The Press and Banner gar*Publlshed every Wednesday at W a ear In advanoe. I Wednesday, Feb. 14, 1906.1 Meeting; of the Cotton Astoclation. I have reoelved a letter from Mr. Archer President of Spartan hurt County Association saying he would be here on Saturday the * 17th to address the Farmer* association on the Cotton situation. Also Mr. Keller has a letter from Mt. Austin fay lug he would be here on the same day. So you may expect a feast of fat things on the all absorbing question that effects every farmer In the B. Wllsoo 11 J. R. Lomax 6 L. P Pettlgrew 18 R. B. Ferguson 12 ? ' Q~.HK is Max Below 12 C A. Bolts # Obaa. Brltt 16 J.T. Dren nau 13 W. A. Lawloo - 10 Enoch Smith 5 John Bel) 18 M. W. Baker 6 John Gilmer 5 T. L Cn I breath 6 J. H. Fergaaoo 11 J. W. Able 11 W.H. Hortou 16 Tboa. McNeel II tirand Jurj, Feb. Term, 19o6. J. L Clark .. G. A. Smltb ' B. Berry Allen H. C. RHey E W. Nance N. P. Mllford JobD P. Wllaoo 11 1 Tboa. Q. Perrln II L.T. Loftla 18 I J. U Price 16 Fred Crowlber 1< T.C. Mllford .. 12 L. 1\ Caldwell 11 R. E. Taylor 5 A. J. Hendricks + 16 Herbert Seawrlgbt 6 T r Tf 11 J.L. MoCombp 10 Born. A.t Abbeville, Feb. 12,1906, to Mr. and Mrs W. E. Owen, a daughter. IT. D. C. Tbe Daughters of tbe Confederacy will meet od Wednesday afternoon, Feb.J28 at bait put tbree o'clock, in tbe Coart House to recleve bids and decide apon design for monu meut. Tbe gentlemen of tbe town are earneatty solicited to be present to aid tbe ladles In there final sttieement. Mrs. Lnoy C. Thompson, Pres. The Daughter's of Rebekah will sell oysters, meats and salads during Court week, in tbe hall above H. O. Anderson and Co's. store. You will find tbe besi oysters well prepared and good meat dinner. And for supper, { salad aDd oysters and also sweet meats. Theirs is a noble work, Tbey care for the widows and orphans and those in distress. We should give them ou r help and support. L. W. While's Locn'i. I wr TVKliAt. Af nrlnfo or?H ginghams. You will fled Ibem very desirable BDd very obeap. If yon want cheap wblte lawn, you will surely find tbem at while's. Word* fall to portray tbe beauty of L. W. White's mammoth Block of embroideries Therefore every lady most call aud see lor herself. L. W. Wblte Is offering rare good bargains In olack silk, 36 Inches wide. Also while and oolored silks of tbe same wiath. Don't forget White's embroideries. It will pay yoa to see tbem even If yoa do not have tbem to bay. Bronse Turkey a for Sal . Any one wantlDg Bronze turkeys of tbe purest strain can get tbem tor S6 00 per pair. JBugb Bowen, 1-31. Honea Path, S. C. Watermelon Heed. I have in stock 25 pounds Rocky ford' ranta* loupe seed: HO pounds Cieckley sweet watermelon seed; 15 pounds Branob Rattlesnake watermelon seed; 5 pounds Carolina Bradford watermelon seed and 5 pounds Florida Favorite watermelon seed. J. W. Rykard. r Wanted?Bright, honest young man from Abbeville, 8. C? to prepare for paying position In Govern meat Mall Servio*. Box One. Cedar Rapids, la. 8t. Yon can surely buy bleacbed and un. bleaobed ootton goods to advantage from L. W. Wblte. He baa thousands of pleoes to snow jou. ?#? MARKET REPORTS FEB. 13. >. Cotton. Liverpool, olosed Saturday 10th March 5.77 May 5 82 August 5,89 Opened Tuesday. 13tb. March 5.74 May 5 80 August S.83 New Orleans, opened Tuesday 13th. March 10 65 May 10.84 August 1007 Closed March 10.63 May 10.84 August 10.94 Produce. Fatbaok* 712 cts. Rib* 812 cts. Sugar 5 1-4 Compound Lard 6 1-2 Pure Lard 8 1-2 Corn 68 to 70 cts. Meal 70 ct*. Flour 94.00 to 85.50 per bbl. ^ Wooden Traye, Wooden Btwls, K Wooden Spoons. Wooden Ladles, I v r_ ?i ? iiru.m Dn;ir, I Wouueu ULIU1UB, IIUUUCU riuui xano, Wooden Butter Molds and every thing Wooden at Dargans 6 and 10 cent Store?You wouldn't be disappointed if you asked for any thing for the Kitchen here. A splendid line of Jewelry at Dargans 5 and 10 cents Store. Why not buy that weddiDg present now? You will save 10 per cent if you buy it at Dargans during bis 10 percent discount sale which begins Monday Fen. 19th. If you fail to attend Dargans 10 ot. discount sale you will stand in your own light. T. J. MACKEY Celebrated Judge in i ?He Talks of St Carolinians Entert of Incidents of His The State Bureau, 1417 G. Street, N, VV., Washington, Feb. 3. "It id necessary, sir, for me to wait to visit South Carolina at frequent intervals