The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 26, 1906, Image 5

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The Press and Banner " ^"Published every Wednesday it D a ear in advance.. .. Wednesday, Dec. 26, 1906. i ?? . Change of Schedule. North. No. 32 doe 4.52 pm. 38 due 1 05 am 52r due 12.67 pm Houtb. 33 doe 12.43 pm 41 due 4.0* am 53 doe 4 OS pm Male LOst. A light bay mare mule, slightly dish faced In eood order, olee sb&pe, neighs about 800 or 900 pound*. Went astray lattTbumday will pay reason Hoie uauiattsb. J. U. Wardlaw, Troy, S. C. S euro Killfd nt Hodgtg. A negro was Instantly killed at Hodges last Thursday nlgbt. He bad come to this city to buy liquor, and probably "tanked up" on bit W8y bume. When lonnd be was dead and , bis sack of spirit was lying nearby. Il 1* supposed tnatbe fell under ibe wheels. He bad bought no ticket. * \ Earlier Thf*n Usual. In order to give tbe Press and Banner fore? a well earned nouaay ana real tat* paper printed earlier than utual ihU week. * Home AgnHi. Abbeville Medium. Hogh VVUbod, ?>q . editor of the Pre* a and Banner, reached bums taat week from a long trip to Salt Lake City and other point* of Interest In the great Nortbweet. Hi* trip wat on a matter or banloeaa. He wu pleaded with theooantry, the climate and tbe people who are hoapiubie and progressive. Him lout journey was without uilthap, but he love* Abbevllle and South Carolina above all. ^ m Harried. i ' In tbla city on the 19ib Inst., by Rev. J. Lowrle Wuion, D. D., air. Waller Martin ana Mln Jennie Bowie, t>olh of Abbeville. gjri&in *' ' School Bonds. Sell ynnr Abbeville Mhool bondi to R. S. Link. Abbeville, S. C Fwr Sale. One 2ond band square Piano. Original eoattl.OUO. Can be boogbt now for 95 pei month tor 12 montbs. Call at P. and fi office lor lnrtber lDlormatlou. . *~T Fertilisers on Hand. I have on hand* all grade* ol fertilizers foi (rain. Be sure and see u?. We will also sei you your cotton seed meal. J W. McKee, Jr. Coaniy Union. County Union will meet Dec. 19'b, Local* meet 8aturday lotL. and eleot Delegates tn Connty Untou. Will be two upteehee. Everybody come. By order of President. 8. P. Presaley, Prea, For Sale. ' > Forty dIdo aores laud, price >400. Term* easy. Also one mule and other peraona) property. J C. Browu. Troy. 8. C. Luat Dos. A small Irish setter, red, has b?en loai aomewbera between Abbeville and Clemnon * College. He la a small red dog and anawertto name of Daab. Owner wl 1 be grateful for any Information leading to bin recovery. Mark E. Bradley, care Preaa and Banner. . I Notice. The Abbeville Telephone Co. will rloae Cbrlatmnp d?y from 9 o'clock a.Tn. to 8 p. m., and from 7 o'clock p. m. n> til 10 o'clock p. m. Wro. Barnwell. Gen'l M'g'r. Mr. Wilson's letter from Utah was crowed oat. Stockholder's Meeting. The regular annual meetlDg of the Stockholders o( Tbe FHrmers Bank of Abbeville, 8. C., will be beld In tbe offloe of tbe Bank on Wednesday, tbe ntntb day of Jaoy. 1907, at lZo'clook. J.H DoPre, Casbler. It t m Just reoelved one oar cement. Abbeville Limber Co, K ' Tbeannu*l meeting of policy holders ol ? Abbeville?Greenwood Mn<u*t Insurance r Association will be held at Abbeville Jan. 1st 1907 at 11 o'clock A. M. J. R. Blake, 8ecty. Tbe City bu la charge one bow, red oolor. with white and black spots, owner mast oall for same and pay charge, Enquiry for Idshhc Womito. To who ever comes In pod tact with Hettle Johnson, colored, I wish >ou would take eare of her, and I will pay all the expenses. Bbe Is In mental trouble. Sbe led my borne Monday 6:80 a. m. and has not been beard from since tben. Please notify Sheriff C. J. , Lyon at his offlce, Abbeville, 