; '- - - : / -, ??'-> ? I GEMS IN VERSE f ?*? ? ??- ?? ? * Sources. I passed a stagnant marsh that lay Beneath a reeking scum of green, A loathsome puddle by the way; No sorrier pool was ever seen. I thought. ''How lost to all things pure And clean and white those foul depths be." Next day from out that pond obscure Two queenly lilies laughed at me. I passed a hovel round whose door The signs of penury were strewn; I saw the grimed and littered floor, The walls of logs from tree trunks hewn. I said. "The pates of life are shut To those within that wretched pen." But, lo, from out that lowly hut Came one to rule the world of men, ?Strickland W. Gllllian in Baptist Un Ion. The Wrinkl* of Laughter. What hair he has Is very thin and gray; His eyes are sometimes filled with bitter tears, And when you see him on his weary way You wonder how he carries ail his , years. He is so old, so old and filled with pain One marvels at the spirit he displays; Yet from those eyes there flashes once again I The splendid courage of his younger days. And ever, when you greet him. you will see Upon his face a smile from worry free! There are a hundred wrinkles on his face? I Bears left by Father Time from battles grim? I Yet there Is one which does deserve Its place, . And. wrinkle that it is, it honors him. 'Tls long and deeply marked, and some might say It marred that strong old ta.ce. That la ' not so! It la the badge of laughter; day by day He saw the happy side and made It grow! x Though life has been no joke to him, he's found The value of a laugh?and passed It round. In years to come, when I am old and gray, One hope I have?that men may say of me: "The wrinkles that he has we would not change. The cheerful side of life ha helped us see!" ?Jack Appleton In Cincinnati TimesStar. , "Winter." Oh, winter, ruler of th" Inverted year, Thy scattered hair with aleetllke ashes flll'd, Thy breath congeal'd upon -thy lips, thy cheeks Frlng'd with a beard made white with other snows Than those of age, thy forehead wrapp'd i.. in clouds, leafless branch thy scepter and thy throne sliding car, indebted to no wheels. But urg'd by storms along its sllpp'ry way, I crown thee king of Intimate delights. Fireside enjoyments, home born happiness And all the comforts that the lowly roof Of undlsturb'd retirement and the hours Of long uninterrupted ev'nlng know! ?(Jcrw per. K Nothing to Suggest. My Uncle Hi's mind has an equable poise Through seasons of drought arid of rainIn'. "In worry," he says, "we lose sight of our Joys. An' we spend too much time In complainln', If the Lord In his wisdom sends blessln' or blight I'll take what he sees fit to proffer, For I'm firm In the faith that he's runnln* things right, . i An' I have no suggestions to offer. f'v I "To the Lord, when In travail, no dolorous plea I make, for my creed's not so narrow As to think for a moment he'll lose sight of me | When tie notes e'en tbe fall or tne s par- , row. He Is there on his throne, an' bo just Is j his rule, | ' Alike to the saint an' the sooffer; 11 X sit here at home Jes' a-t&kin' things ' cool. ' j An' I have no suggestions to offer. ; * i "It's a mighty good world that we live In j today. For the good's ail the time growin' bet- | ter. An'," my Uncle Hi adds in his comical v c way, 11 "It satisfies me to the letter! do I jes' keep to work in the shadow an' i shine. Bit by bit addln' gold to my coffer, For the world's bein' steered by a hand I that's divine. An' I have no suggestions to offer." ?Roy Farrell Greene In Success. The Way to Win. "Strike" while the iron is heated; "Pause," and the Iron's cold. If you strike too lat? on a hardened ' plate, The weld will never hold. "Seek," and success will follow; "Walt." and It passes by. Be quick to grasp, then hold It fast And trust tor a better try. { "Work." and the world works with you; "Loaf," and you loaf alon?L This strenuous world's a continuous < j whirl; ' It offers no room for the drone, "Life" Is an undertaking; "Death" Is a silent thought; j 60 let life's light Illumine the night |> v With the deeds that you have ?v*ought ?Indianapolis