" WEST END. Happening* and Incidents of a Week About the City. Mr. and Mrs. Draytou Nance of Due West spent Thursday In ibecity tbe guests of Ali> W. C. Sberrard. Mr. and Mre. J. S. Norwood ot Dresden were in me oily .Saturdnv. Tbey were ib< tbe guest* oi Mrs. J iaien H. Perrln white Id tb? city. Mr*. A. B. Cheatham camth 'ine Tburalaj from Atauu aiier u lew days stay iu thai ci'y. Mrs. J. S. Cith'ran nl Greenville la In the eltj apendtug a wtme with her hum Mr W. :*> Coil rati Mra. Colli rau haw been to (Jrren wood f to aueud itie ujMrr|?^e of tier uleoe Miss Sari- I Co'brau to Mr. William Kmld. (V Ml?a (Jrai-esiumb t? ul Lumuo hg i n af er < pleawant flay wub Mi?a iieta Lyttigoe it AttHDla. Mr. and Mrs Horace McAllister apeuL.Sui dav in '>ue Went me uueata ol Mis. W. W Ed war da. jdia. J^aa Prea-ly of Cue W-?t wa? to tb< Oily laal Ibur-dny aOupfiiij^. 8be apeul a pari ill tbe day wtih the Miaaea Cater. Ml** Hanuxh C. Pertlu of Gieenvtle la lo the cliy cpetid ng a while wliu uer ala.er Mr*. Oeo Wline. Mrs L, fci. HuBue I and Master ' nw'a R iiaw?oi> are in Columbia spend uk Fa Wi6k with rtl'iitvea. Mr. J.Atteu Smith outne lt >rne Saturday from Kocfc tllll wuere He uau uttsu iu uucuu Bynod. Kev. Jot-Presaly of Tex?a wan Id the oit> BalarUoy for a few nour# Mr, Prettily In a sou of Dr. William Prewly or Due Went and la lu South Carolina on a vlult to bin home people. Mr. W. A. Nlckles was called Friday 10 ibt bed side of bia uncle Mr. Robert Hagen neai Doe WeaU Mra. Fred Caaon baa gone to Colombia to Djoy Fair week. Mr*. Caaon baa a boat 01 frienda In and near Colombia and alway* looka forward to tbe meeting 01 old ao Qoalntaaoea. Mra. Earl C. Page left Monday for Colam bla where abe will apend a few daya wltb " "? ** u Ki?fnna anlnv tf\ UQf lliwr An. iUHia uau?? Wv tv*H? her home in Florence. JrilM Blanche Gary Is In Columbia spend Ing the week with Mies Louise Bailey. Mls? Gary, mended the Asternbly ball TuesUaj R evening. ? iuchre club. w Mrs. Q. A. Neoffer entertained the Ladles r? Eaohre CluD Saturday afternoon at a very Sieasant meeting. Miss Riggs of Oraogeurg was the guest ol houor on this occasion. A3 A delightful salad course- was served alter nc the the game. Mrs. T. Q. White will en lertain the club at the next meeting. Miss Annie Bee ol Edgefield is In the clt> W spending while with her sister, Mrs. Robert Mabry. i. Mrs. Eugene Fant of Anderson and bet " pretty children have been spending some 8j time with Mrs. Fant's mother, Mrs. L. J. jj Leslie, near the city. Dr. J. Lowrle Wilson was in Rock Hill last week attending 8>no4. Laurens will en W lertain the (Synod next year e< Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Speer of Monterey n were In the city shopping last Thursday. V Mr. S*m Preasly 01 Due West was In town el for a lew hours last Thursday. Mrs. U. Q. Tnomson and Master R as sell > Thomson are spending Fair week In Col una- JJ bla.' They are the guests of relatives while U In Columbia, fg Mr. J. Allen Smltb Jr. and Masters Edward n and Maxwell smith spent a part of last week " in Attest*.>. 'J Miss Grace Hemphill Is teaching the ol Monterey School. t The patrons of the school are delighted with her work and she has won the children com- P *>i?