Snath Carolina .Vote*. McD. Bruce has been elecled intendent of Pickens to succeed W. T. Mc- , Fall, deceased. The contract for the state armory has beeo let to G. W. 8. Bell of Jacksonville, Fla. J. J Robertson has been appointed '< game warden of Fairfielb County un- 1 der the new law. i J^noree rresnytery h in session at Union. Rev. \V. R. Potter of Greers was elected moderator. Beaufort is making preparations to enertain the grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias, May 16 and 17. The oyster and fish commission of the legislature will go to Savannah Saturday for its first meeting. The state council of the Junior Order of United Ameican Mechanics will meet April 19 and 21. Greenville is arranging to refund $8 500 of bonds issued to build the bridge over Reedy river 20 years ago. The ministers and clergyman of Greenville are considering the holding of a general revival in that city. A commission has been issued to the News Publishing Co. to iseue a daily paper in Florence. The capital stock will be $3,000. A number of horses have died in Columbia of lockjaw. Among them was a fine horse belonging to Governor Hey ward. Thos. J. Jackson, about 21 years old, was struck and killed by a falling limb from a tree while driving home o inaH r?f fertilizer in Orancreburtr V* " * A County. j The barns on the qremises of Mrs. v M. L. Lipscomb and Dr. Wm. Anderson at Blacksburg were burned with a their contents. The loss was adoui " $650. The residences of these parties b narrowly escaped destruction. c The temperature at Greenville drop- g ped to 30 degrees Friday morniog ^ H. H. Edwards is dead at Andersou. f aged 42 years. He was a native of Edgefield and a graduate of Furman , University. Archie Holliday, while practicing' Id the gymnasium atMonagban Mills, ? Greenville, fell from a horizontal bar ? and broke his neck, dyiog instantly, c The committee of physicians ap- c pointed to examine aud report on the a sanity of Ned Mack, sentenced to be t hanged at Manning has not yet reported to the governor. i The Atlantic Coast Line express was deraileb at a place called Straw- * berry, 25 miles from Charleston. Six j. care were overturned and several of the crew were injured, The South Carolina Medical Society a will convene in Greenville Wednes- 8 day, April 12. The convention will ' be attended by physicians from every t city and county in the state, Spartan- a burg will be well represented a nennie taue wits urowueu iu onvannah river while attempting to swim across to the Georgia side to seeure a batteau for use in capturing an v escaped negro, whom he wished to arrest. G. W. Jordan, who owned a small * grocery store at Bock Hill, has dieap- " peared, leaving a wife and a two- n months old child. He is said to have o been considerably involved financial- o ]y. a G. M. Trammel, a Furman Univer- j sity student, has dissappeared. He had been much mortified by failing to Eass some of his examinations. Hit* ome is in Greenwood, where his par- a ents are greatly distressed over his t' strange conduct. p . Mrs Ida McGee died Thursday o nijyhtin Anderson Countv from bfine n burned when her clothing caught tire n at two o'clock in the afternoon while f she was lying before a fire in her _ room. She left a four week's old in* . fant, which was also badly burned. u The body of a negro woman was found in Broad river near Columbia. It is supposed to be that of Rebecea Planter, who lived nearby and who o has been missiug for several days, t There is suspicion of foul play an> t her husband, Henry Planter, has been ? arrested. _ Work has commenced on the new bepot at Kingstree, A simialar fatality occurred also at ? Lowndesville. Scarcity of farm labor is complained of in parts of Laurens County. Mrs Minnld Corpening, wife of the b Baptist minister at Timmonville' is h dead at that place. n Young Trammel, who disappeared _ from Furman University, is said to have been seen in Atlanta. ? Judge Hudson has acceqted an in- ? vitation to deliver the address on Me- ^ morial Day at Sumter. t The Wesner-White mattress factory b at Camden was partially burned with t heavy loss to mnchinery. The origin Q /\^ fUrv fira Sq linlmnmn yi i.iir liic 10 uuauun u. ? The annual banquet of the celebrat- a ed Wlnyab Indigo Society at Georgetown will take place the first Friday In