I he Press and Banner. Published every Wednesday at two dollars a year In advance. Wednesday, March 20,1907. Honest, Square, Genial. If our readers need tome nice groceries Mr L. T. Miller would be glad to see tbem at bit tore. He has not coffee, and a lot ot otbei good things wblcb be proposes to serve to ai wbo come. He Is a square dealer In business and socially be Is a host wbose bospltallt> would equal ttfat of au Eastern prince. It baa been Bald that Russia sboots on au average, five citizens every clay. If we maj believe the first pages of our daily newspapers a great many more people are killed daily her<* than are executed In Russia. Rev. J. B. Parrott of Clinton Is dead. Ht belonged to ibe Baptist cburcb and to several ecrel organizutious. He is now no uuuui within the pearly gates. Will Sanders of Newberry killed two women last Friday. Tbe papers do not saj wbetber be was a prominent citizen of thai county. Tbe News and Courier says: "Let Col. Bo an target." Wewinb ibe Dewtpuperu wou.u * let oa lorget Col. Bryan. Mrs. James A. Campbell and ber brother Mr. Paul Wlison. ol Greenwood, were In town yesterday. Tbe nations of the world are sending their finest ships to tbe Jlmtown exposition. S*. \ Tl)e saddest of all wordp, tbe bane ball peasea. .,a is ou. Does tbe unwritten law include lynching? At the Opern llonae. The Harrls-Parkinson Company wblol opened a four night's pngwgement here lax> night has certainly fulfil ed all promisee, and Judging from the large >-Dd enthusiastic audlenoe that packed the opera bouse last night all records wlilt>e broken during there stay lr our olry. Daniel Boone ?s preseuted last night was-new. and the scones and climaxes were londly applauded. Tbe fight witn twr real wolves was one of the roost thrilling scenes ever presented on our local stage. Tonight Alexander Dumas' great ma?te> pieoe "Monte Crlsto" will be presented. The oompany carries all special scenery for tb? production and a storm in mid-ocean Is ? marvel of realism to stage craft. Tbe costuming of this great play is absolutely correc and promises to be tbe finest ever Worn bj any oompany playing at popular prices. Tb> eowns worn by tbe ladles are of the BneM. Mr. Harris will be seeD at bis best in the rcmantlo obaracter of Edmond Dantes, snr those who miss seeing Monte Crlsto win tt>ei theatrical treat of tbe season. New spe* " * 1,1 w ~ 1 " ***"'' Kafmoon thaopfs ft 1 OltlllM Will VCIUMXUUICU uvinv-u each and every performance. Vpper Long Cane. Tbe Sacrament of the Lord's supper wIM b> observed next Sunday morning at Long C*n> ohnrcb. Tbe service wl'l begin prompily 01 11 o'olock, Instead of 11:80, as heretofore. If rain sboold prevent (be service In lb< morning, and tbe weather If fair In the afternoon, 70a may txiecl preatblng at 3:30 p. ru. J. C. Sblve. Important Notice. Owing to prestations n?r*s?*ry for ihf reception of 2I.?0 new students In Clem?or College next tteMlnn, there will he no Far mef's Institute at tbat ph re this nutmncr. The dormitories will be u*ed by the conirncors and can not be given visitor*. Tbe College regrets the necessity of omitting tbi summer meeting bat can not do otherwise. Institute work tbronghont the State will be on a larger scale tbau ever. J White Leghorn Eggs * ? for Setting. ! i I have obtained the WMte Leg- } \ horns of J. Y. Jones. Tbere i? \ r one ben among them that co9t f A bim $60. Of oouree egg? from thin A hen would be worth $15 per set- \ ting. The pen besides consists f of 12 hens and a cork. The pen i ? can be bought for $75?