|Al?i Kn KonaffoKla'monniiP fu Liitie Mlaa Jennie Mallard baa laaaed x invitation# to a Birthday Party to be enjoyed Wedenkday afternoon by a boat 01 ber little Irlenda. w Mlaa Neel Edwardi la In Edgefield apend- r log a while with ber brother Dr. J. G. Edwar da. P Mlaa LIIlie Clarke waa In Atlanta aeveral fc daya laat week vlaltlng frlenda. j Mra. P. B. Speed and Ura. C. D. Brown w have beeo elected to repreaent tbe Abbeville t. Chapter C. D. C'a at tbe Convention thai " will meet in Job boon In November. ei Mlaa Kale 4. Harris and Mlaa Emma Har- iB rlsbavw moved to Mra. Robert Game* tot , tbe winter. They have been at tbe Eureka 0' aiooe coming to Abbeville Irom their home In Alabama. a. Mra. W. P. Greetoe Waa In Colombia several r* . daya laat week on baaineM. Mlaa Alma Gambrell baa returned to Belloo of alter apendlng a lew daya bere with ber borne ai pedple. Mra Pearl Martin Beokwltb of Orangeburg, W waa In tbe chy Saturday wltb ber mother Mra. ttteliz Mra Beck with la apending a while hi wltb ber bdme people at Maruna M uu .. Mlaa Ida Mae Brownleeof Antrevllle la In ?* tbe olty apeudlng a while with ber al8ter Mra. tb Jobn A. Dickaon. Mra W. 8. Cotbrao wai called to Edgefield laat Thnrulav nn aoonnnt of tbe deaih of bei w sister Miss i,ucretta Bruuson Mlu Brunaon Is fa well known b? re and wltb sincere regret thai i' her friends here learn of ber deatb tbe deep* eat sympathy la extended to tbe latnlly iu tbelr ud affliction. be MlaaAgneaPerrln Quarlea died Tbaraday w morning October tbe niDeteeuib at Ihei.bome of ber daughter Mra W. D. Sulll van at Tumb- M ling Shoals. Tbe foneral aervloea were con h< daoted Saturday afternoon by Rev. J. A. Brown of Dae Weal ber pen lor while ahe lived a lh Abbeville of Mrs. Quarlea waa an earneat and oonalatant te obrlatlajj, a devoted member of tbe Baptist ohurcb. f She leave* live children to monrn her loss ca Mrs Sue Walker of Atlanta, Mra Ualpbtn, oi oi Ninety Six, Mre Solilvan, Mr. J. W. Quarlen of Columbia and Mr. T. P. Quarlea of Abbe- . vllle. ' Tbe deatb of Mr. J. E. Allen In Alabama bl waa beard of here with deepest regret. Mr. Allen lived In Abbeville a number of years . ago and made a boat of friends bere who ex- tn tend to bla home people tbelr aympatby. oy Mrs A. B. Cbeatbam went to Greenwood tw Monday to rpend some time wltb ber borne 1 people. Mr. W. O. Templeton came down from Be)- go ton Monday and spent tbe day bete wltb ber tnoiucr jail tt , a, icuipimuu. - - to DEATH OP DB. S. L. WHAB, ??. A Prominent Citizen of It* Dies or Par*)?*!*. Andefton Daily Mail. Oct. 26th. Dr. 8. L. Wharton one of the lead- or ing citizens of Ivs, died at bis home at a that place at 11 o'clock last night of je paralysis. He was stricken on Tues- fu day and lingered until last night, and Wl was never conscious after being strick- e{, en. Dr. Wharton was 42 yean of age and was the son of Mr. Samuel Whar- ve ton of Corner township, and leaves a Wl wife who was Miss Mamie Cox of ^ Abbeville. He was a member of the r A. R. P. Church at Iva, and will be burled this afternoon at tienerostee church, beside his kindred. Revs. A. L. Patterson of Mt. Carmel SI and 8. W. Hamiter of Iva will conduct the funeral. G Cheap Excursion Kates by the Southern Hallway. On account Charleston Annual Gala Week and Coast