Mississippi re 'uses to submit to the dictation of oivii ingineers and how it follows its own stub)orn course, winding and washing it* vay here and there at its own will. "By the way, the Mississippi washed leveral thousand dollars out of my pockel n one night about 15 years ago. At that ime I owned a row of douses which began ilmost throe blocks away from the rive* n Greenville, Miss. One day a governnent enginoer said to me, 'The river will iome time wash away its bank here, and 'our buildings will tumble in.' "Well, I laughed at him. vas 75 feet high, and, besides, the river vas quite low. One morning I awoke to earn that there had been a big cave in of he river bank tho night before, and that k couple of my buildings had been carried iway. I joined the crowd of people that :ushed to the river bank to see this deduction, aaid, I tell you, I never appelated the terrible power of the Father if Waters until I witnessed this scene. iVhilo I was standing there talking with rlends another big slice of land, a block n width, crumbled away and fell into the lver, carrying with it several more of my roildings. You can imagine how I felt, >ecause I had been drawing an income of 11,000 a month in rentals from my buildngs. Now over half of them were a mass if debris floating down the river, and mj eal estate was only so much dirt in th? jottom of the channel. "As I 6tood there watching my buildngs and ground slip away into the rivor t citizen approached me and said,'Capain, I'll give you $1,500 for the remainler of your property.' " 'No, I'll not toko less than $2,000,' aid I. "The words had no more than left my ongue when there was another cave in, ind two more of my lots and buildings umbled into the greedy river. The citizen hen remarked to mo, 'Captain, I'll give rem $1,000 for your property now."I refused to entertain this proposition, vhich, of coursc, was a pure speculation, is no human agency could -'stop the cave n. Pretty soon another ono of my loti ind its building went into the river, and ny speculative friend then offered nie$800 or tho remainder of my property. By this lino I had concluded to trust to luck and ;tand all losses, and I refused to soil at iny price. I now had ono lot and one juilding left. During ,tho excitement an >ld colored woman camo up and said to ne: " 'See hcah, cap'n, will ye give me dem jrick what's in dat cellar under yer iouse?' "I told her she could have the brick. X lad a piloof new brick in the cellar under ny only remaining house. Tho old coined woman gave her husband 25 cents ;o hiro a team and wagon to haul away iXJU unuii. flow, ujjuii liajr nuiu w uuuu.l, ivhat I am now going to Bay is true. iVhile tho old colored man was gono for a yagon another cave in occurred, and my ast house and lot, brick and collar and ill, tumbled into the river. Tho cave in :ame so suddenly that tho crowd of people ;tanding on the bank had to flee for their lives. After tho excitement had somewhat iubsided the old colored woman oxclaimed: "'Laws o'massy! Dere's my brick in le bottom o' do ribber, an I done los' my juatah.' "Of course, while the old woman was 3ut 25 ccnts, I was out another $1,000. During this series of cave ius that day sfforts wero being made to place a long frame store building on rollers and move It to a placo of 6alety. But before the building could bo raised it began to tilt, ind tho men wero compelled to desert it. Soon tho store building slid into the river and went kerchug to the bottom of the shannel, as completely out of sight as If it bad been 'tho only pebblo on the beach.' "in III7 opinion me JHississipyi river is all right? when it doesn't come my way. I built a nice residence in Grecnvillo sovoral years ago and had a beautiful flower bodecked lawn between the houso and the river, which was a block away. That lawn bas long since been swallowed by the voracious maw o? the Mississippi, and today my residence stands on tho edge of a bank that is 75 feet high."