r . - U'Vifc. - ? The Press and Banne Bv W. W. and W. R, Bradley. HUGH WILSON, Editor. ABBEVILLE, S. C. , *#-PublUhed every Wednesdp at. 12 year In advanoe. Wednesday, Sept. 5, 1906 I'olnchy Sheriff. We see that the Govenor has directed th the Sherlfl of Dorchester be Indicted 1 permitting the lynching of a negro. Tt indictment looking to the depriving of t sherlfl of bis office. Although the Uoven of the State was present at the lynching Bob Davis in Greenwood, we have se nothing of any proposition to investigate t Govenor for allowing the lynching to go < In his presence. And we presume that : official action will be taken against hii The law will be folly vindicated in the proi cution of tbeSberlff of Dorchester. ^ The Tobacco Barn. The idea that Capt. Nichols was In favor building a new Court Honse was a point bis favor in tbe recent election. Let us now hope that he may sell tbe I bacco barn in whloh court has been be'd I thirty years, and that be may do as tbe pc pie expect In reference to tbe new Cot HouBe. Xcw City Hall. Mayor McMillan has proven hlmstlf bave been one of the moat enterprising a effioient mayors that Abbeville has ever h? And now be will add laurels to bis career 1 building an elegant city hall on the lai known as tbe "Wilder Block." In due tit tbe stores will be torn down and tbe n< structure will rise in tbelr place. It U said If Rev. J. S. Moffat of Cheater elected to the Presidency of Erskine Collef that the Chester congregation will call R< E. B. Kennedy to the pastorate of that oc gregation. If all tuese things occur, what will becoi ? ' of Abbeville. IK- Hospital. Dr. L. T. Hill has long bad Id mind t balldlng of a hospital at Abbeville, and he now enthusiastic on the proposition. Tl newspaper does not know how inch Instil tions are organized or managed but we ha no aort of doubt of the need and value such a public benefacllon. We xe reaoon why Abbeville should succeed getting one if we only will it. We've Been Bony, A number of our brethern of the press ha shown ooncluslvely that that they el tt oontrolled the election, or knew how It v< going. We havent had time to examine c flies to prove that we knew all about it a % only ooment for the formality of an electl to please the people. It is no trouble to t the people what they mast do, but we i tired Just now, and leave the electton for t people to manage. DEftT JACKSON TELLS BLACI | . " TO WOBKHAKD, "Talk About 'Ploomers, from (X lege?You Wants to See Good XI germ That Got 'Plooiners' on u Farm." ' Allauta Qeorglaa. "Negro" means "black" and surely Thu day was "Negro" day at the meeting of t National Negro Business League. In the absence or tbe president, Booker Washington, who was attending a meeting tbe executive committee, tbe session w called to order by the third vice president tbe league, Chariea Bantu, a coal black i firo, who la cashier of tbe bank at Mou Bayou, ibe negio settlement In Mississippi c The leporta from several of tbe uatlor offloers,* which were scheduled to come i mediately after tbe Invocation by Rev. H. Proctor, were omitted, and tbe first subji on the list was taken up for discussion. "T Negro In Aerlculture." Isaiah T Montgomery, founder of the i gro city of Mound Bayou, Miss , was the fl speaker. Montgomery was said to have be at one time the largest cotton producer tbe United States, and In a well-set and stl rine addrtss be called upon bis pcop'e realize ttie need of working ou? their ov calVHtlon. One of the mu?