Hie Press and Banner. Bv W. W, and W. R, Bradley. HUGH WILSON, Editor. ABBEVILLE, 8. C. Published every Wedneedp at 12 ? year In advanoe. Wednesday, March 29,1905. Praying al Pretbrter;. Ooald ws not spend a while at oar meetlngi of Presbyteries In praying for a rsvlva 4 amonf our oharobes ? we could easily spar? tbe time from oar roatlne work. Let u? wall before Ood for bla blessing.?Associate Ke formed Presbyterian. Prayer affects tba heart of tba Individual 01 the Individuals In whose pretence the praysi Is said. Tbers ars few men indeed whosi hearts ars not Vooehad by petitions In tbsli behalf. Real prayer Is the expression of the soul'i slnoeredaalre and It prepares the heart to ac oept; true condition that snrroands It, le lthanwvl nr hut. Prtvnr iwMtoni thn homai heart, and without prayer, oral); or mentally expressed, the heart la oold and Indifferent > Bat any Ilea that oar prayers at Preebyterj or; alee where, may alter tor ohaDgi the Immutable laws of the Ruler o the Universe ) not to be entertained. III! aid that Ood movee In a mysterious way bli wonders to perform, and In nothing Is bli power so manifest ovsr ths hearts of men ai In prayer. We do not understand It, bat we all know that the heart reoelves unspeakabW * benefit by our own prayers as well as by the prayers of others?If the prayers of others are said In our presanoe. But the Ideaofaay man going off to Presbytery or to any otbei place to; pray for people at home?In so far si It may be oontended that such prayers maj affect them?Is preposterous. Prayers said at Presbytery may?and no doubt will?benefit tboee who engagi to them, bat these prayers canno^affeot tb? hearts of those who do not bear tbem, any more than sermons oan edify, convince 01 convert men who do not hear them. If wa were to make euggestlon as to revival, wa would say: Make the service on dnnilH mnrnlno Inlanatlno tn Hna tbe people to tbe sanctuary. Whin they an there let tbe preacher make them feel thai they are welcome. Let tbe preachei not omit to remember tbem In bla prayers There lan't a eonl on earth that la not moved by prayer la bla behalf. Bran those whoee feet take them for oat of the atralgbt and nar row path hunger and tblrat for an lntereat Id tbeprayeraon Sunday Horning. Abaenteelam from oburoh la aooonnted for In a largi meaaare because of laok of lntereat In tbe aervloe. Tboee who laok Interest In tbe aer loe may not alwaya be aolely to blame foi tbe aeemlng dereliction. And tbe preaobei may well aak klmaelf the oanaeof the laok 01 attendanoe on divine worablp. Wken peop'a are edified aad entertained, or when theli hearta are appealed to, they will likely lake an lntereat In tbe aervloe, and tbe probability la, that, ander anoh condition,'none of oar obarohee will have aa maoy empty pewa as heretofore. To go to Preebytery to pray for people at hnma vnnlrf hn ihnnt fti nnnnnfltthU ai 1t la to pray for missionaries In foreign lands. 8ocb prayers affect the people at boms, bat axoept for this affect tba mlsslonares themselves ara not effected. Prayers do not make or change conditions bnt prepare the heart for aooeptlng tbem. fsf' ' ? A Lendmsr* Gone. In the death of Alphens E. Leslie, which O" earred at bis home on Marob 23, 1905, Abbe llle baa loet a good eltlxen. The Presbyterian obarob has given up one of Its most exemplary members. Mr. Leslie bad passed his three score and ten years and his life was a reoord of kind. neas and good deeds. ?? Need of a Be pub 11 can Party. The Spartanbnrg Free Lanoe thinks that there la need of a Bepnblloan party In Soutb Carolina. And from that papers standpoint of reasoning It would seam there 1b something In its claim. Ws would not ourseif quite agree with the Free Lanoe. Bat we are firmly oonvlBoed that we baye In tbe Booth no polltloal platform, except that which Is based upon a senseless and ldlotlo idea that It 1b the duty ol tbe Booth to be obstructionists. The Southern Democracy solidly opposed tbe Philippines, the Panama Canal, tbe Ban Domingo treaty. Nobody oan deny that these propositions are grave and important issues about wblob there might be booest differences of opinion. Bat all tbe Booth 1i solidly opposed to these problems. If tbe Demoorat* were governed by tbeir intelligence and their reasoning faculties, ratbei than party allegiance, does anybody doabt in tbe general obapter of accidents that they * woold divide in opinion? Nobody can believe that every man in the Booth can be of tbe same mind on every important questions. The Drink Bill of Laurent*. The Associate Reformed