The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 19, 1906, Image 5

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The Abbeville Press and Banner. : ' BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C? WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1906. ESTABLISHED 1844 Great St 4 "T71Tli^Vl% /W~ AT/" JO JTLwlVJL 1> f * # We will Inaugurate a Sale that Shoul nery It is Absolutely Necessary that we E Have Decided to sell the GoodsIt is not a Question of Cost or Profit, it ; .... YOU CJ r* ' ? ? ~i It Matters not What You Need in D gains. Only Come and See What this Sa] . Many useful Christmas Gifts at Bargi Wilson, ] : MMB ? mm For Sale. V' ' ' j My House and Lot on Maga zine Hill. 5 room dwelling and oat baildinga. So located as to permit sale of 3 building lots if desired. J. H. DuPre. ' ? . ' v ii i ii.:> jcew ui must; wiiu sec tins Advertisement may see Yellow-stone Park, the PLACE, but you may see it if you smoke our famous Yellow-stone Park Cigars. They are the kind which satisfy the dfisirfi fnr a. o*ood smoke. fficMURRAY DRUG CO. % . , HAVE YOU LEARNED TO BUY THE BEST ? IT PAYS. mi - 1 - ! ill A V .. I.A. xne scnooi ox experience win tettun yuu, kb n una taught us, that the best goods are the cheapest. Our store house is new, Oar goods are new, Our reputation is well known, Our motto is "THE BEST." Delicious Fruits, Fancy Groceries To fit the taste of an epicure. Confections of all kinds. Buggies and Wagons Of the best makes at prices that will interest yon. 1 M UIII |T ? a. Ill, HILL VL UUilU. Phones 36 and 126. Main and^Trinity Streets. v ' 1 -t . % . r : ; , ' s ? ock B )W UIsTT] Id Crowd this Store in e t leduce our Enormous ? is Simply a Case of Rec LJV'T AFFORi >rv Goods, Shoes and 1 ie Means to You and Y a,in Prices. lenrj EAST END. Wbat "M1' Sees and Hears on Hfi Bonnds in Country and In Town. CHRI8TX AS NKAS AT HAITI). Before another issue of the dear old Press and Banner, BanU Clans will have made his annual visit to the dear children all over this happy land of onrs. Christmas Tide Is the most joyons festive season of all time, as it marks the birth of onr blessed Saviour, and 'tis on this day we celebrate His birth. Lioolt way back 1906 years ago and Imagine the tiny Babe wrapped In swaddling clothes and lying In a manger In the old town, Bethlehem of Jndea; then behold the beautiful, bright star that marked the place where the Infant Messiah lay and led the wise men of the East to his hnmble cradle; they came and kneeled down before blm bringing the most precious gifts onto Him whom they worshiped as the true Messiah. This Is a beautiful story and we nope every child will read It, or their parents will read end explain it to them, for no child In all this Christian land should be wltbont knowledge of this beautiful story which brings to all mankind Joy and peace, for without this the greatest of all events In the christian era we wonld neither have Christmas, nor be Baved from onr sins. Our "new preacher" Rev. Roper and family arrived last Friday and are now oosily fixed op In the parsonage. Brother Roper preaebed lsst Sunday morning his first sermon to this people making* most favorable' Impression by his earnest and foroetQlmanner. His snbjeet was Pbllllpplana 813 and 18 verses. "Forgetting those things whiob are behind, and reaching forth onto those things whieh are before I press toward tbe mark for the price of the high calling in Christ Jesos." In his remarks be said he did not wish to be told anything abont any of tbe members, by any body, bnt wished all to take a fresh sta*t and press forward and onward. His subject was most appropriate and well received by bis large oongiegation. Od Tuesday of last week tbe Daughters of tbe Confederacy bad a most dellgbliul