( luDlflcnnt wta raeotp he made wan wbeu he decl irt-d tt twi-fllibH i f the cotton produced in tt country today Is grown by neeroes. w ?i?h??r own or lease the farms on wh'cb tb plant. Deal J?rk(*ou Speak a. Tbe npxt peaker was Deal Jnckson. Albui y, G?., and bin tH'k whs pMsily Ue f tore 01 (be inoinloi/ ett-slon. J*ckwu il B?nk? and MuntK<>uie?y Is < ( the ??nl h|h t.vpe. with a lUile pointed bit of wh ski bobbins < tt In ru the end 01 hi* cbln, and I: of gold teeth in blt> inoutn, which he weem* totp urpat oride In d'owiut. J u k-on Is oefrdocaHd negro wl'b h fondne*s lor lo words, which be frequently g*ts mixed up. the delight of his audience He whs liMec to with close Kttentlou, however, aod wo his time was np lr?qn> nt cr es f'om hM 01 the holl of'ijo oo," "keep rt up," etc., enu* blm to keep nu talking for several minute* tie told ot bis eaily stiugg'e*; how he h started out with oue mult- sua pl< wcl d Hfter day and haultd his produce H Atb< with bis "britches" rolled up to his Rne but how be was able to buy au'Uhrr mu'e t aecoud vearand auoiher the third year, a hood, until now he owns two thousand ae of good land Id Dougherty county aud has of bis own tanning impiiuieuts, "They say a nigger can't work niggers." aald, "but I know better. Come down yi der and I wHI sbow you whete I have over hundred on my plantatlou. and I don't bu no trouble In Kettlog help. I'se got lots yonng niggers working tor toe that'll soon plowiug lor demselves." be continued, "Y may tell me about the 'ploomers' (be e dently meant diplomas) what you gltx Morris Brow n and Tuskeegee and all tbi . " other colleges, but lfyou wants to see a go nigger you rome down and ^ee some wt got'ploomers* from my larm " I odd em a It might be mentioned that for the last t years Jackson has rtgularly produced i first bale ol cotton to be marketed In Dou| erty county, and It usually brings blm abc ? twice tbe market value. The executive commit'ee decided Thursd to bold tbe next convention at Topeka, Ka , f Jurors, September Term of Court. B. K. Beacham 11 A. 1). FUber 12 H. M. Clark 11 T. 8. Palmer 11 A. A. Hall 12 J. R. McGee 5 T. J.Brltt 10 J. I. C'owiber 12 J. H. Fl8bei 5 T. H. Cochran 11 J. 8. Hammond 11 J. C. Ell It# 11 Wm. Hill 0 G. W. Carroll 16 W. H. Jonep 14 J. H. Wrenn 5 O. D. Buowdrllt 4 H. W, Lawson 14 W. B. Ferguson 12 A. G. Buford 19 F. H. Coon 11 | 8. H. Tolberi 16 A. R. Devore 4 Jno. B. Harman 46 W. J. AmmoDP 15 H. 8. Hammond 11 G. C. Mo8walD.v 6 E. M. McCord , 12 W.G. McCord 11 H. D. PresBly 10 R. O. Branyan. 5 H.J. Power 12 W. L. Kennedy 13 H. H. Raukin 16 W. B. Gable 16 M. H. Wilson 11 ^ ^ Mr. Tbomaa Cobb of AtheDB Ga., Is In tt city for a lew days visiting relatives ar friends. OongreKsman Aiken is oil to Kentuck where be goes to marry as lair a bride aa tl *un aver shown on. ' ? \ . - r Democratic Pr Con- j _ Kress.! Horn : ? 1 c l I r ? ! > i si I - , C <*' ? " ? 5 1 "I < ? ?r = ' ? ^ !aP 3 2 ' ?>? > > a ? x.'? a ^33 2 __ ^ "j o Due West 56 60 103 10 ADDeville Cotton Mills 92 10 loi 21 at ' -or Abbeville Railroad Shop*... 53 1 53 ; 45 Us Ciai worthy's CrobS Koadi- 25 6 30 I 5 Kp | * Cold Spring 88 6 45 11 or ^ i of Abbeville No. i!.. 250 20 278 j ?4 en wiiViiigtoii''".".!"!.'..!'.'.'.!!!!!!!.'.!!! " wi" "s 'iti .' is he f dd McOormlck ltH 27 163 ; 16 D0 LebaDoVi'!'.'.'.l".'..7.!!"."!]!!'."