The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, August 30, 1905, Image 5

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Wf 1 1 '' ' '.- w BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1905. ESTABLISHED 1844|flj WEST EN1) ? j , Ml"8 Wlulon Parks ts at homo acxin after| atteu'diug Hie ."luuiuier Scbooi at Kuixvilie aid n uionlb's may at M'l. Nebu,'T?uu., a dellgntiui mountain report. Mi** .->arao Stitoling left last Woduej-dnj Jor tier bume iu Walunlia aller a delishuui \ imi ii^ie to Miss Mab'rj, M . r. I' <i i-irtes vv?8 lu Sp^riaubu-'g part a oi iaNl hcoK vibllmg his daughter, M.S. H. F tac<iee. Miii Liiila Birr and Miss Bessie 'l'. liy have returned lo itieir bullies in A.iflenma alter being tli- guestnoi Miss Miry H II lot a we- k M.isOuTio n oere irom Xewu-rr.v, penuiui; a While Witu uer Colisiu, Miss IHic-ii White. Miss Lull Turner of Ninety 8ix is spending we^k Here with htr sinter, Mrs. J. E. June*. Mr. R. U Daig.>o came Dome iioiu Mew York Monday alter a two weea's ?ta> ttiere Miss JSelie Dunbar ol Eibertou is spending some time with Miss Muttie Barksdaie at tier some near the ciiy. Mrs. C. D. Brown and Miss JLouioe are at Louie again alter a week's slay lu Atlanta with Mi?s Lyibgoe. Mrs. W. H.Kerr of Green wood spent a pari ol Usi week here ttie guest of Uer son, Mr. J. D. Kerr. Mr. J. Townes Robertson, Jr., of Birmingham, Ala., tias been lu the city lor the paoi week. Mrs. Pembroke Bruryion has leturued to her home in Orangebarg alter u pleasant visit here to her brother, Dr. Neuffer. Mrs. Tbomas Crymes ol Greenwood, wa> the guest ol her sister, Mrs. J. D. Kerr lor se\ erui days lasi wees. Mrs. saidie Mazyck and Master P.ul Mtzjck left Monday Tor Columola \\utr< ibey will vlolt Mrs. J. F. J lviiigsiun lor a while before gon g to KoeK Hill wuere ibe> , will spend tbe wiuier. Miss Carrel I, Miss Juliet Henry, Miss Henry and Ml?s Lucy Henry spent last Wednesday wan Alias Auule anu Mm Maine Knik.-dait at tbeir country borne. Dr. J. A. Dlcksou Is ut home stain after a lew wetk's slay ut Hot springs, Arts. Dr. < Dicksou bas been greatly benenutU by uis slay at ibeSpringe. Miss Lizzie Welis left Thursday for her 1 home in Columbia after ? pleasant \isll U. her bruiber, Kev. P. B. Wtlls. Mr. H. U. Andeison spent a few days at his home ix-ar Audeison last week. Mr. Ernest Latimer of Washington, L" C., was the guest of Mr. W. Latimer last week. Mrs. A. E. Cox Das gone to Iva to visit btr daughter Mrs. Samuel Wharton. Mr. J.>bu M. Harden was In Augusta part i 01 last wee* on business lor ibe Va. Carolina | Chemical Company. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nlcklee spent Thursdaj In Hodges with their sister, Mis. fn.kuev Mcllwaio. 0118. 3 tune JUCVIUUK la 111 uuiuc a LSI o month's stay al Harris Ltthla Dr. W. H. McPheeters ol ibe Th ologlca Seminary In Columbia was tue kutsat ol Mr J. Allen Smith last week. Miss Sue Lipscomb has gone to btr h nm- It. Ntnet* sis altera week's stay bete wlili Allss Mary Hill. Mr. aiid Mrg. B. 8. Barnwell have riiurn^ri from Saratoga where tbey sicut the month of August. Miss Balah Todd of AugtM?, Ga.. Iihn b. i t nnpndirga while here wnb ha huli, .Mis. J. H. Latimer. v , Mrs. Jaiue6 Cochran cam<- li >"" Ti.i:- d from Charioite where bbe li ? i, |. some time with ber home p? ?>p *. Miss Corrle Holllngswoi i bus ;.<ir ' f!iB>>opvili? to visit ber, Mrs. W. >j m MoCutohen. Mr. Wnliam Barnwell -hikol.omeSaturd-: lrom Troy where be beu ?!. pending a J. davs with bis sunt, Mb- .