?St. Louis GlobeDemocrat. tfedicBV&l Lynch Laws In Bavaria. It is curious to note that in some parti of Bavaria a method of procedure which is called Habcrfcld treiben still prevails and is practiced by the people in case of offenses which do not come within the pale of the ordinary law. Neither person nor property is injured. Peoplo assemble with black or masked faces in front of the offender's house and howl, fire rifles and boat pots and kettles. A mock sormon Betting forth the offense of the person conaawvia/1 In waa14-/\<1 4r\ f Kno r\4 the misdemeanant.?Notes and Queries. The expenses of Great Britain are now about ?500,000,000 yearly, or nearly $1,000 por minuto, but every tick of the clock represents an inflow of a little over $16 Into the British treasury, thus leaving an annual surplus of about $20,000,00ft < ??MilTII *x<. i WEST END. Miss Gussie Harley, who has been the attractive guest of Mrs. J. Allen Smith, Jr., left last week for her home Id Sumter. Mrs. J. C. Thomson has returned from a pleasant visit to her parents In Wlnnsboro. Mr. Wilbur Blake spent several days In MeCormlck last week. Miss Mary and MIsb Fannie Starke have returned from a delightful stay with friends In Columbia. Miss Etta Hltt of Atlanta Is the guest of Mrs. John T. CUnkscales at her coontry borne Dear town. Mr. J. G. Heatherly bas returned from a pleasant visit to bis,parents at Saluda, N. C. Miss Caroline Graves bas returned from AuguntR, where she attended tbe CalhounLynch marriage. 1 Mrs. E. E. Plait and children of Granltevllie are In tbe city tbe guests of her parents. Mrs. Piatt was called home on nccount of. tbe Illness ol her mother, Mrs. J. W. Sign. Mrs. T. C. Pool left Friday for her home In Newberry alter a pleasant visit to her slater, Mrs. L. W. White. MIrh Elizabeth Norwood left Saturday for Greenvlll*. where she goes to attend the Goodwln-Parrish marriage, which occurs on Tuesday evening. Mrs. David Aiken and Mies Fannie Aiken were tbe guests of Mrs. Wyatt Aiken last week. MlseNelle Acker of Anderson Is tbe attractive guest of Miss Mary Hill. MiSarah Henry entertained tbe Bridge Club last Thursday evening ata mostdellgbtful meeting. After cards a delicious Balld /t/viiMn rrr a a onpiind at tha f*Q rH tahlnu Mrs. L. W. Perrln Is In Spartanburg the guest of Mrs. A. W. 8mltb. Miss Mary Hill entertained Inst Wednesday afternoon Id honor of Miss Nelle Acker, her attractive visitor. "Progressive Peaoata" wns the merry game indulged In. A most tempting menu was served after an hoar of pleasure. Mrs. Fannie J. Haddon who has been the I guest of Mrs. W. E. Hill has returned to her home In Troy. Mrs. Lewis Perrln la In Greenville to attend the Goodwln-Parrlsh marriage. Mr. G. M. Ntckles spent Sunday with his home fo'ks Id Due West. Miss Ethel Lyon Is at home spending the week end with her parents. Mrs. C. W. Kendall of Durham la the gaest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sign. Mr. Wesley Ramey of Atlanta Is In town. Dr. George Neal of Greenwood was In town on professional business last week. Rev. J. C. Roper. Presiding Elder of the Cokesbury District was In town last weeK. Mr. Jessie McKpp who has been connected with the J. W. McKee 11 rm has accepted a traveling position. Mr. Jas. Wldeman of Due West was in town Monday. Mr. Jack Pressley of Atlanta 1b la town the guests of friends. Messrs. Simmons, Major and MayB of Greenwood were in town Monday. Miss Mattie Pardy was called to Verdery Inst Friday on account of the Illness