!!!!!!! "37 ""2 "4'i 3 m. ; se- Ml. Carmei 63 3 &i 38 Lowuilebviile No. 1 63 37 9nWITHIN THE CITY GATES. ne Exactly 5 years ago to day slnoe " M" began towoik for UnoieSam as one ol that graat army of R F D Boys. In these I have traveled about 37 676 miles (or nearer 40.000) going through summers beat and winters cold, through snow storms, ball storms, rain norms, electrical storms and cyclones, and he dnrine this Ion* period and amid all these If storms have only missed making up my | 3I? mail at the PostOfflct twice aod have lost only 8 days oq my ownaocountand one other | I u- when my Utile son's leg wan amputated, makivt> log 4 days Id all during the 5 years. oi Cari lerNo. 3, "M" will now take bis 15 days D( vacation while Mr. Joon Link will ollmb the hills only 27 in number, and wade through 1? tbe valleys along roate No. 3 Mr, W. E. Penney after spending bis vaoation came in last Saturday to resume his work on route'4. If all the Carriers in Uncle Rain's army were as faithful as the 5 from Abbeville be ;ve would have a trusty and faithful army sure. ier Our graded scnool will soon oall ber roll and books Instead of play, and pleasure wlli be tbe order of the day. tur Abbeville's Merchants are "going, went, nd gone " (ome In northern markets, some on tbe way and others bave relumed- All hav00 lng large stocks whioh they are going to sell el) cheap. Our merchant* are now offering great bargains In their "clearance" tales. ?* Mrs Abe Teagunand her daughters, Misses Edna and Annie Teague after spending some time here with friends and relatives have returned to their home in Columbia. rn Mrs. J. S, Cochran and little Miss Mildred Lb are visiting relatives in North Carolina. Mi*s Eva Teague a nharmlng young lady from Columbia Is spending several days with Mi>-s Annie Cochran. Abbeville is still on tbe building boom. ,1. Several very baadsomo residences are now being finished as models of beauty and up-toIjp date architecture wblle otbers are in contemplation. If Capitalists anywhere are looking for a safe aod profitable Investment let them turn their eyes and steps to the progrgselve and prosperous city of Abbeville and they will ... be sore to find tbe objeot of their searob, a h good people and a safe and rising city in ?~ mAnov In uQpiana pn. wu1vii iu lu>?b kudll uiuucj m T terprlxefl now muob needed, Tbe photographs made last week by Lomax " of tbe Confederate Veterans In group, if* said to be very floe?alHo that of tbe monument, " these beautiful photos should be In every home as "son venters" of tbe "Red Letter"da> nu of Abbeville. Mirr Sallle Golden, of North Carolina. is vimtlng relatives in the city, at present ?btH 1< tbe guest of Mrs. VV. C. DuPre. . Mr*. James Taggart has moved to tbe ? Glenn Ethel Inn and Is now leady lor boxrdTs. , Mr. Rub Hill haw moved luto Mrs. T?ggtrtV home on Main street where himself and family will becomfoiably fixed up , ' Tbe first primiry passed ofl' quietly and I brought In many good men and of our?e , * left out many others good aim capable. B?* sure and turo out on the second primary and ' vote lor tbe be<" man, tbat Ik those most " i-apabie lor the olfiod. . Mt? Norma Princ, a ehmm'ns v >uis ' d h' of Williamston, Is visiting te.duves lu >be eV LOOPING THK L OP X K UTK 3. T'ip'alny ?fa-oa ha* heen ail of Julv pn.i 01 0'> thro -gl) August and I c in'loiie*. Th' ph ooitoii Ih opuuti).! ana much of u It i|tni>? k r ilD'd; helng fsprouiek tlelds. The other crops have been dtm.ig-o ?r al?". jii. Q iliaui and WUsod brolbers are rushln? t wo k on ibetr ginneries wblcn will soou ht bd dnlsbeu In up-to-date style, each o'almlng nt tD*tr nhare of business (. Th?* colored people have built a nest fr?m i<- bu Id ug for a school house at their churc ei ne^r wbit? bridge. ret Mr. U. F. Graves has, we believe ttulshefl ltd postering Ills dwelling, and now has a cozv i, and c imforfable home art Mrs Miry Sprouxe, be'oved wire of J. W a\ Hprou?e. died at her home n?? 