The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, March 20, 1907, Image 9

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:4Wm ' ' "111 The Abbeville Press and Banner, I N , *' BY W. W. & W. K. BKADLEY. ABBEVILLE, S. C? WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1907. ESTABLISHED 1844 || ?? ???????????????m ! ? WEST ENL*. Judge R E. Hill bas relumed to Abbeville ' alter speudiug some time Id GalDsvllle. Fla., with bis daugbteis, Mr*. Samuel Thomas and I Mr*. Knbert Laytou. I Mlt-sSara J. Lee returned tbe first of last week liotu Atlantic City where bbe bag been tbe guest of ber ulster Mrs. Lewis T. Bryant for several months. Mr. J T. Latimer of Lowndetvllle was In tbe city Thursday on business. Mr#. John Cbllde of Bradley Is Id the cltj . unending Hometlme with her sister, Mrs, 1'. | F. Quartea. Mrs. J. H. Latimer and Mrs. M. L. Bullock a returned last Tnuri>dhy from a pie?s-<ui visit | to relatives In Atlanta and Gnloxvlile. o Mrs. P. A. Cheatham speut Thursday Id s Greenwood with her daughter, Mrc. A. B Cbeatbam. fl Mrs. C. D. Biown. Misses Louise aod ? loite Brown spent Saturday In Coiumb'a. . Mr* J. W. Kerr came over from Green- J1 wood Thursday and vras the guest ot Mrs. J. I D Karr for sevei&l da>s. (j Dr. C. A. Mllford was In Charleston for r part of ik?i we< k atUudtL'g a bhrlners meet- _ lng. Mr. G. A. Vlsanska Is back from a few days visit to Atlanta where be has been to set S 11 tie Miss Annette Vlsanska. the littie lad> K that **88 come to brighten the home of Dr and Mrs. Samuel Visanska. Mr. Koy Jones went to Lowndesx llle Saturda> and was the guett of friends lu that cltj nnill MoDflay. Dr. F E. Uarrl on was In Charleston a *1 part 'f last week unending the met ting of J the Sbrlners. The Orxn Temple was insil- ? tnteo,o.?r -ix tiuu r l r p eseni. tue cut- fc ij wi ouuiu vaiuiiun ncio pn orut. XJr. * Hi r Ibod Is a nn niter ol tbe Governing lBotrd aod few men id >te Stain ba>? t?k<n A a mole ptomlDtni active part Id tbe Sbrlu- ol ers. Mr. and Mr?. Kennedy Watsoo of Iva b*ve been In ibe city for several days ibe guests 01 L Mrs Coarits Lyon. CI Mior Margaret Brocks aod Miss Bessie Lfrt lt Cbeatbam speDlSaturday In Gte'dwood. k Mrs. Hill Devlin 01 Verdery was In ibe oily W for a few day* last week the guest of ber slater, Mrs. Samuei Nauce of Fort Pickens. 01 Mrs. Morgnn Boldwio ai d ber 111IIe duugh- t>< terare lu tbecny ibe guests of Judge K. E. ai Hill. ri Mr. A. B. Morse was In Atlanta for several Lt davs las' week on business. Mrs. Jobn Brown, of Elbert' n. Is Id tbe city epeDdit k a few days wltb ber sister Mrs. A. 8 SlmmoDB. Mr. E sklce B'ake was h"me fiom Clem- ? sod for a few dajs tbe tlrst o' the week. I Dr. Wblttl Id Cbealbsm is at brme a afn after speeding Bome months in N <?Lvllle, Tenn., where be Is studying uudicibe. Dr. Chealbam Is thoroughly In'eremed In bit ladles and will return to Nashville In the fan to oontiDue his studies. w Mrs. Augustus W. Smith of Spartanburg Is In tbe cliy spending ?? wbile wltb ber parents, Mr and Mrs L W. Perrln. Miss Blai;cbe Gary whs over from GretD- T< wood Saturday and Sunday on a visit tu ber bome people. Mr. John Hill who Ik a student at Clemson to wrs Id ibe city for a d?y or two l*at week. w Dr. a. G Calvert has bought! b?? Wllkli sod bouse recently orcupted by Mr. T. H. Aial- nl lard. Dr. ai d Mn. Calvert wit) wove into C( tbelr npw home In a few week*. b( Mr. W. J. 1 atlmer ?