Fair Association, ,, November 6-11,1905, Southern Rail- Fj way will sell tickets from all points P: within State of South Carolina, in eluding Augusta, Ga., at rate of one p first-class fare plus 26 cents for the round trip. Tickets sold Nov. 4 to Pj in innlnsivp. and for trains arrivine , .Charleston before noon Nov. 11, witB ^ final limit Nov. 13,1905. Southern Railway will provide ex- A tra coaches on all trains into Charles- 88 ton Nov. 5th to 12th, inclusive, and 01 all who wish to take advantage of ^ the exceedingly low rates can do so , and feel assured that plenty of room PJ will be provided. . For additional information, call on ticket agents, or address w R. W. Hunt, D. P. A., P] Charleston, S. C. Piedmont Fair, Greenville, S. C., October S8 , 31 to November 2, 1905. F Round trip rate via Charleston and e< Western Carolina Railway, one first- ^ class fare plus 25 cents (minimum Prate 50 cents.) Tickets on sale Oct. 30, 31, Nov. 1 and for morning trains cl of November 2, with final return limit Nov. 3, 1905. E. Williams, G. P. A. 105 Acres and Ferry for Sale or Rent. T ..... vvin D1VPD HIV HITT/Ffinv 1 Or* OA V Aillir-U iw ? I 1* Lowndesvllle. Apply at Tuoker'i Ferry. ? Ootober 5,1005. lk, with an application of watej* subLied the flames, before much damage m done. In our small town, where le bouses are scattered, a Are is neith so alarming nor damaging, as in a >rger pity where the houses are 'owded. : ' Mr. B. W. Harper one of our resign t ootton buyers, one day last week >ught 900 bales of cotton, only a part 'which was bought here, the rest, at fferent places up and down the rail ad, the whole costing about $40,000,00. Mrs. 8. 0. Baker and her bright, indsome, manly little boy, spent seval days last week at the home of leir kinsman, Mr. T. Baker. Mrs. $anford Watson of Anderson >me down ^Friday, and was with the mily of her brother-in-law, Mr. B. olin Allen. Mr. Charles Hortou, a Lowndesville >y of Armory, Mis*, came Friday-and as the. guest of his brother-in-law, r. B. W. Collier till yesterday when j returned to bis western home. Mr. B, F. Price of Means, was here iturday looking after his farming fnrests. Mr. Louis Bell Telegraph Operator .me up Saturday, and spent the gbt at bis father's Mr. B A. Bell. Mr. D. L. Barnes of Anderson, came >wn yesterday and is the guest of bis others Mr. A. V. Barnes. ' There was considerable activity, in ie cotton market here last wftek, ving to the few points attyanoerfn ie price perhaps. ' < Miss Emma Bowmau after spending me time in Atlanta, came Musk to )t home here on Friday. Miss Leila Mo?eley on Friday went the nioe country borne of Maj. F; r. B. Nance and stayed till yesterday enlng. * v Mr. C. G. McAllister Jr. of Latimer, as here Saturday on business. Troupe. ~JL lUUH JL KC XiVr? * ied Hannah Plant, of Little Rock, rk., "for the relief I got from Buckq'b Arnica Salve. It cured my fear1 running sores, which uothing else ould heal, and from whioh nothing je would heal, and from which I id suffered for 5 years." It ip a mar tlous healer for cuts, burns aDd ouods. Guaranteed at P. B. Speed ug store; 25c. Master's Sale.. FATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, fVuinfv nf AhKpvlllp. L Court of Common Pleas. / . uilford Cade against Thomas