The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, November 22, 1905, Image 1

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J u. i. ' .V.M WW. J, . t i I 1 ? : ^ U' J.UA' The Abbeville Press and Banner? BY W. W. & W. R BRADLEY. . ABBEVILLE, 8. C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1905. ESTABLISHED 1844 ||1 A Big Crop of Autui has been bar R.M.HADD I > - . " # * And the doors to the store are sw! tiful provision has been made for yo! claim your share of the harvest? N fine millinery, and you can get here up to date. The season's most popular Dr< prices that cannot be had elsewhere. Magnificent Applique Trimming colorings suitable to almost any kind Unmatchable are our values in way ahead of others in quality and f We are receiving every day soi and Jackets. R. m. HADD The Man Who" Low P He yjio wants Stylish C -< ?k* *~ mands utmost All Are Satisfied From th Clothing?^en's Sufts from 14.50 to $12.5( Men's Over Coats frolja $2.50 to $10.00. Men's Pants 7& to $4.00. Shoes ailSLOO. Ladies Shoes from 75c t styles fat low prioes. Men's and Boya furnishing goods. Quali U. TOLD An Ordinance SI To BaUf Supplies for the City of Abbeville, 8.C., for wJ the Fiscal Tear 1906. I Be IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND T Aldermen of the City of Abbeville, 8. C.. lit lV Council assembled ana by authority o I the iron me. That a tax for the sums and In a man- Oot< ner hereinafter named shall be raised and day paid Into the treasury of the City Oouneli for of d ' the paee and purpose* thereof for the fiscal belo yaarlWS. # ; ton, Notice 13 hereby given that Vbe offloe of ty. I . City Treasurer of Abbeville, 8. C., will be *no open for the poI lection of taxes for aald fiscal the ions Uulniuln Nn? 1. MfK nn? his I Ui Mod day, January 1, 1906, without peualty. , Rate per centum of taxation are as follows: I Oily Tax 8 mllla. Water WorksTaxOnterest mor <u> boqdl part Sinking Cud Fond),...........? 3% mills. 1 Bawfllftge .... ~1 k 14 T1 That ?h?n the Use* and aaaeamnentor any portion thereof charged against the property N( or part* ?iCtpe ta* books of the City for tbe fiscal year 1906, shall not be paid on.or before the 1st day or January. UKW, the City Treaa- n i am shall proceed to add a penalty of one VT .paromt on the tax book, and the City fteas Wl nrer shall oolleet the saoao; and if the said takes and assessments and penalties are noi paid op or before the Unit day of February next thereafter, an.additional penalty of ont < I a* centum thereon shall be added by tbt w. f City Treasurer; and-lf said taxea, assessment* j and penalties arc not paid on or before tb< ( first day of March next thereafter, an add) ] ttonal penalty ol fire per eenturo thereof t ahall be adtla# by tba City Treasurer and t? *-N collected by htm; and If tbe aald taxte, as- the aesamenta and penalties are not paid on or will before tbe 10th day of Mareh n*xt thereafter. Hoc the said City Treasurer shall Issue his tax ex for entlon for tbt said taxes, aisessments anu wrli penalties agaloaktbe property of tbe default R. L 1D| |IIA*|l?