-hme home Saturday from Washington, D.C., where be bun t?et> '' located for ?ome time. Mv. LHtlmei bn? > st position lo 8oii 8ur\ej DeiMNuiei.t and will q( be located at Hamter 'or mnn hs. Mrs John e-tfB of Union was in tbe cm* overal days last week tbe gutst oi Mr*. J. D. u Kerr. w Mr. J. A. Wall of Ppartuuburg was In town . Bondxy. D Congressman and Mr*. Wyatt Aiken are at r< bin* ega'n after as ei ding some time In G'eeuvllte after leaving Washington. Rev. Ur. McMaster spoke In tbe Preabytev rlan cbur? b 8aod*y morninn and tn tbe Metbodli t church In the evening. Dr. McMaster represents tbe Uoltfd American Hsb- mm bath Union th-H directs IN effort* towards a better and purer observance of the Lord's day. Rev E. B. K-nnedv Is at home again after spending several weeks In Bartow, Florida, am ng the members of bis former charge. Sat*. Eugenia Pearson of Green vllle, who Is innndtnir itnmfl 11mA In Tnhannn ntth Mm LTxzte Olbert. spent Monday In tbe oily tbe meat of Mrs Laura B. Love and Miss Mary ? Ba>kln. v Mr.T. O. Perrio I* Id Charleston for tbe week s'teidlug Ibe United Stales Court. Tbe EocbreCmb will meet Friday afternoon at five o'clock al tbe borne of Mist Grace Smith. Mrs. P. A. Cbeatbam has gone to Augusts and Raynvll'e, Ox., for a few days vtati. At Riivsvilte she will visit her daughter, Mr;. C. 1> C?WHO. | Mr#, B. F. Wilson was In Greenwood for a . Iq-* boors Mondxy. I Mr aDd Mrs. L J. C arke ol Ore* nvH'e. art In the oily the yne?is of Mrs Kobert G roe. Di. F E. Harrison bus gone to New York on business. a Mr. G C. Pitts of Cllntoo was In the city lai t we?k on buslDtas. Wise CouuiM-1 From tbe Noutb, "I want to give some valuable advice t>' Iboce ? bo suffer with Imue back and kluuej trouble," says J. R. Blankenshtp, of lick Teun. "I bave proved to an absolute certainty that E ectrlc BlMers will p<sttlvel> cure this distressing condition. Tbe first bolt e gnve me great relle', and aft6r luklt g b few more bottle-, I whb completely cured: so uuuj|s oieiy ugcuuiei a peasure It) re oommend this great remedy.'* (Sold under guarantee at Speed's drag store. Price 50c. (. lmo up for the Spring. You can get any aoU ail materlxl Ht Miiford'e up-to-date Drug Store. Phone 107. , Half car load of MhhUc Paint. Ti.e bind tbat lasts?Juet received at Mllfoid's DiU;. Store. Phone 107. Rf-ftesb your Farulture and F oors with Ren-u Lac. One of the best and preltleU preparations00 tbe mmket. All coins. 1-2 pL 15c, pi. 25c, qt 45*, 1 2 gal. 75j. MIHorU's Drug Siore. Puooe 107. Oar line of rubber good* has never been as large and complete km It u to 1av. One Uron> Fountain Syrli Ju?t received. Ev*ry <>ne guaranteed for one year. Mllford'a Drug Store. Phone 117. 'fa?ter aud faster the pace is set, By people of action, vim and get, Bo if at ibe finish 3011 woula be, Take Holli&tei'e Rocky Mouuialu Tea. C. A. Milford. Charleston and Western Carolina Ry Schedule in effect Jan. 10,1007. Dally Dally D?lly Lv Augusta y.jOiia 5 Oopin 6.30am Ar M.Cormlck.. 11.86am 6 50pm 8 i.Sam Lv McCormlcK 8 16 .m Lv Calhoun Fallc... 