grrmiM^fn 1 ? i" "' The Abbeville Press and Banner,!] BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1907. ESTABLISHED 1844|M new: Go< A. rri vii Come in and look we haven't got whai we have. ' . ' Largest and . Stock of Dry Goc ever brought to Abl f: PMsod Hear ' ' 15AST Unit. [ uruuu uew uuxgi Indicate that thej , I out of the R. F. ] I We notice that pay of ol;y carrl WITHIN OUR CITY GATES. DOtblDtf for the F! Mr. Lawrenoe Parker and bride arrived in ' Mm" city l??t S*tord*y and are ?l home to com'D8 and-earn< their friends at Mr. W. D. Barksdale'a wuere ??metbay are bosrdlo^. raytvor av Mr*. Parker nee Miss Emma Harris in one of Alabama'! cbarnolag young ladles and Id Route No 8 is a well known to the people of our oily by boused up and n< whom sbs is most cordially welootned. Mr. Las' week one i Parker I* nue ufonr rlalng yoang men and la ladles ou route 3 w?li,KDd moat favorably known in 'octal and of dellcl< as t offee baaioeMcircle*and baa m?Dy friends who' tbe day was cc > extend to him bearty onngrxtulationa, and j rented him with i wish for him and bis bxppv bride long life m?desMusage am and many >ears of unalloyed bappJn^aft. ' day of tbe winter Tbe many irlendsol Mr. John A Uanlaare I bot cofUee, 1 HpmoIv ronoArned nbout bla condition, and I reward. i msoy prayers are offered In bts beoalf, with . nr. Anarew w tbe bope that bin life may be sparrwi, and y?d?'n ,^a may eoon be able to retorn borne, Woodhnrst I* tb< Mrs. Cltua* Beacbsm after a pleasant visit alJ tbls country, to friends tn this ber borne returned to Atl^n- .J5?'"5018 on ,ou' ta yesterday. M(2?<11yMrs. E. E. Piatt after a protracted stay In Tbe farmers an tbe city wltb ber borne people returned last and building new Week to ber borne at Hnmmerton, 8. C. a '"P1* 0f prusperl Rev, Roper of the Methodist Church Ah kinds of sto preached a special sermon lastHunday morn- which indicate w Ing to tarenia good coDgr? gatlno wa? present, al home as it eve: and lUs boped tre?*ured up his remarks especially those looking to tbe eternal welfare Of the rising gent rat Ion. Mr. Wallaoe Harris was summoned by tele- All PT&Qj gram to the bedvide ol bts father last week 6 who was considered extremely 111 at tbe fllAYin'a hospital In PbllHdelnbla, bot on bis arrival fooDd to his great Joy a change bad taken place tor tbe better wblcb was good news to tbe people of Ibis community who r?Jolce There are myri Wri?> V** *r r. vr a a r? precious few goo C^ri,e'm1^?- 1,aDd 5 Mr* Ar^rew rr"DfV Abbeville that's and Mr. Tilden Lomax are now sporting Id1 speed and Is call WHEN FERTILIZERS SHOULD BE inniirn contemplated, it ArrLMJJ. by the fact tha been In the grou gone the chemic As & general rule, which has but few the immediate w exceptions, the greater part of the fer- 1 4L."11? ,t tllizer should be applied to the soli be- nedient1n anv fore planting the crop It Is intended to ?u?ntltv s-iv 20 benefit. This rule is not only in accord ^f 'oda in^e s! with theoretical considerations, but is also * 80 a "L e 81 abundantly sustained In actual practice, ^2.? corn see as shown by carefully conducted field ex- * J"1 pertinents Instituted for the express pur- ?V im-riediate coi pose of ascertaining the truth, says Hon. \n ??! R. J. Redding, Director Georgia Experl- APPLIiNG Fji ment Station, Department of Agriculture, TIME < in Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer Almanac. This may be u The theory underlying the rule is the applying the fer fact that most of the ingredients compos- immediately plai lng a commercial fertilizer are not im- refer to the pra mediately soluble and avalllble, but must tilizer in the fi undergo certain chemical changes in the the latter case, oil before the plant food will be In the fest danger that proper condition to be taken up by the son may be unus roots of the plants. This is particularly the fertilizer, t true In regard to salts of potash, and in may not be dis less degree to acid phosphate. It is a seminated throu fact, alao, that some forms of potash, follow that the i notably kalnlt, cause chemical changes trcted?en massi In the condition of the plant food already tender rootlets < ??? ? ! ? * oaii tho kofnro in- f via 1a+ + .a?