for the purpose of rekindling any torch of Auglo-Saxou civilization by the tires which glow in their undiminished ardor and their pristine parity upon that exalted altar.'' He was standing in Senator Tillman's commitee room at thecapitol the other day as 1 entered. Aud he did not say "Augl' Sax'n eiv'i'zash'u" slipping over the "l'?" and swallowing the last Byailables. He never missed a note, and his voice rebounded and the tones reverberated as be pronounced wiih dignity aud eloquence such words themselves replete with eloquence, as 'South aud Ang-glow, Sax-son civ-il i-za-tiou." You all vyho lived in that elder day know wh& it was; there was one. It was the renouned Judge T. J. Mackey. He was down from New Yojk where he now resides. He is not the kind "l.ves." you underotand; he "rebides." "Oh, yes," said he, "my pres. ent residence is in that mighty metropolis, which though likened by some to Sodom aud Gomorrah, and even by Its traiiiunr^ fn the toad.uulv aud venom ous, but which bears yet a precious jewel in its head. But the duties oi uiy protesiou brings me at utated intervals to the nation's capital, for the purpese of representing two clients, wbo for the space of one and two long weary years have knocked at the door of the national treasury tor their Bhare of the French spoliation claims, and i would not see them knock JoDger in vain." The judge entertained a number of South Carolinians who chanced in to pay their respects to Senator Tillman, entertained them with incident* and eloqueuce for more than an bout, more than two houis, which seemed but a few mluutes, for he is feeling good these days and I he torch of Angio?Saxon civilization as well as of IristTgedi aiity glows in bia heart and in his voice and features, tie is upwards of 75 years now, he is hale and hearty and nas some youth left in him, in his bright eyes and the staieliness of bis carriage. He is still ereot, his hair is grayisb but no white aud he is well groomed. His face is wrinkled on the forehead, around the mouth, up arouud the eyes, bnt these wrinkles do not suggest age, not in/years anyway; rather do they suggest, each and every one of them' some rich experience, rare incident, the tire aBd smoke and blood of two terrible wars, and 'no Spanish war, it you please, but real wars. Stern combat, fiery, deadly, the throe, deeeds of daring aud momentB of suspense, romance, hairbreadth escapes, the tragedy and the comedy of strenous service, at one time or anothter or all at once, to every conceivable party, faotion or affiliation during hose turbulent, soul-trying but most picturesque days of Reconstruction in South Carolina, all are written in these wrinkles. He does not sit when be talks, not often: it matters not whether bis audience is one or a thousand, his language and bis manner is that of an orator, uever a conversationalist. There is no use to interrupt him when he starts. He might condesend to frown at you when you attemp to Inject a remark or Beek to ask a question, but be moves on in sonorous tones ana magmncent phrases to the end of bis perfectly rounded periods. And when now ana then be does pause as do tbe orators for tbe eloquDce to take effect, you can see tbe wrinkleB gather around bis inoutb pointing back up to bis ears. Tbe torcb id glowing in tbe judge's boul, His crisp but still supple lip are parted, and be smiles. But wben will be again rekindle tbe torcb at tbe altar. ' "It is my expection," be said, to return to my native commonwealth unmo timft rinrinir the aDuroachin? spriug for the purpose of delivering a series of lectures in various a counties for the benefit of the worn out, distressed and indigent but grandly heroic soldiers of the Lost Cause. I will take nothing for myself out of the proceeds of these lectures, but it is my intention to propose that half of the prooeeds go to those noble patriots who hazarded tbeir lives, who bore the brunt of battle during four years of truculent fratricidal strife and who have 'since borne the brunt of poverty and the strings ol outrageous fortune, which resulted from that by cruel but majestic holocaust, wrought by the dire bands of defeat, those noble heroes'whose arms were defeated but whose spirits have not been conduered. "But the other half of the proceeeds of my lectures I shall offer to the glorious commonwealth of South Carolina