meeting at tbe old historic borne of Mra. Fannie J. Marshall where tbey were charmingly entertained by tbelr hostess wbo read a moat Interesting.paper relating Incidents, and Information of years ions gone by, whloh all enjoyed to tbe uttermost. Among tbe refreshments served was "Confederate frail Cake. Confederate candles were In evldenoe and were lighted to give light to those wbo bad never seen tbem, for to all snob tb*y were a curiosity. , Mr. Samuel 8. Turner baa purchased tbe brick dwelling next to Mr. Henry Hill's and known as tbe Nance bouse and la adding several new rooms wblcb will make & commodious and roomy dwelling wben flnlabed. We are glad Mr. Turner baslpurobased >a borne In Abbeville aocf wish a large number ot Just such families would turn tbelr eyes toward our progressive city, as we bave plenty room for an such. Mrs. E. E. Piatt and ber two Interesting children are bere from Hummerton, 8. C, ana will np?uu tunobuim wiiu inr, ?au Are. J. W. Sign. v Mr. and Mrs. Albert Power are Id the city lor a week or ?o and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McMillan. Miss Eya Bobbins tbe well known and popular Milliner of R. M. Baddon and Co. lell last Monday lor Selma Alabama where t-be will apend a while with her brother and faintly and from there abe will go to her home In tbe "Land of flowers" Miss Robblna baa many trlenda In Abbeville who regret to tee ber leave and bope tbe good old wheel of lime may bring ber inia way again Id the near imnre. The Democratic Congreaimon haven't aa yet gained their const nt to vote a "raise" on their preeent salary. Perhaps they are satisfied thai It la encngb as it Manas, and th?y are now thinking of the 6 785 poor carriers all over tbe land who era coming oat behind every year on actual living and ezpenaea, and a poor living at that It Is a most generous deposition and worthy of the highest commendation to refuse to raise their own salary and vole for a "raise" of the carriers aalary. Our City stores are now glittering In Xmas nrrnv ana look beautiful and attrantlvp: no one can pass by without thinking oI Christ-, DM. Goodb for tbe holidays were never in creator profusion nor more beantilnl. Come to Abbeville and yon can find anything you want in this line and at any price. Would It not be well for our city coucll to take steps to stop the Indiscriminate shooting of Roman candles, especially at each oth?r, as this la a dangerous praotloe and de* stroys tbe beauty of the display of the pretty fire works. Tla too late to stop after some boy is burnt to death, or has an eye shot out, or otherwise maimed lor life, and who knows but It may be your boy reader tbat shall thus suffer. We hope a word to tbe wise is sufficient. Shoot tbe Roman candles skyward and their beanty is seen by all and no aooldeat will mar tbe pleasure of Christmas Tide. Tbe many friends of Professor Dick and family will learn with Joy that his little daughter Is getting on nicely, and hope and pray bob win boob do tuuy resiorea 10 neaun. Abbeville'! graded school will close next Friday, nod leacbers and puplla will close books and enjoy ibe holidays. Many friends extend sincere sympathy to Mrs. James Jones of Magaalce Hill In her reoent sore affliction tbe sudden and unexpected death of ber father at Port Royal. Mr. R. 8. Link Is "at home" to bis many friends In the store of that old popular and reliable firm P. Rosenberg and Co. where he formerly remained In "good standing" lor 12 years. Mr. Link has every advantage to offer bis friends, and can fill their bill at tbe very closest figures for tbe best goods. Call and see blm fn bis old borne of former years and yon will see by bis happy smile that "yon cant keep a labouring man down." Tbls Is Ideal spring weather In tbe midst of