The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, September 27, 1905, Image 13

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r- r ' Look, Read,f Think and B U Y! THE GRANDEST OPPORTUXIty ofalifetime will now be&iven those who wish to secure a home near the flourishing town of Greenwood, S.|C. It is neur enough to enjoy the |adi . vantages of Lander College, Public Schools, Churches and all other advantages of town life without the city taxes. Electric Light plant within 200 yards of the place. * The A.M.BLAKE HOMESTEAD consisting of 608 .Acres, iii?t nnrth u*p?t nf thp oit.v limits hsis been divided into nine tracts and will be sold for division, Monday, Oct 2, at 12 m., in front of the Court House, This is the finest chance a man o; moderate means will have to securt a home so near Greenwood. This property is situated on the road lead ing from Greenwood to Cokesburj and Ware's Shoals along which th< contemplated trolly line will run There is not a body of land in th< Piedmont section which has as little j.~ i 3 wasie ituiu <ia wna ^uaiiuiuuii. The Terms of Sale will be one-thirc cash, balance in one, two, three oj four years as the purchaser may de sire. If purchasers are not prepared tc pay one-third down, special arrange ments can be made with the legatee? ? who are all of age. LOT No. 1?Situated on Rock} Creek, which never over flows, containing 2(j 7-10 acres, is property any one should be proud to own. This lot has two springs, about ten acres bottom land well set in Bermuda and other grasses, five acres in timber, balance in cultivatable land with a beautiful location for a dwelling. Up the road a few hundred yards we come to LOT No. 2. which con tains 32 2-10 acres. This lot has four acres fine bottom land, four acres in well timbered pines, balance in high state of cultivation, with an elevation for a dwelling which over-looks the city of Greenwood. Combine this lot with No. 1 and you have a complete dairy farm. LOT No. 3?Contains 35$ acres, five acres of bottom land, balance in a high state of cultivation. It is bounded by the public road in front and another running the entire length north west. Location for house on this lot equally as inviting as Lot No. 2. LOT No. 4, which contains (>2A acres, is a gem, the finest piece of land in the county. Ten acres in oak, four in pines, five in bottom land, which never over flows, balance high state of cultivation. Some of it makes a bale of cotton to the acre. A good farm house and tenant house, well of good water and a fine orchard Location for dwelling cannot be surpassed in the State. Large' oaks in yard. This place is an ideal country home. LOT No. 5?Consists of 91 2-o acres, and embraces soil adapted to the "'^1* nf lmncf onv nrnn rTh i>i gruw 111 Vi aiiuvov uiij viv|'? place contains fifteen acres bottom land and plenty timber for all needs. Two springs, tine pasture land, good tenant house, and three beautiful sites for dwelling. LOT No. 6?Containing 100 acres s the old homestead. Good seven room dwelling, two tenant houses, plenty of out houses, well, spring and orchard. More than thirty acres oak and pine land. Fine pasture and bottom land. This place like No. 5 contains three distinct soils, red clay, sandy loam and black with clay subsoil. What better place do you desire? LOT No. 7, which joins the homestead contains thirty-five acres all in oak and pine land. Enough wood on place to pay for it. This can be bought in connection with the home place if parties so desire. All these tracts face the east side of the roau. LOT No. 8, which contains 8JM acres is one that is all a purchaser could desire. A good spring and spring branch running the entire length of the tract. Fine pasture. Several hundred cords of wood could be sold from this place and still enough be left for the use of the farm. There are four distinct characters of soil represented on this place, suitable for grain, corn, cotton and vegetables. Two nice locations for a dwelling. LOT No. 9?Contains 75 acres. It has a spring and spring branch running the entire length of it. Fine place for pasture. This is a sandy soil, plenty timber to keep up place. ? Two good tenant houses and a wellTwo beautiful locations for a dwelling. The above property can be sold as a whole, or in tracts, privately or at public auction, the latter prefered. ProsDective purchasers will be shown over* the place if desired. For further information or questions apply to R. P. BLAKE, Greenwood, or J. R. BLAKE, Abbeville. % S ? - i. ' ??? . V . * f 1 r ) ? JSflEc: We now have in plete. In quality it lowest. We will appi buy. v. Be sure and We are sure THE "BOSS" COTTON PRESS! SIMPLEST, STRONGEST. BEST The Murray Ginning System Gins, Feeders, Condensers, Etc. GIBBES MACHINERY CO. Columbia. S. C. mo? ?bbmmb?i > iiwih?? Cliiimbt'rlaiii's Cough KMiifdy Aeitt on Xaturf'M IMnn. The most nuccessful medicines are those that uid nature. Chamberlain's f'nmrli Remedy acts on this plan. ^? ? ^ Take it when you have a cold and it will allay the cough, relieve (he lung-i, aid expectoration, open the secretions and aid nature in nstoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. Price 25c. Large Bize, 50 cents. For sale by C. A. I Jdilfojd and U.M. Young, Due Weet ? ??? . t..