ike Press and Banner. * Published every Wednesday at two doUaroal a year Id advance. Wednesday, March 13, 1907. That the Presbyterlal Iflgb School project Is dead there can no longer be any reasou"Kl" . fr\r r>n Tnfsriav nf Inst week tbe committee appointed by tbe South CaroliDa Presbytery to aot Id tbe matter of establishing thla school met la Abbeville, and, after carefully going over tbe situation, consulting wltb reprrseatatlve citizens, and considering tbe matter from every point of view which presented Itself to them, tbey decided unanimously tbat tbey would recommend to Presbytery that tbe project should be abandoned. This, of.course, settled the question, and wblle a great deal could be said as to wby thla settlement seems tbe very best tbat could have been made, all tbe circumstance* taken Into consideration, we content ourselves with saylDg merely tbat we think tbl* committee of Presbytery aoted wltb grea wisdom and tbat any other course would have shown tbat Its members could not see tbat changed conditions required change ol plans, and tbat by persisting In a course wblch.at one time, seemed tbe proper one to pursue, tbey would be brought to face a long period of struggle, with final disaster as tbe probable outcome, for tbe school tbey sought to establish. The history of similar schools, established ir? nnr RfoU oIvpb VftfV lltt'C encouragement to those working along tbr line of founding denominational high schools while, on the other hand, the high schools that have been put In as lntegtal parts of the system or city tcbools have proved a boon to every communtly fortunate enough to have one. 80, let ns all come together and establish In our beautiful, growing. tbrlvlDg little city high tchool that shall prove itself the capatone of the educational system which all our people should strive to make as good as tbi very best; and when the question of a build lng for our city high scbo< 1 la to be cousidered, let us see to It that this be In keeping with the tplenaid city hall and oount< court Louse that are soon to appeal to ou> olvlo pride and delight our sense of architectural beauty. * Cotton Movement. There baa been during the past week more than the usual activity In the cotton marke> at Abbeville. Besides the cotton brought t> the market on wagons, some 000 balewere sold out of the warehouse, the prlc> ranging from 9-4 to 11-!. Most of the cotton stood around the eleven figure. Iu the warehouse today there are about 800 balei' against 4000 bales last year at this time. For tbe first time In the history of the warehouse, cotton whb sold at auction to tbe hlgbtst bidder. Tblractlon to ua seems tr be the beat way of disposing ofibe staple. Tbe wisdom ol building cotton warehouses, we think, baa been folly established. Ifgranarlea In tbe west protic' tbe wbeat and corn planteia, we see no reason to doubi the beneflolal results of cotton warehouse?. A Sm Firm. Tbe firm of Norwood and }IcDlll will beglt bualnesa a bent tbe flr? t of April. Both these gentlemen are well known here Mr. McDlll baa been In business here tot twenty-three jeara, Mr. Norwood was bori and brought up amongst us. Both are met of Integrity and tterilug worth. It would be hard to find more agreeable and obllglug peraona. They will do a grocery aDd Ice business Tbe undertaking business will be continued. Meaar*. Norwood and McDllJ merit tbe ln1 tereat of our people and tbey will no doubt reap tbeanoeeaa which is due tbem. Tbey will open their business on Trinity atreet fronting Bill's livery stable. White waxed Butter Wrap pers. Warranted free from taste or smell, at Dargan's 5 and 10c Store, for 15c per package. J. T. Jones 8bot. Mr. Jonea fornlabts as with the fo lowing account: On last Sunday night at hi* 6upper table J Y. Jonea of Smith vllib bad tbe misfortune u be Hbot. Itfe*ma bta brotuer-in-iaw a. M Toinert boards with blm there Ik bad bioot between tbem. They bad not apoken aluc< July laat although eating at tbe sanm tabu no word* bad latwd between tbtm lorsevei long moniba. Laal Sunday nlgbl at tbe aupper table without a woid be drew bta plaiol while getting In two fteiof Jonta placed It to Jooe* temple and Juat aa Jonea .aw hi* Intention he Ibrew bt>ck bla head The ba l |?laoc<-r* across tbe loiebead grezlog Ibe boce ano cutting the frontal artery. Tbe only word' Tolbert spoke was "get out out". He waa oo tbe eve of sbo UDg tbe second time when Jooes s?ld to blm'IdoDl " think it necesnary you have fcilled tne." Jones walked down to K-d Tolberts bareheaded, the blood streaming lrom tb?