E. Frith, Sr., and others.?Foreclosure. By authority of a Decree of Sale by e Court of Common Pleas for Abjville County, in said State, made in ie above stated case, I will offer for le, at Public Outcry, at Abbeville , H., S. C., on Salesday in Novem?r (6th), A. D. 1905, within th&legal 1 )urs of sale the following described nd, to wit: All that tract or parcel ' land situate, lying and being in bbeville Couuty, in the State aforeid, containing Thirty Acres, more less, ana oounaea dv jonn iviorJi, James L. Covin and Thomas E. rith, Jr., known as the "home ace" of Thomas E. Frith, Sr. Also, all that other tract or parcel ' land in said State and County, conlining Fifty Acres, more or lees, the roperty of Thomas E. Frith, Jr., id bounded by lands of Thomas E. rith, Sr., and James L. Covin. Also, all that other tract of land in lid State and County, containing ifty Acres, more or less, and boundi by lands of Andrew McAllister, obert Alexander and others, the roperty of Joseph A. Law ton. Terms of Sale ?For cash. Purlasers to pay for deeds. * *** r* 5 _ JU. vv. jrerrni, , Master A. C.f S. CY Oct. 14,1905. tf "Have used one 20 yeara*J he Iron King. C. A. Mil ford la receiving every day a very , rge and attractive holllday line. Yon will > well to call and let him abow yon through betber yon bny or aot. "? TH est typ from p lli GEO. WHITE, JR., H.S. HAMMOND, Proprietor. Manager. J<" n ]' ; ' Jifl {IP!, j % ? . h: We have bought out jj(' the livery business of Mr. J.S. Stark and will . ^? Kii?inoaa of. t.ha , ( UV M UHIUVWW w?? v?w 4 . . game stand. We are V J prepared to do hauling of all kind. We also have good saddle and driving horses. H. S. HAMMOND, * Phone 32. Manager, p : i Of Real aud Personal,} Property. ' H -Br VIRTUE OF THE POWER CON- .." ferrad In and by the last Will and Testament I of Mirg. Jane A. Ramey, deceased, I will 'sell I.;' to tbu bigbest bidder, at Aljbev.Ule C. H.,S; C., on: 8alesday In November next, the real estate of said deceased, oonBlsllog of Four Hundred and Nine <409) f] ! Aires, -./ of laud located live miles sooth of tbe City of Abbeville. These lands will be sold In three tracts consisting of 130, 147 and 132 sores, respectively, plats of wblcb will be exhibited on day of sale. Also on tbe same day and J' place, I will sell tbree beads of good work 'j0| males and a farm" wagon belonging to said tbf estate. v1' tfl3 . Term* of Balf?Cash. Purchasers to pay for t>ei papers. s. on i L. A. RAMF.Y, ' Oct. 14,1906. Executor. P/ pa l r , ..j- pa! YWe are 8ole Agents here fo> ^ Vinol $ * * * "The moat famous Cod Liver QH preparation kaown to medicine. , ' i Contains ALL the medicinal eie- b* ments of cod liver oil, actually taken from fresh cod's livers, but hot a drop =. of oil. . . ' Delicious to the taste and recognized throughout the world as the greatest STRENGTH , CREATOR g for old people, weak, sickly women and children, nursing mothers and af- lre0 ter a severe sickness. am Cures Hacking Coughs, Chronic { * Colds, Bronohitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Unequaled to create be an appetite and to- make those who ? are too thin, fat, ro*y and healthy. Try it on our guarantee to return 001 your Jboney if you.are not satisfied. 