LOWNDESVILLE. Yesterday week ago Mrs. Berry Allej went to Bennetsville and attended tbe annual session of tbe Woman's Missionary Union. She was a delegate to represent the interests of the Baptist cnurch in this place. She returned home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mr*. Jas. M. Baker of Washington, D. G\, came in yesterday was a week ago, remained till Saturday morning then went to Augusta for a few days stay with the sister of the last named. Mr. J. J. Johnson went to Iva Monday evening and has since been at work in the bank at that place. Rev. Foster Speer on the Butler circuit work came over Wednesday and stayed for a day or two at the home of his father Dr. A. J, Speer. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Barnes of Anderson came down Thursday and stayed a day or two among relatives and friends in this place. Mr. Bolin Allen went to Anderson Friday evening on business. Mr. A. J. Litman of Anderson spent several days in this place last week on business. Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Fennel spent the day at Iva Thursday, fcg.. . Mis? Corrie Graves of Latimer spent $ devenal days last week at the home of Hon. J. C. Lomax. Miss Jennie Harper after spending ?ometkne with tbe family of her bro ana at, air. j. i^^cuuih m Greenwood, came back to ber borne io this place a day or two ago. She will stay sometime with the family of ber brother Mr. E. W. Harper. 8ome ofots-?Mtoet citizens who in their youngiiji$alM?rd the old people of that time ^paak of matters aod things of thettnnDg ago, say that some time $Mt positively known what) next to* will take place the centennial of Methodism in this section. The church of that denomination WtfMitgafiited and built a few miles from tola place. As a new cburch was needed its location was ohangedtoaapot nearer to this plaee till now a neat church crowps one of , our rtvfen hills. The question of a celebration of the centennial is being talk#il iktkA 2# la Knasn/I (Kn# en M/tlon # In. CU VI Miy IV ?D uupvu %4IOI DUIIIVIVUV mterest will be taken In this matter by the decendantsof thoee who were the pioneera of Methodism in this section, that its hundred years of usefulness and blesalDg to this people may be ajn proprlately recognized and celebrated, and it made an occasion long to be remembered.' It has been oaid that" coming events Oftst their shadowB before." If this proves to be a truism in the near future, judging from talk and preparation, the 80tn of this month will receive from our people due recognition, in way of turkeys, " pies and things." Troupe. . ~ DDE WEST. T m vmoa Dao/m nf f Vila nlanc J.WT vaiuoi jua/j yv v? ? ! ? ^ihw .' "? drives a pair of floe bay horses to bis surrey. 5 Mr. and Mrs. James Archer left Monday for Bartow, Fla, after several 1 \ days pleasantly spent in Due West. Dt Fitz Hood of Atlanta, spent eeveraljdays of the past week with the family of Dr. J. W. Wideman. Dr. P. A. Pressly will move his family to Greenville this week. M*. A. G. Kirkpatrick returned last week from Lake Saranac,' N. Y., muoh refresned by her stay in the mountains. Rev. M. T. Ellis of Day, Ark., con* ducted a series of services in the Bethlehem Church embracing the Babbatb. Invitations have been issued to the marriage of Miss Jennie Galloway and Mr. i>e Armond KtrBpatncK or cnar. V, lot^e, which happy event will take place at the home of the bride's father, Mr. JR. 8. Galloway, Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 29th at one o'clock. The best wishes of a host of friends will follow them. Mr. S. J. Todd and^fefr. W. J. Bryson left last Monday for Oklahoma where they will be gone for several weeks on a business trip and to see the v country. Mr. Walker of Belton, moved into the boose recently buJJt by Mr. Sloan Ellis, to get the benefit of the Due Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Talbert visited their sisters Misses Bue and Mollie Morton Friday.