* cut artery. R. R- Tolbert told him it whsd?ii< fatal wound unltss be bled to deaib. Bu' Toloert refused to stop tbe blood wltba ligwtare. W. O. Ciover three miles from To. bert* on the road to Abbeville tied a towei around the wound and Dr. Ntufler said It saved tbe llle of Jones. Jones was on tbe. street yesterday but h* remained In bed Monday weak from tbe Iom of blood. JoDes tells us he has not suffered a moment wltb pain ibat be looks upon Dr - Neuffer as tbe ablest surgeon In Souib Carolina. El?ctric RxilroaU Mealing;. There will be a meeting In tbe room" of 'h< Commercial Club, at 1 p. m. W?-dne?day, March 13tb, 1907, In tbe Interest of tbe E.ectno Railroad. Representatives ol tbe construction company wl 1 be present, arid submit their proposition to the business men ot Abbeville and vicinity. Let every man who has the prosperity of Abbeville at heart, make it his buKluess to be present. U. A. Nenffer, Chairman Committee. If you want the very beet Fertilizer get tt e Ro.vster Farmers Bone. W. D. Barkadale. . EGGS FOR NETTING J ^ from Fiue Barred Plymouth J f Rock Fowla. 75c per BettiDg, ^ # L. W. DICK, f i Abbeville, 8. C* ^ Mothers who gl*e their children K? nnedy'e Laxative Cough Hyrnp Invariably indorse li.1 Children like it because the tame is ho pleatant rvintaltiR Honey ai d Tar. It In tb> Original Laxative Cough Syrup and Is unrivaled lor the rHiet ot croup. Drives the cold out through the bowels. Conform* to the Natlrnal Pure Food aod Drug Law. Sold by U A. Mill. jd. For Kale. I ofTtr for i-ale aiy residence in Abbeville. Also sixty acres of land, five tniles Wei-t of Abbeville. Term* easv. Address, B Mrs. Lai la T. Graydon, Greenwood, 8. C. A cross and peevish child is not natural. Tbere is something wrong. Us ually it's tbe stomach. Uue Cascsaweet and put tbe stomach right, and th* sunshine will return to me oaoys iac< ^ Cancaswcet is best for babies and chil dren. 50 doses 25 cfiits. Sold by C. A. Milfoad. j^msta^^r^^^^^asammfi^SSSSSSSSSBSSSSSESSSBSBBBt' FOR YEARS I \ r ^ ^ ? /I "If you Can't find whf Rosenbergs?-they ] A true saying too?f merited this It is the intention of this old a \ buying Public more than ever witl The colums ol this paper will be u week to give to the close buye they will have to offer. They will i interest of their customers, and ex front attractions which will atti whether a cash customer or a timi satisfaction to each and every p watch for their "ad" every week business. Don't worry over where to do y P. Rosenb Handed Down. Lor(I BIeg> r. How Mr* M. E. HolllDgworth. ortbii.oily, baa a Aq m geDt]emea wbQ| suecret B( worth has reason to be proud because of the lerna, orgRn)Bat)ong w tradition conneoted with It. The Immigrants w,aow aQd orpban an(J f by that ship were pwullar'y sfflloted. glory Tbe members cot Strangers In a strange land, nearly one-half for lbe beniflt of )ovely of their number succumbed to the hardship beaveD8 mlgbt be roli;d and the privation to which they were aub they themaelvea could g< lontA nH nonrlc nnt.ho lfrtf t holr nnmhAr j - boat or *ive themselves ' lory or ,r.4,llo?.,? idi. MM. 0 ?7p >f little VHlue, except for association and the |n bUBlneaa. w,l, Have rei tradition, is preserved and Is.today In appa- iameul rently as good condition as it wa. three ToBb;wwbala gooJ Hundred years ago. Heptasophs le, It Is onl' Ills natural that Mrs. Holllngswortb lbal lt has In thirty year' bou;d regard Hps one of ber richest ireai- ,ban half mmUm { ares, but she has a treasure, or treasures, that ^ Jq r ire a \ booand limes more valuable than ber8 folJ the,r h(md crocks and tradlt.ons of the glories of the and whetl the wings grov gen wmcn exist now omy in me aim ugai 01 through a flery ordeal, or tbe distant past. oharlot, but may with ee But however much Mr>. Holllngswortb manslon8 ln lhe allies. may prire the heirloom tbat has esoaped ac- it seems that It