The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, May 24, 1905, Image 1

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BY W. W. & W. R. BRADLEY. ABBEVILLE, 8. C.? WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1905. ESTABLISHED 1844JB I ' ^ 4A/ f oy tne I ^ I If you don't are not out a reasonable like them?s Our clothing ; at the right uc\ t\/T i nit; o. j.ta. i The path of fashic clothing departm nnnnTiT m minium u Abbeville Lumber ( Dealers in Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, SI Best Portland Cement, full barrel, $2.50, Just received three cars Shingles, from th< 1 ^ r oil ni! J. !._x best. Uar ot uoors. oasn ana Dimas jusi hi | Lumber on hand. Flooring, Ceiling and Siding Get our prices and we will do the rest?v ABBEVILLE I.UMI The same old stand, near S. A. L REPORT OF THE CONI THE NATIONAL BANK OF AB2 v .At tlie close of business Ma v! t ! Resources. 1 i ;; LoanB and Discounts $15S,S0S OS Capital Stock f-j Overdrafts (>,453 95 Surplus and] M TJ. S. Bolide 18,750 00 National liar Other Bonds and Stocks 1,500 00 Hills payable. Banking House & Real Est. 9,9S3 84 Deposits Expense and Taxes 2.445 65 rji Redemption Fund 937 5t? $ Cash 15,279 55 i Due from Banks 30,123 19 ! $250,281 7(3 | Interest lllowcri oil Deposits in Savii l I J. ]\I. N1CKLES, 1*01 nam's Fat ford s Drug Stoi .A-ttorney at Law, . ?' hone up you D now quick we > At?l>cvillc, S. C. Phone 107. Office with W. N. Graydou, Bring us your ' and money. 1 " I'houe lo7. Did you ever try Vino! for that weak, tired On duly all I feeling. We guarantee every bottle, if it Drug Store and fails to do what it claims, we will cheerfully refund your money. 1*. IS. Speed, Agent for j I'. T. iV T. Mill factory. fl ve buMiels of s If your child Is wpak and puny try Vinol. Ply yourself beli It will bring health and color to the little! ? cheeks again. We guarantee it. Speed's1,,.:. ,ne. ,on r I Mill stock lor si (i Drug Store. The girls nil prefer Huylers candy, don't . risk anything cheaper, or tlie other fellow I ? , T* K'*P mlgbl beat you out. Food for the Angels at I, . Ule ,nUi, Speed's Drug Store. " J "h,t: ! r * I time for "hot ai Smoke Speed'* Cinoo (Cigars and keep a! good taste la your mouth lor Easter Its only j ^Ve fill persorl leo days off. j McMurray a tir If you need a truss or a pair of crutches go I ''J'" .cl^rfc J'0" to Speed's Drug Store where you always find " 'lea right aud what you want. i store. I Ml ii i i i ? ii i ^ * h. ory is told Vl i ; "try on." W s ?" he I i i i ii i i i i 8p< like them, you / ?/ we anything. It's S guess that you'll ? ;o many men do. % ^ "is made right | price." It bears 2 fc S." label. ~ ter set aft the >n runs straight to our 5 lla Lent?follow the path. -1 JL tov J ed of * J blf we ' - 'J ?. I South Ouroliiin XoIch. 80j irtlYirin TIV i *ra ">* has keen appointed fej ^/v/XlXi/(l^J.? Y i postmaster at Westminister by Presi- cii ^ j dent Roosevelt. John Ballanger, an ADuereou puo- 1()( tograplier, cut Hub Warren Monday ier r**i vi fvl ad Ti'n?ft night. Inflicting a serious wound. Mi lillgies, JulllI6i ! The first business of the 16th an- ^ nual national convention of the Trav- mf I elers' Protective Association began in e? 3 cheapest to the very, ma,j jerssey ijull and a ferocious wi . Two cars Dressed1 ^ eugaged in an exciting tighten J>? the streets of Ureefivjlle yesterday af- j r. ternoon. The bull had to be shot to in: ^ -%-r pieces before it was conquered. J" 'IZ: SCli J. Oll? Walter Hill, an Edgefield negro, in a fit of jealousy brained his wife with Qo 5E11 OO. ! tbe bult end of a gun Monday night, n killing her instantly. He first tried :uJ . Depot. j to kill the woman by shooting at her. ,n' J The annual meeting of the Women's Mi ! Foreign Missionary society 01 me lh( ^ Methodist Church of South Carolina rii -)JL _L IOjN Oli will be held at Chester in June. A number of delegates from SpartanStfUTTT Tt1 C P bu,'?wil1 a?eud. Ca JJJ V ILLial, Mi Wi Secretary Tafl appointed Maj. Gen. '?? Lunsford L. Lomax of Virginia a ^ oi -| on,-. member of the Gettsburg battlefield j 1 oil park commission to lill the vacancy M< causeil by the death of Maj. VV. M. [ inl?iliiio? Robins of North C:?roliha, one of the Confederate commissioners. ..1 $ 75,000 00 Miss Elizabeth Elliot Lumpkin, of .