* ' jirVBClU 1U GL JWik, IVUWVWJ w?*v< V ? ? V*1VJ iouci uiaj soluble and non-available plant food al- a not inconside ready In the soil, becomes available. is not advisabl The organic substances which are large- light application ly used in the make up of commercial This caution is fertilizers for the purpose of supplying seeds that are nitrogen to the plants?such as cotton- furrows and b?1 seed meal, dried blood, fish scrap, tank- cotton, p:i<1 it Is age, etc., also require time in which to pose some soil, < undergo chemical decomposition and such tilizer in one fu change of form as will enable the roots in a furrow inu to appropriate the nitrogen. Even sul- versa, plant the phate of ammonia, a highly soluble cheml- and then the fe cal salt, which sometimes enters into beside it. But the composition of a fertilizer in a veiy bed on the fert limited amount, must undergo a complete seeds, after hai chemical decomposition in the soil before I have often a the plants can make any use of the nitro- a "complete" t gen, which it contains in the form of furrow with the ammonia suipnate. rnis musi De con- -away oacn in verted into nitrate, or nitrate of lime. seventies when Nitrate of soda is the one chemical a ton, am! ver -** fertilizer salt that is immediately avail- supposed to bo able, producing a very prompt effect when economy. Wo W** * : SPRING nrf c IfVIU ig Daily them over and see if \ ; you want. We think Most Attractive ids, Notions and Shoes jeville. y & Company es wbioh seemingly would SALT T.AKT! CITY. f at least are making money ^ U,AJ 3. bUMlD688. Congress has lnoraesed the iers, but a* yet bave done Chat Abont People and Things Be arai carriers, who are bow- yond the Boekle*. .be hope of a brighter day jatly hope bow soon It may In making observations on my trip, let th reader not forget I bat I look no note* of any _ * rt thfnrr awaattl r\t Ik* u~..k.LI. m jj doings on koutfi *)| vutuf, oawj/i vii iud rouibtftbdlo bmiieiljduu u boat rained out everybody lhe BaP?lst Missionary la Texas. For tbi otblng doing od tbe farm, reason the paragraphs may a??m mixed, of the many i retty young write them down aa they occur to me. get. "M" op to a red hot oup wblcb was greatly enjoyed admibing tillman. ild. Another good iRdy preiDlcelotof splendid borne Id going ontl went by wbat mlgbtbeeallei * genueman^lend farn?Jb- the BPPer rout?- Iq conversation wltl Eerily these eball bave tbelr strangers, wben I told tbem I was from 8outl . ... Carolina, tbey would almost Invariably aa: ^n sec on "st w^ek Mr. ?>*> like this: "That Is Tillman' ; finest oblmney builder In 8tau ' or, "Tillman Is from South Carol In at' . . . . or,"Do you know Tillman?" or, Tillman Is i Le 3 wflre ran great man," or'Tillman la an bonest man,1 s repairing old out boaaea and all, without exception, apoke of blm li ones, giving to tbe country the most respectful terms and In expression ck'in tbe country look well of great admiration. ell filled barns and plenty r should be. THKT kekp appointments. i , . r One of the most pleasant tblngs oonneetet with Bait Lake City people la the promptneti es Fertilizers at with wblcb tbey keep a promise, or an en , gagement. If tbey set an hour to meet yot you can rely upon tbelr being tbere at tbi . appolated hour. .da of twinkling stars, but ridinq in * carriage. daU*the gToheirtl.UaolSeby On tbe next morning after my arrival li ed Ctnoo. ' Sill Lake City I enquired of some men a work on the btreet the w*v to the Count; Jill. Obeying Instructions, I struck out afoot la tbe course of time I arrived at tbe slartlni .s applied in the furrows point, where the men were at work. Some While this result wai not wbat tired, wlib a brain that whs addled t The8 fertiliser th^had 1 weDl back lo tbe ho,el- 1 \ ltJ ?fe "runner nd two weeks had under- of that establishment that I wanted a c?r al changes already allud- rlage. He was very friendly, and kind): lant food was ready for 0ffered t0 hire one forme tbal wouldn't rol ;gests?thatelt?may belx- me- 1 