% The Press and Banner fcjS'-PubllBned every Wednesday ai %i a ear In advance. Wednesday, June 13, 1906. S. A. L. schedule. Southbound? No. 51 dally leaves Abbeville 5:>0 h m 53 " " 3 42 p in 33 " *' 12.01 p ra 41 '4 " 3 35 a m Nortbuound? 33 " " 2.20 a in 32 " ' 4 52 p m 52 " ' 1.00 p m 50 ' " Ar y.30 p ui No reduced rates from Abbeville to Atlanta &b yet. Hope to have It soon. Notice. All telephone suscribers living on iinnor Mnin Kf. Wttrdlaw St. and -? Greenville St. will be cut off sometime between Thursday and iMonday. Ser vice will only be interrupted long enough 10 hiatal our new cables, Not over two days. Abbeville Telephone Co. Wui. M. Barnwell, Gen. Manager. Npeclnl Xoiioe. Particular attention is directed to the services at the Methodist Church on r?ovt Kiinriav moriiincr. The oastor will preach ou "The Ideal Home." It is earnestly desired that the eutire membership be present. The public is cordially invited. JHwrriaicrH. On Jnne 3rd, the following couples were married by Rev. P. B. Wells: J. W. Able and Miss L. A. Edwards. W. C. Hughes and Miss Marjorie Young. Wm. Perry and Miss Nanie Find lay. \ -?? Attention. On tomorrow afternoon (Thursday) from Ave until nine o'clock there will be an Ice Cream Festival ou the lawn of the Methodist parsonage, given un der the auspices of the Missionary So ciety. Pure cream and cake in abuudance. Popular prices. Everybody is invited. Rev, W. T. Duncan, the popular presidiqg elder of the Cokehbury dis trict. will preach at the Methodist Church on next Sunday night, June 17th, .at 8.30 o'clock. The public is invited, Central Union will meet at Central School bouse, Long Cane Township next Saturdaj', June 16, at 3 o'clock. D. P. Hannah, Secretary. Nice work in Engraving Card?, wed ding invitations, etc. gotten up on short notice at Speeds Drug Store. Mr. R. V. Hitt is in Tocco a, Ga., for several days. Messers Henry Johnson aud Burns nf ? ? /11.-4 4. simpsuu ui uiiiiou, spent ouuuaj in the city. A nice line of Comic Post Cards at Speeds Drug Store. Ifgood quick service is what you want Mlltord is ibe man you wunt to deal with. He bastbe store, the stock aod a fine set of clerks. nmiUHIIimilllllHH ; i! TO LET UP j; MEANS LOSS;; ?? In the advertising campaign ?1 J | there should be no trace. While J J ?? the merchant lives and remains ?olit to Mrs. Lyon. Misses Jennie and Rebecca YVideman ! attended Commencement at Due West. I Mrs. W. P. Wideman is iti Gaston ia, X. C., ou a visit to her mother. J Master Ollie Watson of Flat woods, was struck by lightening ou Saturday ' .. ftui.i?uin u'liilu wni'L'inir with t.hfi Iaii-ci u\/?/uj ?? ?.??v ?, ? telephone wire, his arm and shoulder i were right badly burned, and he was j unconscious fur a short while, but is ! doing very well at this writing. Miss Soulou Clinkscales of Lowndes ville, attended the closing exercises of the Graded School at McCormick and is now visiting relatives in Bellevue. I Dr. Hawes and Dr. Moore of Elber ton, Ga., have been on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Cade. Capt. McBride of Willington passed through Eellevue Mouday on his way to Abbeville to attend Court. Miss Lizzie Morrah' came home Thursday from Liu wood where she had been to attend commencement. Mrs. M. E. Waidlaw, Mrs. J. L. Kennedy and Mrs. J. C. Kennedy, spent Thursday in Greeuwoou. Misses carrie auu ouuie tuwau, ?uu Mrs. Ada Kennedy attended the wed ding of Miss Jo9ie Lyon. Mrs. McGhee spent last week with her mother. JjVank and Olivia Mattison of Mc Cormick spent a few days last week, with their graud-parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Briit. Mr. Warren of Chickamauga spent last week with his friend Mr. Cuddy. Mr. and Mrs. James Cuddy after a pleasant visit to his parents, left Mon day lor ssew iorK wnere ine.y wm spend a week with relatives, and will tneu go to Porto-Rico. Our farmers have been busily em ployed duriug the past week cutting graiu. Deatb From a Bee fttlng. John U. Zimmerman living near Cedar Spring, died from a bee sting Friday morning about 