winter, but look out for Christmas. * it. . may then be wintry, BUBAL NOTES OF INTSBEST. Did yon know that yon can buy at tbe Abbeville Post Office or from any of the car* rlers, 25 of ibe very beat Quality stamped envelopes foK68 cents, making tbe package of first clasB envelopes cost yon pnly 3 centi. Oar patrons would do well to buy tbese and thereby avoid the penny nnisanoe to tbe carriers. It yon won't buy stamped envelopes, do have meroy on yonr carriers and i ' ' I Leducti :l jantj. V , ' .; .jy i Hurry With Every on ' Stock High Class Fall an i I luction, of Unloadin g. of D TO STAY idillinery, only Come an 'our Neighbors 7 & ( wrap yoor pennies la a small bit of paper. Many of the R. F. D. boxes need olllDg, a* they are ratty and hard to open, also need a stops pat behind tbem'to catch the lid and 1 keep H from going "oat of eight" and tome i day breaking on. jj ALONG ROUTE HO. 8. VI Bemember the "box party" to be given at the bomeof Mr. J. R. Thornton of Lebanon on next Friday evening 21st, from, 7 to 10 o'eloek. . Mr. John A. Wlleon bad the wrletof bla rlgbt arm palnfally eat last week wblie ad- gl Jnstlng aome pan of the machinery a boat al nls gin. hi Mr. Tom McNeill of Sharon la the chain- ol Slon hog raiaer on route 8, be report* bavlpg w llled a email alaeaboat last week that net- w ted 41) ponnda. b( Mr. and Mm. Tom Norrla after a pleaaant at stay with home folks at Lebanon, retained pi laat Friday to tbelr home at Eaaley. ot Mr. Jim Baakln of Iva spent several days tt of the past week with bis eonsln Mr. Grfer Bberard. Mr. Lamar Gilliam eeexpeoted home week > from Cedertown Georgia, and will spend/ the g< holidays with homefolks and friends at w Sharon. <x m m T . w ! ai Born?to Mrs. Marlon Bohley Davis on ? Deo. ICtb 1908. a eon. I : \ i ' ' * I' \ - .. msfjjpj dM^ u . - ; ; And Yooj rmj m. iaeiTr or: ble garmer absolutely: *1 ." ; ;l I His stoc Boss and C fore. Suits prices, and Be sure: A most con Come ai * TP Li. W. on Si A.RY 18' ie Who Wants Dry G< ' . i r* *.*./ ' * \ ' . ? d Winter Goods, and Converting Goods in1 \ I " t ' AWAY* id ShflTfl in t.hft Histri ? ompj ; 'j \ _ < AatMmcnta. The Oaman Stock Company will open a nlghta engagement at the Opera Bonae next hnr?day l>?c. 90thjn the 4 act actuation a 1 omedy Drama,' "The Moonshiners Daogh>r." < . ! , , Speaking ot the Co., The Charlotte Obeersr baa the following to cay: ' * ' ?. v " ' / (>' ' '* vi , V-. MAT SKIP CHAKLOTTI HSXT YKAB. The Oaman Stoek Company oontlnne. to e pleaaing and a^tlafaotory performancea IthoDKh the crowda are amaller than they i?? bean meeting eUewbere. It la a matter 'surprise to tbe manager of tbe company bp reoelved him Well. iMt ?e*?0D. He alaye carrlee a atrong clever oompany of well ?baved people and glvea olean perform anoea i prloea within tbe reaeb of all, bat tbe peole here have not grasped tbe Idea and tbe lanoea are tbat Charlotte will not be on irir route next aeaaon. Tbe performance last nlgbt Of "Tbe Silent Mtneaa.". wal *ery satisfactory. Manager man, Mr. Barrett and Mr. Dale In the Digit part, all did well. Tbe apeclaluea poo ereabove tbe ordinal. To-nighta refined imedy en tinted, "la Marriage a Lottery," 111 be ofltored between tbe acta and geod >eolaltlea are provided Jnclndingbeaotlfnl sotcb danolog by Plokert and wblpler. Prloea 15,26,86 and 50 eta. Beats at Mllforda. WE 1 Ill llplp I lost Att Or He he ' 8 . M ^ got Dres ^ ^$^9 * S* iin then said Balti ' fcf' - f. . Iks for J ? Ladies Wmmr PwmW r te ^ offered sn '-" a >.