thanked him, and In a little wblleth ' case, to apply a small carriage appexred at tbe front. Telling tbi to 25 poundsr-of nitrate driver where I wanted to go, he struok out ime furrow with the cot- for ltje p)BCt,t which was straight down th !fetyWwith ctrtton seeds, "treet a few blocks. Returning afier spent! iger to corn if not placed log a time wben he waited, I asked th atact with the seed. price, and be tald tbree dollars. I we 2RT1LIZER AT THfi real glad tbat I did not fell Into tbe bands o OF PLANTING. a r0bber. I walked every day after I learnei nderstood to mean either tbe road. tillzer, bedding on it and ntlng the seed; or it may going out to skk things. ictice of putting the ferirrow with the seed. In While I was In Bait Lake City I went ou theFcom 1 ngrcfwhig^sea- three. nigbU U> ae. things. The first nigh ;ually dry, In which event out wa8 at a dance, which seemed free for al leing so lightly covered, who might Invest a quarter for admission solved and properly dia- Ai faras I notloed there were no ohnDe' onei tertn^beini's^concen- Tpe evening dreg,er-the trailing skirts. th, i, as it were?around the * backs and tbe C fronts?were absent. ] of the young plants that soon lired of the performance. I though be injured, or "burned** i^ere was room for missionary work le* excep"Bwheri a very ?ad I could not help from thinking of brothei is to be made per acre. Galloway and bit* fidelity ano teal in the worl especially applicable to of Mending missionaries to show Mexlcar pJ.aii.t^(i ln yeiJ Sha^?JI Catholics tbe right road to the celestial olty. lightly covered, such as . .. , * T . ._ . , .. : t generally safer to inter- Another nlgbt I struck out for a theatre >r. better, deposit the fer- p?ylng seventy-five ceoU for a ticket. Tb< rrow and plant the seeds curtain was up when I weal in. A younj nediately beside; or, vice wonaan an(j an 01<1 man were on the stagi seeds first in the furrow, . , . , ... . . . _ . rtilizer in a furrow close before tbe footlights. Their efforts were re-ln the preferred plan is to f>rcedby the presence of others. The ok llizer, and then plant the man bad uocoat. His trousers were ln tbe legi iSide50dto 100 pounS'of ofhl" boo,B' 8Dd bls whole make'QP hat ertllizer per acre in the wbat seemed to be tbe appearance of a fron : cotton seeds; but it was 'tlenman. About tbe first word that I heart the late sixties and early ioe yonng woman say was something abon in ino interest or a wivo ?wu iuuuu mm tue p-ay ww ueuoer eievai lid not know much about log nor very Interestingly suggestive of un >se days, and were afraid atterable things. When tae trap fell at th< cn puano on the cotton. . ... , , ..... ? passed and gone, and the *od of the first aot. I left. On reaohlng mj er has found that 500 and rjom at tbe hotel I asked a porter If be would fertiliser for cotton, a like to take my ticket and see tbe remalodei ltdtohngih;^otd0dinrgerouB o? 0f lbe ,QoW' *e 8eBmedH d?llKhted fll lbl simply liberal and Judl- uggestlon, and he hurried off. It wai not i it is a question of simple premeditated act oa my part. I had ni 100 pounds per acre Is grievance loeeltle with biro. e wTth 600 Kn?diaS?ra^ Another night I went to a dauoe at anol bei then why not Increase d'?00 from that to wbloh I went tbe flrs 1 n 411 VAro an<4 nlnht T t m n a In lAma rnono/tto w\ r\t i? n I I Ir a (hi r kbu *?* *v? vtitaot a, aiiui ui^uu x v new i u win o i OOJJCUW uuv uunac bu< iable, reduce the area ana flrst dance. Toe doom seemed wide open t< II-informed farmer only a" wh0 pHld tbe entraDoe 25 cent9- Tbl if the fertilizer be proper- Kins, ai a rule, were young and In shor r the crop he wishes to dresses?(1 mean that they were short In th Id at a fair price, and he bottom and did not reach the floor by Inches. r, just as he would do In , .. . . j at such a price that he Tbey were lon* ?nouKh ln the wa"" iroflt of from GO to 100 per Arter looking on for a short time, I tboucbt i vard. A high-grade, hon- goodly number of the girls ought to hav 111 meet this requirement. t,een at home with thtlr mothers. A ver; ther justification for the ... . . ,. ? A plying fertilizers at the Utile of that dance sail fled me. ig?viz., when the farmer Kin-.