'hit city last n Tuesday morning A'njmr 2S, 19)6. ami wne? burled a'L"hanon O'lXUery on WedO'""'ay ,n> followii'g. Rev L. W. Browa, pastor, til I oil a'lng In lb-* preseuca of a large ooog'^gai Ion rec o'friends wb > had a?seinb ed 10 p?y tb"l' ali last tribute of re'pct and Hff.clon to the tnemiryof her whom tbey loved wmle on be ei'tb. an Th" deceased was tt?e e'-lesi da ghter 01 u Mr. Sute3, and w a a most lv> eitlmab echristian woman, beloved and e>n' teemed by all who kbew ber. b> Iu her death a devoted mother, a Jaltnru on and lo log wife, and true friend baa now vl- from earth's cares and troubles to a higher at and better tile. em The bereaved family have the inoere symiOd patby of many friends )bi Mrs. Edwin Parker and children who hav? l)y b*-en sick are now visiting borne folks at en Belevue, hoping the change will dj tb"m be good. jb- Ml*s Annie Williams who has been on the >ut sick list is belter. Guess our patrons mlfsed the carriers last aj Monday, It was "Labor day" and they bad n? Monday. Mrs.S.N. N"el. of Florida, Is spending a while with Mrs. James and Mrs. David Ullllam Mr J H. Penney is off to the mountains of North Carolina making bis annoal trip In search of health. Miss Jessie Schram. after a dellgbful stay with frleDdsat Mount Carmel Is borne again. The schools on route 3 will soon beuln tb"lr falisesHlon and we will be so glad as the bright smiling laces of the scholars oheer us on our way, while the teachers greet us with a pleasant smile unci hippy good morning, besides adding to our mail list. The South * Marvelous Advantage* (Manufacturer's Keoord. Baltimore, August 30,1906 ) Give freo rein to your Imagination and let It picture the future of a section which has one half of the Iron ore of the Untied States. early three times as much coal as wreai Britain, Germay and Pennsylvania cmibined, wblcb holds a world manopoly on cotton manufacturing center, which dominates the phosphate rock and sulphur trade of the world, which has one-half of the standing timber of the country, wblcb produces all the sugar, all Ihe rlee, most of the tobacco, and adds to the 800,000,000 bushels a year or grain; and tbeu think of Us waterpowers, Its splendid rivers. Its great seacoast, Its expanding commerce and remember that He cotton crop alone annually exceeds the fetal gold and sliver production of the world, and that every doll r of gold annually mined on earth Is not enough to pay the South's bill against Europe for cotton, and you will get Just a faint conception of the future. >e id L , , y, There are shaves and fahavers bat the ie shaver* who once shave with a Christy .Safety Kogers will have uo oiher, y- ' | imary Election, Aug I Super- I F'ohate, of Represen'tlve visor.! Judge [ Supuol ~ iT' i ! I" : . s t c; c1 s I ?! i 5 S 5 .fllS = 2 iS ? * f 3 a E * i * i S - ss i S . ^ u I * rz ? ? ? . a O 3 2 a a SI KI* a - " ? = a S S ? a I ? i . M I 8 " g i x ? ? iti > 165 HO "*39 "48 174 " 73! 126 130 W M) 27 J 20 "is ' ai 14 27 '"is ""is ii 30 i 3 i" "22 " 40 " 4 47 57 45 2/ is 51 17 20 : " 50 " Hi "'36 "17 "87 76 "ii " 31 66 2i 46 ii 67 "wo "is 34 " so " 72 38 a 4u 16 i: "15 "*ai '""2 "20;"2*i "'j?""'? |'"m'"is ii ? : "36" " l7 "57 "52 ""ii "20 " 42 5, i i I I I j I 25 25| 5 ?i 15 15 12 6 21 j lj 9 io7 "207 122 "44'"i55 "1*45 "iofi m 143; 29i W ii I I 46 1CT7 47 8, 78 06 51 54 6:5 13 :S3 J: " 53 4*i "5 33! 