*<.. V' ?P?P^ arthis sec r of Cra ble and C Lt tor tne Winter. ' r ' 'A ' '" rajn-proo? ';] k of Clothing for Mer Children is larger thai at all prifcikj Overcoi Cravanettesto suit e\ also, to see his beauti lplete line of Fancy ( id see and you will to I ' , WE .. ' V- v't 'f _ 1 _ ELX6i r ' ' *' ' :* V;:. t , y:. . r vx?3s, Shoes cr Milli' - t 7> to do so at Once we to caph. button of these Bariny. I . I NOTIOE.I NOTICE II Weafber ForMMia. We receive dully, at ab^ot 1] o'clock weatber forecasts and special warnings from tbe Weather Bureau of the United States Department of Agriculture. On Bnrai lines 27a 180,212,915,919 and 220, Central will ring ooe long ring to signal that she Is ready to read the report. All snbserlbers will please answer their phones when this ring 1> given so Central can serve all at one time. Listen for the long ring at half past twelve o'olock every day. t Abbeville Tel. Co. W. M. Barnwell, Gen. Mgr. We are prepared to fit the children in school or dress shoes. Send them down. Atibeville Shoe Co. . ' '/l Zeigler Bros, fine Shoes for Xmas. Smith Dry Goods Co; ' . <. " jftppi tSliii: te's. ' ' Vl ' f * % ; ' 'f 1 ' . . .' xactive Stock of ts ever offered. is Goods, Iks of all larketsof imore. waists is i need to ich a line ison. He vanettes, Jomfortarhey are i, Youths, t ever be its at all 'erybody. fill Bugs. Dhina. \ e pleased. [ITE. 1 - V- * v;vV*-'v'M jjotioe of;application fob h chabteb of the sooth | oabolina public seb3?h CORPORATION, WHKifcfflM GRANTED WILL CONFER?? AMONG OTHER THINGS, [i POWER TO CONDEMN . LA-NDS AND OTHER rHU- , PERTY FOR ALL CORPOR- | ATEPUBPOSES. Notice Is hereby given, tbat trader anA pox- m suaot to the provision of Article IV, Chapter, B XLVIII., of Volume 1? Code of Laws ot tbe mm dtate of Soatb Carolina, 1963 and AOta M amendatory thereto, tbe undersigned Board ? of Corporators will on Wednesday tbe six- : ag teentb (16tb) flay of January A. D. 1907, *412 ffl o'clock m. of tbat day, make application tp 7|S tbe Secretary of State, of tbe State of Sonta ; M Carolina, at nlaoffloe in tbe City of Golnm- ,, JS bla, in tbe aald Bute, for a charter far wfrW -ifl Soatb Carolina Publfo Service Corporation; sJW Id pursuance of the Declaration heretofore jg filed and tbe commission issued. *>? If tbe aald cbarter be granted, tbe aald Cor- -jdg poratlon will be antborlzed and empowered to condemn lands and otber property for ita'v^B proposed Railroad or Railway, tracks of m- I lions, and landings for its proposed Steam- i <a? boat business or system, ana for another cor- M porate purposes of tbe said Corporation; as tfSg Fully set fortb and ntaied In-tbe said Declarp^^ Jfl tion of Petition, now on file in tbe said or tbe Secretary of State, to wblcb Declari-i" Hon reference is bereby specially made ak?/ part of tbis notice, and proposed to ?ondea?n M land and all otber property for all of its cor- . M porate purposes, irneoessary, In tbe followlngA-daM counties to wit: Charleston. Berkeley. Dpr? -r - Chester, Orangeburg, Richland, Lexington, Saluda, Greenwood. Abbeville. Anderson* Greenville. Spartanburg, Cherokee* YortMW Cbester, Fairfield, Union, Newberry, Lao-//visa rens, Aiken. Colleton and Bamberg, In tho. State of South Carolina, and MecklenbBMH County In tbe State of North CarQiina;iAB^^I also In the following towns and cities: GbaraMSb&J leston, Orangeburg, Columbia, LextngtonjfM&^l Saluda, Green wod, Abbeville, Andersonaaffjrea Greenville. Gaffbey, Yorkvllle, Rock Hllra|MM Chester, Union, Laurens, Newberr^r, Alkerc;-^?! and Bamberg, and other cities and towns ItHfflwtg tbe oonnties above mentioned, and-to ownH9v|3 oonstruot, equip and operate a RailwayoerafWg! Railway System for local bnslneaa, wltbln^wra the said towns and cities. .?K3| Joseph J. Tlmmea, J.C. LaVln, ' SflKd Joseph A. Bill, -<s9 George Fleck, Jr., John P. Bonney, Cbas. R. Van Ellen, . -3rW John F. Tlmmea, John G. Lott, . : .; JoMPbA- Craig, Robert H.'Jennings, Lawrence M. Plncknjy^i^js ? Board of Corporators. NOTICE OF THE OPENING OF 1 BOOKS OF SOBSCBIPTIQN T TO THE CAPITAL STOCK OF THE SOOTH CAROLINA PDB- | f tt n {sroirrm? nrvDDnPA JJJLV UJJJU f JLV/XI UVU.L -JIM Tioar. Notice It hereby given, tbst by virtue of fc Oommlulon leaned to the undersigned of Corporatore by tbe Hon. Jewe T. Gfttett, ; yjk Secretary of State, lor tbe State < f 80nth Car* V'3E ollna, and dat?d tbe nineteenth (I9tb) day ol TxH November. 