for the erection upon the capitol grounds of a monument iu the commemoration of the redemption of the proud cammonwebltb from the rule of tbeoarpetbagger, the scalawag and the negro. Loug has it been a oherished desire of mine to see upon that sacred and illustrious spot under the shadow of the tall, towering, impressive dome of the proudest capitol of the proudest State In this union of States some fitting memento to the heroes of those days and to the event which masks the restoration of Anglo-Saxon civilization from the ruthless and degrading heels of taitors, villians, and prostitutus of public virtue and public honor." Like all great men who have been thorough stirring scenes and help to stir them, who has likewise been stired some little himself, the judge is an historian. He is writing a history of the war, "that gigantic struggle which surpassed &)1 previous conflicts among the sops of mpn." This history, which is nearing completion, and advanced sheets of which he wi|l have with him when he gives his lectures, will "recount," he9ays, ''the transpiration of many events which no other historian has ever recorded." He told us some of these events the other day, and none present remember to have read them anywhere in any story. uA no Q nnmKot> nf f hrJIUnor inni. dents of this redemption in which he figured. I wish I could report them all just as he told them. But one must suffice. The scene is laid in. old Winnsboro and it shows by what heroic men the State had to qa redeemed. 3ut I will let the judge tell it him self, himself speak: It was the sixteenth day of June iu the year of our Lord 1872 that I arrived in Winnsboro, ope of t^e paost renowned municipalities that peptled under the Southern sky. Chamberjaiu was governor of South Carolina, the Hon. Daniel H. Chamberlain from Massachusetts, an alleu and a stronger; troops paraded the streets of our lair capito}, and ballots were east under a AT CAPITOL i Characteristic Scene artling Times?South ained by a Recountal itoric Interest. canopy of bayonets; the scalawag, the carpetbagger and the regro ruled bu. pre me, treading to the du&t that hiiberto unbesmirched Anglo-isaxon civilization which bad been tbe heritage of our fathers. When I arrived at Ihe court house, three negro officials eat upon my ri^ht. Three carpetbaggers sat upon my left. The jury consisted of 17 negroes and seven of the most degraded type of white men. Immediaetly haviug comprehended the appaling and humiliating situation at a glance, 1 ordered a new jury empaneled. A new jury was empaneled, consisting of 18 white men of the best type and six most respectable negroes. Court proceded, and ere the sun went down at the conclusion of the fourteenth day, I had pvery county officer of the county, of Fairtield in the peni teutiary." I would gladly bave stayed and llsI tened to the judge as ooine did till the lights were turned od, till they were turned off for the evening, and then at the judge's request turned on again, while he told me more of his experiences. But I had to leave. As I was going out he was standing before the window looking out over the trees of the Mall at the Washington monument, the most effective and inspiring view of which can be seen from iust such a spot in the rear of the capitol. 'You see yon tall towering obelisk which rises full five hundred feet cutting a slit in the blue canopy of neaven" ne was saying, Bebo Id it has no name on it. But be not decieved; the end is not yet. Some dark night while the beauty and chivalry of tbe nation's capitol are asleep, wrapped in Ibe arms of Morpbeus, thQ angels looking down from on high will behold a man steal* ing from the White House with a bucket of red paint and a brush withal, with which he will write there on that obelisk in bold letters "Theodore Roosevelt." Then will a special messenger be sent to congress asking for an approprlatiou to make it a few feet higher." Zach McGhee. Hlsilng Mother, A father talking to his careless daughter, said; "J want to speak to you about your mother. It may be that you have noticed a careworn look upon her face lately. Of course it has not been brought there by any act of yours, still it is your duty to n.haw it ?cunw T monf *??' * < ?? ?? ? -w ? .. ?J m A VtMUV J VU KV ^Cl up in tbe morning and get breakfast; and when your mother oomes Id and begins to