May. .The guard house at St Matthews was burned and in it Fred Miller, a 0 negro, was burned to death. It is be- f lieved that Miller set fire to the place 1 in the hope of escaping. t A train between Laurens and New- c berry was wrecked four miles from Newberry by a car containg rock j breaking down and tearing up the track for quite a distance. Nobody was hurt. D. M. Bedenbaugh, formerly agent of the Southern Railway at Belton, * has been arrested in Savannah, chart;- t de with embezzlement. The qrosecu- 1 tion is being pushed by the American ^ Snrety Co., which was on Beden- < baugh's bond. G W. H. Andrews, superintendent i of the Georgetown & Western Rail- \ road, was painfully injured by being f struck on the cheek boue dy a whiskey flask in tbe hands of a negro. His cheek bone was broken. After being ( struck he seized his assailiant and 1 administered a severe drubdingThe negro has been arrested. C. H. Niehaus, the sculptor, is recovering from an operation for the re- 1 moval of two false teeth, which he < swallowed while lauzhin?. < It is asserteb that the director of the ] Northern Securities Company who j failed of re-election at the regular . meeting was E. H. Harriman. The Duke of Manchester, who married Miss Zimmerman, of Cincinnati, ' will take up railroading, going with one of the lines in which his r'atherin-law is largely interested. The Italian ambassador has caused J the state department to ask Virginia 1 for an explanation regarding the ' death of Joseph Leonto, killed at i Lorton. ] Germany continues to urge upon the i sultan of Slorocco the advantages to accrue from an international conference to settle his difficulties. Joseph Chamberlain said in a t speech in London that President \ jtwOosBveii is -one ox ine aoiesi, strongest and most courageous men who ev- h er sat in the presidential chair." j James and Reed Weldon, father and j son, were shot and mortally wounded \ by Dolphus Golden near Dadeville, ^ Ala, The shootiDg was the result of Jbifficulties of long stading. j Carter Harrison just before his re- 1 tirement as mayor of Chicago worked * a coup on his successor, Judge Duune, J by appointing the chief engineer for* THE KITCHEN RANGE. How to Economize on the Cit *f Coal?Bnlldlnfc Fires. One of the most fruitful sources of household waste and extravagance Is Lhe coal bin, and tons of fuel are used where a single one would give the j&me results. Open drafts and a range rull to the covers of glowing coals not >nly burn a needless amount of coal, !>ut burn out the range at tbe same Jme. A shovelful of coal or sufficient jo lightly cover the fire will accomplish as much as a half scuttleful, ex;epting In the increase of the coal nan's trade. For a small range nut coal is best; 'or a large one, small egg coaL Red ish coal makes a hotter lire, with 'ewer cinders, than the white ash, and lie latter burns more slowly. For ihese reasons an equal mixture of the wo is a wise economy. The ashes aJien from the fire should never be ihrown into the can until they are lifted. The cinders thus obtained can )e used on the fire at times when the greatest heat is not needed. But they ihould always be added after the fresh oal is well aglow. A third of a cupful of kerosene with vhich to saturate the kindling and roal before putting it in the range hii faMH+ato tha hnuspmaid's morn ng work, whether or not the fire has >een kept overnight Kerosene should bever, however, be poured directly Into l stove, either from the cup or can. ["he best way Is to lay the wood on i shovel and cover it there with the il, and then add a sprinkling to a hovelful of coal. Many housekeepers usure their kitchens against accident rom this cause by leaving a paj-t of a upful of oil for the servant's use and Dcking the rest In the storeroom. A handful of sugar will revive an xpiring fire as quickly as will keroene, but happy the housewife whose oaid is ignorant of the fact This acounts in many cases for the rapid disappearance of the kitchen sugar supply. low to Make Buckwheat Shortcake. Take two cupfuls of nice sour milk freshly churned buttermilk is the est), add half a level teas poo nful of oda (more if the milk Is very sourj nd a level teaspoonful of salt Add ufflcient buckwheat flour to make a ery stiff batter. Pour this Into a but ered tin and bake immediately fox .bout 