t V-*? ^ 0AVWmVWWVV\^ I New Year s In Russia | C\AAA,VvAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^VO , In the smaller cities of Russia New Year's day is in the Twelve Days' festival. The Russians in mtony parts have held ta the old ways from time Immemorial. VTbe preparations for the , season begin $arly in November. The host of some great liouse begins to lay in stores of salted beef dnd sausages, liqueurs, etc. The hostess calls on all her friends and Invites young and old. Next day she is succeeded by the nurse, .who makes the same rounds of visits. Her duty is to invite especially the young ladies. She is hailed with Joy, and the lady of the house hastens to mix for her the cup of wine. She de/ livers her errand and is plied wi,th questions as to the invited and rejected. But the most important question Is, "Who are the elected?" These are * * *- - 1 tne young men jnviiea oy uiv uubicbo for the girls, or "fair maidens," as they are called. The duty of the young man thus designated is to look after the Amusement and pleasure of his "fair maiden" during the "twelve days." The responsibility of the choice lying with the hostess, she has to be careful in'her selection. , But the invitation has again to be repeated, this time by the master of the house in the person of his servant, or "swat;" 'who, with mace in hand, performs his mission. On entering each house he.offers a prayer before the shrine of the saint to which it is dedicated. He then delivers the Invitation In the name of his master and mistress. At first, according to etiquette, the invitation is refused, but after much pressing it is finally accepted. When the day arrives, the yoj^ng ladies who are the'heroines of the season appear In a sledge 'accompanied by their mother and favorite companion, generally & girl of inferior rank, who sits at their feet This sledge is followed by another containing- tirewomen charged with caskets and dressing boxes. Other sledges follow?the longer the procession the greater honor to the house visited. On the arrival the host and hostess meet the guests at the gate, bow without speaking and conduct them into the house.?New- York World. I' ; I Self Approval. ' "Have you kept your New Year's resolutions T' mVm T V>btta tonf 1) VftW Year's resolution that I made three or fbur years ago." "What was it?" "Never to make any more resolutions."?Washington Star. An Arrested Intelligence. "Charlie Binks isn't as slow as he seema" ' "How is that?" <' "He woke up yesterday and asked 1 what-year'it is." HI* Happy Call*. Wilkins?How many caHs did you rnqke yesterday? Dilkins?Three, and, say, it was the best game of poker I ever sat in-! OAVWWV\A/VVWVWWWVW\or I THE OLD ?0 THE NEW ? oVwWWVsAAAAAVWWVWWo The New Year came to the Old Tear's door . * When the sand" were wasting thin, And the frost laj' white on the Old Tear's thatch. And his hand grew chill as ha slipped ths latch ' > " To let the New Tear In. 1:"' " > ^ And the New Year perched in the Old Tear's chair And warmed by the Old Year's Are, r And the Old Year watched-him with wistful gaze 'As he stretched his hands to the fading blaze And cinders of dead desire. 9} B \x ??? $? Imp TwrnciMM And the Old Year prated, as Old Yeart fill, - Of summer and vanished spring, ., And then of the future, with grave advice. Of love and sorrow and sacrifice That the seasons' round would bring. And the New Year listened and warmed his heart In the bloom of the Old gear's past, But he gave no heed of tho thorns that lay In the bud and blow of a coming day, And, nodding, he dreamed at last -Tfle jsew lear came to iuc \jiu 1 -?r s'. door And warmed in the Old Year's chair. And the Old Year talked till the New ? Year slept. Then forth In the night he softly stepped And left the New Year there. ?Harper's B&xar. Furious Fighting. 