of her father. ' Miss Nannie and Miss Willie Seal have been absent from their places of buslaess on account of sickness. Rev. A. J. Canthen, Presiding Elder of the Anderson District was in town Monday. Mrs. Mamie Cox Wharton is In town the guest of Mrs. R. E. Cox. Mrs. Mary Perrln left Saturday for Greenville to visit Mrs. R. 0. Ambler. She will attend the Goodwin-Parish wedding while away. I Mr. J. W. McKee, Jr., la In Atlanta on business. The many friends of Mrs. W. E. Hill will be glad to know that she Is better, and wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. Samuel Reid of Washington, D. C., is at home on a short visit. Miss Willie Calhoun of Atlanta Is expected In the city Wednesday to visit Mrs. Mary Perrln. If you haveiCatarrb, rid yourself.of this repulsive dlsepse. Ask Dr. Shoop of Racine. Wis., to mall you free, a trial box of his Dr. Shoop'B Catarrh Remedy. A simple, single test, will surely tell yon a Catarrh truth w?*ll worth your knowing. Write today. Don't suffer longer. C. A. Mllford. McMnrrsy's Locals. There Is no "Jbst as good" argument used in selling our goods. Yon get what you ask for here. The McMurray Drag Co. j We treat every oce alike under the same circumstances. The pmonnt of yonr purchase does not count. We appreciate the patrnnooa nf oil Tho MnMnrratr firno' Pn WBtch for our bed advertisements?they mean something special for your health or comfort. The McMurray Drag Co. We mean what we say and we say what we mean. Tour money back If yon are not pleased. The McMurray Drug Co. ? ? Builds up waste tissue, promotes ap. petite, improves digestioD, induces refreshing sleep, giving ' renewed strength and health. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35c, Tea or Tablets. C. A. Milford If you want good|fresh bird seed with cuttle bone and hemp seed combined go to Speed's drug store. Itch cured In 30 minutes by Wool ford's SanI I A?lAn Voro^ folio U \A Wry 13 D i*ury ijwuwu, iiv?u 10iioi oviu v/ x u. Speed, druggist. 6m KILLthe cough and cure the luwc8 w,th Dr. King's New Discovery FOR Cold!13 -iSft. AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUABANTEED SATISFACTORY OB HONEY REFUNDED. . 1 "I Speed's Locals. | The girls are specially fond of Huyler's candy. Do noi risk sending them anything elee. Speed's drug store. Wars may rage and storms may blow, To Ihwart the world's endeavor ; 1 Fads may come and hobbles goes, j But Speed's clnco cigars never?Tennyson ?om Dixon's latest book "The Traitor," ; and other new novels Just received at Speed's drug store. The boys know a good thing when they see j It, and stick to it after they find it Speed's clnco cigars. . If you want one of the best paints on the j market, one with a genuine guarantee on It u and one that will be carried out to tbe letter, ; get Devoe's lead and sine paint from Speed's J drug store. J They are nice and sweet and you can enjoy the true aroma of the tobacco when you Duy * clnco cigars from Speed, becaane they are always fresh, just lrom the factory. He sells three thousand every ten days. No use to hunt for bargains, go to Rosenberg's where you can get them. Dr. King's New Life Pills The best in the world. 500 barrels the very best flour to be had anywhere. The Rosenberg Mercantile Co. ? - . - 1- ?j-i i. L7a?/4 Klltf 1IHI1 spavin 1.171 nilHIII. icillUTcn u?.u, , Soft or CallouM?*ii Lumps and Blemishes from j horses; ai?o Blood Spa?lnn, Curb*, Spllnte, t Swepney, RIdk Bone, Stifles. Snralns, Swollen Throats, Coughs, eto. Save 850 by use of one bottle. A wonderlul Blemish Cure. Sold by P. B. Speed, druggist. 