r The Press and Banner. Published every Wednesday at two dollars a a year In advance. Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1908. If 11 lssettled that Bryan Is to be the Presidential oandldate, why let tbe National Democratic Convention meet and ao declare Bv 60 doinc a whole lot of telegraphing could be stopped. We have been told some Ave or six hundred times tbat he Is the Democratic choice. Mr. W. E. Lomax is one of the best looking men that comes to Abbeville. Seaboard Schedule. No. 52 North (Local) due 12.52 pm No. 32 North due 5 32 pm No. 38 North due 12.52 am No. .*>3 South (Local) due 4 16 pm No 33 South due 1 15 pm No. 41 South due 4 51 am Card. After twenty-four years In the drufj business, li> the same store room, we have moved, aod as li hxs always beeu our endeavor to move upward. In all things, we have moved two doors blither up the street where we are belter prepared to serve the peoj le tbau ever, and wish here to thank tbern, one and all, lor tbelr kind patronage la the past and ask that we may have a contlnuauceof It In the In- < tare. Couie to see us in our new home, where you can always And what you want In drugs paints, oils, window glass, school books, cigars, tobacco, In fact, anything you need In our line. Yours most respectfully, P. B. speed. The ante-date and up-to-date Drug and Book Store. Schednle for Due We?f Railroad. Morning train leaves Due West 10:15. The evening train leaves Due West at 5:15 The Southern lrooi Greenville and the Southern trotn Columbia meet In the morning at Sbosls Junction, two miles below lK>nblds. The Due West train will take passengers from bot'b these trains. The Southern Trains In the evening. North and South, meet at Hodges. If these are on time the Due West train takes passengers from each of them. If they are late It either waits, or runs out to Due Weet and returns for this service. Passengers can also go outTrom Due West ou morning orevenlng freight train. To tbe Pnblic. \ It gives me pleasure to announce that I have connected myself with the firm of Tbe L. W. White Co., and to assure my many friends who have been so loyal to me In the past tbat 1 shall renew my efforts In this ne? firm to merit their continued confidence. Please call on me In my new place of buul- j ness and be assured of a hearty welcome. W. D. Wilson. , Valniible MIuIpk for Sal<>. I have for pule a palrol mare mu'es, well matched, one 5 years eld and one 6 years, weight about eleven or twelve hundred pounds Both mules are very quick and work well 'ogether. Guaranteed lo work an} where. For prices apply to X. B. Amniotic, Calhoun Falls, 8. 0. 4t Lost Mattlnir. A piece of matting was lost by mo on 1he road from Abbeville lo Lowndesvlile. I will appreciate It if the person finding U will notify me. J. F. Glbert.. Abbeville, S.C. / Approved by[all Good .Hen. Attorney General Lyon has the approval of all the good people of t he State In bis laudable efforts to bring the dispensary grafters to Justice. If these men are gul'ty they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. ' ?Gaffney Ledger. A Good Mono. "That good show" is the motto u?etl by the < management of "The Cowboy's Girl" the new ( western play. The motto like the play Is a e distinct novelty and provts conclusively tba' ( the management of this sterling attraction I knows that, they have a good show and that In itself shon'd be convincing to theatre l goers. This how will be seen here Tnesday, I February Utb. j Meellnc of Daughter* of Confederacy i The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet ' at the home of Mrs. \V. A. Calvert, Tuesday ' afternoon, Feb. ll'to, at four o'clock. Mrs. L. T. Miller, Secretary. 1 Something \cw. "There's nothing new under the sun" does | not apply to "A Cowboy's Girl," the magnifl cent scenic production idbi win soon oe seen here. This play Is a distinct departure from tbe old wornout plays and contains more f>Dre fan and startling situations, tells a new ove story and is presented la fen absolutely novel manner wltb special scenery and a great cast, at tbe opera bouse Feb. 11 lb. McM array's Locals. Tbere Is no "Just as good" argument used In selling our goods. You get wu&t you ask for bere. Tbe McMurray Drug Co. We treat every oce alike under tbe same circumstances. The smnunt of your purcba?e does not count. We appreciate tbe patronage of all. Tbe McMurray Drug Co. Watcb for our red advertl6emeril6?they mem something speolal for your health 01 comfort. Tbe McMurray D. ug Co. We mpan wbat we say and we say what we / mean. Tour money back if you are not ' pleased. Tbe McMurray Drug Co. Gleun's Local*. Vulcanite roofing, best