4,Eor seven years," writes Geo. W. HofFmad, of Harper, Wash., "I had a ' bitter battle, with chronic stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won. and ^ cured" my diseases, by the use of Electric Bitters. I unhesitatingly recommend them to all, and don't intend in the future to be without them in the house. They are certain'y a wonderful medicine, to have cured such a bad case as mine." Sold under guarantee to do the same for you, by P. B. QncoH Hrncririst. at 50c a bottle. Try kjptvuj ?**DO 1 | them today. 1 . ' r ' T . lTW IS THOROUGHLY EQ1 TRA] "lisSti recently secu: tent lady cler to give everyl New good* stock is comp He has jug stock of Ladies' and he is nov of Garments 1 in search of a sortment hefo He is havi done ih any s his prices are nrnifr TH STT.P! WiUJUi JL* V UJJU A I 1 darcan't lomib. At Dargan'a 5 <& lOo store yon will find a desirable line of heatera. Ladles, oome In and let aa sbow yon ttar Rosette Irons. fashion bas im led its approval of ibese dainty little Roaette Irons, here, 50c. Dargan's 5 <* 10c store. A large line of books Just In. In tbe lot are tbe Poeta, an rlcb russet leather cover) uga and tben tbe Alger Kerlea, for boys, tbe Hurst House Series for glrN are attractive and instructive. Come In and see tbe line. Dargan's 5 & lOo store. Sohool children should see onr line of tablets, pencils and paper. Tablets from one cent to 10c eacb. iwiWiiiri II UUIlllUL I UII II II Vf ill ft* * E. C. MESCHINE, of the Hermitage Farm, Lowndesville, S. C., ' retiring from farming, will sell on easy terms, In Farms of 50 to 100 Acres about one thousand three hundred (1,300) acres, out of the 1,600 acres of the Hermitage Farm. Apply to E. C. MESCHINE, Hermitage Farm, May 3,1905. Lowndesville, S. C. ftfti i rnrnnui llATl/ir IM IKS ItUllljt. HIS OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FROM MONDAY, OCTOBER 16th UNTIL SATURDAY, 1 DECEMBER 30th, 1905. , < The Rate of State, County, Sohool and Speoia} Tax, Including One Dollar Poll Tax, One Dollar, < Commutation Tax. F ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT TO raise supplies for tbe Steal year commencing January 1, 1906, notice Is hereby given tbat tbe office or County Treasurer for Abbe vine CouDty will be open tor tbe oolleotloD ol taxes for said fiscal year from Monday, October 16tb, ootll Saturday, December 80th, without penalty. Tbere will be added? A penalty of one per eent. on all ;axes not paid on January 1st, 1905. A penalty of two per cent, on all taxes no) paid on February 1st, 1006. A penalty of tieven per oenU on all taxes not paid on Marcb L""t. "906. Rates Per Cent, of Taxation are as Follows: State Tax o^muis. i Coanty Tax iya " J Special Ooun:y (Koad) % " 1 Sinking Fund. - 1 " J School 8 " 1 Special County (Poor Hous*)-% " J Total 7lZ% < In addition to tbe above, a (pedal tax will ] be oollected for acbool purpose* as follows: Abbeville Special School mills. Abbeville Special R.R. bonds 1 % ' Bethel 8 " Sharon - - 4 ' Lowndesvlile 4 Mt. Carmel 8 " WUlIngton 8 " McCormlck 2 " Dae West 8 " A poll tax of One Dollar per oaplta on all male citizens between the a?re or 21 and 60 years, except such as are exempt by law, will be collected. A commutation road tax of One Dollar wllj be collected the same time as other taxes from all male citizens between tbe ages of 18 . and SO years, exoept such as are exempted by J law. unless said tax 1b paid by first ol MaPcb, eight days work upon the publlo highways { will be required under an overseer, If bo muoh be necessary. 