8. C. Lewis Adam*, 8. A. L. t * If yon want to do the nice tblng give your * girl a box of Hoy lers?Fresh at Speed's Drng lore. Don't smoke mean cigars when yon can ( ger Speed's Clncos for the same price, Three Indispensable things for Christmas, Tnrkey, Cram berries and Speed's Clnoo cigars. ^ LOST A very large, liver-spotted POINTER , BITCH. Any information will be very much appreciated, Renwick Bradley. Chiffon Ruffs for Xmas. o :n. T> n i- n_ Biuiiu uiy uooao v/o ^ Locals. Aoy person wanting shoes will And It i<> their Interest to call on Abbeville Shoe Co. We sell sboes, nothing else. Abbeville Shoe Co. If It Is good shoos and new stock yon want, we have them. Abbeville shoe Co. Men ahoes, women Phoes. children shoes one better made. Abbeville Shoe Co. Every man should wear one pair of oar Jeflfersonlan shoes. We have rzcluslve agenoy for them. Abbeville Shoe Co. We are receiving new styl6? every day, call and see them. They will bear Inspection. Abbeville Sboe Co. We want to call attention to our Am^'lrns k women's sboes. They look good, w?ar gcod V- and feel good, Abbeville Shoe Co. l, ShoDldyon And the lost parti?* *poken of. elsewbere, they will be well shod. We did it. Abbeville Blioe Co. 12 and 16 button kid gloves for Xmas. Smith Dry Goods Co. i ~ K A'ew Cure for Epilepsy. < J. B. Waterman, of Walertown, O., Rural free delivery, writes: "My daughter, afflicted for yearn with epilepsy, was cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. She ha* uot bad an attack for over iwo years." uest ooay cleansers and life giving tonic piiis od earth. 25g at Speed's Drug Store. Handkerchiefs, embroidered, 2 l-2c to Sl'OO, for Xmas. Smith Dry Goods Co. go: L. W. V And You Will Find The Largest, The Choicest anc FALL and WINTER G-c You will find all kir and the handsomest des kinds that could be fou: New York, Philadelphis His arrav of Plaid ? simply exquisite. All t see them. Never before has he of Ladies' Cloaks as he! has also a good stoc which is the most sens ble garment for the absolutely rain-proof. His stock of Clothin Boys and Children is 1 fore. Suits at all price prices, and Cravanette Be sure also, to see A ia< st complete line < Come and see and 3 L. W. V . < 6 Days Before Xr 1906 December l! SUN MON TUE WED THU FBI 2 3 4 5 6 7 - i. 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 2 5 26 27 28 J 30 I 31 I I I I ' ?A - * ? ?? /\aX% Um J ust unit; enuugii t your toys before the r i .? on. My store is head qu for everv thine in tt 1/ w Line. Dolls, Wagons, Carriages, Go-Carl pedes, Blocks, Tea-sets, Chairs, Be stands, Books, Trains, Base Ball and Suits, Animals, besides all sorts of C Iron Toys. My toys are cheaper than the chea] Give me a call and you are sure to 1 A. M, SMI e., . . , . DENTAL I Side combs, back combs, . silk and leather belts, pillow Dr' s* ' . r xr OFFICE UP-8TAIR8 top3, lor Amas. Corner, Abbeville. B. C Smith Dry Goods Co. DR. J. K. J> Silk & Dress goods for surgeon I Xmas. Smith Dry Goods Co. office over r.m. Had ro White's. 1 Most Attractive Stock of >ods He has ever offered. i ids of Dress Goods, signs in Silks of all nd in the markets of a, and Baltimore. Bilks for waists is ;he Ladies need to ' i offered such a line has this season. He ik of Cravanettes, iible and ComfortaWinter. They are g for Men, Youths, arger than ever beB, Overcoats at all sto suit everybody. his beautiful Rugs. )f Fancy China. rou will be pleased. n . ' i STHITE. ' ' / 4 ' ' ^ ~ Lots to be So I will sell at Auctio SAT ?j? on Saleday in 8 hours of sale h;\ 15 fronting on ] 22 ning parallel contain about o M These are the r ft* "/v - . j' . Vrv.,.