The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, September 11, 1907, Image 1

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? - '...iSSXSS I >111111 I III I 1 >' ' The Abbeville Press and Banner.! BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1907. ESTABLISHED 1844 i| Advance Fall of the fam "Correct Clothes jo An Unprecedented Display of tl Schloss Bros. & Co., i I placing or iOSpL Men's Fin vite you * . * 3Mg a %gmjg Clothes fo are^lm?s^ H. G~Ander? " The Head to Foot bcmi' i hi mi 1111 mi tin mi mi mi fur I'm n 1111 cm mm MOfiLKSL-AliD A vegetable lard, without any hog-fat in it. Mac p of purest, refined, deodorized cotton seed oil, und< f i Wesson process. Odorless and tasteless, f J For bread, biscuit and fancy pastry baking, fryir F ^ meats, fish, potatoes and doughnuts, and as a substitu fr>r Knftpr it i? tVip nnrpst and healthiest c.nnkincr fa 1 requiring only three-quarters the amount to attain tl same results as from the use of butter. Appeals housewives from economical and healthful points < view. Will not take on odor of fish, onions or an; thing else. Will not soak into or become absorb* by anything cooked in it. feSM r% Cl/CDVU/UCDI SB OvbU C?EI\I wncni H The Southern Cotton Oil Cc ?s New York Savannah Atlanta New Orleans NATIONAL BANK OF ABBEVILL] Statement or condition at close of business May 21 11 Resources. i j - Liabilities. ! Loans and Discounts $210,633 52 (Capital Stock Overdrafts 10,097 39 Surplus and Profits U. S. Bonds 18,750 00 National Bank Notes Other Securities 500 00 Bills payable Real Estate 9,3S3 84 Deposits Redemption Fund 937 50j Due from Banks 33,436 (51 Cash in Vault 19,7S0 87 $303,519 73 I Oldest and Strongest Bank in tlic County. Ample Resources Tor all demands. intf>roMt Allowed on llenosits in Savings Denarti g ., ~ . y - - Showing ous ' f Gentlemen." Le New Fall Styles from -j? m .11' oi .Diliumore. just received and are now l exhibition our new stock of e Clothing. We cordially in;o call and see the new modley are so unusually stylish Jtive that we know it will be h. your while to see them, the bulk of our better grades i the famous house of oss Bros. & Co. timore and New York. s of the celebrated " Correct r Gentlemen." These goods ; too well known to need coml at our hands, but we will e benefit of those who are not ith them, that they are withon the finest ''Readyfor-Sernents that money can buy. been fortunate in securing rvf their finest "nroduG le Fall Display is now comtne in! >on & Co, Outfitters." NT 0? A Hami,ne Appeal. A humane citizen of Richmond, _Ui lud., Mr. U. D. WilliamB, 107 West fiBBOu Mnin Rt... savs ; "T anneal to all n#>r ? ^ ? bods with weak lungs to take Dr. |j L J| King's New Discovery, the only rem? f J edy that has helped me and fully S f * comes up to the proprietor's recomI. L Jj mendation."- Jt saves more lives than f j all other throat and lung remedies put g jmj together. Used as a cough and cold w m eure the world over. Cures asthma, fj bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, f quinsy, hoarseness, and phthisic, stops W hemorrhage* of the lungs and builds At* LJ them up. Guaranteed at Speed's drug 2g& store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. If real coffee disturbs your Stomach, your n"" Heart or Kldneyfi, then try tbta olever Coffee = gpg imitation?Dr. Sboop'i Health Coffee. Or. =; If ' Shoop has olosely matched old Java and Mogpg cha Coffee In flavor and taste, yet It has not a le 0 single grain of real CoQee In It Dr. Sboop'a ImU I Hfinlth PnffHfi Imitation lk made from nnrs er [1 toasted grains or oereals. with Malt, Nate, etc. gfrg Made in one minute. No tedious long wait. [1 You will surely like it. Get a free sample at li H oarBtore' L.T. Miller. [J The Touch that llealB * ' f J is the touch of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. ie fes It's the happiest combination of Arto HS n'ca flowers and healing balsams ever r fj compounded. No matter how old the 01 ?8 sore or ulcer is, this Salve will cure it. y~ U For burn8? scalds, cuta, wounds or ?d L J piles, it has no equal. Guaranteed by P. B. Speed, druggist. 