The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, January 08, 1908, Image 1

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__^=== ' -T3TTT^.rr-^^^_? I i^?n- -M linn I I .11'nr I rm-Miir :* The lAbbeville Press and Banner, I ..j SS====^BBS!!!4?^S-??=^^^^====^====^===- ' BYW.W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1908. ESTABLISHED 1844 iS ' ??;? -- I jjjjl r By} t -r * Tiff ? L mens i . I w~ * we car ! pt RHEUMATIC FOLKS !i ss 62 due Are Ton Sure Your Sidneys are Well? , witboot he Many rheumatic attacks are due to Tbewboioe uric acid in the blood. But the duty of the kidneys is to remove ail uric cur&^itci acid from the blood. Its presence there sad 'seasi shows the kidneys are inactive. Don't fopimn, do dally with ,;uric acid fcolvents." You > extract, tbi might go on till doomsday with them, spaaiardB but until you cure the kidneys you STau'Z"? will never get well. Doan'a Kidney *>T'9boopi Pills not only remove uric acid, out _ . oure the kidneys and then all danger M,]R Maaii from uric acid is ended. nod Carter' Hubert B. Calvo, bookbinder, em- i*00**8, -1 1 D.,kltakU<H pioyeu at iuc oiavc jr uuiiouiug v/.j, official printers for the State of South Special An Carolina, living at 1010 Lumber St tion! Columbia, S. C., Bays: "I thought I We are i had rheumatism and treated for it on that belief. I used all kinds of lini- Koodaudi ments. The pain was in my back and or other bH in my hipsclear to the sbouldern. The r liniments did no good and I took to blood medicines bat they did not help me. I took a long trip in hopes that Hnv? y0 the change of climate might help me. dravo|wor I was away for three months but could Do slou : Bee no chance for the better. I beard 'OBgA.? B of Doan's Kidney Pills and determin- ??nlt8 1o ed to try them, and got a box at a drug very nywei store. They completely removed the giiks si v pains out of my back and I have not keep the t felt a touoh of the old trouble since 1 <?n boused taem." .I^We'S For .-ale by all dealers. Price 50 cents ?a'rkei. i Foster-Milburn Co., Bufialo, New York, sole agents for the United 8tates. Remember the name?Doan's?and Tbi? la t take no other. thoriied t f Iloney an< * cold. It Bt When the Stomach. Heart, or Kidney nerve* prevents R( get weak. then tbeee organs always fall. grlpP? c0" Don't droit tbe Siomacb, uor stimulate the con?uniptl Heart or Kidney*. Tbat U simply a make- aloe Is In snift. Gel a prescription known to druggist* tales, r. J everywhere as Dr. Sboop's Restorative. Tbe # ? Restorative Is prepared expressly for these weak insld nerves. Strengthen tbese nerves, build them up with Dr. Bhoop's Restorative- T p, tablets or liquid?and see how quickly help Pl6W v< will come. Fr?*e sample test seni on request . by Dr. tfboop. Racine, Wis. Your health If jtV "H* surely worlb thVa simple test. C. A. Mlllord. - Dil Tbe lineal Coffee Substitute ever made, ha* Tbe persi recently been produced by Dr. Shoop ot Rs- last Sun<lH clue, Wis. You dou't have to boll It twenty qu^'v or thirty minutes. "Made In a minute" says i'ar. the doctor. "Health Coflee" IB really ibe closest Coffee Imitation ever yet produced. Nat a grain of leal Coffee In It eltber. Health h , vou ci Coffee Imitation Is made from pure toasted l" por \ cerealB or grains, with malt, doIs, etc. Resll." 8aJ.'v cHirei , It wouid fool an expert? were be lo unkuow- lorHa -uc lngly drink It for Uoffee. L. T. Miller. R^ck and line of tOc Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed C'Kar ,M>r< out free, on request, by Dr. 8boop, Rnciue, Wis. Tbese tests are proving to tbe peoplo? jtcb cur< without a penny's cost?tbe great value of itary l<otl this scientific Drascrlntlrm mnirn L , ?