- Miss Mollie does not improve from he* recent fall. Miss Lola Bell went to Greenville last week to attend the Jordan-McGee marriage. Afl JUt tDr. Neil Pressly presented the cause of the girls school in Tampico, Mexico, Sabbath morning. The contribution amounted to $843.54. Rev. Calvin PreaaJy of Texas preached in the afternoon. Dr. J. 4. Brown will lecture next Saturday evening on his trip to Europe. The proceeds to go to Y. M. C. A. 0/ Ersklne. ' Mrs. Lois Pressly was called to Greenville Sabbath by telegram, on ao-j count of the serious illness of her sonin-law Mr. H. D. Agnew. \ 5a'; V ' ^ . Son Lost Mother. s "Consumption runs in our .family, ^^rougli it I lost my mother," & X. of Harmony, Me. ?l!!R^^y years, however, on 1; ~*r- : the slightest wg- oi-a Cough or Cold, I have taken Dr. KingV New Discovery v for Consumption, whioh has saved me from Berious lung trouble."' His mother's death was a sad lots for Mr. Reiri, but he learned that lung trouble must hot be neglected, and bow to cure tt. Quickest relief and cure for coughs and colds. Price 50c and $1.00; guaranteed at P. B. Speed drug store. Trial bottle free. Land lor Sale. 660 acres of the best land in the Flatwoods. Apply to J. S. Norwood, Dresden, S. C. ft Man's I'nrewoDibleneag is often as great as women's. But Thoe. 6. Austin, Mgr., of the "Republican," of Leavenworth, Jnd., wat not unreasonable, when he refused to allow the doctors to operate on his < > wife for female trouble, "instead," he ... - Biya, "we concluded to try Electric Biiters. My Wife was then so sick, she could hardly leave ber bed, and five (o) physicians bad failed to relieve ber. After taking Electric Bitters, sbe wat perfectly cured, and can now perform all ber household duties." Guaranteed by P. B. Speed, druggist, price 50c. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBENILLE. PROBATE COURT. In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of T. L. Had don, Deoeased. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. a LL persons indebted to said estate mnst 2%. fettle wltboHt delay, and tbose holding claims against tbe estate mnst present tbem properly attested to. ^ Mrs. E. A. Haddon, Execatilx. or P. B. Carwlie, Executor. fc \ . November 3, 1905. " j?; "I Tbaok The Lard !" cried HaDDab Plant, of Little Rock, Ark., ''for the relief I got from jsucklen's Arnica Salve. -It cured my fear* ful rnnnlng sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which nothing else would heal, and from which I had suffered for 5 years." it is a marvelous healer for cuts, burns and wounds. Guaranteed at P. B. Speed drug store; 25c. mm Sii"Wmm mum uiiimu iiiiu iiiiiLv. To Orange BIobhouh and Bridal Tails. MRS. TAGGART . Is prepared with all the necessary machinery to answer all calls for accordeon plaiting of either skirts or firills. The angels of the starry clime sometimes veil their laces, but Beautiful women of the earth wear plaited stilts and fluted frills every day in the week and Sunday too. All the women who wear the garniture prepared by Mrs. Taggart have hosts of admirers and all the girls whom she dresses are so bewitching when they g$ to walk that they must take the dogs along to fceep the lovers away. And for those who with sweet attractive graces and pretty dresses stay at home the old gentleman must prepare extra hat racks and extra lights. Plain girls in plain attire may ue induced to stay at home, but Mrs. Taggart's customers are called away to shine in other hearts and other homes. i: Plaited skirts and fluted frills are forerunners of orange blossoms and bridal veils. The one necessarily follows the other. Crottp. . A reliable medicine and one that should always be kept in the home for immediate use is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will