/p4? KWUI UiU^ H| M| w * ? A commutation roed tax will be oollected kno tbaeame Umeu otber taxes of Two Doli??r from all male olilzena between the agea of ] eighteen andAAy-dva yean, except tboaeex empted by law. Unleae Mid tax la paid on ot belore tbe 1at day of Jfiaary, 1806, six daj* work opoa tbe public blgbwayt and street moj of lb? City will be requtffed under tbe Hlrte Dr.. ' o veneer. : T1 All persona failing or refusing to pay the commutation tax or to work ilx full day* ball, upon ooniloilon, be flacd not more ? lb an Thirty Dollar* or b? imprisoned not longer than thirty daya. Done and ratified In City Connoll tbl? lOtb day of October, 1V06. jambs l. McMillan, Mayor. jambs chalmers, City Clerk. f\ I Oct 10, MOO. tf 8 THE u BOSSM COTTON PR?S51 sod SIMPLEST. STROKSEST. BEST ??? T Thc Mukkat Ginning Sybtkm tloi - Stu. CiWnur? Eta. . tmm CIBBEJT MACHINERY CO. ^ Cplufnbl?> S. C. The> State of South Carolina, J nATTVTlMT /-klI> A UTJTTVI rrv k? uuuii i a v/? wu PROBATE COURT, lei] Notice to Debtors and Creditor*. F Iur tbe natter of tbe estate of J. T. Horton, ert Deceased. ^ ALL persoos Indebted to said estate must settle wltboat delay, aod those holding opi claims against tbe estate most present them proparly attested to W. H. Horton, qc ' . OcC 21, lflOft. Administrator. ' ? ? We bave tbe best .line of boys' school and 1 dress shoes e??r sbown Id Abbeville. Perrtn tb Clothing Ca >|Cl iiu Merchandise rested at ON & CO. ; ing wide open to you. Boun-' jr particular needs?will you ewest arrivals every day in k everything new, stylish and I uss Goods are here offered at ;s in all the dainty and rich 1 of fashionable fabric. silks and our assortment is . >rice. rae new styles in Rain Coats ON & CO. . I ' wants riced Goods: 5-oods?-He who dedurability. e Same Stock Here. ) Boys Suits from 98c to $4.00 ! Shoes! Men's $4.00 Unoit Shoes o $2.50. Children's Shoes of all \ % ' ty and prices guaranteed to please. lKOF1R\ ate of South Carolina, county or abbevilLe; PROBATE OOUBT. . * Complaint (oSell Lands to Pay Debt*. " H. Horton, m Administrator of tbe Estate or J. T. Horton, deoeasftd, and lo bis >wn right, plaintiff, sgainst Mary Bently ind'otbert, defendants. '< ACCORDANCE WITH AN ORDER t tbe Probate Court, I will sell at Public Bry at Abbeville Court bouse, on Bates* In December, 1903, next, for tba payment ebta, tbe following desorlbed real eataU mglDK to tbe estate or tbe sa}d J- T< HordesMwd. sttnate in said State and Conn .o wU: All tbat tract or paroel o! lands, wn as'-Tbe Harris Homestead" on wbloo aid J. T. Horton resided at tbe tine o? death, containing Vinety-Five Actos, e or leas, bounded by lands of W. W. dy, Charlie Cowan, M. A. Han vey and G. lanvey. SRMS?Cash. Pnrcbaaer to pay for paper* R. B. HILL, ov. 7,1906. Judge Probata Court. ate of Soatt Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLK. PBOBATX COURT. Domnlalnt Ln Hell Lands to Par Debts. 3. Cade, as Administrator of Estate of R L. Cade, decerned. In bis own right, Plain* iff, against Samuel R. Cude and oiben, Defendants. 1 ACCORDANCE WITH AN1; ORDER OF Probata Court in tbe above plated case, 1 ell at Public Outcry at Abbeville Court lie, on Saleday in December, lfcOo, next, tbe payment of debts, tbe following deoed real estate belonging to tbe estate of ..Cade, deceased, situate In raid Bute and nty, to wit: All tbat tract or parcel land* wn aa "Cannon Place," containing Four Hundred and Eight (408) Acres, e or leu, boanded by lands of Frank Kerr Neel, James Wborton, and others. PnrnhaiAr in ntv fr\* nanori VW"MI ^ r?rv.? R. B. HILL, Judge Probate Court. otember 16.1906. VALUABLE I'll,.'J *s J EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF i. M. E. Grave*, deceased, I will sell at >llo 0 cry. t