~ u.uS- gpeeu. ? " gists everywhere as Dr.Shoop'B Catarrh Rem - edy. Bold by C. A. Mllford. . ... New Morse'g Locals. |0) Unloading a ear of bard coal today. Beat powdered sugar at only 8 l-3c a pound. ? Fare fresh mountain buckwheat and big ' hominy. Mince meat In 5 pound palls and also by tb? pr0mptc single pound, the finest ever. we *111 cc Try apple butter, only 10c the pound, and puone 107. better than home made Jelly or preserves. All kinds of nuts and fruits for your Christ- . ,?i,p mas fruit cake. Tbey tell me musk rata, minks and all sucb obi'? _ varmints, are mighty bad this year. Com0 stroDR at and gel one, or a dozen game traps and get ^.nli Hoi rloh eelllug the bides. A nice lot of cucumbers in brine for pick- *5 ? iru ling. Amos B. Morse. P?r? * ^ ,.. good. 601 The best one and two horse imu t . Middle_BuEter plows in the mar ?et at xt08enberg'B. jitore. ij in am =SA *rading - DURING THE ^!ni+c" HiM kmiuo,uuu HTaT ry the best and RRIN C Seaboard Schedule. mnp tt4.25 pm 88 due 1.05 pm 111 Ji liU 3.07 urn 41 due 4.05 am 112.40 pm 63 dne 8 88 pm Mr w c 8h| Benefit* both g cough, from any cause, la quick- 1 r by Dr. khoop's Cough Cure. And pre?fand Bac oroughly tarmle?s and late, tnat ^?i?r*n? Ji , tells mothers everywhere to give tt .Jhf* ,.L/ tsltatlon, even to very youug babes. tber?P?^? L"?? tome green leaves and tender stems ? ? ? nm eallng mouoialnous shrub, furnish y r*aJ /e properties toDr Sboop's Cough A1?FIJ. .?~ rl^i iime the cough, and heals the sore o'*' live bronchial membranes. No ?, h(Sn.M chloroform, nothing harsh used to -J??1 uppress. Simply ? resinous plant , ?wi^?o'^oooPir,n if at helps to heal aching lungs. The fi^? call tbls shrub wbtoh the Doctor lp?y r/Lp ,? SacreJ Herb." Always demand P.'n* iitlf thf n , Cough Cure. 0. A. MUford. ^^"afpoJe the 5 " " bill; when Judge Brai t go to, Mllford's drug store. He tract Law unconstttn lo, Harrison's Town &Dd Country would the landlord t s white lead. You can't buy better or what protection wi bad for advanced N< __ ants are the farm lab< taken their orop to uiouiicement Regarding the Ma- ibeyfbad been bo dlBp il Pure Food and Drug Law. 1 .. , helped ibemselves. pleased to announce that Foley's kI,^a lbe b,ll to repe a Tar foe "Qgha. rtda and lung lb |RW ln fulJ foroe v not aflected by the National Pure mpaDor to dlfpose )tus law as It contains no opiates wed the landlord an irintul drugs, and we recommend it a safeguard for their emedy tor children and adults. P. Tbe great number < every year show the ? Takeaway tbe lien 1b lladdon'h LochIm. tbe only means of ore >u seen tbe new center piece and wu'lhjfnre'themeroh k shown by Tbe R. M. Haddon Co. 8 aeed a pair kid gloves In .sbortor business. 11 colors? Call at the R. M. Had- It mlgbt be said, come to tbe poor mat t of band bags Just, received In the that belpB him to get 31 styles at Tbe R. M. Haddon Co. The great majority i llks. Don't forget that we always tba two\hfrds*of th rho R1 *M? Hal/ri^n'pr>6 ^ ???Knd rhe R. M. Haddon Co. tomers are poor men A hhfivlllft fiflll and fiPft our blank- a\ vo oTrnnt o Hon on ave the hem N. C. blanket oa ibe law gives tbem a cba "be R. M. Hrtddon Co. tbelr crops to tbe mei obant then, a basis ol 4 ? A money. Tbe merob i'ara> llena In tbe bank asi o certify tbat all druggists are *u- iai0 amount of mone, o refund your money if Foley's tblrd of bis poor cu j Tar falls to cure yonr cougb or poor men could notg ops tbe cougb, heals tbe lungs and the law being done i jrlous resuiu from a cold. Carea la they farm under then gbs and prevents pneumonia and then could labor be b on. Contains no opiates. Tbe gen tb? lien law? a yellow package. Refuse ttubsti- And speaking for U 3. Speed. without giving a lien m ? man can get along wl ? , , - ,, crop-it will not hurt ons ol dollars oacK tne wise Is always sufflch remo cigar. The quel st be the best. ln . A Higher ] sturbed the Coflgreg&tlon. i* j r?