on tbe market, 32 25 square. Poultry wire, 1-2-8-4-5 foot, also not; wire. Pratt's poultry tood, lice killer aDd cattle powders. New garden seed, onion sets, seed potatoes. All tbe best fctades guano, acid, polath and cotton seed meal. New crop N. O. syrup, cans, kegs, y2 barrel* and barrels. Fall Btock plows, gears, farm tools, nails, axes, ic. Collar pads, all balr, SO'; good pads, 25?; ex tra good bame strings. Beardless spring barley and seed oats. 150 barrels Majestic and Alpine Snow flour ?THE BEST. Heavy pant goods worth 15c, only 10c yard. Rock salt, worm powders collo core for borwes. Mnc>ii>'a I.ncnN I have a few seek* of "Bart" or "90 day*' oaU?the best for eprlDg seeding. When Id Deed of a good saddle, bridle, breeching or anything In that line, call on Dae. I can supply your wauls at reasonable prices. And still another car of the best Jelllco coal to arrive about Feb. 1st. SeDd In your orders and get good blocks from the car. Wilbur's "Stock" and "Poultry" Food?the best for your bo>ses and cattle, and to inake your hens lay. A fresh lot just In. *T. W. Wood* SeedB" are the best yet?that Is the kind I sell. Plows, wbeei-barrowe, garden and farm tools of all kindx. I have bad a flue trade on grates this season. Have a lew left and also extra baHbets. Put In a grate tnd buy coal from me; it Is cheaper tbaD wood, even If you could gel the wood, and no much more convenient. Notice to Stockholders, NOTICE le hereby given to the sipcfcholders ot the Banftol Donalds that a meeting of such stockholders will be held at tbe Banking House at Donalds, S. 0 . at 12 o'clock M , Saturday, February 29th. 1908, to couslder s resolution ot tbe Board of Directors, that tbe surplus on band be paid out by way of stock dividend, and tbat tbe additional capital Block authorized t?v tbe charter, to wit, Ten Thousand Tbree Hundred and Eighty Dollars be Uttued. W. K. STRINGER, Pres. JAB. C. BOOKER. Sec. Donalds, S. C., Feb. 8,1908. Have you the "grip"? If so you have a' couch. Then get a bottle of cheery Juice cough syrup, the beet that has ever b*en put on tbe market. Sold by C. A. Allltord it Uo. Phone 107. Gowau'x pheumonia cure 25 and 50c s'zcs at tbe drug store of C. A. Mllfoid &, Co. We beat tbe world on good service and prompt delivery. Phone us your orders lor anything you waut. Phone Hff. C. A. Milford & Uo. Banltol tooth wash, Hanilol tooth paste, Paultol tooth powder,Baullol toilet powder, Sinliol facial crenm and all others at O. A. Minor j -eot lor a lew minutes from tbe court room whllt> tbe case was t>eiug tried. He made au ubie argument for another bearing lor tbe men. Judge Klugb said that he was convinced that tne trial was a fair one and that be did nut care to reverse tbe decl6loa of twelve iood men who found the defendants guilty. He eaid that twelve men could come nearer iecldlng a case fairly than could one and for that reason the verdict would have to stand, tie deplored tbe killing and said tbat the conviction of tbe men should serve as a warning. He said some words about the illloll liquor traflc and said that he thought that this case jrlglntted irom it. Judge Klugb also refused the motion for a new trial in the case of Wilkes Swilling, convicted of manslaughter. He sentenced him to serve a term of sevea years in the *tate penitentiary. Mr. DeaD, attorney fir Swll ting, has served notice ol an appeal to tbe supreme court in this case also and Swlllli>e Das beeli released on balMn the sum of 81,800 ' pending the decision of the supreme court, twilling was tried for the murder of John i Pearson. Lomas Young, colored, was found guilty of ihsault- aud battery wliu intent to kill on ( rbursday and Mr. Welborn, his attorney,. , yesterday made a motion lor a new trial, -t which whs refused. Tbe Jurige sentenced aim to a term ol five year? in the penllenti- ' iry. J The Court of General Sessions will adjourn today. A great deal has been accomplished i In tbe two weeks despite tte unavoidable dtaye. This has been a ver 7 successful court IntbeDumbdr of convicilcDS, there having seen a very few acquittals during the term. Solicitor Boggs statrd yesteroay tbat be was i well pleased with the results of tbe two weeks 1 work. While tbe docket has not been cleared t>y a great deal, swift progres has been made. 1 \ large number of cases will go over to the ' oext term. ? J udge Kiugb will hear a number of equity ' matteis today and one Jury case will proba- ' Sly be tried. - ' 1 LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATION. r? be Held In Columbia, February Otli ru(I 7th?XoteU Speakers will be Present?Good Program. The sixth nnnual meeting of the South Carina