jrom the Court Houm atepa, Mday in December,tbe following desorlbed pertytowlt: ro Hundred and Five [205] Acres, and, more or leaa, bounded by landt of 8. Borkadale, T- F Ferguson and A. J. FergUr , lb? late bomeatead of J, 8. Gravel, de> sed. bts land Is la tbe blgbest state or camvar 3, ba? a good dwelling tbereon and ?U necr wry om hoi)Mq. it |a tttaaM about tbree m from tbe ojty of Abbeville. House and Lot. .Uo, one House and Lot located to the City Abbeville. Lo; la large and roomy and tbe tiding Is comparatively new, oonulnlng i rooms. 'artlee wishing to Inspect any of this propy will apply to S. E Graves or myself. 'ERMS=rOnertblrd or ooc-balf cash with lion of paylPg all pa?b. g. A. GRAVES, t. 30,1006. tf Pjepptor, We always pasb onr own brands of goods is la -bow we bave made Bpeed'a CI doc ;ara so famous. t 9 Dargan's 5 and 10c Store. Rood Stoves Are the only kind it pays either for us to sell or yon to bny. We know this and so succeed by handling the best? Enterprise. Toys, Toys. If you are going to buy a Toy of any kind it would certainly be profitable to you to visit this Store,and look over the immense stock of Toys and Dolls that we have gath> atai? tntrftt.hflr. We have Toys that are wooden, Toy? of Tin, Toys of i] iron, mechanical toys and a ? great many specialties. ' ' Polls, Polls. It would give yon pleasure 1 to see our line of .The > beautiful child like expres- ' -? I * jifeP_ i 8ion8, tne natural nuny nair, and the graceful limbs. All add to their loveliness, and we have a collection to be proud of. The prices are from lo each to t he big doll ; that stands alone at $10. .C J ' ;. Vtf* 1 wfur China and Cut Glass. , Are the lines that we give j special attention, and the | lines we carry are of the very j best. When you are think- j ing of weddings, think of our < China and Cut Glass. ' . I mm?mmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmm?rnm-mmmmm?mmm \ A big line of Glassware and some wonderful showings forlOo. See them. Tinware in large auimtitie* and prices that are to be had only at this Store* Dargans ' 5 and 10c Store, ' EAST END, What "M" Sees and Hear* on His Bonndg In Country add In Town. After spending tbe Summer at Asbevlll* N.C., Dr. T. A. La Far arrived In tbe olty last w? efc ana was for several days tbe eueet of hla kinsman Mr. G. W. Syfun and family, Mra. Ellen P. Norwood ! In tbe elty tbe guest of Mra. Fannie J Marshall. Mr. G. W. Syren, au<| Mr. and, Mr*. M. R Syren were lummoded by telegram laat week to Gainesville, Georgia, to tbe bedside of Mra. T. J. Syfan wbo la extremely ill. Dr. W E. Link of Wellington spent las( Friday nlgbt in tbe city wllb hli son Mr. R. 8. Link. At tbls writing Mrs. Mary DuPre la very ill, and ber Mends hope sbe may soon be restored to usnal health. The many friends of Judge Ernest Gary render him sincere congratulations, ana wish for him and bis lovely bride maiiy years of analloyed bippiness^ Miss Koaa Carter and Mr. R. E. Anderaon of Chester, will be united in tbe bonds of holy wealook at 3 o'clock tbla Wedensday afternoon at the home ot tbe bride's parents Rev. and Mra. C. P. Carter. : Tbe marriage ceremony of Mlas Samuella Shaw and Mr. Henry Gillian ot tbls elty waa solemlaed last Thursday evening at the home of tbe bride's sister Mrs. AJewlne, by Rev. Wilkin? pastor or the Baptist Cbnrob. Tbe bride ia a most charming yonug lady having a large elrole of acquaintance* and friends who wish for ber many long year* of sunshine and happiness. , The groom ia one or Abbeville's self made young men and la In tbe employ of tbe Seaboard Railway Company having tbe oonfldenoe and good will of bi| employers, and tbe oongratvlatloos and beat wlabea or boat* of friends. " Mr. and Mra. Gilliam are at bnroa' to their friends at the residence of Mr. pud Mrs. RIcbardHlllon Cbureb street. 