$5 apiece \ f for tbe bens and $15 for the cock, f i i will sell All egga I do not set i S myself at $1 per setting of 15. T. P. QUARLES. J Farmers County I'ufou Meeting;. Tbe Coonty Union, for Abbeville County, will meet at Abbeville Court House. Saturday March 23rd. Important business) 1* U be broogbt before tbe Union and a full attendance li desired. 8. P. Presaly, President. Court Pr(CtfdlDg?-Li)it Week. Mr*. E. S. Nettles, Guardian, plaintiff, vs. J. C. Raines, defendsnt, cult lor possession oi horse. Verdict forilalntlff. Cha*. L. Dnnlels. plaintiff vs. Seaboard Air Line, defendant, anil lor 820,000. Verdict io> plaintiff tor IS.OCtt. B. J. Martin, plaintiff, vn. Mra. Elizabeth Sblrley. defendant, suit for pooxesinon of ten acres of land. Verdlot for plaintiff. Cobb & Seal Sboe Store, plal tiff", vs. AEtna Insuranoe Co., defendant, suit, foi $1,000 and interest. Verdict for plaftliff for lull amount. COURT PROCEEDINGS THIS WEEK: A. M.Hill A Sons, plaintiff, vs. Bonthert Railway, defendant, suit for 11.000. Verdict for plaintiff for $700. Prlnoe Wldeman, plaintiff, vs. M. M. Brown, defendant, suit for possession oi land. Verdlot for defendant. Burt and Jones EUis, plaintiff vs. fiarab Brown, defendant, suit lor possession of land. Trial In progress. JHia Presence m uoi neruru The Anderson mnn who d< e? not poll for Anderson should move away. He won't be mluedAnderson Mall. Notice. I bave ?old one-half Interest In my underUklne business to Mr J.H.Norwood and will open op, with him, on the first of April, a grocery and Ice business od TrlDlty street. The undertaking business will be ran as heretofore, and will bave my personal supervision, J. Hayne McDlll. Caro for Itch. Itch cured in 80 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by P. B. Speed, Druggist. 3m* If you want the very best Fertilizer get t? e Royater Farmers Bone. W. D. Barksdale. I (FINE EGGS FOR SETTIXG. ^ Barred Plymouth Rock at 75c 4 !a setting. * White WyaDdotie (Biltmore f stock) at fl ? setting. f 4 L. W. DICK, J i Abbeville, S. C. ^ ?' " TJhe tnauanooga ruu'ci puts it down to come up, Insures perfect stand. Abbeville Hardware Co. MILLINERY SH01S FOR THE SPRING 01 fwi OPfNIHfi MIS I Grand. Exhibition Pattern Hat: Millinery Nove " * O Y OX1T /i Munuaxiuc/ u Mrs. J. 8. Cochran, who wi charge of our Millinery Departn just returned from the eastern i Mrs. Cochran, who has an envia utation as a matchless triinme: no introduction to the ladies o yille County. IN CONNECTION WITH OUR FORJ BIT OF MILLINERY WE ARE B - Grand Dis] IN OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTME YOU WILL FIND SOME MATCHLESS SMITH DRY G0( lowndesyille. This Space is Lowudesvllle, March 17,1907. Mr. J. M. Huckabee went to Colombia Morilay to be In readiness to attend the meeting >f the State convention of the Woodmen oi ? the World, which was In session Tuesday and I Wednesday. 