. SSfrSjj ' ? I p This man ! out acquaintin of SCHNAPPI qualities that j less expense tl &>. SCHNAPPS has been j , . paper so that every cht opportunity to get acqt: facts and know that dri to produce the cheering the famous Piedmont cc tobaccos, and that SCHN ought to chew. Still tl who accept other and < that do not give the same f: J== , G. F. BIGBY IS DEAD. 1 Was Invalid for Some Tlme-rla HU Death Anderson Loses a Good Cltlien?His Life. 7* ' *.. Anderson Mall. Mr. George Franklin Bigby diei at his home on River street this morning ' at 8.30 o'clock. He had been suffering for several weeks and the end was not V unexpected. The funera! services willbe held at St. John's Methodist church tomorrow morning at 11:30 o'clock, of which church he was a consistent and earnest member. The members of the local lodge Knights of Pythias will attend the services in a body as will the members of the Anderson fire depart illtuiu Mr. Bigby was boru at Honea Path about 50 years ago. He moved to Anderson soon after entering manhood and clerked for Bleckley, Brown and Fretwell. Later he associated himself in business with Messrs. U. E. Seybt and J. T. Jones in the dry goods store of Jones, Seybt and company. This concern conducted a business in the store room now occupied by Orr, Gray and company. About 10 years' ago, Jones Seybt and company went out of business and Mr. Bigby went into the grocery business, which business he conducted until the breaking of his health. Mr. Bigby married Miss Lavinia McFall, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. T. McFall. She with three children survive him. The children are : Lou ise, age 15 years, George, 13 years, and Clarence, 10 years. Mr. Bigby is also survived by many brothers, sisters, half brothers and half sisters. Messrs. William, John and James Bigby of Texas and Mr. Charles Bigby of Washington state are full brothers. Mrs. William Wood of Fort Worth, Texas, is a full sister. The half brothers are : Messrs. Hugh Bigby of Pelzer, Joel, Wister and Marvin Bigby of Honea Path. The half sisters are : Misses Bell, Ora, Emma and Martha Bigby, r \ all of Honea Path. Mr. Bigby has been closely associated with the advance of the city of Anderson. He was a good citizen and at all times ready to do his share to push the city forward. He served several terms as chief of the fire department and at the annual convention of the state lire association a resolution expressing the distress of the members over the sickness of their fellow fireman was passed. His death was due tn a nnmnlinafinn TTia hpurt. Uv?r. and kidneys were affected. As stated above, the funeral services will be held at St. John's Methodist church tomorrow, conducted by the pastor, Rev. R. S. Truesdale. The pall bearers will be: Messrs. U. E. Seybt, T. A. Ratliffe, E. W. Taylor, G. H. Gelger, J. T. Pearson, J. O. Wilson, T. S. Crayton, and D. L. O. Moore. The interment will be made in Silver Brook cemetery. t . Mr. Bigby was a member of Chiquola Lodge Knights of Pythias having taken his page rank Feb. 20, 1891, aud later the endowment rank. As a Knight of Pythias h6 was enthusiastic and ever ready to exemplify the principles of the order. Naturally charitable in his life aud character, his benevolent disposition made him a mod el exponent of those principles which he revered as he did his spiritual creed. In speaking of him this morning a prominent member of the order with whom be had been intimately associated for several years said : "Mr. Bigby was a typical Pythian and our loss bas been one that can not be repaired. While he was not prominent In floor work and in attendance, he practiced the principles upon which the order was founded in that he appreciated the true meaning of friendship, exercised caution in word and act, loved