31 "35 "28 "Tfi 47 ? io . "iioj 143 42 5 144 lii 75 32 Ntf, 67 211 " 25 "22" "3!!"" " 25 ""8 '"is " "ii *"i7i 1!"" i2 "ti8|"72 26 " Vj"*62 39 40 24 54 11 ii "ii'""5" iej 36 47 2 13 if7 2 9 "14 "ai '""4 ""?j"*2i 8 14 6 ie 6 s '"nr "no ""it "on 1? IS: 19 18 : 10 6 "I ? " "j - i " hi-I.....: 14*1811667 761 464 i'517 i'843 "?13 J*8Vi i*324 '45Bi55 Then Atlanta broke In aDd conversed flu- J, ently over land aud sea to the City of Co'umbus, to Charleston und even farther, to New a Orleans. C1 In other words the DeForrest Wireless ata- a tlon, situated In and on top of the Candler building, made lis first lest U*t night. The " test was remarkably successful and within a it month, so Captain K. 8. Finch, district m?u- a #?er In chareeol the local station, states, the r. nation will be ready to send commercial " aerograms. p The preliminary tent made shortly after 0 o'clock last night proved beyond a doubt that Atlanta la splei dldly situated lor a a station. At Dearly every station put up in tl tbe South aod maDy erected Id other portion* n of the globe there baa been difficulty lu ad* r justing the apparatus. In some Instances it v has taken from three to six weeks to get a p message after the station bad been erected. ty who cast tbelr ballots for rae as Governor orSoutb Carolina on the 23th ult. 1 leel ver\ grateful /or this manifestation of ibeir confidence lu me, and am truly grateful to. th* people all over ire stale fur tbe splendid vote j given me In the fl'ai race. h 1 nun a?k that u'l ni my friends torn out ij on the lltb of September and let us roll up a large majority, and I respeoHuliy follolt the olid vote of yrur ootii'?v on that day. prom- y (sing to eUve to the ottice my Lest though \\ and ability. .|, Very respectlully, M. K. Ansel. \\ Greenville, S. C.,Sei>t.19UC I Where you find Shield I J it is a safe place to tra J they are sold by reliabl M everywhere. Be sure ti M TTiqpv's Tfincr $3 M for men, and you will e money's worth. Mad ggi styles and all the pc Leathers, Patent Colt, Gun Metal, Box Calf, < ym H. C. Riser Compat Manufacturers ^ ATLANTA, GEORGIA T . Free Treatments to all wil Home Treatment by "Vibration Jnnfaul Xow Within ?h? Uracil of All. "?ura!P ? digeatu circulutiou. Tbe Health Vibrator send g veins, and gives you a new lease of Jife. YOU CA\ FEE That is why we let you try it free. C will cost you nothing to do so. Send for a demonstrator to your home. No obligu Abbeville?New York using 26,'00, Bost cess remarkable, flfiy County agents wu W. G. July 25,190S. tf ;ust 28, 1906. ~ MuglEducation. ti?if i j I i Z c ~ o I IS * i : S I ^2. -fc c I u ^ i- X 2 s & ; *- u >? 5 ?. ~ s O B I ^ X = 5? u mi . < = a> 5 c s 5 ' * i ". 1 * * 3 . < r j Q ? 3 ^ ?yl r. *V* ^ 5 2m J HJ / X .A I 14j 13 17 1 j Ktf 40 (52 ! ""? "'"() ""i'5 ion, '" ? "78 i"i y ""'i "" i ""h "i ;" aV '""sj ' si ":rr' 15 ""Vt "i'-i i |" 29| *"i*8j" is " ""'4 "is ""5 " in j 45 ":m " ii ZZl ! I ! 3H 34 41 ..'10 j _'7.t 101 174 1S7 | ] 15 4 :! ! 7!$, 8 6.J I I 1 oil 4 | IDS !?! lsit I ; 4 1 7 5 40| 17j "4 " "S ""I ^jr' tUSI j ilt] 4S ; ...... ...... ' ' ' ''^ j j " ' | "' ft' ' ''^ l| Il | I 2 20 4 0 iH'Gi M 70' ! j i i ?| *| :::::::::::: iz.".\ i "w io "o:i as}! ! ! " I ! j 1 ] 1 10 1 27!j * l?j 3 S]" :Uj ;!4 "Vis 'i&ij "iiti iViiji'11'7 "i . -j^j i " ""21 " ?vi ia'Vi '."!!! ^ 51 I '! 1 j li 11 20 | K 18, . - ;;;;; "79 "bi "22 |"""l ^ !"Tsj" i'9!!Zl ""<& "76 j!!Z s:::::: ""3i'""i " ii 22 ' 1 i| : 4 1' Cj 3 1 31 22 81 8 *i7? 