1 Taxes are payable only In gold and silver coin. United States currency, National Bank - ? mkUh Ka JMOIU ana uuupuui Ul auivo uuuun Iiuiuu VV come payable during the year, 1905. A tax of 50 oenis will be collected on eacb dog. As so few avail themselves of tbe opportunity of paying taxes at tbe times and places heretofore designated, I will discontinue tbe appointments over tbe County, aud collect all taxes at the Treasurer's office. Parties desiring Information by mall Id regard to their taxes will please write before December 16tb, stating the location of tbelr property, and Include postage for reply, and tbohe paying taxes by cbeck mast Include the , charge for collection. I W. T. BRADLEY, j treasurer. < October 4.190*. tf i j Shut out tbe cold wlado. Glass and patty < i always on baad at Speed's. . WFUIPPED FOR THE LA] DE HE HAS EVER DO are III PQ most seasona III IJkl sirable sroods W A VV ? attractive pri red the services of ti ks, and every effort w body prompt and caref } are arriving every ( lete in all lines. }t received by Express Cloaks and J; 7 offering the most atl le has had this season t Cloak would do well re making a purchase, i ; ng the largest trade ] eason, which is the be right and his goods d \ *. - * V. HIS GOODS. -OOK IS ALL THAT 1. . w. w t The largest and mos Stationery, School S Can be s< Milford's D: BUILDING MATERIAL I am now receiving a stock ol T DOGES, O * DTIT?43 S3.fl.OJClJCj*3, | BLINDS, a FLOORING, ?i CEILING, S SIDING ?nd FINISHING LUMBER, also SHINGLES, LATHS, LIME, ?e CEMENT and HAIR. Home in and let me give you prices. A. G. FAULKNER, TRINITY ST. Opposite A. B. MORSE. . 1 p< or DaaI n ^ lioai juoiatu pt ai for Sale, if: p< CI i at fli tli Mrs,Ellis Gray don has placed tier elegant residence and the house and lot adjoining in my m hands for sale. This is very lesirable residences property ^ )eing so conveniently located lD tb fr< eli en be w< Of CM co The Kinard house and lot ^ aas been placed with me for "> lale at a very reasonable da price. j/ < R. S. LINK. ^ In Mad Chose. C( A MillioDs rush in mad chape after aealth, from one stream of faddism to D inotber, wheD, if tbey would only eat jood food, and keep tbeir bowls rejruar with Dr. Kiugs New Life Pills, c* :heir troubles- would all paps away, al Prompt relief and quick cure for liver ind stomach trouble. 25c at P. B. , Speed drug store; guaranteed. / { ' | -- [IT E RGEST CHRISTMAS NE. full of the ble and deat the most ces. He has iree compeill be made xil attention, lay and his i . a brand new t ackets, bractive line . Any lady to see his as? hft has ftvfir' st pitoof that esirable. to ACi/rn rnn lO A VAl. I I T E. t complete line of Books and upplies CCU itL 0 I . rug Store. \n Ordinance 'o Raise Supplies for th< City of Abbeville, S.C., for the Fiscal Tear 1906. 5e it ordained by the? mayor an1 ldermen of the City of Abbeville, 8. C . 1 mncll aisemhltd and by authority ol tb me, That a tax for tbe sums and In a man :r hereinafter named shall be raised an ild Into the treasury of the City Connol! fo e uses and purposes thereof for the flsca tar 1906. ' Notice Is hereby given that the office c ty Trea?urer of Abbeville, S. C., will b >en lor the collection of taxes for said Arcs tar 1906, from Wednesday, Nov. 1, 1905, uc i Monday, January 1, 19C6, without penaltj Rate per centum of taxation are as follows ' City Tax 3 mills. Water Works Tax(laterest on bonds and Sinking Fand) V/, mills. Sewerage..,. 1% " That when tbe taxeB and astsessmentor an; trtlon thereof charged against the propert; party on tbe tax books of the City for tb ical year 1906, shall not be paid on or belor e 1st day of January, 1906, tbe City Tiear ia?