*; o buy Abbev: ush is Honestta4 ? y They are 1< \j dence section o arters . x,.insj,? ^ Le toy s Veloci_ The MM fSI * w-h. ClaimsSiist tg ? _ .. 1 ii&M ? ^ *- - ?.-j:?. T?-;s? Koot Jr5all United states uourt < The Publishers of Webrtw'a h * Dictionary allege that It "to, In . james and the purpose of adapting It to m and severer requirement* of ai tlon." We are of the opinion that t most clearly and accurately \pcf work that nas been accomnHi ,C01' result that has been reached. T1 as it now stands, has been tl i 1 edited in every detail, has been )6 pleased, every part, ana Is admirably ftdi * the larger and severer requi generation which demand* mo philological knowledge than an hat the world basever contain i as MB m H I It is perhaps needless to add B? o the dictionary in our judicli <ie highest authority in occur 9J EC HHS ion: and that In the future a? 9 Bg ' *ill be the source of constant re I II Ilk "tsfe JOHN DATUL _____ _______ BTANTO* Tftmrnu VVAAV/Xi. 77wdtxmrtfertto WpBS rhomson, international ok* ' ?* MOlLWAJr THE GRANDIPF (the highest award) ins givm to tional at the World's Fair, 8*.Lo !TnvTM GET THE LATEST AND BEST i -1.v-/ jl*. You will be interested In our /Vjpv Vpntlfit tpecimenpaacM,untfru. / U \ ' G. & C. MERRIAM CO., [don & Co.'a Store publishers, - Ucrnwy. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. -T,^" '.. t 1 i*) ' Chariest oil stud Wfs^m CUrollm Ey. Schedule In effect Judo 8,1906. Daily Dally Dally Lv Aueusta 10 00am 5.00pin 6 80am Ar McCorralck.. 11.40am 6.14pm 8 I8*m Lv MeCormlck 810im Lv CalbooD FaliH... 930?m Ar Anderoop ... ]1.0"tro Lv MoCo-mlctc 11.40am 6.44pm A ? ZlnAannAA/t iO Q4nm T A ^.1 m m VJ I ODii TT VUU IKU?pUI I.WfiH# Ar Wau-rloo 1.13pm Ar Laurens 145pm Ex Sun. Lv Laurens 2.47pm 8.00*m Ar Fountain Inu... 2 47pm 9>4<?m Ar Greenville- 3.28pm 10.20*m. * Lv Laurens:...... 2 07pm Ar Woodruff-....-. 2.49pm Ar Hpwrtwnbnrg 340pm Lv npxrianbnrg 4.00pm (Ho. Kj ) At Hendersonvilla 68,1pm Ar Asbevllle ......... 73Upm uv Ashevllle 7 15am (So. By.) Lv Hpndersonvllle 8.10am Lv Spartanburg ?... 12.01pm (C. & W. C. By) Lv Woodr ?fT 12.44pm ArLanren* 1.27pm Lv Greenville 12.15ow 4.40pm KxbuD. Lv Fountain Inn... 12 5.41pm Ar Laurens 186pm 6 40pm Lv Lauren* 2.02pm (G.N.4L.) 'Ar G^ntoo - 2.22pm Ar Newberry 3 10pm Ar Colombia - 4 '5pm Ar Charleston 9.40pm Lv Laurens 1 50pm <* A W. C.) Lv Greenwood.- 2 48pm 6 25<tc Lv Anderson 4.l5'.ni Lv Calhonn Fails... 5.46pm Ar McCormlck 8 40pm 7.15hid 6.46pm Lv MoCormlck t 8.40pm * 7.15em 6 48r>ni Ar Ansnsts.... 6 25rm 8.55?<m 8.80ptd Note?Tbe above arrivals and departures, as well as connections wltbot* er companies, ?re given ad Information, at?d are not guarantee* i. Trl-weekly parlor car service between Aognsta and Asbevllle. Leave A> pu^ta Toesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; leave Asbevllle Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Ernest Williams. G P. Agt. Augusta, Go. B- A. Brand, Traffic Manager. ' ' 11 I J. M. N1CKLE8, A.ttornev at Law Abbeville, S. C. Office with W. N. Gray don. A Good Saw Mill Outfit for 8?le. One 6 Hor?e Pr>wer Teier Engine sod one De Loche Piiwmlll, number 0. with 48 inch blade. The oatflt Is almost new. Will be old at a iery low price lor cash. V. Apply to T. B, Eakln. / DR. il,'CALVERT, SURGEON DENTIST. At Dr. Killingsworth's office. August 10,1905. U Tl*e place to buy your rubbers. Abbeville Shoe Co. . i We are glad to show our , stock and hope everyone will give ns an opportunity. Abbeville Shoe Co. DR. J. A. DICKSON, y SURGEON DENTIST. GOLD FILLINGS; GROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. A GOOD PLATE- fS.OO AMALGAM FILLINGS 76o and. l.OO OFFICE OVER BA.RKSDALE'S STORE ( Every Farmer Bhonld have A ? - f a pair ox our jenersoman Shoes. They are strong and comfortable. Abbeville Shoe Co. Id at Auction. n, to tlie hicrlie&t bidder, - . '5* legal j ] * ? ' > :??f . . Ji 3L&8;' iS&ft:. . f f -MS.,- v JPk : *tv, ??iippir \ ' y :&%Um > -y-^w # ~ ? * iLS&K'isWR , ' aye wmQw* ' ...... ?