: ^ . ;j . , . - | . ii in ir - -! ii ?!? -1 tr-r r f i . m ' - - ' ' " The Abbeville Press and Banner,! * BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1906. ESTABLISHED 184|M Dan 5 and 1< A $1 saved 1 save on < . ?n|vnsh*. Hammocks | 1 Ham mocks SJ ?*. Ice Gream LlGHTN|N Freezers buzzard Base Ball SPALDING Goods "New Tennis Goods, Lover Croquet Sets. want here Cut Glass at Wanfection Cut Prices TTanirfr A recen A tVJUV T of Japanes China quick sellin Plates Crockery and Dishes 35c Half gallon Glassware j carry an ir Fresh good They are bound to please. They are Idea going into thousands of homes each year. W they have make friends. TRY ONE. ? Enameled &r Ware! JL These goods are of every day life. We cause of the effect qu prices. See our prices Dargan's [ t pn's )c Store. Man is finding a $1. . is a $1 found. You can everything you buy here. TRY IT tave HAMMOCKS from $1.25 up to $6.00 each, are pleasing shades and stylish and attractive, are made by Palmer is proof of their goodness, selling. G 2 qt. 3 qt. 4 qt. 6 qt. $= 00 $2.35 $2.75 $3.25 I 2 qt. 3 qt. 4 qt. 6 qt. $1.90 $2.20 $2.50 $3.00 . i'S Coods all the way through. The kind the York Giants" use. We can please you. > of these health giving sports can find what they at LOW PRICES. eddiug present ? We are showing a lovely colof Rich Cut Glass and a big assortment of ;. Some useful and some ornamental. All are low. t purchase enables us to place on sale a big lot e and Austrian China at extremely low prices for ' ig. Prices 15c each and up to $3'.oo. ?, 9 inch, 5c each. C. and S, 30c set. Covered each. Tumblers 15c set. 8 inch Glass Bowls 10c. i Pitchers 15c each, are a few of our prices. We nmence stock of Crockery and Glass at all times, s always coming in. prime importance in excel in this line be- A, fJjH J antity buying has on ?& 10c Storej -- ? .. ^ia WEST END. News Dota Picked Up Here and There a About the City. I J Mn. E. Rlngan Thomson left Monday for M Prosperity to spend a while with her friend Miss Lena Moseley. Mrs. Claude Lanier, of Monterey, waa shop- M ping In the city Monday. m Mr. Walter Vlaanaki has returned to his ^ borne in Atlanta after a lew daya pleasantly spent with bis borne people here. MlasCorrle Graves, of Latimer, la in tbe city tbe guest ot her oonsln, Mlaa Louise DeBrohl. Mrs. W, D. Barkadale bas been In Greenwood foi tbe past week the gueat of her mother, Mrs. J. K. Darat. Mrs. G. W. 8peer and Miss Llla Speer were down from Monterey Monday shopping. Or. C. A. Mliford was in Columbia last week for a few days attending the Hbrlner'a meetMr. A, Mellwain Henry came up from Augusta Saturday and atayed wltb bla borne people until Monday. Mr. Henry baa a good position in Angnata. Miss Emma Wilson waa shopping In tbe city last week. She was tbe guest of her brother, Mr, W. D. Wllnon while here, Mlaa Helen White went back to Converse last Tuesday after a abort viatt hame. , Mrs L.J. Lenlle is In Anderaou spending J some time with her daughter, Mrs. Eugene I Fant. J Mr. G. W. Treyler, of New York, waa a gueat at tbe Eureka for a few daya last week. Is Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Brltt were up from Brad- Crj ley Monday and spent tbe day with Mra. W. K E Owens. ? Miss Delia Rlcberson, of Greensboro, N. C. R was tbe charming gnest of ber cousin, Mrs. J, K H. Kloard, last week. IK Mr. and Mrs. Gilford Cade and tbelr band* fga some little child were In tbe oily Monday w shopping. Ir? Mrs. A. B. Cbentbam went to Oreen wood Snnday. Mrs. Cheatham will stay V In Greenwood nntll after tbe musical. a Miss Agnes Rlggs who Is teaohlng near tbe olty wd? tbe gaest of Mrs. G. A. Neuffer 841- 1 urday and Sunday. ' 1 Mr. David Hill came borne from Olemson 1 College Saturday and stayed nntll Monday wltb his parents Mr. BDd Mrs. John Hill. Mr. A. B. Coobran, of Monroe, Ga., spent a few boars in tbe olty last week. Mr. Coobran was called to Abbeville on acoonnt of tbe death of bis