< Profits 25,858 97 Columbia, has been appointed state ik Notes 18,7.50 00 sponsor to the general reunion of 10,000 00 Confederate veterans to be held at ?r 120,072 70 Louisville. Miss Ada Trantham has tu; been appointed maid of honor. The "j'j appointments wers made by Gen. or Thomas W. Carwile. The Union <x, Glenn Springs Kail road, wincti is 10 eouueei wilu tuc .>n $250,281 70 Seaboard at Chester, and with the lv ' Charleston & Western Carolina at 'i?s wcpai'imciit. Roebuck, has reached Union, and will s? be running through from liullalo to Ur, Chester. IkUsb Dyep, all colors at Mil- A number of wholesale and retail kr re. houses, banks and other corporations '?? r orderH and let us show you Chariest ii have ellected au or- A1| irlll execute ttipm. gaiuzation lor the purpose of adver- w Mlllord'h Drug Store. tissiijir W ^" l>e prescriptions and save time .??- T. At lllordu lJrui; Store. | t'li Protestiuir AuhiumI khic ui'iiucihiu. >.?, the time so tro to Mil lord's (,Special despatch ?o I ha Mew York News >ri net wbut you want. liureau.) Ij(! or has inst received seven tv_ At lanta, Ua.-The recent proposition of J. Ml weet noiHtoes Call and sun I'ope Brown, chuiiman ot Iho Georgia Kali- etl ^r.h^v ?reoui 1 road Con.mlsNion, to reduce the passenger M' u e ' ' rate tu tieorpla from three to two cntb per pl< \K?i??iiia cah mile was protest id nuuiiist by the liroiher- 'tl< ile Abbeville Lolton ho?d 0? I^oniotive Knuinuers, the Order ol bli ,, s ri Uailway Cot ductors, and uuiotis of the b ac*k- wl emit lis, machinists h:u1 teleurapliers, boiler- wi t, busy these days looking makers railway train ?><'". carpenters and Ml - hn..?l idiiuTs. clerks and car men. These organlza- tai OI Ule petipil" llini, v.c u.i.c j . o tlie around, we have no tlonn emplo>ed an attorney especially 10 rep- m r" uud titrhty /lights, resent theui. who urged that such h reduction *c Speed's Drug Store. would work against the prosperity of the rit State ?nii lend in a reduction in the number \V ptionc, and with Dr. C. H. of railroad employees as well an of their ' st nonor graduate as perscrlp- wanes. Tne Travelers' I'rotecttve Association M may reNt assured they will be also protested 'hat a reduction as proposed so lu good time.?Speed's Drug would result in'ewer trains and poorer Her- M vice. Bh % WEST END. j mill Incidents or n H'r< li Aliniil I In* City. lis* Xa cy Mcllwnln has letumed from artanbur* after an extended visit there .Mrs. Ella Mcll w iln. Hiss Neile Patterson of Mt. Carmel was In eclty Friday and Saturday staying with Ips Brooks. Miss Patterson cirne to ihevllle to staud the Teachers exarultlnn, she Is one of the couutry's most cessf>il teachers. J A ? I'honthuin onnnf nnrt. of last etc In Atlanta, shopping. Mr. C. D. Brown rptnrned from Beaufort ursday after a pleasant trio to that city nttend a meeting oi the K of P'h dl*s Isabell P. Iiadton wan In Troy sevil days lai-t week visiting Mrs. Chalmers ddon. ilihs Elizabeth Walker and Miss Gracia aiker of Baltimore were In the city Thursy to utieiKii the dance given at the Eureka the young men of the city. Urs. Georue Klngh has returned from uety six where she lias been visiting her rents. )r. C. C. Garobrell returned Thursday >m B an fort.. Urs. Thomson Holiingsworth