20S3 i'iw7 im ,"m itf< I.etfer to o. II. Cobb. Dear Sir : How did you get your usiness? we'll tell you how we got urs. You sell shoes, we make paint ; erhaps we can do a good (urn to ourelves, you and we, by swapping exeriences. We began 152 years ago in a little bop a few-minutes walk from where 'e are now ; a great many thing.s have iappened, we don't remember them 11. We made as good paint as we ould and learned to make better. We re me oiuesb uuw , ?c in?u l nuuv> 'hether we had any teacher or not ; ,'s bo long ago; if we had, he's gout nd forgotien. We .should have been . >rgotten, if we hadn't, made good aint and friends. You buy your shoes ; you have an rivantagein that: if you make a misike, you can stop it quick ; if you sake a bit, you can push it quick. Ve've had to go slow; it's hard to ick-outorfe's own mistakes, aud noth g but fun to correct the mistakes ol there. You know where to go for leather bat keeps its shape, feels good, looks ew, and wears a long time. YVhat a omfort it is to be comfortable from making one's customers comfortable ! We also have a unique advantage? nique, you know, means that nobody lse has anything like it. We make u trong paint that takes less gallons, aves lialf the coht of painting your ouse, and it's like that leather of ours for wear. It is all paint aud the trongest of paint. Faint is usually dulterated aud weak. We're very old, but we make young aint! one gallon is better than two, if I has the stuff in it. J Yours truly, F W DEVOE & CO N ew York I Kesil frnii*fer* cf 111#* week. The tr?dlng In Jreal ehtr>le tins bffn lively unug Itie p?t>l wtt-k. Mrs. Lucy TbttlD-oii hh lu-r h('i>kf hi d liil oi t>'x hcii:* lo Alt. iHvld H?-nr> . M 'J t.ouiM ii Iihx iMUvettii lu Hie ln?i'Kfc 1)1 Mr. W. A. >lrkle?, M', Jmii. ll-irrlt- !? -? ti nt: Ii I IIih homo o li>. (mux ii, M.il Mr-. < ?hu<-ii i>Hf Iiotiulit Ir. W liherhou'n place lu front ot Air. J ?* i?i> . Mr. isiickIn ? ( l.'ivviKti kvI'Ic Iims t'on^ln Mr ft ker?i>!i'H plHi- In fr* lit ot M>e ("??ir?-. Mr. Sluti Iihh n>ld h lul lu Mi. .)ii| piucr\c;u uiuii UI/UI uo. uitf ? ... much pain and discomfort. Today you can shave yourself with a Christy Safety Razor with genuine pleasure and no fear of cutting yourself. They cost only a dollar and a half. Come in and let us show them to you. Use a Christy and no longer will shaving be an ordeal to be dreaded. Christy Safety Razors complete with six blades at McMURRAY DRUG CO. " >"v ^ ^ v At Dargan's 5 and 10c Store can be found a splendid line of Post C.\rds of all tkinds and view? of Abbeville and of the new nunument are always on hand. State of South Carolina. County of Abbeville?Probate Court. j W. P. Wham, Jr., as Administrator of fl the Eitaie of W. P. Wham, 8r.,? ^ deceased. aud in his individual cipar.ity, Plaiutiff, against Essie. Macau ley, et al., Defendauts.? Complaint to Bell Lands to Pay Debt's. In pursuance of an order nf the Probate Court, I will sell at Public Outcry at Abbeville Court House, ,on Saleday in October, 1906, for the payment of debts, the following described real estate belonging to the estate- of W. P. Wham, Sr., deceased, hituate-ia taid State and County, to-wit: All that tract or parcel lands, known as the McMillan Place, containiug FortySix and three-fourths Acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Miss Maggie Brooks, J. M. Wham, W. P. Wham, Jr., George Wilson, P. Rosenberg & Co., and J. G. Hamilton. Also, that tract or parcel of land, containing One Hundred and Thirtynine and three-sevenths Acres, more tes-", bnundtd by lauds of Mcllwain, J G Hamilton, G. C. Dusen erry. Sam Flemintr and others. Teriiir?Cash. Purchaser to pay