&ch6c un who disturbed the eongregiitlon ?i aSnpp T hpp-Hn 11 y by couiinuallv conghlng is re- ?'"In?,,f buy a bottle of Fole>'? Honey and Life r'llls, write speed. West franklin, J my stomach, liv< rlenceasa business man nas been jog just right." in't please everybody wilb one cl- nr>inr vmi nn trip bis reason we carry a.1 tbe time P?M?t y?U OU tri? rent brands of cigars to -please our IUnueu ai fopeeQ 8 h as Roigs, Lord Casper, Cincos. _ WhltefCuba Roma, besides a line and 18c cigars. Miiford's Drug and Buggy paint and h B- 9 and stains in an ' rag store. ;d in 80 mlnu'es by Wool ford's San on. Never fails, sold by P. B. ggist. 6m ?? ? 1 I Cremo cigars 5 cctts. rpban cigars two for ?l The best that money ff I Write at once and le "J I positions. and best sa Eugene At ess 1b our watchword. Try ns and invince you. Milford'a drug store. KlfiGTl i to Mother": Don't let your *?* waste away. Keep them id healthy during the winter lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. i greatest tonic for children. Pffv T^P1 1 harmless, does tbe greatest ^Alv riCl Tea or Tablets. C.A.Milford . . (A/ ill P1A?W hmH iM i ^ TT in vicnu uuu mch better to have your children's 0n sh( ilcs ready before the last minute. mble If you call at Mll/ord's drnj JPllOUG \ \ \ A f n ii >%%%%%%%%%% E HE TE 1 with 1 MONTH OF Pants, I VV(5U guarantee S ILOTH eh? ICOUR iw Tells flow It Rich and Poor. lie, S. C: Dec. 29, 1607. i nor* >aper la Dot in favor of law, and I ask permit? i on that line tbroagb B. log tbe lien law la one ir biatute books. It Is a itectROod to tbe greatest :b tbe rlob and tbe poor. I make a great mistake vUvPCr I tbe Legislature, when ? Did not tbe Senate e wben tbey killed tbe base to repeal tbe lien nate bad not killed tbe vley declared tbe Conllonal, wbat protection lave bad for advances? nuld the merchant have L. T. Cooper, one. Renters and ten- ^ 9Q ^ ^ jrer?. They oould bave 7T. fjl+,?_ market and sold It If this generation osHd. and neltber tbe trouble, is fas merchants could have fflith .n v?a the But wben tbe Senate Ia?lin in n"? ine sai the lien law, it left admitted by a rhlcb makes It a mlsd<- throuehc of orop under Man. It P60?1? i^rougat id the merchant and Is is gaining new /rK'?tDhat Is given le necessity of the law. recent interview iw, and you take away believed ten yt idlttbat tbe poor man _ho ^iiM nrc bl? children; and you wnocouia pre ant's trade, and lessen would tnorougi tnd Injure the banking acfc would hav how does this benefit ??t bold of this l through tbe lien law. In six months 5* "j, '?rt"? tbelr own to run more the medicine Ci e number of their cus- although I did 1 one third of their ens- T j who bave no security to I have owned lhAlr nrnru Thn lion I threfi Vfiflrfl. I nee to give a lien on over it whlch rchant: It gives the mer'security to borrow the When it was Be ant then places these cine Company t i surety aDd drawsacer- wnri/? that y on them and runs the ^6 w0?