1906, Books of 8abaorlptlon to tbe Capital 8took or tbe Sooth Carolina Public ServloeCorporation will be opened, by the. v.-; undersigned Corpora tore, at tbe office of said ?L > '-< South Carolina Public Service Corporation, W Edlato Building In tbe City of Orangeburg..^ State of South Carolina, on Wednesday, the ninth day of January. A. V. 1607, at ten o'clock, a. m., of that day. and will be open until the whole of the CfcjrttMV baa 8took, as provided In said Commission, or ft'Jgm aufflolent part thereof aa require*?, by lajPf .^id ball have been subscribed. Hfc. A' Joseph J. Tlmmee, J. C. Lavin. . '1?^ Joseph A. Bill, " .*mh ' George Fleck, Jr., ' wSgjfP John B. Bounev, ,;W9aS Cha8. R? Van Etten, " > J JobnF..Tlname?, ' .Tnhn Joaenb A. Craig, . RolKobn, Robert H. Jeaning*, - -Jy| Lawrence aft. Plnokney. _Jil Board of Corpora ton. j&A November 23,1906. HIS OFFICE WELL BE OPEN J FBOM MONDAY, 0CT0BEB | 15th UNTIL SATUBDAY, A DECEMBER 31st, 1906, M The Bate of State, County, School A and Special Tax, Including One m Dollar Poll Tax, One Dolla<Og Commutation Tax. I IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT TO| |H raise anppileB for the fiscal year oommeotM WW injt January 1. 1906, notice la .hereby glve? U tbat tne oflfoe of County TTeaaorer for Abb?, I^H vllie County will be open for tbe collection taxes 'or laid fiscal year from Monday, Octo-5#"J^^ berl5tb, until Monday, December Sist, withdraws oot penalty. There will be added? ' A penalty of one percent, on all taxes not} paid on January 1st, 1907. A penalty of two per cent, on all taxes not paid on February 1st. 1907. fT^snfijH A penalty of seven per cent, on all taxes not ' paid on March 1st, 1907. Rate* Per Cent, of Taxation are m? Folio wq: State Tax 5 mills. jfl County Tax - 2% ' 4>i9 Sinking Fund.. 1 " School S 44 ^ft/Spa In addition to tbe above, a special tax wflllfcffivO be collected for school purposes aii follows : .1 ' sSsl Abbeville Special School....!... 5 mlllt. ' >3 Abbeville Special R.B. Bonds 1% ' Sbaron 7. 4 " Lowndesvllle 4 " ['. ".l.ail Mt. Carmel... 3 " ?}'??*& Wllllngton 8 " [ I MeCormtck - 2 " Due West 3 !* < -, 'W A poll tax of One Dollar per capita on Jail II male citizens between tbe age 01 21 andjj^t M years, exoept such as are exempt by law, be oolleoted. A oommutation road tax of One Dollar be oolleoted tbe same time as other from all male eltlwtns between the ages oJ^HI^H and 90 years, excep t sncb as are exempted law. Unless said tax is paid by first of 1907, elgbt days work upon tbe public hlHW| M ways will be required under an overseer, 11 bo^^PI mnob be neoesaary. Taxes are payable only In gold and silver * coin, United States currency. National Bank f ' Notes and Coupons of State Bonds wblcb foeoome payable during tbe year, 1906. A tax of SO cents will be collected on each dog. As eo few avail tbemsel ves of tbe opportnn- " lty of paying taxes at tbe times and places ' '" a heretofore designated, I will discontinue tbe a appointments over tbe County, and collect all taxes at the Treasurer's office. Parties desiring Information by mall In. regard to their taxes will please write before , g December 16th, stating tbe location of their .-#ga nuu juviuuc pvoioju iwi icpij, auu j those paying taxes by check muat Include VJ the charge for oollection. Jj W. T, BRADLEY, 3 Treasurer. . September 11th, 190G. flfl If yon want a nice Dressing Case for yoar girl?Go to MUford's. J