~>tie McCasleu. v Mr. James W ll6on of Piedmont wa* in tl city purl ol last week the guest of bis slat.., Mrs. M. H. Wilton. Miss Uosa C-lhonn ol Clemson Is sptndin). some tlice heie With her coui-lus, the Calboun. . Judge and Mrs. ?. B Gary left Friday for ' Harris Sptitigs where they will >pmd some tlr>'0. Mr. L. T. Mil'er and Master Roy Miller came home Saturday from Monroe where tbey h?vs been tbe'gucsts ol Mr. Alfred Dearinii for a week or ten dny?. f Mr. C. D. Brown went to Greenville Satur- v day. Mr. W. i>. WII?on came home from New ?; York Saturday atler ?' two wet-kV stay Un-re ' ] Miss Ellz-Uiflh Barron lett Saturday for hei r home_ln Columbia alter a pit asaut stay iiert f with All** ataory. Mrs. Geo. While carre home frr m G'een- t vlile Friday alier spendli K souie lime then with her sister, Mrs. J. 8. Cothmn. ? Mrs. Joel Weir and l'erch"dr?-u of Nlnetj Six were the guests of M Iss Mary Leu frnlth ? lor several days last wh k Mr. and Mrs. Foster Barnwell have t een in AS lanla spending a tew (Jay ?. Mr. J. S. Link has con.t home from New Yoik. Miss lone MP'er 13 lu Gn en wood visiting , Miss Janie MeKelier. i Mr. and Mr*. Albert Way left ThurRdny for their home in bmiiswitk. niter si eiMting j sometime here with Mr. a B. Mkw. M irr Elizabeth Norwood of l>r<sclfn mm 1 the guest o! Miss Ivy Cuiliouu hWHul dayf | Jam week.' Miss Ellen and V.rginlM Grin.breli s j went to Atlanta Monday lor a uo daj> stay. PLEASANT RKCKPriON Last Thurcday evt nlDg Miss Sarah Ilenrj t emeriaintd m honor ol hn charming guests | Miss Julie' H?-nry of Greruville alio Miss 1 Com el l of Concord, N C. t T&e broad cool veranda, where the guests rat, w*r hunt; with pretty Japunei-e laiiirn 8. | Alone end delightful punch wan aerved bj Mrs. Mazyck asaiated by Mra. W. A. Cmi vert ; .During me evening icea and cake w?-ie liaiu'- ( ed. MlfsHfDry wan et>IMed in rfceving bj ber Bister, Miss Lucy Henry and M.aa Sushii , Hill. Mbs Frances Staihe Is hem* from a two weekaaiay atGlenna. Mlta is?rke la looking tlnely alter her outing. Mltm Alice Connor wbo baa b?tn (be guett of MIps Mabry lor tbt wetk baa gone tu bei borne in Greenwood. .Mrs. J K. AndertsoD and interesting children are here from Anderson aptudli g Minn i time wiili Capt. and Aits. 8. K. Wil- i Darns. ! Kev. P. B. Wells baa been granted a vaca tlon by bla coi gregatiou and be ba? gone to i New York to enjoy this outing. Mi. Welle i will be out ol tbe city lour weeks. < Mlsa Louise Carter and Mica Annie L zzlcCarter have gone lo their heme In liauwei Ga., after a pleasant vielt bere to tbt-li aunt i >lrs. P. B. ?pftd. Mlaa May Davis of Monroe is the pretty , guest ol her sister Mrs. Henry Wil lama. MUs Juliet Henry has returutd to bet bome in Greenville alter spending toiur i lUriti horo tPHh MifckSfltHh Hf-niV. . Mr. W. E. Sberard went to AllaHa Mod day. Mr. Lawton Robertson ut.d Utile Miss Lt! ' Robertson spent a lew days in Houu I'ali last week. Mrs. Henry Williams la home ugHln after u months stay at Monroe where she vikiua Ler borne people. Mrs. Richard Hill and Miss Emma ilaiiiro?me bocne the first of last week from Wrtgbtsvllle Beach whete they had bieu spending some time. i Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun Msrsball have returned to their home In Anderson, Mr*. Mart-hall aud her children have been spendUig seme time here with Mrs. J. W. Marshall. Miss Cossle Filming Is spendiDg a few days with Mrs,T. L. Robertson. Mr. R. S. Link was in Atlanta several days last w?ek. Mr. John M Harden and Miss Rosa Maswell gave au eDierialnment Thursday evening in honor o) Miss Neiie Clav o> Savannah who has beeu their guest for tba past d ouih Alter a number of interesting games reliesh* roents weie served. Those pie?ent were