The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, June 12, 1907, Image 1

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'JSJ'.. "OTfiWMHHVIII J nwi IIIHWWWg|BWWPMWW?WPP???1?^WW?WIWPiWB =gg^?W3gg5aW?.<B!BB^WIWgqa9!WPPBagMjBWE)CW?Mpa?q^raa?^lll IJ '" '* "' "'' " ""*'" -JJIThe Abbeville Press and Banner, ! BY W. W. & W. K. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1907. ESTABLISHED 1844 jj Dargan's These two Free zers are the best Pa made and you will find tliem rea- ac sonably priced here in nil ]{, ha la< We alro have The American - Twin and White Mountain. Dargan's LAWN ] ? Over 100 Varieties of designs of Lawn Fence Structur Wp ihus meet all tastes an Nothing so mars the bear sightly fences 6f a by-gone age. IMPROVE! E ESTIMATES PROMPT Call, write or phone us to-c w n ha Vf A/. A/iA ? iMetlWIWHWIWIWil*)!!* lllSTANDARM i^sNOWD I l^jjj I US. I tesOUTHERNlC f NEWYORK-S.V f ATLANTA NEW J plies. Write ue for anything in the macb Sullivan Hardware i 5 & 10c "Whatfoever Ye Sow." I There recently appeared in a popu- I r magazine an article on tie specialfierce compelition encountered by ncrican mannfactnres in Central and iuth America, but this is an example what American-made goods - nay ishville-made goods, can accomish From Bluefields Nicaragua, ihe lillips <k Buttorff Manufacturing impany recently received an order r the sixih double oven National eel Range, "iu be packed in 125iund sections, . for transportation rt of the way on piulc-back !" This harvest is the outcome of the cidental sale of a National Steel inge there some months since, which d proven so sterling in endurance d pood service that when others eded a like equipment, the National eel Range was the only ore> consid?d, even though neces.-ary to bring a thousand miles." No ore star improvement makes the itional the best. [ts quality begins with the first >el plate and ends with the last rivet, ch step in building it is done right, e steel is heavy, ine iron tcugh, the jkel plate thick and the riveting lit. ts all these things?seldom found in e range?that make the National t and save fuel. i 5 & 10c FENCE s r< Steel and Iron, b D age Wire Fence, ? and American j> ? it Wire Fence ? . . di most Modern and Artistic es to choose from, d requirements. f<: ry of our city as the n- S| eautify! :ly furnished. 8 [ay. ,n RKSDALE. * as QUALITY |! 1 _____ 2 flf ? fl| va th _____ ac Uli i\u/i i v | ' I ?SE) i i INSPECTION I i HTOlf)IbCd|l | /ANNAH I ORLEANS ^ 1 $ j V 6 t 'eerless Portable Engines: Are the beet general purpose engines i the world. We carry them in stock We are the headquarters for Peerless Engines, Saw Mills 1 and Threshers. < i lso Atlas Engine* and Boilers, De < ioaoh saw Millsand Shingle Mills,&c ! We carry a tremendous stock of al inds of belting and macljtfuery sup ' linery line. Co._ Apdftrsop, S. C.I > r ; r^4 j . store. < ? il3IS5Ljr. ?r. .-??? o HI This wonderful J ti National Steel Range 2 is sold exclusively in jj g Abbeville at this store. [j ft! Call and see them. " \ * zi x & it : c 8l ?l 5. Store.I 83 ri KfinnrkHble Rencne. ^ That truth is stranger than fiction, a] as once more been demonstrated in ie little town of Fedora, Term., the *idence of C. V. Pepper. He writes: ^ I was in bed, entirely disabled with emorrbages of the lungs and throat. at loctorn failed to help me, and all hope a[ ad fled when 1 began taking Dr. p( ling's New Discovery. Then Instant ?g ;Iiefcame. The coughing soon ceased; g, ie bleeding diminished rapidly, and ar 1 three weeks I was able to go to Dj ork." Guaranteed for coughs and >ld8 50c. and $1.00, at P. B. Speed's tj( rug store. Trial bottle free. or ? e\ Corn for Itch. w Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wool- t0 rd's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by P. B. peed, Druggist. 