30 minutes. Serve with butter nd maple sirup. How to Make Guinea Hem Pie. Bone the guinea hen and rub well pith pounded mace, allspice and pepier and salt (use a teaspoonful of salt nd half a teaspoonful of mixed spices). Then spread over a layer of forcemeat aade by chopping two ounces of ham, ne teaspoonful of parsley and the peel f half a lemon. Mince very fine, add , seasoning of salt, cayenne and mace, {lend all thoroughly together with six unces of crumbs and two beaten eggs, tutter a raised pie mold and line with stiff, short crust Then spread with he forcemeat Put in the guinea meat acking it well In. Wet the edges, put n a cover of the paste, brush over rith egg and bake four hours. In the leantime make a good, strong gravy rom the bones, pour it through a fun ex mio uie xjoie ul iue tuy, ver bright coals, then take the slices >n a hot dish, butter them freely, sprinkle pepper over and serve. How to Clean Cut Glaaa. Cut glassware Is both valuable and >eautiful and should be carefully reated when cleaned. It should, n th? first place, be washed In warm vater to which have been added a few lrops of that invaluable cleansing igent ammonia. Having thoroughly lnsed them, brush each piece separatey with a soft brush dipped in whiting. thon -orhon the nnrodpr fq washed >ff, polish the glasses, which should Irain for a minute or two, with tissue mper, which puts on a splendid gloss. Hew to Stew Carrot*. Scrape some caiTots and boil till jearly cooked, place in a stewpan with >ne ounce of butter, a couple of small unions, minced fine; a little chopped parsley, with pepper and salt to taste. 31mmer slowly for half an hour, theD idd some flour to thicken the gravy. Iqueeze over all a little lemon Juicf ind serve. How to Pry Bell, After cleaning the eels well cut them In pieces two inches long. Wash them md wipe them dry. Roll them II wheat flour or rolled cracker and frj is other fish, In hot lard or beef drip pins, salted. They should be brown k) aU over and thoroughly done. ;he new street railway lines to be Duilt by the city. Judge Warren B. Hooker of the S7ew York supreme court will probaiby be retired from the bench in disgrace on account of his connection with certain postoffice appointments while a nnmber of congress. The features of the Equitable Life \ssurance Society hearine was a ierce attic** dy Attorney Sbepard on state euperiniencient of insurance Sendrick" anb the application of Charles W. Morse to be allowed to 111 i ...i. -."L1 1!? f.Trr-' ".w?THE DEEP WOOD. The treea stand guarded, isolate, ^ The warders hover nt- ihe sate. No smallest wandering loveliness Goe s hencc, none ever Unas access. At .Tune's blithe call no vino may run n< A tip to gild it in the sun. he Tho perfumed wind from off l'he field fce Before it enter here must yield ~ v..tnnn.lnw flnnrn. Bend never greeting to theso bowers. f ' Young morn not yet 1ms sprung with toIjjri To cast thus deep his lanco of light. To moon and star is still unrolled th The mystery of theso wizards old. fa Ages uncounted shroud >his art, Time and tho silence c." God's heart. jr, ?John Vanco Iheney in Criti?? ^ NO GOLD CURE NECESSARY. F: Bow an Inveterate Smoker Was Cured ^ the Tobacco llabit. g( "Yes." he said to The Tobacco Journal, th "I quit smoking nearly a year ago and ro haven't evon taken a single puff since." he "It must bo considerable of a struggle in for a man who has bcon in tho habit of smoking a good deal," said the man who gc never bad tried to stop, bat was always at promising himsolf that sorno day bo would. n( "I had smoked for over 20 years," said ai the man who had quit. w "Yes, I know it," returnod tho man pc who never had tried. "That's what sur- tn prisos mo in your case. It must have re- N quired a good deal of nerve and self con ni tool." so "Not at all; not at all; merely judg- te xnent." th "Judgment?" "Precisely. It's very simple when you m know bow." in "Why, I've always understood that a fo man went through all kinds of torturo and pj only'hung to his determination by tho very tl greatest exhibition of will power." h( "When he doesn't understand or grasp n< the proper method, yes," said the man who of had quit. "But if ho exercises a little tt judgment and common sense it is the easi- so est thing in the world. Now, I didn't go w off by myself and make a solomn vow that al I never would smoke again and then stop tl right short off." ox "Limited yourself, I suppose, and graded m down." ai "Not a bit of It. That's where all the th struggle and the fight come in. I didn't fcl undertake to put any limit on my smok- pi lng, and I made it a point for several weeks sa to keep a box of oigars open on my desk tc at home, only"? lo "Yes." St "I let my wife buy them." jr "Ah! I begin to understand." w "I gave her the money that I usually H spent for oigars and told hor that eho was m a better bargain hunter than I and would w naturally be entitled to anything that she could save out of my cigar money. 