1 Rev. Homer McMillan whose home Is In At* 1 A ?TT A A T lanta, G?., and who la the Associate Secretary - 1 II I' ll fl I f| ft I if the General Assembly of the Home Mis- 1 III lfl/ I I I I I ?lou Board, came here Tuesday and has slnoe 1 II I yy I I II I been the guest of friends. He occupied the 11 y L IT V/\/v. pulpit In Providence church, this place, yeseroay at 11.30 a. m. and 7.80 p. m., and gave to its many bearers two Interesting ana instructive sermons. , Hon. I. H. McCelia Inst week told Ills last \A/ ha ttti|| OTl year's cotton crop of 269 bales, realizing 10yA vv Will UJ^Ull UU Mr Toid WIIkou of Grain Ridge" mmo np 3, StriCtlV FlrS"t Cl&SS GT( last Wednesday and carried bis brother, Dr. J b0-wllb b"?10 ity Street. And will : Tbe.freight as well 88 express departments _ >f this part of the Western Carolina Railway T-nfi fnTX7Tl has become somehow badly out of order. It l/U w il' is bard indeed to get anything, by either line, excepting by a long delay. We are anxiously MAn\i/AA looking Jorvard to better timet when things JJllOIlG INI C J r\ W C Jv 7 jrdered will be received In due time. ^ IHVI\?Y W Mr. Hampton Bonds who was connected *lth tbe depot In this place for some time, _ _ went to Mauk, Ga., a few days ago and 1b now T *tti|| Q|cr? PfYnTlTITli el^grapb operator at that place. ** Will dlbU UUlillUUI MUs Meta Allen went to Anderson Hatur- D__ ? ? ji -n l ^ Jsv tor a few daysstay with friends. J?USlIieSS 3/11 Cl Will D8 001 Mr. T. J. Baskln of Iva was down yesterday a'Ho^BeUon'watson and Mr. B. Berry tO flirnisll HLV CUStOHie] Al'en of Anderfon county csme down Satur- ? There has been for several years a *borfsge and Metallic Coffins and In tbe supply of sweet potato seed. Tbe tide seems to have turned. By accident, or other- TVTyr TJqt'CJOTI Q I Q++QTV wish, in tbe most of cases this vslusble escu- JT oiovjilol ClttOll IQUb ftcpi WCII UUliupi luv *T IMirvi J-v? r.??, _ ana more than a supply are In evidence, the 11 prto TTTT1PTIT >urp!u? can be utilized as hog feed. A/C*x wiiou u* Lust Saturday was a week ago the drayman who hauls goods from the depot to the store of J. T. Latimer Jc Son, put two sacks of sugar of one hundred pounds each and a oa*e of bats near the door of the above firm, and In nloslng op that night, the next morolng tb?v * n ^ J __ were seen and put In a place of safety. The T)RTT-1 Qff JLHQ0DL0C two-legged prowlers must have been off "on a ton"?E?bere el8e*or lbey W0Dld b8Te please make settlemei Several mules have died In this seotlon In the near past. AVblle this Is a serious Iobb to iyi ft^AAlr q4? ^ the owners, the buyers, It Is a help to the sell- JC U.I ill LU.it? 1X1 oLUUjH see his slsler. or somebody else's Bister. ?i?????????? Mr. A. V. Barnes some time ago boneht a lot od Depot street. He has blnce bad It uloe Ol _ 1 tt ^ Ol ? i ly Improved, and last week moved Into the oilO0 3.11(1 JTlcirilCSS OilOP! dwelling, which is an ornament to that part ! f. , of town. More than half nf the first spring month Is TIT C RAMMOND mftVpd goue, and but little of the vegetation that Is aM V H?B UlUVtJU n?aVtnLlDDnmln?wt1IJ!f,r.'f 5fra.hp? tn?rr^?fSf h*8 Shoe and Harness Shop pear&Dce8 go. Bat little of tbe approach of * spring Is noticeable to date. Troupe. Main Street, flTSt dOOI a ? behind Pepole's Bank, i Be sure to see The Cannon where ?e iB pre. i ' Pump it will interest you. nr0n0T.0j f _ j _ Abbeville Hardware Co. |hoe andHari)HrKHn'8 iioraix. ne8s Repair- p Have you been In Dargan's lately? If not ing at ] , ti will pay you logo, lor the store is lull or new things all tbe way through. . r-|-> *i I Enterprise on a Stove means much to the /~*C*Q I ^11 IT buyer It means that It Is the best Stove made, JL I lV^-V^o X \J aud that all modern Improvements are jpcor* T porated In It. Dargan 5 & 10c Sells them. X LightDlng-Whlte Mountain-Blizzard and TUp /^?11 American Twin Ice Cream Freezers are now X I1C L4.0 UWl 11 V^l on exhibition at Dargan's 5 & 10c