3m* *a . .oi UftdUon'8 |LocbI8. ^ Just received a lot plaid bwIsp, tbe newest lng out. Tbe R. M. Haddon Co. We keep our stock up all tbe time. When need of dry goods and millinery call on tb ie R. M. Haddon Ca iti 311 bi>. silk*. We bave tbem In all tbe lead g colore and price?. Tbe R. M. Haddon Co We are busy all the lime. We bave no dull iye. Our eoodB are what tbe people want. U1 ie R. M. Haddon Co. m< Whfn In town don't forget to call and see ca . Tbe R. M Haddon Co. ? ch Wintlirop College Scholarship and Entrance ci Examination. b3" v I* rhe examination for Ibe award of vacant bolarHhlpit In Wlmbrop College aDd for the /? mission of Dew uludents will be beld at the ID lunty Court House on. FRIDAY, JULY 5, co O a. m. Applicants muri n?j nut lea* thao . teen yeara of Hue. When Scholarship are Iet CHted after J ly 5, tbey will be awarded to | ose making the highest average at this fx- ?rl lnatlou, provided they meet the eondi- , ?n? governing the award. Applicant* for Wl bolarNblps should write to Presideul John- of n before the examination for Scholarship Qp Hmlnatlon blaDks. Jf io.iolarfblps are worth S100 and free tuition le next (tension will open September 18,1907. m >r lurtber Id formation and c&UlOKue, ad- aii ess Pres. D. B. Johnson. Rock Hill, S. C. , tiarlesiOD and Wf stern Carolina By idf of Schedule In effeot Jan. 10, 1907. fr( Dally Daily Dally ar 7 Augusta 9.50am 5.05pm 6.80am r McCormlck- 11.85am 8,50pm 8.13am Pr v McCormlck 816am or v CalhouD Fall*... 920am ar r Andersop..., 11.00am v MoCormlck 11.86am 6.62pm r Greenwood 12.98pm 7 45pm Ul r Waterloo 1.09pm sv r Laurens 1.40pm 8U Ex. Sun. ra v Laurens, 2,10pm 8.10um r Fountain Inn... 2.62pm 9 25am ll< r Greenville 8,36pm 10.90am at v Laurens 2.07pm al r wood roc y.4ypm to r Spartanburg 8.40pm spnriaDburg..... 4.00pm (So. Ry.) r Hendersonvllle 6 26pm * r Ashevllle 7.80pm ai v Ashevllle ... T.l5am (So. Ry.) v Henderionvllle 8.10am Cl v Hpartanburg 11.50pm (C. 4 W. C. Ry) Ql v Woodruff 12 38pm gt .r Laurens 1.22pm iv Greenville 12,10pm 4.80pm Er.Sun. P, v Fountain Inn... 12.58pm 5.26pm 11 r Laurens 1.85pm 6.20pm re iv Laurenu 2.02pm (C.N.iL.) a! ir CI In ton 2.22pm ir Newberry 8.10pm t, it Columbia 4.45pm lJ lt Charleston 9.50pm tl ,v Laurens 1.50pm C. 4 W. C.) 8t <v Greenwood 2.52pm 6 55am U iv ADderson 4.15pm gi jv Calhoun Falls... 5.4ipm ir McCormlck 3.45pm 7.47am 6.48pm iV McCormlck 3.45pm 7.47am 6 50pm tl ir Augusta 5 80pm 9,30am 8 80pm e) Note?Tbe above arrivals and departures,as il nail nc /?nnro?HAno mtlh nthar Anmnonioa ATA 4 4 ;lven ad Information, and are not guaraneed. Through Pullman Sleeping car Augunta b md Jacksonville Dally. Lv. Augusta 10.30 ^ m. arrive Augusts 7.40 a. m. Ernest Williams, O. P. Agt, Augusta, Ga. r< R. A. Brand, Traffic Manager. o HELP IS OF FERED I TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE J We earnestly request all younfr persons, no matter _ how limited their means or education, who wish to * obtain a thorough business training and good position, to write by first mail for our great half-rate fc sffer. Success, independence and probable fortune w ire guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. I the Ga.*Ale. Business College, Macon. Gs> ? plffi t ric thebestfor | [ pBILIOUSNESS^^ It ? DB I I tno V Call and Bee aa when yon want a baggy.' J We can please you. P. Rosenberg A Co. t / < ; FRANCHISE. ; t V ( South Carolina Public Sor-j vice Corporation. An ordinance to authorize and eraower the South Carolina Public Serice Corporation, its successors or asigUH to construct, maintain and operte a railroad or railway system, withi the corporate limits or the city of Lbheville, State of South Carolina, nd to carry on the business permitid by its charter within the corporate mits of said city. Be it ordained by theMayor and Alermen of the City of Abbeville in the ity Council assembled: Section 1. That the 8outh Carolina ublic Service Corporation, its