^ uiaL stomers. And if these cine. The pre] ;lveaJlen on their crops wildfire wherei iway wlth-~how;would v.iM eclroumstances? How have said belOfl etter controlled without ply because it . perfect shape, loee who can get along * ThPrA ar on Ibelr crops?if a poor rest, - mere ai th giving a lien on his plaints never 1 , them. A word to the Btomach trouble * w. c. Shaw. Alleviated in th Health Level. ; 1 a higher health levsingDr iCing's New s Jacob Springer, of Maine. "They keep ir and bowels workIf these pills disapil, money will be redrUK Store. 25c. I m?dlnm tin. I I Kitellent thlpper, I -?>? I^DrtcJooi^oMjbleJ ousehold paint, varnish I By the HUN] y qutnuiy ai minora b vtrieties. Grow accompany youi return charges < Pricea, f. o. 1 at|L25 per 1,000; -gTTyi \ and satisfaction GAson mailed f arn why we secure best TP lariesfor our graduates. -I mi TDEB80N. Prea. y " ? W Klothes. : : 0 ssing Club Is well equi CaBkets ranges I Press your Clothes His funeral car the old brick va jrt notice. ca^et. Di ; - 139. Phone88. j n mi urtivrir JJL \J ?1 XJJ . aerrin Qli r / JANUARY WE WU ^TT/\W1/\A 4* t4 jmcuats*" for Cas \ tyle, Fit and Qualit IING COI \ y A kuuuuuumi T DECIDED IN HIS FAVOI N -ought to Retain Formula Whic Has Made a Fortune. f the man who believes Among statement* obtained ween it of all 111 health of from users of this medicine that is caused by stomach arousing such universal discussion t winning a national one from Mrs. Emma Stanley, livi ory. His claim is now in Chicago, at 713 Washington Bod surprising humber of vard, who said: "Perhaps I had t (ut the country, and he niost complicated case tLat Mr. Cooj adherents every day bad to deal wlth- 1 was 11001)16(1 J acmerents every oay. years wlth my ctomach. I consult r Mr CooDerCsSd1-n,,I wlth doctors and 10011 ma?5r patt medicine preparations vithout rest ;ars ago that any one My. gtomaeli was la such a Wretch iduce a formula that g^pe that I could not enjoy a m< lly regulate the stom- that l ate. e a fortune. When I ?j nervous and cot thaTTwas^rfChtWand hardly' sleePJ I.had.a roaring In j that I was right, and earfl an(j dancing spots before my ey e was made. I called j felt very bad ^ weak. Th'eii ib< aoper s New Discovery, wa3 a very sore spot at the pit of i aot get up the formula, stomach that neairly set me wild. It, however, for over ?j heard about the Cooper medic! have had one lawsuit and decided to try it. I used four b I won in the courts, ties, and the Improvement in my ei ttled The Cooper Medi- has been really wortderfttl. My nen lecame the only firm in have been quieted'* and I amsomu can prepare the medi- improved thai I feel like a new v paration has sold like man. rer introduced. As I "I cannot say too much for th< 9, it is successful sim- wonderful remedies, for they ha puts the stomach in made mo well." then nature does the We sell the Cooper mediciu a wit number of com- and ronslder th?m well worth a tr iefore associated with by any one afflicted with chronic sto s that the medicine has ach trouble and its attendant diseas lousands of cases." ?City Drug Store P. B. SPEED, Druggist. ... UoS ten dip I B?rli?rt 1"U? V A J . 7 UUr thin E. JtrtJ Clbhafa. A Urn M ?- I I I k j A * I I I , I J A fall tiu liriai. jieUermdiiood M ti 1J M "l B U ' ? Hi " t V J DRED, THOUSAND or MILLION of the above three favorite in the open field and wfll stand severe cold without injury. Let money order; otherwise plants will be shipped C. O. D.. and you will have to pay )n the money. -i.iAAA.l^CA _? 