Live Stuck Association will be held In Columbia, S C.. Feb. 6-7,1908. Several speakjrs ol uote have been secured and a good pro- " iranii Is expected. The sessions will be he'd in the City Hah, and you are urged to attend. We believe that the association has been of raeneflt to the state, but If we are to stand up for our motto, "More live stock and better live stock," the work of the association must r>e pushed. No association can do Its best unlesR tbe members attend the meetings, especially the annual meetlug, where the policy of the assojlatlon lt? outlined. It is, therefore, your duty to attend this meeting. Severul matters of Importance to the association will be discussed at ibis meeting and you should be there. The annual dues (SI) are now due, and as the association Is In need of funds, you will please pay them promptly. Talk up tbe association and Its meeting to your friends aud gel as many to attend as you can. Send in the names of those who will probably Join. Reduced rales have been asked for, but have oot as yet been secured. However It would be well for you to take a receipt from your igent saying what your ticket was for so tbat if tbe rate Is secured, you could get the benefit of It on your return trip. Trusting that vou will be able to meet with us, I am/ Yours very truly. J, M. Burgess, Acting Sec. and Treas. Abbeville-Green wo od MUTUAL mem nirr iimjiiMi/t ASSOCIATION. Property Insured, $1,500,000 January 1st, 1908. tXTRITE TO OH CALL on the audorslgried ? or the Director of your Township for any Information yon may doslre q?>out oar plan of Insurance. We Insure your property against destruc don by n&E, mmm :: ubetkhs, and do so cheaper than any Insnranoe Com pany In exletenoe. Remember we are prepared to prove to yon that ours is the safest and cheapest plan of Tnatiranoe known. J. R. BLAKE, Gen. Agent Abbeville, S. C. J. FRASER LYON, Pres. Abbeville, S. C. BOARD~DIRECTORS. S. G. Majors, -...Greenwood J.T. Mabry Cokesbury W. B. Acker Donalds M. F. Cllnkseales Due West W. W. L. Keller .Long Cane I. A. Keller .Smlthville W. A. Stevenson Cedar Spring A. M. Reld Abbeville Township W. W. Bradley Abbeville City. Dr. J. A. Anderson Antreville S. S. Bo'es Lowndeevllle A. 0. Grant Magnolia j. \V. Morrah ....Calhoun Mills S. L. EdmondB Bordeanx H. L. Rasor Walnut Grove W. A Nlckles Hodges J. D. Coleman Coronaoa D.S. Haitlwaneer -Ninety-Six C. H, Townsend - Klnards J. Add. Calhoun Fellowship Joseph Lake .Phoenix Rev. J. B. Muse Verdery J. H. Chiles, Jr -....Bradley J. W. Lyon Troy W. A. Cheatham Yeldell G. E. Dorn Callieca G. K. Dorn Klrkseys J. II Brooks Brooks . .1 j5iouiiL s rniuaie .ousters are tne best. You can get them from The Rosenberg Mercantile Co. Buggies and carriages?a full supply. Rosenberg Mercantile Co. Why fill yourself up with calomel whea you can gel N. It. tubieip. A sure cure lor stomach anil liver complaints. A*-k anybody, don't take our word for It. Phone 101. Mllford'e drug store. > C. A. MIL TTTT take W Ptoyo YV V ouri adjoi connected by passage anxious that' our frie yery closely ; with thi We will eiv< One Ladies > (At Each 5 cents ! you to one vot to a vote as I 7f Lady in Abbevi This Watch will tine's night to the 1 number of votes. Be pour Valentines. Dr: *ach drink counts one It ask and insist that & in your friends and le w ich is Iiear at hand. In conclusion, we that our stores are p pleasure as well as pla md drugs for the leas Milford's and you wi teous attention. \ C. A. "i ' .? Spring HAI 50 pes White Waistings, 100 pes New Spring Ging! 50 pes New Percales, 10, 20 pes White and Colprei 20 pes White and Colore* 27-inch Pongie, new fabr SPRING i 50-inch Mohair, all the sti 44-inch Stripe Mohairs, ni 50-inch Panamas, black ai 42-44-inch Wool Voile, bla For White Goods, Embroider gant assortment. You cai R. M. He THAT G< PERCE ] suDmits ine ''A Cow A Play i 5 Specialties! Magnifi ' OjRBK; One Night T I JfKlCES: U5C pkr!feeili IkV I \ JJL Stomach oat of order, ivy BP. and yoa have thai NHfes I Take cm t I |a I Ton will begin to : I D \K Bj I different from othor ^ w "I 1 Krlplng, no slckcnlni I M Vi I mako yon feel good. imehj! better thaw M | I "Nature's Remedy1 ' u 3 I I ~ Bcrlptlon for sour Sto; f, J a q tlte. Sallow Complexl< |j f 3 0 Skin Diseases, Chills, 1JS|| pies and Rheumatism. g||| stoppages and conseqi I fl | I or all of the digestive o; I tfaW JE5EE1 C. A. MILFORD *{ ] J , ( ] ? 