for >apers. R. E. Hill, Ju !gc Probate Court. Sept. 5, 'n6. __ State of South Carolina )ouuty of Abbeville?Probate Court. f. Hayne McDill, as Administrator of tbe Estate of James Watt, deceased, Plaintiff, agajnst Martha Watt and others, Defendants.? \ Complaint to Sell Lands to Pay ( Debts. In pursuance of an order from the' Court of Probate, I will sell at publio outcry at Abbeville Court House, on Saleday in October, 1906, for the payment of debts, the following described * 0. real estate belonging to the estate of inmAu Wntt. deceased, situate in said State and County, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of l^nd witb a dwelling, muse thereon, situate in the city of Abbeville, S C., containing One-fourth if One Acre/more or less, bounded by Lands of Yancey Raid, George Lane, Kiram Loraax and others. Terms?Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. I R. E. Hill, . Judge Probate Court. Sept. 5, '06. """" Dargan has just received a fine lot of Sterling Silver. If you have a wedding present to buy it would pay you to see this lot of silver. Shoe and . Harness Shop. J ' ':$& . 1 have bought out the Shoe and Harness Shop recently operated by C. V. Hammond, an d am prepared to do all kinds of Harness Repairing at reasonable rates at same old stand. Scott Hammond. Aug. 15, 190ti. 4t Land for Sale. ' rHE HOME OK THE LATE 3. W. COCHruu, coutululug ,5 150 Acres. I'WeDl. -flv? (2S)acriti lu U>lU?ni laud. Sltu I'ed thrt-e mile* from Abbeville Court House ii Out Wc-m roailJ Apply to Mix. H. M. COCUH \N, O'lmon, 8 C. . or (J. M. CouUrau uu premise*. June 20,190J, 1m At Dargau 's o ana iuc a tore new goods are ai riving daily. Please call and let us price you tome of our goods. Dr. Jas, , Hill, - | Physician and Surgeon Respectfully offers hini-mfhwinn- ' ?l "fry cff 10 ihe ptop'p of Abbeville uuo vie nny. Office Id Bank building. South Carolina Military Academy. South Carolina Mlllinrv Academy, Offioe of tbe Chairman Board ol Visitors, Charleston, S.C.?Vacancies In the State Scholarships exist an U 1 own Id the Counties nam^d, to wli: Abbeville. 1: Anderson, 1; Barnwell. 1; Heau'orl, 2; Berkley, 1; Charleston, 2; Chester, 2; Darlington, i; Dorchester, I; FalrJ tleid, 1; Georgetown, 1; Greenwood, 1; Greenville, 2; Kershaw, 1; Laurens, 1: JLexInnton, I; Marlboro, 1; Newberry, 1; Klch"and.l; Spartanburg, 2; York, 2; Hampton, 1. Application blanks may be obtained from the County Superlntenent or from tht Chair, man of tbe Board of Visitor*, Cbarlenton S C. These applications, fully made out, as directed, must be In tbe bands ofthe <'bv nan by the 80th of July, C. S. GADSPiN Chairman Board ofVuuora. ? ? j p o_i _ juana ior otue. 150 Arri'H two miles from Hodges, Green* wood County, 100 acres lu cultivation. ibree tunning streams with about 16 acres fine boiiotu land, wllb enough limber lo abundantly support Ibe place. One 3 room frame bouse and one small barn wttb stables and sbed attached comparatively new, good well of water, three-fourths mile from good school, fine community. Should you wlsb to buy, you would do well to Investigate. Title* perfect. Jas. H McCord, Hodges. or W. A. N'lckles, Abbeville. Aug. 22,1906. tf J We are showing a big Glass 1 Bottle of fine Talcum Powder that we picked up at a bargain for the low price of 10c. See it. Dargan's 5 and 10c Store. Nunnallys" Candy fresh every week at Mllford's up-to?date Drug Store. , Cbrlstv Irately Razors Sl.oO at McMurrya. Why not try a bottle of Welch's Grape Juice for your dessert tomorrow? A little booklet tells you c