The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 11, 1907, Image 6

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Pav? PT<r5SH5HSESHSHSH5HSHSHSHSHJ ^ , ? _ al^5q?? !| ^J/ & | By MRS. / : .> ^2SS5HEH5E5H5H5ESE5H5HS CHAPTER IX- 16 ! Continued. *' After some little time Lady Gethin turned to Elsie and said, gravely, "Will you forgive me, my dear young lady, if I ask you to leave me with your father and Mr. Glynn I iaave one or two matters to speak of." She paused. "Certainly," said Elsie, rising; "you will send for me when you want me," and with a smiling, wonderiug look at Glynn she left the room. The door being closed, Lady Gethin, turning to Lambert, said, "At the risk of awakening painful memories, I must ask you a rew questions! Vnur dauehter so closely resembles a dear friend, or rather one who was a dear friend of mine long ago, that I cannot refrain. Pray, has she any relations named Acton?" "No," said Lambert, eyeing her suspiciously; "she has no relation in th-e world but*myself." ' She must have some others, Captain Lambert;" persisted Lady Gethin. "Strange ideas rise in my mind, coupling the likeness with Deering's efforts to find her. The friend Miss Lambert resembles, and whose daughter she might be, was Isabel Acton, who married Gilbert Deering against the will of her people, and went away with him abroad, where she died." "My God!" cried Lambert, turning ghastly white, "this is incredible!" He remained silent for a minute, his hands clasping and unclasping the arms of his chair, his mouth twitching. "Ring the bell!" he said at length to Glynn. "Get me some brandy and water. I will tell you my whole story. You look like a good woman, Lady Gethin. You will not turn against my girl, though her father has been a bit of a blackguard in his time." "I will not," said Lady Gethin, stoutly. "Do you wish me to leave you?" asked Glynn. "No; my confession is as much for you as for my lady here. I must go a long way back. It was about fifteen years ago when, after knocking about in Texas and California, I found myself at Chile in a very low condition, both as to money and prospects. Just at that time a railway had been begun by a clever adventurer who had been kicked out of 'Frisco, but persuaded the Government of Chile to take up his scheme. This railway .was to a village up in the mountains, in the middle of a rich mineral district, teeming with wealth. The difficulty was to find ready money to pay current expenses; they were never more than a week ahead of the men's wages. To provide for this outlay, Jeafferson, the Yankee promoter, got together three or four gamoiers to meet me men at me village where they were paid, and win back the cash just given out, and have it ready for the next payday. I was one of these fine gentlemen," bitterly. "We had a percentage on our winnings, and lots of food and drink at the bars, kept by the company?that is, Jeafferson. Among the employes there was a certain Deering, a coid, stern Englishman, an engineer. He was a silent, self-possessed fellow, proud and plucky as the devil. He had had a wife with him, but she was dead. I never saw her." He paused. Both Lady Gethin and Glynn drew a little nearer with breathless interest. "Well," resumed Lambert, "one night I met Deering in a hotel in Lima with a tall Englishman not unlike himself, only fair, with whom he was talking over a bottle of wine; and they had papers and money lying on the table between them. They seemed greatly occupied with their conversation, i naci naa a nara riae and a hard drink, and I couldn't resist trying to get up a quarrel with Deering, so I broke in on him and his friend and offered to stake as much as lay there and play him for the whole at poker, euchre, anything he liked. He answered me contemptuously, and rising, left the room. I was in an awful fury, and swore that I'd have his life, and a deal more. The tall friend who remained laughed and taunted me, and gave me more drink, ?o we grew a bit familiar. The upshot was, I went to see him in his private room; there we got abusing Deering to dirt, and I swore I'd have his life. When this man had listened awhile, ?ays he: 'If you are in earnest, I know a party as would give a bigger pile than that' (meaning the money that had been on the table) 'to know that he was safe under the sod, and not only .the serpent but the spawn, too, for,' says he, 'he has a child who may prove worse than the father.' This sobered me. Ay, you may look hard; it had an ugly sound, and blackguard as I had been, I was no cowardly assassin. "I parleyed with him a bit. HowT ?-? 1 V.UU1U gCl UlllC UUl Ui 111 III., t.\cept that there was a good sum to be mine if I would shoot my enemy. Next day I mounted my horse, and rode away to find Deering to warn him against the treacherous devil that was thirsting for his life. It'* truth I am telling yost. Do you believe me?" interrupting himself feverishly. "I do," said Glynn, earnestly. "Pray, go on," urged Lsdy Gethin. "Deeriug lived away at ^ne of the stations in the mountains *-?th a lot of Indians and half-breeds around him. The railway was pushed so far, and the next payments were to be made there. So men were busy rigging up a bar and a gambling saloon, with logs and what not, when 1 rode in and found Deerirg kicking up no end of a row, wanting to prevent the saloon being finished and opened. I spoke to him, as I Lrtpe, full of the best intention?. 