50J ' T Ity Speed's Drug Store. j? ' taa TIT*. .1 DICKSON. ffi SURGEON DENTIST. ' GOLD FILLINGS; CROWN AND BRIDGF WORK A SPECIALTY. A GOOD PLATE- |8.00 AMALGAM KILLINGS 76o and. 1.00 OFFICE OVER BARKSDALE'S 8T0RF. 0 COTTOJT C The extensive addition to our No. 2 Warehouse now completed, enables us to store ^ fourteen thousand *(14,000) ^ bales under cover without ^ trouble. We are advancing B * ?/?. ? 1. money on cotton stored byW planters and merchants who prefer not to sell now. Augus- C ta is a large market with a _ great number of buyers all the year round.' . ** - C i DAVlSON'l FARGO, J C?llonFaovw|, ;4U.GU8TA, OA. . * ( 18/1906.^1! * Be; ' , jflj ?.J*' the earth but we do want G yoa'tg&te otmtfefe at'line stationery. Mil- ani Jec . J i ' : i ; : * * ' *4 Y V V." V/.* PI1 LUI'. L. I 1 I I \ ' 1 ' '1' ' " 1 E JRON KING STOVE >e of stove excellence )iire pig iron, and sho ireful workmanship, itli all the itnproveme 3 flues are of 'lie unass on, insuring the even bottom oven plate, ;traordinary reputatlc >akiug qualities. the medium and chea rry a full line, and Dcket book. guarantee every sto Our terms will si leasure in showing y< SEVILLE HAJ "THE HOME OF THI ? 1 iieai JCistaie i for Sale. T8,Ellis Graydonhas placed er elegant residence and the ouse and lot adjoining in my ands for sale. This is very Bsirable residences property sing so conveniently located ' = 1 v I . ? ., J i > i The Kinard house and lot j as been placed with me for / Ue at a very reasonable \ rice. V r . f *i . ? t fi . R. S. LINK, i K COB NOTICE. 1 . I! o IS OFFICE WILL BE OPEN " FROM MONDAY, OCTOBER , / .16th UNTIL SATURDAY, -15 /DBOEMBEB 30th, 1905. : !j ?7? VJ lie Hate of State, County., School and Special Tax,' Including One Dollar Poll Tax, One Dollar Commutation. Tax. * 'ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT TO raise supplies for tbe finest year commenog January 1, 1906, notice Is hereby given it tbe office or County Treasurer lor Abbele County will be.open for the- collection of leB lor said fiscal year from Monday, Octor 16tb, do til Saturday, Deoember 30lh, witht penatty. There win be added? V. penalty of one per oeut. on all.uuces not Id on January 1st, 1905. l penalty of two pur cent, on all tazea not Id-on February 1st, 1005. i penalty of seven per oent. on all taxes not Id on March 1st, 190o. ites Per Cent, of Taxation are as . <; . follows: Slate Tax .. S^tfillls. Connty Tax .? 8K i " ' f Special Counvy (Road) ;... y% " .y. Sinking Fund. 1 " School 8 " Special County (Poor Houst<)44 " ' '[ ' Total...... ! 12% . q n addition to the above^ a specialtax will ' oollected lor school parposeii as fallows: ' J Abbeville Special School 5}i'mlllg. ' Abbeville Special R.R. bonds 1% " Bethel 8 Sharon . f "< UL>wuucn? mc Ml. Carmel 1..: 3 ?? . Wllllog'.on 8 ** . McCormlck 2 > >' Dae Weil . ....3, " . k, poll tax of One Dollar per. capita on all tie citizens between tbe aire or 21 and 60 in, axcept such as are exempt by law, will collected. L commutation road tax of One Dollar will collected tbe >ame time as otber taxes m all male citizens between tbe ages of 18 d SO years, except such as are exempted by v. unless said tax Is puld by first of Marob, 6,elgbtdays work upon tbe publlo blgbways 11 be required under an overseer, If so nqucb necessary. .. 