will b( cldents and the baud of the vandal for tbree be,ore ,hi8 old earth wl hundred years, ?he has still something more UBeIe8g thing to be prized than crocks and legends. . creft,'l0n th?? ground her t wo beartb'tone the has a tbous- plauleil ln maD.' SlJ lu aud fultl richer treasure in dutiful and loving ^ ^ K enl benevolent lnatltu cnildren. Tbt-ir warm beart'Hblood nourUhep . j ... , ^ , , ol d<-cay and dlsintegra anscov- The f)fficer8 were an fo cry represents the natural Juices o a ges- j ^ power, pout A ret tion as they exist in a healthy stomacn, wm. G. Guess. Archat v_: I M.uu *Um. WnrtU/fl tOnlQ I ? ? CUU1UU1CU WIMft U?W u ? . and reconstructive properties. Kodol for . h. Kirby, Preiati dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion m-H.LyoD, Secretb and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy Win. Thompson, Treat heips all stomach troubles by cleansing, (*eo-E. Calvert. Finan purifying, sweetening and strengthening H. C. Cobb. Inspector, the mucous membranes lining the stomach. H- Hnroraond, War Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, W, Va.. says:? * Robertson. Sen I " I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. Trustees: Kodol cured me and we are now using It in milk j)r j jjm cbairmt Kodol Digests What Yon Eat , vhiliuuu i/tdruuii Bottles only. Relieves Indleestlon, sour stomtcb, belchlne of pas, etc. ? ? Prepared by E. 0. DeWITT & 00., OHIOAQa C. A. Milford's Drugstore. coo'if.^uhe.mb.o - i % T TJ A ? RKP7VT ur intjy nnvt; wm reputation. i md reliable firm to impress the 1 the truthfulness of this fact. . sed as a medium from week to >r the many attractive Bargains ? ilways keep wide awake to the peot each week to push to the act- They want your business e buyer- And they will guarntee erson doing business with them, and give them a share of your our Buying?but go to erg & Co. They Haitipiy. Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina. Drid ltMir oouid not County of Abbeville. aoaid be written." Court of Common Pleas. Debad lived in tbi? Robert W. Hester against J. E. Mceen acquainted with Cracken and others.?Foreclosure. iuta. be wonid bave authority of a Decree of Sale by 1 would crowd ub all tfae Qourt of Common Pleas for Abbe. He would bave yjjje ( a fishing in a leaky jQg aQC| being jn Abbeville County, In up to fate in daring State aforesaid, containing , w THREE AND THREE-TENTHS iy coming, and the Acre8 more or less, and bounded by ecome a member of jand8 of Lucy FIoW) j. F. palmer, and benefactor* of man- j jj Porter, being the lot in the loured for enough tnwn nf wjiHni-tnn nnr^hnHPd hv w's seoond cn.band Mra< L T McCracben from W. 0. . i8on to weep and to ?ovjn Terms of Sale.?For cash. Purthing the order or gj^ggg,. {0 pay for title deed. 7 necessfiry to state L w PERRIN, f, gathered up more Master A. C., S. C. an dollars that were March mh 190~ little while Its mem NOTICE TO LIQUOR DEALERS be lilted by a flery office of County Dispensary Board for ise wing their way to Abbeville County. , nni,7 q .hnrt ?im* Abteville, S. C , March 11,1907. ii hn discftrriPfi as u Bi(is are hereby requested, in accordance with the terms of the Dispen. , . .. sarv Law now in force for the followee s o ea ^ were jng kinds and qualities of liquors, beer e organ ta on o &n(j r articles herein enumerated tlona are the germ* tQ bg furnig| ed tQ thg Sfcate of got)th on. For D8t*n&. caro]jna for u8e 0f the County Dispenl80,h8 named their B & f AbbeviUe County, to , and Ret up on the -J J trait of that dlstln- ' . bile this newspaper 75 bb!s. Corn Whiskey, give proof and rd for the memory of ???" -o_.. j ? .. ? < called "Hampton." 5 bb s. Peach Brandy. ;; \\ ;; 4< with the order, nor ? v^!8' brandy v, aligned with that ^ vu!8' ?in* <. .< << .? elng a member of the ? ^l?!8' ?,UnV tl ,, o object of the name: 1uuS'i ?? i ?? .? it the Impression that ? J?!?]8' ? 6* i? << ? ? d7 2 bbls. Port Wine. " " ' ' e to attract to them- Bids will also be received for cas' )Bgreatne?? goods including Rye, corn ana Scotch a desire to honor whiskey, brandy gin. rim and wine at d beer. Also glass, cork and tinfoil, the purpose of hon- *ire and oth-r article* used for a .ssoolating hi. name Co?W f . . j . All goods shall be furnished in com 1 ntlon was no doubt P11?00" "?.h and subject to the terms ,^ln and conditions of the Dispensary Law B ,,ler peo- of 1907, and bidders must obserw the ed to booor ?n,bod?. l?