1 asked : Jjim to come away out into the open j gea?fc? ????' BMKiM-r.'fra ?? ? rc aHSH5HSHSHSE^?SE5HSHSHS^ ' I " ?e????o?????? ffi hl pJ C? .amberI: | s lystcryo / ? is ALEXANDER. ' -'^1 \\? ESESE5E5E5H5H5H5HSH5HS2^j j1 oi with me a bit. Then I tried to speak m friendly to him, but it was no use. g< He turned on me and abused me. He n< stung me to the quick. I lost all rc control of myself, and pulling out my m revolver. I challenged him to fight tl there on the spot. Just then a boy fc ?oh, of about nineteen or twenty, gi a factotum of Jeafferson's?came up. tl We both asked him to see fair play. D Oh, God. it was soon over! He fell pi at my first fire. Vexed with myself, I ai threw away my revolver, and knelt ai down beside him, calling to the boy hi to help; but a confused sound of tl shouting and a loud hum came from D the village or camp, and the boy said: sj 'They are up to mischief there,' and lc away he ran. Deering seemed to st hear it; he opened his eyes and mut- ki tered something?I could only make h< out the word 'destroy.' Then he tl caught my hand, and with a despair- ei ing, imploring look in his eyes?I see it still?groaned: 'My child? hi save her.' And holding his hand, I Rwnrp T'rt take rare of her so lone as L I had breath. He pointed to a ring on his little finger, and muttered: ni 'Take;' then he said: 'My child,' sc turned sharp, as if in pain, and was cl gone. I took the ring (I'll show it vi to you presently), then I made away sc to his shanty. The devils of miners, w and navvies, and half-breeds had w risen to revenge themselves, and were di wrecking his place. One fellow called u] out that there was a pile of money it in the house, that Deering had got li< down in the town yesterday. The b< lot of them were raging like furies tt and had just set fire to the hut, when tt I got up. There wasn't a sign of the child. I hunted through the place. "I The men all thinking I was dead cc against Deering, didn't interfere with me. At last, crouching in a corner si behind a door, quite stupefied with cl fear, I found a little golden haired hi darling of three or four years old? bi all alone." pi "Had she no nurse?or did the in nurse forsake her?" asked Lady ai Gethin, as he paused. "How did he es come to keep her in such a place?" pi "That I cannot answer. I think I Deering must have been desperately tc poor, or he would not have taken si service with Jeafferson. Anyway, I D took the child, who screamed at me o! in an agony of terror. I told her I d< would take her to her father. I ir wrapped a cloak that hung on the 01 wall round her, and got out. She was G quite still?so still that I feared she ci was dead. So I managed to saddle D Deering's horse, which was fresh, and b< as night was falling I rode away, hi while those mad devils were shout- P ing and dancing round the burning se wreck." He stopped, quite exhausted, m "You had better not go on now," h( said Glynn. "I begin to understand your position. Lady Gethin will, I "5 am sure, return to " D "I must go on," interrupted Lam- st bert. "I can't rest till I have finished; and there's a lot more to tell." b< "He had better get through it," said Lady Gethin. t\ "When I got down to Lima, I went to an out-of-the-way eating house, tt The woman that kept it was a good V soul when sober. I got her to take r< care of the child for a day and a pi night. Then I thought what to do, m for I was at the end of my cash. It di struck me as a grand 'play' if I could gi get the price of poor Deering's life m out of the long fellow at the hotel, n and build up a fortune for the child, fr So I went to him, ana told him what c'r had happened, and a good deal more ri ?faith! I said I found the child ot suffocated with the smoke, and just m squeezed my hand round its throat to n make sure. 'You are a handy scoun- cc drel,' he said; and I answered, 'You II are an unhandy one. Now, are you E going to keep your word, and give n< me over what you wouldn't give poor hi Deering?" d< " 'What he wouldn't take,' says he. di 'How do I know you are speaking the a truth?' hi " 'Send and see,' said I. 'If you cheat me, I'll raise the hue and cry against you.' G " 'Who will believe you against me?' said he, with a sneer. 'Come ^ here to-morrow.' di "To make a long story short, the as woman who had had the care of the child came roaring and crying to this w man, who was another Deering?he w never disguised his name?and said tii the child had been killed, or at any Of rate burned to death, and Deering 25 was killed, too, while she was away sc taking some food to her husband. P' Anyhow that long devil was satisfied and gave me the money. 