suscesjrs or assigns be and the same hereby i authorized and empowered to eoiitruct, maintain and operate a Railed or Railway System, through, and rithin the corporate limits of the City f Abbeville, aud to lay and construct Lieu irauKH, ciuiugn, lui u-uuio, uiuooigs, crossovers, poles, wires, special' ignal devices, and other appurtenanea necessary and desirable Iti connecod with tbe operation of said railroad: ystem, and to lay, maintain and oontruot such pipes and conduits for tbe ransmission of gas and electricity as lay be required in tbe cooduot of it* usiness and to operate its passenger, iail and express cars and electric enines, upou, through and over tbe foliwing streets and no others, wjthin be city of Abbeville or such, of them a may be desired, viz: From the city rnits along S?ces?ion Avenue to lagazine Street, thence along Magaine Street to Main Street thence along Iain Street westerly to the City lims and upon resolution of tbe City ouucil over and through any other reels now existing or hereinafter pened in said city. Section 2. Tbe said Corporation e sail have tbe right to cross an street* . ecessary in constructing, maintain- t ig and operating tbe main line and | ding* of the said railroad of railway r-stem, whether lpcated on private p ghts of way or ou the streets herein H efore'eoumerated. I Section 3. JTbat in constrnctiog r id maintaining tbe said railway le tracks sbAll be laid wltb suit- c >le rails and in. such manner t tat they shall he on a level with r le surrounding surface of tbe street -v id that in maintaining the tracks K id in operating said railway tbe Cor r >ration hereinbefore named, or its g mlonu ahull fnrninh nn ureatpr oh- _ '" ft""! " O I acle than l* neeeasary to the free use * id enjoyment of said streets by peo- r e^generally. m It shall be the duty of the corpora- a 3D to whom this franchise ia granted, c ' their assigns, to forthwith restore c rery street to as good condition as it w as before used or occupied by it, and v keep aod maintain the surface be- e ?-een rails of the tracksfcnd for a dis- tJ nee of eighteen (18) inches on the itside of each of its rails, in as good _ uditiou as the City maintains the ilance of the streets. Section 4. The motive power used r propelling the cars and vehicles of -i e said Corporation, shall be electric- i. f. Provided, that upon resolution j isaed by the City Council such other ^ iwer or powers as the development mechanic8 or economy of operation b ay mafce desirable, may be used in ' rrying on all the business of the said >rporation, as permitted by its said ai arter. ? Section 5. The cars and trains of all ilroads, crossing at grade within the ^ ty limits, must either be protected ' an interlocking and derailing dece, located at the intersection, or me to a full stop on approaching tbe tersection, and not proceed until tbe J nductor has gone ahead and signal- ... 1 to do so. |J Section 6. The head ear of eve'y { iin must be equipped with a bell or tiistle to warn vehicles or pedestrains ?. its approach. Every train or car u erating wrthin the City limits at a ~~ te of speed in excess of fifteen (15) P ilea per hour, must be provided with r brakes. S Section 7. .The said corporation shall emnify and save harmless the City tl Abbeville, its officers and agents, " am and against all damages, claims l| id demands for injury to person or operty, costs, charges and expenses, r! compensation for or on aooouut of Jj ty defect or defects in said streets In ^ naequence of said corporation's fail- ?