01 ot course she was dolightcd." gc "That was to be expected." sp "Three days later 1 was sick, and the ca smell of cigar smoke soon becamo nauseat- w ing to me. I never could stand poor cigars, hj you know; I quit smoking from choice in- m side of a week." to g? Armed For Emergencies. When Fridtjof Nanscn was a young student, he attended a ball and danced with many partners. Returning long after midnight through the streets to his lodgings, *e he heard loud outcries from a woman who was struggling with two ruffians. In an- *r other moment the woman broke away A from them and ran toward the spot where n< Nansen was standing. The two men were close behind her in hot pursmc. ~ Nansen wag an athlete full of courage vc and vigor and put himself on gunrd as the v< men approached. He allowed the woman to pass, but called upon the Infuriated ?" pursuers to halt, standing direotly in their w way and hitting out first at one and then m at the other. The ruffians, angered by his w unexpected attack, turned resentfully up- ^ on the rescuer and would have overpow- J" ered him and possibly have murdered him if be had not shown prescnco of mind. Drawing himself up to bis full height and ^ throwing back his coat collar so as to ex- M pose the cotillon furors which he had worn during the ball, he 6ternly asked ? them if they knew who he was. The two assailants, awed by his manner and supposing him to be a royal officer, ' J* were at once cowed. They apologized J? roughly for not recognizing him, dropped their arms and sneaked off in the opposite direction from that which the woman had taken. This incident of Nansen's youth illustrated at once the fearless oourage and the rtJUUHJtbS" ul rcsuuiuo wuiuij noiu vv VUU4 aoterize big oareer as an intrepid explorer, ?Youth's Companion. ^ Shaking Hands. Men shake hands with strangers of ttelr own sex with far greater readiness than do women. Two men, on being presented to . one another, will frequently extend the ? band in a grasp of greeting which gives opportunity to form a general idea of each ether's make up and know whether they are attraoted or repulsed. Oooaslonally there is a man with sufficient good nature . and courage to refuse another man's hand without causing offense. There are men 11 who have been so impressed with the disooveries of bacteriology that they maintain gc handshaking to be the cause of dissemination of disease germs. The bare hand . oomes in contact with innumerable germs ,c looking for pasturage on some vulnerable / spot of our anatomy. A cut or abrasion . on the hand leaves a door open for the ad- c mission of the enemy* Therefore it is with J reason that men argue against promlsou ons handshaking out of the home among the men met in business life. Seienoe long ago frowned upon the practice of promiscuous kissing which prevailed amuug women. Is tbe ungloved handshake also doomed??San Francisco Argonaut. ?fl __________ II Perfumes. Perfumes eseroise a peculiar influence jQ over one's nervous system. A faint, sub- *e tie odor is nearly always enervating, while *_ a pungent, rich perfume often has a brao- ^ ing effeot. Civet induces drowsiness, a faint breath of musk invigorates and the VV| perfume of the aloe and the citron is posllively soothing and comforting. The dellcate, spicy odors of pinks, oarnations, apple j( blossoms and eweetbrler are thought to be benefloial. m A Cannibal Tidbit. The Missionary Herald quotes Captain Hind's assertion that nearly all tribes in the Kongo basin are or have been cannibals, and that tho praotioe is on the increase, P? not merely for superstitious reasons, but *D also for the provision of food. Thero is a ?r 'oertain sturdy, fat race in