The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, August 22, 1906, Image 1

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The Abbeville Press and Banner. | BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1906. ESTABLISHED 184Ji i SM1K BEE! I VIVIIIVVV Beffinninff Mon The celebrated First Artillery Band will furnish the music. Plenty of amusements for everybody. l\et evervhnHv mme. see and be seen. Three games of Base Ball. \ Every night at Hill I SEABOARD I ' ... T AIR LINE RAILWAY. ; ri o I It T7VrTTP^TnMl Liiivjuivuivi^ ; e 8 ftl a Tl TO pi d di bi gr 1 / It SEPT. S, 1906, I W ' p! lo FROM ? o hi lo E ? Madpaa tn falliAiin Pa 11c w 1I1V111VU IV V 111 11 Villi 1 U11U VAVP' . ? And Intermediate points. d b( hi . $1.75-- RATE FROM ABBEVILLE, S. C.- $1.76. ol ci B Special train leaves Abbeville 7.24 a. m. Returning, leaves Atlanta 8 p. m., Eastern Time, ii September 4, 1906. T it ai CHARLES B. RYAN, G. P. A., W. E. CHRISTIAN, A. G. P. A., I' Portsmouth, Va. Atlanta, Ga. a 1? . i:t , rtami Mi?t.. The Unvei: riAVTiTiTiTii) A m I 1 day, A Ling of th E MO Tuesday Night?T1 brated burlesque, "The Wednesday NightThursday MorningThursday Night?A 's Pavilic Notable Tear. Thla will be a notable year In tbe history of bbevllle. Tbe Confederate Monument, tbe y lldlDg of wblcb baa been agitating tbe iDbllo mind lor perbapa ten yeara, will soon e In position In tbe public square. Tbe rartbouae wblcb was begun for Capt. Lyon bout one year ago will soon be finished- ( bus it la seen tbat two important enter' ] rises are to be finished ibis year. Tbe one < i a tblng of beauty and a memorial to tbe < alor of tbose wbo took up for tbe Soutb, and j tie other will be, one floor a storehouse for ! irnlture and tbe basement will be the home J f Mr. J. 8. Noiwocd'a Ice plant, wblcb will i > the fntnre keep the water cool In our 1 omea dnrlng tbe heated teimF. In a town where tbe city lurnlshta tbe j ater in plpea. Ice is a necessary commodity. be neoesalty for lis preserce <x1mb too In j loae homes which use water if oat aurface j ells. We believe that nearly all the tvpbold i v er which baa r filleted our people haa come J 3 those families which did not use the city , cater. The exceedingly wet teaton which i as Just pasted Is enough to give them alarm 1 nough to have their welld cleaned at onoe. ? ometlmea the clearest, the most sparkling, a ad the most cooling water of our wells baa ? letyhbold geima. Clean out yonr wells. t' ake no risk, when the danger Is great. Wei1 t eaners are oheaper than either physicians, 0 alned nurses or nndertakers. While ty. bold fever Is not .regarded as the most * eadly disease, yet it la one of the moat 8 readed diseases. When It doesn't Mil, It. )lng a cowardly disease, often strikes the c itlent In his weakest vital apot, and leaves t] Im a oripple for yeera, If not for life. It la, therefore, the part of wisdom, to seek o avoid the disease. It la a filth disease. P When It appears In a family, the first and B eat duty Is to find the cause, ao as to pre- tl int others from falling victims to It. A f) ire place to find typhoid is In the pigpen. may be In the water, it may be toe pesu- a; nee ibat walketh abroad as noonday, but w 1b aare to be found in tbe bogpen. Tbe fl( ogpen beiug well known as a breeder of iat pestllenoe that walketh abroad at noonly, should be driven out of town. The by Blclani have enough to do without waltg on typhoid oases. ol bi " ' y, Mr. aud Mr?. J. C. Ellis have returned from 01 lelr trip to the mountalnR. Tbelr health A pes not Impaired by the trip. Ue Is as proud f her beauty, and Bbe rejoices In his faithful ^ Bart, even aB on the wedding day. They are u ivers still. For a time they will live at the Hi oreka, but they expect to live In the house ^ here Capt. Lyon's family have been living. re a our readers no doubt recollect, Mr. Ellis ullt one of tbe handsomest bouses In Abbe- 81 He. After be and Mrs. Ellli bad lived In It r a few years they concluded that for two nl arsons tbe house was too large, and the oundsspread out too much, and so they iD >ld tbe place to Mr. Frederic Mlnshall. It Is tuated on Due "West Street, and la a most g* ?slrable home. Mr. Ellla, Id order to provide for the future m )*ght an elegant building lot, 140 feel from r. Haddon on Main Street for 82,000. He is rented the "Ljon house" for three jarB. ..... r P: The End of tbe World .. r troubles that robbed E. H. Wolfe, f Bear Grove, la., of all usefulness, ime when he began taking