> e to keep its tracks, turnouts and pitohea in repair, or in any way re- . ilting from negligeDoe of the Corpo* ' lion in the construction and opera- ^ an of its railway upon and over said : reets and to reimburse said City for " 1 loss or damage at any time sus- " ined by it on account of said defects ? negligence, and also that it will ? ,ve harmless said City and its officers " 3d aeenti from all claims for damages ? >r injury to person or property, coats, ? larges and expenses growing oat of,resulting from the erection, con* raotion, maintainance or use of said ? ales or wires on said streets, includ- * lg the transmission of electric cur- ? ;n ta or escape of the same, and from ? ay loss, costs or damage of every ind which it may at any time suffer ? trough the negligence of the corporaon by reason of the erection, con- * :ructlon, maintalpanoe, operation and 1 se of the electric system, or any other ! pstetp of motive power. 1 Section 8. That the rate of fare for ae transportation of passengers for g fioh passenger for one continuous riae ? i one direction, within the City lim- " a, shall not exceed tive (5) cents. Section 9. That the Corporation t ereinbefore named, or its assigns, ball have the power to charge such easonable rates for the transportation , f freight over its lines as may be ad- * iaable and established by it, or as may 3 e agreed upon by it and the consign- 1 rs or consignees of freight. Provided, 8 'bat in the transportation of freights ; here shall be no discrimination in fa- i or of any person over another. J Section 10. That the Corporation lercinbefore named, or its assigns, are .ornh\r unlhnri'/o/l gllH pmiWUVn^ll tO ( ?V.WWJ HUiUU.KIVU , stabliHbed such reasonable rules and egulatioDs for the government of all ersons while passengers upon any of t heir cars as shall be approved by the ' Mty Council of the City of Abbeville ] ehicb approved shall oe certified by c he Mayor Clerk of said Cityt and t " ; / X/.Vv ' h; . .. v.... when said regulation shall have been approved by the City Council and duly! published by being printed ou placards ind placed Id a cmisf icuons place in ;ach of the naid cars used for p issen-1 sci^ iju Bjtiu aireei runway, mey snail iiave the force and effect of an ordinauce of the Hald City, any auy violaion thereof hy any person shall renJer that person guilty of disorderly conduct and shall subject him to a flue >f not more than One Hundred dollars >r imprisonment for not more thnn hirty days, within the discretion or >f the Mayor. Section 11. All cars operated upon laid tracks shall be entitled to the right >f way and the drivers of auy and all vehicles obstructing said tracks shall urn out and leave the traces free upon he approach of any cars, so as not to ibstruct the passage of same, and any 1 river or person who, upon the call or ilgnal of the motorman, conductor or iny other person In charge of any ear, ihall neglect or refuse to vacate said rack shall be subject to Imprisonment or not less than one day nor more Lan thirty days or to a flne of not less ban one dollar, not more than One :JT..?J .l?11 U ...i nuuuicu uujiaio, iui oauu auu cvcij >ffenoe, to be collected as other fines ire collected in the said City of Abbeville. Provided, That the provisions >f this section, shall not apply to the , various fire apparatus, engines or rucks of said City, which shall at all lines have the right of way on all itreets in case of fire. Section 12. Nothing herein conained shall be construed as in any nanner limiting or interfering with he right of the said City in working,' trading, and otherwise improving the itreets of sewerage, or in prosecuting iny other work of a public character. Vnd whenever in the prosecution of Ih public works, on its streets and iewere, or on work of auy other kind, he tracku, road beds, pouts or othei jroper <y of said corporation, or its a*-, ligu*. shall be in the way of such work, >r an interference or blnd> rapce th? reo( the said tracks, road bed*, *ponts, itc., as the case may be shall bu reinovd out of the way by said Corporation, ?r it* assigns, to the end that said City nay prosecute said work withouf&u> nterruption thereto or expense iu so loing than if such road, bed, tract*, oats, etc , bad not been placed on said treets; and said City shall not be held iable for any damage resulting to said ail way syetem by reason of auy thing lone by it of its employees in the di? .. t I rlnf./t D.nui.luH UI UU1UHI UUOIO^I A. 