4 | bUKU tu. % great pleasure in extending u a cordial invitation to visit )retty BOOK STORE which ns the Drug Store and is : way. We are extremely nds associate the two stores is invitation 3 Absolutely Free I ' Gold Watch. I J Soda Ticket entitles jf, : e, and it will be left Sgb i to the Most Popular IF ille. Rv I be given away on St. Valenady receiving the greatest 5 sure to call on Miliord tor ink and vote your girl, for : more vote, and to increase ihe drink with you. Bring ts make merry for the 14th, ? I wish to impress upon you ! laces for your comfort and ] ces to receive the best books I t money. Always come to j II receive prompt and courrours very truly, \ Miliord & Co. r ] ] ] > J I X Groods ! ? -AT | >I}ON'S plain and figured, 10 and 25c. bams, 10 and 12Jc. 12} and 15o. i Madras 10 and 15c. i Linines 10 and 25c. ique, new shades. )RESS GOODS ! iple shades, only 50c. < dw and pretty, only 50c. j 3d colored, 50c to $1. < ick and colored. 50o to $1. I ies and Laces don't fail to eee oar elea invariably find what you wish at iddon & Co, i ^ OOD SHOWt i , < ???? R. BENTON Latest Scenic Success ( \ ?l\ATT^rt ^Linl ^ f utry p UUL n a Class by Xtself. icent Scenery! Great Effects! 1 HO USB, PEB. 11th. 35c, 50c and 75c. NO BAD?f^| I Liver sluggish, Bowels all clogged IV | ^ \/M I IVv I Tablet To-night. ^ ^ feel better at once. Their action la |H II . Llvor and Stomach modlclneB?no 1# " e or weakening sonsotlons. They W JL PILLS FOB LIVER ILLS. \A ^ ' (MR Tablata) la the very best promach, Sick Iloadacho, Loss of Appe)n, Constipation, Liver Complaint, Malaria, Blllonsness, Dropsy, Pim. All of theso dlsoasos aro caused by lent decay and fermentation In some rgans. Sat a 2Ba Bo*. Said Cvarywhara. ~&ftmedu ?; PAT amcE. M , |U| & CO., Abbeville, S. C. i Meeting of School Improvement Association. On last Saturday Miss Mary T, Sance, President of the Association ol Rural School, and State Superintendent of Education Mr. O. B. Martin net a number of the county teachen ind other citizeus at the court bouse tc iiscuss rural sohool improvement. Mies Nance was the first speaker. Ie ;he pursuance of her duties as presi lent of the association, Miss Nancc baa become more thoroughly acquainted with conditions in our rural scboolt :han probably any one else in the State, and out of this rich experience ind her unbounded zeal she talks mosi nterestlngly and intertainingly on th? lubiect. Mr. D. B. Martin made a straight >pen talk on the conditions, showing ;bat there is great room for improve uent and that the time is ripe for s revolution in rural school matters. Owing to the severe weather a smal ittendance greeted the speaker. N< 110ve was made to inaugurate a society iere at this time. Miss Nance will re ... il?1 I? If-?U m?t1 /uru Butiicuuiu iu iiiaiuu auu win cu leavor to start the work going ber< ;hen. Petit iiry for February Court. iV. J. Crawford, J. M. Qambrell, 3. F. Nelson. J. C. Cox, ikwer Williams, H. A. Waters, 3. W. Williams, Jno. R. Edwards, Jam Nance, Claude Lanier, Vm. Lang ley, Wm. B. Wilson, f. A. Tennant. L. A. Shannon, r, T. Lawton, J. M. Ellis, r. H. Carlisle, L. A. Ramejr, i. V. Bpeer, L. L. Young, f. T. Martin, R. W. Cowan, N. A, Lomax, E. M. Rlchey, L. R. Sbarpton, John T. Abies, V. A. Moore, M. C. Ashley, V. L. Beawrlght, D. P. Walker, form Pearman, R.A. Keaion, i. M. Pennal, J. R. McOee. Grand Jury for 1908. W.R Hill, Abbeville. F. 11. Corn, Abbeville. 8. D. Wells, Calbonn Mills. Lawrence Ashley, Dae West J. L. Campbell, Diamond Hill. E. F. Latimer, Lowndeavllle. J. A. Mollwaln, Long Cane. W. R. Ellis, Long Can*. J. A. Wlison, Calhoun Mills, T. O. Price. Abbeville. J. Benson Sharp, Long Cane. T. ?, De&aon, Bordeaux. Otaas. S Olbert, Cedar Springs. J. A. Stevenson. Long Cane. R.L. Winn, Cedar Springs. J. A. Gilliam, Magnolia. J. R. Darin, Donalds. K. L. Mabry, Abbeville. Xelffbborhood Favorite. Mrs. E. D. Charles, of Harbor,Maine ipeaki Dg of Electric Bitters, says: "I s a neighborhood favorite here witt ib." It deserves to be a favorite every ffhere. It gives quick relief in dye sepeia, liver complaint, kidney de 'angement, malnutrition, nervous jess, weakness and general debility [is action on the blood, as a thorough 3urifler makes it especially useful as i ipriyg medicine. This grand altera ;fve tonic is sold under guarantee ai Speed's drug store. 50c. MONTHLY STATEMENT >f the Abbeville County Dispensary for month of Jannarv. 