The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, August 22, 1906, Image 4

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' rf.V.V.V*.-, - The Press and Banne * . Bv W. W. and W. R, Bradley. HUGH WILSON, Editor. ABBEVILLE, S. C. *jrPubli8hed every Wednesdp at ft! year in advance. h> Wednesday, Aug 22, 1906. Lord Bless Hud Pity uh. In Abbeville tbere 1b a Utile mission c< gregation of Absociate Reformed Preabyt lane who are striving to establish a cbui In this city. TheSvnod assessed that congregation ? which assessment was paid in full. About the same time an agent authorla by Synod, come along asked money (or ' enterprise In Mexico. Some members aponded and others who did not do so, wi embarrassed by their necessary refusal. And now members of that little cbui whiob is struggling for an organized a self supporting existence is to have tb patience or generosity further taxed. Tl time for a good and worthy cause. Aod tl time by authority of the Home Mlssl ?;? Board. Here Is the cheerful Intelligence as convi ed Id the last week's issue of the cbui paper: "On account of the fact that the cauvas Little Rock Is not being made (bis year, t Board of Home Missions baa authorized R A. J. Hanson, our missionary iu Sparianbu to visit all the churches of the Synod lu t Interest or the work in Spartanburg, s? may be expected to preach on tbe dates a hoars named, and receive such aid as Go people may be Inclined to give to this wo A fall hearing is most respectfully asked follows: Abbeville, Aug 2C." Without authority from any one, und t editor speaking his own Individual sen ments, thinks there is a limit there Is a til when people ought have a rest, r Aa we might Just aB well be banged foi aheep as a lamb we protest at the sacrlllgec Ror irreverent use of the Name of the Gr< Head of tbe Church. Tbe soliciting of glfti a business proposition and we submit tl Dellber solicitors of gifts nor bill colle ors have a right to use the Name of Go ft people in tbat way. We do Dot now rec t any expression tbat Is more offensive to c I ears than "Gods people." And,If our C'hui L paper would allow a suggestion from a u I man we would say tbav the cburcb pa| aboold set up an example in the_rever< J oseoftbe name wblcb no one should u npon bis lips except In reverential ai The not the flippant use of t Name Is.too common In both tbe pulpit a in the religions newspapers. Instead teaching ub reverence ihey too often give examples of making a foot ball or piaythi ofthe Name. We would respectfully ask our brother tell us to whom be has reference when peaks of "God's people." In oar blindness, in our ignorance or in c ' darkness there is no combination of any t 1 words in the language which 1b more ofl't lve to our ears than "God's oeoDle. Will c good brother please tell us wbo are "Go people?" or, will be tell us who are uoi "Gt peoplt?" Will be put a mark on them that we may reoognize tbem when we m | * tbem In tbe street? Do "God's people lo like ordinary people? Do canvassers seekl money tor cburob purposes, among torme or embaraas all sortB of people, or only "Go people?" This editor Is at a loss to know w are "God's people." If we are not lnclud In the number we wou!d not like to ' but I when we are not wanted except for l money that might be made out of us. , , . Bnt, whatever is meant or whoever is Winded as "G .d's people," tbe expressior Irreverent profane and sinful by wbomsoei made. A preacher of tbe gospel and editor of a religions, or a oburcb paper, sboi teach us reference and not give us eaxmp of flippant and Irreverent use of the saci Name. ; - In some of our churches we have separ. 