* nholl ' n rnrtitji I r\ a /I f\ u nAnulfV ft f nn ir cent, on the tax book .and tbe City Trrar er snail collect tbe same; and If tbe sali xes and absessmeuta and penalties are no ild on or before tbe first day of Februar; :xt thereafter, an additional penalty of on >r centum thereon shall be added by it) f,y Treasurer; and If said taxes, assessment id penalties are not paid on or before th st day of March next thereafter, an ark upon tbe public highways aud street the City will bo required under the htree /pr Ml persons falling or rpfualng to pay tin uimutatlon tax or to work six full dajs all, upon con\lotion, be flu> d not mori an Thirty Dollars or be Impr^oueil uo tiger tban thirty day?. Done and ratified In City Council tblo 10.1 ,y of October, l?0o. james l. McMillan, Mayor. IMES CHALMERS, City Clerk. 3ct 10,1905. tf ^ GOOD BOOK. A copy of Anecdotal Reminismces of Columbia, by Julliar . Felby, may be had at Speed': rug Store. This is a well written book anc Dntains interesting reading foi !1 South Carolinians. Call and get a copy at once as le supply is limited. " . ' ' -v - - v ' : King of All Cousli M?-?liclne?. Mr. E. G. Case, a mail carrier of Can , ton Outer, Conn., who has. tren in the U. S. Service for about sixteen I years, says; "We have tried many i' cough medicines for croup, butOham| beriaiu'a Cough Remedy is king of all and one to oe relied upon every time. We also find it the best remedy for coughs and colds, giving certain results and leaving no bad aftereffects.'' i Eorsaleby C. A. Milford and H. M ' Young, Due West. CRA^OL-INE. ASK C. a. MILFORD, The Druggist, -what Craimliue is, or you can finish reading this and learn without asking. Cranoliue is a preparation ( for the removal of dandruff aDd will psevent the hair from falling out. A preparation not gorgeously perfumed lii-o moat i f the hair fooda. Cranoline will be. used on your hair by every Urstclass barber, if yon will oulycall for it when in barber shops. A great many barbers will tell you tbey have something just as good an Cranoline, but you can net the genuine Cranolineif you will insist for it. C. A. Milfonl, The Druggist, has exclusive agency for this eminent preparation. If you fail to get it, it will be your own fault. A word to the ladies: All fashionable ladies keep a. bottle on their dresser. Sold ori a guarantee. For sale only by C. A. Milford, The Druggist, Abbeville, S. (J. 12tn GEO. WHITE, JR., H. S. HAMMOND, Proprietor. Manager. Mill 11)611 Mil). We have bought out the livery business of Mr. J.S. Stark and will 1 do business at the same stand. We are prepared to do hauling of all kind. We v also have good saddle and driving horses.. H.S.HAMMOND, Phone 32. Manager. 0 a j) telegraphers '" NEEDED Annually, to flU tee new positions created by Railroad and Telegraph Companies Wewant Youug Med and Ladles of good habits, to Learn Telegraphy mid R. R. Accounting. We furnish 75 per cen t, of t he Operators and Station Agent* in America. Oar nix schools are the turtiei-t exclusneTeietir?ph Schools In tbe Would. I?;?.tabl1*bed 20 yeaes and endorsed t>y nil leading FUIIwhj- Officials. We vxfcure a $230 Bond to e^ery student to furnl?-h bun nr tier a position paying tr? rn $40 ?o SliO m mouth In Sia'ea eft*' of the RocRy Mountain*-, or Imm S75 to $100 a month in States w?h: oMbe Rockna. immediately upon graduation. 8m.'entH;cati enter at any time. No vaca tlotjp. For- lull partlcu'ars ngardlng any of oar Schoo's w lte dtr< ct to our executive of* flee at Ci' cinnatl, 0. Catax gne free. / The MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY. Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y. Atlanta, Ga. LaCrosee, Wis. g T xarkan", T<"x. San FranoUco. Cal. Calvert & Nickles ' it . ? Headquarters for ? o ; White Hickory Wagons * Owensboro Wagons, 1 Bock Hill Buggies, tf j Summer Buggies, i Cheap Buggies, Harness, Laprobes, etc. Calvert & Nickles. j, Feb. 24. 