father, Mr. Robert H. Cochran. Miss Mary Hill returned Tuesday to ber studies at Converse College after ? pleasant little stay at home. Miss Mary Starke and Miss Fannie Starke went to Laurens last we> k to assist In a musical. They weredellgntfoily entertained while In Laurens and thoroughly enjoyed I tbelr trip. I Mr. and Mrs L.T. Miller went to Columbia J last week. Mrs. Miller was tbe guest of Mrs. J P. B. Sloan while In Colombia, Mr. Miller I attended tbe Sbrlners meeting. I mi.. Marv Rankin, of Lebanon, was In tbe f city Friday. ( Midi Pearle Shannon, of Donalna, waa shop- I ping in tbe city Monday. f Mlu Margaret Evans, of Anderson, la In V (be olty tbe gnest of Mrs. H. Q. Anderaon. J Mlu Evana waa for a number of yeara tbe f corresponding Secretary for tbe U. D, C. of I Sontb Carolina. ? Mra. J. . Bowie of .Chicago la In tbe city ataylng wltb h< r son, Mr. Jamea 8. Bowie. Mr. H. D. Reese la In Floreooe wltb bla daughter Mra. Earl C. Page. Mr. Page baa been qaite 111 wltb pneomonia bat la oinob better. Mlaa Lorena Beacbam came np from Colombia Saturday to spend tbe Easter bolldays bere wltb her parents. Mlsa Beaobam la attending tbe Woman's College In Colnm* bla and la taking apeolal mnalo. Saturday waa a buay day wltb Wilson, Henry and Company besides a good day all round one hundred and thirty one bats were sold. m . Ankton of North Carolina were guests at the Eureka for a few days laa1, w week. I 1 Mr. and Mra. Sam Fleming spent laat Fri- J_, day Id tbe city wltb Mra. Lorton Robertson. Mr. J. P. Qaarlea la In Colombia on buslnen. Tbe frienda of Mr. and Mra. W. T. McDonald are grieved to know tbat tbelr little aon wbo met wltb a aerlona accident some weeka ago Is still suffering from bla wonnda. DEATH 07 MRS. BOWIE. Mra. James 8. Bowie, Jr. died Wednesday April tbe eleventh after a long and tedlona 111neas. Sbe was tbe dangbter of Mr. and Mra, Q. W. Oodbold of Marlon and waa married to Mr. Jamea 8. Bowie Jr. of tbls city only a few years ago. Daring tbe few years tbat aba baa lived In Abbeville abe baa endeared heraelftoonr people. Rarely Jo we meetanob w aweetness of spirit or ancb lovllneas of obarao- | ter. Sbe waa a member of tbe Presbyterian I church and tbe faneral services were oon ducted there Tbarsday artemoou by ber pas- r tor, Dr. J. L. Wilson. Tbe body was laid to B restatLiong Cane Cemetery aurroonDed by I loved ones, wbo tbougb tbey may never see A, ber again In tbls world ol Bin and Buffering, lookiforward to a glad meeting wltb ber In tbe Master's preaence on tbe Reaaurrectlon _ Morn. DEATH OF Hr. 00 OH RAN. Im Mr. Robert E. Cochran, an honored ruling elder of Upper l^ong Cane Preabyterlan Church died at bla borne bere Thursday afternoon, April tbe twelfth, after an Illness C of several months. He made profession of cor faith in Christ when a young man and lived ^ an aotlve, earnest unristam me wiioout re- proach, enjoying the reaped and confldenos tee of all who knew him. A short time ago Mr. w., Cochran was stricken with paralysis' and duabled for any active work. He bore his nes affliction wlfh Christian fortitude and pa- Ii Hence. He was a Confederate soldier, having * served In Company B. 7th 8onth Carolina Regiment. His wife, who was Miss Agnes COD Gilmer, live daughters and four sons survive nan to mourn his departure. The funeral was n>rfl oonduoted at Long Cane Friday morning by f. . Rev. J. C. Shlve, his paBtor and the interior- this ment at Long Cane Cemetery. , m Coi con ANTBEVILLE, Little Moantain church had a fine amj sermon from Mr. Brown taken from wo' first Corinthians 13 and 14 verses. oul1 Misses Heien and Cora Keaton and Julia Haddon spent the night at Mr. 1 P. A. Crowthers last Thursday night. c?n Mr. J. D. Branyon and daughter, 01J Miss Olivia attended service at Little 1 Mountain Sunday. wel Miss EliseBrowniee is visiting in P?r Ahheviile. anrJ Messrs W. A. White and Crawford . x Clinbscales visited Mr. R. A. Haddon Saturday and Sunday. ~o1 Mrs. W. N, Hall is very sick, but is PIn some better at this writing. 