~ PB.nT,T v t in his order at the prop- TUK N1CE8T people. r yiRt?e"'h*nCy?t | Tbe nicest and the bed assembly of goo lllzer with the seed, or at I loo^lne people that I saw In Salt Lake Clt; nting. f' I was in tbe Mormon tabernacle on Sunday afternoon, where an organ recital was given, and to wblcb tourists and visitors to tbe olty were especially Invited. LOOK LIKE SOUTHERN PEOPLE. Tbe people of Salt Lake City have very mucb tbe appearance of Southern people. Id tbeir speech or tone of voloe they are not differ en t, though In a few Inataooea I met strangers or others who wen distinctive in their pronunciation. One man, when others were talking of the oropsof Utah, pot In and said the chief crop of Utah was "ruts," having reference to the sugar beet. Another man was a little fastidious in his pronunciation. It was be who c nducted tbe car, "Seeing Salt Lake City." He was exceedingly careful about small matters, and seldom or never pronounced bis words as do ordinary poor folks. For lnstanoe: He gave, "sev-en-tysev-en" as the year In which Brlgham Young died. Afterward when coming home, the poorest and perhaps tbe most Illiterate person whom I met, called itseven and e-iev-en and e-ven. Tbe Standard Dictionary pro* 1 nouq008 these words sev'n, elev'n, e*'n. But the makers of tbe Standard Dictionary, bad ' no more rlgbt to offer a rule for our adoption than had tbe extra nice conduotor of "Seeing Salt Lake City" or tbe Illiterate traveler on ' day ooach of a passenger trala, k SLEEPERS. Speaking of traveling. On the route going out to Salt Lake City I rode on tbe sleepers, the three nights that 1 traveled. Tba stepper tickets on different lines cost 12.99.50 or |4 ac - oordlng to ofrcumstances, or distance, or tome other rale wltb which I am not familiar. Between Denver and Salt Lake City tut price of a sleeper is K The ooit of a regular ticket from Atlanta to Salt Lake City la 168?the prloe of sleepers being extra. Coming borne I bought a sleeper to Dearer wltb tbe regalar ! ticket to Atlaota, paying ror botb, 160. One ' night I slept on one of tbe lean-back cbalrt. Tbe otber nights I stopped in towns, waiting - for railroad oonaeotloas. I stopped la Dearer from aboat 8 o'clock one ulgbt until about 13 o'clock next day. Next morning after breakfast in Dourer I thought to ride a little on the street oara. Denver Is on the 1 Rio Grande Hirer. SEEING DENVBB Without knowing anything about them or their sobedalea I boar.led a oar tbat was full of passengers. At different street crossings, passengers kept getting off until tbe edge of town was reaohed. I stuck to tbe car. 1 bad then gave too far to expeot to meet auolbar car, and It kept going. I looked at my watch . %nd became nervous for fear that I might not get back In time for tbe train. Looking ahead I olearly aaw tbat tbe track went but a little farther, and 1 folt better. When we got to the end where I thought the traok stopped, It tamed at right angles, and the oar went soootlng down the line at the llvllest e sort of rate. By tbta time the houses " were obt of sight bat the farms were ' In fall view. After awhile I saw a big estab1 Ilshment ahead directly on line with the * traok, and thought sarethe end was there bat It oarveJ to the right and straok oat over another stretch of farming land*. When the oar was miles and miles oat of the 1 city It finally stopped and took the baok 1 track. We had?one by one hospital or sanl-1 carl am to another which was far removed ? from the "madding orowd." One of the 8 hospitals was for oonsnmptlves and the other was known as the Jewish hospital?net to 9 oure men and women of their mental Jewish qualities or propensities?bat to oare patleuts 3 of bodily ailments. To oare a Jew of his 8 [sraelltlsh religion or to Indaoe a Catholic to renounce his faith Is considered a bard task, and op to this time I know of few Christians who undertake to do so great a thing as 1 this, 1 On the way baok to the city I asked the * conductor to put me off at the