25c. = e 1 cv\t rvt TTmrcVitrnT A fi - m IULL uiiviin^inn " for ehlldrtnt aafo, curt. No opiates s * 1 The State of South Carolina, | ' J COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. " 1 Court of Common Pleas. F S E. L. Richardson. Plaintiff, against The PeoLy pies Savings Bank, Sarah E. Ellis, Mamie ?E. Maglll and E. J. 8. Nash, Defendant*. I Rljgg Summons for Relief. (Complaint not Served) To tbe defendants above named: YUU AKE ?l?JK?,tn' HUMMUIVRU A IN U -1- required to answer tbe complaint In JH this actioD, of which Is filed In tbe office of Jj the Clerk of the Court of Common PleaB for the said county, and to serve a copy of your r* answer to tbe Bald complaint on tbe subscrlb1#, I907. er at bis office In Abbeville, 8. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of tbe day of suoh aervloe; and if you fall to answer tbe said complaint within tbe time aforesaid, tbe plaintiff in tbls action . $75,000 00 will ask tbe Court for tbe relief demanded In 2ft R40 40 tbe complaint. ' To-rn aa Abbeville, 8. C., March 28rd. 1907. 18, <50 00 Wm. N. Oiaydon, . 20,000 00 Plaintiff's Attorney. . 160,929 33 To tbe defendant E J. S. Nash above named: Take Notice, That the summons and oomplaint In tbe above entitled cause were filed In the office of the Clerk of Court for Abbevin? cnnntv. South Carolina, on tbe 85th day of March, 1907; tbat tbe purpose of the said notion Is to remove a cloud from plalntlfl's ? title to real estate, oonRlstlnsr of an alleged uo$303,519 73 recorded deed from John Elmore to tbe defendant E.J. 8. Nash, and alleged mortgage from the defendant E. J. 8. Nash totbede fendant, Peoples Savings Bank. Abbeville, 8. U., 28lb of June, 1907. Wm, N. Graydon, oieiil* Plalntlfl'f \ttomey. WEST END. Mr. Thomas Miller of Dae West spent Sanday bere with bis brothers, Messrs. L. T. and T. M. Miller. Miss Mazle Cason has been bere for a few days visiting ber sister Mra. T. U. Furman at ber pretty new cottage. iurs. \j, u. BTOWU ?DU jniH uoariuiiu Brown have gone to Trenton to spend a few (lava with their aunt Mrs. Margaret Grey. Judge and Mrs. Ernest Gary have been In the city for the past ten days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Gary. MIbh Mary Thomson Is here from Rook Hill the guest of Mrs. W. id. Cothran and Miss Mamie Bowie. Misses Sara and Lnoy Henry are at borne again after spending a while at Horseshoe near Henderson vllle. Mrs. J. Allen Smith, Jr.,ls at borne again after spending a while at Tate Bprlngs/Tenn., and Ashevllle, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Arohle Blount are bere from Savannah, Ga., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dendy Miller. Mr. R. M. Haddon has returned from New York where he has been for several weeks buying bis fall and winter goods. Miss Mamie McCrary baa been bere from Plln?An tra favxr Hova t ha awaM n nnaal nf Miss Lacy Henry. Mrs. Maggie Bberard and Mr. Grler Sherard of Lebanon spent Frlday-ln the olty tbe guest of Mrs. Laura B. Love. Mr. Geo. Speer, Jr., of Monterey spent Bonday here with Mr. Erskine Blake. Mr. ttpeer bas