-? mmiM: ?? ! : .Is. dont M?mf : . *w" ?d then > y now with ?y? and Dolls h? a Adp pre' 6 aud 10 cent . K. $ ?V>* ' .N e*n be found at tore In abundance. w ra qanatltles at Dargan's j. each at Dargans 5 and on fan see tbl? Bide or represented. X r? good lot of 10 cent jWIb, Pitchers etc. wonderful buying power at 10 oeot Store. Dargso's 5 and 10 cent Store. rlrtto Picture* at Dargan'B 5 and 3. ?'?f ?..<? ' vant *ometblng n!oe for Cbrlstmaa go to Speed's Drug Store. a good tnate In your mouth for .dm by smoking 8peed'a Clnco cigar* at Speed* Drug Store. u '^v' j. If it is shoes you want call on * Abbeville Shoe Go. it ITaft 1Ia? I UU1 1VJIU1 of the most s foods?Unee only perfect s< you will be al Earn M< because a we has greater pr Thus you will Save M< m ucvousc lur va 1 is no food i I , Uneeda Bisci If Ctf lit a d in moistur ML NATIONAL BISC NATIONAL BANE Statement of condition at clc Resources. ' Loans and Discounts?.... ..$198,064 00 Dverdrafts 10,386 00 U. 8. Bonds 18,750 00 Dther Securities.. 500 00 Real Estate 9,388 00 Redemption Fond 937 00 Due from Banks - 71,720 00 Dash in Vault* - 21,000 00 $330,690 00 Oldest and Strongest Bank. 4mpie Resources for all de Interest Allowed on Depoi HARRISON i We have just receive* Winchesl i, ' . - v r \ t % y goir $12 50 U. M. C. Shells at 40c Box. Bring lave them repaived. We also carry a floe line of knives t 11II 'arraers' Bank State, County and President: Vice-Pr< p. b. habeison. p. b. e \ Board of* Directors ri, G. A. Visanaka, John A. Harri vrker, W. P. Greene. Ve solicit your business ai it safely and < a are in position to make you lo when placed in Otty Savings ? jg*igfc= i i i LAND! $353 Acre* r ? toil? Healthiest PI Jitnated near Little Mountain, 7 1 lie roads run ihrough plantation, J stables, large cotton bouse, with co jll which would supply water for wh jur spleudid springs well located. W< cleared land for six-horse farm. In ad Lies well and practically no waste on tl Apply to If you want a Gasoline . bfc? sure you get th I'vW branc ' V v-/ We sell them c ' * ida Biscuit?the sda cracker. Then 1 | 1$ ll-nourished body M oductive capacity. $$ ! also be able to jST >re I lue received there M to economical as HI ust tight. S I proof packaik ffj urr company ^ji| OF ABBEVILLE. >se of business Dec. II, 1900. . Liabilities. Capital - ^75i0OO' DO v Surplus and Profits 23,060 GO' National'Bank Notes 18,750 00 Billspayaole ^0^000 00/ 1/V|/U01U3 MIMMMMMlMttMMMOM -VW|VVW / "7 In the County. mands. Its In Savings Department h WALDEOP. . a a new shipment of L '' ' n'fl ' ' ter Rifles each. us your old guns and bicycles and ind razors, fully guaranteed. . City Depository. iiiident: ' Cashier : IPEED. - J. H. DuPEE. : F. E. Harrison, P. B, Speed, C. Di.V$jpj b, R. M. Haddon, A. K. Watson, LewUr j ad are prepared to handle conservatively. . ana, and to pay interest on deposits, / Department. T AXTTV f UA1T1I ; 5 for Sale. ace In the County. -2 miles from Abbeville C. H. Tw$1p| Has one 9-room, dwelling, large barn ; w stalls. Three tenant hoases. Deep* i;-V ole plantation. Has four streams anid^ Dod and timber in abundance. Enough ' dition there is valuable mineral deposit. lie premises. PRESS AND BANNER, .; ::M or T, J. LYON. . : ? = ji j? i i t.; t i ? t* j? : ? '- - i - - '> : X'?M i" " ) Engine e best which bears 11. H. C. '.-2 I. W. MeZEE, JR. ...r ; v.- - -- .v. - ' L/,<- V * ' : ^MHIi