the truth and was brave in defend* ing the right; whose honor was untarnished and who used his best efforts in smeiaing me wean irum oppresaiuu and whose loyalty to principle, to family, and to friends was never doubted. In a word be was tbe soul of bonor and was at all times prepared to do unto others as be would tbat others should do unto him. He was the type of Pythian tbat we all love in life and mourn in death for he honored us by the care of those who by the ties of home had claims upon him and at the same time evinced the keenest interest in the affairs of his beloved order." Chancellor Commander T. Frank Watkins requests The Daily Mail to extend the following notice : The members of Chiquola lodge will assemble in the lodge room at 10.30 o'clock tomorrow morniog and after being foriced by Marshal U. E. Seybt will take a special car for Mr. Bigby's home. The funeral wiil be conducted in accordance with the ritual of the order. Ibe pall bearers will assemble with tbe other members of the lodge at 10.30 o'clock. ' "V. ' . .. bought a supply ( g himself with the 5 Tobacco, which 1 gratify his desire 1 lan cheap tobacco. advertised in this Some day t iwer has had an Schnapps? tainted witli the they've misse lgs are not used , .. quality found in ^ ag juntry flue-cured themselves. APPS is what he STHNAPP lere are chewers cheaper tobaccos cent cuts, an< ; pleasure. sure you get urn i Better equipped tba Sight in the wim, ai fTATl QT)H of fliA riorlit. n J VU WU?4 MV im W A ? jv SOME OF 0 The best lot of farm tools, I Breakers, both kind. See our pi so every one says. See them yo Another Speoi Try us for the best stove soli name means the very best oooki backs. All good points known t< you try one for 30 days on the ho '4a1ta i'+ Itoitlr and i4 11 11u1/ vvo tvxxi mao iv uava iuiu ii Still Sewing machines. Wheeler i Singer and Domestio. See the \ better. Sold any old way, or ai almost. Putman Orga Eoyster guano is leading for Bone" Fish scran goods will do 1 On t Five cars White Milling Co: it's sound and dry. Our Grocery Stoc Flour, Meal, Molasses, Cane Sugar, and Coffee, Tobacco Canm cans. * Wa nnt, oTit, todav thirtv-five " ~ r? ~?ii >i 15c, See them. W. D If You Are i Buy or rei On folra nn V/JL tUilVU VI. If You Are Over-' Buy or ren Then sit back and keep ccol bills, no batteries to buy, ] ?? UnffrvM fr\ rMir>U tITCk C UU I CL U UUU1I tu puoil, wo ? Let us send you an E Come and see our line Water, Light ^^^e^^ww5^^SS225i!555^g / D ?r V rf tobacco with- ? n distinctive taste ' ias the cheering j> :o chew, and at J v a C $ iheyll get a taste of the real they'll realize what enjoyment :d by not getting SCHNAPPS en they'll feel like kicking j i 'S is sold everywhere in 5 t i 10 and 15 cent plugs. Be , the genuine. t i 07. ; i mm1 i ===== ' , < n ever for your business.; 1 id lots of goods to show j rices too. . < < UB SPECIALS. J 'lows, Stocks, 2'horse plows, Middle ow shapes. The best lot in the City, < orbelf, Collars, Fads, ete. ; al, Stoves, Bucks. 1 and they are Books too and whioh ; og machine. White lined. 15 year ; ) the up to date stove maker. Wont 1 mA if vks4 ura ol?>rr> vnn tatflh't. UBOi CUiU li nuat 11 u m i j don't cost you a cent. See them, , Another. md Wilson, No. 9 for the old reliable, rery latest in these goods. Nothing ly long time and too, at yonr price ins are the Best. i the ootton crop of 1807. "Farmers . i ;he work. he road. rn, which is the best for keeping, as ;k cannot be better in i TTott flftt.n. Hflfid and feed,Lard. ? *"V? *"?"l -?I ed Goods, Big Hominy 10c for 3 lb. 1 i doz. curry oombs special at 5,10 and i . Barksdale. Hot it an Electric Fan, le on Trial. worked t an Electric Motor, j for your work is done. No repair qo gasoline explosions, nothing j guarantee the rest. i lectric Flat Iron