5 o'clock. Thursday evening about 3 o'clock a bee stung him on the lobe of one ear. He called his wife to take the sting out. In attempting to go to the house he felt a state of collapse suddenly come on. Assistance was called and he was carried to the house. The poi 9on asted so rapidly tbat circulation of blood soon ceased and the face, ears aud neck turued very dark. He never recovered consciousness. Medical help was called in and all the remedies sup posed to be helpful were applied but he respoLded to none of them. Mr. Zimmerman had a great dread of bee stings. It is i-aid that one stung him ou one thumb a jear or two ago and that he became so sick that he re mained in bed some time. It is sup posed that the poison was taken up by a blood vessel in the lobe of the ear and carricd rapidly through the sys tem, reaching the brain at once. It was a rare and remarkable case, and the first of the kind tbat has ever come within our knowledge. He entered Confederate service when 18 years old. His wife and five children survive him. Carolina Spartan. , LOWNDESVILLE, Lowndesville, June 11th, 1906. Yesterday week ago in ibe Presby terian church at 11 a. m., the closing exercises of the High j?chool of this place began. Dr. W. F. Gardner of Greenwood occupied the pulpit, and gave to bis many and attentive bearer, a well arranged instructive sermon. Monday night. Dr. A. B. Cookes Professor in VVoftbrd College gave a fine address, one that was pleas ing to all whose good fortune it was to hear it. Tuesday night, there was an enter tainment by the school. There was a large crowd present, and the closing of the school year was much enjoyed by those who attended. Last Friday was a week ago Mrs. Ella Latimer and Mrs. Maggie JBulldck of Abbeville came up and spent sever al days at the home of Mr. J. T. Lati mer. brother of the first named. Friday evening about fifteen couplee of our young people weut to Tuckers Ferry on Savannah River, and had a moon-light picnic. Mrs. B. Bolin Al len chaperoned the crowd. On Saturday Mr. Henry Etherige aud his sister Miss Emma Etherige of Clii'ton came over and spent some lays at the home of their kinsmen, Mr. O. Johuson. Miss Virginia Calhoun and Miss Sarah Baker of Calhoun Falls spent several days last week with tbe family of Hon. J. C. Lomax. Mrs. J. B. Mosely, Mrs. J. W. Huck abee, Mrs. VV. W. Thompson and Maj J U Huckabee were in Anaerson ior two days last week. Ryv/R VV Barber went to Green wood last Tuesday and attended the closing exercises of Lander Female College. Miss Rebecca Heard of Heardmont was the guest of Mr E. W. Harper for ihe greater part of last week. Mrs. Jas T Latimer entertained quite d number of her frieuds last Wtdues day eveuing, io honor of Mrs. Charles r Baker of the Pbilipbines, and Mrs. Maggie Bullock of Abbeville. Delight A Name ? There's a lot in a name. You buy of a good dealer because he has a good name and you believe that any thing you buy at his store is reliable and just as represented. We sell ^? - Perfect Razors because the name Clauss stamped on every razor is a guarantee that the razor is perfect and every razor has the Clauss unlimited guarantee. Call and let us tell you about the Clauss Perfect Razors. Abbeville Hardware Co. Opportrm R. M. HAD SPECIALTIES ! Sev1 ") nieces Figured Suiting, jus colors, 15c yard. Ladies Ribbed Vest, bleeche Ladies Swiss llibbed Lisle \ Remnants, Colored Lawns, I All Wool Tan Voille, 36 incl A new line Black Underskir COSSETS! Your ffln Linen Damask Napkins and $1.00 to $4.00 dozen. Remnants of all kinds at air A special line of Wash an< all white. A nice White Emb at 25c. White and Black Leather, way at 25 and 50c. R. M. H ADD OH Is It You y Some oDe's selfish, some one's lazy; Is it you? Some one's sense of right is hazy; Is it you? Some folks live a life of ease, Doiog largely as they please? Drifting idly with the breeze; Is it you? Some oue hopes success will find him; Is it you? Some one looks proudly behind him; Is it you? Some one's full of good advice, Seems to think it ratbernice In a has been's paradise Is it you? Some one trusts to luck for winning; Is it you? Someone craves a new beginning, Is it you? Some onesavs: "I never had Such a chance as JoDes' lad." Rnmp nnfi'H likftwire ouite a cad? la it you?