100ms lor Sunday school classes, or else I Sunday school Is tanght at a different be fiom the regularly appoint! d time for rel! ns service. In like manner we think 1 cosslng class might be organized so as hear their lessons at a different hour, so tt toe onsslng class may have tbelr exercl separate and apart lrom tbe rellgli exercises. Tbe school does not lnt fere with ibe morning services, and u tblnfc leEtoiis Iq cosflDg or Id prolan Rahoald be given at a different hour, bo tl the ears of those religiously and devou Inclined heart* may Dot be offended. The editor of the Press and Banner ale 1> responsible for this appeal for reverei and Dot proianlty, Id both ibe religious pr< K and in the pulpit where the sacred Name to often made a plaything or a foot ball. A we believe that those who offend Id tl particular should be ciUd befoie the Chui Court. Ku>* ^ The Honumenl. v The Confederate Monument Is a bandsoi piece of Memorial architecture, and Is a I ting tribute to those who wore the gray, erection is a testimonial of the love &Dd fid Ity of those whom brave soldiers honor a worship as being scarcely lower man t angels. The unveiliDg takes place tomorrc when all the surviving Conlederate are e PSV pec ted to be there. The children, klDdi and friends c$ all Confederates will be thi when the teDderest and the sweetest w bonor toe valor and tte manly courage the brave. MISS WILLIE CATER. ? Went off ait a Pretty Little tiirl?Can Back ait a llandaouie Halroi Brlngk With Her Two Matrlinonl Coupons. Mrs. PreBBly of Atlanta, who was once Sretty little girl In Abbeville and known Llss Willie Cater, came back to her old hoi to visit her aunis the Misses Cater. 8 brought with her two or the nicest chlldr you ever saw, namely: MIbh Marie and t yoaoger brother Master Alfred. Her twel year old daughter and her eight > ear old s makes Mrs. Pressley rich ludeed. These t' children are worth all the money in Abt vllle, and we preiume that the other I' children which she left In Atlanta are woi as much as the whole oily. They are respe lyely sixteen and fourteen years ol age. M ri esuiy icik nuuc>ino uccsi ij* mcuijr u years ago, as Miss Willie Cuter. Id religion she 1b all right, being a stralg Presbytsrlan and bbjb Sabbath religious Tbe Associate Rtlormed cburcb in Atlar was so near to ber tbat she sent ber cblldr to tbe Sunday School In tbat cburcb. S regrets tbesaie or the A. R. P. cburcb, a feara ibai tbe new lol is not near so good place. During ber stay Id Abbeville Mrs Presi recognized several old acquaintances, but course nobody recognized in tbe dlgnlfl matron tbe (ace of tbe lime girl t lat was well known and loved wore than twer ! years ago. Among others tbat she visited while b< was Mrs. R. C. Wilson and Mrs. J K Lomt Tbe little children carried sunshii e and ht pinees with them, and ibe recollection their presence Is a sweet memory and a minder of the sweetness and cblldlbh lovl heart of their mother's girlhood. The mother and her children left Ab vine last Thursday. SL? The Smith Dry Goods Co.'!i Local*. Perspiration proof, water proof, hot weatl proof and wnnhable proof black Habutai b at our store to and TGuU. per yard. White canvas oxfords ties at low wa mark at our Btore. Keady made skirts best styles and b material at almost swop dollar prices. A few remaining eiyles In best kid a patent leather oxloiUs to swap for em money consideration. fr: ~ mwmm St v< Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Chapman are off Ashvllle, K.Cm to avoid the hot weather. ;.k/ . ?y , v. jj - |V:'V V.V.-^v >r _nuunuv : 1 Mj ob J *0, ^ ted k # Bre ^ ch ^ elr ^ .?????? Jer ^ I J fhoncmi ?or ^ wrm*f 11 t Jl "'r ?.>!! +ir warA wnrth everv C -U- ^ ?.v, J ? ee" ^ it cannot be bought for ok W s 5 a: bo ^ led ^ 1%V\WV%WV in. i le ?er lid u. ANOTHER ASSAULT, rM v ate Young Negro Man in Jail at Abbe- J ;he ville, Charged With a Serlonn Of- ? )ur fenne?A Faithful Constable Dltt- $ igl- charges His Duty. ] .he Jack Samuels, colored, was arretted last , Saturday by W. ;D. Harmon, oonstabie, on v Belt Harmon's place, about a mile from Salai vnQoab river in this county. Samuels was re- vuv n vvxxi ng Majestic Range, Aug. 20-25. ler ,lk Abbeville Hardware Co, lei eel Get a haudsotLe set of ware worth $7 5U, free, See Abbeville Hardware ?