'UIIUVU, loweyer, thai said City shall exercise easooable care Id tbe prosecution of to work; aud provided further, that 9*d railway system shall have the lubt to replace its said property on all uch streets ou the completion of such tublic works. Seotioo 13. Tbe said South Carolina j 'uhllc Service' Corporation, its stlcce*- < ors or assigns, 'shall have full power nd authority to erect its plants and to arry on and conduct its business as a ommoD carrier on the streets named rith tbe City of Abbeville which is proided for aud permitted by its charter, itber over its own tracks or over racks of any other company with rblcb it may make suitable arraDge3ptvh, subject at all times, however, j tbe existing laws and ordinances of lid City of Abbeville. Section 14. The privilege of franbine herein gianiea shall be absolutely void and of no effect unless active oiia fide construction of said railway e commenced within three (3) years Iter tbe passage of this ordluauce, y said Corporation, or its assigns, and uless saiu system hubu ue uouauuuwu, quipped and put Id operation witbin x (6) years frpm the passage of this rd i nance. Section 15. Any violation of any of te provisions of tbia ordinance by the lid corporation of by any of its offl>rs, servants, agents or employees, . )all upon conviotion before the Mayr of tbe City, subject the corporation ? a flue not exc edlng One Hundred >llars, or any officer, servant, ageni r employee of said corporation, violatig any of tbe provisions of this ordiance sball upon conviction before tbe [ayor be fined not exceeding One I lundred dollars, or in default, be lmrisoned with or without labor on tbe nm?a nf Qli/1 PUw a MM tw aj m v? nwu v#vj ) av* m ariod of time not exoeeding thirty ays. Beotion 16. If at any time during le term of this franchise said electric til way shaft dot he operated for a peod or six months, except for unavoldble accidents, strikes or bv reason of i idicial restraint, then the City Coup* J il shall have a right, after fifteen days otioe to declare th(s franohise to be lereupon absolutely null and void. Seotion 17. The powers and priviiges hereby granted shall not vest so s to be binding as a contract between tie City of Abbeville and the Corpora* j ion hereinbefore named, or its assigns, ntil the said Corporation or its as- ' igns shall bave executed a formal ac eptaooe in writing of the provisions f this ordinanoe, wbioh written ac- j eptanoe shall be filed within ten day9 rom tbe ratification thereof with the J Herk of tbe City Conncil of the City f Abbeville, wbo shall record tbe < a me on the Ordinance Book at the } oot of tbis ordinance and tbe Mayor , nd City Clerk shall furnish the Cororation hereinbefore named or its as- i Igns, a certified copy of said ordinance 1 ,ud its acceptance thereof as filed with be Clerk, Section ]&. Tbis ordinanoe shali afce effect from and after its passage | ind acceptance by tbe South Carolina >uhlio Service Corporation. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. < hoop's Maglo Ointment. Please note It la aade alone for piles, and 1U aetlon is positive nd oertaln. Itching, painful, protruding or iliud pile* disappear like magic by Its use j&rge nickel-capped glass Jars 50 oents. Hold , >y C. A. Mllford. i? A Fortunate Texan. Mr. E. W. Goodloe, of 107 St. Louis i it., Dallas, Tex., says : "In the past rear I bave become acquainted with Or. King's New Life Pills, and no laxitive I ever before tried so effectually 11 ? onH ^ilinnanoofl " llSpOHCO ui uinimiB auu umuuuMvw.. rhey don't grind nor gripe. 