6m Call and get a Grler almanao. P. B. Speed. Cameron Ste< Some Reasons Wh to Buy a Good Ste Cameron Steel Ra BECAUSE they are strong am x last. The Body of Camer ' I of the best planished blue steel; out. The Oven is the largest i I center to catch grease. BECAUSE the grates and durable, as strong currents of < . hind them to keep them cool. BECAUSE the first cost such an important matter, as th time, and a Steel Range consti will soon pay for itself in fuel s BECAUSE the health an< depend as much upon the range cook cannot get good results wi BECAUSE everyone shou of cooking and in no better w by the purchase of a Cameron i in a few minutes, does not heat ash pan that catches all the ash BECAUSE Cameron Steel quirements and is a good invesl time, work and worry. FOR SALt The L. W. Whi Call on us and let J If 70a are feeling ont-of-sorts, take an NR Tab* ^ ; <, and yon will feol hotter In the morning. They will make yon foel Just light. "NATURE'S RIMIDY" strengthens the Stomach, Liver, Kidney* and pnrifas the Blood, doea its work thoroughly and ? pleaaantly, yet It nevor gripes, weakens or slekenaInvariably making the user feel stronger and better. Better Than Pills For Liver Ills. :e Nil Tab Ma for Indigestion, Slok Headache, Loaa of stite, 8allow Complexion, Liver Complaint, Skin Diseases, lies and Ernptlons, Chills, Malaria, Bilionsfaess. Rheuma Torpid Liver or Inactive Kidneys and all troubles arts in ie digestive organs. / 25d. HUWIi&ai&UK**! Tat ^ Box. C. A. MILFORD & CO., Abbeville, Charleston and Western Carolina By jjiue m^ge Rail Schedule Jn effeot June 9,1907. Effective January Dally Dally Daily! Lv Augusta 9.50am 6.10pm 6.80am No "5S?i?:::::: UM"? ' 00pm ffiS "-i?< c? Lv Calhoun Falls... 9.20am \r Anderson.. 11.00am Stations? A.l . ,, oo? Lv Walballa 8! UV JLCUUriillCA U.OVOUl # |W|/IM C ' kr Greenwood 12.29pm 8 00pm L* WastUnlon 8, ^r Waterloo 1.07pm ?ene?a . 5 \ ir Laoreng l.iopm ? fiESS8 ] ?Jc,?nn* LvCberry'* - 9' Lv Laurens 2.15pm 8.10am Lv Pendleton 9 ! ir Fountain Inn... 2.57pm 9.25am Lv Anton 9 i \r Greenville 3.40pm 10.20am ky Sandy Spring* 9 5 i<v Laurens 2.05pm Lv Denver.... jM Vr Woodrnfl 2.57pm Lv West Anderson.. 9: \r Spartanbnrg _... 3.35pm Lv Anderson (Pa*s. dep). 10 ( , ^ o .ui-? p? v Lv Anderson (Fgt. dep)... 10 ( SSai J$E A> B?m>p "... 10i Kr ABhevllle 7.30pm Westbound. N No. jv Asbevllle 7J0iH~(85:Ry:) Lv Belton P7? lv Henderson vl lie 8.10am - Lv Andenoo (ftti depolj 7! L,v Spartanburg 12.01pm (C.4W. C. By) Lv Anderson (Fa**, dep).. 7{ Lv Woodruff 1249pm Lv West Anderson 8 t Vr Lauren* 1.33pm^ Lv Denver 8 1 L.v Greenville 12.10pm 4.80pm ExiJnn. Lv Sandy Spring* 8 5 Lv Fountain Inn... 12.68pm 5.26pm Lv Anton 8 i ir Lanren* 1.85pm 6.20pm Lv Pendleton 8 a LiV Lauren* 2.02pm (C.N.4L) LvAdamV 8 4 KjS;??:::: ? \r Newberry 3.10pm Lv Seneca 9C IS Kw ":::::: 92 \r Cbarlestonl 9.20pm Ar Walballa 9 8 Liv Lauren* 2 00pm CAW. C.) ' O n ?nnnnH 2.56DH) 6 65am Will ftlart atnn fit the fOllOWl [jV Anderson 4.16pm take on and let off patsenj Lv Calboun Falls... 5.50pm James,Toxaway, Welch. \r McCormlok 8 550m 7.47am 6.56pm J. R. Anderson, 8t Lv MoCormick 3.55pm 7.47am 7.00pm \r Auensta 6.40pm 9.30am 8.40pm Note?The above arrivals and departures,as ... , , veil as connections with other companies, are If you sutler With lQu jlven ad Information, and are not guaran- stipation, feel mean a! Ernest Williams, G. P. Ant, Augusta, Ga. strength or appetite, yo R. A. Brand, Trafflo Manager. unhealthy. Hollister's J tain Tea makes the syste Grler's almanacs at Speed's. Call andjget ^|^ford' ^ea ^ ^ d Ranges! v it is Oheat>er ?/ JU sel Range s nges are Good. ? i substantial and made to on Steel Ranges is made and will not rust or burn x nade and has no seam in ' fire box liners are very 'I? y :old air are admitted be I m of a Steel Range is not e fuel cost goes on all the / p ucted like the Cameron aved. 1 comfort of the family : as the cook, and the best thout a good range. Id try to lessen the work ay can this be done than Steel Range that gets hot the kitchen, and has an es.