prevent the attgQ.k if given as soon as the child become* hoarse, or even after the croupv cough appears. For sale by C. A. Milford & H? M. Young, Due West. rDA.wm.iNC iLnnuub nib. - ASK C. A. MILFORD, The Druggist, what Cranoline is, or you cau finish reading this avid learn Wjthout asking. Cranoline is p preparation for the removal of dandrov and will psevent the hair from failing out. A preparation not gorgeously perfumed like most of the balT foods. Cranoline will be used on your hair by every flrstclass barber, if you .will only call for it when In barber shops. A great many barbers will tell you tbey have something Just as good a* Cranoline, but you can get the genuine Cranoline if you will insist for it.; C. A. Milford, The Druggist, has exclusive agency for this eminent preparation. If you fail to get It, It wilt be your own fault. A word to the ladies: All fashionable ladies keep a bottle on their dresser. Sold on a guarantee. For sale only by C. A. Milford, The Druggist, Abbeville, S. C. 12m Guns Guns j Guns At any price you wish Just in inn s,ngle barrel iXJvJ Breech Loading Qyns AT $3.75 each. This is the gun you have been paying $5.00 for. AbbeYille Hardvare Go. |'* ' ' "The best baker made"?The Iron King. ? 1 ,y . . . I TH est ty] from ] Th [ j J struct to the I //^^L e: ML%iU\ eood 1 ^pfb \ In take i A B] lorn WHITE. JR., H. S. HAMMOND, Proprietor. Manager. lit I In CaiM.; J I a o h We have bought out jj the livery business of Mr. J.S. Stark and will do business at the same stand. We are prepared to do hauloil bind. We ms y? -- - i alio have good saddle and driving horses. H. S. HAMMOND, * Phone 32. Manager, p Land for Salt I OFFER FOR BALE MY LAND, SITUATE j od the Mow-ley'g Ferry Road, two miles from Abbeville, oootklnlog One Hundred and Two [102] B Aeres, near enougn ior purcnaser 10 aeuu 10 auup vllle Graded Scbpol. Tbere la absolutely no wash land on this plaoe, and It It wtll Improved, laoluding a oomfortable dwelling of five rooms and necessary oat bonaea. TERMS?Oue-tblrd or onr-half caab with T option of paying all oaab. 8. A, GRAVES. October 90,1006. 4t We are Bole Agents here for | Vinol i > . . ps The most famous Cod Liver Oil pre- pi paration known to medicine. ContaiuB ALL the medicinal ele- ** ments of cod 1'iver oil, actually taken R< from fresh cod's livers, but not a drop of oil. Delicious to tbe taste and recognized throughout the world aa the greatest STRENGTH CREATOR for old people, weak, sickly women be and children, nursing mothers and af- . ter a severe sickness. Cures Hacking Coughs, Chronic Colds, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Unequaled to create an appetite and to make those who are too thin, fat, rosy and healthy. >> Try it on our guarantee to return your money if you are not satisfied. ge Speed's Drug Store. ?? an VALUABLE -* tails for Suk i v?rv x u . ivy vv* v w iij ue ap taj I have for sale several very val- gj uable tracts of land situate with- K! in a mile of the corporate limits obl of Abbeville. x This land is highly productive, well watered and two c tracts thereof have splendid dwellings and out houses ready for oc- Q cupancy. This land can be divided into convenient tracts to .suit the pur- ^ chasers. No better or better improved U land can be bought in the State, J situate as this is near a town of 5,000 inhabitants, and in the high- ? est state of cultivation. - . Q For particulars call or write me. ^ Richard Sondley, Agt., c ABBEVILLE, S. C. , The king of stoves ? The r Iron King. 8e? m i G Oar boys' shoes are neat, styllsb and dura an< bla, ranging In price Irom SI to ft per pair c Psrrln Aoibisg Ca eoi WIMB1WU I 1 I WWEBBPI II [E IKON KING STOV pe of stove excellenc pure pig iron, and sh areful workmanship, pith all the improvein e flues are of the una* ion, insuring the eve 5 bottom oven plate sitraordinary