m r I he Press and Banner. Pabllshed every Wednesday at two dollars a a year In advanee. Wednesday, June 12, 1907. The Bible Society. The Executive Committee of the AbbevlPe Branch of the Abbeville DlRtrlct Auxiliary Bible Society met In the efflce of Mr. C. V. Hammond on Wednesday afternoon. May 16, 1907. Present Mr. C. V. Hammond and Mr. Hugh Wilson. Dr. J. Lowrle Wilson, President, and Mr. A. B. Morse, Treasurer, of the society, were asked to sit with them and take part In their deliberations. After prayer by Dr. Wilson. Mr. Hammond < * - ?*?> ? Unruo Qf>nrf>- , W?l PIBUIUU UUIK111IIU ouu tary. The time appointed for the annual meeting of the society (the 4th Sabbath In January) ' having past, Sunday evening, June 23d. was , appointed as the time, and the Methodist churoh the p see for the annual meeting this , year. Rev. E. B. Kennedy was requested to preach the sermon on that occasion. Messrs. C. V. Hammond and A. B. Morse were appointed a committee to canvass the community to collect the annual dues of 50 cents, and secure new members, during the week preceding the meeting. On motion the ofcretsrv was Instructed to furnish these mlnu e? to the city papers with a request for publication two wer-bt, before the time appointed for su'd tneHIng, nod to hav? notice of m eting given from "aoh pn pit the Sabbsth previous thereto The mlttee then at'Journed after approving me minutes. A. B. Morse, Secty. A Fine Opportunity fur a Young Mhii. The Normal scholarship- of the University of South Caro'lna have bten rHis^d In value. Each scholarship Is now o orth 8100 In money, besides remission of S-IO t nit Ion nn< 1 days In tbe interest of a Lyoenm coarse. These attractions bavegreatly Improved in tb? past few year* and It if boped tbat Prof. Entzminger will succeed in potting In tbe course. County Union. Tbe County Union will meet wltb tbe Rbaron Club on tbe first Friday of July. Business tbat most of tbe members bave not beard of will be transacted. Lost. Lost in tbe Honea Patb Section between R. O. Branyon's and Tom Bowen's a gold . watob and fob. Tbe finder will be liberal y rewarded by returning to , Wayman Bowen. Antreville,8. C Bnrr Clover Net-cl Wanted. / I will give fifty cents per crocus sscfc fo? burr olover seed. Each Hack mutt be well itonfra/i Tjum HAPd at Press and Banner of Soil ~ * W. L. Bowman. GO-FLY keepB files oQ Horses and Cattle. 25o and 50c. Sold by C. A. ?illford, and McAllister rk is done. No repai: gasoline explosions, nothing arantee the rest. :tric Flat Iron on trial. it Electric .Fixtures. and Power Co, * i ( v ? i . K' .< ?, . . ? _ , ICK lalf a century has is machine as near The experience of rcCormick has - he head, and will of grass or a stalk f these McCormick at my store. Call r cKEE, Jr. Iciemson Agricoitoral College. Scholarship and Entrance Examination to Freshman Class. The examination for the award of aobolarablpa from Abbeville County and ADMISSION TO FRESHMAN CLASS will be held at tbe County Court Honae on FRIDAY, JULY 5, at 9 a. m. Applicant* for acbolarshlpa may aeoure blank application forma from tbe County Superintendent of Edooatlon. Tbeae blanka muat be filled out properly and filed wllb the County Superintendent before tbe beginning of tbe examination. Tboae taking tne examination for entrance to tbe Freshman olaaa and not trying for a scholarship abonid file tbelr application with' tbe President Mel). Tbe acbolarablpe are worth 8100 and free tuition. Oneaobolarablp student irom ?aoh oounty mar aeleet tbe Textile mane, olbera ma?t take ene of tbe Agricultural oonrses. Examination paper will be fnrnlsbed, but each applicant should provide blmtelf with scratch paper. Tbe number of scholarships to be swarded will