> [ Ranges fill all these retment as it saves money, \ M - " f"' * ' w $ = BY : ?sj^V3| \ ,< ite Company us show you. ?r ? Notice to Stockholders. \TOTICE Is hereby given to tbe'stookbolders ^ of the Bank of Donalda that ft meeting ' - of Bach stockholderi will be held at tbe v SL Banking Hoaae at Donalds, B. C-, at 19 o'olock ' m v\ M., Satorday, February 20th, 1908, to coaslder II a resolution of the Board of Directors, .hat We Iffl the surplus on band be paid oat by way of V" "tock dividend, and that tbe additional capl^5.^17/ U] stock aotborlzed bv tbe charter, to wit, > ' ' yp^sfn\ij/ Ten Thousand Three Hundred and Eighty fr Ml\^r Dollars be issued. m\\*T> w. K. STRINGER, Pres. a*/ftW-y JAB. O. BOOKER, Sec. Donalds, 8. C., Feb. 8,1908. W 61eu*? I.OCHIa. Vulcanite roofing, beat on the market, <2 25 square. Poqltry wire, J-2-8-4-5 foot, alio hog wire. "a Pratt's poultry food, lice killer and cattle powders. m New garden teed, onion sets, seed potatoes. t All tbe beet giades gnano, acid, potash and cotton seed meal. mmm \ New crop N. O. syrup, cans, kegs, }$ barrels and barrels. ie 1 Fall stock plows, gears, farm toolB, nails, . n axes, &c, let M Collar pads, all hair, ?0c; good pads, 25c; ex|t) ^ tra good name strings. W Beardless spring barley and seed oats. 150 barrels MaJesMo and Alpine Snow floor ?THE BEST. Heavy pant goods worth 15c, only 10c yard. Rock salt, worm powders collo care forS. C. ta,m >T..? tl-l- -J- < -U ..aaIt n? AJ41 i iiuuuiii; g touu; iihuiiu; I ford 6 Co.'s Book Store. ' Haddon's Locals. . WAV Go. Have yon seen the new oenter piece and J drawn work shown by Tbe R. M. Haddon Co. ( MM. Do yon need a pair kid gloves In sbortor long. In all colors? -Call at the R. M. Had, 12 No. 10 No. 8 don Co. Hy Dally Dally A i0t Qf hand bags Jnst received In the aan very newest styles at Tne R. M. Haddon Co. M. P. M. A. M. Silks. Silks. Don't forget tbat we always 30 5 15 12 80 keep tbe bine ribbon laSeta, the best money , 35 5 iO 12 40 can buy. Tbe R. M. Haddon Co. ? ? I When In Abbeville call and see our blank.12 o m ets. We bave tbe best N. C. blanket on the 13 5 58 2 83 market. The R. M. Haddon Co. 15 6 W 2 58 16 6 21 3 is Why ?efc up ln the mornilJ2 feeling 11^6 26 8 48 blue, , >5 6 40 8 43 worry otnera ana worr^yuu S ? jb j Here's a secret between you and me, !o ? is 5 is Better take Kocky Mountain Tea. li No. 9 No. 7 C. A. Mil ford. I. A. M. A. M. * se 12 21 :::::::::::: Bead the advertisement of The ! Sao ox Rosenberg Mercantile Co. You I i22 47 1 50 can save money by buying your 1 12 s? 9 S clothing from them, >4 1 07 9 40 - ? - 17 1 10 9 45 15 l 28 10 ;o Special Announcement Regarding- the Nal J jQ 20 tional Pure Food and Drug Law. 0 1 55 11 30 ' are Pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lun? ne BtattODS and I troubles Is not affected by the National Pure >- I Food and Drue law as It contains no opiates sera?Tmjjucjr Qr other barm7ul drugs, and we recommend it iperlntendent. as a safe remedy for children and adults. P. B. Speed. . Orlppe is sweeping the couo'ry. Stop It igeBtion, COD- with Preventlcs, before It gets deeply seated, lid cross, DO To check early colds with these little Candy lip ooatom <a Cold Curt Tablets 18 surely sensible and safe, ur ay hi em ia Preventlcs contain no Quinine, do laxative, ttOCKy MOUD- nothing harsh or sickening- Pneumonia m strong and would never appear If early coldn were Klofa r1 A promptly broken. Also good for feverish chllluiets. a. <jren> Large box, 48 tablets, 25 cent*. Vest pocket boxes 5 cents1 Sold by C. A. MUford.