reputat: taking qualities. the medium and che irry a full line, and >ocket book. 3 guarantee every st . Our terms will { Measure in showing ; SEVILLE HA "THE HOME OF TH Real Estate for Sale. Irs,Ellis Gray don has placed ier elegant residence and the ouse and lot adjoining in my tands for sale. This is very esirable residences property eing so conveniently located The Kinard house and lot las been placed with me for ale at a very reasonable rice. \ R. S. LINK. M ttliCin net. [IS OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FROM MONDAY, OCTOBEB \ 16th UNTIL SATDBDAY, DECEMBEB 30th, 1905. : i he Bate of State, Comity, School and Special Tax, Including One Dollar Poll Tax, One Dollar Commutation Tax. N ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT TO raise supplies for the flncal year oommeucK January 1, 1903, notice Is hereby given at tbe office of County Treanujer for Abbe He County will oeopeD for tbe oolleotton of xes for said fiscal year from Monday, Octoir 16th, until Saturday, December 30;h, withit penally. There win be added? A penalty of one per cent, on all uixes not ltd on January 1st, 1905. A penalty of two per cent, on all taxes not hid on February 1st, 1905. A penalty of neven per cent, on all taxes not hid on Maroh 1st, 1905. ates Per Cent, of Taxation are as Follows: State Tax Camilla. County Tax 2% " Special CouD'y (Koad) % " Sinking FUtid 1 . " School .. 8 Special Counlj (Poor House)..!^ " Total 1 Wa, tu addition to tbe above, a special tax will i collected (or school purposes as follows: Abbeville Special Sobool 5% mills. Abbeville special R.R. bouds \y% " Bethel 8 " Sharon ?. - 4 " Lowndertvlile 4 MU Carmel 3 " Wllllngton 8 ' " McCormlcfc 2 " Dae West 3 " \ poll tax of One Dollar per capita on an ale citizens between the aire or 21 and 60 ars, except sacb as are exempt by law, will oollected. H. commutation road tax of One Dollar will oollected the same time as other taxe6 >m all male oltlzens between the ages of 18 d 90 years, except snob as are exempted by w. Unlets said tax Is paid by first of March, )5,elgbtdayt work upon tbe public highways II be required under an overseer, If so much necessary. Taxes are payable only In gold and silver In, United states currency. National Hank ilea and Coupons of State Bonds wblch be me payable darlcg tbe year, 1905. A tux oI cents will be collected on each dog. Vb so few avail themselves of the opportun' of paying taxi s at tbe times and places retofore designated, I will discontinue tbe polniments over tbe County, and col loot all ces at tbe Treasurer's office. 'arlles desiring Information by mall In rerd to their taxes will please write before oember 16tb, stating tbe location of their aperty, and Include postage for reply, aod ose paying taxes by ohecfc must lnolude tb< arge for collection. W. T, BRADLEY, "Veasurer. Jctober 4, 1005. tf 'alvert & Nickles ? Headquarters for ? Phite Hickory Wagons wensboro Wagons, ,ock Hill Buggies, n ummer Duggies, , heap Buggies, [arness, Laprobes, etc. i Jalvert & Nickles.; "eb. 24. 1904. tr i ton't buy a barrel of flour until .vou bave I 11 ours and beard our prices.?S. i, Link. j llaesware at Dargan's In abundanll. 2 tet our prices on corn, flour, bay, bacon | 1 meal at A. M. Smith's. ut glass and oblna ware for wedding pres* < s at A. M. smith's. 1 ' ' 11 " 1 "< wmwiJM ES represent the highe. They are produced ow results of skillful They are kept up-toents and conveniences, mailable "bridge" conn distribution of heat , thus accounting for ion of "Iron Kings" for saper grades 01 stoves can suit your wants * ove we sell a perfect suit you, and we will pou our goods. RDWARE CO. i * E IRON KING.*'* Ourlneighbor says, "Get the Iron King." i Mi ITME! ????? i E. C. MESCHINE, of the Hermitage Farm-, Lowndesville, S. C., retiring from farming, ' will sell on easy terms, in Farms of 50 to 100 Acres about one thousand throe hundred (1,300) acres, out of the 1,600 acres of the Hermitage Farm. Apply to E. C. MESCHINE, Hermitage Farm, ;. 