-, Wmm. .? . Vsy ] ( Do you desire style creators wh( This indescr shown in every j We are an e to measure only, The scope of 500 varieties?th goods. It also p -C 4- ?-t-t /A n t*o 111 dlAU. illiioii cuv. If you desire it will pay you t Our new Fc unusually attract H. G. THE " ?..11 li?r\ Coll rvr\r-l c d. It'll lllic vji i an is secorid to none, anc reciate a call from you i s see our line of Shoes, we can make it to rww en wmm^t BUILDING MATERIAL" I am now receiving a stock of DOORS, ( SASHES, * BLINDS, FLOORING, CEILING, \ SIDING and FINISHING LUMBER, also SHINGLES, LATHS, LIME, CEMENT and HAIR. Come in and let me give you jrricef. A. G. FAULKNER, TRINITY ST. Opposite A. B. MORSE. i Cut glass and china ware for wedding presents at A. >1. Smith's. ( i Nails and barbed wlieat A. M. Smith p. Get our prices on corn. flour, hay, bacon and meal at A. M. Smith's. Do you need a churn V The elegant whlto glazed churns we are showing are the goods for you to buy. Easy to keep clean. Dar? KBU HOHUU IU _ . _ I One 2-horse power Acme steam engine for j sale. Apply Frees and Banner office. ( : a_ Does Ap \Yy uUUlll V V ; that exclusive quali d are in touch with th ibable element of s garment we produce. xtensive and well-kn with representatives our business permit* e newest importatio ermits the employme ! irreproachable. : the highest quality :o investigate the He ill and Winter styl ;ive. L. E. HAYS & O REPRESE ANDH PLACE TO Our stock is com1 our prices are the f you are not ready to hoes, We have them fror your intesest to give km hi State, County and President: Vlce-Prt F. E. HARRISON. P. B. ? Board of Directors* : Jlake, G. A. Visanska, John A. Harris V. Parker, W. P. Greene. We solicit your business ai it safely au?l < We are in position to make you lo; when placed in Om* Saving's J. M. N1CKLES, Attorney at Law, Al>l>eville, S. C. )ftice with W. N. GruyUun. DR. J. 11. NICKLES, Surgeon Dentist. Office over 0. A. Milford's Drug Store. ?? 1 pearance rith You? ty in tailoring attainec e newest ideas in fabr tyle, richness and e: Lown firm of merchan i all over the country s the carrying of a st( ns and the highest g int of expert cutters a of tailoring service a iys System?the *'Mo es in suitings and < 0., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1NTED BY RS0N& \ BUY GOODS J MP" MM J? '" HyfT-aiv^ wnGKai &flSi!iiB 1 Be sure and will take pleasure ir anything in our line. Shoes n $i to $5, and a co i us a call. pywni' of Abbeville, i . City Depository. isident: Cashier: iPEED. J. H. DuPRE. F. E. Harrison, P. B, Speed, John R. i, R. M. Haddon, A. K. Watson, Lewis u<l arc prepared to handle conservatively. ans, and to pay interest on deposits, Department. DR. G. E. CALVERT, SURGEON DENTIST. At Er. KilliDgsworth's office. August 16,11X15. tf DENTAL NOTICE. Dr. S. Q. Thomson, OFFICE UF-STAIK8 ON Mo.ILWAIN ..Corner, Abbeville. 8. O. wm r- ' v>-* ' >vt'W-"' '/Y ' "' ' . r'f y / * * ' ' i i j I > 1 only by big city ics and fashions? cquisite taste is t tailors, making . . )ck of more tlian TTT ; v rade of domestic 7; >\ .nd tailors. Cut, I , " V % t moderate price, dern Method." overcoatings are . * ' V?'? . CO. * ' I / rs AT ITOI n ' call and see us, and ) showing you, and n :! i- r _ii _ a.I ? mplete line 01 an siyit E, ml Abbeville Lum Dealc Lumber, Sash, Doors, I Best Portland Cement, fuli b; Just received three cars Shin? best. Car of Doors, Sash and Bl Lumber on hand. Flooring, Ceilinj Get our prices and we will do ABBEVILLE 1 The same old stand, r Tie Peoples S ABBEVILI OFFICERS. 8. G. THOMSON, President. G. A. NEUFFER, Vice-President. R. E. COX, Casuier. . -'..tiJMfct. ?'?^?^*1 4" 1 .. ' . , ... .. V/'-"'? . *W ; ' * f * H~* ?9 r'z'\ 'j: " ' ' ' - V? ' C<|| . ' . ; i . " " ' ' i ' . - . " i -2 i . > ' - rc ' ' ' c, ' : .< V5'^ ' < ' '. -*'.* a , vr, v ,''.7 ** ;: . V \ : V i , ' , - - * *' , ?< ft ' ' ; . *i . I. r,'. h ' t: ' '' . ' A i V.i , , get our prices. ( We naking you prces on f :-A'"s 1 ? 7 >v C * v.(.r - i. V >. I r H * '/* I iber Company, I ;rs in B n^rio flliitiffUa. T.imA. I miiUO) WU*U JJAVMJ mmmmmmirw _ arrel, $2.50. H rles, from the cheapest to the very I inds just in. Two cars Dressed I g and Siding. B the rest?viz: Sell YOUH LUMBER CO. I tear S. A. L. Depot. H laving Bank, I jE, s. C. _ I DIRECTORS. I S G '"homson, H. G. Anderson, G. A. Neuffer, C. C. Gambrell, H W. E. Owens. C. 8. Jones, fij J. S. Stark, Ed. Keiaer, jfl| Jonn A. Harris. 9 _____ : r ? .. - *?