Sentinel The Larger Hope. Oh. yet we trust that, somehow, good Will be the final goal of 111, To pangs of nature, sins of will. Defects of doubt and taints of blood; That nothing walks with aimless feet. That not one life shall be destroyed Or cast as rubbish to the void; When Qod hath made the file complete That not a worm Is cloven In vain; That not a moth with vain desire Is. shriveled In a fruitless fire . Or but subserves.another's gain. ?Tennyson. Forbearance. Hast thou named all the birds without a gun? < Loved the wood rose and left it on Its stalk? At rich men's tames eaten bread and pulse? Unarmed, faced danger with a heart of trust? And loved bo well a high behavior In man or maid that thou from speech refrained. Nobility moxo nobly to repay? Oh. be my friend and teach me to be thine! ?Emerson Just in a shipment of the finest grade of new crop New Orleans syrup at Link's New Store. We believe we have Ibe best red twilled flaone), all wool. at 25 rents a yard to be fonnd anywberf?alro tbe cheaper grade.? Call and let os abow our bargains.?S. J. Link Georgia Cane and New Orleans syrup also tbe best apple vinegar the country aflords at Link's new Store. Onr SIC snlts will compare favorably wltb anita for $12.50 and 915.00, found elsewhere. JParrln Clothing Co, M?MllllllIII ! IIIBW1IHI1 IWIIWIII llf RA ^H^^4^BnBB^BBS0RSBB^B^HKrbvj^"^ iv / h* This is the ? The Flight of th( Tbfi Pie-ht, A full size train 2C Special JPr Special I The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. Probate Court.?Citation for Letters of Admin iHtratloc. By R. E. Hill, Esq., Judge of Probate. Wber^as. Dr, F. Y. Prewley has made aalt to me, to grant him Letter* of Administration or tbe Estate and effects oi Mr*. Louise M. Preesley, late of Abbeville Dounty, deceased. Theue are therefore, to cite and admonish til and singular the kludred and creditors ot > k' ?' ^ T rvi-. Ion M PrnuoloV ripppUkPil thut (hey be and appear before me, In ttie Court of Probate, to be held at Abbeville C H.. on Tuesday, tbe 14'ti day of November. 1905, after publication bereot, at 11 o'clock In the foreuoon, to show cause, tf any they bave, why tbe said Administration should not be jranted. Given under my hand and peal of the Court, . this 28ib day of October, in the year [Seal.] of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and live, and in the 131th year of American Independence. Published on the 1st day of November. 1905, In the Pre*s and Banner and on j Ihe Court House door for tbe time required by law. R. E. HILL, Judge of Probate. We are certainly shoeing the people. Our shoe trade j is Bometmng mai any iu&u might be proud of. Solid leather Women's Shoes $lto $2.25. All leather Men's Shoes $1.25 to $3.50 Just received our second shipment of the famous Waterproof Shoes for men. S. J. Link. Shot Guns, Sbelle. Knlvee, Razors and Sclfsoraat Glenn's. Sheeting 5x61-1, cheviots, drills demlns and J osenberg at Glenn'o. cs I . ' ' - }'iyx - ' .ry- r. " ' " ... i , -,i.. . _ mwimim OJV illl Holden Br Special arrangements have been : > . . . n f-k n , show you have been waiting tor. .Digger, x>t THE FEi 3 Denver Express. for Life. )0 feet in length will cross the stage. Every f ices 2o, <35 and 50c, Matinee at 2:30. ^ Vnlnnnmaa lino nf 1 lilt) JJllbUi JJXIOO uuu vi Stoves liave dozens of good modern points that we can point out to you if you will come in and look them over. They are made to cook and to last, and if these two things are not what you are looking for then the Enterprise will not suit you. All the quality that can be put into a stove is there, and whats interesting again is that the factory guarantees them to you for 15 years, and they have been pleasing the people for 40 years, and each year, of course, they have been perfected, for the Phillips & Burtorf Mfg. Co., of Nashville, Tenn , the makers of these wonderful goods, are progressive people and are constantly on the look out for a chance to improve. Dargan's 5 and 10c Store. * ales 2E I have sold my Liver White, and rented him pai T am still in the sales same old stand, and am pr< best stock