3i "I had agreed to quit South Amcr- lu ica, and so I took a passage to Mel- m bourne. I never thought the child tr would Hvq; she pined and seemed ca silly. There was a good woman on n( board the vessel we sailed in who ri took to my little darling. She had lost her baby and her husband. She was wonderful fond of Elsie. I called n; her Elsie after a little sister of ray ta own; I never knew what name she cr had been christened. This good woman is Mrs. Kellett. "Well, the upshot was. that she agreed to take charge of Elsie. I paid well; and then I took to break- el ing horse?, and saved?Lord, how I tb saved! I left off drink. If I could co only make tip to that child for all I w liiid robbed her of!?and she began or lo know ine. The day she first put di her little arms round my neck, and al stroked my face, end cried. It was "( then I went over to California. It ni was there 1 fell In with you. Glynn. I seemed a penniless adventurer, didn't 1? Aha, my boy'?I had nigh in a thousand pounds'worth stitched into my belt. I kept out a liltle just to Pc throw away and keep up with the pc others, but did you ever see o>o for- P? get myself in diiDk?" P? "J -vas always struck by your extreme teajperance," returned Glynn. "Ah! wej!, Ihoss Tver* fe^appy days," yO sasagfc????^BBaggs? sumed Lambert. "After that spurl wen., back to Melbourne. Presently rs. Kellett wanted to go home; her other was a widower and wrote for is sister to keep his house; so 1 ime with her and left my precious lild there, where she throve like a ly for near five years. I settled in aris. I declare to God, I used to ( irget she wasn't my own child. 1 7hen she was, as I reckoned, about ( reive, 1 put her into the convent and ( sed to have her out on holidays. . be never enjoyed them more than did, and she grew fonder and fonder ( ! me. Then I made a snug little est for her, and took her home for Dod. Then .1 met you, Glynn, and dw I'm coming to the trouble. You .'member Vincent. Well, when I first et him in Paris, I was puzzled with le notion that I had seen him be ire, and I told him so. Then ne Tinned and said that he was the boy lat had witnessed rny duel with eering. We agreed to bury the ist. Then he proposed for Elsie, 3d I refused him; still he hung on, id asked a second time; after that e got spiteful. You know all about lat time, Glynn! You were at the avilliers' the evening I came in, and iw Deering talking to my El9ie and loking at her. By heaven, I underood his looks! and if I had had my nife in my belt, as in the old days, e'd have looked his last. I thought le sight of me would have frightled him." Lambert paused, and lay back in is chair. "Did he recognize you?" cried ady Gethin, with breathless interest. "Ay, that he did. Ke came the ext day to call, and sat talking so >ftly and elegantly to my blessed lild. At last he begged for a priite interview with me, said he had miething of importance to say. I as obliged to go to his hotel, there as no use refusing. As soon as the Dor was closed he asked me to come p by his writing table. Then lookig straight at me he exclaimed, 'You ed to me. You did not strangle Gil?rt Deering's infant! I recognized le girl's likeness to her mother at le first glance.' " 'What's that to you?' said I. 'here's a crime the less on your )nscience.' "He laughed harshly. 'I confess le was worth sparing; she is a harming creature. You seem to ive brought her up remarkably well, ut I think you have done enougn. I ropose to assume her guardianship future.' I saw his infernal scheme, id I burst out in a fury. I threatled to expose him. 'Try,' he relied, 'and see what will become of It. shall simply tell my story. I went > Chile to find my cousin, who had icceeded to the family estate of enham. I had a considerable sum ! money with me for his use. A asperate scoundrel sees us discusstg business matters, and the money | 1 a table before us. He follows poor { ilbert, murders and robs him; in- ! tes the ruffians of the place to fire eering's house. In the scuffle Gil?rt's little girl is supposed to be urnt?years after I discover her in aris. I denounce the murderer, ive my young cousin, unveil the ionster on whom she has lavished 2r filial affection?and " " 'Lose your estates,' I interrupted. rou didn't want to murder Gilbert eering for nothing. How would my ory tell against yours?' " 'My good friend, not a soul would slieve your word against mine.' " 'You would need a witness or vo,' said I. " 'I might find one,' he said. I lought of his strange intimacy with incent. 'I'll give you a few days to ;fiect,' he went on. 'This is my roposition. Hand over the girl to iy custody. I'll give you two hunred a year while you are above -ound. Refuse, and I'll lodge inforation against you in consequence of ivelations made to me by your lend Vincent. Now take your loice. Of this I am resolved?to get d of you.' He would not say an;her word, and I left him, feeling ore than half-mad with helpless tge?ay! with terror. I am no | >ward. I could face death as steady as any man; but to leave my j Isie at the mercy of such a villain? I I could not face that. Then to md her over to a wretch who would ?scroy her if he could; that idea rove me wild. I appealed to Vin>nt. Vincent coolly told me that I id shot Deering in the back. To be Continued. rrmnn Literary Production in 1906. Ar-mr^inc to a recent issue of Die roche. the number of literary projctions of Germany in 1906 were > follows: General bibliography, literary orks, encyclopedias, collective orks, publications of learned sociees, universities' works, 409; theoljy, 1214; legal and political science, J13; medical science, 1626; natural ience, mathematics, 1233; philosoly, theosophy, 307; education and struction (juvenile publications), 558; science of language and literate. 