{] Co's advertiseinen t ill this paper for ~ particulars. Be sure and call at our store one day v for this week, Abbeville Hardware v Company. li - set, charged with assault on an eleven-year-oia -i colored girl. After the arrest In passing St. I Charlotte church, between twenty-flve and I er flfty negros demanded the prisoner, but the we constable, by Ulklng to the mob that wished ,t to lyioa him, induced them- to stay their bands, and concluded to do as Mr. Harmon iat had urged, to let the law take Its coarse, tu Alter crossing Cedar Hill bridge over Little River, coming Id the direction of McCormlck, Mr. Harmcn meet some fifteen or 1 ne twenty armed negro men, who wanted to J )C* lake Jack Sanders from the constable. The conctdble Insisted that they now bad no right M to the prisoner. If they wanted him, they Is should have taken him before he fell Into the D(j hands of the constable. DrawlDg his pistol, . . Mr. Harmon Raid he proposed to protect his Qlt" prisoner at fill hazards. The prisoner was cb carried to MoCormlck, where he was put In ihe guard house. Fearing that an efiortat lynching might be made the prisoner was put aboard the train for Greenwood, where Sheriff Lyon arrived and carried the prisoner safely to tbe Abbeville jail. The prisoner Is me between 23 and 25 years of age. The negro, . up to this time, had a very good reputation tu* among tbe white people, some of whom were ^ Its surprised to learn of his crime. ^ el- m , a no be Mllford's Locals. IW| Every body Is welcome at Mllford's Drug Store *n next Thursday?Come In and make ,x* yoursell perfectly easy with us. ed When you come to town next Thursday, ere Drop In at Mlilord's and tee the finest Soda rlll Fouutnln In the state and one ot the best A Ql Drug Stores. , Go to Mllford's for Wilsons Freckle cream, Go to Mllford's lor KaBtneo. Go to Mliforde lor anything you want In a first class Drug Store. Just received one of the beBt lines of Sta ilouary ever seen In Abbeville, Mlltorus Drug Store. De '-.Nunnallys" candy fresh every week at i_ Mllford's Drug Store. aJ Paluts, Paints, Paints, In any quantity ut ? Mllford's up-to-date Drug Store. The largest and best stock oi cigars kept In , fl Abbeville County can be seen al MUloid'b aH He bus the cigar to suit your taste. Tlfc I cndtt qiiH Iop oroam dav u nH nlaht o* tit MlUord's Drug Store. e? Harris Lltbla water and Ginger Ale cold ** at Alilfords Drug Su>ie. ol 003 Gallons Paint on hand all the time al wo Muiord's Drug Store. >e- Phone us your orders, Mllford, Penny, wo Kay lord Power, Eugene Power and Klcbey b do the rest to your satisfaction, Milford'o ct- Drug Store. Three prescription men on duty here all the time, you don't ba%e to wait lor your ,h1 medicine 11 you j-aironize Aliilord's Drug Store. ita Stationary and waterman Fountain Pentcd are specialties with us, cail and bee our Hue he Mlllord's Drug Store. ud If you wunt a bottle of D D Dgo to Mllfora'b M " Drug Store. ft ?1> I Fiom Aug. 20th to 25th, it> Dargans 5 & 10 cent store 1 jre will sell their No. 8 $11 stove J ? for $10 cath. This offer lasts 01 nno ttt oolr ^ t ' f ?%%%%%%%%?% 4 TTi 1?J nil Pen Sft^S&WVr I ' "r>il " fj/fr^' M^-*^ti.-Z-JaTZ??UUtX+r: allons of water |a ?,. ed to the point of $ ^.hcre P,resKs,ur? water ng, while breakfast 1< * malleable iron pir joking. When water Iwl ^aJf.r ,ront'whl^ has , too hot reservoir *? h?al,nfl sur,faco 'ha?a be moved away j l! 0 h?r, abunda i fire by shifting jff of hot water to leaver shown- || a'1 parts of the house j- Place of reservoir. int of $7.50. This ware will be on a cent less than $7.50, and it is < ^"RPTVTTjT , During the week from AugLst 20th to 25th Dargans 5 & ** ' ?ill 11 xl U cent aiore win sen men 10 stoves for $9 each, cash. ?his offer is good only one reek. Lands for Sale in