Store n Ice Tea Glasses both with aDd with out ? n 1 i ptt ^ gaucers, ai.d also a lull line ot Gialsware are All IritlnQ DT Kflready lor you at Dargan's 5 & 10c Store. -n-11 Ui XX?H J-ICSS JJIA Post Cards are to be had at Dargan's at all j -j j.1 times and not tbe beautiful Easter cards are QPS 3.11(1 GVCrVtlllTlQ1* l being eagerly sought after, and we luviio you J O to C0DQ6 ID HUU IUUH II1IUU|U >uiu, n . | loi ol Pot"i'i'on nirs ii t praut-e the tame Is so pleas- / aui. Contain* Honey ard l?r. It Is the > Original Laxative Cougb Sjrup ainl is an- xbere are myrads of twinkling stars, but rivaled for tbe relief of croop. Drives itie preojou8 few good cigars, Tbere la one In g cold out tbrouph ibe bowels. Con for mn to the Abbevllle that's all the go, It 1b sold by National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by gpM(i i8 called Clgcb. C. A. Mllfojd. 7 / / / r* DAYS P 1907. Wednesday, March 27. i of 5 and (ties. illy Solicited < -- 5 ??1 ' I ill have lent, has i i narkets. 1 E ble rep- S o r, needs ; f Abbe e r IAL EXHI- i 1AKING A play NT. HERE ) i BARGAINS I m co.i reserved for n i r t\ ill t M cUill the first day of April )cery Store, on Trinalso furnish Ice for D & McDILL 9 in the Undertaking ;ter prepared than ever i ^ * ^11 t 1 rs witn wooa uiotn I Caskets, in any size, tion will be given this PHONE STORE 26 RESIDENCE 70 I for past Services will it at once. Will sell jost. >YNE McDILL. OPERA HOUSE Four Nights COMMENCING ffoiiday March 18th THE BIG CITY SHOW MIDI SHE! El NCLUDING TITE EMINENT ACTOR iOBERT H. HARRIS 10?EXCELLENT PLAYERS - CAR LOAD OF SCENEY Opening Bill. THE BEAUTIFUL RURAL A1-TT AMA iujuuv/i^xurxiuxx* "MY JIM" Vaudeville? Mack and Armour LeCampte arid Leffier ( Jerry Herzell "Famous Etons" American Bioscope Kowenna Sensationalist i teat Sale at Milford's Pric? 15 26 35C?nte. u. EAST END, Judge R. E. Hill returned last week from e vlsaole tu the eyes of ail seeking "the leautifui." Mr. L. T. Miller one of Abbeville's leading nercbaots is wide awake, and up to date, iveu keeping pace with millinery stores, in bat be will also bave bis grand display ol fanoy groceries" on tbsse two days 80 and 27 >fM?rcn?and will also ssrve "free lunob" ?ltb oofles and tea. ?Tbis is enterprise, and should should meet ritb the highest appreciation of our ladles, dr. Miller baa by energy, pluck, and vim, orged bis way Into tbe front ranks of Abberilie's business circles abd it goes wltbout aylng, "You can And anytblug you want at .Lee Mlliers" Prof. James A Hill Is as usual moving i^.ththsoahnannilnMi" thns affording i or people muoh amusement and pelve tbe number o( 'ote? to wblcb ?be is Intltled. Miss Bessie Link accompanied by ber b'otb r Mr. Eugene Link were among me w*loddp vIpiioth in ibe olty laat Monday. Mr Obarley Evaoa of Clemson college apent evnral daya of last week with bomefolka re urnlng to Clemson last Monday. Mr. and Mra. Jobn A, Williams with two if tbelr bright and pretty children were gueata n tbe oity on Monday. Mr. Glenn Ba?kln of lowndeavllle la attendng court and stopping with relatives on onte 5. Mra. Eugenia pearaon apent last week wllb dra. E. A. Ulbert and family of tebanon. Mlssea Nelle Louise and Benie Wataon cure summoned nome m?v weu uu wwuu> >f the extreme illness of their brolber Mr. jealle Watson whose oondlllon la nothing hanged for tbe better. Rev. J. B. Hlllbouse with Un, E. A. Glbert md Mr*. Pearson were tbe honored guests of drs. W. T. Sberard one