^ Some one's terribly mistaken; Is it you? Some onesarily will awaken; Is it you? Some one's working on the plan That a masterful "f can" Doesn't help to make the man Is it you? Some one yet may "make a killing". And It's you. Some one needs but to be willing, And it's you. Some one better set hif? jaw, Cease to be a man of straw, Get some sand into his craw? And it's vou. ?Baltimore American. Are you thinking of Fruit Jars etc.? This is the season for them now, or at least the beginning of it, and you will find Masons best patent Jars, with Porcelain lined caps, and with a good heavy lubber at the store at the following prices: Pints, 50cts. per Dozen, Quarts, 60cts. per Dozen, 1-2 Gallon at 80 cts. per Dozen. We also have a very pretty and well fin ished Jelly Tumbler, with a good bright Tin top,-at 25 cts. per Dozen for 1-3 Pint, and 30cts. per Dozen for 1-2 Pint size. 'Extra Jar Caps at this store for 25cts. per dozen, these are porcelain lined. Rub bers m biacK or wiiite at acts per dozen, each dozen put up in a nice clean cartoon, and every rubber this seasons none carried over from last | year. Dargans 5 & lOcts Store. J. W. MoKee, Jr., sells the best flour on the market. Try a barrel and you will be con vinced that what we my is true. Call lor Capltola. Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Syrup, Flour, Meal, Bacon, canned goods. In fact anything In the Grocery line. J. W. McKee, Jr., r t %%%%%%%%%%%%%% rr id lies Made in the most app proved machinery and ur skilled and experienced < \ Our trade in the famou < : Celery $ # has been doubled since S addition of new machin J increasing demand. Only filtered water use of our ity Sale ! DON & CO. al pieces Summer Silks, dots and gures, now 50c yard. t the thing for a Wash Skirt, all d, 5c each. rest, for $1.00. Special 10c yard. i, 50c yard, now 25c yard. fcs. 50c to 84.50 each. tunicy to get a good Corset at )rice. Doilies, fine and all Linen from nost half price. 1 Silk Belt. A good Belt for 10c, roidered Belt, fine Pearl Buckle and Silk Blets, fasten the new r & COMPANY. Tribute to a Dor. Senator Vest, of Missouri, was at tending court in a country Iowd, and while waiting for the trial of a case in which be was interested, he was urged by the attorneys in a dog case to help them. He wafl paid a fee of $250 by the plaintiff'. Voluminous evidence was introduced to show that the de fendant had shot the dog in malice, while the other evidence went to show Uft /Ia/w KnH n t + nnlru/1 t VtA /lofonH. ant. VeBt took no part in the trial and was not disposed to epeafe.. The attor neys, however, urged biiu to make a speech, else their client would not think he had earned bis fee. Being thus urged, he arose, scanned the face of each juryman for a moment, and said; "Gentlemen of the jury?The best friend a man has in the world may turn against him aud become his en emy. His son or daughter that be has reared with loving care may prove un grateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our kappineps and our our pood name, may become traitors to their faif.h. The monev that a man has he may lose, lit flies away, perhaps, when he needs it most. A man's re putation may be sacrificed in a mom ent of ill-considered action. The peo ple who are to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of mal ice when failure settles its cloud upon I our heads. The one unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish I world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is bis dog. A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and poverty, in health and sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where th9 winds blow, and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be Dear bis master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer; he will lick the wounds and sores that come In en counter with the roughness of the world. He guards the sheep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert he re main?. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces, be is as con stant in his love as the sun in its jour neys through the heavens. "If fortune drives the master forth an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accom panying him, to guard him agairiBt danger, to fight against his enemies. And when the last scene of all comes, and death takes the master in its em brace, and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by the graveside will the noble dog be found, his bead between his paws, bis eyes sad, but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even In death." Then Vest sat down. He had spok en in low voice, without any gesture. He made ao reference to the evidence or the merits of the case. When he finished, judge and jury were wiping their eyes. The jury returned a ver dict In favor of the plaintiff for $500. He had sued for $200. , MfMnrray's Local*. All kinds of stationery can be had at the MoMurray Drug Co. Cbu-nhu cbewine gam 1b tbe litest thing In Its class. It is without doubt tbe best tblng I In tbe liDe of chewing gum. For sale by the M< Murray Drug Co. I WheD you (jo into McMurray's drag ?tore Just say "Cbu-Chu" and jou will get tbe beet chewing gum made. We do not make Ice cream because we do not have time. ADyhow we can make for you anytblDg else tbat goes with a soda water ticket. MoMurray Drug Co. S nf IVinta sb m 1/1 mm) >roved manner with im ider the management of irtisans. Cola 5 1905, necessitating the j ery to supply the ever ? d in the manufacture $ A Drinks. > 'resident and Manager. J The only form from wheat tha ment is the so< yet?the only s which this is Uneeda The only soda en ba The only soda c: pr< The only soda ci cri The only soda cr tin Ot In f motsi If you want a Gasoline be sure you get the the brand We sell them .T NATIONAL BANK Statement of condition at clo Resources. Loans and Discounts 1183,909 89j uverarans U. B. Bonds Other Securities Real Estate Redemption Fund Due from Banks.... Cash in Vault .. iz,ioo 01 .. 18,750 00 500 00 .. 9,383 84 937 50 .. 21,537 67 . 17,778 12 $264,982 59: Oldest and Strongest Bank Ample Resources for all del Interest Allowed on Deposl Locals. Fresh goods at Haddon's. Just received a new shipment of Laces and Insertions. Some big values In Embroideries. Special, a wblte parasol at SOcts. Cotton, Black and wblte, 2 spools for5cw. Tbe best Handkerohlef yet at 5c. Wj receive eaob week a new line of Ladles Neckwear at popular prices. Fans of all kinds and colors. An odd lot of shoes and slippers at less than cost. Ask to see the Remnants ol all kinds that we are selling so obeap. Some rare bargains In colored lawns and UlUilllOO. White Shoe Polish, 10c. bottle. 860 beat pins In America for 60. Everything in stook to make the new "shadow work. " Everything- j Easy Payments. HEALTHFUL 1 "Purity" Cotton Felt I\ Mattress ol Every Mattress built with our Sp* qualities, from ABSOLUTELY . MOST SANITARY FERRi FACTORY IN THE IVORL tress building is practiced in our Fac Every Mattress manufactured be and is sold under this positive guaraj "We*-r. free from *nr "PURITY" MATTRESS CALVERT i l of food made it is all nutri ia cracker, and f\An nf >V/V*V+ vx MVAAV* really true is Biscuit icker scientifically ked. racker effectually Dtected. acker ever fresh,' sp and clean. acker good at all aes. dust tight, Hire proof package. CUfT COMPANY Engine i best which bears I. H. 0. W. McKEE, JR. OF ABBEVILLE. se or business April 6, 1906. Liabilities. Capital Stock $75,000 00 Surplus and Profits 22,620 15 National Bank Notes 18,750 00 Bills payable. 