7 May 3,1905. Lowndeeville, 8. C. TELEGRAPHERS' S NEEDED Annually, to All tee new positions created by Railroad and Teltgrapb Companies Wewant ? Young Men and Ladles of good habits, to ? Learn Telegraphy v and B. It. Acoounting. We furnish 75 per cent of tbe Operators and Station Agents in America. Oar ?lx scbooli are tbe larger exolusi veTeleerapb Schools In tbe World. Established 20 yeqe* and endorsed by all lending Railway Officials. We execute a $250 Bond to every strident to furnl*b blm or ber a position paying lrr>m $40 -o <00 a monib In Stales east of me.Rocky , Mouulalns, or from} $75 to S100 a montb to States wf it aH I do of all oilier linen I have ou :ny shelves put together. Of the many 1) iozeufl sold under guarantee, I have aot had one bottle returned, I can personally recommend this medioine is I have used it myself and given It to go: ny children and always with with the jest result*." For sale by C. A. Milord & H. M. Young, Due West. o: ? ? - : - ' , ? W. E. Mm i Co. | Invite you to examine their .M . full and complete line of, v . V x -ir;v* ' .V "r* . v . . *w$ - Jewelry the best that can be had and . | at prices that will suit you. None Better, . None Cheaper, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY; ' . 4 / . .: - ",? $ ----- - - ? ? ? Satisfactory worn guaranteed or n your money back. Always here j| and at your service. j W. E. JOHNSON & CO.-1 X. Mil 111 \J-l KJ X/IWUIJ \J JL * XXIV IV V/ i i?a vv State, County and City Depository. .President: Vlce-Prealdent: " ' Cashier: F. E, HARBISON. P. B. SBSBO. J. H. DuPBi Board of* T>ireotor? : F. E. Harrison, P.. B, Speed, John B. ;l?ke, G. A. Vteanska, John A. Harris, R. M. Had don, A. K. Watson, Lewis iT. Parker, W. P. Greene, We solicit your bmlnesl and are prepared to handle . ??afely and coqiervaflT#. ' We are in position to make jou loans, and to paj? int??eet on deposits, when placed in ?' *-' >< Our Savings Department, v Abbeville Lumber CoinprjjjJ Dealers in Lumber, Sash, boors, Blinds, Shingles, lime. H Best Portland Cement, full barrel, $2.50. >i ; . . ; I Just received three cars Shingles, from the cheapest 10 TBfcf J est. Car of Doors, Sash and Blinds just in. Two cars umber on hand. Flooring,"Ceiling and Siding. 9H . Get our prices and we will do the rest?viz: ^pj&li Yojj*-jB IBBEVILLE DUMBER CO. V The same old stand, near S. A. L. Depo^ ^fl ' ' ^ ^ ^evii^e, a. c. ;| OFFICERS. a ? ???CTOM- ] S. G. Thomson. H. G. Anderson, f I 8. O. TJIQMSON, President. q. a# Jenifer, C. C. Gambrell, I *. A. NEUFFER Vice-President. W. E. Owens. " C. 8. Toq.s, J .K. E. COX, Cashier. J. 8. Stark, Ed. Reiser, I Jonn A. Harris. * v SCHOOL BOOKS ;| Tablets .pencils a Ink / ' idl General School Supplies. ' jl Speed's Drug Store. I .jmk&ES' DR. G. E, CALVERT. I iimrrn I H ' V I k r% 1 At VI< AUUUgBnviVU a vuivwi AUtfUit 16.1905. U ^tJjHBH^^TRADE MARKS DENTAL NOTICE* 8 copvR?/n**iic. Dr. S. 0. Thomson, Anyone sending a sketch and description may lulckly ascertain our opinion free whether an OFFICE CTP-WTAIRS ON McILWAXBf nrentlon Is probably patentable. Communlca. CtornU. Abbeville. 8b 0. lonBBtriaiyooofl3entWTHANOBOOI( onPatenU . Kmu9r' adotiu* a. w. ent free. Oldest npency forsecurtngpatenta. * Patents taken through Munn 4 Co. reoeive pedal notice, without charge. In the la Time of Peace. Scientific American. In the first months of the Russia- .1 l handsomely Illustrated weekly, rearrest clr- Japan war W6 had ft striking example wltow'nSJtM1M b7Sh of f6 neoeaaity of preparation and the AUNN ML"11"** New York to speak, "have shingled their roofe in S Branch offloe. in v st, Wartington. D.C. dry weather." The virtue of preparalr.ua mo.Ia Vilo^APrr on wm ww . ^t> t t> IVK^KT T