Electric itters. He writes: "Two years ago lidney trouble caused me great sufferig, which I would never have surived bad I not taken Electric Bitters, hey also cured me of General Debily." Sure cure for all Stomach, Liver ad Kidney complaints, Blood disuses, Headache, Dizziness and Weakess or bodily decline. Price 50c. M uaranteed by Speed drug store. w; * ? M For paint, oils, varnlshe* and stain, Mil be rd 1b the man yon want to see. ja; IK Lug. 2< iNUTV ie old maids of Abbevi j bpinster s Return, al -A reception to the spea ?The unveiling of the l ball. )n Theat EAST END. What "M" Reel and Heart on HI Ronnda In Conntry and In Town. ABBEVILLE'S GALA WEEK. Come one I Come ell! and >ee tbe unvellln >f tbe Confederate Monument?The old Vet' sarade?and bear tbe Mart hall mnale by tb Artillery Band of Charleston. Wedneadu: tvenlng tbe grand reception given by tbe ? >fC'f. on tbe beautiful lawn of Mr. J. 8. Star! o wblcb rltlsena and vlaltora are cordlall; nvlted. On Tbnrsday tbe nnvelllng of tin donnment will take place after wbleb ad treu will be delivejed by Col. Jamea Arm itrong ofCbarleaton. then a dinner for tb< Veteran a. Let tbe old Vet'a turn oat, and d< jonor to tbe occaalon tbey aod their oom adea who bave "paued over tbe river" an beoentral flgnrea In all tbla great move nent. Amnaementa every night at Hill's Pavll on xneaier. L,ei every ooay jay nsiae dugness and care and come for pleasure ant Abbeville promise* tbem a good time. Abbe Mile li the old "historic" City of Carolinahe Alpha and Omega of that great struggU d which her sons proved themselves chival ous, tree and brave. Then come and qjnf >ralaes to their name acd do honor to theli oemory. Judge J. Fhller Lyon one of th< ild Veteraos in whose breast the ardent lov< if country still burns brighter and brlgitei a the years go by, will be present and bav< ommand of tb? old Vet's. Abbeville wil eel honored at having tbe old Veterans ai heirguesfs and will do themselves tbe bonoi o entertain tbem royally. Remember tb< Ity gates are open wide to you, then oome ndjoin tbe JuDilee. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Penney returned last reek from a delightful trip to Peldmontand eneca where they visited relatives and singled with friends of by-gone days. Mr. Foster McMillan of Atlanta was in the ity last Monday. Mr. Andrew Edwards of Georgetown, is in be olty for a few days. Hill's Tbeater will be tbe plaoe of amuse< lent every nlgbt this week. First olasi laya are on docket. Mr. Eugene MoMUlnn looks well fter his two weeks rest and la again looping ae loop on Ronte No. 3. Mr. A. J. Penney the faithful carrier on jate 1 la again at bla post of duty. The efficient Sub's Messrs. Klugh and Jones re now resting after the *'bot times" for two eeks. Abbeville Is all astir this week. Come and )e the fun. K. V. D. NOTES or INTEREST. Blrtb at Glehdale?to Mrs. Jobn A. Wilson, dangbter. Wilson Brotbers are potting np a first ass ginnery at Glendale near Whites ridge. Miss Lucy Brough one of tbe pretty sang ladles from the Savannah side Is tbe warming gnest of Mrs. J. J. Link. Miss Jane Eakln la tbe guest of Mrs. Jobn . Wilson. Tbe many friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. enney will be gla?l to learn their daughter rs. R. P. MoNelll of Warrior. Alabama Is a ttle better at tnls wilting. She Is yet quite Miss Jennie Glbert wltb her brother Mr. rtbur Glbert of Augusta are visiting ilatlves at Lebanon. A protracted meeting is now In progress at laron being con dueled by tbe pastor assist* I bjy Rev. J. M. Lawson of this elty. Tbe meeting at Lebanon closed last tf riaay gbt. Mlsa Gedeva Marcbant after delightful ay with friends at Lebanon la now vlaitlDg Lowndesvllla. Mlsa Annie Mary Evana 1b attending a >use party At tbe borne of her friend Mlas illenjrer of Rlehland. MIm Francea McNeill of Cbarleaton after a oat pleasant visit to relatives In tbe Hbaron otlon la now In tbe olty, tbe guest of Mrs. cLean. ? kkA..IIU Talanh?n? rn lease add following names to your its: Cater, Misses; residence, No. 69. Harrison and Waldrop repair shop, o. 183. Edmunds, C. H.; residence. No. 71. 