1365; history, 9S1; geography, aps, 135S; military science, 620 ade, manufactories, intercommuni-' ition, 1435; architecture and engi;ering, 720; domestic economy, agculture, forestry, 816; polite literaire (plays, popular tales, etc.), 2,11; art, 733; directories and anlals, 604; miscellaneous, 582. To.), 23,715. The total shows a deease of twenty-four over 1905.? tiiladelpliia Record. ' Only Two in Office. A man in a certain township was ected constable. The members of >e family were much elated and iuld scarcely contain themselves ith their newly acquired civic hons. At last one of the smaller cliII en said to the wife: "Ma, are wo 1 constables?" The mother replied, Jwan, child; nobody's constable but e and your pa!"?Atchison Globe. Norwegian butter is rapidly' grow O 1U puijujai lavui, III agland. In 1905 the amount exirteH from Stavangar was 600,000 iunds, an increase of nearly 200,000 iunds over 1906, and 325,000 i iunds over 1903. '< ft - J There are no apples <ln China be- 1 n<3 the small crab apples. ( % Household f I Matters, f Maple Frosting. Cook one pint of maple syrup an< one-fourth a cup (two ounces) o butter to 24 8Q on the syrup gauf or unui a inue win lorrn a pieit consistent "soft ball," tested in col water. Just before the syrup an butter are cooked enough add thre or four tablespooufuls of boilin water to half a pound of marshma! lows, and set them over hot watei When the marshmallows are parti melted, beat them into the syrup mij ture, and continue beating until th whole is smooth and cool enough t remain upon the cake. This wi make a thick icing for a large she* of cake. It will be found soft an creamy, and will cut without cract ing.?Boston Cooking School Mag? zine. Outing Lunches. For the outing lunch cheese sane wiches are very appetizing and easil made. Grate the cheese fine and ru it to a paste with melted butter, ses soned as liked with salt and peppe and spread on the slices of bread. . lettuce leaf between the slices ( bread makes a nice addition to th filling. Brown brea-J, cut in ver thin slices, make delicious sandwich< when filled with any filling suitab! for white breads. Meats chopped fine and used fc filling sandwiches are much mor convenient than put up in slices c "chunks," and chicken, boned an pressed, then sliced, makes muc more dainty handling for the coi sumer. Old-Fashioned Indian Pudding. Scald a quart of milk. Beat scant cupful of cornmeal with a cu of molasses and a teaspoonful of sa and stir into the boiling milk. Let cook ten or fifteen minutes, then si aside to cool. Add half a pint of col milk, a heaping teaspoonful of bu ter, a little allspice or clove and cii namon and two well beaten egg Pour this mixture into a well bu tered baking dish and cook in steady oven three or four hours?tl longer the better. "When the puddle has baked nearly an hour pour ov< it half a pint of cold milk, whic must not be stirred, but allowed 1 soak in gradually. The pudding requires in all thn pints of milk, and should be allowe to stand nearly half an hour after is taken from the oven before it served. In baking, if it should h come too brown, cover with a pan < thick plate.?Religious Telescope. Oysters and Macaroni. if you have never served oystei and macaroni do try this recipe ju as soon as an opportunity affords i self. It is such a tempting hot dis to serve with cold sliced meat, or may be well introduced into any sin pie home luncheon or supper. It an excellent way to make use of pint of oysters if one has not a larg< supply on hand. If people were moi careful in cleaning oysters thei would be less discomfort in eatir dishes made from them. Put oystei in a strainer placed over a bow Pour cold water over oysters, alio? ing one-nan cupiui 10 ea.1.11 quart ? oysters. Carefully pick over oyster taking each one separately in ti fingers, to remove any particles < the shell which adhere to the toug muscle. Cook three-fourths of a cui ful of macaroni, broken in one-inc pieces, in salted boiling water unt coft; drain and rinse with cold wate Put a layer in the. bottom of a bu tered baking dish, cover with oyster sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredi with flour and dot over with two ac one-half tablespoonful3 of butter; ri peat, and cover with one-half cupfi of buttered cracker crumbs. Bat twenty minutes in hot oven.?Won an's Home Companion. IttlNTS FOR, THE (Housekeeper^ Hot water,"and it must be hot ii stead of lukewarm, sipped quickl will banish nausea. uvereaung, overneaieci ana insun ciently ventilated rooms and lack < exercise in the open air is very pri ductive of