1 A/Vl. C?aQ AM b. Young's Island. S. U.: bw zor ?i.uu; x 10 ?. ?i.uu vu *.vw, ? ~ ; 9 to 20,000 at $1.00 per 1,000. Special prices on larger quantities. Full count i guaranteed or money re funded. Folder on Cabbaf Collar* by C. M. ree on application. Cheap ezprea* rates to all points. Mail your orden to . GIBSON, Young's Island, S, C? Q if. SIGN, Funeral Director. ABBEVILLE, S. 0. ffice under the Eureka Hotel. pped in his line of business. His complete stock of Coffins'* from the cheapest to the finest. Burial Robes always on ha is a fine one. Air tight water-proof steel vaults which repls ult and which is much more reliable. Metal lined cases for op couch caskets. Charges reasonable and service acceptal J*. W. SION. \ %%%%%%*%% %%%%%%%%? ' il \ n fripp 11 I llllMl I | J ? ; ^ jthitigCo. 1 LL SELL ? | u uiiuei wcdi t v | I y. Call and see us. J UP ANY in nil n j J vv Cabbage Plants. . I am again ready to fill your orders for Cabbage /*$? and Beet Plants. My plants are all grown from the ?Hsame grade of seed I set my crop I have all of VI the leading varieties : Early Jersey Wakefield, very M early, Charleston Wakefield, about ten days later. In II flat varieties I have Succession, a medium early, and 1 (aBCTEfrqMiMjEy i; Sbort Stem Lite Flat Dutch. Prices up to 5,000 $1.50 per thousand. Write me for special prices on larger ' Jots. These plant* are all grown near salt water in ^ ?P?n aIr and stand severe cold without injury. & | W. F. CARR, Meggetts, S. C. A car of the best Block Jellico *2 ,w And one of best Red Ash Hard Goal to arrive about ?. |lgj Christmas times. Prices 21? right. Hand in your or- . ders so as to keep comforts' :SSSBH IllHS^V able during the HolidaysT-i </* w 'iflfllS ||lllif N A good stock of Grates, > ."f?| '* I ? &&?.? TX7"irn TTfi-nHftrs Rhovftls. ST Tongs, Pokers, Trivets i? : ymd^m!my?i&& and Boilers- ia ?:: AMOS B. MORSE. | ! Notice to Tax-Payers. \ 168 ~ lal ' -3 PnwAM nf AAAnmmndfttinff1 the Piiblic in the Hatter A Vi VMV A U* |/WWV WA w.*?q ? ^ ... of Making Their Tax Returns, I Will Visit the Places ; Mentioned Below on the Dates Indicated in Schedule: ? ILL RETURNS MUST BE MADE UNDER OATH, AND ALL PER jn. goo si property returned ac its true market value. Persons not making their returns between January 1st, 1908, and February 20tb, 1908, ate liable to a penalty of 50 percent. This penalty will be enforced against delinquents; for tbe failure to enforce it heretofore has put a premium on neglect of the law. ^ ...? Tbe returns of those who conform to the law are placed before the Townships and County Boar is, while those who disregard tbe law come in after the [meeting of the Boards and return to suit themselves. The enforcement of this 50 per cent, penalty will correct this evil. - Employers are requested to return all of their employees after notifying A them and getting a statement of their property. - . l- i._u? i? , ? I Keturns Will UUt ue lanuu uy uian uuicoo vucj aio ottuiu iu uoiuiu oyuao I proper officer. This does not apply, however, to persons returning only land. I All improvements on and transfer of real estate must be reported to ti>* * Auditor. / My Appointments are as Follows: y Calhoun Falls, Wednesday, January 22d. ' jft Lowndesville, Thursday and Friday, January 23d and 24th. / Ij Carmel, Tuesday, January 28th. / M nTiiiin??nn WnqqHqit Tannnrv 90th 0 9 h limjftwuj jivuuvuuw;, #' ? Bordeaux, Thursday, January 30th. jmW / .J McCormick, Friday and Saturday, January 31st and F1st. Donalds, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 4th and bmj I Due West, Thursday and Friday, February 6th and 7t/ iDd Office open at Abbeville, January 1st to February 20j^ / nd. Also R. O. Mc Adams, John T. Bryant and Foster Covert will ^ ' in^ turDS t*ieir r?8!?60^6 Peaces of business from 1st 3jfa&T7 to 20th ,?bruary. w?- , BICHA*& SONDLTY, 1 , / County ytaditor. ' / / s /