day last week. Mrs. J. H. Penney and daughters Miues 2m ma and Gertrude were among tbe visitors n tbe olty last Monday. Mlas Belle McKemle accompanied by ber >rot her Ray ford were among tbe visitors In be olty Monday last. Mrs. J. J. Link wltb ber neloe Mtss Maggie leld spent last Monday wltb ber brotber Hr. C. JF. Graves and family. On next Friday night Marob tbe 22nd Mr. Vlli Wldemanjwlli lecture at Sharon School loose?object will "Sansbloe and shadows" most of It will be sunshine. Mr. Wideman Is i happy humorist and fine lecturer and a treat s In store for all who attend. Prooeeds of be evening will be used in buying maps for Jbaion School. A. cross and peevish child is not natural. There is something wrong. Usjally it's tbe stomach. Use Cascaaweet ind put tbe stomach right, and 'the lunshine will return to the baby's face Zfescaswcet is best for babies aud children. 50 doses 25 cents. Sold by A. Milfoad. I / D VP ; FL/il I A O "If you Can't: Rosenbergs/ A true saying meri It is the intention buying Public more th The colums of this pa; week to give to the they will have to offer, interest of their custc front attractions whi whether a cash custoi satisfaction to each i watch for their "ad" business. Don't worry over m P. Ros< \ . -V^>, ; ffgfcf Vv-. D. POLI Has just reoeived a fulliline with the greatest'care andlt Our line of - SPRING FGTt MEN are better than ever before, please. We buy olosely in am oil tmiaA f OU1B11 ?UVUUC Frioes in men's suits from 2 from $4.50 to $10. SHOES! SHO Men's patent colt and yici, low and Ladies patent colt and vici, low or These values cannot be dnplicat DRESS We are still carrying the best g from 5o oalicos to 25c lawn in plain from lOo to 25c. Negligee Shirts for men and bo; We will be pleased to show yo know that we can satisfy yon. P. POI plies. Write us for anything Id the mac Sullivan Hardware tars' Bank State, County and Pretldint: Vice-Pres: 7. E. HARBISON. P. B. BP Board or Directors : Visanska, John A. Harris, R. M. Haddo J. F. Ciinkscales, C. C. Gambrell. We solicit your basinefls an ' it safely and c< We are in position to make yon loai when placed in Our Saving's U?S IT HA ommon Saj find what you ?they keep I > too?for the; ted this repute of this old and reliable an ever with the trutl per will be used as a m ) close buyer the mani They will always kee; rners, and expect each ch will attract They ner or a time buyer I md every person doinj every week and give t: rhere to do your Buying en uc i g :akoff 1 * i' i of SpriDglQoods, selected (ought to suit the custom. 4 V SUITS and BOYS and our prices are sure to order that we may sell for t jv| B5 to $15,50, and in youths ES! SHOES! \ hiffh cut, from $1.75 to $3.50. high cut, from $1 to $2,50. led. GOODS. ;ood8 for the money in dress goods and fancy material. "White goods ' . ? m ps just received from 50c to $1. u through our entire stock. v We jIAKOFF. Peerless Portable Engines Are the best general purpose engines i. In the world. We carry them in stock. We are the headquarters for Peerless Engines, Saw Mills y ' ' ,v> and Threshers. * S BEEN ring Want go to 2very thing" ' <* / ' y%M " vi A/A v*. rjS ' >> ' , y have well 7: $ ition. | t / : / i firm to impress the lifulness of this fact. I edium from week to ' J TP? * j attractive -Dargaiiis p wide awake to the week to push to the want your business # Lnd they will guarntee y business with them, hem a share of your i , r?UUI gO XO I ?& Co. ' * : > "" < : '