express her supriee, go right up to her ana kiss her on tbe month, and you can't imagine bow it will brighten her dear face. Besides, you owe ber a kiss or two. Away back when you were a little girl sbe kissed you when no one else was tempted by your fever tainted breath and swollen face. You were not so attractive then as you are now. And through those years of childisb sunshine and shadows she was always ready to oure with the magic tonch of a mother's kiss, tbe little dirty chubby bands whenever they were injured In those skirmishes with the rough old world. And then the midnight kisses with whiob she routed so many bad dreams as sbe leaned above your pillow, have all been on interest these long, long yeare. Of course" she is not so pretty and ki&ableas you are; but if you had done your share of the work during the past ten years, the contrast would not be so marked. Her face has more wriDkles than yours, and yet if you were sick that face would appear more beautilul than an angel's, as it hovered to minister to your comft>rt, and every one of those wrinkles would seem to be bright wavelets of sunshine chasing each other over (he dear old] laoe. She will leave you one of these days. These burdens, if not lifted from her shoulders, will break her down. Those rough, hard bands, that have done so many neoessary things for you, will be oroBsed upon her lifeless breast. Those neglected lip*, that ^ave you your first baby kiss, will be forever closed, and those sad, tired eyes will have opened in eternity, and then you will appreoiate your mother; but it will be too late. For the very best hams and breakfast bacon call on S. J. Link. ???? Reflections of a B> chelar. The automobile bablt takes a steam yacht iDcome. When a man reforms its a sign bp bas been caught. It takes patience to be a good hus* bandj martydom to be a good wife, There would be moie fun in the world if everybody wanted to be gloomy, When you see a man trying to manape a family of three without the least hope of doing it, it makes you do a lot of thinking over tbe fact that he may be running a great railroad. Just received a shipment of genuine Maine Seed Irish potatoes. S. J. Link. The woman wbo has a happy hotqe never has occasion to g-> op the platform ftnd lecture ahout it. Most of man's troubles are due to tbe fact that he does not keep enough of his thoughts to himself, You can usually guage the depth of a man's love by the silliness of his letters to the girl in the case. ruins tnree times before you apeas and the chances are that you will decide it is best to beep your mouth shut. Even the woman who says she admires a masterful man is sure to register a kick when her husband tries to boss her. Locnla From Hnddua'ii. 361 n w i ite madras 10 and lSola yd. White Piques from )QoIb up. ty'bltp Mercerised goods for Bblrt wplats, tbe newest pattern* from J? to flqot yd. A full lice of Mercerised checked Taffeta 0 lDgbams at 25otB per yd, CALICO'S, the best Id America at only 5ot A good Pearl Button at 8 doz. for 5cts. We are getting something new and up to date every day. Tnere Is no Death. There Is no deatb. The 6tar? go down Torlse upon some latrer shore, And bright In heaven's Jeweled crown Tbey sblne forever more. There ta no deatb! The dust we tread Sball change beneath the Rammer showers, To golen grain or mellow fralt, Or rain bow-tin ted flowers. The granite rocks disorganize To teed the hungry moss they bear: The forest leaves drink dally life From out the viewless air. There Is no deatb! The leaves mav fall. The flowers may fade and p?ss away; They only wait through the wintry hours The coming of May. There Is no deatb! An asred form Walks o'er the earth with silent tread; on Mr?in our ut-Hi. iiivrii I Li j Li if h away, And then call ibem "dead." Hp leaves our heart, nil desolate. He plncks our sweetest. falre*t fliwers; Transplanted Into bliss,they now Adorn Immortal bowerp. The blrdWIIte voice, wbo?e Joyous tones Make itlnd tbe scenes of Aln and Btrlfe, Sines now an everl?