Misses Jessie Speed, Mary Lawstn Luk. Margie Fern. Mary F. I ink, Mary Smith, Masters Bonner White, Albeii Morce, Paul Mszjck, Gottlcb Nt utter ai d Francis Link. Dr. W. M. M?Pheeters preactud id (he Presbyterian chinch Suutiaj moinirg. Dr. MePbteters Is 01 e of the Prole?se>is at Columbia S? inlnaiy and is much inteiested jp tpe rusuj itriau vuutge hi uuuiou. L'nU p ervlcts weie held Sabbath ivenlrg io ibe AMclate Kefoimed (butch, Hev t. B. Kenrndy prmibtd. A latgeand attentive cotgrepalUiD beard biro. JVlts. J. W.Shtrard ol Lebanon was in town Mrtuday. Mis* Susie Speer r.nd >lr. Geo. Sprcr of ^? MoDtfi^y wtie iii tbe city lot u itw bouts Friday. Mrs. T. 8. Cl?y end her <bi!dien lelt 'J utsday let ibtlt b< a-* St; ?a\ai x >t> alt< r jnt >01116 tltiie line with Mis. Annt^ M 1 Mm W. J. Richaidsf fi ol JJlnely S:x is j opfodirg seme tin.e wlib bir sister. Mis. J. E Jens. M ist- Airbie Etzi man of Kidg<woj is bete the guest of bet uster Mr*. John Utsey. Mr. aid Mrs. W. T. Bell of Spat laijbu'g i have b? en tbe guests of Mr. and Mis. J, K I Jones for tbe past weffe. Miss Mary Hill haves Wednesday fori Phoenix, Arizona, where she will resume her1 jpoeltlon in the Government School. Mlsa For the ne fcion in all lin your interest wish to buy a ber the followi iays only. Grocers \ ' fixoniilo + tifl Si Arbuckle's Co 25 lbs. of Goo Octagon Soap, 10 lbs. Good G You will 1 Jill hoc HIiaH Viar r?rwsitlr?n fnr R niimbar of I ears and ilk^s the work. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Q, varies were called to . ipurtanburi: to the t ed mde of 'heir son Mr. ? P. Quarles Jr., Monday. Mr. Q juries Is w nuch better and a speedy recovery is boped , nr. . ', Dr. R-?yford Power pent last week with * lis father, Mr. Henry Pow*rln Antrevllle. MUs Corrle Ktllinftsworth is In Atlanta lor , i lew days. ? Mrs. D. A. Godbold has returned 1o ber " lorae lo Marlon after spending sometime ? lere with Mrs. James S.Bowie. KUCHRE CLCB Mrs. Frederick Mlnslull entertained the '' l,adles K tirhre Club Friday afternoon. Mrs. Vllliam P. Greene a^sNted Mrs. Mlnuball In cceivioi her ?ii-?ts and served refreshing cil tea In the ha". After a uumhtr ot iner?ti"i: Kutnes c?kn aod less w?-r? served, d tfls-iftriceSmith w;llentertain t ie club at P b?* >v.\t meeting. d M;s. McLaughlin of Blshopville and Ml?s cl 5'evenson of Dele .varo are l;ie guests of Mrs. m iV. S. Cotbrau. ti l? D OF C S. a The Clarke Allen Chapter D. of C'fl will neet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Ml?s j|| lelen Smith. A full meeting is requested. ^ rhe annual dues are to be paid at this meettie. f, Miss Lillian Oatnbrell spent Monday aod ei rue?day in Atlanta. n Mrs. Allen M. Sboen and Master Elward tl 3bot>n left Monday for Atlanta alter spend- y nsc a while here with Mrs. J._H. Perrlo. Mr. J. Ij. rtrriu him bis children went to Atlanta Monday on the excursion. p P " T p M The Barmore Family Keuii|i>|i. f1 If The family of Larkln and Eliza Barmore ? met t<-g??t h?r ai the old homestead, two rallfR ?oUth of Donald* and now owned by \V. R. . Dunn, on Thursday AuguBt 23 _ There were five dHughtera pr^Rfnt, tour ions-lL-'aw, one dauuhUr-ln-la w, twenty nine grand chlidn n, tblrt.v-t wo i?re?t grand o chl'drcD, four treat great grand children. The following were present: MrR. Trlphosa McUi'e, Mr*. D. E. Acker, Mr*, salll* Mattl- ? ?on, Mrs. HaSRietone Riley, Mir. HiNraiu p Dunn, the five llviDg daughters, Mrs. 8. A. j B?rmore denghter-'D-'aw, Mcrrm VV. B. Acker G. B. Riley, W. R. Dunn, J. W. Mat- u tlBi'U, Rons ir-law, and the lollowlng de- j RoendBi IBMr. aDd Mrs. L. F. Aguew, Beatrice Agnew, Lizzie Aanew, Uyiinch Agnew. W. E. Agnew. Mrs. Willie A?new, n R.E. Agnew, Wlnton Aanew, LIIIIho Agnew, _ Vtvlnu Agnew, RdIur Agnew, Mrs. E turn a Agp^w, Ka;e Aenew, Gladys A:new, E. W. Barmore. Mr. and Mrs. R. L Barmore. Mr. and Mrs. Bn'more, In>/, B-ock. I furl Ilrl.r.l? M o .. ,1 \? . ? 