? wm yBS??2?&*mm*m^ ' -' ""''" " 1" 11 *"iMiB*^a!=!!^ ggg|Baflie8lflEH#!SIES6l6BSSttri6BH6ll6^?SttHB*H^66 The Abbeville Press and Bannei* BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14,1906. ESTABLISHED WEST END. Sewn Dots Picked I'p Here and Then About the City. Mrs. A. B. Cbealbara spent last Friday am Saturday In Greenwood with her mother M'*. J. K. Dnrsl. Mr. Lourle Blake came borne from Spartan burg Friday and utayed bere until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L.H.Higb8mllb went to Black shear. Ga., last Wednesday. They bave re oently moved to Abbeville and went t< Blacbshear to bave tbelr furniture sblppe< h"re, Mrs. W. W. Edwards has returned to he home In Due West after ?pendln? a wblli bere wltb ber slater, Mrs. Horace MoAlllfiter MIbh Plevna Seal went to Chester Ian Tue* day to be wltb ber friend, Mrs. Joe Wilson who has been extremely HI at thai place. Miss May Thomson, of Anderson, Is In tb< city spenuinir a while here wltb ber slate: Mrs. J, Ward Thompson. Mlas Mazle Cason who has been In Colutr bis, Tetin., for me pasi eeason is iu ino ui; tbe guest of ber grandmother, Mrs. Fano)< Allen. Mrs. W. D. Barksdale and ber cblldrer spent several days In Greenwood last week. Miss Louise McGee. of Greenville, was tb( guest ol Mrs. W. D. Wilson tbe first of lasi week. Jndue E. B. Gary Is borne from Colnmblt ' alter a six weeks stay there. Mrs. J. 8. Norwood left Tuesday for Baltimore wbere sbe will spend several montbt wltb ber mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Walker. Mr. Wllber Blake, spent Saturday and Sun day bere wltb his borne people. Miss Etbel Lyon was In Atlanta part oi last week visiting friends. Mrs T. H. Furman and ber little son, oi Atlanta, are In tbe city spending a wbll< Wltb her aunt Mrs Richard Sondley. Dr. J.Lourle Wilson spent last Tuesday Id Chester. Miss Elizabeth Morrab, of Mt. Carmel, wai Is tbe city last Thursday and Friday the guest of Ml?s Etbel Lyon. Dr. 8. G. Tompson bas gone to New York on a abort bnsineaa trip. Mlsa Blanche Ammons of Greensboro, N. C. It here spending a wblle with ber aunt Mrs. J. Blake. Mr. T. M, Mallard bas returned borne after "a abort stay In Patterson Springs, N. C. wltb bis borne peojtlc. MIm Isabel P. Haddon and Mr. R. M. Had' dou are at borne again af< era weeks sta^ In UOariCBlOD wnere lliej uave ueou 1UI m nuuit pleasure trip. . Mr. T. G. Perrln went to Charleston Monday to attend a meeting of the Booth Carolina mason*. Miss Minnie Greene who teaches at Lebanon was shopping Id the city Saturday. She was the guest ot her brother, Mr. W. P. Gr< ene while here. Mr Lem Reld spent Sunday with his father Mr. Mack Reld. Dr. F. E. Harrison went to Charleston on Monday to be present at an Important meet* lngoftbe Masons of Sonth Carolina' . Mrs. F. B. Garv enertalned the Abbeville Chapter of the U. D. C. Tuesday afternoon at the regular monthly meeting. The many friends of Mrs. Joe WIIkou are glad to know that she is some better after being seriously ill for some time. Mr. J.S.Norwood is spending a while here with friends, before going to Atlanta. Miss Caro Morse home from Columbia after a week's stay there. Mr. Will E. Hill went to Baltimore Monbay< for a few days stay. MUs Graoe Hemphill was In the city Saturday and 8onday staying with her home ' people. Miu Hemphill is teaohlng at Mocterey. Misa Lucy Qlbert of Lebanon was In the olty Saturday, shopping. u- DiKh.nl Hill went In Kalllmnrp Mon day for treatment, Mra. Hill accompanied btm. Mr. Hill baa been qolieslck for some time &Dd hi- friends hope that be will be benefitted by tbe treatment In Baltimore. MlaaBettle Evans and Miss Maggie Evans were abooplng In tno city Saturday. Ml6* Helen Keaton of Keaton waa bere Saturday shopping. MABBY-MCILW IN. Miss Loo Ellen Mabry of Cokesburyand Mr. James W. Mollwaln were married at tbe borne of tbe brlde'8 parent*,-Sunday afternoon. Mr. Mcllwaln has a position with tbe firm of E. R Thomson and will brine hl? bride here. Mr. and Mrs. Mcllwaln bs^e t> b?at wishes cf a bqst of frlenda. Mra. C. D. Brown will entertain tbe Euchre ' Club Friday afternoon at the regular meeting. Mr. and Mra. A. L. Garrison have gone to Rlcbland, N. C., lor a two weeks stay wl? O <5C JLUC W Can You Tell? Which country makes you shiver? Chile. Which country gives you an appetite? Turkey. Which country reminds you of mealtime? Hungary. Which country is always in a turmoil? Russia. Which country is destructible? China. Which country is always lamenting? Waleo. Which country is always frozen? Tceland. Which country reminds one of summer? Greenland. Which country is alwyas fat? Greece. Which country is fiahy? Finland. Which country, although old is a'w ays new? Newfoundland. Which country is ever green? Isle of Pines. 