- _?t I on? nno it. rfh J-ne uius Bnaii ue seaieu ana mere? arter one of lta ale- , ,, , . , ld? shall be no sign, or mark upon me en-j f or a lodge for any jelope indicating the naaie of the bid- [ nber raHy not be hs e,f' ,,, ... . , . , 2. All bids must be sent by express lorneafter ii qjuu,yet , nr rn t> i 1 or tegistereu mail to \V T Bradley . w. .v. County Treasurer for Abbeville Cour.ty at Abbeville, S.C., on or before 12 memhers H.!!! o'clock of the 12th day of April, 1907. . . The contract shall be awarded to the asoph 18 > "My Jim," a strong scenic rural melo-dra- I ma, will be tbe opening play presented by tbe Harris Parkinson Company wblcb comes to tbe Opera House for 4 night's engagement COu LD ID en cum UCAU wuuuo; ui?u?, y * log a selection from the following play*: 41 At Sandy Bottom," "Pardners for Life," -'Rob'npod Cruso." "Daniel Boone ?>n the Trail," "Shadows of a Great City," "Land of the Mid Mc BHMIMHHMHBDi i n'ght Snr.," "A G'?at Wrong Righted," eto. A mr iimd ol Keener}' Is carrltd by this company -lud al piayn given & staging tbat far excels tunny of the blgb priced one night stand*. Among the vaudeville numbers tbat ...III Mnnlr onrt A r. will np|?cni ucinccu nut* aio --mour, Hinging nnd dancing specialties; LfCompte and L?ffler, song illustrator*; Jerry Heraell, comediun; tbe famous Etons; aDd the wonderful American Biofcope. This qPflf company will no doubt be greet d with a k-,cai packed bout*. p j ^gggMg>MggMMIgggBg?gMlgglWg>Wlggg|MMMMMWMM 'S 5 and 10c Sto ' mm mm am ^ 11 V\ V* JtJ, we win generally uo iuuu lity. we guarantee our goods le are some of the , ?> in the Hardware ^ d be found here at : 1 cents, i are many others. , a* ' fg=S^=E=: The most comp line of and in the City. Many new thii TOVIES^NONE Better. FEW AS GOOD. 'S 5 and 10c Stc ??????? Dlvld n, Company | poMJ;0?P7r^? r^nn/^c . to contrlbnte ol hi U^UUUa of Abbeville. Not an amount for tbe to be established I most desirsble Dress h promptly. But bench alnce tbe in this city. The beau- doned. Hedoean' , .. ,, become of hla m< goods are attracting the him that the mon goods is proof that they . hla hearty approi ) It thoroughly. ? fast and we will, show more mature rede prlety ot the oouai i 11 i_-a-j r_ imui anu wen seieuieu noaouoi dbi Deei j neas of a doty we! 1. tbe mosey baa be itore wifh the largest ?, Laces and Em- ,b,m*V'!!,'h".v cause of their fo< our pleasure to show. dividend la neede< ... It la barely pou Will appear soon. would like to ae Irst Shipment of an J Kid Oxfords. . 1 need tbe money, used aa a divide) Ion Company. 5 mmmmmmmmmmm_^^; acrlbers we would iDg^llowed a dlv U) MASTIC == T Robertson from share wbleb sbou would be paid to t received at Mil- Maatlo Paints, c ? any quantity at i StOP?. Sanatol Cold Cr " Tooth \ " Tooth I ie Paint, Varnteh, Stain and Oi " " Tooth t ' 1 ^ " Bath Pc ilitv, " Talcum J , Tootn ] ?- . The best Tolle BUyiDg. ? !? Mllford'a I Jup-s-Lac Ai AW a Drag Store. - 107 HOW HDCI T T T\Tr"* The question, L/Ltli\KJ . ghould be used wered definltel press a Shipment of them TE AND BONBON'S : Slfpfofl , yp exactly and a< s as you h&ve ever Tas- boh, its charact etc., may be w< rice. factors, but we /-irk -i ir- , sons may be, ? ites 5 10 and locents Director Georgl Ipartment of Ag Carolina Fertlli We know th; larger amounts able assurance may be expect< that occupies tr I until spring, or heavier fertilizi Is planted in t harvest in mlds illustrated by o __grain, or grass, the fall of the )PERA HOUSE assi'sf ,A v riods the rains ripening for hi Four Nights S^rUT June and July, are ideal crops COMMENCING Corn i8 rather . Al, ordinary dry v inday March 18th Iftti'&SSZ ing but a few c "HE BIG CITY SHOW Z is passed, the c ftfd AAfiffTfifltf fimnftv flfl ?ttart*mo secor UHUIIWI im Wli fruit in June ( tinues through A'DING THE EMINENT ACTOH checked by a i It has a numb< Cotton is the BERT H. HARRIS j of fertilizers ? doubt yield a -EXCELLENT PLAYERS of fertilizer pe CAR LOAD OF SCENEY Si frequently had not follow that Onpnine- Bill cation will pri upeiung Dl11' suits, or that t, IE BEAUTIFUL RURAL ^"the^ieTd/" MELODRA MA. of. 1"c/elartsej" not be in prop i(?jrtt ttu)) the amount of Xu.