Greenwood County. L35 Acres Two miles west of Coronaca, seven uilles Dortb of Greenwood, 100 acres In cultivation, balance In pasture, one large 7 room bouse, two large " rt ~t, tnlnno chono anrvH arall branch, three tenant houses, fruit trees, vineyard. Price of thla place I Is 885 per acre. Figure the Improvements ofl and the land would not cost 818 per acre. >00 Acres Four miles from Greenwood that we will out In tracts to suit purchasers. This land Is on the market at latt year's prices and will be Interesting to one wanting land at 815 per acre. L15 Acres About six miles from Greenwood, two miles from Coronaca, with 10 room two story house, 6 tenant* houses, out buildings all new. The place Is In fine neighborhood, In close touch with market, school and churobes. Acres One mile from Coronaca, seven miles Trom Greenwood, 200 acres in cultivation, 50 acres in small pines, suitable in part for sawing, about 40 acres in original forest,poplar, gum and oak. 25 to 30 acres bottom laud now open. The tract has 4 tenant houses, barn and Blable, alio tine site for bulldlut residence. Price SM per acre. For Information address. Goodwyn & Spence, GREENWOOD, S. C. Shoe and i Harness Shop, i 1 have bought out the Shoe and Harness Shop recently operated by C. V. Hammoud, and am prepared to do all kinds of Harness Repairing at reasonable rates at same old stand. Scott Hammond. Aug. 15, 1900. 4t ? We are giving free $7.50 worth of ? fare at our store uext week. See ad- f ertibement iu tbiB paper for particuire. Abbeville Hardware Co. t lonsi ] A SSid w il We heartily to buy or no ,*s? if hot co i'more -m | ^ ny ||j s Uome < ? ?n a Majest ? WAwnsf UX if uuMwt With eve i exhibition at our store. Everythir :heap at that. Come in any day, E HARD * I To the Sold | Abbevill $ The members of | the Clark Allen Chap 5 xers 01 ine oumeuci 3 the Veterans of the $ listed from Abbeville | the unveiling of the * Confederate Soldie | to take place Thurs< J eleven o'clock. Tf I school children of A t +u;c 2 llll/IUUC/U III LI II ^7 II IV I LI | After the addres * Armstrong, of Charl J be served the veters H LAND! 353 Acres The Healthiest Ph 4 Situated near Little Mountain, 7 I tulilie roads run through plantation. .ml stables, large cotton house, with c< veil which would supply water for wh our splendid springs well locatcd. Enough cleared land for six horse faru ral deposit. Lies well and practically Apply to Majestic Range, Aug. 20-25. Abbeville Hardware to. j From Aug 20tli to 25th Darjans 5 & 10 cent'store will tell their $9 cooking stoves or $8.10. This offer is for! >ne week only. t ii : Li./.-.V; > > ...... . ..I? ., ...,,. '.. I p ) JDi trati STow G invite our friends to call at our strating the w Maiestic M - CJ Iron ajestic Malleable and steel range iroughout the entire country par-* w Charcoal Iron Body in place of ge in existence made of malleablf :he Majestic leads by a big marg xplain this new feature?Charcoz dies.and incidentally,why it is not t, as the information gained will: FFEE AND BISCUITS my day during this week and hav ic in three minutes while you wai )ME SET OF WAREiry range sold during this Demon ig useful, ornamental and durable you are welcome whether you ir WARE C - t lers of s *? ? ^ " A^1 j e ifisuiou. * the Abbeville arid j )ters of the Daugh- i racy cordially invite | , late war who en- * ) Di?trict to attend J 3 Monument to the $ rs. The unveiling > day, August 23rd at ? le people and the $ bbeville County are ? ation. j ;s by Col. James ? eston, a dinner will * ins. i LAND! ; for Sale. ice in tlie County. '2 miles from Abbeville ('. H. T\v< J las on? 9-room dwelling', large ban nv stalls. Three tenent houses. Dee] ole plantation. Has four streams am Wood and timber in nltumlanci ii. In addition there is valuable min r no waste land on the premises. PRESS AND BANNER, or T. J. LYON. The Smith l)rj (iouilit ('?.'