1908. Dis pensary, Abbeville, at Abbeville, S.C Total Invoice including stock on hand first day of month $25,497 01 Receipts 14,477 61 Expenditures - 358 8i Breakage - 30 4< Liabilities 10,966 9i State of South Carolina, Abbeville Cfounty. Personally appearec W. F. Nick lea and T. J. Price, mem jere of the Abbeville County Dispen sary Board, who being each duly anc leverally sworn, deposes and says thai ;he foregoing statement is true anc sorrect. W. F.toickles. T. J. Price. Sworn to and subscribed before m< his 4th day of February, 1908. J. E. McDonald, v Notary Public. Bank Foolishness. _ "When attacked by a cbugh or i ;old, or when your throat is sore, it ii ank foolishness to take any othe: nedicine than Dr. King's New Die sovery," sayB C. O. Eldridge, of Em pire, Ga. "I have used New DIpcov ? T Irnnw U. la fhi "X J DCVCU J cai a uuu jl auv *? * vm< jest remedy on earth for coughs anc jolds, croup,* and all throat and lutij roubles. My children are subject t< ;roup, but New Discovery quicklj ^ures every attack." Known thi ^orld over as the King of throat am lung remedies. Sold nnder guarantee it P. fi. Speed's drug store. 50c. am ?1.00. Trial bottle free. The fin eat Coffee 8ubstltnte ever made, ba recently been produced by Dr. 8boop or Ra sine, wis. Yon don't have to boll It twent; )r thirty minutes. "Made in a minute" say be doctor. "Health Coflee" la really tn jloeest Coffee Imitation ever yet produced Sot a grain of real Coffee In it either. Healtl Coffee Imitation la made from pure toaate* jereals or grains, with malt, nnts, etc. Reall; It would fool an expert?were be to unknow ngly drink It for Coffee. L. T. Miller. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mallet mt free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine (Vis. These testa are proving to the peopleirltboot a penny's cost?the great value o bis scientific prescription known to drng c lata everywhere as Dr. Sboop's Catarrh Rem >dy. Sold by C. A. Mllford. A Care for Misery. "I have found a cure for the misen malaria poison produces," says R. M lames, of Louellen, S. C. "it's callet Electric fiitters, and comes in 50 cen Dottles. It breaks up a case of chills oi i bilious attack in almost no time; am it puts yellow Jaundice glean out o iommission." This great tonic medi ;ine and blood purifier gives quick re ief in all stomach, liver and kidnej jomplaints and the misery of lam< Dack. Sold under guarantee at P. B Speed's drug store, John?"What kind of tea do yoi Ibfi hpnfc?" Priflfiilla?"Oo-tees. some jut Rocky Mountain best." john'Why Hollister's Rocky Mountalr rea best ?" Priscalla?"It speaks foi tself, John." (itfakes lovely complex one.) C. A. Milford. le HffifSj MtQXUQJ-iUMW* Office over Glenn's Store. Gun for Sale. One bran new shot gun for sale. It la a Stereos bamm^rless nod retails at *26.00. Wil >e w>ld at $20.00. Has never been Bhot. Ap >ly Frees and Banner. We keep two delivery boys all the time t< nsure our customers good service. Can any jody do any better In a small town ? Fbom is yonr business and we will do tbe rest Pbone 107. C. A. Mllford & Co. Don't forget tbe name?cherry Juice cougl iyrup?for tbat cough. Pleasant to take am Joes tbe work. C. A. Mllford Co. Andes Great OH tbe best liniment oil eartb Ask anybody who baa nsed It. For sale a Mllford's drag store. ROMANS LIKE SECRECY. Do Hot Want Stranger* to 6m Ttab HooMhold Arrangement?!. f It seems to be a part of the real slm* plidly of the Italian Latin to pat on a i quite useless look of mystery on all occai ?ions, and to assume the air of a oonsplri ator when buying a cabbage, and mow than one great foreign writer baa fallen i Into the error of believing the Italian . character to be profoundly complicated. ) One is apt to forget that it needs much . deeper duplicity to maintain an appear) ance of frankness under trying clrcomj stances than to make a mystery of one'i 5 marketing and a profound seoret of one's t cookery. There are few things which the , poor Italian more dislikes than to be Watched when he is buyidg and preparing k his food, though he will ask any one to . share it with him when It Is ready, but he ' la nlmnat. na nrnno hirin fivfirvthlna else i that) goes on Inside bis house unless be has fair warning of a visit and full time to I prepare himself for it. ) This is perhaps not entirely a race peoul, larity, but rather a survival ?f mediaeval . life as it was all over Europe. There are pretty clear Indications In our own litera3 feure that the ladies and gentlemen of twc or three hundred years ago did not like to be oaugbt unprepared by Inquisitive visitors. The silks and satins in which they are portrayed would not have lasted a lifetime, as they did, if they had been worn every day. As for the oleanllnesa of thoac times, the less said about it the better. In Rome there was a long period during which not a single aqueduct was in work' Ing order, and It was a trade to clear a sup ply of water out of the Tiber from a por tlon of the yellow mud by letting It settle in reserveirs, and to sell It in the street! for all household purposes. Who washed In those days? It Is safer