1 U Callahan.. Mrs. Eliza Carlisle, Ethel Carlisle, Baimore Dunu, Rob Dunn, Herbert Dunn, Eula Dunn, JJola Ellis, Edna Ellis, Cl 'Udla Emerunn, Louise Emerson, Cgthline Emerson. E P. Gambrell, Mrs. Mucie Gnmbrell, W. H. Latimer, >'r?. LHa Latimer, B. M. Lull- a mer, Trlphera Lailmer, Mrs. Annie Kenne- v dy, Clara H. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. John R. * MctJee, Furman McGee. Jennie McGee, Mrs. Luva Matt*rod. Gertrude Maltlson, Lowrenoe P. Mattlson. Mrs. LlUa MeCord, Marlon Mc- 11 Cord, William MeCord, Mrs. Nola Mays, Batmore Mays, Eugene Mays, A. H. McAee, Gu*fe a MoU< e, MI>-8 Mary Rlchey, Mr. and Mrs. H. ? L Rasor. Annie B. Rasor, Mary C. Rasor. I 8 Ruth A. Ra^or, Andrew B. Rueor, and Nell A*new. v When tbe dinne hour ariived, tables were spread under the shade of the oaks lu II the yard. Alt?-r an earnest and appro* 1 prlate prayer by the Kev. R. W Burts. ? who was the pastorot Mr. and Mth. Barmore atthetltue of their deal h. dinner was served * bv the members ot the family. Tbe day was J1 one oferjoyrnnit for all who wtre present. Ahrnf 111,It <tf tt.H dpt^nrlnntli I (i/lnir In S South Carolina were pr?sent. Miss Mitry K'ch'-y ol Gu Town Miss., grand niece. wts M the only representative of tbe Joseph Agnew family who moved went about flay years J ago. Rev. and Mrs. R. W. Hurts was present. " Four of the old family servants were . present. Booker Adams, cairlaye driver, l' remained on the place until a few years ago. Jim Smlih, biaoksmlib, lives In the sntre community yet. Marlon Miller nod v Marlnda Miller, two old servants, also live . Lear the old plantation. Larkln Barmore married Eliza Donald daughter ol Major John Donald He settled two miles below Donalds and llvfd there , all of bis life, He died August 5ib., lb"G. i aaed fevfnty five years. He vvus interred In : the Turkey Creek cemetory. His wife j El za Barmore died eleven days later and v was interred by his side. Their posterity 7 rise up anil call tbetn blessed. H. C. B. I WanteiJ. Shares in the peoples Band J. C >ECI wawi^ MM :SE2ZZH TtE > / J i J1 xt ten ciays es for Cash, to call and i nd save mon ng prices are fiS. r%^- w igar 18 lbs. for $1. ffee 15c per package. d Rice for $1. , 7 bars for 25c. reen Coffee for $1. find everythi] W. 3S Pence 1m Declared. The erstwhile seemingly Insurmountable afitacle" have been removed and the white inged dove of peace supplants the war eagle. Muoh pralre Is due to Theodore Roosevelt, ir without him the question would not have ft been settled. He is the man that does lines and is not an idle dreamer. Mr. Witte proved himself the diplomat of di'omats, he outmanoevered the Japs hy great Ids and obtained for bl8 fatherland peace editions that will ever reflect credit upon 1m. iHNt Stnmblinic Blork Which PreveutN Peace I hrimt A*tde by Japan Atlanta Constitution. St. Petersburg, August 29,3:15 A. M.?The ispatch trom Portsmouth declaring that resident Roosevelt was authorized several ays ago, on behalf of Japan, to waive all latni tor Indemnity or reinbnrsments for the ist of the war, and to cede back to Russia le northern half of the island of Sakhalin, saving the "redemption" price of it to the rbltratlon of a mixed commission, was re Hved too late here last night, to reach the eneral public, but its slgniflcence was Insanity recognized In the quarters