on trial, of Electric Fixtures. i 1 1 I and Power Co i m ' T" f"~ y' Vv * ' A i Valtiii or u Uanink't The value of any article is nie&Siired y supply and demand. Circumtanres have been known where even dollar was without value. A castaray afloat on the ocean's boundless raste cares nothing' for the dollar that lay be in his pocket, since it cannot urchase relief from thirst and huner. One of Verne's prettiest stories, lysterious Island, tells how bis beDes, to further buoy their fast sinking aloon until they might reach land, fere forced to even empty their pockts into the raging waters below. A dollar's value is therefore governd by what is given in exchange, lany a convalescent who has been escued from the jawsot dtath or the arturesof rheumatism by the iuvestaent of a dollar for one bottle of Lndes' Great Prescription will swear i was the greatest value ever given for dollar. There are hundreds of former sufferers from catarrh, stomach, iver, kidney, and bladder troubles in bis section to-day who would swear be same thing. You can prove hhh. f you want to, by calling on C. A. Gilford, Abbeville, S. C.. for tbe lames of people who bave been cured rtth Andes' Great Prescription. The 3rmula of this remedy (u purely vegtable one) in shown in plain English n each package. Ask any physician lis opinion of it. If a dollar invested for Ibis mediine will give you good health once aore, when perhaps hundreds of dolors invested in other ways have failed o give even relief, would not you, too. ?e willing to proclaim it ilif greatest alue ever given for a dollar? If you re a sufferer, suppose you try Andes' Jreat Prescription at once. It costs >1.00 per bottle, three for $2 50, or six or $5.00. BfcMnrray'* Locals. They write BO smoothly. Tbe Sterling ounuiln pens. Sold only by The McMorray JrugCo. Try Ammen's powder lor prickly heat. Get t at McMurray'a. . AH of tbp Sanltol prpparaHonsfmay be goten at Tbe McMurray Drug Co.'a store. Slro powder destroys me ooor or perspira, Sold by The McMurray l>rag Co. Hot weather tor Jul7, Isn't It? Better get a jox of Ammen's powder for that prickly ieat. The McMurray Drog Co. The most complete line or fountain pen* >n the local matket. Come and see them. The McMvrray Drog Co. Remember, If you get It at McMurray 'a It la the beat of lis kind. I'll stop yoor pain free. To show yon first? before you spend a penny?what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mall yon free, a trial package of tbem?Dr. 8hoop'a Headache Tabets. Neuralgia, headache, toothache, period Mini, etc.. are due alone to blood congestion. Dr. Shoop's headache tablets simply kill pain jv ooaxlng away the unnatural blood pres ure. That 1b all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wla. Sold by C. A. Mllford. Long Live the King! & the popular cry throughout Euro pean countries; while in America, tne jry of the preeeut day is "Long live Dr. King's New Discovery, King of Throat and Lung Remedies!" ol which Mrs. Julia Ryder Paine, Truro, Mass., Bays: ''It never fails to give immediate relief and to quickly cure a X>ugh or cold." Mrs. Paine's opinion is ?hared by a majority of the inhabiants of this country. New Discovery :ures weak luDgsand sore throats afier til other remedtes have failed ; and for ?ugbs and colds it'* the proven remeJy. Guaranteed by P. B. Speed, drug{1st. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle tree. I will mall you frpe, to prove merit, mm pies >f my Dr. Sboop's Restorative, and my book )n either Dyspepsia, Tbe Hlalnt In tbe above entitled cause were flltd u tbe office of the Clerk of Court lor Abbe iH. cnmh fviniina. on tbe 25th day 3f March, 1907; that the purple of the said iction is 10 nmove a cloud frcno plalntlJJ s title to real estate. coD*lntlDR ol an alleged un* tcorded deed lnm John Eimore to the de? endam E J. 8. NKSh. 8Dd allejitd mortgage rem the defendant K. J. fc". I^afeb lothedtendant, PtopleHSavlcgH Bank. Abbeville, tt. 0? 