1 Miss Annie Moore of Augusta is in the olty vialtin g relatives, at present she la tbe gueet ot her sister Mrs. Rcjbert Hill, Mils Aims uamuren uui? uuuie i?i ouuday from Belton, and la on tbe sick Hat, bat 'Us hoped ber sick d en will be pf abort duration and abe will toon be able to return to ber dotlea. Invlailnna are oat announcing tbe marriage of Mr. Dendy C. Miller of tola City to Miss Nannie Blount of Auguata, Georgia, wblcb bappy avent will take place to aiy Wedaeaday, at tbe bome of tbe brldea parent*. Tbe bride elect ia a pretty bright, young lady and bavins once lived In ibM city la well known to our people and baa mady friends bere. Tbe (room la one of Abbevi le's prosperous bualne?a n.?-n being Agent at lbe> Reaboard Depot of tbia City, wblcb responalble position be manages to tbe entire satisfaction of bia employeraand tbe beat lntertis(s of tbe patrons, and all concerned. * This bappy young couple will be ajelootned In Abbeville by boats ot friends wbo lender kindest wisbes and congratulations, In advance. / Tbe Press and Banner came out last week In a "brand new dress," looking quite sty* llab and City like. There's nothing like patting on "airs" occasionally and keeping up with the times. i, ' Mr B. 8. Link oar popular postmaster attended the Khett?Gary marriage In Colombia lam week, and as always, bad most dtDgbtinl Udk . Tbe many friends of Mr. fic.D. Catkr learn of bis sudden death last Monday oornlng , tbe 20ib at bis home in tbe City of Anderson. !# kxw8 on bouti jrp 8. * Bev's.F. H. Wardlaw and E. G. McLaes are carrying on a week's meeting'at Lebanon Presby terlan Oburcb large andattentlve congregations fill the Church morning and evening of eacb day and It isalnoerlly bojed that tbe work of tbeee earnest mlnlatera. may not t>e Id vafti, bat may be as ".seed sown upon good gronnd" that aball 'bring forth abun3ant fruit even throagb years to come. Misses Llla and Allte Stevenson were visiting relatives on route No 8 last week. MIU MUU AlSieilUl auum iiibu? n<ntldays ol last week with ber friend* the Ml?aea Evas* of Lebanon. , Tbe supper given by ladle* ofSharon Metl... odlatCbnrcb laat week waa financial aucot-aa, aa Wall aa a moat enjoyable ocpaalon. Tbe good ladiea of tbla neighborhood never t So any in log bail way, but alwaya accomplish 1 trbat tbey eel ont to do. Tba reoelpu were t MS dolJara wbleb paid tbelrabare of ttfe debt l jn'tbe DUtrlct paraooage, and left a little on . band for tbetr church at Bbcron. J i Mr. Leelle Wataoo left laat week tar bla borne at. Steubenvllle, Ohio. Hla tlalt at lome waa very pleasant to blm and bla 'rlenda^ who gave bin cordial welcome back to bla boyhood bom*. . j ?