colds. A cup of hot water sipped befoi breakfast will soon make you fe< like wanting your breakfast, if yc have no appetite. If corks are too large for the mout of the bottle soak In boiling water short time and they will soften ? they can be pressed into the bottle. After using a scrubbing brush i water it should be laid back dowi otherwise the wood will soon crac and rot from the water standing in i Do not wash linoleum or oilcloth i hot soapsuds. Wash them in tepi water and wipe with a cloth dam] cued in equal parts of cold milk an water. If the layer cake burns on the bo .om, try setting the plate which coi tains the dcugh mixture in anothe !;iate exactly the same size; this wi make it cook evenly. Jf you have a dull headache froi indigestion, refrain from eating on meal at least, and take a teaspoonfi t' table salt and drink water copiou: cither hot or cold, but preferabl ii is said turpentine will clean ta leather boots. Pour a few drops c ihe turpentine on a woolen cloth an nib the boots with it. Also, that bi /.ana peel will clean them as well z regular dressing. Baked milk is a drink often re( >mmended for invalids. Put the mil .nto a stone jar. Closely cover i Let it bake several hours, when : should be thick and of a creamy cor sistency. The flavor is uDique, au reminds one somewhat of Devonshir 2ream. Jt may be served with frui n merely alone as a cuetard dessert ' THE WARFARE AGAINST DRINK 1 TEMFERANCE BATTLE GAT ITERS STRENGTH EVERY DAY. One of the Marvels of the Age is Ex d pressed in the Phrase, "Kentuckj ' is Going Dry"?The State Maj '' Become Prohibition. y d "Whisky, whisky, all around; buf ^ not one drop to drink!" The words of the Ancient Mariner, thus paraphrased, are appropriate to-day ir 8 100 of the 119 counties of Kentucky, I- CTi ,J. 1 otrauge its it wajr occrn tu a jjuuh. r. educated in its notions of the Blue y Grasg State by the jesters of the c- comic press Kentucky, the home oi i e fine whisky, is in imminent oanger ol 0 becoming a prohibition State. ? At the present time, d::pite hej 253 distilleries, turning out thousaflds of barrels of the fluid (o fill the " "cup that cheers," Kentucky has but four counties sufficiently irrigated tc i- be classed as really "wet" counties Prohibition leaders say that Appellate Court decision in pending casea will make entirely dry the four oi the counties now classed as partially , wet. " Even in the nineteen where liquoi ^ Is sold it is in most cases in but one b or two precincts. Anomalous though it may seem, Bourbon, the county r, from which one variety takes its A name, has but one place?Paris? )f within its limits where whisky may ,e be purchased. The four counties which are large10 ly wet are Jefferson, Kenton, Camp- | bell and Meade. All, with the exle ception of Meade, are still wet because they contain large cities. Jef>r ferson has Louisville, Kenton haa e Covington and Campbell has New>i port. The latter two are directly c] across from Cincinnati, with its Ger,jj man beer drinking population, and j, possibly, it sets the example. While the anti-saloon forces have been making a steady fight for ovei thirty years, it is within recent years only that rapid progress has been made. The passage of the County a i Unit law by the Legislature last win| ter put the most formidable weapon ]( in tneir nanas. vvun tnis mey nave it been able to carry county after county. Their efforts have to this time been confined to counties having no ld large cities because of a compromise t- amendment of the law excepting from a- its provisions all counties containing s. cities of the first, second and third t. classes. a The prohibition leaders already have given notice that at the next session of the Legislature, next win18 ter, they will seek the amendment 5r of the law, so as to cover all coun:h ties. They will then invade some of Lo the counties containing larger cities, among them Fayette in which is Lex;e ington. ^ Though they have given this city litHe attention, the Prohibitionists call attention to the fact that there s are even two dry precincts in Louise" ville itself. >r The sweeping change which has come over Kentucky on the liquor question first came home to most o? the people during the recent Democratic Senatorial primary. Both Beckham and McCreary made their rs fights on the Prohibition platform, st The move was a shrewd one, it t. proved, for the vote of the country districts in the State Is overwhelming, .. compared with the city vote, which might be expected to be against prohibition. Js The campaign was a novelty for a Kentucky, where, according to tra;r dition. candidates in the olden days *q were in the habit of knocking in the e heads of barrels of whisky and allg lowing voters to help themselves with tin cups. With 100 of the 119 counties in the State dry, and 253 distilleries turnIng out their endless stream of }f whisky, the question naturally occurs s, where all this product Is going. Kenie tucky is rapidly putting herself in a jf queer position. She is forbidding her own ^ons to drink that which she is manufacturing for the rest of the world.?St. Louis