to ask the que* tion now thanlt would have been then, Psnhahiv thooA iMnnnfl washed who wen tbe fortunate owners of a house well or ? rainwater olstern, and those who hat neither did not. Perhaps that was verj much the same all over Europe. It is cer talnly to the oredlt of Trastevere that it li not a dirty place today by Italian stand ard*.?Marion Crawford in Century. MARY ANDERSON'8 WARDROBE. Whta She Had bat Om Stags CoataoM For Fin VIti Act Plays. Three months elapsed between Marj Anderson's first appearance on the stag* and her second performanoe, "a heart breaking interval, " writes airs, uv n Jnliot." Of her first week's engagement - aha writes: "At the end of the week I wai in debt to the manager for the sum of $1, - the honse having been large enongb onlj - to cover the running expenses. All 1 hac . gained by a week of hard work was a sac i heart and a very sore throat. Besides, i sredltors became unpleasantly importu - nate, for my scanty wardrobe was not yet t paid for. This consisted of a white satlx dress, simply made, whioh did service to: all the parts. It sparkled In silver trim mlnf?for Juliet, was oovered with plnl roses for Julia, became gay in green anc Cld for Evadne and oloudy with whiU ? for Pauline. The unfortunate gowi owed its many ohanges to the nimble anc willing fingers of my mother, who spenl i much time eaoh day in its metamorphoses. ' "A train of velveteen, a white muslix dresr and a modern black 'silk gown, > whioh, like Mrs. Toodles, we thought j "would be so useful,' but whioh had to b< j discarded after its first appearanoe, com) plated my wardrobe?surely a meager oni j for five plays of five aots eaoh, requiring at least 19 gowns. We bad built u{ financial as well as artlstio hopes for thai week aad were disappointed in both. Bel I II proved more suooessful than was at firsi thought, for shortly after, Ben De Bar, one of the greatest Falstaffs of his time, i engaged me for six nights at his St. Louii t theater. At the end of that time I found I myself In his debt for the sum of 9600, bui the houses had steadily Improved, and th< press was filled with long artloles enthu slastlo about the paesent and full of pre 3 dictions about the future." The Swiss Bands. The Swiss bands marched to the musk at fife and drum or of their own voioes the notation of one of their marohlnf songs being still preserved. The fores i cantons also sent a born with their oom 9 panics, whieh instruments were knowi r by nicknames, Bull of Url, Cow of (Jnter " walden, and the like. Their sound wai " ?-t-? -9 man a# A m lung a UUWJ VI R1IVU w ?uu w. * tela and Burgundy, and made a grant 9 rallying cry for the Swiss In aotlon. Bu * apart from this, these horns appear to b ? the origin of the bugle horns whloh stll 5 appear on the appointments of oar Ugh 7 Infantry, and have displaced the drum a 9 the distinctive instrument of the foot sol 3 dler. Kaoh company of course had a fla( B of Its owa, whloh on march or In actloi 1 waa posted In the center under a guard o halberds. Wheaoe the main body some times was called by the name ef the pan ( oer (banner.) The Swiss were dlstln - gulshed by the small size of their flags J the landsknecbts, on the contrary, to ao e oentuate the difference between themselva ^??l? ftamHivl flnnrmfin It BUU uuou unwM ' ensigns, and mad* great play with (hem y Other nation* ohose a happy mean betweei - the two. Uniform was ?f course a thing virtual 1; unknown In the fourteenth and flfteentl ! eenturlee, though the Swiss, If we are t< - trust old woodoute, wore the white oroa f oo a red ground even at Sempach.? Mao " mlUan'e Magazine. ted Case. little girl went with her mother to se< a lady who was an asslduons collector o; 7 china, and In whose parlor were oabineti . filled with her trophies, besides odd plato 1 and dishes, bearing Indisputable marsa o t age, which hung in oonsplouous places oz r the walls. j The child sat quietly daring the Ion; f call, and while her mother and the chlnt . ool lector talked of matters of motnal in . tereab she looked about her with big, won j tiering eyes. ? '' Mamma," she said thoughtfully u sh< , was getting ready for bed that night, "don't you feel sorry for poor Mrs. Haakel without any kltohenf" "Without any kltohen, ohlldf What dc ) you mean?" asked her mother. , "Why, didn't you aeef" asked the little - girl in a tone of great surprise. "She ha* ) to keep all her dishes in the parlor."