(lsa Beatrice Adatoa left laat Saturday for < gaata where *be will apend aometlme with ber alater tin. W. H. Edmonda. J Brpljr to Dhpenurj- Advocate. Tbeeditor of tbe Abbeville Prlsa and Ban- " ier la somewhat disturbed about tbtf olroulaloo o/ a report that a petition bad bean lUried at MoCormlck for an election to vote mt the dispensary Id Abbeville Oounty. He laeme to doubt tbe truth of tbe report from ,ne fact tbat we are ao far away if tba die>enaary laanaiaanee U should sot disturb a is;andtbat 1' we wanted Whlakey we oould tei It iron Augusta more oonvlnlently tbso T torn Abbeville; and, lsstiy, be doea not belere It because be doaa not think we would venture to Interfere lo a matter wberr we are 10 remotely Interested. Now, to plaoe tbe Press and Banner ataaaa Lboul tbe report, we will say tbat tbla petlIoq la belDK olrenlaled,' but tbe petltluoera ire not influenced by any of; the above argonenta. Tbey are prompted by wbat they oel to be tbeir doty aa cioaena of Abbeville joonty lo tbe cuuae of Qod and humanity, fo have ?tood atlll wbeo an opportunity waa presented to erase from our etatutes a law .bat baa proved to be a onree and a hindrance ?temperance would prove us unworthy of iltlsenahlp. We are not drinkers of liquor, as you tug* teat. Tbere Is no town of tbe same else tb be State wbere teas whisky la drank. But *e are not selfish. We have tempo ran oe and veare anxiosa tbat all tbe people of toe Jounty should have It; and we believe tbat >y voting out the dispensary tbe eause of .emperauce and good oliiaenibip would be promoted. and also tbe cause of Christianity. We believe you are blind to your own cood when you defend the ayatcm -l>y which tbe Jiate Mils liquor to tbe oIUmds. Woe opto ilm who puis tbe bottle to bis neighbor's noutb. Yon would teaob children tbat It ls 'Igbttobebai-kaeperafortheSUte of South Carolina 1 Stop and think, brother, and then tome out and help ua do good by voting out > ? In nnr onuntv. ; >UO ? -w - . ^V.O. Sturkey. BUND TIGEB IK THE POL" PIT. He Mmle Wurihonfie Oat of the Ventry Room. Yorkvllle Correspondent Id Tbe Slate. Harry Ward, a well known negro of tbla place, who baa been for seme yean tbe texloD of ?placopal ebnreb, waa caught -blind tigering" laat Saturday, He was Men handing around a bottle In Heathla hitching lot and Policeman Sender* gave a cotple' or foang men a dollar to aee If Harry would ell to tbem. He tumbled to tt ana It wai llaoovered thai be kept bla liquor In tbe ?eglryofthe oburcb. A aeareb waa made oy Chief P. W. Love and Polloeman Sander* and wblfkey wai found In tbe vestry room In a wardrobe wbere tbe mlnlater kept bla robe and vealments. Harry waa turned Dver by tbe town authorities to Magratrate Uomerand will no doubt reoetve the full limit In dollara and daya. pxp piifE?l?4BT 8Q|*D OPT IT* HTQCKQF WHISKEY' - ? i M*d B^ats Jfafle on tirecRTtll? ?ro* . Sfcopa ? W ir. , qui Clo*lof, Special to it>e St*te, Gwe&vUl*. No?. m-^An hoar bejbre lb* rwn'V 9'wng time today, police bad to i be oalled to clear tbe crowd at tb? north * Main atreeV dlapenaary. Many old so?ka j were under tbe lmpreaalon tbat the wblai key abop* would oioae tonIgbt tor good; and ' 11 day there baa been tbegreaUat raab, on* J dlapenaary practically aelling lu entire ! Block. ] At the nortb Main street dispensary j tbe surging orowd of ouatomera was. ao great tbat ibe Jam of people cracked one of I ibe large plate glass windows. ' i Negroes, It is paid, are buying cheaper | grades of yrblakey and bqryfbg it, far (war ibe?topk will fuo out tfa? dlspebM-rla? are finally closed. IppVUHUop bwe, ; I ; Real St, Double - B SCI t. If it's st get one f aH|i| This sm Wit impressi-v V" <> > '.