*tlng song Amid tbe Tree of Life. And wbere be sees a smile too bright, Or beajt too pnre for sin aud vice, He bears It to 'hat world of light To dwell In Paradise. Born onto tbat undying life. Tbey leave a* bat to Come again; With Joy we welcone tbem?the same, Except In eln and pain. And evtr near us, tboagh unseen. The dear Immortal Fplrltg tread; For nll|that boundless universe I life?there la no death, DUE WEST, Mr. Jrwin Bfownlee of Anderson, spent Sabbath with home folks. . Mins Walker who is studying to b? a trained nurse in Atlanta is visiting her father for a few days. Misses Tolmie and Stack, gave a valentine party the other night. Those who were honored with an invitation bad a most delightful time and a most plfapant evening was spent. The Eupbemian celebration came off last Friday evening. It was a beautiful night and tbe crowd in attendance was one of tbe largest ever seen at a semi-annual celebration. Mr. Baldwin moved to this place last week from Laurens County and is occupying tbe old Ellis Homestead near Mr. G. T. Hagan's. Rev. J. N. Booth will preach in tbe Baptist church of this place every second Sabbath in the morning and every fourth 8abbath in tbe after noon. Dr. H. E. Young of Clinton and his friend Dr. Grier have been spending a few days with Mr. H. M. Young. MiBsOla Devlin will leave tbe latter part of tbe week for Sanford, Fla., to visit her sister Mrs. Frank Woodruff Miss Edith Giffen is spending a while with her sister Mrs. Dr. Fred Phifer of Stalesville, N. C. Miss Edith Hastings of New York is expected soon to visit Mrs. J. S PreBsly. < Col. J. C. 8. Brown of Newberry spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. W. M. Grier. There will be preachlDg twice every day this week in the Y. M. C. A. Hall < by Rev. H. B. Blakely of Troy, 8. C. < Mr. J. Lewis White of Blackstook I baa been ejected President of the Young Mens Christian Association to serve for one year. Mr. W. P. Grler ' is vice-president. C. B. Williams secre- | tary and W. E. Simpson treasurer. J Miss Nora Davis of Troy, S. C., was recently elected President of the Y. W. C. A. ofErskire. Miss Virginia Hagan has secured a position with Mr. W. W. Edwards and in a few days will be ready to serve her friends. Rev. T. D. Cartledge preaches at uoages on ine secona ana iourcn oaubatb of each .month. On tbe first and 1 third at Greenville, and at Donalds also on the third. % ( The very best seed irish potatoes genuine Maine stock at Link's. " 1 1 ? Darned to Dentb In Abbeville. ' 1 A colored child, the daughterjgof [ Lena Brisco, met a horrible death last ( week, near tbe home of Mr. H. D. j Reese. Tbe mother of the child had left it in tbe house where tbe flames ( from tbe fireplace caught its clothing, r the child ran out of tbe bouse and Mrs. ( Reese's little daughter was the first to ( discover it. She was doing her very t best to extinguish tbe childs burning 8 dress when Mrs. Reese ran out and saw , the situation, crying to her daughter <] not to stop, she ran out and climbed over a pioket fer.oe that intervened and the two tore the burning dress from the ohild. The child was so bad- * jy uurnea However, mat 11 aieu iz t hours later. I The little thing never made a Bingle ( outory during the entire horror. She was two and one-half years old. i Don't forget that we have J fresh mountain buckwheat ( flour. S. J. Link. See us for plow stocks and > plow tools of all kinds, < Link's; lAfnla. The way Dargan sells candy is a wonder?the seoret is that he sells ( candy as good as most people's 20 ot. ] goods at 10 cents per pound. i Dargans window of Hosiery for J Ladies, Men and Children is attracting a great deal of attention. The kind of hosiery he sells at 10 cts. a pair i is way above the price be asks for it? ' Seeing iB believing. Dargan sold 110 Stoves in less than a year. It shows that his line of Stoves ' must be an excellent one. A Lady dropped in Dargans 5 anq 10 cent Store the other day and when asked yrhat could be done for ber said, " My only huainess ip here to-day is to tell you wbftt a splendid Stove you sold me. " If you need a Broom attend Dargans great ct, discount sale which starts Feb. 19th and lasts one week. Tin ware and Enameled ware though oheaper at this Store now than elsewhere is to be cut 10 per cent from Feb. 19th to 24th. Dargans 5 and 10 cent Store. Dargan has just received a splendid line of beautiful American Semi-Porcelain, nothing like it for every day use, and we sell 9 in. plateB for 36 oents per set, yet from Feb. 10th to 24th they are to go at 33 cts, per set. Ewera and Basins, Chambers, 'Toilet Sets with and without the slop Jar at Dargans at 1Q per cent ofj the regular price. Jjamps