Africa which ~ has never beon famous for its prowess, but j *? which is made a regular staple article of ai diet. Bats are most curiously constructed, the heart's action being aided by therhythmio m contractions of the veins of the wings. j m J m A drosky !a a low four wheeled vehiole hn without a top, used by the Russians. C'. tervene in the petitiou for au injuuc- an tion to restrain mutualization. ;cli Ambassador Meyer was presented1 lo uzar isicnoias. i Eighty-two persons have died in a liii week in New York of meuingetis and en new cases are developing daily. I ' The French chamber of deputies (?i concluded general debate on the bill atl i to separate church and state. J lo The president's creation of the of-! flee of chief engineer of irrigation is nn criticised by congressmen. Idii Argument before the inerstate com-. \V merce commission on the Baltimore| ' TV/0 "SPOOKY" STORIES. Cra?h That Broke Nothing an4 I Vanished Dinner. Whon Spiritualism v:ns comparatively w nnrl we were youngsters, wo used to >ji.r rlplifrlit fnl cnnnlcv start pji nbrmt mva* rious actions of furniture and thing! hich ono never seeing to hear nowadays, remember ono about sorno people who id guests invited to n grand dinner. The ble was spread with all tbo dishes, but ie meal had not yet been served. The mily had a great storo of beautiful glass id china, and it was all on tho table, ar a moment tho servants wero all out of e dining room, and just at that momont 1 the people in tho rest of the house :ard a deafening crash of falling dishes, rom tho dining room there came tho und of glassware precipitated upon tho >or and crushing into fragments, and in o midst of tho roar of this wrcck there c/> t.n fho f-nrriflnrl nnra of t,hi> hncf. find wtess the high, clear noto of the smashg of much thin china. Everybody in the house?family, guests, rvants?rushed to the dining room door the samo moment, expecting to see jthing less than the table overthrown id every precious dish on it broken. And hat did they behold? The table set in ;rfcct order, with not a thing on it disirbed. "What had mndo the awful crashf obody ever knew. Not a dish was even eked in that house that day. The spirits, i the story ran to us, had just made a rriblo ghostly crash for the fun of it and to alarm of the household. I remember that this story impressed o a great deal more than it would have lpressed me if the dishes had really been und smashed, though it could have been oved that no human being had been in ie room at the time. I had never before jard of a ghost that was a crash and Dthing more. I fancy the astonishment ' those alleged people was not greatel tan that of a friend of mine over an epido not at all similar. This gentleman'i ifc and daughter were out shopping one 'ternoon, and he reached homo ahead ol iem. So far from feeling grieved and xtraged at not finding them there to ake him welcome, he set to work pleasltly to give them a surprise by getting iem their supper. He hadn't much In to house, but he set out what he had and aced on each of three plates a nice lot ol rdines and then went out to make them a. He got it made and came back and oked at his table in astonishment. Hil ipper was gone I The plates were thew ist where he had placed them, but they ere as clean as when ho put them on. e knew that there was not another huan being in the house. What sprite had afted away those sardines? This is a true story. There was not an her human being in the house, but th? intlcman owned two delightful oookei >aniels, and they were in the house. Who n doubt that, as they licked the plate* hich had contained the sardines, they id said to themselves: "Goto. Wo will ake it unnecessary for our dear mastei i wash these plates?"