street where 1 1 e tbe llvar bdd toDe ibe yMein. You chd be*i do tbli by a dose or two of beWltt's Early Rl??ni 3 Sale,reliable little pllla wltb a reputation y The pill* that everyone kn?w*. Reoom mended by C. A- MUfQrd, \ . COTT The Farmers t is better prepared than ever to store y< The Farmers Warehonse at A in the County built for the exclusive stoi Cotton. Warehouse Receipts accepted by a holder desires to borrow money on same. Don't leave your cotton out unprotect a safe place where it is out of the weathe If you have any Cotton to store, reme Farmers Warete % R. E. Cox &' . V / W. T. MAGILL,' IF YOD II For Your REAL, EST* v mil rt' i von u, No flatter What Your Property Is Worth, or in What I 7 . '.V ; If I did not fa wmmammmmmmmmmmbmbta"1 00 ,d D( all my other "i new prop?rtlM money good profit bei day. Why not pot I^HBnMBinnnPi^ result the?e ^^n^BnHn||HH? on quickly. > up-to-date eqa a foroe of do ban mus ohd aware pecttoflndat B^HHBfl^HRK3Rp0P?33BB5i^R^Bfl ert lei as I did more propertlc W^MBWg?^f.^ whether you h 1SHHE5HH^E555555255^5H5KKI doean't matter b {-ont the blank : s% yon bow and why I can quickly oonvert the property Into teab and wlllg Free of C and term* for handling It. The Information I will give yon will be of i Yon bad better write today berore yon forget ItIf yon want to bny any kind of a Farm, Honae or B ulneaa, In any part tee to fill tbem promptly and MtUftctorlly. ma p. i, ft mm Man, jfi If You want to Sell Fill In, Cut Out and Mail Today. Please send, without cost to me, a plan for finding ] a cash buyer for my property which consists of prt Town ..County State To Following is a brief descrip-ion Pri ; t*.. Lowest cash price Re Name ..Address/ Na Miss McBride a Good Judge of flour. Willington, S. C. 1} ' Janusiry 16,1907. i0 P [fl A PC1 MlUda I beg leave to eay in regard Stltfi. COllllI to the barrel of floor (Sylph) ' sentfc to me as a prize that we pendent' 1??1 ? U ? - ? ? n.?B?AU L 111 UK lb CHUUUl UO O&VOUQU t. B. OAAJUDun. and it meets all the require- Board or n ments that go to make up a Visanaka, John A. Harris flr8t cla88 flour. J- F. Clinkscalea, C. C. G It affords me plearure to be We son?** y?ur able to commend it for its u 8 good qualities. We are iD P08111011 tc Tours very truly _ _ _ ^h,n >la0^ln mist laaDene mcunae.i uur we ON. W arehouse jur Cotton at reasonable rates, bbeville is the only warehouse rage of Farmers' and Merchats' 11 the Banks as collateral, if ;ed; it is too great a risk; put it in :r and insured. jmberthe se at Abbeville, ;vPres. WEIGHER. int cash 1TJS Or Business ET IT Tnwn. dtv. state or Territory it is Located ftve the ability and facilities to Fell your property. I cer 3t afford to pay tor tbla ad vertlaeroent. This "ad" (Jilt? ' '? ?M ids") is practically snre to nlaoe on my list 'a number of i, and lam Just assure to sell these properties and make In oommlMonn to pay for cost of I hese "ads," and make a ' u I am not. goingoutnf business. On tbe contrary, I exthe clone of the year, tbat I bave so'd twice as many prop tbe last y?-ar, hut It will first be necessary-for me to -list" ss. I want to llai YOURS and Sell It. It doesD't matter aveafarm, a home wltbout any land, or a business: It what It Is worth, or where it la located. If yoa will fill rpiVa letter of Inquiry below and mall it to me today, I will *ell "''H lve you rov complete plan. great value loyoa, even If yon should decide not to sell. .? ; ^ , of the coantry, tell me yonr requirement. I will guar&nl. ft., ma. His fou want to Buy fill in, cut outand Mail Today. [ desire to buy property corresponding ap- / < >ximately with the following specification: wn or City County State ice between $ and $ I will pay down and balance me Address M of Atibevile. 1 ky and City Depository. || vi^-Prealdent: Castiler: P. B. SPEED. J. H. DttPRE. ireetors : F. E. Harrison, P. B, Speed, G. A. i, R. M. Haddon, Lewis\V. Parker, W. P. Greene, ambrell. business and are prepared to handle afely and conservatively. i make you loans, and to pay interest on deposits, ;;| ivings Department. ..... .; < : - VJ4 s'vM ;vw ' ' /. 'r f-??V t