9 Aidm Ar Anderson 11 Ouam Lv McCormlcK 11.85im 6.52pm Ar Greenwood 12 28pm 7 45^m Ar Waterloo 1.09pm Ar Laurens 1 40pm Ex Sun. Lv Laurens 2.10pm 8.10>m Ar FouuUin Inn... 2 52pm 0 25am Ar Greenville 3.35pm 10.20-im Lv Laurens 2 07pm Ar Woodrufl 2.49pm Ar SpHrtanburg 3.4Upm Lv Hp rt an burg 4.00pm (So. Ky ) Ar Henderson vine 6 25pm Ar Akbevilje 7.30pm Lv Asbevllle 7.15am (So. Ry.) Lv Hendersonvlile 8.10am LvlTpartanburg 11.50pm (C. & W C. Rj7 Lv Woodruff 12 38pm Ar Laurens 1.22pm Lv Greenvtiie 12.10pm 4.80pm Ex.sun. Lv Fountain Inn... 12 58pm 5.26pm Ar Laurens 185pm 6.20pm Lv Oauren* 2.02pm (C. N. dfc L.) Ar Clinton 2.22pm ArJNewberry 3.10pm Ar Columbia 4 45pm Ar Charleston 9.50pm Lv^ Laurens 1 50pm C <fc W. C-) Lv Qreeawood 2.52pm 6S5aie Lv^AndereoD 4.15pm , Lv Calhoun Fails... 5.46pm Ar McCormlck 3 45pm 7.47mn 6.48pm Lv McCormick 3 45pm 7.47am 6 50pm Ar Ao?u'"w S80nm l*.30*m 8 80poi Note?The above ? rrlvfel* and departures, as ' well?* com.ectiobs ?ithof er companies, are given ad Information, and are uot guaranteed. Through Pullman S'eeplng car Augusta , and Jacksonville Dully. Lv. Augusta 10 20 ' p. m. arrive August* 7 40 a. tr. firne?t Williams, G P. Apt, Augusta, Ga. B. A. Brand. Truffle Manaeer. Tfachcru' Fxaminniion. ? Tbe neii rfguiar teacher's examination cvlII be he'd nt Abbeville Conr? Honee Friday, Iprll 19. 19(17, beglDDinK at 9:80 A. M. No one chu be employed as teacher in tbe >ubllc hcbools of this county without a cer;lftcaie. Teachers and trustees pieane Dote this fact. R. B. Cheatham. Co. 8uj t. Ed. kTou should be very careful of your towels when you have a cold. Nearly ill other cough syrups are conBtitating, especially ihose coutaiuiDg piaies. Kennedy's Laxative Cough iprup moves the bowel6-contains No opiates, Conforms to National Pure i'ood and Drugs Law. Bears the entorsment of mothers every where, Children like its pleasant taste-Sold y C A. Milford. SHERIFF'S SALE. State and County Taxes. 3Y virtue of certain State and County tax execution** to me directed and lodged tu ly office by W. T. Bradley, C'-unty Treasurer ir Abbeville County, S C., lor the yexr 1905, have levied moo hdd will tell lo front of le Court House In Abhevll'e, 8. t\, on I be rst MoutUy In April, 1907. being tbe first day r tbe tnontb, within the legal hours of sale, le following described property, to wit: Four ?cree, more or less, lying and being lo ong Cane township, bouuded by land* of has. B')H8, tbe Mars land, tbe lands of Lu-j ler (Jimp. fronting on tbe Hodges road. I evied on sod to be sod as the property Alex rardlaw estate. AlbO. one Int. one-fourth of one oere. more less, lying #nd bHng In city of Abbeville, >unded by lands Murlah Giles, Ann Watt _ id others, known as part of the Harry U bQmaH estate. Levied on and to be sold as ie property of Mary Watt. Term* of Sale? L'aab. x. C. J. LYON, V March Mb. 1*'7. 8. A. C. 'he State of South Carolina COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. f j Court of Common Plena. . S. Cotbran. Plaintiff, against Mary WIN cl JlamBand W. W. Williams, Defendants. > tbe defendants above named: "Yon are hereby 6ua.ncon*d and required i answer tbe complaint in tbis action, which n as on tbe 25tb day of January, A. D. 1907, ed in tbe office of tbe. Clerk of Court o . >mmoD Pleas and Or neral Sessions at Ab- t. (vllle, South Carolina, end to serve a copy your answer to tbe said complaint on the ibscrlbtr at bis rffice at Abbeville, South irollna within 20 days after tbe servloe