of Athens i. bus been in the city for the past ten ys staying with Mrs. Mansefleid Rollingsfth. Mrs. T. C. Seal Is in Hodges spending a w weeks with friends. U s. Stella Knox has roturneh to her ine after spending s >ine time In Huntslie Alabama, with relatives. MIph Meta Brownlee. of Antreville spent turday In the city with her sister Mrs. Dickson. Mr. II. D. Reese 1b in the city for several ys stay with his home people. Mr. H. T. Tueten went to Troy last Wed*day and spent a tew days with friends. Mrs. W. L>. Barkudale returned from janta Saturday after a few days stay that city. Miss Emma and Mlsu Elizabeth Cochran me home from Anderson Saturday, ley have teen In Anderson for the past nool vear altedlng the Graded School. Mrs. jimeH H. Perrin arrived In Abbeville tnrday from Atlantic City where she has en the guest 0f Mrs. Lewis T. Bryant. Ur. Perrin Quarles Is at homsBgaln after a slness trip to Walterboro. Mr. Quarles lendsdtbeK. of P. meeting at Beaufort ille out of the city. diss Louise DeBruhl has closed her schoo1 Latimer and hRs,come home for the snui?r months. Mit-s DeBrubl is a competent teh^r and her patrons were well pleased t.h her work. fllss E<telle Strickle of Huntsvlile, Ala., s come to our city to make her home with r Aunt Mrs. Knox. rlr. Thomson Holiingsworth of Athens, Ga., *nt Saturday and Sunday here. Ir. W.C. Sherard went to I?a Saturday to ?nd a lew days with his father Mr. W. J. . erard. \ IIsh uene viHtinsnaanu ??ir. v? ti. \ ihhuskh ut to Atlanta lasi week and spct a f?w ^ ps with Dr. and Mrs. Skoi A. Vtsan'ka srn Atlanta they have gone to Tate Springs a short stay. liss Caroline Graves of Latimer was In en last week the guesit, of Miss Ivy Caln n. Ir. Lather Bowman of Lowndesvllle was re last week attending Court. He was the jstofCol. J. T. Robertson while In the v. Ir. Jordan llamey of Lebanon was In the ySaturday. Irs. Marie Gary Eason of Charleston Is in > city visiting her mother, Mrsi. M. C. ryIrs. Tenche Poole of Newberry is here mdlng a few days with her sister Mrs. L. White. Ir. J. R. McGee of Due West was in town several days last week on business. Ir. Hugh Cromer has a position In Anderi and left last week to begin work. EUCHRE CLUB. he Euchre Club was most deliehtfully entalned Friday afternoon by Miss Plevna il. Delicious cream and cake was served er the games. Mrs. R. L. Dargan will be > hostess at the next meeting. Ir. Geo. W. Tray lor of Westminister was town for a day or two last week. liss Lucia Parker is in the city spending a lie with friends. Miss Parker has just, re ned from a visit to her brother Mr. Wllm H. Parker in Charleston. Miss Parker peels to sail about the tenth CIO) of June for everal mouths slay in Europe. liss Mamie Patterson of M t.Carmel was in ] vn last week shopping. Ir. Thomas Cotbrun, of Greenville, attend Court here last week. He was the guest Mr. W. S. Cotbran while in the city. g Ir. James Bradley spent Sunday here with i home peopl?. Ir. W. M. Geer, representing the State, s in town last week. lessrs. Allen Robertson, Geo. Lomax and lius I)uPre thoroughly enjoyed tha trip to Irs. Albert Gibert, of Wllllngton Is In the 5?. y visiting Mrs. L C. Haskell. She will be * ) guest of Miss DeBruhl the last of the ek. ,Irs. Roscoe Knox want to Charleston last ek on the excursion. 