been In Laurens visiting friends. Mrs. L. T. Miller was oalled to Monroe, N. C., Friday on account of. the illness of ber sister Mrs. Alfred Dearing. Miss Eliza Horton of Columbia bas been in tbe olty for several days tbe attractive gnest of Miss Lucy Henry. . Mr. and Mrs. William Hill are here from Charleston spending a wblie wltb Mr. and Mrs. Jobn L. Hill. Mrs. Julian Holsteln bas returned to ber borne In Edgefield after a pleasant visit here wltn ber cousin, Mrs. W. 6. Cotbran. Miss Eliza Mabry entertained a few of her friends at an informal Eaobre party Saturday afternoon. Those present were. Miss Mary Thomson of Rock Hill, Miss Cleora firunson of Edgefield, MIbs Ellse Long, Miss Mamie bowle, Miss Eliza Wardlaw, Miss Lily Templeton. Mlu Frances Calboan has gone to Book Hill where sbe goes to lake a position. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Cowan bave returned to their borne in Raysvllle, Ga., after spending some time hern with Mrs. P A. Cbeatbam. Mrs. Jam6s Riley of Rlohmond, Va., has been here spending a while with her sister Mrs. Frank B. Gary, onrt Mn H SL HnrnwAll am at hnmn again after 'pending several months in Asheville and Hendersonvllle. Mr*. Wyatt Aiken alii entertain Thursday afternoon at a reception in honor of her slater, Miss Taylor, who Is visiting her from Lioalaville, Ky. x Mr. Allen M. Robertson left Tuesday for Clemson where be will oommenoe a fonr years' ooorse. Mr. William Latimer left Saturday for BeU ton where be will spend a few days with relatives before going to 8eneoa where be will be located for a month or more. Mrs. G. A. Neuffer entertained the Euchre C'lnb Friday afternoon at a delightful meeting. Mrs. Wyatt Aiken will entertain the Club at the next meeting. MIsb Lois Goggans, a charming young lady of Newberry, was a guest at Miss Lucy Henry's bouse party for a few davs last week. . Mr. Faller Reese left Tuesday for Olemaon where be goes to-enter College. Dr. W. D. Simpson has returned to Abbeville after spending several days In Monroe, N. C.. with bis home people. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MoFall lire here from Anderson tbegbest of Mrs. W. T. MoFall at the Eureka. Mr. John Hill has gone to ClemBon to begin anotbeifyear's work. Misses Catbrlne and Elisabeth Bean were here last week from Clinton. Two charming additions to Miss Luoy Henry's bouse party. Mrs. Q. W. Speer of Monterey was In the aI?tt MnnHor ohnnnlnrr Mlia Ell? Haakell baa gone to Louisiana where she baa a poaltlon to teaoh. Mrs. W. S. Cottaran entertained Tuesday evening at Euchre Id honor of ber titter Miss Cleora Brunson and Misa Mary Thornton of Rook Hill. Mrs. T. P. Quarlea it at home after a pleasant stay in Spartanburg with her daughter, Mrt. H. F. McGee. The many frlenda of Mra. F. B. Gary are glad to weloome ber bome again and hope that abe may toon be well and atrong again. MIbb Brownlee and Mlaa Sullivan two of Andereon'a moat attractive young ladies are at the Eureka the gueata of Mra. W. T. MeFall. Mn. C. D. Brown's Bridge party laat Wednesday morning waa a moat delightful affair. Alter a numoer 01 exciting gameo mm uurj and Miss Templeton were found to have the largest soore.1 In tbe oat Miss Templeton recelved tbe beau 11 fa 1 cluny lace center pleoe. Alter tbe games an'attractive lnnobeoo waa served. Those who enjoyed Mrs. Brown's entertainment were Mrs. Cot bran, Mr*. Holsteln of Edgefield, Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. W. D. Wilson, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Oarean, Mrs. Aiken, Mrs, Giande Jones, Mra. Bullock, Miss Robertson, MIm Gary, Miss