-.k'A * \ ' - ... A You'll be surprised to see thp value in these 3 or a good suit. It is. But some of the same sui tew York store and be called bargains at that. If you want more expensive ones, we have them?i Made in all the best cloths, plain colors and f :hings in Overcoats, too, at $5; $7.50, $10, $ia.5< and1 remember we have everything in the way of H. G. ANDER rf - . . . . HAVE YOU LEAUVfil TO BUY THE BES' .ii r. ? < , m IT PAYS. t " . v t * ' ? - m* i * " '* '4-. The school of experience will 4?ach yon, ai taught us, that the best goods are the chea .- , 7. : i. ..v . ? ^ 4"'*' " **" 1 Our store house is new, Our goods are nW, Our reputation is wall known, Our motto is "THE BEST." . ~ - *f.v 1 Delicious Fruits, t 1 Tin ' . phi ',i J.s r Fancy ; Groceries To fit the taste of an epicure. Conf of all kinds. ' Buggies and Wagons Of the hest makes at prices that wil est you, i 1.1.?1 , H i . 1H? lllLiU VI kj yj Fhone? 36 and 126. Main and Trinity I " I . ' I I| I n II ?1 >Ka*lr Onll A Dluitrou CiluutyH ' ^? t. a' * ,, , ,k .. . A few weeks ago I bi It is..ft diiMtrous c&l&mityy wbbi) t^on thit vu 10 idvfirs poy low your health, b<(*u?el^dyje?. (oro totheufftco for tw :ion and couHtipatiau have tapped II jn? ^ ge| relief from m nT vi J^t ?L rrL oiaa'B treatment, I took Pr.\ g 9 ?j !? ^"8<i They berlaiu'g Stomach and J g?tion o*]??oa, and and the next day I felt 1 PWje headaohe, dlidnew toAc, wnatU 4-A. C. Bally, Editor nation, etc, ^ Guaranteed at Pv Chapln. 8. Q. Theee I Speed drug itow; a&?, . :,. |Jale by O. A.' Mllford & .' ' JPueWest, f, ! '* J * . . .. . % ; * i . : : * !, ?# yle in reasted TS. yle you want, why not of our Double- Breasted well "set-up" this man & how crisp and clean- ':$M clothes appear. shapely, fashionable and || WO. -M 1 ' 's art style makes a fair >ok well?a good figure re, you should see What do; for you. ./ ' ' * ' . - " I V*VV * fio Suits. You may think it a little price its would be marked $15 or more in a swell These suits are good enough for any man. md less, too?but look at these first. ancy patterns. We're showing all the best , | ) and higher. ' Let us show them to you, /inter Furnishings, at fair prices. SON & CO. Everyone Knows I it hfUl that the value of a Razor or a pair . V of Scissors depends entirely npon th? ? 1 : ipeBl. temper, and unless the steel from f '. * which the Razor or pair of Sosmns ' r 1 is made, has been properly tempered, it is absolutely worthless. Cl&u&fo Perfect Razors: "I and Scissors' are made of the best Oauss Steel ' and are evenly and perfectly tempered.! They hold their edge, not for a time,' bat always. The guarantee is on-' , .. limited. 60C10I18 We will be pleased to show you the , large line we have, and if we haven't^ " nrhat yon want, we will obtain if] l?r yon, , :rh Abbeville Hardware , I " ' [ inter- . 'J, A GOOD BOOK. kin ^ C0Py ?* Anecdotal ReminisI V' cences of Columbia, by Jullian 1 \ A. Felby, may be had at Speed's JUl Drug Store. This is a well written book and |f , contains interesting reading for all South Carolinians. 1 Call and get a copy at once as ikiy cure*. the supply is limited. kd ft bilious at \ vii uot able '? O days. Fail- Chnpped Hands. Waab your hands with warm water^rVhiAfji dry with a towel and apply Chamber, iffl VnAoTmRn Iain's Salve just oeiore going co ueu, of the News and a speedy cure is certain. This tnhlfltn are tor 84,76 ^ also unequaled for skin disease h T Young For Bale by C. A. Mllfort & H. M. 6' Young, Due West. ' . " \ ,1 I I