Post-Dispatch. :h _____ jl* Who Wr.nts the Liquor Saloon? tl Who wants the saloon legalized in our communities? Who wants the r' liquor traffic to become a factor in all our State, county and municipal affairs? Who wants the rumsellers to e- set themselves up as bosses in ward, ul town, city and State management? ;e Who wants the degrading inliuence a. of saloons to offset the influence of our churches and schools? It is easier to tell who does not want it. No good citizen wants it. No man with 3 a family of growing boys wants it. No one with the good of the community at heart wants it. No man with a business which the profits of the saloon would interfere with wants It. No man who loves his fellowmen 3 wants it. No one who hopes for the 5. welfare and happiness of the rising a- generation wants it. yf Even the man who has an appetite for strong drink and who realizes the harm it is doing him and his family would be pleased to have no temptation put in his way. It is simply a o- question of greed rather than of appetite. The rumseller is the real ?e party who wants the saloon, and he . wants it solely for the money it will bring him. Shall he have it??Chris,u tiai^ Work and Evangelist. h Abominable Liquor Dives, a A good deal has been said of the ;o horrible passion inflaming pictures of nude white women and nude NeI gro men found in the abominable liq1 uor dives of Atlanta, Ga. The indiga? nation of the community has been justly aroused to know that these t. things have been going on in the n Negro dives of Atlanta and of -jther cities. Pd Temperance Notes. Chaos reigns among the liquor in t. terests of Georgia to-day. i- In Mississippi only a dozen places ?r now sell liquor. Meridian, with a i] population of 25,000, boasts an empty jail. Jackson, the capital, has long had prohibition. ;n Dalla?, Texas, wants the National ie Prohibition convention in 1908. An '1 invitation, backed by the Commercial s- Club and busiuess interests of the y city, will be forwarded to the Prohibition National Committee. n The new residence district option jj bill passed by the Wisconsin Legisla, ture provides that there can be but one saloon license granted hereafter l" Xor every 250 of the population. LS Oklahoma has joined hands with the Southern aud Southwestern States > Luw trying to limit or abolish the k liquor traflic as a breeder of disorder t. and a clog on Industrial progress, it For twenty years Mississippi has i- | had a local option law. On petition j of one-third of the electors of a coune ty, the Eoard of Supervisors must t order an election, whether any liquor ur aiuuuuiu; Jiquuis tuaji ue &vju ur v given a>vaY therein sf THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON COMMENTS FOR DEC. 15 BY THE REV. I. W. HENDERSON. ___ Subject: The Roy Samuel, I. Sam. 8: 1-21?Golden Text, I. Sam. 3:0 ?Memory Verses, 8-10?Read I. Samuel 1-4. The prophet Samuel, 6ays Rev. W. G. Blaikie, D. D., in his commentary on Samuel, like the the book which bears his name, comes in as a connecting link between the Judges and the Kings of Israel. He belonged tc a transition period. It was appointed to him to pilot the nation betweec two stages of its history: from a republic to a monarchy; from a condl tion of somewhat casual and indefi nite arrangements to one of mor< systematic and orderly government The great object of his life was tc secure that this change should be made in the way most beneficial foi the nation, and especially most bene ficial for its spiritual interest?. Can must be taken that while becomins like the nations in having a king Israel shall not become like them ii religion, but shall continue to stant out in hearty and unswerving alle giance to the law and covenant o their father's God. Samuel was the last of the judges and in a sense the first of th< prophets. The last of the judges but not a military judge; not rulinj like Samson by physical strength but by high spiritual ties and prayer not so much wrestling against fiesl and blood as against principalitie and powers, and the rulers of th< darkness of this world, and spiritua wickedness in high places. In thi respect his function as judge blend ed with his work as a prophet. Be fore him, the prophetic office was bu a fcasual illumination; under him i becomes a more steady and syste matic light. He was the first of i succession of prophets to whom Goi placed side by side with the king and priests of Israel to supply tha fresh moral and spiritual force whicl tho nrpvailinc wnrldliness of the on and formalism of the oth?r renderei so necessary for the great ends fo which Israel was chosen. With som fine exceptions, the kings and priest would have allowed the seed of Abra ham to drift away from the nobl purpose for which God had calle< them; conformity to the world i: spirit if not in form was the pre vailing tendency; the prophets wer raised up to hold the nation firml to the covenant, to vindicate th claims of its heavenly King, to thur der judgments against idolatry an all rebellion, and pour words of com fort into the hearts of all who wer faithful to their God, and who looke