1904 tr e We &rf Sole Agents here for I Vinol r e The roost famous Cod Liver Oil pree paration known to medicine. h Contains ALL the medicinal elee ments of cod liver oil, actually taken i. from fresh cod's livers, but not a drop a of oil. e Delicious to the taste and recognized i- throughout the world fife the greatest STRENGTH CREATOR for old people, weak, sickly women a and children, nursing mothers and afh ter a severe bickness. r Cures flacking Coughs, Chronic - Colds,. Bronchitis and all Throat and r Lung Troubles. Unequaled to create b an appetite ai d to make those who h are too thin, fat, ro-y and healthy, t Try it on our guarantee to return your money if you are not satisfied. J Speed's Drug* Store. :w. D. ADDIE has open up his business in J. S. Cochran old stand. Bicycle anil Sundries, > Picture Moulding*. I Yours for business, W.D.ADDIE. Get our prices on corn, floor, bay, bacon and.meal at A. M. Smith's. V " , H. ; -. ' ' ' : Witt Invite you t( . full and com] - Jev; i . # ?? n^ Lilt? ucsi tixau at prices tha None Bettt I L V' '.v None < / ' REPAIRING A SP: Satisfactory your money and at your W. E. JOB Farmers' Ban State, wouniy u President: 71c?* F. E. HARBISON. p- : r> A#* TUpfiCtorS xjuax. vt ? Blake, G. A. Visanska, John A. Ha ,W. Parker, W. P. Greene. We solicit your business it safely an We are Id position to make you when placed in Our SavingAbbeville Lu: ' Dei Lumber, Sash, Doors Best Portland Cement, ful Just received three cars SI best. Car of Doors, Sash and Lumber on hand. Flooring, Ce Get our prices and we will Abbeville , The same old stan Tic Peoples ABBEV1 . * f ' OFFICERS. 8. G. THOMSON, President. G. A. NEUFFER Vice-President . R. E. COX, Cashier. SCHOO Tablets t 1 J General Sc Speed's ] ^Mjj|j^ ^Dkigns Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description ma] qalckly ascertain our opinion free whether ai invention Is probably patentable. Commauica tlons strictly confidential. HANGB05K on Patenti sent free. Oldest agency lor securingjutenia. Patents taken through Munn A. Co. reoelv< tpeclal notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest dr culatlon ct any scientific Journal. Terms. 13 e year: four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,Broad"#* New Tori Branch Office, 625 F St, Washington, D.C. DR. J. R. NICKLES, Surgeon Dentist. Office over C. A. Milford'e Drug Ston DR. j7 A. DICKSON SURGEON DENTIST. GOLD FILLINGS; CROWN AND BRIDG WORK A SPECIALTY. A GOOD PLATE. $8.00 . ?/ . I n 1 U PTt T IVnu onH 1 nn AiUA^ViaiU i luiiAHUkj iw ***?? ?*vw OFFICE OVER BABKSDa_LE'B 8T0RK. \ I] stui (S Co. ) examine their ft plete line of . I relry can be had and t will suit ypu. ?r, J Cheaper. ? ECIALTY. work guaranteed or back. Always here service. ' \'' ' ' ?/: , % [NSON & CO. A A 111 >1 I of Abbeville. J H Lai.*?'''. * < V ' ,* r I/1' .*> ?J' AitXr \r ' id City Depositors President: C&aMar: AH B. SPEED. J. H. DoFK^JBPi : F. E. Harrison, P. B, Speed, JohijB. rrls, R. M. Haddon, A. K. Watson, L6wb and are prepared to handle d coneervfltlrdly. i loans, and to pt.^interest on deposits, A a Department. / ? tnber Company, tilers in ' ' ' "V r;- 'i J' , Blinds, Shingles, Lime. I barrel, $2.50. iingles, from the cheapest to the very Blinds just in. Two cars Dressed iling and Siding. do the rest?viz: S?ii i pu?|. LUMBER CO. d, near S. A. L. Depot. liLE, S C. r DIRECTORS. . 8. G. Thomson, R. 6. Anderson, G. A. rseufter, C. C. Gambrell, W.E.Owens, C. 8. Tones, J.S.Stark, ; Ed.Keiser, ' Jonn A. Harris. ; ;?-jy T TIKATTC! u WV4AM Pencils I [nk ihool Supplies. Drug Store. i DR. 6. E. CALVERT. SURGEON DENTIST. |ggto At Or. Killings worth's offiejH Aaxoat 18,1905. II , DENTAL NOTICE. Dr. S. 0. Thomson, ! OFFICE UP-HTAIR8 ON JtOlLWAI*. i J Comer, Abbeville. 8. O. DO YOU NEED A ; Mower |j = or Rake? 1 IF SO, CALL. AND SEE US e- ONCE. WE ARE FOR THE DEERING AND^ ? HAVE A FEW THAT WILL CLOSE OUT AT A 'AfQr * $&| DUCED PRICE. - [i* r;k J8 ? Yoar? for bn?lne?a, L. T. & T. M. MILI^