the market affor A car load of Mules ai this week, and from time to J. S. i t_ - y_j . . .J . .. ' .... , -J " . ' E NIGHT v\J I Hi - PKESENTJ os. Gigantic S made by Manager Hi] ver Express Special { EX _tL' * jB I ' '* r ' 3tter and Brighter than 1 ' Ci , l- ' a mi?m TnCN . _L" u xi/xufr? ; The Battle with The E feature guaranteed as, r< Seats on sale at Milfor Prices 10, Mr. S. J.Link: . I Dear Sir?I have bought I flour from you every week since you have been in business, and must say it is the best flour I have used in 12 years- Yours truly, , C. M. Jones. cra-nol-ineJ 5 = fl Ask C. a. MILFORD, The Drug- t gist, what Cranoline is, or you g can finish reading this and learn without asking Cranoline is a preparation * for the removal of dandruff and will \ psevent the hair from falling out. a r preparation not gorgeously perfumed ? like most * f the hair foods. Cranoline . will be used on your hair by every (3 firstclass barber, if you will only call o for it when in barher shops. a great many barbers will tell you they have something just as good as 1 Cranolfne, but you can get the genuine t Cranoline if you will insist for it. C. ^ a. Milford, The Druggist, has exclusive agency for this eminent prepara- F tion. If vou fail to get it, it will be your own fault. A word to the ladiep: j, All fashionable ladies keep a bottle on ? tbeir dresser. Sold on a guarantee. For J sale only by C. A. Milford, The Drug- t gist, Abbeville, 8. C. 12m ft The Lone Cane Cemetery Association will f< meet al Upper Long Cane on Nov. 15 at 2 o'cloofe. All tbe n.embers are earnestly rt- D q ueBted to be preseDt. i, M. V. Dusen berry Pres. itai y business to *V?TT ccf n lvlc. I u? my ova,u?\ji \ business, hen spared to furi ds at reasonab id Horses will > time during t iTADV i i mm f ) t ?fV. / . . j | i|.i_m_?J_ 'v :r - - -rr^-ftff/y^ toiii BEAT ? Nm / ^ -m v > ONLY. S| VCRO J ?? ????? ' ' V i ' ' : ' *' cehic Product 11 at his Pavilion Th( I Scenery. i ' * ' ever. The King oft * ' ' i?v ' - 1 V,,.;'"'-.-;'i ' .B !_ the Indians, xcellenlf,Specialty ^presents?; Remembe d's Drug Store. Resei 15 and 2 , ' ' . W .11II III To Orange Blossoms and . Bridal Tails. ? MRS. TAGGART Is prepared with all the necessary nachinery to answer all calls for acordeon plaiting of either skirts or ? I rills. The -angels <>C the starry clime ometimes veil their faces, but beauiful women of the earth wear plaited kirts and fluted frills every day in he week and Sunday too. All the vomen who wear the garniture pre>ared by Mrs. Taggart have hosts of tdmirers and all the girls whom she Iresses are so bewitching when they :o to walk that they must take the logs along to keep the lovers away, ^nd for those who with sweet attracive grades and pretty dresses stay at lome the old gentleman must premrp pvtra hat racks and extra lights. Plain girls in plain attire may be nduced to stay at home, but ^Trs. 1 'aggart's customers ar6 called away o shine in other hearts and other iomes. Plaited skirts and fluted frills are Drerunners of orange blossoms and ridal veils. The one necessarily foldws the other. . 5 ' Mr. George !"*? 5. wever, at the lish you the le prices. L be received Tip Reason. r J - .. i .v- .v rr.vii rfi";-; ft. ' <|S BE. l 3d. .. , J FT ?~?s? ion. satre to use the Den.. . | Melodramas. &K : .' : '^3ri. c&Jffi t? ' ' .'* V -. *d.\> ?J * . fk. / ^ . ' _ 1 . Numbers , .!v. . -'.4 }r, one night only. ' "t;v' . T6 them early. 5 tats. YALXJABLE ; sti ... .# I have for sale several very valuable tracts of land situate within a mile of the corporate limits i of Abbevilje. This land is highly productive, wefl watered and two tracts thereof have splendid dwellings and out houses ready for oc- cupancy. This land can be divided into convenient tracts to suit. the purchasers. '--0 No better or better improved land can be bought in the State, situate as this is near a town of 5,000 inhabitants, and in the highest state of cultivation. For particulars call or write me. Richard Sondley, Agt., ABBEVILLE, S. C. Fretb fat number one mackerel three for !5 cents at 8. J. Link a. / :'u >" : > s. if." > 1