4U' Dr. J. A. Anderson and wife wor- . * shipped at Little Mountain Sunday. ^y Miss Sarah Haddon and her friend, [?r Miss Mary Cannon, two pretty young ladies from Erskine visited the former's parents last week. feri Antreville High School gave an egg PlE hunt last Friday afternoon, all the children had a fine time. tl)r! Easter came Sunday and you never 1 saw the like of pretty new hats. The 1 milliners must nave done a fine busi- ?le ness last week. ln* Mrs. F. B. Milford and little boy attended services at Little Mountain _ Sunday. Miss Lillian Power was home last week. Ma Mr. L. P. Harkness and daugnter, Miss Allie attended services pt Little Mountain Sunday. _ Miss Mae Prince attended service at 'g1.11 Little Mountain Sunday. ?11 id 8 m ^ This is the season of listlessness head aches and spring disorders, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is a *?-< Or sure preventive, mauea yuu onuut and vigorous. 35 cents, Tea or Tab- PJi lets. C. A. Milford. Hf ... 1 Try a barrel of our White Star Lime. None better, few, if aiy, eai as good. Fresh car just unload- lm\ ed. Abbeville Lumber Co. sta an J " " lin At Dar?an'i 5 pu iy with the State dispensary, Mr. ? aier Lyon of the committee made Z. JT. .statemeut: 00011 [r. Lyon explained that the Glass J ~I Ua npany naa agreeu 10 K.?D uy tracts, except its finished products. 3 board must advertise for i ew bids 1 if ibis is done be felt the State lid save from $30,000 to $60,000 on Mi standing contracts alone that are Batui oked. R. C he resolution was adopted and the Mi tracts on about three huudred cars with ;laas were revoked. log t 'be prices on which the contracts ther, re revoked were none less than $8.50 Mi gross for quartu; $4.75 for pints Band I $3 20 for half-pints. Ml 'he statement is made that at the Belh ie the committee began its work in bueii umbia the prices were $3.40 for half Mi ts, $4.85 for pints and $8 65 for Mrs. irts. Mi Veil, the contracts were cancelled era 1 agreement and new bills were called aunt by the newly elected board, and Tb re are the prices It is understood on Frlrii ich the Carolina Glas;? Company of- Mi " - >- half, auite red to maKe toe guuuo. i u> UHU . it $2.70; for pints $4.10, and for Tb irta $6.80. Glass is cheaper now was id previously. week .'he following is a oomparative table Mi figures taken from the newspaper mel ( is at the time of the inquiry, show- Ml ; the prices quoted: micfe Sept March Dec Nt 1902. 1903. 1903. deatl arts $8 65 $8 50 $8 62 of pi its 4 50 4 75 4 83 at hi df pints 3 00 3 20 3 40 wee] Offer M< March Sept March War 1904. 1904. 1906. after larts $8 65 $8 50 $6 80 Ca ats 4 75 4 75 4 10 ing t .lf-pints 3 45 3 25 2 70 dy U Last prices Co., " ! -eeiA C?fch OU iTiuco yju contract new board bom Sept. 1904 March 1906. Mi larts $8 50 $6 80 ber < ots 4 75 4 10 Ml ilf pints 3 25 2 70 Frid rhose who are interested and who M< . ^~iii.r mifh the auaDtities of the Mori J lOUiinut -t rious sizes bought say that Mr. Lyon I tarn ne well within his promise and that Mi i State has saved the $-50,000 be pro- has i sed by the cancellation of the out- H( ,nding contracts if they had bought sevei ew at the prices offered by the Caro- writ! a Glass Company a few days ago. Mi Vfr. Norton, the general manager of Mrs. 3 Carolipa Glass Company, said in his M] [ 0.00 Suits! We've the best Suits a Ten DollarlB Bill ever bought. J Many a Mao, in looking at our lines|H of Suits at this price has said, "Well, TIB never would have taken them for | Dollar Suits." M We don't do much blowing about -|| "Cheap Clothing" but we can give a man |j fcr Suit for Ten Dollars that will domor^l j fhon hft'll fiYnfiP.t It, t.O. ..mi Our $10.00 Suits 1 will satisfy you J and bring you back to us when you^I want another Suit at a medium price. 