where It penrae known. There Is every reason to believe, Judging om the official expressions persistently gtvn out by the foreign office since the beglfilog of the negotiations at Portsmouth, that lis proposition by Japan to waive tbe queson of Indemnity gopB tar toward removing le last and, according to official explanaoos, the only stumbling block in the way of eace. eace. Tbe foreign office has said that, every dlsuted point between Russia and Japan, with ae exoeptlon of the payment of indemnity, Q#i i.runltnjillv hopn arranpfld nn a hftRlu sat. ilactory to bolb Rides, but that Russia would ever pay an Indemnity. Iftbe latest propo? ils of Japan mean that she waives all claims i Indemnity of any kind or description, giv. a* up all Idea of reimbursement for tbe ex. en?es of tbe war In any guise whatever, and 3 place thereof Is prepared to accept for tbe pstoratlon to Russia of the northern half of akba lln, a redemption price to be fixed by n unbiased commission, this price to he de? srroined upon tbe actual value of tbe island nd not to take Into account Japan's war ex* ense6 or to carry a concealed Indemnity to apan. there Is reason lor the assertion that a all probably Japan's proposal was never nderstood here In this way, and for the deuctlon. according to tbe Russian official tatemeDts, that the stumbling block to peace an be removed and that there ought to be a ew and promising basis for the contlnuanco f the negotiations. TROY, . A large party of our young people went on picnic to Little Mountain Saturday. illss Ethel; UdderwiiJ jof High Springs, lorida. Is visiting Mrs. Julia Tittle. The Baptist meeting closed Friday. The asior was assisted by Rev. Ransom W llama of Greonville. K. C. Misses Bonnar ana Little of Uaffney 8. C. re vlsltlut Mrs. Eva j?y. Messrs. Job a and Hen^Ick Bradley spent sbbatb with Kev. H. F. Bradley's family. Mifs Louine Solomons made a pleasant islt to Liberty U111 last week. Mrs, Sadie Mazyck Is expected to upend tils week In town (be guest ot Mrs. Fanul# homson. Mrn. C. L. Kennedy gave a delightful At Home" In honor of tier Ruest*, Mitres Lena, Jaule Belle, and Georgia Kennedy nd Messrs. CUIlon and Archie Brltt. Deiclous OHkiSHUd Ic K were served under the kl'ful direction ofMlssItena Kennedy. Mrc. F. H. Butmit, who has been 8ick last reek Is Improving. Miss F.utb Robinson returned Friday to )ue West, afier a two months visit at Ibe loroe of Mr. T. M. Jay. MIstcLalla Hlx leaves tbe 18th. She is to each near Colnmbla. Dr. and Mre. J. W. Wldeman of Due West islted their sister Mrs. K. F. Bradley last peek. Mr. Johnnie Mo-rnh of Handover Is vlsltdk his friend Mr. Koster Hradley. Mrs. Slnsjiet.ou and Mr. Oirald Smart are r is lllne Mr. J. S. Harrln (?, mil v. L,aet " W'edeoeday evening Alius Bonnie veniifdy gave a reception at her beHUtl(ul iome"EdtU Hall," to welcome tjie members >f herborise party. Tbene were, Misses Benle Lee Chcathvpa, Margaret Klugh and 3'bel Lyon 01 Abbeville, Mikh LueetI Jay of iradley, MiB?es Ruth lloblDBon of Due West ind MUses LHIIau Robinson, Maude Lyon ind L.llllan I'uckett of Troy. Friday the roung folks were Invited to dine, about 10 irere present and they bad a very pleasant lme. All pronounced "Eden Hall" tbe most beautiful place Id tbe country, and one jt the most hospitable. AL / SJES'i ? DA great reducTt. will "hp to dh V TV IV/V WV see us if you .ey. Eememgood for ten * Dry Goods a 50c Shirts for 44 si Overalls for 8S 50c Overalls for Yard Wide Shee 10c Collars for 8c id* t.hft Ininrt vr J ~ tec;] EAST END. 4? Whwt "M" Sees and Hear* on His Hound* in Country and In Town. KKARKUL ACCIDENT AT