Bowie, Miss Uraoe Smltb, Miss Branson, Miss Templeton. Mr. Cbarley Cromer Is bere from Atlanta spending a few days wltb bis bome people. Mr. J. Fraxer Lyon Is In tbe olty for a few days. Mrs. W. W. Bradley bas been at Bradley fo* the past two weekB visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Tnsten returned from Elberton Monday after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Tbomas Swift. Rev. J. C. Roper Is conducting a series of services at tbe Methodist church daring tbls Mr.' Alec Bowie will be with tbe Perrln Clothing Company during the oomlug season. Use Kaso In your closets. For sale at phone 107. Mllford'a Drag Store. nmSKfflNEYORE Makes Kid nay a and Bladder Right KILLthe COUCH and CURE tot tuwcs with Dr. King's New Discovery C8SSS" JSSl AND ALL THROAT ANOUHG TROUBLES. GUA&ANTEBD SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. Oconee Property FOR SALE. No. 31. 100 acres, 8 miles of Walhalla. 2 miles of Lebanon, at cross 1- i n / - L roaus uiiu uue pmce lur cuumry mure, gin, good building, eto. No. 32. 520 acres. 10 miles of Walhalls, 2 miles of Whitstone, only 40 acres in cultivation, balance fine timber land, has never been cut?oak, pine and poplar. Only $7 per acre. No. 84. 163 acres. 8 miles of Walhalla, 9 miles of Seneca on public road, 40 acres of very fine river bottom, balance of land good, one dwelling and two tenant bouses. No. 49. 33$ acres in the town of WRlhallft cond riwaninir arid all out buildings, land in high state of cultivation . This tract ean be cut up into town lots. All of the above farms I can sell you on easy terms. Write for prices. I have several nice residence and building lots in Walballa and West Union. J. H. DARBY, Real Estate Dealer. Walballa, 8. C. t&T Office : Peoples Bank. Vs ..... * " SmithDry' a Fall Mil Dry Goods The exact date of our be announce . * y V : jM. 49 f .9* ' t - ? ?'* ? ?-m But if you expect to li earlier date, we invite y< convenience and inspec selected stocks of Dry Goods, 1 Notions, Ladies dlren's S evftr shown in this seriin We appreciate your and ask for a continuanc* \ ter how small your wan find the best that money / SMITH DRY TIT n T~1 II. D. JU11I1MI Invites everybody interested in St Silverware, Cut' Glass, Hollow ware, elry, Solid Gold and Gold Filled, to and see his large assortment. He i rying this year a larger stock thai and has to show you things tha enaranteed to please. Watches in O M of all kinds at prices ranging from $50.00. If you are thinking of bu; birthday present or a wedding pr see the beautiful things at his store Remember that Johnson ri watch hospital where your chrono can be repaired and put in first shape on short notice. Watch rep is a speciality. W. E. JOHNS T TIT CTY1XT Cl t ?? U1U XIJ JLuuoiai ABBEVILLE, S. C. Office under the Eureka Hotel, Is well equipped Id his lioe of business. Hih complete stock - - r *1. 4L. A|, Caskets ranges rrom me cneapesi iu iu? uu?t. uunm auucd His funeral car is a fine one. Air tight water-proof steel vaults1 the old brick vault and which is much more reliable. Metal lin side casket. Drop couch caskets. Charges reasonable and serv PhoneSS, J". W. SIGr (joodsCo linery, ! .Notions 1 Fall Opening will d later. save home at an . *' / v|| 3u to call at your i , vJS t one of the best : lillinery, 3 and Chilhoes 1 n of thri State. liberal patronage mi 3 of same, no matits, here you will -j 9 canbuy' > GOODS CO. BELLEVUE, v|p Mlu Emma Wardlaw la at Due West with ^ Mrs. J, C. Kennedy. ^ Bf* Mlu Carrie Cowan baa been elected teacher / I of the School In Flatwoods, she will board *3& ft 9 h wltbber sitter Mrs. Watson. HIS M1m Georgia Kennedy has opened her i. E B 1 aohool near Lethe. w Mrs. Rena MoOee, and little daughter Edna returned to their home at Iva Monday, after a pleaaant visit to relatives. Mrs. S. L. Wilson, of Oralnrldge spent Mone?rlirtcr day In Bellevne. :.