'axes are payable only In eold and silver b, United Utates ourrenoy. National Bank tea and Coupons of 8tate Bonds wblcb be ne payablfe'dartcg tbe year, 190S. A tax of jents will be collected on each dog. lb so few avail themselves of tbe opportnno/ pnylng texts at tbe times and places 1 retofore designated, 1 will discontinue tbe polmments over tbe County, and collect all ;es at tbe Treasurer's office. artlee desiring Information by mall In red to tbelr taxes will please write before ? oember 16ib, sutlng tbe location of tbelr X >perty, and Include postage for reply, and >se paying taxes by cbeck mast Include tbe lrge for collection. W. T. BEADLEY, 1 mreasnrer, ictober 4,1909. tf ! alrert & iTieHes ? Headquarters for ? 71lite Hickory Wagons wensboro Wagons, ,ock Hill Buggies, i ummer Buggies, hean Bueeies, , [arness, Laprobes, etc. ? !alvert & Nickles. " 'eb. 24.. 1904 tf * )op't buy a bHrrel of flour until you have (ji a ours and beard-our prlcew.?a.^ Link. ct >l&8Bware at Dargan'a In abundaiA. d< let our prloes on com. flour, bay, bacon A meal at A. M. Smith's. tc lut glass and china .ware for wedding preo- w la at A.M.Smltb'a* m S represent the high. They are produced w results of skillful They are kept up-tonts and conveniences. * jailable "bridge" coni distribution of heat thus accounting* for >n of "Iron Kings" for ... 1 " t tper grades of stoves can suit your wants ve we sell a perfect lit you, and we will )u our goods. , iDWARE CO. SS IRON KING." ' Our,'neighbor says, "Get the [ron King." imiilTii! >E. G. MESCHINE, of, the Hermitage Farm, ' Lowiidesville, S. C., retiring fronifarmiqg,' 1. will sell on qasy terms, in Farms of 50 to 100 Acres about one thousand tnree nuo* dred (1,300) acres, out of the - 1,600 acre* of the Hermitage Farm. Apply to J . E. C. MESCHINE, * Hermitage Farm, tfay 3, 1906. Lowndesville, 8. C. EAAA TELEGRAPHERS > NEEDED knntmlly, to All tee new positions created by tallroadand Telegraph Companies. We want c .rouDg Men and Lad)ea of good habits, to ' Leai*n Telegraphy v and B. R. Accounting. We tarnish 75 per cent of tbeOperatora and ttatlon Agents In America. Onr six schools re the largest exclusiveTeleerapb Schools In be WoblD. Established 3D yeses and enorsed by all leading Railway Officials. We execute a 1250 Bond to every student to rnlHh blm or her a position paying lr<>ni $40 rr S60 a month tn States earn of toe Rocky fountain*, or fiom 975 to $100 a month Is Itatea west of (he Bock us, immediately upon radnatlon. Studentt can enter at any lime. Novaca- j Ion*. For loll particular* regarding any of 4 or Schools write dtnct to our executive ofce at CliclDnaU, O. Catak gaefree. The MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY. 'lnclnnatl, Ohio. Buffalo, JH. Y.. Ltlanta, Ga.; -- LaCmue, WU. 'exarkana, Tex. San FrancUoo, Cal. WING MATERIAL b - I am now receiving a stock ol L DOORS, SASHES, ' '|J BLINDS, . FLOORING, n-pTT TM/1 XHAJLJJJ.il SIDING nd FINISHING LUMBER, also . SHINGLES, LATHS; LIME, CEMENT and HAIR." Jome iu and let me give you prices. A .G. FAULKNER, . .. ; TRINITY; ST. < Opposite A. B. MORSE.; - .vf.i'j M.'