? r Philadelphia Record. Catttah. MIm Paaso?Dear me! One oannol troea the street withoal a lot of horrid men staring at one. ) Maud Ethel?They don't look mon than one*, do they, dearf?Cincinnati En?olrer. CITY REGISTRATION! ! City books for registration of quail fled voters of the City of Abbeville, 8 I are now open from January loth tt , April 18th, 1908. To be qualified to vote it is necessa?j p to register each year. JAMES CHALMERS, j Jan. 14, 1908. 3t City Clerk. t Baggy paint sad household paint, varnish e? and at&lna la any qaantlty at Mliiord'i i drag store. J\ '"kK 1 ' 1 ' ' WIATT AIKEN'S GAIN. SPEAKER CANNON PROMISES HIM TO LET BILL COME VP. Appalachian Park Bill Will be Considered at Thin gesHion?Aiken Secures Cannon'* Word for it. ' , ' (Anderson Dally Mall, Jan. 81,1908.) Washington, Jan. SO.?Speaker Cannon promised Congressman Aiken last nlgbt that be would let the Appalachian park bill come before tbe boose at ibis session. This means that tbe bill will paM ax tbe sentiment In' tbe bouse Is overwhelming In favor of it. rPh?unautrnr rnfnflprt tn Int. rhfl matter comi , before the bouse Inst fusion, After It bad .- < paused tbe senate, and tbto is tbe first time be 1 hassal'dtbat be woald let It come ap tbii session. Heretofore be has said nothing , every time anybody ask htm about It. Congressman Aiken and tbe otber friends are 1 Jubilant today. A1 M. Carpenter. DUE WEST. An last Mnn/latr Avantncro fnnr?Aft nran Mr. Grover McGormiok. The program coni listed of voeal and lnstrumenial music. Miss Long, tbe cultured artiste of tbe maslo ' department of the D. W. F.C. was tbeacoom' panlst: Mies Long studied last year In tbe . Old World; she Is both a vocalist and pianist . of rare girts Tbe following pnplls who have studied un> derMlss Long took part on the program; Misses JesBle Boyce, Gertrude Brownlee, ana , Mary Galloway. Miss Louise Brownlee, * ' daughter of Mr. R. C. BrowDlee, of Due West, * . ' played a special selection. Tbe Male Quar telle composed of Messere Pressly, Hood, , Wldeman, and Williamson Bang three selections. MUses Aenes GMer and Gertrude > Browulee, Messrs. Henry ?Prescly and Brlce I Williams rendered two numbers on the pro| gram. A very f Interesting, "protraoted meeting ' closed In the A. E. P. Church of this place . last week. Rev. D. G. PnlMips, of Newberry, i 8. C., did the preaching. He is tbe girted son * or Dr. D. G. Phillips of precious memory. 1 whose name be bears. Very large audiences < I attended all of tbe meetings. Tbe word was r preached with great 'power ana persuasive- . ness. Thdre were twenty accessions to tbe Cborcb; I these members were drawn Into tbe Cborob . from the town, the Colleges, and tbe comma- i nlty. A nice purse .was presented to Mr. Phillips In appreciation of bis 'faithful services on this occasion. We bear tbe position of the Press and Banner on "Tbe Lien Law" discussion endorsed by blgb antborliy. Let tbe present Lien Law 1 alone. The country 4ms prospered under it y Bear tbe Ills we bave mber than flee to those we know not of. Congressman Aiken has done some very ? valuable work for bis constituents in this i immediate section. He is a pratlcal statesman and bis labors are appreciated. Mr. Prlngle Cllnksesles, of Anderson, came down last week to see friends and kindred. V# | He baa a sinter In College and was once a i student bere himself. Prof. L. C. Galloway and Mrs. B. 8. Gallo way ran down to Greenwood last Saturday 1 for a short visit to Mr. T. C. Anderson and family. Prof. P. L Grler made a hurried visit to 1 Anderson last Saturday on business. I Mies Garrison, Traveling Secretary, of tba - ft Y. W. C. A. Is now In tbe College In interest ' of this work. ' Miss Rosa Markbam, one of this year's I graduates in Expression, was invited 10 re| cite, "Tbe 8word of Lee," at tbe oelebratlon of Lee's birthday in Greenwood. 1 ' ' 1 i Mr. Young.Todd has gone to the University V - of North Carolina to take up some special i work. He expects to be gone about six weeks. 1 Mr. H. ?. Galloway and Mr. R. C. Brownlee r spent Thursday In Columbia. Tliey went ' . down to meet tbe R. R. Commission, and to . settle otber R. R. business. \ Mr. Berto McDavld Is expected tbe last of I tbe week to spend a few days wltb borne i folks. He plays one of tbe cornets In tbe . Clemson Band which is to fnrnlsh tbe musle } for tbe Pbllomathean Celebration. I Re*. John Edwards left last Friday to Join i bis family Id Anderson. Tbe Pbllomatbean Celebration Is billed lor i ' Friday night. Great Interest Is being manll te*ted in this celebration, and quite a number , of tbe Alnmnl of Pnllomathea are expected In . town for tbls ccoaslon. Tbe Clemson Band will /arnish the moslc; we feel sure tbls fea* lure of the program will be especially good,x Mr. T. H. MoDUl of tbe aen&r;, went , over to Wlnnsboro to preach on l^Habbath. Mr. Charlie N&bers ran up to A^Kob