*M Clllllg . Mrs. W. W. Bradley and children, of Abbe- M vllie are on a visit to Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Morrah. IcW* Misses Kate and J alia Jay, and Miss Rath Robinson all of Troy were guests of Mrs. Lillie Wardlaw last week. COnic The communion meeting at Hopewell ?J closed on Sabbath, after several days preach- ' lng. IS Car- Mr- W. W. Bradley, of Abbeville, Mr. J. F. Wldeman of Greenwood, and Mr. Ed mon d Wldeman of Charlotte worshipped with the 'ffi I pvPf A. R. P's of Long Cane on Sabbath. L CV CI Messrs John Wardlaw, W. D. Morrah, and and Dr. Brlu spent Wednesday and Thar*- .. '?M f arc* day In Ninety Six. ' V-'sSB I dlC Mr. Gil Cade has pot In electrlo lights. U? A *Ak<A WntflAn .AH A< UM UUfllA iUlt 4XAUUIV TT niCUU, DUU Ul ittilt miuuio o+/-?/-?1r- Watson will attend Ersklne College tbla sesblULK slon. x Mrs. Llllle Bradley, sod Mrs. Kittle Bradm , ley, and children of Abbeville spent Friday % I iO night and Saturday with relatives in this community. . . i;?g| . The yonng ladles Missionary Society will 171 tiff 3. have an toe cream festival at the residence of / 6 Mr. 8. P. Morrah Monday nlgbt. Mr. and Mrs. CdarlesCovrap were guests of 'PQPtlr Mrs. S. J. Cowan last week. iy-3 tocxit, Mrs. W. 0 Bradley of Washington U vUltlne Mrs. J. W. Morrah of Mt Carmel. . a Mrs. Sallle Mattlson and children of Mo Cormlck are gaesU of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Brltt. v. ins a WILLIAMSON PLAN FOR COTTON meter Mr. B. M. Hodton of Camden Htis a . daSS Plan for Making Cotton More . , i W L Productive. To the Editor of Tbe State: A? the "Williamson oorn method" baa been snob a blessing to South Carolina and as I have been accused of withholding what Information I have had on the subject'for " elfish motives," I want to say to the larmera of South Carolina that the Williamson " method la Just as necessary for cotton as tor f J| |\| On the average lands of South Carolina It Is 111 %] Impossible to make a full crop of cotton If JLl ? you have an early spring crop, and I say this after years of experience. I have noticed this year my own crop and several others and find that tbe best cotton to day was tbe poorest tbe first of July, and tbe best cotton we had In this county in June is tbe poorest now compared to What It should be. While this may be doubted by some, I can prove my assertions by some of the leading man nf ?hfi fiountv. The method is simple >ctor. I and, unlike the Williamson method of corn will apply to a large amount of fertilizer, a small amount or none at all. Plant the first week In April, plant and cultivate flat; your orop will grow slowly In the spring, but will grow In July aDd August. when your neighbor has failed. Yours will fruit close aDd make at least a third more than cotton planted on a bed and worked to geta quick growth in June. 1 The best orop In this section to day was oon- . sldered a failure the first of July. This is tbe method by which I made ltft bales of cotton on ISO acres and will do as well or better this ofCofflusand year. wave, on band 1 write not for notoriety, but that I may be Mnicaa .of some beDetit to my fellow farmers. tvilicii replaces jjj was not convinced beyond a reasoned cases for in- able doubt I. would never give my experience ice acceptable, tothepubiw. b m Hudion u*r. C amdeu, Aug. 1W. ..s