ereof < xclnslve of tbe day of such service; U id If you fall to answer tbe oomplalut itbin the time sforesald, tbe plalntlQ In i's action will apply to the Court for tbe >llef dt mat dtd In tbe complaint. W. P. Greene, Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated January 25th, A. D., 1907. i L. W Store is now tl He has just fii stock of go< needs redu many odd* GOODS WH GEE A' New Goc he is haviD of Winter. He is ncr broideries e ways pride< tensive an broideries t | But the for beauty lie has & show thei: ing themf the facttl but are so Those la Embroide: because t] ready mai entirely. L. W Wire Your House. Electric lamps are the best. Electric lamps are the safest. Electric lamps are the most convenient. It is easier to touch a button than to fumble for matches in the dark. ?. * No explosions. No lamp ohimneys. No kerosene oil. No greasy lamps. And cheapest in the end. See THOMSON. Do it now. in MUM Oil I Manufactures of Sulphuric. Acids 'and Fertilizers, wn and operate fifteen Mills. This company /ill put nothing on the market that has not been ested, and thousands of farmers give willing tesimony that the goods are fully up to the standrd claimed. Call on your local dealer for the Blood Guano nd Acid Phosphate. No substitute will give you he same satisfaction. Once you have tried these fertilizers you will Lse no other. in PWt git White's. le place to get good bargains. lished taking stock and his }ds which is very large cing. There are a great 3 and ends of desirable ICH WILL BE CLOSED OUr AT A r SEDUCTION IN PRICES. )ds are coming in all the time and g a Gocd Spring trade in the heart w offering the most beautiful Emver seen in Abbeville. He has al1 himself upon carrying the mostexd the most attractive line ofEmo be found in the eitv. J Embroideries he is now offering, r and novelty surpass anything per shown before. The ladies r appreciation of thf m by buyreely and all seem impresssd by lat they are not only so pretty, very cheap. dies who have not seen the new ries would do well to call at cnce, hey are going; very fast and al- 1 ly large pieces have been sold out i TIT XX TIT" TP W ?11 1 ?l. QEM3 IN VERSE. Opportunity. Muter of him an dottinlea am L Fame, lot* and fortune on nay footetepe tnM Oltiea and flalda I walk. I penctrato Deaerta and mm remote, and, passing by Hovel aad mart and palace, soon or late I knock tmblddaa onoe at every fata. If sleeping, wake; If feasting, riae before I torn away. It la the hoar of fata, And they who follow me reach every state Morula deaire and oonqaer every foe Save death, but thoM who doubt or hMiteH Condemned to failure, penury and woa. Beek ma la vain ud oaeleaaly lmplara. 1 uiwu not, and I return no more. ?John J. Infallt >H&Uaf From Zxparlanaa. War ain't an7 jokln. ao don't 70a peek jm trap*. Bother reet In ptto* at homa an roltlrata tha era pa. Been erlong with Loagrtraat, a?ant coma 11m with Lea, a paaca I wast tar tall you'a latlafaotarj tar ma. ( Waraftrt any Jokln. Thar talfca H low a* hifc, Bat It ohangea Ha aamplazlon whan 70a heat tha hollata 87. tt'a flna fan?In the paper a bnt whan I aaatlM ahlna 0* baroneta right la front ' ma I'll Jnat taha noma la sine. Ain't no fnn la flghtla. fallar doaa hla back Bnt ha alwaya waara tha plat or'a o' hla lava! onn oo urn Dreasv a then tar kiss aa leave 