Presbyterian eald In 1U local page last week : "Laurens Advertiser, March 15. If the Abbeville Prees and Banner will send a reporter to LaarenB he will find that large quantttlei of dispensary liquor are consumed here every night. II you don't believe It. go to Clinton Clinton has never had a dispensary and bnn bad no bars In maDy years. Clinton has 3.000 people, Laurens 5,000 Laurens drinks at lean 50 to 100 times as much liquor a day as Clinton." The Press and Banner Is like the prohlbl tlonlaU in one particular. It does not try to enforce the dispensary or any other law. We re willing to take the testimony of the Laurens Advertiser on the liquor-drinking In that town. Lanrens must be a bad plaoe Indeed, or else Clinton muet be mighty good. The people ef Laurens surely are not as blbu lous as tho Advertiser thinks. It Is true that liquor can be kept out of no town. The Interstate oommerce law makes It easy for any man to get liquor every day. But the estimated dlfferenoe In the' drink bill of Laurens and Clinton would prove one of two things, namelv: That the neonle of Clinton are much more temperate than the people of Lavrens or that the police 1b more efficient in keeping oat blind tigers Id one place than in the other. ' At this distance It would seem that Lauren* drink* more Uqaor than Greenwood. Martin F. Ansel, Esq., candidate for Governor, the papers announce Is against the dispensary. We do not know exactly what tha , statement means. As Tar as we are able to Judge a large per cent, of the opponents of ths dispensary favor the license system, ProhlbltlOQlsta as a rule have sense enough to know that without the cc-operatlon of the license element they have no chance of electing anybody. When prohibitionists and the license men combine they may develop strength enough to do something. This editor ex pected to vote for Mr. Ansel, but if be, claimlng to be a prohibitionists, goes Into thecamp of the license advocates, we beg to be excused. 'i& r Ungrateful Charleston. Vincent Cblooo, of Charleston, the boss op ponentof the dispensary, was defeated In bla primary race for nomination to tbe Legislature. There most be some very ungrateful or nnsppreclatlve people In Charleston. Well buckets at Dargan'a 5 a 10 eta Store. The kind that sinks quickly?W cents. \ wii GRi r i ; j ?| Visit Our ^ Opening, rffr u ('// |c Rpmpmhfir the I Dress Goods. i 50 inch Brilliantines, in all colors, yard 50C. 44 inch Eolians in black, brown and Blue, per yard 1.00 40 inch Voiles in black, brown, i>lue and lavender, per yard . . . 1.00 Cat Voiles, in all the leading colors, per yard 10, 12* and 15c 22 inch Danish Cloth, per yard . . 15c 36 inch Danish Cloth, per yard . . 25c * 27 inch Etopriines, per yard . . . 15c * $ WILS HIT Tfc "VTTF r i itAi CASH OB l Fair treatment to e^ bargains ever offered Furniture. t"We have a full line of Hey ward's 1905 Model Go - Carts. The very latest thing in Go-Carts i 311(1 our ^nces are Dining Tables Mattresse Of solid oak at rea- -^e have g] sonable prices. Terms Mattresses ? to suit every bo dy y0 a have be ? Sideboards at prices to suit everybody. Calvert y h r jf . r- . - . - . . I * # at ur^ivirv &ND MILLIN ml FMM1 We will on the above dates si !ounty the very latest styles in Mil ial invitation to visit our store for 1 nusualJy large stock of Millinery ertain that you will be pleased wi' Date THURS OTT ire I OIUAO. 36 inch Black Taffeta, per yard . . 1.00 36 inch Black Taffeta, per yard . . 90c 36 inch Black China, per yard . . . 75c 36 inch White China, per yard . . 7?>C 27 inch White China, per yard . . 50C 27 inch Black China, per yard . . 50c 36 inch Jap in blue, black, pink and white, per yard 40c 19 inch Jap in all colors, per yard . . 30C > ON, HENRY rURE![ CREDIT. r. rerybody. The best . on good solid new B Chairs. j We have chairs for S everybody. From v the cheapest to tne i >] ^allSp|^f best at prices that 3 ^sfA beat all others. Y & COM ERV OPENII \ % MMh i i. . now to the Ladies ot Abbeville linery, and extend to all a cor :his event. We have put in at this season and feel absolutely Ich our display. DAY 6th, FK ~~1 liinens. go inch Linen Sheeting, per yard . . 1.00 36 inch Sheer Linen Lawn, per yard 50C 36 inch Linen, per yard . . 