10,000 00 Deposits 138,612 44 $264,982 59 in the County. mantts. ItM in Saving* Department. White's Local*. Buy your clothing from L. W. White. The hlgb art clothing of Strouse A Bros, cannot be excelled. A full line also of boys and youths cloth In ?r. When In market L. W. White closed out several lots ot clothing at a prloe, and Is now offering special bargains in sprlDg and sum mer suits. It will pay any one to look at these goods. All the ladles should seeL. W. White's silks for waists and sklrta, alio the beautiful line of muBllns, lawns and organdies. A good dress gingham at 5 cents. Cheap calicoes at 4 cents. Whlta lawn a yard wide at 5 cents. Embroideries and laces of good width at S cents. Unbleached shlrtlngat 4 cents. Plaid bomespunB at 5 cents. A large white rack towel at 10 cents. Ladles' belts from 10 to 50 cents each and al I o .ber dry goods at proportionately low prices. \ * in Furniture. Goods Delivered Free. ^ESTFULNESS Mattresses, the Standard f America icial Lifters. Manufactured in ei^hft piirf raw STnrir ,v, tk* D-CONCRETE MATTRESS D. Every detail of scientific Mat Tories. ;ars our "PURITY" trade mark itee. Thh Guarantee on Eoery Mattress intee tha mattes to be mnnirfytural from paw aw admixture ot old np oc otto old natezial. Steep ca k fw aad 3 louod impcriect in quality or ?crb?hft wdtmm lex, who i> authorized to fc^rnd to 70a the pcioa{aid.** Brand of Mattresses are Matmfadored SoUpiji ie Southern Cotton Oil Co. Charlotte, North Carolina : that your mattress has this label attached >ES ARE FOR SALE BY t NICKLES. * v.?? - Ij ANNOUNCEMENTS. For House of Representatives. We are authorized to announce Frank B, Gary an a Candidate for the Hour? of flapr '1 reBentatlven. Subject to the Democratic J Primaries. We are hereby authorized to an- v.?j uounce Granville Beal as a candidate W for the Legislature, subject to# the action of me Democratic Primary. For Probate Judge. To the voters of Abbeville County. Having been informed by Mr. R. E vsa Hill some twelve months ago ttoat he would not be a ca.ndid?te for the office of Probate Judge. I decided to appear;? before the People of Abbeville County for that office. Thus for I have receiv-.. ed out spoken encouragement from 7 friends, and believing that there should bean end to all things; and as I am somewhat a believer in rotation. I hereby announce my self as candi date for probate Judge subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. J. F. Miller, ^gp To the Voters of Abbeville Conntv: . Owing to the condition of my be<h dar ing lata Hammer and [all I bad aboat aban- . doned the Idea of standing for re-election to ibe office oi Probate Judge and so stated to some oi my Jrlends; but as my health baa very mucb improved wltbln the past tew months, and as I have been urged by a good many of my fi lends, to at once enter the race for ibe office lor another term, I have con cluded to do so. I tbereiore hereby, an nounce myself as a cant date for re-eleotlotv to the office of Probate Judge Ipr Abbeville County. Thanking you for the generous support irhioh vi.n h . tro u r*nt\ni arl m a In thfl 'Mailt. T. promise tUut. If by your suffrage, 1 shall tie retained la Ltie office for another term, )t shall be my utmost endeavor to ao conduct the business ot the office as to meet. with. V your continued approval. Respectfully. R. E. Hill. For Superintendant of Education. We are berby authorized to announce: R. B. Cheatham as a candidate County Superintendent of Education, ' > subject to ibe action of the Democratic friuiary. 1 hereby anoounoe myself a candidate for re-eiectiou fur ttio office oi County Superin- -, encentof Uducatlou, subject to the action,v oftLe Deajocratio Primary. F. C. DuPre. We are autborlzad to anaouaoe W. A. La'-rj: nier as a candidate lor tae office of County j Superintendent ot Education, subject to the aonon of the Democratic primary. We are authorised to announce R. 0. son as a candidate lor rtchool ('jmmlsntotrw v'y subject to the action of tbe Democraticprt' mary. T lioruhv onnminru mucolf nmnHi. date for the office of County Superin- ; teudant of Education, of Abbeville,; (Jonuty subject to the action of ti?T; Deuiocratic primaries. J. Foster Hammond. We are hereby authorized to an nounce J. B. Gibert tor the office of fa Superintendent of Education of Abbe-ff? ville County, subject to the action of! the Democratic .Primary. For Supervisor. I hereby announce myself a candidate 1 re-election ao ilie offloe of County Supervl? oi Abbsvlile Couoty, subject to the action c the Democratic primary. . O. N. NUskela. I hereby announce myself as a can*v, didate for tbe office of Supervisor of?ra Abbeville county subject to the action , i?f the Democratic Primary. W. A. Stevenson^ Ten Rules for Employes. 