CALHOUN FALLS. Oa last Satudray nigbt freight train No. 21 ol tbe Seaboard Atr Line as It sped oa It* way Irom Abbeville to Atlanta, suddenly and without warning ran Into an open swltob, crashing Into a wreckage or material train that bud gone Into tbe elding for the night splitting tne cab and killing one man. AdolpnuB Donaldson wbo waa caught In tbe wreck and died belore be oou;d be rescued. Train No. 21 was derailed and went rolling down a slight embankment, overturning tbe engine and dumping out several tons of coal wblcb covered tbe engine under which engineer Syfan was la-Uened, besides being entirely burled out of tight by the huge mass of coal while tbe wrecked train was on lire burning toward the engine under wblob be was fastened; his cries were beard and willing bands and brave beans nothing daunted by the awful scene, began to shovel the coal that hid tbe faithful engineer out of eight, and at 2.25 o'olook, alter btlug burled alive about 8 hours be was rescured, and taken to tbe hotel where the Pnyslolnn of tbe road, Dr. Neuffer, togetber with Dootors L. T. and James Hill, and Dr. C. C. Qambrell took him In obarge and did all that could be done to allay his Intense suffering. His right leg being broken below tbe knee Joint and so badly crushed that amputation may yetbe necessary, although every means that the best medical skill can sug ge?t are being used to save tbe limb. Engineer Syfan Is one among tbe many faithful and,trusted engineers on tbe Seaboard and baa tbe esteem, reipeot, and love of all officers and men of tbe road wbo rejoloe with bis family tbat be escaped wltb bis life, for surely, no man could escape evtn wltb bin life from beneatb a bnge engine and tons 0/ coal resting upon blm, only by a mlrlcle. Mr. Sy fan will never forget, apd feels deepindebted to Dr. Kllllngsworth of Abbeville wbo being at Calhoun Falls, immediately went to bis rescue and as soon as be was uncovered, and before any Physlclanp had arrived, administered ad opiate to relieve blB sufferings. While a Mr. Campbell of Cal boun Fulls beld bis bead aud comforted blm until b6 was entirely released and In obarge of his Fbyslolans. His heart goeB out in deepest gratitude to all wbo assisted In bis rescue, Engineer Syfan's fireman was thrown upon the boiler and was badly soalded. SUMMARY OF THE WRECK. One man Adolphus Donaldson killed. EuglneerG. W. Syfan right leg broken and orusbed, C. H. Hlnnei, fireman scalded, Lewis Ferguson (colored) brakoman bruised ; J. F, McCorley, W. H. Futrell, Joseph Dlas, Milburn Peek and W. L. Menls were all injured but none seriously, Nine cars were burned. Tbls learful accident was caused by an open switch, the switch rod being entirely disconnected, and the nut which wblcb fastened It thrown away. Hallroad Detectives are at work, on tbe oase, After all tbe awful scene and amid tbe glare of tbe angry flames of tbe, burning oars was to be seen tne "white light" tbat gave engineer 8ytan a Iree road, and right to go forward whlcb be did until he wus checked by tbe unexpected and fearful crush. Of course the "white signal light" will entirely exbonorate blm from any and all olame. NEWS IN AND ABOUT THE CITY. Miss Corrle Kllllncswonh find Miss Virginia Gombrell have gone to Atlanta to attend a business college. Miss Latimer, of Greenwood, is the guest of Mrs. Lambert Caldwell. Mrs. J. C. Marshall and children after a pleasant stay with relative* returned to their home in Anderson last Monday. Many friends bf Mr. Will uibert will be glad to learn that be Is doing nicely and at tbls writing Is getting on as well as could be expected. Hon. Wyatt