40 ar,d 50C Full line of Linen Table Damask withNapkins to match at very lowest prices. / I & COMPj Hew Spring Goods at H WE ARE RECEIVING DAILY A NE^ BEAUTIFUL LIKE OF Ladies Fine Dress Goo< in Fancy Mohairs, Colored Voiles and 1 also have the largest assortment of Blao Changeable Silks that we have ever carrl we carry the largest line of Black Mourni per Carolina. Mr. Haddon has spent quite a while in the! ets where he has been buying one of the stocks of SPRING GOODS we have Abbeville. We invite the public to call and see atttractions we have to offer Very respectfully, R. M. Haddon d / * ^COTTON GROW] / , is the most interesting topic these days, i \'i to get the best results all planters should I ANDERSON FERTILE |> Ask your dealer for tbem, and If he hai \j got tbem, make him get them, and writ ? us for our book on cotton. I# V11 /I ai'unn Phnanhntfl a,n<1 ( V ANDERSON, 8. C. Do You Know j. m. n: hat death may lurk in your walls? a j-i-nvn In the rotting paste nnder wall paper; l the decaying glue or other animal Abbovil latter in hot water kalsomlnes (bearing offlco with W. S. Gr mciful name?)? Uie nothing bat the chumplon II _ , I'wrh troubled a grea Daa # PomANl White ana |U my ebou'der. Afi nuvil UvlllCIII delicate tint*, the mnrekeeper here i * -~v. D?0i?f Vnn nan brush It Pdy and It comj?1*relj vuo UUb k uu Vi a?mix with cold Water. Exquisitely me?7wbJn"hlViin?K eautlfnl effects produced. Other finishes, a ?mall sum. One ] ilxed with either hot or cold water, do r*1l'ef 118 contiqui ot have the cementing property of Z\ dPro?g,|Su*lDe Abb labastlne. They are stack on with glue, West. r other animal matter which ots, feeding disease germs, rub ing, scaling, and spoiling walls, lothing, etc. Bay Alabastine only A Chicago Alden a five pound packages, properly la- t,on t" Cham] eled. Tint card, pretty wall and celling Rtl eslgn, "Hints on Decorating" and onr art- 1,1 cnn beRMUy anU its' services in making color plans, free. cetu)n, oMbTthroa a v tDtCTIWr Joliu Sbenlclc, 230 ? ? i.Tmn vaura aMdUrlD JUiAII/ti7luvij vv?y rand Rapids,Mich.,or 105 Water St, JUT. led to slop, a? I could t-. , , ... ... . my extremity a frli For sale In Abbeville by. Chamberlain's Congi dosss tbat afternoon C. A. MILFORD. my senses when I fou Infljmatlon bad lai several doses that d&j through the oampalgi The reputatlou of being a "good lellow' olne tbat I wod my se iver helped a man at a bank. Keep your remedy is for sale ov II by taking Vlnol and smoking Speed's h. M. Young, Doe W ncoClgara. J I ?Z? 'v ' . . - v ' > . ?*? iPANY. ? - - ; \ 7 _ /., ^111 ' ?| Mini W. f Visit Oar Opening. I1 4?| I DAT 7th. Shoes. _ ~T I i ...... " f, " 4 . r We have received our Spring Stock of Zeigler Shoes and we can show you any style you may wish at prices from $2.00 up to $3.50. / We have also a full stock of the Star . ^ Brand Shoes in Oxfords and Strap Sandals, price from $1.00 "P? I iNY. $ | addon's I V AND , . ww _ BUILDING MATERIAL I lollennies. We H k, Colored and ed. Remember I am now reoelring a stock of fl g goods in up Lb*.**. DOORS, I moat attractive SASHES, fl ever shown in H BLINDS, fl the new flB FLOORING, fl t _ CEILING, I C CO SIDING | and FINISHING LUMBER, alao fl SHINGLES, LATHS, LIME, io (JEMENT and HAIR. ?3 [NG I Come in and let give you prices, ra 2 f A. G. FAULKNER, I 7Fn c W TRINITY ST. AiJ!i1&2*b yfc Opposite A. B. MORBE. B e to y/JBI I tmnnivifl f MI & -muMa.* o | H )I1 CO., J IEON MIXTURE. .-v. . iv Now Is the time to uike a spring ton* w9l9^99*9*XS lo. By fart be beat tblog to do take j pH ? Murray's Iroo Mixture. It make* flfl pare blood and geu rid of tbat tired H9 LCKLE8 feeling. At all drugglata. MM r at Law. Bottle Lie, S. C. Or Direct from nydon. b99 THE MURRAY DRUG CO, Columbia, 8. C., S ent for RhenmatlaS * ? ' 1 a?*? ^???h M. dii lne for ( hildrea. carrier at unapm vme, ? ? berlaln'B Pain Balm Is in buying a cough med'ciue for children BM ulmenti. The past year never be afraid lo buy Cbalilberl i'u'? Cough t deal with rheumatism Remedy. There la uu danger frooi It and re- |Hji r trying several cure? ,jef lH?lwuya sure to follow. It la especially HM ecommenued tbia tern- valuable t r oolda. croup alid whooplug rough r cured me. Theoe li do For sale b> all dronglets In Abbeville, H. M. man ig from that palDful all- Young, Due Weal. nffl tent can be obtained for 1SH ppllcatlon give* prompt ad u?e for a ?hort time Many a man baa accidentally loat BBH ?vmeH.eM Young.Due his best umbrella by an unexpected Hj meeting with tbe owner. man Owes His Elec- Overworked I H " * | nedy.1"" fclUAUliXa WHj ront-elentlously recom I Cough Rtmedy for af- Mnrrftj's Bacbo, Gin and Jti nl- HI So^PeoiMa^St.'.'cfblcago. &6r 11 Prescribed and endorsed by eminent J| ig & political campaign, physicians. It cnrei when all elM falls. El oelDg overheated, which Prevents Kidney Disease,Dropsy,Bright'! ^Eg 3noItW8"^aaafou