2Stb of June, 1U0<. A ' Wrn. N. Oraydon, Plalutlfl's attorney. Electric bitffi??l?sl0k bitters and kidneys, Thoae^Dew"C^lumbla BhlrU are certain^ teautlea. Only one dollar each. P. Kosen. terg & Co. Mertlv^iii ti N^lii>t]ii|('. ifll tide 4.25 pm '? dne l.OB pfii 88 dno 3.07 urn 41 due 1.0'>am 52 due 12.40 pm 63 due 8.3Spm Tbe Ice cream we are ser\'lng now is made of fresh pure cream, sugar and eggs, tbe be?t tbatcan possibly be made by any one. Trj* It and be convluced. C. A. Mllford. Why pay a dollar and a quarter for a shirt when you can get the new Columbia at Rosenberg's for one dollar? FAIN Pain In tbe head?pain anywhere, has Its cauM. Win is congestion, pain is blood pressure?nothing else visually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop. and to prove it he has created a little pink tablet. That tablet?called Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet? coaxes blood pressure away lrom pain centers. Its effect is charming, pleasingly delightful. Gently, though safely, it surely equalizes the blood drciv lation. -If you have a headache, it's blood pressure. | If it's painful periods with women, same cause. If you are sleepless, restless, nervous, it's blood congestion?blood pressure. That surely Is a certainty, for Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets stop it in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute the unnatural blood pressure. Bruise your finger, and doesn't it get red, and swell, and pain you? Of course it does. If s conration, blood pressure. You'll find it where pain 1*?always. It s simply Common 8ense. We sell at 25 cents, and cheerfully recommend Dr. Shoop's Headache % Tablets , i C. A. MILFURD. Abbeville-Green wo od MUTUAL mrnm ASSOCIATION. Property InBtired, $1,500,000 January 8th, 1907, IX7RITE TO OR CALL on the under*Ufa* " or the Director of your Townshlj for any Information yon may desire abort onr plan of Insurance. Wo Insure your property against dtftrit tlonby m, r,mm or m, and do so oheaper than any insurance Ccm pany In exlstenoe. Remember we are prepared to prov b to yon that ours is. the safest and cheapest plan of Insurance known. J. B. BLASE, Gen. Agent Abbeville, S. G. J. FBASEB LYON, Pres. Abbeville, S. C. BOARD DIRECTORS. S. G. Majors -...Greenwood J.T. Mabry_ ........ Cokeibury W. B. Acker ....Donalds M. B. Cllnkprales Dae West W. W. L. Keller....? Long Cane I. A. Keller ?......Hmlthvlllo W. A. S'evenuon Cedar Spring A. M. Reld ?...Abbeville Township W. W. Bradley Abbeville City. Dr. J. A. Ander?on Antrevllle J. M. Huckabee Lowndesvllle A. O. Grant....? Magnolia J. K. Tarrant .....Calhoun Mills B. L. Edmonds Bordeaux H. L. Ranor Walnut Grove W. C Martin Hodgee J. D. Coleman .. Coronaca D.R. Haitlwanger Ninety-Six J. Add Calhonn....... ..Klnarda J. Add. Calhoun Fellowship Joseph Lake Pbcanlx Rev. J. B. Muse Verdery J. H. Chiles, Jr .. Bradley J. W. Lyon Troy i W. A. Cheatham ....Yeldell G. E. Dorn Call!son G. E. Dorn .....Kirkseys J. Add Calhoun Brooks ?bhevllle.? C.Jan 8 1*7 IKILLthe couch urn CURE the I.UNCS w,th Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C8lds 8 dBBt. AMD ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED 3ATISFACT0BY OB MONET ItEFUNDED. DR. J. A. 13ICK80JV, SURGEON DENTIST. gold fillings; crown and bridgi work a bfecialty. office over barksdale's store. ? ? ??? ? HELF 15 UJWUCJLl) TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE Wo earnestly request all young: persons, no matter 1 bow limited their meana or education, who wish to * obtain a thorough business training and good position. to write by first mail for our great half-rate ' offer. Success, independence and probable fortune [ are guaranteed Don't delay. Write today. . Uu Ga.