for redemption in Israel. Of thi order of God's servants Samuel wa the first. And called as he was t this office at a transition period, th importance of it was all the greatei The first thing that engages ou special attention in this chapter i the singular way in which Samu? was called to receive God's messag in the temple. The word of God was rare In thos days; there was no open vision, o rather no vision that came abroat that was promulgated to the natio as the expression of God's will. Froi the tone in which this is referred t( it was evidently looked on as a wan as placing the nation in a less d< sirable position than in days whe God was constantly communicatin His will. Now, however, God is t come into closer contact with th people, and for this purpose He i to employ a new instrument as th medium of His messages. For Go is never at a loss for suitable instrv ments?they are always ready whe peculiar work has to be done. I the selection of the boy Samuel a His prophet there is something pair ful, but likewise something very ii teresting. It is painful to find th old high priest passed over, his ver erable years and. venerable offic would naturally have pointed to him but in spite of many good qualities in one point he la grossly unfaithfu and the very purpose of the visio now to be made is to declare the oui come of his faithlessness. But it i interesting to find that already th child of Hannah is marked out fo this distinguished service. Even i his case there is opportunity for ver fying the rule, "Them that hone Me I will honor." His entire devc tion to God's service, so beautiful i one of such tender years, is the sig of a character well adapted to becom the medium of God's habitual con munications with His people. Youn though he is, his very youth in on sense will prove aa advantage. ] will show that what he speaks Is nc the mere fruit of his own thinkinf but is the message of God. It wi show that the spiritual power tha goes forth with his words Is nc his own native force, but the fore of the Holy Spirit dwelling in hin It will thus be made apparent to a that God has not forsaken His pec pie, corrupt and lamentably wicke : though the ycung priests are. We cannot but remark what a dar gerous position, in a mere huma point of view, Samuel occupied. Th danger was that which a young ma encounters when suddenly or earl raised to the possession of high epir: tual power. Samuel, though littl more than a boy, was virtually th chief man in Israel. Set so high, hi natural danger was great. But Goc 1 V, 4- V> Arn 1 wnu jjirtteu uiiu uicic, uu^>vu..u^v. . him the spirit of humble dependent After all he was but God's servant Humble obedience was still his dut} And in this higher sphere his caree was but a continuation of what hai been described when it was said "The child Samuel ministered to th Lord in Shiloh.'' An Ancient Sepulchre Found. A curious sepulchre containing th bodies of many children has been dis covered near the Pyramid of the Su at San Juan Tesi Huacan, Mexico The sepulchre was covered by a hug tombstone, on which is carved th face of a woman, surrounded by man hieroglyphs. The body of one of th children was well preserved. This with the tombstone, will soon be tak en to the National Museum. $11,200,000 to Reclaim Zuyder Zee The Government has presented t< the Dutch Parliament a bill for th< reclamation of a portion of the Zuy der See at a cost of $11,200,000. Th< work will occupy seven years anil wil yield about 4 0,000 acres of fortih land. Sahara May Not Be Irrigated. Proposed schemes to irrigate th< Desert of Sahara are said to be im practicable because of the great deptl of the overlaying deposit of sand. Anstralia Has Most Churches. Australia has more places of public worship in proportion to populatior than any other country. > M k^t-UAKit/4 fvtft* f?Urt ft. 1 ti^ucicu Jw" ?"c | j QgDETHoUI^I i i SOUL'S PARADISE. * \ .. All zones I searcted?in pain?in glee? In Paradise, street Paradise. Its stately towers I ne'er could see: Faint Paradise, far Paradise. I Still on I toiled courageously, _ Toward Paradise, dear Paradise. I As I approached, its walls would flee: Sad Paradise, fool Paradise. i ' I X ceased my quest! It then found me! * i Close Paradise, self-Paradise! Now hourly, where I go or be Is Paradise, soul's Paradise. ? ?James H. West, in the Christian Reg , ister. j The Bright Side of Things. 