of every description oan be bad at PargaPS, also lamp burners, lamp ohimneys, lamp shades, lamp wicks Feb. 19th to 24th, 10 percent off. Baesett China in open stock at Dargans 5 and 10 cent Store. Why not begin to make up a set, 10 per cent off from Feb. 19th to 24th. y/ ' *'W; ? fllf '!' f NATION. ?The scienti the goodnesi have been ms ?The new n and moisture and the fresh; fully preserve HI ANNOUNCEMENTS. . FOR MAYOR. We are authorized to announce the landidacy of C. D. BROWN for the office of Mayor of the City of Abbe- . ville, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. We are hereby authorized to announce R. W. CANNON as a candidate for the office of Mayor of the 3ity of Abbeville, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. I hereby announce myself a candilate for the office of Mayor of the City >f Abbeville, subject to the action of ;he Democratic Primary. I O. H. COBB. I I hereby announce myself a candi- , iate for fhe office of Mayor of the City )f Abbeville, subject to the action of 1 ;he Democratic Primary. J. S. HAMMOND. 1 i I hereby announce myself a oandliate for the office of Mayor of tbe City t )f Abbeville, subject to the action oft the Democratic Primary. A. G. FAULKNER. I REGISTRATION FOR CITYELECTION. The Books for registration are low open at the City Conncil Office. Jas. Chalmers, Clerk. A Modern Miracle. "Truly miraculous seemed therecovtry of Mrs. Moiiie hoit of this place," vrites J; O. R. Hooper. Woodford, Fenn., "she was so wasted by coughuff up puss from her luogs. Doctors leclared her eud so near that her faml.v bad watched by her bed-side forty light bonre; wheo, at my urgent rejueat Dr. King's New Discovery was jiven her, with astonishing result that mprovement began, aua continued intil she finally completely recovered, ind la a healty woman to-day." Guaranteed oure for coughs and colds. 50c ind $1.00 at P. B. Speed druggist. Trial bottle freee. Dont smoke mean olgars wheo you cjtn get ipeeds CI dcos for tbe same price, tbey are ore popular tban ever It will lake ten booaand to supply our demand tbla montb December and tbls demand la steady Increasing. Speeeds Drag 3tore. Haddon'i Locals. Oar January sale of white goods and em. broideries will begin next Monday and we intonsale tbe greatest line of tbe seasoo, )ur stock of floe embroideries will surpass all ormer exhibitions. Just from tbe manafocturera, a big line of I adles collars, prices from 6 to 60 cents. Tbe iew helt, gold braided at Wo. New Jap silk Just In, white and all oolors, 36 Inch tafleta lnclQdlng the new grey, at popular prices. New gdbds from the loom oomlitg In every lay ana our prloes are remarkably low. Parasols at very low prices. Kid gloves to ni every anna. Something speolal to show In ladlM'ooraeta, Notice of Disaolmlon. The oo-partnerablp heretofore existing br> iween Thou. Thomson, J. C. Thomson and E. El. Thomson, oonductlng a general mercantile 3uslness at Abbeville, S. C? under the firm name of vTbomson Brothers, Is ibis day dissolved by muinal consent. Tbos. Thomson and J. C. Thomson retire Trom the firm and the business will hereafter beconduoted by E. R. Tbomson In his own name and aa sole owner. All liabilities or Thomson Bros, are hereby assumed by K. K Thomson and all persons indebted to said Brm must make payment to blm. Witness our hands and seals this day January, 1906. Tbos. Thomson. J. C. Thomson. E. R. Thomson. Witness as to Tbos. Thomson, F. F.Larenby, R. 8. Lazenby, Witness Albert Henry as to j. Cs and K. R. Thomson. Torture of a Pr?ach?r. The story of the torture of Rev.O.D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church, of Harpersville, N. Y., will interest you. He savs: "I suffered agonies, because of a persistent cough, resulting from the grip. I bad to sleep sitting up in bed. I tried many remedies without relief, until I took Dr. king's New Dis covery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, which entirely cured my oougb, and Baved me ffom consumption," A grand cure for diseased conditions of Throat and tiuog^ At p. B, Speed, druggist, price 50c and $1.00, guaranteed, Trial bottle free. Half a pint of hot water taken bal an hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh cathartics should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamberlain'* Siomach and Jjiver Tablets. Tbey are miltf