'neSlateSurnmerschool will be at Clemi this year Instead of Rock Hill. ?lr. Arthur Calhoun has beeu at home for a r r days on business. lj V. number of young lady teachers of the fo y are p annlng to |;o to Knoxville to the miner School, lev. Mr. Parkinson, of the Ersklne Tbeo- ft' iical Seminary preached in the Presby- lji Ian church Sabbath morning and evening. -. Parkluson Is a talented young preacher, e two sermons delivered at the Presbyterl w church Sabliath were listened to with ui ach pleasure by the congregation. He was tertalned by Mr. R. M. Haddon. )r. Frank Y. Pressly, of Due West.preached ttie A. R. P. Church <abbatb. Dr. Pressly Ji II preich in the Presbyterian church Sab- vx th. He needs no Introduction lu Abbele. a rtrs. E B. Calhoun, Mis . Sara Norwood and w Lie Miss Sara Hhren went to Dresden Satur- w y to visit Mrs. J. S. Norwood. Jttle Msss Mary Bsdley entertained quite al lumber nf her little friends Saturday after- M on at a Birthday Party. Cream and cake -p is much enjoyed by the little folk after 13 i y games were played. ?lr. James Perrln of Wilmington, N. 0., was oi ttie city Sunday the guest of his brother, p| ilr. and Mrs. Clfiude Garrett were among Zt ?so who came over from Greenwood lust ursdny to enjoy the dunce given by the ,i rman Club of Abbeville. Mr. and Mrs. 11 rrett had the German. W diss Nan Withers and Miss .Shannon of tl rnden attended ttie dnnce at the Eureka it Thursday. MIfs Withers and MtssSbann are the charming guests of Mrs. William S{ nibrell in Green wood. <j< dr. A. M. Henry came over from Atlanta mday to spend a duy or two tiere before at inc to New York to accept a position with ai 6 General Electric Company. DELIGHTFUL DANCE. V de'lKhtful dance wa* given Thursday u enlng by the Abbeville German Club at the i51 ireka Music was furnished by an Augusta V cliestra. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett of Greentod had a beautiful German and the danc i wan enjoyed until the small hours of the 1 *ht. Those who enjoyed the dance were, P ss Withers of Camden, Mrs. Gambrell, cenwood. Miss Mae Donald, Miss Lf-e ( 1th. Miss Rosa Re no Ids, Miss Rosa Hattaty, Miss Mary Sehatfee, Miss Shannon. Mr. <} Mrs Claud# Garrett, Clyde Wise, John J) ijor, Ro?ers McBaslln. Eddie Jay, James f, icki-tt, Maglll, Rosetiburu. Simmons, Mr. l,J d Mrs. Crawford and McMurrav, Mr. aud W rs. Hanuon. Miss Maude McClung, Miss m sic Hill, Miss Bessie MIHer, Miss Lena inner. Miss Marie Gary, Miss E'lza Gary, ?n Winton Tepaarf, Mins Sarah Henry, til ss Willie Seal, Miss Neile Wilson, MIrk (]. nma Harris, Miss Kate J. Harris. Miss ten Miller, Miss Mary Miller. Mies Fay G\ Hers. M iss Jjorena Keacham, Miss Regall, r>J1 is? Corrie Graves a.nd Messrs. Lewis Perrin, T," . K Hill, W. 1?. Johnson, George Smith, ill While, Bradley lteese, Geo. Clark, Alrt Heury, Hugh Mrllwaln. H. l>upre, W. Kamey. H.G Smith,.!. W. MeKee, U. S. irtc, P. 11. O'Brien, Ed Iloache, Jack Press, L. Beaohani, Lawrence Parker. Al Mis* Maude iMcClunf. while silk, pearl r> id in I tig; Miss Susie Hill, blue mull; Miss . e Blitb, point d'esprit over pink tatl'eta; >H iss Bessie Miller blue silk, accordion pleat- al ; Mies Surah Henry, pink mull audi luce; IfS VVIntou 'i'atigart, white Bilk, accordion . eated; Miss Willin Seal, white i-ilk, accor-j ou pleated, and ribbons; Ml<s Marie Gary, ne. white sherlig; Miss Nell* Wilson, ule in u 11, lace trimming ; Miss Rosa Halt a- .. ly, white point d'esprit over pluk talleta; " iss Hosa Ueynohls, white organdie over fleta; Miss Mbh Donald, blue silk ; Miss ssie MagiH. wiilte silk, red ribbons; Miss: , haetrer, pink organdie over talleta, pink | iti ibous; Miss Shannon, white silk; MlsB fo it.hers, white crep':* do cli ine. < ' _r i'he following wern the chapurons; Mr. and rs. W. T. MeKall, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wil- HI n, Mr. and Mrs.Theo Konellzko, Mr. and is rs. L. T. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Min- iw ? ? a wrt ^ lH all, Mr. biiu MrHi j./v. Two Pie< Men's DESIGNED BY^jjjjl . Of SUJ the gr! Fine Clones Marors of the ?"?# tEMK excelle $5, $7.50, $1 is the pri i H.G.Ande Outfitters to Ps rn. H. B. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pollcy-Holders 1 ddy, Mrs. E. B. Calh'oun, Mra. James Chal- Columbia May are over five thous of the Equitable L DUE WEST ety in South Cai ^ T,? _ _ . , , been issued for a T\- TIT T T>?.Afia1niT rnf lim on fmtYl n A _ j __ ?< ul. vv. xj. an lmereaieu pou Jn?2 JSSg; a?de ,,mTbo1h?enDT0ricu:t red the baptismal rites of his little able Life AssJran and-daugh er, Sarah Prances. Press- United statefi iQ g( on Sabbath. A number of inf The members of -the Y. P. G.W. dera 0f Equita ill serve refreshments on Mrs. Nan- society of New Yo k, Oder's lawn on next Tuesday ^fhaT a Stlte aS renmg from six to eight o'clock holder8 h , The piano recital given by Miss thenurooseof mu ilia Paston in the chapel of the D. Sing proper f. F. C. on last Friday evening was the body K</ rare musical treat. Every number omifh Pomiinn as a gem, and the brilliant program ofd as faultlessly rendered. She was The approaching )ly assisted by Miss Pressly pianist, the C0^DaQV er?. [iss Tolmie vocalist, and Miss Bessie abmt ofPgU(J actJ oyce viohmst. of the recent and Miss Clara Bonner returned home ual di8Sengion. i last baturday, after six weeks Th nk;P(,f o) leasantly spent with relatives at Pel- wilJ be entirely fo The of the Rev. Mr. YVelliford to ^ ie young men of Erskine on last membefs?and abs eek was very much enjoyed by fomentin^ any h 1 ?,m . a . A . For this reason, all He is a very fluent and earnes requested to com. )eaker and his talks to them will un4der8jgued comr ^ubtless inspire a greater zeal and wou|d be agreeable stivity in the Y. M. C. A. work per8on or by proxj jjong them.^ ^ ^lo,fQjl at a meeting of pol JtrsKiue auu tue ynauc. Held at tne once ( imes.Erekine. being the winner on ert8on, president o riday the score being 2 to 6, aud and Ec?aligo Ba nturday afternoon, the Citadel was CoIumbia <fn Thu] ictoriousina.score of 8 to 7. 0fMay, instant, a Miss Annie Reid of Orange Texas, is Address foliowl isiting her Auut Mrs. Dr. x1. Y. aDy member thei ressly. . Duncan C. He Miss Daisy Brock is at home again Oolurubia ter the close of her school. AueustKohn S? The many friends of Mr and Mrs A. , J* r Mimnat , Kennedy greatly sympathize with James ilfpringl iem in the death of I'Jtle harah Julius D. Koster Inch occurred on last Wednesday Henry F. Welch orning. Augustine T. Si Memorial Exorcises were held in T Moultrie Mol ie A* R. P. cemetery on la*t Weduesly afternoon, after which the Y. W. , A. members, served ice cream and ike on the Campus of the D. W. F. South Carol Free The Graded School closed a very An incendiary fii iccessful Session on last Friday H. Seaborn at Sene ternoon Pressly and his assistants ed before serious ds ts. Nettie Bonner, and Mrs Lula. The Greers made o^ers have done faithful work and on June 2. Hon. ive won the respect aud esteem of of Spartanburg and I their patrons. > of Greenville will n Mrs. Isabella'Reid of Sardis, N. C., Hon. M. F. Aus( visiting her sou Prof. E. L. Reid of out again after se1 rskine. meut to his homec Messrs A. S. Kennedy, and R. C. ness. rowiilee visited Abbeville on Mon. The Greers murd Miss Miller, Impersonator, gave an j will probably last i lertainnient in the Auditorium of| Hvery point is bein rskine College on last Monday night lawyers. r the benefit of the Y. M. C. A. She The ein houfe >mes highly recommended. Latta, was burn^u id an evening of genuine pleasure cottou. There was anticipated by all who will hear either. It is not ki ;r. the lire. 3e Suits 3 two riece bulls i*row m Favor Constantly. || 3r comfort nor gentility demands |l for Summer wear. We've Coat 3r Suits in single and double ' 3d styles in a variety of patterns. find there's \ , |p|| ot an Once 1 Derfluous cloth. anywhere, while aceful lines and natty appearance garments are up to our usual and ;| Hit standard. 