?Boston Tranripfc. Anthony Trollope'q Fnn. Mr. Trollopo's big voice drowned every 10 else as he chaffed my father down the ngth of the dinner table. He had jested rer golf (John Blackwood was a devotoa id attained to being captain of the St. ndrew's club). What would he not do sxt? He used to make daring assault! pon the most cherished articles of th? iockwood faith. Blind, unswerving de)tion to the sovereign was one of his fa* write points of attack. "Now, Blackwood, how could the death the sovereign possibly affect you?" ha ould say. ' If you heard of It tomorrow orning, you know perfectly well you ould cat just as good a breakfast?you ould not even deny yourself that Becond ,dney." It was in vain to protest that in ce of such a calamity the very thought broiled kidneys would bo distastofuL r. Trollope bore everything before him id prepared for another attack. The Conservative party and Dizzy wer? tempting subject for a tit. "You know, lackwood?you know you think exactly iout Dizzy as I do. You know you would ? very glad to hear lie had been had up r?for shoplifting." Tableau, all holder i-m thfiir hnnrl.q and Mr. Trollone de jhted with tho sensation he had proiced.?"Annals of a Publishing House," r Mrs. G. Porter. Egyptian Moralities. Here are some extracts from the advica tat Ani, an Egyptian scribe, gave his boe i the thirteenth century before Christ: ''If a man cometh to thee for counsel, t this drive thee to books for informson." "Consider what hath tieen; set before lee a correct rule of life as an example to llow. The messenger of death will com* i thee as to all others to carry thee away; sa, he standeth ready." "Take heed with all diligence that thot oundest no man with thy words." "The man who, having received much, veth little, is as one who committeth an i jury." "Whosoever speaketh evil receivethno )od." "When thou hast arrived at years oi aturity and art married and hast a >use, forget never tho pains whioh thou ist cost thy mother, nor the care which ie hath bestowed upon theo. Never give ir cause to complain of thee, lest she lift ) her hands to God in heaven, ?>nd he sten to her complaint." "Be watchful to keep silence."?Westminster Review. Fine People In 1780. My lady was as reckless as my lord and .ttled the dicebox and 6hullled the carda om dusk till morning, going home with dncd fortunes in her sedan chair when orkmen were going home from lathe and om to breakfast. Family diamonds and wels and plate were staked when the lineas were exhausted, and when thesa >ssessions had gone farms and estates ere sacrificed The amusements, too, of ealthy people were of a coarse and cruel iscription. Rat worrying, cockflghting id badger baiting were favorite diverans. Prizefighting was regarded as esntial to keep up the courage of English* en.?Chambers' Journal. Mexican *~anerau. The Mexicans have a queer way of bury g tho dead. The corpse is tightly wrapid in century plant matting and placed i a coffin hired for about a shilling. One two natives, as tho case may bo, place o coffin on their heads and go at a trot the grave, where tho body is interred, id the coffin is then returned. Air In Caves. Certain caves have been reported aa aintaining a uniform temperature, Burner and winter, of 54 degrees F. They ay bo said to breathe twice a year?iniling during the winter and exhaling wine the summer. in ruiiaueipiim uuieuimi was uouldad. King Victoria Emmanuel of Italy ;ut to Naples to meet Emperor Wilini, the two sovereigns kissing and i bracing. U. H.Hammer, a teacher at Macon, has iieen locked up charged with temptedted criminal assault on a -vear old girl. r*-? ru 1 1 T)nAnS.)..?i T 4 iving' fjuwaru wim i icMiiPiii ijimuci ?t ii; Paris, where il in believed lliey ^cussed the attitude of Eniqeror illiarn towards Morocco. The earthrjuake at Simla, India, ? ? -J. I..':, 1,1.1' ' WANTED! ; Millions to know the great merits of Alabastine, the 8anitary Wall Uoating?Not a hot or cold water disease-breeding kalsomine, bearing a fanciful name. LET US HELP YOU. TTrlto for our artists' free color plans?different - '' n \uh I to rtpllrntp rcrajs, greens, pinks, blues, and yellows, asicg ,TVVa\> aslvtift A Rock Cement SsSfLffT min; does not rub or scale. No washing of walls after once applied- You can brash , it on?mix with cold water. Otheeflnishes, mixed with either hot or cold water, do not have the cementing property of Alabastine. They are stuck on with glue, op other animal matter which rots, feeding disease germs, rubbing, scaling, and spoiling walls, clothing, etc. Such finishes most be washed off every year?costly, filthy work. Bay Alabantinc only In Slb.p'k'gs, properly labeled. Pretty wall and celling design. "Hints on Decorating''and tint card, free. ALABASTINE CO.; arand Rspids, Mich., or 105 Water St., H. V, | . For sale in Abbeville by. . C. A. MILFORD. About Rheunaatlim. There are few diseases Ibat, lDfllot more trfr- ^ ture than rheumatism and there In probably no disease for wblcb such a varied and useless lot of rtmedle* be<'d suggested. To say that It can be cured In. then-lore, a bold siatfment to rriafct\ bn< ChamberlalD's Pain Balm, which enjiys an fxienslve sale, has met with ereat success Id th* treat meat of this disease. One application of Pain Balm will relieve tb*> pain, and hundreds of suff.