1 The fabrics, the cut and the tailor^H Ing of these Suits is right in every de?;|| We guarantee it, and 1 that always means 1 Money Back If You Want It. || Suit Man| will come liere 1 jusiness in short order, m mm to rnmnanvi U1 UVil va. vvm|/uuj? mony that It waa the bualoeas of Sandover the guest of Mrs. W. HT. ^l ompany to get all it ooald for its Britt. I uct and to furnish good wares. It Our farmers are about ready for a hla and the company is not to be planting cotton; Some of them are^l ed. If the Carolina Glass Com- planting to day, Saturday. - received good prices it was its _ lack and its business tact The ' * ;,-3B es only go In show what might Visit Wilson, Henry & Co.'B ?tor? Mondar 1 been done. 5?. KSnIe *?me ?'tbe bargains they oflw'SB e board did not buy from the Caro- h 1 day* :''W 31as? Company. It was on the ^Wllwn.HeDry a Co. offer apeoial lnduoaf the sub committee. u tor yoaT trade 00 Mondays. e boards bad other bids which .JYi'*00' H?nry & Co. win .en you is yd? 'I cheaper than the cancelled plasa SKfSIJrtS.01" bleacI,,n? ** ?00 on Moo/Jfl Cti' U *la* A* , W'Uon HenryaCo. will .ell yoa 10 yarti'"* >. day loo?d?ie cambric xor fl.00 on BELLE YIJE. ??????,'? u Nora Caddy went to Anderson 1 " - I rday on a visit to Rev. and Mrs. cao*bt eold wbiie boating abnriiar | as Carrie Cowan baa been Blck /P1?*?1" 'II grip for several days and Is spend- Havfl. .vue several days this week on "".'fn* ,AU1? *?*ieujr ? imeuueu less. especially for coughs and colds. J W. H. Britt was a visitor at lQl0Tn *nd relieve a severe coid I W. H. Kennedy's on Tuesday. time than by any other treat- I ss Bea-le Morrah is spending sev- w a favorite wherever its days >n Mt. Carmel with her excellence has become , Mrs. Kay. **le by C. A. Milford, ere was a picnic in Bordeaux on ' M- Young, Due Wear. I ?y, at old Liberty church. .ivM a. Alston of Pettigrew has been rrrn ? -n ? ? , . , , 5 * > sick for sometime. " ? 8611 flO^r and IU6&1 made bv "? e little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Cade Long's roller mills. None better. * very sick on Wednesday of last q t tj_ i_ :? t, but is better at this writing. : Oscar Morrah was in Mt. Car- 9 an Sabbath. state of South Carolina ! >ws has jast reached us of the ? a of Mr. James Conner, who died * " leumouia about three weeks ago county of abbevillk 'iM a home in Mississippi after two pbobatb coubt . i pg g ckness * t7.* ' jssrs Tatom Bradley and W. W. Con,P1?,nt?o86iiL.nd?to PayDebtr I dlaw went to Mt. Carmel Monday BQUer Fair as Administrator or Estates* I noon on business. James Fair Dececased Plaintiff. j rdfl have been sent out announc- against :he marriage of Miss Rena Kenne- K i:a Fair and Amelia Fair, Defendants, fl 3 Mr. Frank McGbee of Anderson In aoordancce With an order of the Probate I on the morning of Wednesday, Conrtl will sell at Public Ontcry at Abbeville I of April at eleven o'clock, at the ConrtHouse, on 8aleday In May.i90S.next, for jj e of the bride, near Jr?y, f3. C. the payment of debts, the following described I f8. J. L. ICennedy and ACrs< Par- real estate belonging to the estate of James I urere in Abbeville on Friday Fair, deceased, situate In said State and 188 UlaCKWBII WCUt t/UO M"i> uuuuu; >U-. i UD 1UWI?1 U1 ,uo y, ay OD a visit to her home-folks. the Bald James Fair (being one half thereof easrs J. N. Wardiaw aDd W. D. in all that irack'or parcel of land situate ly rah were in Willington and Mt. lng aDd being In Abbeville Township Abbe ael Wednesday. Vllle County in the State aforesaid Containing r. George Watklns of McCormick 2^ Acres, more or le?8, bounded by lands of \ 30t been well for sometime. Estate of Mrs E. A. Robertson, Ellaa Mosely >n. J. E. Bradley|was not 80 well or Walker, Horace Grlffiln and others an ral days last week, but at this fronting on Branch Street In the Town of Ab ., lng he is some better. bevine. rs. R. F. Bradley was the guest of Terms?Cash. Purohaser to pay for papers , e hill, re, J. B. Britt spent Friday at April 3,1906. Jndge Probate Court* H