'am, never mm la meet, (*r listen through lifetime far tke m? tnrnla feet! War ain't any Jokia. Ef it oomaa, it aooua; Am I reckon that I'd answer tar tba rail Oall V the drama. Bat I ain't in any hurry Car yaekla up mj trapa. Bather reat In peace at home an cultivate tin craps. ?Frank L. Stanton in Atlanta Oanatltatlm Harln| Company. Tba letter read: "My dearaat Boa, Next Thnraday I will apend with yea I won't enjoy my visit, thocgh. II any trouble I beatow." "Oh, I'm ao glad," cried lira Whita "Por oompany la rooh delight I" But looking round her in dismay, "I moat gat ready right away." Armed with a dart pan and a broom, She went to work In every room. Km oiled and polished, olwned and rabkat And mended, aooored, waahed and Krak bad. Than in the kitchen aha began. While perspiration down heir ran. At plea and paddings, oakaa and bread, Aa if an army must be ted. She tolled and fretted, oooked and baked She harried, worried, stewed and aohed. When Thnraday came, aha, nearly dead. Just managed to crawl oat of bed. And Mrs. Oompany oama too. Shay kdsaad and hngged Ilka woman d% And than began tired Mrs. White To make excuaaa, never right: "Oh, dear, my house (then waxen clean) la moat too dirty to be eeen, Bo shut yonr eyeel You're looking stool Take off yoar things. I'm Juit worn Ml MYou must axcuaa my eooklni; too. It isn't fit to offer yon. ("Twaa lit for kings.) Too bail yoa MM Just when I'm upalde down al home I" And thus aha welcomed and dlstreaaad And spoiled the visit of her guest, Who wished aha hadn't ooma to bo A tired weman'a "oompany." ?Farm and TiraaMa Wear, hat Yet So Far. We talked of life and death. She mid. "Whichever of ua two first dlaa Shall come baok from among the daad And teach his friend these mysterlaa" She died last night, and all this day 1 swear that things of every kind Are trying, trying to oonvey Some message to my troubled mind. I looked np from my tears erewhllar That white roaa dying in tho cup Waa gaelng at me with her smile. It Unshed heir blush aa I looked apt It paled tnea vita aa aeon j Of effort to erpreaa ma aoght That would, 1 think, bring peaoe to tot Ooald I bat gaass, and I cannot. And wkaa the wind roee at mj doo* It olamorad with a plaintive din, like aoxaa poor eraature bagging aore To be tot ta. I Ut it 1a. It blew mj tight out Round my head It whirled and awiftly In mj ear Bad whlepared eomething era It fled. It had her Toloe, ao low. ao dear. Dm looking glaaa thle livelong dmj fiaa won that ooriona, aeaalng air. I feel It when I look a wag Reflecting tfcinga that are not ther* For hour* no breath ef wind baa attired. Yet benda the latap'a flame aa if finnad The olook aaya o'er and o'er a word, Bat I?O God I?can't uadaraUnd. -Gertrude HaM in Independaal He Writ a Book. Yonder, air, where 70a aee than high weadi grow Am briar* wrapt about the slab that'a brota They buriad man there 1-o-n-f time ago That writ a book. Don't seem to ma I erer heard hla nama, Bat pap, who la tha eexton here, ha apioha To ma one day about hla. All tha same, Ha writ a book. What waa tha bonk about f I never knew. Pap never tola ma that aa never took Interest In him forther'n I've told yon? Ha writ a book. Vlap nji, says be, "After tha man wu dead Stranger* weald oome from mile* away ta look At that grave an lay flow era above hla head