1. Take as much interest in your.' employer's business as if it were yoi * own. 2. Do not expect to get all you can, and give nothing. Do a little more ? work than is demanded. 3. Be prompt. Show that you have an interest in your work above a/deffi sire for an extra half-bour in bed in tbe morning. You can't come down half-hour late every morning and in press your employer with the IdeaV*. loai yuu are ? wiue-avraa.c avuvo ixiau. - or woman with an interest in yourl^ work, ^ , it? 4. Do your work so well today that > you won't have to do any of it over ";it again tomorrow. # 5. Be cheerful and willing. A sullen ' countenance is not pleasant to look upon by either an empoyer or a cus tomer. Remember your pulling pow* ';v er with a customer is one of your -as- ' < seta. The reverse will be your lose. r. Be courteous. Do not thrust your own , troubles and inharmbny' upon those yf. around you. It is a poor investment, 6. Be conscientious. Don't take too . much interest in ball games, theaters, - parties, etc., or you may find t hat you have not much time left to give to ' ? your work. Don't have s. relative ' > die too often. Funerals {sometimes ^ grow monotonous to an employer duis# iug the base ball season or on matinee afternoons. 7 r? . tint mate f.hft nnmA mifitahrft twice. 8. Do not let your thoughts be al ways wool-gathering if you expect to earn an increase in salary on, pay * day. 9. Do not shirk your work and be always thinking-of the money side ofv Vj! the proposition. Give good value for the money you receive and you will be sure to succeed. 10. Put yourself in your employer's place and figure out what kind of an employe you would hire to get the r most out of your business. Tben set yourself to be that employe. 11. There is 110 short, easy road to.'/ | success, but it is well worth traveling, - If you knew the value of Chamber Iain's Salve you would never wish to be without it. Here are some of the diseases for which it is especially valu- -,i able: sore nipples, chapped hands, burns, frost bites, chilblains, chronic- ' sore eyes, itching piles, tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by C. A. Milford and H. M. Young. See the beautiful line of Crepe Paper and decorating paper at Speed's Drug Score cheaper than ever. If your stomach troubles you do not conclude that there is no cure, for a great many have been permanently cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try tbem, they are certain to prove beneficial. They only cost a quarter. Sold by C. A. Milford ,$| aud H. M. Young. The State of South Carolina, ABBRVILLE COUNTY. Probate Court?Citation for Letters of Admin lstratlon. Hy It. E. Hill, Esq., Judge of Probate. WHEUEAS, W. I'. Whamm, Jr., has made suit to me, tourant him L-ttersof Ad mlulHtiation of the estate and etreOts of W. P. Whamm, late of Abbeville C )Uoty, deceased. These are therefore, to cite aud admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the saiil W. P. VVh'vmm, deceased, that they be aud appear before me, in the Court of Pro OHte, to be held at Anbevlile C. H., ou Wednea iay. the '.O h day of June next, alter publica tion hereof, at II o'clock In the forenoon, to show cause if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given uuder ray hand and seal of theCoart, IQIS Jiii wi .juutr, iu me yenrui uur (Seal) Lord one thousnnd nine hundred and six and In the 130th year of American Independence. Published oq tbe 6th day of Judo, 1!)06, in the Pre*8 and Banner and on the Court House door lor the tline required by law. K. E. HILL, I udge of Probate, .i: &