-rers ha e testified to permanent cures by lis u?e. Why suffer i whnn Pain Bn'm sflordspucb fjulrk relief and I rouls bnta'rlfl" ? Kor sale bv aU druggists ' Abbeville, H M. YouDg, Due Went. BUILDING MATERIAL: I am now receiving a stock of DOOBS, SASHF,S. BLINDS, FLOORING, V CEILING, SIDING aud FINISHING LUMBER, also 1 SHINGLES, LATHS, LIME, , CEMENT and HAIR. Come in and let me give you prices. A. G. FAULKNER, TRINITY Sr. Opposite A. B. MORSE. MURRAY'S IRON MIXTURE, Now 1? the time to take a spring ton- J lc. By far the best thing to do take Murray'* Iron Mixture. It makes pure blood and pets rid Of that .tired ! feeling. At alt druggists. 50c a Bottle Or Direct from THE MORAY DRI G CO., Columbia, Si C., 1 J. M. N1CKLES, Attorney at Law, Abbeville, S. C. J Office wlih VV. N. Griiydon. Frightful SulT. rin* Relieved. Suffering frightfully from the virulent poisons of undige?ttd food, C. G. , Grayson, of Lula, Miw.. f?>ok Dr. J King's New Life Pills, "witii (be result," he writes, "that I was cured." , All wtomach and howel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 25i* at P. B. Speed's drug store, guaran tetd. ( i toppled a massive chimney, which fell into the room directly under which Lady Cnrzon was sleeping. Judge E. F.Dunne, mayor-elect of ' Chicago, favors confiscation of street j railway properties if the companies ! fight niuucipal ownership. ] President Roosevelt reached Ssn Antonio, Texas, where members of : his old rough rider regiment now 1 holding a re-union gave him a wel- 1 come. The federal graud jury at Chicago, which is investigratirg tlie focalled j "Beef Trust," it is said, also will in- J vestigate certain cliarg '!< and do so cheaper than any Inanranoe Own pany in existence. "w Remember we are prepared to prove to you ,, that, onrs is the safest and cheapest plsn of ? Inanranoe known. J. E. BLAKE, Jr., Gen. Agent Abbeville, S. 0. J. FRASER LYON, Pres. Abbeville,. 8.IC. , board directors.' 8. O. Motor .Greenwood J.T.Mabry Cokesbnry W. B. Acker ..Donalds ,'J W. B. Cllnkscalee^ J)ne West fjr T. L. Haddon ?Lone Cane v 1. A. Keller HmUhville A. K. Watson Cedar Spring _ A. M. Held.......... ...........Abbeville Town* Hip W. W. Bradley - Abbeville City. . Dr. J. A. Andernon. Antrevllle H. A. Tennent. Lowcdeevllle A. O. Grant. .Magnolia - .. J. R. Tarrant .....Calhoun Mills ?' r 8. li. Edmonds ....Bordeaux 8.0. Harvey..? W alnut Grove . W. 0. Martin .. .Hodges J. D. Coleman Coronaoi J. Add Calhoun Ninety-olx J. M. Payne Klnards J.B.Taylor -..Fellowship Joseph Lnki- .Phoenix Rev. J. B. Muse. Verdery J. H. Chiles, Jr ...Bradley J.W.Lyon Troy W. A. Cheatham ...Yeidell' P. B. Callluo:3 .Calllson W. M. Outs ... .... Klrkee? Caleb Walton ....... Brook* Abbeville. 8 C.. Jan. 18, -ISM " DR. J. R. NICKLES, Surgeon Dentist. Office over (J. A. Milford's Drag Store. LET US GO TO EUROPE I \ . .1 Would you like a superb tour at a moderate cost to all the brilliant capitals of Europe? A special party of ladies, limited to IN ten, will sail during the last week in H June, 1905 for H ITALY, SWITZERLAND, GER- B MANY, BELGIUM, FRANCE I AND ENGLAND, . H under the personal conductorship of noted writer and linguist. Everything H will be first class. Our members will H travel not as intruding tourists, label- gj led as strangers for the curious, but as H refined and welcome visitors to the B| world's show places. g| Write for particulars. S| Hyacinthe Ringrose, 343 Fifth Avenue, Si New York City, fifi DENTAL NOTICE. kg Dr. S. G. Thomson, | 3FFICE QP-.STA.IR8 ON MoILWAJN 5f Corner, Abbeville. S. 0. jo# Calvert & HicMes ? Head(iuarters for ? White Hickory Wagons Owensboro Wagons, Rock Hill Buggies, Summer Buggies, Cheap Buggies, Harness, Laprobes, etc. Calvert & Nickles. Feb. 24, 1904. tf DR. J. A. DICKSON, SURGEON DENTIST. 10LD FILLINGS; CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. A GOOD PLATE $8.00 nB amalgam fillings 75c and. 1.00 gw OFFICE OVER BARKSDaLE'6 STORE. H J