and gentle in their action. For sale by C, A, Milford and HiM. i Young, Due West. ' i' i ' ill ilfi'iliini - ' I' -{''j, iii i '"in "if V i ii WHAT THE A1 BISCUIT CC STANDS FOR ific, reconstructed baking indusl i and nutrition of Biscuit ai trvelously enhanced. tiethod of protection by which t are completely excluded from ness and goodness of its contei This is the trade mark w I in red and white on eact package' as an absolute of the quality of the bak purity of the packing. For example try Gnlhaa Crackeit the ordinary graham crackers?di?Eerent in flavor?different in packing. More pal tag?more nutritious. Made of the purest Gi la a manner understood only by the Natia Notice to Ti For the Purpose of Acco lie in the matter of i Returns, I Will \ Mentioned Be Dates Inc in Sche * . ALL RETURNS MUST BE MADE ty both Personal aDd Real returned at its I i Persons not makiog their returns betv 20th, 1906, are liable to a penalty of 50 pet gainst delinquents; for, the failure to tn: an negleotof the Jaw. Thereturns ofthoee fore the Township and County Board?, wt in after the meetiog of the Boards and reti uent of this 50 per cent, penalty will con Employers are reouested to return all ind getting a statement of their property. Returns will not be taken by mail unl >roper officer. TfaU being the year for the assejsme juested to refer to their plats or titles and j My Appointments are as Calhoun Falls, Tuesday and Wedneed Lowndesville, Thursday and Friday, J Mt. Carmel, Tuesday, January 16. Wlllington, Wednesday, January 17. Bordeaux, Thursday, January 18. McCormick, Friday and Saturday, Jai Donalds, Monday and Tuesday, Janua Due West, Wednesday acd Thursday, Office open from Jauuary 1st to Februi RICHi BREIHAHN'S Mouth Harps 5 to 25c. Fini 15c.?following flavors, Vic Jockey Club. Cologne 5 an i Checkers and Boards 10c. Pencils. Penholders, Ink, Cards 5 to 15o? Key Chains, Box Paper, Guitar and Banjo 5 to 25c, Rubber Bands, Bill too numerous to mention. CAKES, CANDY and E Oome and give me a call a purchase*' j New Store above McKee's. ' \U . Cabbage Plants; I am again ready to fill your orders for early and late varieties of Cabbage Plants. Tbey are grown in open air, near salt water, and will stand hard cold without injury. Prices $1.50 per 1,000 ; larger the lots smaller the price per 1,000. Special in ducements to dealers. W. P. Carr. V Meggetts, S. C. J A. M.'Sinlta'n Local*. I PUolatmno I licated 1 dule. | UNDER OATH, AND ALL proper-', ^ true market value. , ', >'J0B ?een January 1st, 1906, and February ^SH cent. This penalty will be enforced f | 1 force it heretofore baa put a prlpmluha who conform to the law are i^ced.'be^'J | tile those who disregard the law come vf/wl lrn to suit themselves. The enforce ect this evil- -1 their employees after notifying tjbem 1 ess they are sworn to'before some V)|s nt of Real Estate, Tax-Payers are re- J 1 get correct number of aeres. \ >c|B| * follows: J ay, January 9 and 10. Tanuary 11 and 12. luary 19 and 20. j ,ry 22 and 23. < January 24 and 25. 1 ary 20th inclusive. | LRD SONDLEY, ^ Pahn^TT it + wuui/j auuxivi't SPECIAL! 9 Toilet Soap, 25c box 9 let, Batter Milk and' 10c. Dominoes 5c box. Writing Fads lc to 5c. ^ Dime Banks, Flaying . J|| Fish Hooks and Lines, - --lM i Strings, IFocket Books . -c|J Files and many things .; IDCAn Tur DroT 11 \ i_ r-\ i_y I II L. DLOt. nd be pleased with your ! vi W. BRBIHAHN. f$J If you want to see dollars grow, feed your fields with Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers. They will "lnorease your yields per acre," and thus bring down the cost of production, even If you us* fewer teams and less labor. We have thousands of strong testl- , monials from farmers who have tried other makes of fertilizers and assert that * Yirginii-Ctrolina Fertilizers ara by far the best. They will give youoropa that will make more money for you. Buy no other, even if some /loflla* ATiHaavrtra tn trot, vnn fn hnv some "cheap" brand lust because he M may make a little more profit on that. Of oourse, that would be to his interest ?not yours. ,r. ?^ B VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO., 1 Richmond, Y?. lorfolk, Y*. , Dublin, 1.0. Charleston, 3 CL Baltimori, Vd. Atlanta, Gjl. it Sauanah, Ga,. Montgomery, ill. Memphii, Tun. H Shnreport, La. H omethiD tc nice to readithe latest Novell 3l>eedB Drua Htore*