25c. at P. j B. Speed's drug store. The new Columbia negligee shirU have do iqual. Koaenberg sella ttiem. Yoil can't tell a woman's age after ibe takes Hollister's Rocky Mountain ron Hop nnmnlexion is fine. She is round, plump, and handsome; in fact ibe is young again. 35 cents, tea or ablets. C. A. Milford, 50 c IN for 1 nn mi A V/AV 1UU VJV/ V. THE CIGARET1 A A , ? coupons in Coupons also Redeemab Premium i AMERICAN 1 JERSEY CITY, N. J ???p??m ii i m !Ifs Wagon Wisdom select a Weber Wagon, i experience in wagon bu every wagon is a guara |: ' Weber he buys the high til of wagon building have r f; of today, which, for c< (1 material and conscientio out a peer ? Sling of all ? W. D g " Jill Egg Hard Coal in July. Your ] AMOS B > Mllford's Locals. A. new line of stationery Juat received at dllford's Drug Store. Rexall bat cleaner will keep yoiir straw bat vblte and pretty all summer for 25 cents,only a Mllford's Drag Store. We make special prices on Ice cream In iuarta, balf gallons and gallons. Mllford's L>rug Store. ' i If yon want your drags qnlck phone No. 107 j id 11 ford's. "Mnnnaiiv <vnndv reMived every week fresh ind pore ail Milford's drag it ore. ' , A. ,fnll line of bristle goods Just received. Hair, tootb and nail brushes la great variety, ' u Mlllord's. For family use or parties yon wont be disappointed in baying your Ice cream at Milford's drug store. Tlie Magic No, 3. Number three i9 a wonderful mascot for Geo. H. Parris, of Cedar Grove, Me., according to a letter which reads: "After suffering much with liver aud kidney trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by the failure to find relief, I tried Electric Bitters, aud as a result I am a well man to-day. The first bottle relieved and three bottles completed the cure." Guaranteed best remedy for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by P. B. Rpeed, druggist. 50c. KILL the COUCH AND CURE we LUNCS wth Dr. King's New Discovery FORC8ld3S ^ AWP ML THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY Ojt MONEY REFUNDED. 6 j \ CASH TnrvMC m r\\ % ' MM. TAVJiVl 4 :e of quality 1| Each Package! le for Valuable Presents Department v /'|j "obacco co. | ST. LOUIS, MO. I that prompts a farmer to He knows that the 61 years .1 ilding which stands behind ntee that when he buys a test quality. Sixty-one years J| esulted in the Weber wagon Direct design, excellence of as construction, stands with- \ arm wagons. IcKEE, Jr. ?? - J -I I am, and will continue to be in the it ^et with the best ".Block Jellico Coal." Ready to quote yoti I prices on any quantity and deliver any month direct from car. H SPECIAL PRICES 'fj Made on car lots of either Domestic or Steam Goal. Can make puce on Nut or patronage earnestly solicited. MORSE. ' Be Fired tbe Stick. "I have fired the walfeiog-stick I've carried over 40 years, on account of a sore that resisted every kind of treatment, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve; that has healed the sore and made me a happy man," writes John Garrett, of North Mills,. N. G. Guaranteed for Piles, Buriijp, etc., by P. B. Speed, druggist. 25c.'' _ V. . DR. J. A. DICKSON, SURGEON DENTIST. SOLD FILLINGS; CROWN AND BRIDGFB WORK A SPECIALTY. OFFICE OVER BARKSDaLE'S STORE. Indigestion 8tomach trouble is but a symptom of, and not in itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet they are symptoms only of a certain specific Nerve sickness?nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop In the creation of that now very popular Stomach Remedy?Dr. Shoop'a Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With, out that original and highly vital principle, no cuch lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop'a Restorative?Tablets or Liquid?and see for yourw naif whut it can .and will do. We sell and choeiw fully recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative C. A. M1LFURD. I