. -r-rrr*? ^ ' ; DO YOU NEED A ' ' . Mower or Rake ? IF 80, CALL AND SEE US AT. . ONCE. WE ABE AGENTS ." .FOR T^E ; DEERING ATO f HAVE A FEW TflAT WE WILL CLOSE OUT AT A REDUCED PRICE. ,; Yonrs for bualnesfi, < T. & T. M. MILLER. "Takes less fuel"?The iron . [ing.: ' ' W. D.; ADDIE" n has open up his bus- J iness in J. S. Cochran old stand. Bicycle and m Sundries, Picture Moulding-. A '4 Yours for business, W.D. ADDIE.,. ; I I , Prescriptions carefully compounded day or ?? Ight at Mllford's Drag Store.' : 811 "Tbe druggist rooms over tbe store." P1 If you have lo wrlte-a great deal s Wateran Pen will save you time and trouble. aI oce filled and Its over. Sold at Mllford's ri rug Store. * ' Its about time to repaper tbe bnuse, you 111 fliid wall paper In great variety at Milrds Drug Store. " . A We bave had a wonderful sale on our 1 uban Annex Clear, It is a good straight 5 ?l int cigar and those who smoke It once will A j so again. Sold only by C. A. Alii ford. . I want all the children to come to my store aI >r school supplies. I have everything they ant, books, pencils, pens, tablets, etc. Is ' rl * ' ' ? i > i"r .. ' : " - ' ' . ' W V Tnlwonn Jfr Pn I II. JX UUiiliOUll UL UVb v. '<- ; ',* ... ' . O" Invite you to examihe their full and complete line of . - mm - ' f - Jewelry : .s . ' v; .h;'^| ;-'v' *.?. i- _ t. _ ^ * tne oestinatcan oe naa ana at prices that will suit you. None Better9 ' v : . \ . ' - : ' . . . , ? . . . . ' ^ V- ' ?\uuu .. . .. ' . , \ : -r-?-? >* r . REPAIRING A SPECIALTY.: .: Satis&otory work guaranteed or : i your money back. Always here and at vour service. ? ' *: ^ " '' jjj& ' '' ' ' V ' ; ? J dU&bU, wvu-uujf 044U viigr President: Vlcs-Prsrtdsat: Oukltrt . F. B. HABBI801T. P. B. SPEBD. J. H. ItaP&S. - <* Board of "Director* ? F. B. Harrison, P. B, Sfreed, John R. Hake, O. A. Viaaneba, John A. Harris, R. M. Haddon, A. K. Watson, Lewi* V. Parker, W. P.Greene. w*solicit your bpsineM and are prepared to handle < it safely and cooierTatlvely. We are in position to make you loans, and to pay interest on deposit!) when placed In , Our Saving's Department. ^bbevilleLnmber Company, ueaiers in Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shingles, Lime. Best Portland Cement, full barrel, $2.50. Just received three cars Shingles, from the cheapest to the very est. Car of Doors, Sash arid Blinds just in. Two cars' Dressed .umber on hand.. Flooring, Ceiling and Siding. Get our prices and we will do the rest?viz: Sell YOtX?\ 1BBETILLE LUMBER OO; - * ; - v. The same old stand, near S. A. L. Depot. 1?' ' 1 ''I.,. , " ' , '' ' 'M Ttl ^ | # ^ ABBEVILLE, 8.^0. OFFICERS. DMKTOW. Si Q. Thomson, H. Q. Anderson, S- IG. TH0M80N, Preeitlent. G. A. Neoffer, C. C. GsmbreU, : A. NEDFFER Vice-President. Vf. E. Owens. C. 8. Jones, ; ' ' R.^E. COX, Cashier. r J. S. Stark, Ed.Ketoeifc, Jonn A. Harris. SCHOOL BOOKS Tablets Pencils Ink General School Supplies. Speed's Drug Store. ? DR. G. E. CALVERT, L HE HOME OF THE LATE a. W. COCH SUEGEON DEBTT1ST. I ,n, containing : 1fiiv A At Dr. Killingsworth't office. I lOU A C l . Angost 18.1905. U I wentj--five (25)acre? in bottom Imul. 8ltn- nriTPIT vnirrnv I ed three,miles from Abbevllie C?nri House DliMAL flvTIUJb I '""' "IWocmo. Dr. S. 0. Thomson, , i . * noiun.M.C. OFFICE DP-8TAJB8 OH MOILWAIM or C M. Coctiruu ou Comer. Abbeville. B. a DR. J. IlMClvLLsT /* M" J^1CKIi?8' Surgeon Dentist. a* ^aw'