* JIM dollars' worth yield an lncrea ,WM1p? *6 worth wouli ueviue Increase of $18. Mack and Armour But careful o _ _ . _ _ .an aoDlication Let'ampte and Lettier izers" (properly Tprrv Wpr^pll t0 apPly Per ac JcrO -tierzen ers ln Georgia "Famous Etons" ret"Ln3 froI" a , as 800 pounds p American Bioscope I think 600 pou Rowenna Sensationalist \ "Saleat Milforcl's ? ? ?-?? to 2U0 to 300 pc ? 15 25 35Cents. i*nda. , re. M d the lowest. 3 the best. 11 I1 gs^gg !^rj=< v.. ..1 rigs just arrived in the and 3sware line. >re. lend In Sight. toberfson of oar town la a / * IzeD.andia always willing la meana to the upbuilding "?s Lso long ago be subscribed ^ i Presbyterian High School u this city. He paid half of I be la now on the anxlons enterprise has been abau- ' t know exactly what will )ney. It was suggested to ey of cash subscribers oould dividends to those who had Idea did not seem to meet r&l. He didn't anderat&Dd Jut it lb likely that, upon * ' -',$1 ctlon, he will see the pro- . ?5 re of eve3lng np things. He . a happy in the conscious11 performed, and bis loss of en In this way more than It is different with those .1 V )ut didn't pay. Some of Bbeen so badly scared be- . 'V*, Dllsh act, that a real good \ . d to make tblagsevea, and, ' *vij ilble ibat Mr. Robertson e the reluctant payers reirtures of mind they have Presbytery will not now the cash in hand oould be ad. If Presbytery should >f paying out the cash in ind to the non paylng-sut1 Insist on Mr. Robertson bfidend on the unpaid part of This woald pUee all debt- J > on the same footing. We tuld be fair to exclude Mr. a dividend on bis unpaid Id equal the per oent. tliat others. '/. J'jSm . . >1 1p, varnishes and stains in illford'a Drug atore.cn I ? " earn, . .J Vasb, (ga vzem 'owder, ^3 /,i' 'aste, ly's >wder, * A Powder, J 3rasbes. t preparations on eartb]on > >rug a Lore. shades .at MU/ard'a Draf B FERTILIZER TO , APPLY. "How much fertilizer* per acre?" cannot be an" y, but only In a general -41 ?? tv.tr, #nrm ICUUiCO JJUl 1U luto AV4?u* ost profitable amount that per acre?" Neither can n the amended form be :curately answered. The er,- condition, preparation, ell known, or controllable know not what the sea- ? ' v* lays Hon. R. J. Redding, el Experiment Station, DeTiculture, in the Virginla[zer Almanac. at some crops will bear of fertilizers with reasonof profitable returns than id of other soils. A crop le soil from the fall season early summer, will bear ng than will a crop that he spring and "ripens for lummer. The first case is ats, wheat, or other small , especially when sown in year. Such a crop occuring'the late fall and win spring?uuring wnicn peare usually abundant? arvest In late spring, or lmer, before the burning and possible drouths of Oats and wheat therefore for liberal fertilizing. an uncertain crop on the iplands of the South. It period in which to devel-tassels and silks?coverlays. If very dry weather hen this critical period is id for some time after it :rops may prove a greater There can be no second id period of blooming, t in the case of cotton, ces to bloom and make or even earlier) and conlout the summer until severe frost in November. ;r of "chances." xefore another Ideal crop tilizlng. A small amount ipplled per acre will no larger percentage profit an will a larger amount. in application of $2 worth r acre may cause an ln)f cotton (at 10 cents per alue or jb to 50, or a prouc cent, on Its cost. I have such results. But it does twice as heavy an applijduce twice as large rehree times as much would nes as great an increase In other words, the rate the yield of cotton will >ortion to the Increase in fertilizers applied. Two of fertilizer per acre may ise in the crop of SG; but 3 not therefore bring an bservation has shown that of $5 to $6 worth of fertilbalanced) is a safe amount re on cotton. Many farmhave secured satisfactory n application o? so much er acre, nds a perrcctly safe iimft airly good condition, well >roperly cultivated in cotI would limit the amount >unds per acre on old up> zL'