be announced later. P. H. MELL, President, Clemaon College, 8. C. 1785 1907 College of Charleston, CHARLESTON, 8. C. 122nd Year Begin* September 87th. Letters, Science, Engineering. Oneeobolar ship to each oounty In Bouth Carolina, giving free tuition. Tuition 840. Board and famished room In Dormitory Sll a month. All candidates for admission are permitted to compete for vacant Boyce scholarships wblob pay 1100 a year. For catalogue, addre*? HARRISON RANDOLPH, J May 22,1907. rreeiaeni. The State of South Caorlina. COUNTY OK ABBEVILLE. ' . PROBATE COUBT. In the matter of the Estate of LeeHadden, Deceased. Noiloe to Debtors and Creditor*. All persona Indebted to satd_fstate most settle without delay, and those holding claims against the estate most present them properly attested to HENRY BADDEN, Admr., P. 0. Ware Bhoais, 8. C. W. G. HOLUKGWORTH KEEPS IN STOCK Bicycles and Sundries Pretty Pictures Pretty Frames x 25 cts. to $4. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. To L. A. Ramey, J. R. Thornton and W. C. McNeil), Trustees for School District No. M: / ' By a petition filed in this office, it appears to the satisfaction of tbe County Board ol Education that tbe law whereby an election may be held to decide #hetber or not a special tax of. four (4) mills aball be levied In School District No. 64 baa been oomplled with. It la therefore ordered, that you bold an election in said Dlstrlot at tbe Lebanon sobool bouse on Saturday, June 16, 1907, for tbe purpose of determining wbetber tbls tax shall be levied or not. R. B. CHEATHAM, Ch., P. L. ORIER, W. R. BRADLEY. County Board of Eduoatlon. r I WfM beat thing: for a crowing boy I Learning to shoot well and ? i acquiring qualities of ? SELF-CONTROL," DECISION,JAND MANLINESS ?mtT are all do* to STEVENS FIREARMS EDUCATION. Ask your Dealer" tor'Stevens'Rfflea? Shotguns?Pistols. % Insist on our timehonored make. If you cannot obtain, f we ship direct, express prepaid, upon receipt of Catalog Price. y Erarrthinff 70a want to know about the STEVENS 3 U found in 140 Pa^a Illustrated Catalog. Mailed (or four conic In etampa to paj poatage. Btutifnl Tan Color Hangar?flna decoration for your "dan"orelob room?mailed for ( centa in atampa. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO." * P. O. Box 4097 /*T " "> I Chicopee FalU. Mui -'ii c * I' ms. zd While we are doing a Tuifkeer Ice oream business, remember we aUU kme oar eye on the prescription and drug departI manL C.A.Mlfrord. rLtl. &??- ' ' 1 \ SSSSiZ&ZUUi&SmitSSSStlUBt&H^^M Notice to Liquor Dealers, f Office of County DiBpensary Board for Abbeville County. Abbeville, 8. C., June, 1907. Bids are hereby requested, in accordance with the terms of the Dispensary law now in force, for the following kinds and qualities of liquors, beer and other articles herein enumerated to be furnished to the State of South Carolina for use of the County Dispensary Board for Abbeville County, to wit: 75 bbls. corn whiskey, give proof and age. 25 bbls. rye whiskey, give proof and age. 10 bbls. gin, give proof and age. 5 bbls. rum, give proof and age. 5 bbls. alcohol, give proof and age. 2 bbls. sherry wine, give proof and age. 2 bbls. port wine, give proof and age. Bids will also be received for case goods, including rye, corn and Scotch whiskey, brandy, gin, rum and wine and beer. Also glass, cork and tinfold, wire and other articles used for a coon- > ty dispensary. All goods shall be furnished in compliance with subject to the terms and conditions of the Dispensary Law of 1907, and bidders must observe the following rules: 1 Th? hlHo ahail ha Bpftlpd And there shall be no sign nor mark upon the envelope indicating the name of the bidder. 