1 The reason for the popularity of divorce in St. Louis has been discovered. An astute lawyer has advertised to procure them /or forty nine dollars and ninety eight cents. Women may be the weaker ves?el, as the men claim, but occasional tits of anger demonstrate tbe fact that she can contain more of tbe explosive : material than any two of tbe stronger vessels. Every since Eve ate one in the gar, den of Eden, the apple has been the favorite fruit of man. ' Calvert & UicMes f ? Headquarters for ? White Hickory Wagons Owensboro Wagons, r Bock Hill Buggies, [ Summer Buggies, s Cheap Buggies, j Harness, Laprobes, etc. 8 Calvert & Nickles. . Feb. 24. 1904. if 1 """"??????? I W D nlrnnJ n . AI fljMl lliS. | A NEW AND COMPLETE LINE OF 5 WATCHES JUST ARRIVED AT RYKARD'8 JEWELRY 8T0RE. THE VERY THING FOR A CHRISTMV8 s PRESENT. ALL 8IZES AND 8 STYLES AT PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT THE WORLD OVER. SEEING IS BELIEVING. osition to furnish Fertilizers in small Be sure to see me before you buy. r. W. McKEE, Jr. My goods are no better or Dloer than others bat tbe pleasure and beauty of it Is that you can always find what yoa want and find 11 ;right at Speed's Drug Store. Why all ol thla fuse about Speed's CIdoc Clgara, because wheo we have a good thing we believe Id letting you know about It, Tbe aale of these cigars Id 1906 far aarpaaaed all other yeara. Speed's Drug Store. .: . \ Disconnt Sale DARGAN'S ?> v ; t Tinware i 6c Covered I 9c Coffee Pol i? 10d Dish Panf Feb. 19th, we ed to inaug- ?tio PER CENT. Oj| SALE, and as 10 are already thi enough for CROCKEHY. c ; buver. this ? ? mi ~ * . ,I18a wonder- $2.48 Toilet Set for $2.24 $1.0 2.98 44 44 2.69 75c for savin 2. 5.00 44 " 4.50 eoc ,, . - 6.00 -4 " 5.40 35c your list of 8.50 44 44 7.65 isc ded for the 3oc Chamber, for 82c ^ 20c 44 41 18c rary. Sitting: 50c Cov. Dishes for 45c SS ~ 40Q u (< u ggg xw lg Room, Pan- socFiat u ? 45c $3.5 m ,, 35c " " " -31c 2.5 1 and all over 25c " " "22c 1.5 n4-4.?nA ' ' 10c " " " 18c 1.2 ana. attona 10c *? ? ? 09c 1.0 it's a chance . I 50c Bowls, for 45c I '5 9fw " ' ? 99n a not let go by. 10c 09c i 40c CAS, for set 36c '2 86c Plates 33c 10'p 3imi^ r\k Disconnt Sale DARGAN'S 5 ^1 ' m g< \ I ft/Trn* m It's cold, isn't it? T1 ! best of this weather is 1 of the "S. M. & S." Suits bination that insures wa: The ? S. M. & S." cloth* fit and durability, becaus at the right price " The $10 to b is moderate in compariso: garments. Let us prove Perrin Clo 1 - & lOo STORE* Ooti |H 3 Dish Pans " - 13c ^"\|SB iV I^^HESKmJh^^^B' .~ Chis line is too large to men* ^SBBBBSf W d pieces in all things, bnt - .vjjgS -^H r goods are all marked in plain figures and - > per cent will be given off any and every ' SQ M GLASSWARE. CHINA. O H 'f^H 0 cov. bowls for 90c Fine Bagsett China |**]g|^H open " " 68c in open stock, all 'subpitchers " 46c ject to 10 per cent dis- ?H " " 82c count. There are too " " 13c many pieces to men- , | /.. o iiiui piicuere iur o^c * i " " " 276 $4.00 ch. pitchers, $3-60 - - H ;; 8.oo ^iads 2.70 0 Lamps for $3.15 1.50 " 1,25 T^Tt ) 0 " " 1.35 A big line of odd j^T- a 5, " ?t i,i3 pieccs and somj rare . o' ? ? '90 bargains?10 per cent. 0 " " ise CUT GLASS?Every rt |J 0 " " *27 pi?06 marked in plain [ H 5 ? ? [22 ngures andvyou get 10 H 1. c. off everything. Per c?nt off at this sale 1|^B NDY ! ' -will ?? II ? r- 11?j. uPH jri our c-xceneni ioc uan- r. j m goes .in this sale--not more frj I fl i 5 lbs. to one customer? "7 I a this sale, per pound, gets, ffl & lOo STORE-jj )od W le only way to get the f 1 to dress for it. Get one . I and Overcoats,?a com- i rmth and comfort. * I 3s are the limit of style, i ^ i i i e tney are "maae rigru 4 price $20.00 i J ,.3j 11 with the merit of the this to you. :| . 1 ' /M tiling bo. I