*Al?. Buinetf Collvfr, Macao. Gv I [STEVENS! YOU LOOK FOR TROUBLE [ If jou obtain a Firearm of doubt* The experienced Hunter's and " Marksman's Ideal ?reliable, unerring STEVENS wwstoit find out why Kit V by shooting our popular IPti BIFLES?SHOTGUNS M I PISTOLS. Urn1 Ask your local Hardware ? MWm or Sporting Goods Mer^ /flfl chant for the STEVENS. If you cannot obtain, we frr JtrfWW 8hip direct, express pre^Hr^l paid, upon receipt of Catai I log Price. Send 4 cents In stamps for 140 Page Illustrated Catalog, Including circulars of latest additions to our line. Contains points on shooting, ammunition, the proper care of a firearm, otc., etc. Our attractive Ten Color Lithographed Hanger mailed any. where for six cents in stamps. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P^O.Box 4097 ^^Jhlcope^raUB^uas^^jL^o^i^j See our new laundry stoves, heats 8 irons, with two 8 inch pot holes in top, just the thing for home laun| dry. Abbeville Hdw. Co. Pile* get quick and certain relief frono Dr. Bboop'B Maple Ointment. 1 lente note it If made alone lor pllea, and 11 h fiction ir positive and certalD. Itching, painful, protrudlugor bliDd piles dlBupinar l)Uo magic by its use Large nlcfcel-cappid gla*s jars jO cciiIh, wol by C. A. Mtlford I SCHOOL I Tablets Ink General School Speed's Dru __________________________ Notice Property . i Paint is the life of Oil is tie life of ps Parian paint carries tw one gallon .paint and w We will sell it to you at! Bailey Builders GREEN WOOI ? r OUR. LIN] LADIES BLACK I is complete. We i all of tlie newest weaves in VOILES, HENRIETTAS, MAS, BRILLIANT! / : i BLACK SILKS A f If in need of a Skirt ar you to see our stock. L.W.V W. S. COTH H or EL ff Jiollovf&iicrete) tes* DZ? 1 TMB PtITVWOWN SY9T01 limn nw i k ****. * FARMERS' BAM~ State, County and C President: Vice-President F. E. HABRISON. P. B. SPEED. Board of" Directors : F. 1 Vieanska, John A. Harris, B. M. Haddon, Le J. F. Clinkscales, C. C. Gambrell. ' We solicit your basinees and ai i it safely and cobsc | We are in position to make you loans, ai 1 when placed in Our Saving's X> NATIONAL BANK OE Statement of condition at close ol Resources. Loans and Discounts* $210,633 52,' Capiti Overdrafts .. 10,097 39) Surpl U. 8. Bonds 18,7.50 00 Natio Otbt r Securities 500 00 Bills Real Estate 9,383 84 Depos Redemption Fund 937 50 Due from Banks 33,430 61 Cash/in Vault 19,780 87: I $303 519 73| Oldest and Strongest Bank In tli Ample Resources for all demani Interest Allowed on Deposits In TT A T TCI riAD mi ilalf valii juvx. PAIN' The kind that lasts- Just ford's Drug ? Call on hira for anything j ou want in th< line. He has what you want, of the be9t qua! See Us Before C. A. MIL "PVi/vnQ _ _ ? | X f v* ; . * V **?: ' S 1 - * . * i rr " nYi'r?...?< iOOKS Pencils Supplies. g Store. ,?| ???crir iirr~T~:*r\:'iiT^uaammxzz. j Holders. | ~ . : a house. ro gallons oil to j , ill last longer. |jj $1.10 per gallon Supply Co., ), s. C. I E OF IRESS GOODS are stowing fabrics and MOHAIRS, PANANES, ETC. SPECIALTY. id Dress, it will pay C't Tliite. RAN, Let us figure with you on II your House . , your Fence or your Curbing. ; AfiiiyiiiiiE ity Depository. Cashier: \ > * ?*** E. Harrison, P. B, Speed, G. A. :wi8W. Parker, W. P. Greene, re prepared to handle irvatively. id to pay interest on deposits, ' ' epartment. ' ABBEVILLE. i r KuaiiiAitii ltfnv 2H. l?OT. I ?- ?, ? liabilities. al Stock $75,000 00(|2 us aDd Profits 28,840 40 nal Bauk Notes 18,760 00 payable 20,000 00 V,* iits 160,929 33 & 5% . iM $303,519 78.^ ie Count)*. Is. i Savings Department. LD MASTIC r! ' '"3 received at Mil- ) Store. i Paint, Varcitb, Ftain and 01 ity. Buying. FORD. - 1071 . . . . v . - ij-Jj