2. All bids must be sent by express or registered mail to W. T. Bradley, County Treasurer for Abbeville County, at Abbeville, 8. C., on or before 12 ?? o'clock of the 6th day of July, 1907. The contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder on each kind, the board reserving the right to reject any and all bids and any parts of bids. The board reserves the right to increase or decrease the above quantities at the same price as therein submitted. 3. All goods to be delivered f. o. b. Abbeville, 8. C., freight prepaid. Terms: To be paid for within 90 days and subject to regauge at oar warehouse. Bids will be opened in the office of the County Dispensary Board at Abbeville, 8. C. G. A. VI8AN8KA, W. F. NICKLE8, , T.J.PRICE. County Dispensary Board for Abbeville County. I Through the Country ^rom Aibem, etorgla. Messrs. Will Lyon, Paul B. Wilson and W. C. Waldrop left Abbeville on last Sunday for Athens, Oa. They weot to bring to Abbeville an automobile which Mr. Waldrop bad bought. Tbey landed safdiy at their destination and were soon sooroblng tbe air In the big touring car toward Carolina. Things went well antll they were In fonr miles of tbe city of Elberton, when unhappily, one of the young men enquired of a negro with a soared mole If they were on the right road to Klberton. "Yes, sir, keep Htralght on" was tbe reply to tbe question. The sept ' straight on." in the direotlon ol Tampa, Florida, where they would have been by this time had they not stopped. They did stop, bdwever, after rnnnlng fl?r enough, as they tbonght, to be In Sooth Carolina and enquired how far tbey were from Elberton, and discovered they were some forty miles from tbat particular "burg." Tbe trouble arose from asking tbs fellow with a soared mule about the direotlon. Tbe fellow with tbe I mole was not particular wblob way tbey went, provided tbey went, Tbe foot was tbe ? negro was about as soared as was the mule. Like the old oouple that wore Jogging a^ong in a sbay behind a good old family horse, when unexpectedly an auto came tooting A and puffing alone the turnpike like a KansM M cyclone. As inon a thing bad not been heard fl of In tbat part of tbe oountry, muob lees seen, tbe horse, tbe old lady and tbe old gen> tleman, all three, were about to taka to tbe tall Umber, tbe old lady being especially boli teroos. Tbe engineer jumped out of the ma eblne and kindly offfeted to lead the bone by. "Darn tbe borae," replied the old man.' You lead tbe old 'oman by, I'll manage tbs horse. Tbe negro tbe youog men enquired the wsy of bad something else to think about. Just Bj then, and so tbey landed somewhere near tbe thriving town of Washington, Oa. Now Washington Is rather remote from au tomoblje orators and In many places such s thing be* never u-eu Men. The boys were H passing through Just sueb a oonotry lane at a qnlet 30-mile cup when tbey spied a lone some pedeHtrlan Just ahead. Whether from H h desire to test bU athletic prowess or w ether from sodden fear, it is not known, hut tbe fact Is olear tbat when one of tbe young men B equeeced the "honk" ball, that lon*>y pedes trlan leaped a leap tbat would put a'Ynle po e ' vaulter In ibe deoest of shade, and proceeded Immediately to do a pleoe of sprinting tbst would reflect credit on an African osiricb or bring tb" laurel lo tbe brow of a oonteataot. I at tbe Olympian races For half a mile be led tbe boys a paoe wortby tbe race track nor did be slow up until be reached a path tbat B led blm out or tbe track of tbe tblug tbat was behind blm. H On this particular day, wblob arrived on time Monday morning. . P, Speed's Locals. la A fresh lot of tanglefoot fly paper received . at Speed'a drug itore. *< Smoke all tbe free clgara yon ean get boya. It