Aiken and Postmaster Ll:.k bad business on route 3 last Monday. Mr. C. V. Hammond left Monday for Spartanburg where be will visit bis spn Mr* 0. PHammond, and will aluo roa^e a stay at olenn Springs before be retv^rns. V1.iot ai> Phu'vlia uominaml o f f o r* inonrl Inc fl week In the city with bis little frleuds lelt iJoDtiav for his bome In Spartanburg. MIsb Ellen Uainbrell took advantage of the excursion last Monday to vjslt the Qate City. A. M. Hill an^ aons store on main slreet Is being repainted and Ihouroughly renovated tor Mr. S. j. Wnk who will open up bis *tock about the first of September watch for bis "blR ad." and you will get the Inside tnick In bargains which be will offer. The Abbeville merchants are all brushing up and getting ready for fall business. Old olerks are changing around, find new pn^ coming In. BAR IT jsb? VS 0 apsSEoJ MADE F0P us ( | W PETERS k S ?tt ? shoe ca !&/* ST. LOU IS. If you nee nd Notions, i c. )c. 44c. ting 5c. i f I >u like at the, Miss Adi MoMlllfan after a pleasant sta; witb relatives near Due West returned bom Moo slay. Rev. P B. Wells tbe beloved pastor of th M. E. Cburch of this city Is now enjoying bl vacation In New York. Mr.and Mrs. Samual Cocbran were vlsltlDi tbelr daughter Mrs. M. B. Syfan last Mon day. Mrs. C. V. Hammond tripped and fell dowi tbe front steps of ber dwelling last weel breaking ber left arm. Mrs-Anderson, of Anderson county spen several dayn of last week with her parents Cupt and Mrs. & N. Williams al their pretty home on Secession bill. Miss Bessie Murray returned last weel from a protraoted and most delightful sta; with friends and relatives In Atlanta anc Athens Georgia. Mr. Ayersbleld Sassard after several week' stay In tbe cliy' left yesterday for bis bom In the city by tbe sea. Miss Mary Syfan was unexpectedly cal et home last Sunday from Greenwood on ac count of tbe aocldent to ber father. Mr. W. C. DuPre Is quite sick al this writ Ing, but tls hoped he will soon be up ana a bis place of business. Miss Wlnton Parks Is kindly assisting he friend Mrs. G. W. S> fan in tbla ber hour o trouble. "A friend in need is a friend li deed." % Mrs. M. B. Syfan, of Fort Pickens, spen several days of the past week most pleasantly with her aunt Mrs. Nlokels of Due^Went. The many friends of Col. J. T. Robertsor wish for blm an early recovery and hop/ many brlghty ears of nleasure and happlneti ar? yet In store for blm. Have you seen aDd read C. A. Miltord'i Journulf It Is a neatly gotton up.andnewsj paper. Dr. Mllford 1b one of tbe progresnlvi and live "drugmen" of the city. Hih ?tore ii always kept as neat as a pin and polite anc attentive salesmen always ready to serv< you, GOOD NEWS FOB THE B. V D BOY*. By order of tbe Tost Master General a Washington tbe carriers In the R. F. D. s> r vice will have the following days ?s ibell holiday during tbe year. Independence day 4th of July, September 1st Labor day, Thanks giving day In November, January 1st Nov Years day, February 22 WaBblngtons birth day, Decoration or Memorial day in May making six days during tbe year tbe R, p. 0 Boys will have a rest from their dally round* Next Friday the 1st of September will bi Labor day and we will bo oS\ but will bonoi our pa Irons with a call on Saturday. NEWS BPDQET ON BODTE NO. S. Mr. James Wilson of Piedmont has beer visiting friends and relatives along route No 8, all of whom were glad to see him. Capt. George D. Redd Is now visiting hh fn m i 1 n the Uho v*\ r\ in. !, h l.AihrtnH Alias Luoy Cheatham entertained last Wed nesday evening In bonor of ber charming guests MlBsee Maud and Mae Thompson o Columbia, Tbe home was artlstloally and beautifully decorated with ferns, palms and pot plants, About efghty guests were present. Refreshing Ices were served at the close oi tbe evening. MIsb Lucia Is a charming hostess and entertained ber goests In a most delightful manner. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Woodburst had a very Dleaeant meeting of their grand children and their parents last Thursday aliernoon. Twenty-eight grand children were like olive plants round aboutlbe table and romped and played In Innocent pleasure rejoicing the hearts and adding fresh strength to the life of tbelr aged and honored grand parents. Twenty-eight grand children .fourteen boys and lourteen girls bright and bappy, baleaud hearty. Who can beat the record. MIsh Mary McMillan of Abbeville speut i??t week with her kinsfolk Mr. aud Mrs. A. J. Woodburst, Misses fciallle and Jennie Woodburst were among the visitors to tbo city last Friday. Rev. L. W. Brown of Liebanou assisted hy Rev. Bradley of Cross Hill conducted several days meeting last week at Hopewrgll. Miss Maggie Link, of Belbia neighborhood accompanied by ber brother JjUther npeu t 1 aa< Hundav night and Monday with their ;oia tlves Mr. aud tyrs, J. j. Link. Messrs. SJ, O. and Ltudsay Lluk v;Hh Mr. A. K. Wa'Yso?Vto6k in tbe excursus just Monday. l'ICNIC AT LITTLE MOUNTAIN* On next Saturday there will be a pionic al tills picturesque place. Everybody in invited to oome and bring plenty of dinner for youri self and two other* aud all will bava a good lima. ?? IIU ?cu. School books. J. C, J5Ut?, We hqva several aew drinks we want yoi to tifyv to Milford's IXrug Store when y'ftu can get what you waa\ seived In th< beet of 8tyl$, < ?, * ' sA:, rmiiBiifr SEF. Shoes, Shoes! $5,00 Shoes for - $4 48 4.00 ? . ? . 3.48 3 50 " " - 2 89 3.00 " " - 2.48 2 50 " " 2.18 2 00 " " - 1.88 150 " " - 1.29 100 " " - .89 G fiATT-r U. IIU W to buy. Clothing. $15 Suits for $9 10 Suits for 7 7 50 Suits for 4 3.50 Pants for 2. 2 00 Pants for 1. prices you lik JCfl, <L ' R. M. HAD i a we are daily re< t i, Fall Attractions in I Suit e In Chiffon, Broad Cloths, Col ci- ? 1 new juic ui v^jicviuLo auu oerges. One fine Black Dress Goods ( pass any former display we ha Fancy Goods Departments will s r We have made extra efforts i 1 Trimming Department, t Be sure to see our Ladies' an and Children's Shoes have been s I ('all and see our new styles ii ! R. JUL. HAD A 1 SCHOOI i Tablets r Ii ) General Set Speed's E i _____ The largest and 111c Stationery, School I Can be Milford's I McliHitin ofOculu, FIii.. Mr. W. T. Mcllwain is paying Abbeville a vifit Mr. Mclhvaiu was once a printer in the Press and Banner ofllee but now he is a conductor on the A. C. .L. Railway and hails from g Ocala, Fla- Heisa'fine young man a and deserves the success which ne has attained; MADE FOR (3 m is the time :j|i DON & CO. DEIVING OUR NEW Ladies Fine Dress ings. orod and Fancy Mohairs, elegant ind nejv Stock of Flannels surve ever had. Our Notions and j oon be full. in supplying our Millinery and d Children's Underware, Ladies' 'jP ielectcd with special care. i Ladies .Coats, Jackets, and Furs DON & CO. I , BOOKS I Pencils :|j ak j yp looI Supplies. 111 II >rug Store. ~~ | >st complete liue of / Books and Supplies 1 seen at ^T*n o? Q+ nvn ? * J. KJ V\JX U, Ti:<* llr<* tiarks in nil our stoves an> guaran? lee-J tor I j yearn. You run uo risk. Dargan'e 5 ana lu ceat store. I You can get all ol the Dukes Mixture | sr.ioklug tobacco you ar? looking for whole I sale or retail at Speed's Drug Store. For tine flavoring extracts go to MiUord'# Drug Store. He make? tbt-m himself. '