0 and $12.50 ce range. | irson & Co iracuiar jreopie. Winthrop College M iaud policy holders Scholarship and Extrance ife Assurance Soci- Examination. 'olina A Cflll haq -ViB general meeting of ?PHE EXAMINATI0N F0R THE AWABD hniHoro af <v> 1 o( vacant scholarships In Winthrop Col^ ai ^oj )eee and tQf the admission of new atndenU y, May 2o, 1905. will be held at the County Court House on ilders of the Euqit- Friday, July 7th, at 9 A. M. Applicants most PA Snpiptv nf thp not be lees than fifteen years of age. When IC?, cociety or tne pcholarehips are vacated after July 7. they >utn Carolina: will be awarded to those making the highest luential policy hoi- average at this examination provided they hlo Ufa Aflaiirannp meet tbe conditions governing the award. V.- u j i Applicants for scholarships should write to rk City nave decid- President jobnson before the examination for jciation of the pol- scholarship application blanks. ri he nranniTPd fnr Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition, a oe organized ror xbe next session will open September 80,1905. tual protection and For further Information and catalogue ad* representation for dress Pres. JD. B.Johnson, policy holders in Rock mil, s. a L -L wuicu reprcBcuto mutualizatlon of Estate of William S. Penney, Dec shasizes the advision to say nothing still existing inter- Notice of Settlement and Applir such a society cation for Final Discharge. r self-protection, to fl'dere'who become TAKE N0TICE lhat on the 13lh day ot ' Jlders wno Decome J. jnne, 1905,1 will render a final aooonnt olutely opposed to Of nay actings and doings as Administrator of > itieation whatever, the Estate of William 8. Penney, deoeased, in '? 1;ar? tbe office of Judge of Probate for Abbeville policy noiaers are connty at 10 o'clock a. m., and on the same nunicate With tne day will apply for a final discbarge from my nittee whether it trust a88Ucb Administrator. . fnr rhpm Pithf?r in Al1 Pef"0DB having demands *galnst said > ior luein euuer iu e8tnte wui present them for payment on or r to be represented before tbat day, proven ancPaathenticated or icy holders to be be forever barred. )f Edwin \V. Rob- May 12,1905. V Administrator. f the National Loan A3 ink, in the city of 'lVoiube 25,11 day Master's Sale. ing committee or gXATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, yward, Chairman, County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. jcretary, Columbia. Joseph F. Lee against T. V. Cresswell igh, Columbia. and others.?Foreclosure, e, Charleston. By authority of a Decree of Sale by i Charleston. ?0urt 0f Common Pleas for Abbe Charleston. ville County, in said State, made in the inythe, Charleston. above stated case, I will offer for sale, decal, Charleston. public Outcry, at Abbeville C. H., * S. C., on Salesday in June (5th), A. D. 1905, within the legal hours of sale the ina Notes. following described land, to wit: All Lance. that tract or parcel of land situate, ly. e r 'Qg and being in Abbeville County, In ca1 extinguish the State aforesaid, containing Ulgnty? o Three Acres, more or less, and bounded '"ids of T. V. Cresswell, G. B. McStaovarne Wilaou C*8lin'sEatate, Y' P' Reagan' A" W" w \r t? a iffii Browd and others, and being a portion of the lani1 former|y <"">?>?* the late >i of rrofn^iio ; T. C. McBride, deceased, and descendi?f f?'eaeioville i8 ing t0 the la'te Margaret McBride, n Rppnmu nf o! t" daughter of the said T. C. McBride of in account of sick- whom jane B. Cresswell is the only hUueh^theTeT ^Term^of Sale-Cash. Purchaser to g contested by the ?"* for litle aDd rec?rdi?K title. May 12, 1S05. Master ^ C" S''C' Willi iuv uait?b ui , i 110 IDSUraUCe on ^Glassware at Dargan's In abundance, .own What caused The finest candy yon ever saw for only 10 ceaU a pound at Dargan'n.