will make yon appreciate Speed's Clnooa tbe more. If yon want a box of nice candy go to w Speed's drug atore. I Smoke Speed's Clnco olgara and enjoy life. '? Tbere is nothing to compare wltb there. * " *4 >k>A?iWa( to Use good paim anu on, it ? mo iwminwii Speed's drug atore. Floe olgara and tobaoco at Speed'* drag tl tore. to d The No Name bat Tor two dollars and fifty "pdu baa no equal. Weaelltbem. P. Roson- 1 berg & Co. 80 1 W SfeMnrraj't Locals. Wouldn't yon be willing to pay 25o to get rid of tbat prickly beat? Get a box of Am- * men's powder at McMnrray's. ?? *!-' nlnlAt lalnnm nAvrlflr In OOO uur B^OVIBI vaVJUW K- ... on glass. Only 25 cents. McMarray Drug Go. Yellowstone Park cigars are the beat there Q{ are. 5 cents. Tbe McMarray Drug Co. 35 nc It oream ! Ice cream ! tbe real tblng, at 1 Millord's. gl Local*. m Clean and brighten your furniture wltb ' Ltqutd Veneer, does not scratob, nothing like itc It. Speed's Drug Store. I0( Tbe old, original, reliable Native Herbs and Tablets for sale at Speed's Drug Store. | Tbe Liquid Veneer for cleaning your furniture and you will uae no other. Makes It I like new. Speed's Drug Store. I If you want to sleep good, have pleasant dreams, aud get up wltb a good taste in your mouth smoke 8peed'a Clnco Cigars. U] i No need for mirrors If yon polish your ol furniture with Liquid Veneer. Speed's Drug w ! Store. bx |j No regrets after smoking Speed's Clnoo ?' Cigars. You feel that you have the worth of BI . your money. W I Fresh Candy always at Speed's Drug Store, it | V ??tr i < .^.- ,-,- . WHEN IT ?| COMES TO Jk The ACTUAL jB f tsHtmm wo-vroy m No tobaccos ever made crfrl/ can surpass our Plug, Twist and S hibited in competition with the worL to win the golcfmedal for their genera and for their decided superiority ov "SHOW DOWN" is one oi theco Only a few years old, its unrivale I q of the leading sellers over all oth< thoroughly satisfies and perfectly classes. Sold at 10c and 15c per plu Always buy "SHOW DOWN," i is many an article you need for j ou ment which these tags get for you A copy of our 1007 premium eatal^-uo, whi , .lex'.eJbnee, hij-'u; uii^'y ' \ i cr all Mwjr-i'ry O'd, I j - 1Mb mir:^ brantM o\ A . e* ,.u j j ual:tieshvv'cr.i;v!:2 ii? if ei* fluo-r rsJ| g or Si cut--. 18 ; andsa"0 ti.-.t;#* O r .V ^^B .?iunuf -c!.i re?. w!'!'. , .1 \ ? xijit Of o'lljr ic ill ;rjjLa'/0 Lynchburg, Vx .'j I ? js f aoa?a?2i'icsi?afckiAv<^.w .xisatar mmm 1 ;entlewoman nse the skin, but lackheads, takes out IpvM luscles, animates the<*?|t?fl(/\ flesh firm and solid. 0yft takes away shaving * >$ recognize the value M|| maintaining a, clear ttiT& \T OUR STQRE^Jfijm y Drag Co. t's Coming | r &: . the good old ?? , summer.,time usb sb Get Ready forjlt:! Ice Cream often ^ L dessert the children can'eat. tetter for grown people than ooked desserts. Easiest thing in ae world to make if you use a ,v $ Peerless Iceland Freezer 3ne motion). Freezes smooth, rm in three minutes. Patented :ationary dasher scrapes cream :om rapidly revolving can? ives the cream plenty of motion. See it at our store. aminocks! ; JjS Hammocks! Hammocks! t all prices $1.50 tO $5 LY FANS! * NICKLE PLATED, ADJUSTABLE, KEYLESS, Insures Your Pleasure at Table. BLUE FLAME [L STOVES! K HOT WEATHER COOKING, , ONOMICAL, CLEANLY, SAM. 'ALDING'S BASE BALL GOODS. Seville Hardware Co. st before leaving for the Jamestown extlon call In at Kosenberg's and get a nice case. hen you travel bave a good alout trunk wont.break to pleoes you can get It at ?n berg's. o have a good line of buggies at reasonairlces for caBh or on credit. P. liosenberg i. ben you want to buy a buggy call and see mberg's. tsenberg bas a splendid line all leather oases and band bags. , ' . . ...