Who writ a book." As years want on, an than, no mere forlorn. They oome with flowers an with mnnM look fa talk aboat the "goalas that waa gone" Who wnt a book. mm lflm pap svw iwmi * ?v w ?? ? i The weataa' rani la that Ion (tome nook 1han folka had long atop'd vUltta hla grara Who writ a book. Iter what'a tha on, air, If folka oarer paoaa Among tha many grareetonea here to look for hla. to plant tha roaea J eat becaoae Ha writ a book! ?Frank Ball In NaahvtUe Sam. latnlMMMl. Wt bra hy faith, but faith la aat tha alare Of taxt and legend. Reaaon'e volea aai Qod'a, Jfature'a and duly'a, narer are at edda. Vkat aaka oar Father of hla children art faatiee and marcjr and humility, A raaaonable aarrloa of good deeda, Pure living, tenderneea to human needa, Severance and trnat and prayer for light ta Mi The Master'a footprlnta In oar dally wayaf Mo knotted aooorsa nor aaorlflolal knifes Bat the calm beauty of an ordered lite, Whoie rerj breathing la onwordod pralae* k life that ?taad% aa aU true 11 tm have Mi Firm re*ted te the faith that Qod la good. ?WlllMn tffl iy? REM Jt Better equipped thai Bight in the swim, an< you and at the right pi SOME OF OC The best lot of farm tools, Pl< Breakers, both kind. See our plo so every one says. See them youj Another Specia Try us for the best stove sold name means the very best cookioj backs. All good points known to you try one for 30 days on the hou if not we will take it back and it ( Still 2 Sewing machines, Wheeler ar Singer and Domestic. See the ve better. Sold any old way, or anj almost. Putman Orgai Eoyster guano is leading for t Bone" Fish scran goods will do th On th Five cars White Milling Con it's 8onnd and dry. ' Our Grocery Stocl Flour, Meal, Molasses, Cane, Sugar, and Coffee, Tobacco Cannec oans. We put out today thirty-five < 15c. See them. W. D. HALF CAR I PA] The kind that lasts- . ford's Di Call on him for anything you war line. He baa what you waut, of the t See Us Be C. A. HI Phone - Tie Peoples! ABBEYH OFFICERS. S. G. THOMSON, President. ~ ~ """ ~"" "* ^ G. A. Wii'Ui?'!1 V U!CTr?eiuoui? R. E. CX)X, Cashier. SCHOOI Tablets I] General Scl Speed's I 37. I CUSTOMERS. I y-a r,M i ever for your business. 1 lots of goods to show D > ices too. rB SPECIALS. $ owb, Stocks, 2'horse plows, Middle w shapes. The best lot in the City, rself. Collars, Pads, ete. il, Stoves, Bucks. % and they are Bucks too and which g machine. "White lined. 15 year r -3 the up to date stove maker. Wont Be. and if what we claim, youtakelit, lon't cost you a cent. See them. Lnother. id Wikon, No. 9 for the old reliable, ry latest in these goods. Nothing f long time and too, at your price . . ' : -:M is are the Best.- | ' m he cotton orop of 1807. "Farmers e work. e road. S i, which is the best for keeping, as 74 i cannot be better in M ' . ? Hay, Bran, Oats, seed and feed. Lard, I Goods. Big Hominy lOo for 3 lb. loz. cnrry combs special at 5,10 and Barksdale.- | IOAD MASTIC I [NT. Just received at Mil :ug Store. it in the Paint, Varnish, Htain and Oi >6st quality. fore Buying, [ILFORD. - - - 107 Savings Bank, jLE, S. C. DIRECTORS. 8. G. Thomson, H. G. Anderson G. A. Neuffer, C. C. Gambrell, W. E. Owens. F. B. Gary, J. 8. Stark, R. E. Cox/ T/\wn A Uorrio U UUU iT-. XiUUlOl , BOOKS Pencils ok ? /Vrtl CJ 1 -I V\V\1 1 AO 1UUJL KJ U^IiOO. )rug Store.