last 1 week to see home folk. ) Mr. Harris of Anderson, was Hwn last l week to see friends. . . It Is iodeed gratifying to tW Dae West 1 people to know tbat tbree brlcE'Stores are I to be built on the site wbere th.'j two stores were burned. These will be oocnpled by ' Presslv Bros., Mr. J. T. McDlll and Mr. 1 81oan Ellis. I % I * I Brutally Cruel?Death and Damuatlon (News and Courier.) Marion, Jannary 27 ?Special; Hon. Jamea * Norton, of Mnlllns, Ex-Comptroller General of the State and Ex-Congressman of tbe 6th dlstrlot, and now a member of tbe General Assembly from this county, waB in Marlon < to day, and upon being asked his views of tbe * repeal of the lien law, said tbat bo was opposed to the repeal and bad so voted In tne > House. He said that he bad read Senator TillI man's interview In the Columbia oorresponI dencefln Tbe News and Courier of Sunday, and that Senator Tillman was as tar wrong In * ibis position as time bad proved blm wrong ) on tbe suffrage of the Constitution adopted in w 1895; Senator (Tillman and: his lieutenants pledged these same poor white trin tbat If ? 1 they would call the Constitutional Conven* Hon one of them should be disfranchised. ' 1 As a result of that Convention and those sak ored pledges, many?Indeed most of these - ?*-J* ? Ko/i** nroAti^fl llxr " poor waive ujou?un?i . > francblsed by tbIs Constitution and Its laws. 1 Now comes tbe statement, in tbls Interview I from tbe Senator, tbat no nonest wbtte man ' will be burt by tbe repeal of ibe ~!len law. Tbe serf of Russia, tbe fellah of Egypt, or tbe . peon ol Mexloo, Is In as good condition as tbe . landless white man will be In futureyears la * Son tb Carolina under such Jaws. 1 Tbe repeal of tbe agricultural lien law waa t declaredly aimed at tbe negro, bnt will bit . tbe landless white man just as bard. Continuing, Mr. Norton said that Senator * Tillman may be right as lo the "Lord's" pro- ' * prletors of tbe State, " but It will mean sla* . very, drudgery, dealb and damnation to 1 thousands who have blindly followed bis * lead In tbls State. Tbe poor, ignorant white I man, said Mr. Norton, cannot vote now, and to force him, when be cannot rent laiid to work for wages, share crop, or starve U bru* tally cruel, especially In view of a few years l past, and tbelr much forgotten history. rl _ ' J J [ FEELS HIS FIGHT IS FUTILE. J I Tells Gonxrewman Wyatt Aiken Tbat He Can Not Hold Oat Loader Against It. Tbe State Bureau, 12 Post Building, . - Washington, Jan. 29. , After a stern opposition to tbe Southern 1 Appalachian and white mountain lorest reI serve measure, lasting through several con gresses, In which he held at, bay senators , which passed it. house committees wblcb fa1 vorably reported it, and governors of soverl eign Slates In New England and tbe South, who came here to press it upon blm, Uncle Joe Cannon at last feels tbat bis fight is fu> tile. He realizes now tbat be is up against I an adamantine wail. Representative Wyatt . Aiken was talking to blm today and asked blm if be was going to allow tbe bill to come ' up in tbe bouse. "Aiken," said the speaker. giving bis cigar an upward tmn, 1 don't see ) how I .can bold out further against tbat thing. When New England and ibe South ; get together on a proposition, that's a bell of I a combination." Zach McGbee. "HeaUb Coffee" is really the closest Coffee , Imitation ever yet produced. This, the finest Coflee Substitute ever made, has recently been ' produced by Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis. Not a grain of real Coffee In It either. Health Coffee Is made from pure toasted cereals, with malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool an expert?who might drink it for Coflee. No twenty or thirty minutes boiling. "Made in a | minute" says the doctor. L. T. Miller. I La Grippe and Pneumonia. I Foley's Honey and Tar cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneumonia. Refuse any but the genuine In the yellow package. P. B. Speed. FYiioc'H Hnnev and Tar cures the mostob [ stinate cougns and expels the cold from the I system as it Is mildly laxative. It lagunrani teed. The genuine is la the yellow package. P. B. Spaed. This May Interest You. No one Is Immune from klduey trouble, so . Just remember tbat Foley's Kidney Cure will ? stop the Irregularities and cure any case of Kidney and bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. P. B. Speed. r im, Our grocery department is alwnvs fnll with the best poods. The Rosenberg Mercantile Co. Send us your prescriptions. We have three ? of the very befit prescription men on duty all the time, C. A. Mlltora <& Co., druggists. - -C ' . |j?g