5 A merry heart Is a good medicine, r Proverbs, 17:22. A noted lawyer when asked the ; secret of his success, replied: "I al> ways tried to make people believe I was In deadly earnest. I would look i and act as though the other side had I not the slightest chance to controvert my arguments. In a word, I did my,, t best to create an atmosphere that ~ would be the means of helping , me , win my suit." 3 This answer has a profound truth , in it. It was the deliberate action I of a man of the world to bring about , tne success or nis own ena8. jt wm ^ ; the result of an entirely selfish mo- I 1 tive to effect one's own aggrandize- I s ment. j e And yet the explanation can touch j I us who acknowledge the supremacy s of Christ very deeply; for truly the children of this world are in their - generation wiser than the children of t lirht. The successful lawyer always t tried to create an atmosphere in - c i der to make an impression for pures ly selfish ends; the Christian, the fol3 lower of the faster, ought also to e strive to create an atmosphere by t carrying the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ around with him, to upbuild '-j e the kingdom of God among men and II advance the cause of his Saviour 1 among the nations of the earth. A simple, buoyant, merry, trustful 3 disposition will do more good in the * world than tons of sermons, wagon? loads of supercilious criticisms, car- 4 a loads of biting and sarcastic comD ments. No one but God knows how '* far the influence of one personality e reaches in this world. We shall never y realize until the day of judgment how e much we have damned or blessed our j! fellow men. Therefore, it is of vast d Importance that we carry around with l' us an atmosphere of health, not dis? ease; of light, not darkness; of life, g not death. How can men and women secure a * merry heart, a cheerful disposition, a sun illumined soul? Well, to begin f wich, we must have faith in God. " This lies at the root of all our thlnkQ Ing. We cannot face life bravely and ,, unshrinkingly without belief in Prov' Idence. "To see life steadily and to see it whole" we must have some conception of a power outside our selves, vhat guards us, guides us and 'T protects us. ~Y l> If we have faith in God, a strong D conviction that there is a heavenly a Father who knows and cares for His children, then the next ingredient [l for a merry heart is to work?to lose one's self in some enterprise, to labor D 2arly and late for the accomplishg ment of some great end, to be a crea0 tor in a small way and thus be like e God, who made the universe. 3 What will be the gain of a merry f heart? The Bible says it will be-a^ u -- ?j -.AJIaUA TUaf <o frt DOV if will gUUU U1CU1UUC. ilitti. to I.V LJU.J , .. ..... l' enable a man to look on the bright ? side of things, and surely this will be " of the very highest benefit. We have ' been placed here by a great Being to do a certain special work?a work g that can be done by no one else bat by us to whom it has been intrusted. ~ Therefore, anything and everything 1 . that will ascist a Christian in his life work is a gain and an advantage; and j' most truly a merry heart is a good ' medicine, a brave determination to l look on the bright side of things will ' make a man a blessing, not a curse to e his fellow men.?Rev. George Downing Sparks, Rector of Christ Church, n West Islip, in the New York Herald. i ,r Pitiableness of Self-Pity. )- Desert life has its dangers as well " n as its blessings. To one man, dlsapn pointment and affliction bring onl}^ I e smallness of soul. He spends hi^^^ i- time, when hs cannot get some pajjM g tient person to listen to him, in quiet*--' e ly pitying himself. His own pain is [t given such big piace that he forgets >t j his brother's fight. God pity the man j, ! who pities himself! He'loses the lesil | sons that life should teach, and helps it ' make those about him miserable. . >t j Rather should we have the spirit of a | tne liens giri wuo guj. dbycisi scicm i. falls while learning to ride the bicj-II [ cle. When the gallant of twelve, who >- was teaching her, expressed synid j pathy, she replied with a smile, "You i must just take little knocks like i- that." Let us pity ourselves only for n I our lack of courage to e "Welcome each rebuff n That turns earth'.s smoothness rough." ,y ?Sunday-school Times. e % e A Cause of Waste. s Think of the millions of horseI, power of energy that has been going n to waste these centuries when man i. did not know how to put on the elect. trie harness. And think of the in\ comparably greater amount of energy r that is still going to waste because d men have not learned to wear thv? 1, harness of the will of God instead of e rushing down the precipice of selfwill.?Brethren Fvangelist. An Evening Thought, e Certainly, in our own little sphere ' it is not the most active people tc D whom we owe the most. Among the ' common people whom we know it is e not necessarily those who are busiest e not those who, meteor-like, are ever y on the rush after some visible charge e and work. It is the lives like the l; stars, which simply pour down on us the calm light of their bright and faithful being, up to which we look and out of which we gather the deep. est calm and courage. ? Phillips 5 Brooks. Gold Leaf as Covering. ' ' a Richard Swanger, of Baltimore, 1 who was unconscious for eleven days > from a depressed fracture of the 6kull, caused by a tree falling upon him, is recovering from a remarkable surgical operation as a resultof which t he \vill*carry a quantity of gold leaf in his head. The surgeons at Mary' land University Hospital found a part of the brain covering and a part of the brain itself adhered to the dura mater. The brain covering and the gray matter were separr^d and the ; gold leaf was placed between the ^ | rai i -V s