? Local*. The vii-itorH to our city are cordially lDv||e< to Inspect our stock ol Dry Goods and Alilll n try. Big induceim-siL* ar* cH'-rcd iu our under m uh! I ii department. I. adieu should luvesll ?ate i Ins. A lew remaining nice alilrtwalslH In Bhea: material una properly trimmed ut exceediuj iuw pncc. W'blle canvas bboets In oxford, cbeap cheap,cbeup. Separate nkirt piiUeriiH In most voiul>fc material hdiI htyllnbly inbdti at popular rtduciion price. :vnrri - ' "'Z1Z 1KI1N on! roing o] store any day during this week whei superior qualities of the alleable and Cha Ranges i as formerly turned out by the Majesti excellence, and far a head of any other Steel, making it double its value, and 3 and Charcoal Iron, you can readily see in. We want you to calf at our store il Iron Bodies; let us explain why it is used on other ranges. We want you t< serve you in the future. -FREE. - i . rr e buttered hot biscuits and hot cqne< t. FREE.' stration we will give absolutely FREEo . Come in and see it, and you will aj itend to buy or not. ?MPANY. ? XXill's Pavilion. 3M T Quite the most pretentious agprega- a] tiou of colored performeis ever on t tour will be seen with the '"Dandy $ Dixie Minstrels" at the Hill's Pavilion on Aup. 22. r< Besides John Bucker, the Alabsma t Blossom, whose inimitable monologue j and parodies entertained thousands of ]j theatiegoers on ihe Netv Yoik Boof fct Garden last Summer, the Dandy Dixie Min strels offers an olio of specially engaged novelties ? fiist part of stunning spectacu!ai tflet-is, an after piece Si of furiously tunny farce, "A Fowl af Deed," and ihe ftmous Maichless hi Minstrpl Musicians, "The Cotton m Pickers' Baud." Traveling in their di $20,000 Pullman Palace Car, "The A Dandy," this magnanimous melange y .. : II , I OI LL1J US LI w IJ i IVUI i Lie nuuu, unci visiting every important city of the United Slates and Canada frtru August t (J, 1906 until June 30, 1907. "" Among the all star performers be- J? sides the "Alabama riloteom" are, 1 "James Crosby, the Elongated Comedian six foot aix inches with dancing vl muscles from toe to crown, "3 Spiller tb A Barbecu TO TAKE PLACE The genuine old becue of ye olde served the peo 1 - - New Bi A Barbecue will b Saturday and the County Ce ing also. Come lightful dinner. a [I I.' Lunch ( - in full blast a] J. W. BRE New Store above ] [ CoMesftttSf ea?c COHESBUR I ESTABLISHED I*34. Depfcrin>tDt8of IDM>U< EtiioddIcp, fnn? ti cld Girir sd Aurli d? Lbi siod. ExteiUm fctajtli itcoiu. 1 ultiou tnd Boa) G. I33SN. . -"3 ? it .%%%% %%%%% m ; 1 t | ? S e we are demon- J trcoal J | c people has been ^ range made. But V the fact that it is W i that if quality is W during this week, W the best material ^ ) call if you intend ^ 3. Biscuits baked # ne set of Maje t ? gree with us that ^ 3 fusical Bumpers," an original Regime Comedy Musical Act, Williams Dd Stevens comic impersonators, the oney Trio Dare Devil Acrobats, tack Allen (be deatb defying slender te) thread diver. John Prampin )mtdy Juggler, Benny Jones the exas'Teafer, H. 8. Woolen Indian eiritory Tenor, snd iorty other bead ne singers, dancers and merry minrel men. m Tbe laxative (fleet of Cbambeiiain's tcmacb and Liver Tablets is so rrreable and to natural you can ardJy realize that it is produced by a itdicine. These tablets alho cure ingestion. For sale by C. A. Milford, bbeville 8. C , H. M. Young, Due /est, b. u. Abbeville Hardware Co. are giving ee a handsome set of ware, well orth $7.50. See advertisement in lis paper. Don't fail to read carefully Abbelle Hardware Co's. advertisement in is paper. icri upci ! TOMORROW. i ' fashioned Barn time will be pie at the akery - i o^TTTcirl nn n 7 V VVi V*4 w on the date of impaign Meet5 and get a deCounter [1 the time. y IIHAHN, McKee's. sseae? geke?l9 Y, S. C. tk?n : Inglifb, Matbtiriatlc*'. H!6trry and sgueget', Science, P'bdo end Voice, Eapitsd lor j tar Jlol) GO. Write lor catalog. rAMIN DUKE8. Reotor.