8. A. L. Shops; No. 57. All day Sunday service now. W. M. Barnwell, Gen'l. Mngr. The Majestic Mfg. Co., of St. Louis, o., have a man at Abbeville Hardare store this week showing the ajestic Eange in aotual operation, iking and serving biscuits to the rge crowds, /? ' kfKtU " " Oth. [ENT ille will present the celet Hill's Pavilion Theater, iker and visitors,, monument. ;er. * Pain from > Burn Promptly Believed by Cbamberlnln'g Pain Barn. ( A little child of Michael Strauss, of Vernon, Conn., waa recehtly in great pain from a burn on the hand, and as cold applications only increased the inflamation. Mr. Strauss came to Mr. J James N. Nlcholp, a local e merchant, for something to r stop the pain. Mr. Nichols says: '-I ' Arivfoed him to use Chamberlain's Pain 1 y Balm, and the first application drew { b out the Inflamation ana gave relief. I have used this liniment myself and 1 e recommend it very often for cuts, 3 burns, strains and lame back, and 1 bave never known it to dissapoint." ' ForsalebyC. A. Milford, Abbeville, t 8. C., and H. M. Young, Due West, . 8. C. l ; Dargan's 5 ai > s ; I During the week from Augus } Store will sell any stove in the I t for cash. This offer is good only i i Confederate Veterans I All the old Confederate Ve make Dargan's 5 and 10c Store of the unveiling of the monument ^ Dargan's b an Wire You Electric lamps are the best. Electric lamps are the safest. Electric lamps are the most < It is easier to touch a buttor in the dark. No explosions. No lamp ohimneys. No kerosene oil. No greasy lamps. And cheapest in the end. See THOMSON. Do it now, DON ALUS, Tbe first Issue of "Tbe Donalds Progress" ' v? will appear on tbe 29tb. of ibis mootb Instead of tbe 15th. as was first announced. Tbe paper will be Issued every Wednesday and it .'-.xj Is tbe Intention ol the owners to make It a ; live, up-to-date local paper Whose chief ob- ;>'3 Jeot will be tbe advancement of Donaldf. ""-.' wi A protracted meeting was carried 00 In. tbe Methodist church last week and moeh . *?m| Kood was accomplished. Tbe pastor Rev. J.' .-?31 E. Beard was assisted by W. W. Smith of, , y9j Marion and Herman W.Stone of this plaoe.; /JS Large crowds attended. The meeting closed on Sunday. In tbe GBeenwood County summer school, ,w Miss Pear) Sbannon of i bis place made abont Vyga tbe highest average of any of the teachers, ' 'yja her average being 9G 1-2. This Is considered *31 exceptionally good. Donalds fs always glad ' :i*g? to see her representatives at tbe top. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Mattlaon of Colombia ; .v^M are visiting relatives here. Miss Jennie Mae Dunn of Florida is visitlog ber cousin, Miss Eula Dunn. Mr. Harold C. Booker of The State spent --J last week at bis home here. Chamberlain's Congh Remedy on Nature's Plan. The most successful medicines are:-^ those that aid nature. Chamberlln's^gH Cough Remedy acts on this plan. Take it when you have a oold and i&yH will allay tne cougn, renew IUO iuuge, j . ? aid expectoration, open the secretions J and aid nature in restoring the sy?tem to a healthy condition. Thou?- ^3 ands have testified to its superior ex- : J cellence. It counteracts any tendency ; ^ of a cold to result in pnemonia. Price, . J 2o cents. Large size, 50 cents. For "f.3 sale by C. A. Milford, Abbeville, 8. and H. M. Young, Due West, 8. C. /.smM Low Rate* to Wew York and RetanU On account of the homecoming of Hon. William J. Bryan, the Sonthera Railway will sell tickets to New York! City and return at rate of one fair plus $2.25 from all coupon ticket sta-, tions. Tickets on sale August 28thJ^M and 29th, limited to leave New York V?0i returning on September 4th, 1506. ? flTbe Southern operates on| through trains, Pullman, Drawing-. ?' D/infhai>n Ra i I WAT < JSrI room, deepens auu , , Dining car?High Back Vestibalea ' ^ coaches. For full informatiou, consult Southren Railway Ticket agent, or /? write O. B. Allen, Aaet. General Passenger Agent, , $ Atlanta, Ga. - faH R. W. Hunt, Division Passenger Agent V Charleston, 8. C. You are cordially invited to attend our exhibit any day this week. Come and have a cup of ^offe and hot bissuits, if you intend to buy or Abbeville Hardware Co. Itn li inKI a l\rr\nnrhi11 vim nun FOR SALE. J One 10-room house and lot, : J| One 5-roon house and lot, /M Three vacant building lots. ||9 All close lo Pnbllo Square; convenient !<> ' water and fewer lines. For particulars apply ,o c. h. Aug. 1,1906. tf ' id 10c Store. ;t 20 to 2.R. Dar^an's c; and ioc HS| house at a cut of 10 per cent.:^^| for that week. Invited. it'll terans are cordially invited to -J9 their headquarters on the da , Enterprise Stoves. :jl| The best that skilled labor ;'j|| can build at Dargan's 5 and Sg 10c store. From Aug. 20 to 25th, 10 per cent orr tor casn. id lCc Store. J ir House. ;| :onvenient. i than to fumble for matches iv3? M .m ...... .